Strange-let updates

03 Aug


Determinism of the ice-9 reaction after a decade of growing experimental & theoretical proofs.

From time to time we will bring in this post the relevant new records and new forms of quark strange liquids produced by the Industry of Accelerators, which sooner than latter will start up an ice-9 reaction that will ‘freeze’ into a 15 km. rock mother Earth… And some other strange news about the obsession with genocide of nuclear physicists and its faked, ‘great research’ flukes on the meaning of it all.

Now to set the record straight; the argument of our extinction by strangelets in the next decades with near certainty unless the Industry of Accelerators is decommissioned, has become in a decade since LHC started far more clear for two reasons. At galactic level the mounting evidence that pulsars are strange stars and the dark matter of the halo is made of strangelets (Witten’s Hypothesis) has become so strong that now both ideas are mainstream, albeit treated with ‘pinheads’ not to ‘offend’ CERN (that is, never relating them to the experiments on strange matter at the LHC).

Paradoxically CERN has strongly contribute to this clarification by two avenues:

First, because it has NOT found any relevant particle outside the standard model, making quite evident that the symmetry between the 3 type of quarks of growing mass and the 3 parts of the galaxy of growing mass (ud-light stars, our matter, heavy strangelet halo of strange quarks, ‘our future’ and top quark stars – aka black holes of maximal density in the center), is the sound-sound theory that respects ‘economicity’ (Mach’s principle of physics) and Occam’s razor and Einstein’s work on black hole as frozen stars, (not to speak of all my work on the scalar fifth dimension)… So as today this IS the only hypothesis that makes epistemological and practical sense. We have 3 regions in the galaxy of increasing mass, 3 families of stars of increasing mass (light stars strange pulsars and top quark black holes) and economicity laws. And so the ‘concept’ that strange quark matter does NOT exist, the main alibi of CERN’s decades old ‘safety report’ never updated to new data is gone,

As the number of particles increase, most normal ud quarks convert into strangelet ‘atoms’ (uds, sss udsuds particles) in an exponential rate growth, which obviously implies they will finally coalesce into strangelets

Second, because LHC is a quark matter factory obviously it has with each upgrade produced new forms of strange matter, which shows to ‘grow exponentially’ against all their predictions. That is at higher energies more of our matter transforms into strange quark matter. So we have resolved the conundrum on what is needed to make a strangelet with LHC’s growing work in strange matter.

Indeed, now we have the chain of particles in place, and some are already being produced at LHC:

The progression… to get the ‘crystalline state’ recently discovered for strange quark stars is a ternary progression… hyperons (usd)->dibaryons (usd-usd) >Alpha quark strangelet-> (3 dibaryons: 18 quarks) -> Accumulation of Alpha quarks at Earth’s center, where they fall as the most massive particle on Earth, till they start to attract through gravitation the mass of the Earth-> ice-9 reaction…

Again all this follows all the known known laws of epistemology and experimental evidence. The alpha quark MACHO (MAssive Cold HalO object) IS the minimal unit of QSM (quark strange matter); and all the other particles of the chain are extremely stable,  as all systems of nature have ternary patterns of growth, from genes to scales of nature, and as we all know the triangle and hexagon are also the most stable forms of Nature from Domes to causal triangulation in quantum gravity, from honey bees cells to tree cells to graphene cells…

We know, as Eric Penrose took time doing those calculus with information coming from CERN (due to the obvious connections of his family with the establishment of physics, he was able to access information of those experiments, before retiring from activism) that the industry of accelerators  has already produced a stream of hyperons and dibaryons and it is searching also at RHIC for the ‘alpha quark MACHO’, which I baptized the ‘Devil’s particle’ far more relevant to our future than the God’s particle. We know the LHC is hunting for it with a ‘secret calorimeter’ to detect strangelets, and in the last news, aware that is producing a stream of neutral heavy-quark particles that escape the accelerator, wants to design a new strangelet detector, Mathusla (for long lived particles, as the biblical similar name indicates).

So it is likely that at the Earth’s center the accumulation of neutral, heavy strange quark particles has started. And the only question which CERN could tell us easily if it opens all its information, but we cannot access anymore after Penrose retired from activism is this: when there will be enough triplets of dibaryons (alpha quark machos) to start the crunching on the Earth?

A few thousand suffice; as I and Walter were explained in a series of recent emails to the few people still interested in the death of their sons till the seventh generation:

FROM: fe_: Dear Walter Do you believe that neutral strangelets could grow too but slower than negative ones? Best regards, N.

FROM: luisancho: Yes the neutral which are the stable will need  a ‘gravitational lump’ as they will act only on gravitational grounds and basically occupy a very tine 10ˆ18 nucleus space, BUT REMEMBER THEY ACCUMULATE IN THE CENTER OF THE EARTH AS THEY FALL, so all clump in the center… That has been always the scenario.

What you need is a few thousand quark alpha MACHOs to form a point of growing gravitational force the size of an atom… (being neutral they need gravitational force to start the process). An atomic diameter should be enough for the crunching to start, as density is huge in the Earth’s center. So the ice-9 reaction will then start up as all ‘reproductive radiations’ extremely fast – imagine the biological equivalent of a bacteria reproducing in exponential fashion, 1->2->4->8->16->32->64->128->256->512->1024; every ’10 times’ it grows exponentially 10³ times. So in a period of 50 cycles you get a quintillion… That is why Novas are so fast creating a strange pulsar star or black hole, likely a top quark star (mediated by the Higgs field as they have just discovered and we advanced for decades in 5D physics).

So if i had the data of dibaryon production i could tell you roughly the day you will die.

FROM: Walter:  Initial growth of neutral strangelets would be slower than charged strangelets, but as Luis says, once they reach the size of an atom, they would grow just as rapidly.

So what you will find in this decade old article with updates in reverse order is exactly what this web is all about: a ‘Chronicle of a foretold death’ as deterministic as your death will be with enough time, only that our time is getting closer by the day…

The sociology of human suicidal collective behavior.

‘Among individuals insanity is rare, among nations and institutions is the rule’ Nietzsche

We shall not hardly enter in any other ‘sociological argument’ here as why the human species is suicidal. So I explain them now, as i put it in other letter:

Humans do NOT solve their existential problems. They just silence them, deny them, keep a short-term myopic selfish coward view and handle them to the next generation to die.

Once a new menace is found, strangelets, black holes, military robots, nano-bacteria, absurd wars; there is a first argument among scientists and society, asking to stop the process but the military-industrial complex that benefits from the process brings paid-per-view scholars, ad hominem & hate memes, P.R.ess censorship to the issue while it keeps making money with the machines-weapons that endanger us; till the development of the Industry (new weapons, AI, robotic weapons, accelerators, metal-nano bacteria) is so profitable and extended that the only thing left to do is to say it is ‘unavoidable’, it is ‘evolution’, it is ‘history’, and then silence the humanist, deny the dangers, and bring ‘Experts’ from the field as the only ‘authoritative’ voice, with is selfish agenda of profits and messianic peer zeal to dismiss all humanist warnings, as ‘we are the only that know’. Indeed, this is the drill in all those tragedies: when we need a war for profits, we only hear military people and corrupted politicos paid by the industry and hate memes. Diplomacy is silenced.

And of course the military want war and we get war. 30 years ago in the book ‘the extinction of man’ c. 92, I explained in the models of 5D organisms that the XXI c. would be the age of ‘organic machines-weapons’, iron nano-bacteria, military AI, and self-feeding bombs, (Black holes and strangelets). And that both robots and accelerators had to be forbidden. Nobody wanted to publish the book so i had to self-publish, but they took note and I had ever since to struggle with my scholar career. Then it was ‘science fiction’. Which is always the drill – SCIENCE IS ABOUT PREDICTING the future long term. Industrial technology is about DENYING all collateral effects and have a myopic short term benefits view to keep working.  If I chose activism against LHC and not the military, or robots as explained in that book was because this was the easiest most dangerous of the 3 singularity weapons: it was carried by the supposed ‘humanist European culture’, in a lab, relic of the cold war ended, paid by European tax payers, the scenarios were deterministic, ‘totalitarian’, clear and proved by science and the risks were now, as AI robots and nano-bacteria still need a decade or so. So i reasoned, if I have to sacrifice my career for a human cause, at least this one is ‘rationally and ethically’ so evident that we do have a chance.

Well, we didn’t and now that is done, and it is obvious, IT IS NO LONGER talked about, because the ‘time of reflection has passed’, the money is invested, the machine done and all what matters as when a war has started, or in the case of military robots when they already are  the main investment of all armies to write a ‘chronicle of death foretold’ because humans will NOT reason, NOT care for their sons, NEVER had in the halls of fame, money and power. But still the chronicle must go on… even if only the ‘experts’ in funerary ceremonies, the physicists at CERN, the robotists of silicon valley, the military of DARPA are allowed to defend their jobs, knowing perfectly that their short term goals imply the genocide of mankind in the middle-term.

In that sense to mention those arguments just work with the ‘sheeple’, who ‘trusts’ the system. So it is enough to tell them 1) we are experts (never mind they know so little about strangelets, reason why they research them) 2) we care (never mind industries of death and war have always been defended by ‘experts who pretend to care’) 3) Our lies are truth – the absurd lie that strangelets are ‘cosmic rays’, which hit the earth all the time – cosmic rays are photons and lonely atoms, nothing to do with the massive quark bunches of LHC experiments or else we just would build infinitely cheaper cosmic rays detectors 4) The people who criticize us are ‘ad hominem’ silenced and ridiculed in global P.R.ess 5) and of course we make ‘new physics’, ‘new money’, new ‘jobs-contracts’, new ‘technology’.

The sheeple thus is easy to convince, the experts care for the day, each other social group mind their own business and then one day, war breaks, the planet dies, you get a heart attack because you didn’t ‘prevent’ your death not poisoning your body with the wrong products and the Universe just hears another ‘what the bleep you know’ big-bang boom.

So, this is the foretold chronicle of the strangelet extinction of the hominid. For the black hole case, we shall build the chronicle on the posts that falsify Black hole evaporation and the posts on the Higgs, which is the particle that reproduces top quarks whose lump will create according to Einstein’s hypothesis the frozen top quark black hole star, down the blog  (since 1) is less probable, 2) requires some new physics from 5D, unlike strangelets, which are absolutely clear, with standard physics and the very same experimental history of the LHC:

January 2019 – who will get first to extinction size: China Or Europe.

The machine might be updated to a new threshold of risks, but what they won’t update is the safety report. That task of the growing evidence of extinction through strangelets of black holes seem to fall only on this blog… 

June 2018: Mathusla – a detector’s hunt for Devil’s particle: quark alphas

Walter found out CERN is designing a new detector for the increasing surplus of heavy, neutral quark matter appearing at LHC. This was the news:

Hi All… This article essentially details some of what I said before. If neutral strangelets are produced and semi-stable (live longer than the transit time from collision/point, which is the point of creation, to the detectors a few meters away), they won’t be detected. The detectors only detect charged particles, or the charged decay products.

So they now propose to build a new detector much further away to look for the decay of longer-lived neutral particles that they might be creating, such as neutral strangelets.

This is exactly one of the dangerous scenarios we described – neutral strangelets that are sufficiently long-lived to escape from their point of creation and collide with other matter to grow (or, in the case of this detector, to decay and be detected).  Walter


Nuclear Detectives Hunt Invisible Particles That Escaped …

Hi All… They are doing for sure, as Eric Penrose calculated it, ‘neutral’ dibaryons, usdusd hexaquark particles… the seed of strangelets.

Those, they don’t ‘see’ and they are falling to the center of earth as the heaviest most stable, so it is just a question they lay there in enough numbers to do an ice-9 reaction.

What dibaryons will become, once they start an ice-9 reactionm will be a strangelets, much bigger lumps with an excess of strange negative particles as there is an already proved tendency in jets to have an excess of strange quarks (Graph above). So strangelets will be negative, and once formed, converting the earth into a 15 km. rock, they will likely migrate with its higher angular momentum to the halo forming the ‘negative’ cover of the ‘galaxy’ akin to the electron cover in the quantum scale.

The fact they are building a detector for neutral heavy particles means they are fully aware the production of dibaryon is stepping up with their new high energy upgrades, as the graph shows – the conversion of normal matter into strangelet matter increases exponentially, so each new upgrade brings us closer to ice-9; as those strange quad ensembles are already long-lived and escaping the facilities, some obviously down the centre of the earth…

But all they care is ‘to detect them’ and bring ‘new physics’ –  pure automaton behaviour; ‘this is what we do, detect, detect’ don’t ask anything else – from the article:

“these researchers think that the best hope for detecting long-lived particles lies in the woods on the French-Swiss border. MATHUSLA, essentially a 65-foot-tall (20 meters) warehouse full of particle detectors sitting on top of the LHC, would study particles that escaped the LHC entirely.”

If we can get data on dibaryon detection by MATHUSLA, calculating the solid angle of detection, which will be narrow, we can multiply the results to get the whole spherical volume of the experiment and know finally the data on how many dibaryons survive and fall to the Earth’s center, which Penrose tried to calculate for earlier experiments. This will be now easier: Mathusla will detect dibaryons, fully stable, as they have escaped the LHC ball of fire already. So the number detected multiplied by the sphere to solid angle ratio will give us all the dibaryons that come out stable. As all of them will be trapped in the gravitational field due to its huge mass, fall and finally land at the exact center, where the ‘strangelet ball is growing’ as we speak.

Then we can make a more precise calculus of when there will be a bag of strange quarks big enough at the Earth’s centre to collapse the planet. So for once I am with CERNIES on this – they should get the 60 million $ and construct MATHUSLA. So our ‘mole’ can give us the real data, and we can tell the world the exact date of our extinction  in this surrealist genocide… which has given nothing in return after the rather irrelevant Higgs was ‘perhaps’ found (so far a statistical ‘bump’ on decaying particles, which do not correspond to its theorized mass), except all those ‘unexpected’ findings on a growing mass of strange quarks on its fireballs, which obviously they are not advertising as ‘new physics’….

It is the fundamental contradiction of this ‘industry’: they sold their machine to mankind as the panacea for finding the meaning of it all, but it is just a relic factory of the age of nuclear weapons, whose production of heavy quarks can blow up the planet. So how do you sell to the sheeple the new physics of the III Horizon of nuclear bombs? I am afraid not even the best Hollywood publicist could do that; so better remain silent, about the 99.99999% of ‘real produce’ of the factory – quarks, increasingly unexpected, long-living ‘heavy’ ensembles. Another example:

“An 18 quark neutral strangelet, the Quark-Alpha, constituting a spin, color, and flavor singlet might be particularly stable, and thus, susceptible to detection. The detector is a spectrometer with a large acceptance about mid-rapidity followed by a hadron calorimeter. The energy and time of flight of neutral particles are measured by the calorimeter, which selects events with a large deposit of energy coming late in time, preferentially massive particles.”

Now Mathusla exposes them again: Notice the eerie remembrance to Methuselah, the oldest living human; since indeed they know those strange hexaquarks are the most stable matter of the Universe. So as with the statue to Shiva on the entrance or their party of the end of the world, they can’t help to play ‘subconsciously’ with their bad ‘consciousness’ – a Freudian nightmare, indeed.    best luis

So this were the news… . Alas with Methuselah now the ‘hunt’ will no longer be for the particle of God but for ‘the Devil’s Particle.’

In that regard, the creation of strangelets is much simpler than we think, as a simple 18 quark ensemble – aptly called the ‘quark alpha MACHO’ (MAssive, Cold HalO particle) – would be stable – just 3 dibaryons, which we know they are already producing can do us all. Another article by Michel Curtis elaborates:

“The concept of strange quark matter (SQM) hinges on the possibility that the stronger binding of highly symmetric states offsets the energy costs of converting up or down quarks into strange quarks in various configurations of nuclear matter. The simplest version of this would be the quark analog of the alpha particle (“quark-alpha”), wherein a colorless triplet of each of the spin-paired quarks can sit in an S-state. SQM can be considered to be built up of quark-alphas… Such particles might be important in neutron stars, given their high density interiors, and their close evolutionary link as a source of black holes.”



Bad news from Otto Rossler. This is the exchange of letters, as the Chinese collider just in case we survive CERN goes ahead:

Dear friends, in case you have not seen them already, attached is the only official studys done to date on the China Supercollide:
Preliminary Conceptual Design Report: Volume I – Physics & Detector (I note Appendix A international review committe incuded M Mangano of  CERN LHC safety study. – though no metion of similar safety study to the LHC in this review):
I’m working on a short techncial note on the issue. I would encourage others to write about it too.
From: 0o. .o0  Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2018 4:40 PM To: Otto E. Rossler


Seems they are going ahead, 128 Universities… little details… in the use of a careful jargon, ‘partons’ instead of quarks.etc…

The graph attached is the key paragraph of a very boring dissertation, just a bigger machine to do more of the same with higher risks… waste of time and… lives… Basically they ‘expect’ as the graph explains to make huge jet quenching, that is, one the ‘partons, aka quarks’ are produced ‘en masse’, they will reabsorb all the energy and keep growing:

After that graph on jet production…. there are dozens of pages on what they are going to achieve on quark-gluon soups… extremely detailed in its mathematical physics about a huge increase on production of strangelets (initial quark gluon soup will be much larger) and jet quenching on the fireball…  In fact, they are building a machine to probe all the range of possibilities, just to be sure they don’t miss production targets of quark-gluon soup: they are spreading up and down, hot and cold, faster and slower, all the range of quark collisions. So this is going to be the first ‘versatile SUV’ of the industry, and they are proud of it. 

 It is though welcomed the fact the paper doesn’t BULL$HIT like cernies do on its higher goals of new ‘metaphysics’ and god’s particles.

It describes what those mega-accelerators are: machines to produce quark gluon soups, of which they have learned for all the maths of the paper, enough to know they will form all kind of ultradense quark combinations in huge numbers.

The maths on quark gluon properties are much more detailed and precise in data than the papers we used to read a decade ago… So that is basically what they are really doing at CERN, crunching numbers and properties of quark gluon soups and jets.

So to finish with a quip, all this is too surrealist not to do it – we can state that modern physics started when Einstein said his first words: ‘the soup is cold’, and will end when Accelerators find indeed, those quark-gluon soups to be cold enough to start an ice-9 reaction…

Never so many supposed intelligent people took so much money and effort for so long time to reach the Fermi Paradox ‘final state’ of mankind. Good luck with your paper.


For those who think the game is over to notice that in a few years the LHC will multiply by 10 the density of its collisions – so while it seems we are surviving the present LHC the risks will increase ginormously within a few years. So we shall consider from time to time the ‘happy news’ of this milestone on the risk of extinction for mankind:

What is HiLumi?

The High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) is an upgrade of the LHC to achieve instantaneous luminosities a factor of five larger than the LHC nominal value, thereby enabling the experiments to enlarge their data sample by one order of magnitude compared with the LHC baseline programme. Following five years of design study and R&D, this challenging project requires now about ten years of developments, prototyping, testing and implementation; hence operation is expected to start in the middle of the next decade. The timeline of the project is dictated by the fact that, at the beginning of the next decade, many critical components of the accelerator will reach the end of their lifetime due to radiation damage and will thus need to be replaced. The upgrade phase is therefore crucial not only for the full exploitation of the LHC physics potential, but also to enable operation of the collider beyond 2025.

The HL-LHC will rely on a number of key innovative technologies, including cutting-edge 11-12 Tesla superconducting magnets, compact superconducting crab cavities with ultra-precise phase control for beam rotation, new technology for beam collimation, high-power, loss-less superconducting links, etc.

CERN Announces Official Ground-Breaking Ceremony for LHC Upgrade

GENEVA, April 16, 2018 — A ground-breaking ceremony on the 15th of June 2018 will officially mark the beginning of the works to upgrade the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) to the High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC). Passing a milestone step for CERN, LHC’s performance will improve to bring out its full potential. As the number of places for media is limited, we recommend you save the date and send your pre-accreditation in case you plan to attend this event. More details about the programme will be available later.


Screen Shot 2018-04-01 at 9.33.49 AMUpdate – 2018. Here we go again, more bunches, more strange matter… more experiments with the Schrodinger’s cat – shall we come ‘alive’ again in this season?

Hope so, good luck  mankind.

Update – April 2017

We highlight the key theoretical advance on strangelet theory that has taken place this year 2017: strangelets are much easier to make that previously thought – they try to ’emerge’ exponentially, and this is called NOT a global risk but… ‘new physics’…

‘Alice’, not the one in wonderland but the ‘experiment’ on proton collision seems now to produce also strangelets, and as usual the paper does become enthusiastic about the ‘new physics’, ignores to mention the risks, and keeps printing the incorrect name of ‘quark-gluon plasma’ (hot gas) when the production IS always strange liquid (cold, perfect superfluid strangelet)… But of course, the word and the risks are taboo; so a decade after establishing the fact-fact the produce is NOT plasma but liquid, the old, inaccurate name stays.

We just copy-paste the news and highlight the key ‘names’ and ‘enthusiasm for new physics’, in this surrealist, ‘in crescendo’ creation of bigger and bigger lumps of strangelet.

As the number of particles produced in proton collisions (the blue lines) increase, the more of these so-called strange hadrons are measured (as shown by the orange to red squares in the graph). Credit: ALICE/CERN
In a paper published today in Nature Physics, the ALICE collaboration reports that proton collisions sometimes present similar patterns to those observed in the collisions of heavy nuclei. This behaviour was spotted through observation of so-called strange hadrons in certain proton collisions in which a large number of particles are created. Strange hadrons are well-known particles with names such as Kaon, Lambda, Xi and Omega, all containing at least one so-called strange quark. The observed ‘enhanced production of strange particles’ is a familiar feature of quark-gluon plasma, a very hot and dense state of matter that existed just a few millionths of a second after the Big Bang, and is commonly created in collisions of heavy nuclei. But it is the first time ever that such a phenomenon is unambiguously observed in the rare proton collisions in which many particles are created. This result is likely to challenge existing theoretical models that do not predict an increase of strange particles in these events.

“We are very excited about this discovery,” said Federico Antinori, Spokesperson of the ALICE collaboration. “We are again learning a lot about this primordial state of matter. Being able to isolate the quark-gluon-plasma-like phenomena in a smaller and simpler system, such as the collision between two protons, opens up an entirely new dimension for the study of the properties of the fundamental state that our universe emerged from.”

Why it is important to properly name the ‘substance’ is obvious: a plasma is an entropic, gaseous state that dissipates; a liquid (‘let’ in strangelet), is a group of particles that strongly interact together forming growing lumps. Now, they have established it appears not only in heavy hadron collisions but also in heavy hadron-proton collisions (2015) and with enough energy even in proton-proton ones. Moreover the ‘size’ of the minimal droplet keeps ‘shrinking’ – evidence that the minimal quantity of strangelet to start up an ice-9 reactions must be quite smallish. ‘This thing” as in all the classic terror movies about ‘invading’ species clearly ‘wants to live and grow’ – the Rex shows its teeth…

Here is the finding that proton-hadron also produces strange liquid droplets of 2015, which better explains that difference:

Littlest’ quark-gluon plasma revealed by physicists using Large Hadron Collider
September 3, 2015

“This is probably the first evidence that the smallest droplet of quark gluon plasma is produced in proton-lead collisions.”
The KU researcher described quark-gluon plasma as a very hot and dense state of matter of unbound quarks and gluons—that is, not contained within individual nucleons.
“It’s believed to correspond to the state of the universe shortly after the Big Bang,” Wang said. “The interaction between partons—quarks and gluons—within the quark-gluon plasma is strong, which distinguishes the quark-gluon plasma from a gaseous state where one expects little interaction among the constituent particles.”
“There is still much that we don’t fully understand about the properties of quark-gluon plasma,” he said. “One of the biggest surprises of the earlier measurements at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider at Brookhaven National Laboratory was the fluid-like behavior of the quark-gluon plasma. Being able to form a quark-gluon plasma in proton-lead collisions helps us to better define the conditions needed for its existence.”

So what all this tells us is obvious: Nature likes top predators, and strange quarks are top predator matter, which once and again appears ‘stronger’ in larger numbers, telling us, it is going to eat our matter, as it feeds on it faster than expected in every new experiment, clearly with an exponential curve. See in previous graph, the ‘red squares’ representing strange particles accelerating its growth; while our light matter remains in similar numbers – so in the new regime of energies, strange droplets start to run amok, taking ‘all’ the new energy that feeds that exponential growth.

It is indeed a chronicle of a foretold death, because they are telling us unequivocally what they do, and everybody is happy with it. 

It reminds me of a cartoon on the leader of the ‘free world’, you know who:

.. 100 days on his presidency and 98% of the groupie sheeple would still vote for him.

Same goes for CERN. Doesn’t matter how close it comes to the ‘final event’ – enough strange matter to start the ice-9 reaction, they keep the chronicle up to date and every body likes it, as ‘it tells it like it is’.



15 Nov. New luminosity records?

What is the purpose of this machine? basically, to achieve new records of luminosity=energy=shots of particles for the sake of it… as the meager results do not justify anything else, and then one day the threshold of stable strangelet matter will be crossed we will die and the homunculus will feel it has achieved the goal of a technological civilization. The rest is just big-mouth, peanut-brain talk. So the season closes today and the news of what is achieved is… of course about new luminosity records:

“Thanks to these improvements, the instantaneous luminosity record was smashed, reaching 2.06 x 1034cm-2s-1, or twice the nominal value. Instantaneous luminosity corresponds to the potential number of collisions per second.

The LHC will continue to operate for another two weeks for two special runs including a week for operation studies. The first special run will consist of carrying out at 5.02 TeV (as opposed to the usual 13 TeV), the same energy as that planned for next year’s lead-ion runs. This will enable physicists to collect data with protons, which they will then be able to compare with the lead-ion data.”

Those lead-ion collisions is where the ‘meat’ of strangelets lie, so we shall see if they finally achieve their subconscious goal, to kill us all… meanwhile the homunculus will be happy knowing it keeps achieving… new luminosity records.

Read more at:

Update. 8 Nov. As usual – heavy quarks more stable than predicted.

The Guardian.

“Measurements made by the LHCb experiment at CERN are showing some anomalies which, if confirmed by more data, would signal the breaking point of our most fundamental description of particle physics to date – the Standard Model.

Using proton collisions from the LHC, LHCb has been carefully measuring the production of bottom mesons and how often they decay to kaon and muon particles. It looks like the answer is: not nearly often enough! In fact, this decay occurs at only about three-quarters of the frequency predicted by the Standard Model. ”

Nature wants to exist. The pattern is always the same: strange and heavier quarks – candidates for strangelets and black holes are more stable than predicted. In this case bottom quarks are candidates to be part of ultra-heavy dark ‘bcb’ atoms, possible components of black hole as frozen stars…


Today Ligo – another big Nobel prize machine, but this one doing harmless, real science, will announce the detection of 2 neutron=strange stars fusioning black hole style and causing gravitational waves. Some comments:

  • This is a clear example on how the strangelet core of neutron stars  – the dominant type of strange stars, which are supposed NOT to exist according to the safety report of CERN (its fundamental NO DANGER proof in more than a decade old safety report, NEVER updated with this type of new information:  “we have no proofs of strangelet matter anywhere in the Universe”. Hence if something does not exist there is no danger – even if a decade latter EVERY astronomer will tell you neutron stars have a a strangelet core…)
  • Its effect IS an astounding explosion of gamma-ray bursting energy, similar to a Nova, but far more powerful – in fact it is called a one thousands’ nova (kilo nova), since undoubtedly the collision fusions its strange cores into an ice-9 reaction, causing among other things the creation of gold and uranium, which a normal star cannot produce. So we will have a glimpse to what  will happen on Earth when strangelet produced at LHC fusion in enough quantity to become stable, grow and eat us up.
  • Further on, it shall prove the self-similarity of Strange stars and black holes, as top quark condensates with a ‘cut-off’ substance as Einstein in its 4D models demanded
  • So yes, strangelet stars exist; they are quark condensates similar to black hole top quark stars, which will be easy to reproduce with the ever growing in energy industry of accelerators – now planning a 100 km. ring.
  • Then there is of course the circus of ‘big science’ – the news I read are kept secret,for  the whole world to send its P.R.ess. So the theatre circus of mass-media around technological machines continues. My problem with that circus though is that true question poised by this discovery, which is yet another proof – of the existence of strange stars all over the Universe, and the risks of doing similar experiments on Earth will be as usual ignored…

So expect the announcement on strange stars colliding, despite CERN denial sometimes this afternoon…  Never mind the picture of its fusion above is taken… from a CERN server that report us about kilo novas despite denying that its strange liquid core does exist all over the Universe, and unfortunately as they keep producing growing numbers of strange quarks – see previous update, soon to exist in the core of the Earth.

For those interested, here is a PBS video on the subject:

Now the question on what is the nature of pulsars – strange stars or neutron stars or a mixture of both – is an ongoing debate on physics, which might remain so till we do become indeed a very small strange star. In this article the argument is summarized in simple terms but with enough mathematical rigor for those who want to explore further – :

“Summarizing, it is not known at present whether strange stars exist, but it is not ruled out either, that all “neutron” stars could be strange stars.”
Given the fact that a simple 18 quark Alpha-MACHO strangelet would be stable it seems unwise to explore that hypothesis trying to convert Earth into one. But the survival wisdom of Nuclear physicists is of course severely lacking for more than a century since the Curies knowingly died of cancer, sacrificing their own lives to the study of radiation, through the entire cold war era, till the present surrealist experiments in search of proofs of ‘big-bangs’, ‘strange stars’, ‘alpha MACHOs’ and ‘evaporating black holes’ taking place at CERN, on mother Earth…

Conclusion: we still have an completely outdated more than a decade old ‘safety report’ which ignores the most talked about substance of astrophysics today – strange quarks, both being reproduced in growing numbers at CERN (see previous update) and now starting to show all over the Universe with its huge effects.

Now picture this, if strange liquid does not exist in the center of neutron stars, as all seems to indicate, triggering a kilonova that reproduces tons of gold, where all the gold and uranium and lead of the planets come from? Ice-9 reactions thus are likely to be happening everywhere. It is indeed, a curious thought to think that gold has taken us here, to provoke a small kilo nova that would reproduce tons of go(l)d, we shall die literarily of it. Might go(l)d worship be a darwinian strategy of gold metal to produce more of it?

But the law of silence is absolute because today science is about money, huge expensive machines like LHC and LIGO.

The difference though is obvious. While the money of those astrophysical machines would be better spent in basic research on life science, from agriculture to public financing of drug research (despite all the hype, we can hardly obtains any information of largely invisible gravitational waves)…  LIGO IS harmless. And better still is the Webb telescope again with new delays for lack of financing, which will peer beyond the limits of the likely ”local’ big-bang…

CERN is NOT and gives nothing in return. But PROFITS and hype in big science are directly proportional to costs for taxpayers, and benefits for technological industry that pays the P.R.ess hype.

So now with increasing tempo we are getting also news of the planning of a 100 Tev collider of “astronomical” costs and risks, forever ignored:

Indeed, just in case we survive LHC, plans keep going ahead to design a 100 km machine with ginormous energy power that will certainly make strangelets and copious amounts of top quarks, triggering an ice-9 or gas-9 reaction (the microscopic production of black holes likely made of top quark condensates, the collateral product of Higgs production, but that part they are not telling…) The excuse BEYOND technological big science spending and jobs for nuclear physicists? ‘we need it to study dark matter’, whose most likely candidate (Witten’s hypothesis) is indeed the strange stars and top quark stars, aka microscopic black holes NOT evaporating. Since most sound models of dark matter, based in known substances (hence following the 2 best epistemological ‘razors’ of truth, Universe’s Economicity and Ockham’s simplicity) show should fill the galactic halo.


Update. 23 Dec. 

As Christmas comes in, I felt a bit feisty, we are still here, lucky us so I tweeted around twitwatrumpet, on a ‘relative’ lighter issue, for a change… normal A-bombs…The news came that  Trump will make more nukes, pumping up dollar profits on research in all kind of weapons of mass destruction and I couldn’t help to tweet him back…

As only neo-fa$cist trolls troll his web, (people as usual are scared to death to contradict the powerful), it became the top comment to his runt (: zeitgeist of the age of entitled children, staple food of the Universe:












Update. The worshippers. Mass consensus goes on

Update 1, december. 2016

To understand what the Earth will become, and how obvious are the ‘lies’ of CERN and its excuse of safety (based in the wishful thinking that we have not detected strange quarks on the Universe – alas of course they are ‘invisible’, but we DO have both, the most well-known theory about the Halo, being made of strange quarks – Witten Hypothesis, and a growing renewed interest among physicists on strange stars, as all pulsars and neutron stars seems to have a core of strange matter. In that sense, chances we become a strange star are ginormous. Here a non-partisan, objective PBS-sanctioned serious analysis of those strange stars, where the physicist clearly states that strange matter IS more stable than normal matter and IT IS JUST A QUESTION OF THE AMOUNT created to reach that stability, which ensures that the industry of accelerators WILL reach that threshold sooner or latter.

18 Nov. 2016 – Multi-million pound Large Hadron Collider upgrade project launched

A new multi-million pound international project led by the University of Manchester has been launched to upgrade the Large Hadron Collider to the High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) in the 2020s.

The project will enable the machine to deliver more collisions per second, called luminosity. This is a key performance indicator of an accelerator, as it tells you the number of particles colliding in a certain amount of time. The greater the number of collisions the more chance physicists have of seeing a new particle. With this upgrade, the LHC will Increase the overall luminosity by a factor of 10, delivering 10 times more collisions than the LHC would do over the same period of time and producing strangelet balls 10 times bigger, with the subsequent decametric rise in chances to start up an ice-9 reaction. As we have repeatedly said, the issue of the Industry of Accelerators is simple: if it is not halted and decommissioned sooner or latter it will cross the threshold of energies needed to create stable strangelets on Earth. That it has not yet happened and we are still here are welcome news, that we are simply upgrading an industry which is a ‘Chronicle of a Foretold Death’, that of mankind, merrily worshipping its ‘energy record-breaking machine’ till it kills itself is a statistical certainty. Here is the article:

HL-LHC (High Luminosity LHC)
The full exploitation of the LHC is the highest priority in the European Strategy for Particle Physics), adopted by the CERN Council and integrated into the ESFRI Roadmap. The HL-LHC project funding was approved by the CERN Council in June 2014. To extend its discovery potential, the LHC will need a major upgrade around 2020 to increase its luminosity (rate of collisions) by a factor of 10 beyond the original design value (from 300 to 3000 fb-1).   HL-LHC relies on a number of key innovative technologies, representing exceptional technological challenges, such as cutting-edge 13 Tesla superconducting magnets, very compact and ultra-precise superconducting cavities for beam rotation, and 300-metre-long high-power superconducting links with zero energy dissipation.

This is of course the consequence of absolute censorship on the risks at CERN, as they do NOT exist by ‘decree’. How humanity can deny the obvious: that those risks are absolute, just a question of crossing the expected mass of strange liquid; that the extinction of humans is completely irrelevant to the Universe at large and that we have the proof of this happening to infinite other planets, given by the Fermi Paradox (not human or robotic Life passes this technological age, prior to interstellar travel) – has only a simple explanation: humans have overall an infantile, subjective, entitled bratty psyche, and that is the trademark of the staple food of the Universe: toddlers playing with dangerous tools, who won’t accept a no.

September, here it comes the top let, Black hole…

It is funny how slowly all the systems of science, and its species are coming through decades into my work on the fractal organic, 5D Universe. Now, part of this model which is all over this web is the obvious concept that black holes are top-quark stars, born of the toplet particles which combine top-tops with higgs, bottom and charm, heaviest particles of the Universe, as ‘systems are scalar’, fractal, and so there must be beyond the entelechy of a mathematical description a real substance for black holes, which Einstein said should exist or else BH were imaginary. So I did the calculus and found toplets must exist in stable combinations with Higgs, bottom and charms, and the supreme ttt++ particle be the central core of ‘real black holes’. It means of course that black holes do not evaporate, do not travel the past (mathematical errors) and will be very easy to create as Higgs and tops are produced together, and will start to appear in growing numbers with increasing luminosity.

Everybody disagree, then a 720 particle appeared and they thought it was imaginary SUSYs etc. I said no, IT is a top-quark heavy combination, seed and predecessor of future black holes. Alas, it has taken them another year to accept it:


In the graph, the first sight of things to come, ttHs, precursors of our toplets, and bcb particles, atoms of black holes and its ‘gas-9’ creation:

dark macrocosmos

in the graph, the fractal organic model of the galaxy, similar to a cell, with a black hole ‘DNA-informative gravitational center’, a halo of strangelet quarks, the surrounding protein and a mitochondria world of stars and planets – us, which ultimately will become converted into strangelets and Black holes by minions of thought as those ‘simplex physicists’ working at CERN.

But the good news is they decayed, it is though a question of time, they do become stable atoms of black holes.
So NOW WE KNOW how the 2nd risk, black hole production will HAPPEN. Only question is when and which of both risks will come first.

Update. Top quarks growing production.

The top quark is the heaviest particle in the known universe, and the only ‘cut off substance that can make real black holes, as outside Platonic physics, philosophy of science precludes all systems in the fractal universe have a smaller parts which make its substance. So you have cells. Stars atoms, and black holes should be top quark stars; as Einstein forecasted (he said he wouldn’t believe in black holes till a particle as dense as them – the black hole – was found. He died before that. But then Hawking had taken the celebrity position of guru of physics and they denied the logic next step I gave a decade ago, studying them as top quark stars, which fits nicely in both 4d metric equations (einstein) and 5d (mine).

This intro is a brief consideration on the natural way in which cern will make black holes, the second greatest risk after strangelets clearly confirmed ‘in the making’ by the growing amount of strange matter on heavy-ion collisions.

Now we are told that in proton-proton collisions top quarks are coming in huge numbers. Those are the news:

So far we are lucky. They are decaying, but as all things, it is just a question of quantity, to get them attracting each other forming ttt++ particles, the top triad which should be the ‘catalyser’ of top quark black holes in 5D metric.

We need new physics to understand how they can form a stable state that will give birth to the black hole, which the standard model do not provide, as it requires v>c.

But in the scalar 5D universe this is standard: v>c happen outside galaxies, as v=c is merely the ‘light space-time background of the galaxy, hence its limit of speed, but where there is not light beyond the v=c accelerated horizon of a black hole, as all vortex keep accelerating is obvious speeds can be over c.

And indeed, Ker rotating black holes do show in its central axis faster than light speeds. There are more fringe theories that would allow them to happen, but I consider only Einstein’s intuitions, proved Kerr metric equations for rotating black holes, and the natural extension of the standard model (5D scalar universe). Another step on this chronicle… among physicists of the visual age, which really think – as they cannot see hence understand time and its arrows, with 0-conceptual intelligence –  that knowledge is about pictures of particles…

Some secondary news on the summer concern merely extremely secondary physical phenomena of null relevance pumped up by the P.R.ess – they saw the scattering=entropic death of a light ray by another high energy ray, confirming that high energy kills, alas, great news all over the press.

Next threshold-step of danger on this walk on death row will come with ‘new strange physics’ at the ion collider it seems this fall, hopefully not the last step of our ‘sarracens’ (not ISIS the ‘other terror’ faked state – CERN has diplomatic immunity as a ‘state’ of the cold war, but nobody seems to realise of its terrorists acts – but the metaphoric Santiago nassar of ‘death chronicle’).

September – Proton scattering, for once an experiment I like.

Scientists are pulling down luminosity and hence risk to do scattering of protons, which in the scalar 5D model according to its unification equation are the equivalent of galactic nuclei, to see the distribution of its quarks. I like the experiment. IT IS not risky and it is one which could shed some light on the fractal model of the scalar Universe:

“Scientists associated with the TOTEM and ATLAS/ALFA experiments at LHC are now dialing down the luminosity, thereby reducing the chances of head-on collisions and increasing the probability of elastic scattering.

“One of the most fascinating physics goals of TOTEM is to get information on the probability that two protons pass completely through each other without interfering,” CERN said in a statement released Thursday. “This might appear awkward if you think of a proton as a billiard ball, but instead you have to try to imagine the two scattering protons as large ‘galaxies’ (made up inside of tiny moving particles) launched at high speed against each other: there is a finite probability that the two ‘galaxies’ will pass through each other without the inner particles interacting significantly.”

September. WIMPs ruled out.

it is a slow deja vu process, a chronicle of a foretold death, which keeps mounting proofs but nobody cares to bell the alarm ring. The quest is simple: dark matter was first considered to be made of strange quarks (Witten hypothesis), as all the laws of science – experimental evidence, economicity – show that the heavy quarks that dominate mass must have a role in the Universe and they are the perfect candidate to be dark matter. But if so obviously they are extremely easy to do, and the halo of the galaxy should be filled with them. Alas! this hypothesis went mute when the accelerator industry showed they could do dark matter strangelets that would devour the Earth. And yet, Nature stubbornly keeps affirming that the scientific method and its evidence of truth, ARE there to stay, while the scientists’ imagined particles do not appear anywhere. 

So on one side the LHC keeps churning ever more stable forms of strangelet (strange quark liquids) – lumps that stay longer in the accelerator, pentaquarks and new configurations, more dibaryons that should be falling to the center of the earth and slowly growing up a critical ice-9 mass runaway reaction that will convert Earth into nova.

While on the other side the ‘likely imagined’ candidates for dark matter do not appear at all. First it were SUSYs, heavy particles that break all the rules of economicity and hence never showed experimental evidence. Now they are ruled out. It was the star candidate for dark matter. The second candidate was WIMPs, weakly interacting massive particles, and the are now ruled out. So what we are left with? The stubborn, existing strangelet lumps of heavy quarks, which slowly step by step CERN and future accelerators will keep producing. Here are the news that ruled out WIMPs

This is the brief:

The properties of dark matter

We have never directly observed dark matter, but we know a great deal about what it must be: It must be massive (because it affects the rotation of galaxies); it must be electrically neutral (because we can’t see it); it must be different from ordinary matter (because we see no evidence for it interacting with matter in the usual ways); and it must be stable (because it has existed since the dawn of the universe). These properties are unequivocal.

[And they are all common to heavy strangelet quark liquid]

However, we don’t know exactly what it is. In the most popular generic theory, the dark-matter particle is called a WIMP, for weakly interacting massive particle. WIMPs are kind of like heavy neutrons (but definitely not neutrons), with a mass of 10 to 100 times heavier than a proton. They were created in great quantities during the Big Bang and a small relic remainder persists to this day.

When cosmologists add the WIMP idea to their ideas of the Big Bang, they can calculate how it would interact. They find that in the earliest stages of the universe, WIMPs were a dominant form of matter, but, as the universe expands and cools and the interaction rate drops to zero, the relic amount of WIMPs is about five times as massive as ordinary matter. Combined with the fact that the WIMP idea can also explain a pressing theoretical mystery of why the Higgs boson particle has such a small mass, scientists call this the “WIMP miracle,” in view of the fact that the WIMP idea seems to answer so many questions.

A dark non-discovery

So this brings us back to the LUX experiment. It is simply the latest and most powerful experiment designed to detect WIMPs. The idea is that the detector will sit underground for a long time, say a year or more, and a rare WIMP will bump into a xenon atom and be detected. (The detector is buried underground to protect it from cosmic rays, which would bump into xenon atoms and fake a dark matter detection. Being half a mile or a mile underground stops nearly all cosmic rays.)

The above volume, part of the Large Underground Xenon collaboration, will be filled with liquid xenon and any interaction with the xenon can be detected, possibly revealing the identify of dark matter.
On Aug. 27, the LUX researchers announced their results. They saw no evidence for dark-matter WIMPs.

So that’s not actually that surprising. There have been dozens of experiments that have looked for dark matter and found nothing. In this sense, LUX has joined a venerable group. But LUX is also far more capable. It was expected to have a better shot at finding WIMPs than any other apparatus.

But it didn’t.

Update. August 2016.

A dissenter at CERN recorded a mock sacrifice of a wo=man, to Kali, Goddess of death. Τhis is the kind of monstrous children of thought, obsessed by death and the genocide they might ‘accidentally’ provoke, which are running the ‘Doomsday machine’ without any supervision. UPDATE: Cern has been able to censor the images… as usual censorship equates truth for this ‘institution of higher learning’ LOL

One of the little known anecdotes about the jewish-american scientists, Von Neumann and Teller, the father of A.I. and hydrogen weapons is that both were good friends, and both were obsessed by the extinction of mankind, which their research now put together at CERN’s labs of nuclear research helped by big-data computers, was advancing fast. It was their single theme of conversation of which there are some hair-rising texts. Τeller would say that they had sinned against mankind, that their sin was imperdonable, and continue making money selling their patented method to construct nuclear weapons.

Now at CERN they have a Shiva statue, dancing over Kali lord of death, and of course, as the zeitgeist of the age is far more infantile, and visual, they make rap videos on the evil twin particles, give parties of the end of the world on the facilities, laughing at the activists that want to rise awareness of this genocidal risk, and finally, this week have come on the news for making a mock murder sacrifice of a woman, in front of Kali, the God of death of the Ancient Hindi tradition, on the tradition of Oppenheimer, ‘I am Kali, the destroyer of worlds’, like Hess, the head of Auschwitz, always carrying the Ghita book, where worshipers of Kali are asked not to have regrets for their actions of murder.

It is this kind of infantile, monstrous children, infatuated with the genocide they know they might unchain in their facilities under the inspiration of Kali, the people who run this machine with the connivence of the world P.R.ess and its clueless corrupted politicos, panhandling to the big tech corporations that cut the pork of the doomsday machine.

Update. July. 2016.

Screen Shot 2016-08-22 at 10.45.08

And so the new particle, so much pumped on the news, discovered by CERN with a similar sigma to that of the Higgs, was just a bunch of strange and maybe top quarks. It was unstable, and the hype disintegrated. Everbody agreed it was a fluke. Now, all felt depressed at CERN except me. Since if the particle had been stable, likely a toplet or strange quark liquid combination of heavy quarks, dangers for Earth would have increased. So alas, we are being lucky again.  Nobody though rises the question why it is an statistical fluke, while Higgs is a canonical truth.

Update 2016 season. Crossing all records. July.

This season of 2016 is important as it will break most barriers with the new enhanced machine. Today 11 july, CERN published its status, having finally broken the records established with the old machine. So from now on we are in ‘unchartered’ territory. It is now when really the long upgrade starts its ‘new physics’:


In the graph, we see that: the luminosity (number of bunches packed together, which increase the chances of target collisions that create the dangerous combinations of strange quarks known as strange liquids are no breaking all records with a far steeper growth rate.

This are the news:

“It’s full speed ahead for the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), as it shatters its own records one after the other, achieving record luminosity, record numbers of bunches and a record beam lifespan.

Some 2076 bunches of 120 billion protons are currently circulating in the ring in each direction. At the end of June, beams were maintained in the accelerator for a record 37 consecutive hours! But the main indicator of success for the operators is luminosity, the measurement of the number of potential collisions in a given time period.On Wednesday, ATLAS passed the threshold of 10 inverse femtobarns (fb-1) of integrated luminosity. The goal for 2016 is to reach 25 fb-1.

So the likehood of create new forms of strange liquid increase. This is shown in the pumped up news that highlight entire new families of strange quark associations, which merely mean new herds of strange quarks are lumping together in all possible groups of strange quarks, the definition of strange liquid. Of course, the ‘accent’ is NOT in risks of known-known runaway reactions on earth but on the ‘excitement’ of new ‘physics’ because they have no idea how those ‘strange quarks’ are lumping together – the problem being they ARE LUMPING together, in precursor forms of strange liquid:

“the LHCb  has identified four new types of tetraquarks that appear to belong to the same exotic family.

“What we have discovered is a unique system,” says one of the team, Tomasz Skwarnicki. “We have four exotic particles of the same type; it’s the first time we have seen this and this discovery is already helping us distinguish between the theoretical models.”

The new particles have been named X(4140), X(4274), X(4500), and X(4700) after their respective masses, and each one has been found to contain a unique combination of two charm quarks and two strange quarks. This makes them the first four-quark particles found to be composed entirely of heavy quarks, Symmetry reports.

By ‘exciting’ the individual quarks inside their new tetraquark particles, the researchers were able to observe their unique internal structure, mass, and quantum numbers. In doing so, they discovered something that doesn’t fit with current physics models that work with so-called ordinary particles. Physics are now trying to come up with new models to explain their results.

The team is expecting one of two possibilities to be confirmed with further research: theoretical psycists are either going to have to explain the existence of this new family of particles, or they could be idenfified as the result of strange ‘ripple effects’ emanating from never-before-seen behaviours of existing particles.

“The molecular explanation does not fit with the data,” Skwarnicki told.

“But I personally would not conclude that these are definitely tightly bound states of four quarks. It could be possible that these are not even particles. The result could show the complex interplays of known particle pairs flippantly changing their identities.”

So from now on till December we are truly entering a quite dangerous zone: constant growth of luminosity, collisions and running hours, and new unknown combinations of heavy dark matter strange quarks, which sooner or latter will become a stable lump of strange quark liquid’.

Amazing that nobody in our ‘security-obssessed’ world cares for this obvious ‘terrorist’ continuous potential action over the entire planet.


And so it finally happened… The experiment is being performed as we speak. Ion-Ion collisions are breaking records every day. If the Earth is going to die, because of CERN, it will be. From 1st to 15 december, stable dibaryons are being produced with no safety whatsoever at the facilities.

So as of now those stable dibaryons are falling to the center of the Earth, where they will slowly accumulate till reaching the critical mass required to start an ice-9 reaction, within the span of a few years.

For real data on that production, please consult Eric Penrose’s site, which has been doing the mathematical physics of the process during the last year.

This transformation of our light, harmless up and down quarks into strange quarks, a hundred times heavier, is caused by the enormous energy-mass reached by each particle as it comes closer to c-speed. Because c-speed is the barrier of speed for particles, according to relativity, when quarks reach the limiting barrier, they keep absorbing energy from the accelerator. But instead of accelerating, quarks swallow and transform that energy into mass – E=mc2; hence becoming massive strange quarks, which once put together into stable dibaryon configurations, should fall to the center of the Earth.

The main factor of extinction both in certainty of the event and timespan, in which it will happen is obviously the number of experiments performed:

The facility will produce more lethal dibaryons, the more ion-ion collisions are performed. Right now, as we speak those collisions are producing, per collision according to CERN, 30.000 ‘unclassified particles’, to be found in the strangelet soup of up and down and strange quarks – the infamous quark-gluon soup, origin of the big bang – plainly speaking, the most powerful explosive of the Universe. If we multiply this number by the sheer amount of atoms colliding in each bunch of tightly packed rays, we are talking of millions of dibaryons in each experiment. Certainly enough of them to bring a critical mass within years of accumulation at Earth’s center.

Since strangelet, abb. for strange liquid is  the substance that can provoke in enough quantities a runaway ‘ice-9’ reaction that could freeze the Earth converted into a 15 kilometre sphere of ultra dense strangelet matter; as strangelets convert all matter around them into strange liquid.  The process starts obviously producing the ‘atom of strangelet’,  a USD-USD dibaryon atom, the minimal stable piece of an strangelet. Yet they have to form a lump of heavy strange and light up and down quarks, of enough critical mass to provoke the big bang explosion of Earth. Hence it will take time for them to accumulate in the center of the planet. And the more ion-ion collisions the LHC makes, the more they will produce and fall and the faster the ‘reckoning day’ will come for the species. The date thus have some uncertainty, in time, the space does not – it will be start on the center, and the probability hardly – far above what any conscious human being needs to stop the facility.

Uncertainty of course is the factor CERN plays. We will never be sure that those dibaryons kill us till they kill us. They are invisible, undetectable, and disappear from the facilities, so even if it happens, we cannot prove they originated at CERN. Might they have come from outer Universe. You see, destiny plays the mouse and cat, hid game facilitating the facilities take it easy ways. For that reason, this blog treats all the elements of the game of extinction and warns the scientist that reads of a well-known fact since quantum mechanics: the universe is always probabilistic, no event is deterministic as regarding to when and where it will happen.

This is the Uncertainty principle of quantum physics: Energy x Time ≥h/2. The calculus of the Energy and time of an event is thus a probability, but not for that reason intelligent species, stop acting against the odds of being harmed by a dangerous ‘predator’ that can eat them up.

I.e. the gazelle does not know, which one of the herd will die to the lion, but not for that probabilistic reason stops running to avoid the lion from entering its vital space. Only an idiotic scholar, all theory none survival instincts, will stay eating daisies, munching the ‘Buridan Paradox’ – might he kill me, might he not?- while the lion makes his run. Since non-action will increase enormously the chances that by doing nothing the lion targets her. It is like a soldier advancing against fusiles and gun machines. He might survive, and certainly it will never know whose soldier on the other side shot him down. But if he wants to increase his chances, he will not fight against the superior metal-weapons. And if he does so, he rather fights with single shot rifles than gun machines of multiple shots. That is CERN did his single shots at low regime,found his Higgs and should have declared his war against mankind, over. Now he is shooting with the gun machine and keeps reloading the cartridge. Good luck.


A new paper further proves the liquid behaviour of LHC collisions. For those who don’t read physics, here a layman explanation: “Physicists find surprising ‘liquid-like’ particle interactions in Large Hadron Collider”, even in proton-lead collisions at low regimes…

Another ‘surprise’ for our ‘expert physicists’  that proves the tendency of nature to form stable perfect liquid strange-let. And another warning for the Pb-Pb colliding experiments starting in November/December with 1`066 TeV center of mass (c.o.m.) energy.
This energy is unprecedented not only experimentally but in nature higher than the most energetic cosmic ray (CR) collision, of protons in the atmosphere (a much lighter particle, hence with far less energy-mass. The authors summon us for that ominous date to get more surprises about the heavily interacting ‘quark gluon liquid’…

Meanwhile proton-proton collisions continue at low luminosity, so a pentaquark – one of the many known-known particles of the standard model – has been found. An irrelevant discovery given the dangers involved, but of course the P.R.ess made a huge fuss of it. This is like a war – never diminish the ‘hype’, the ‘march trumpets’ so people can’t have a minute to reflect on the absurdity and carnage laying ahead on the battlefront for those curious boys that like to play with big toys.

In the sand of Costa Rica the lizards do not have to sweat to get their food, they open their mouths at leisure, so the little turtles come to explore the hole and get their head inside. Just like we have done. Now it is all a question on how the Pandemics of strange matter spreads.


UPDATE Rhic 2014. First drops of strange liquid.


So we learned yesterday, 19th august, 2014, that RHIC is producing quasi-stable strangelet, an abbreviation for strange liquid, the most explosive substance of the Universe, made of  strange atoms.

And it has been doing so, without releasing the news since April, in enormous quantities according to the graphs released now on the luminosity=density of mass of strange atoms created (see graph 2, scrolling down).

The news delivered by RHIC

It was not a nice day. I could not sleep reading text after text of this obscenity, this long awaited conclusion of a foretold chronicle of human foly, which will be no more.

In brief, RHIC has confessed to a mute press in a very low voice that it is producing since Spring, a massive amount of strange atoms, the substance of strangelets, the dense matter that eats our light matter and so in the future once those stable strangelet atoms – hyperons and dybarions – fall down to the center of the planet and mass there till reaching the stable size of a strangelet, they will start to feed on our light matter,  eating the planet inside out, till it devour us.

UPTON, NY-New supercomputing calculations provide the first evidence that particles predicted by the theory of quark-gluon interactions but never before observed are being produced in heavy-ion collisions at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC), a facility that is dedicated to studying nuclear physics. These heavy strange baryons, containing at least one strange quark, still cannot be observed directly, but instead make their presence known by lowering the temperature at which other strange baryons “freeze out” from the quark-gluon plasma (QGP) discovered and created at RHIC, a U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science user facility located at DOE’s Brookhaven National Laboratory.

“Baryons, which are hadrons made of three quarks, make up almost all the matter we see in the universe today,” said Brookhaven theoretical physicist Swagato Mukherjee, a co-author on a paper describing the new results in Physical Review Letters. “The theory that tells us how this matter forms-including the protons and neutrons that make up the nuclei of atoms-also predicts the existence of many different baryons, including some that are very heavy, containing one or more heavy ‘strange’ quarks. Now we have indirect evidence from our calculations and comparisons with experimental data at RHIC that these predicted higher mass states of strange baryons do exist,” he said.

RHIC is one of just two places in the world where scientists can create and study a primordial soup of unbound quarks and gluons-akin to what existed in the early universe some 14 billion years ago. The research is helping to unravel how these building blocks of matter became bound into hadrons, particles composed of two or three quarks held together by gluons, the carriers of nature’s strongest force.

The scanty news can be summarize as follows:

RHIC has found this astounding fact, indirectly as strange matter is ‘invisible’. It is a form of dark matter, very dense, which once stable cannot be detected. But RHIC has found it is freezing into a liquid (hence the name strange liquid) the rest of the fireball of ‘more normal’ quarks, transforming them into more strange liquid. RHIC thus have given a giant leap into the creation of an ice-9 chain reaction that would convert the planet onto a strangelet rock. it is only left a little step (the actual conversion of the planet). And yet the news have gone unnoticed.

Thus. RHIC, as many activist and some lawyers warned, are producing ‘stable’ strange baryons=atoms, for the first time in human history.

This atoms are NOT resonances (unstable particles, and that is the news. They are stable atoms and are freezing the fireball into a perfect, liquid.

The news are NOT the discovery of the ‘strange baryons=atoms’. Since they were DETECTED AS A RESONANCE in1964 (for those who ignore what is a resonance, is the ‘abortion’ of a stable baryon=atom, an unstable atom, which only exists for the period needed at ‘light speed’ for the strong force to destroy it, less than a 10-23 sec.).

The news are that now we have stable atoms of strangelet -a brief name for strange liquid.

And this has been proved because it is indeed freezing the plasma of the ball of fire of those collisions into ‘glasma’, a dense glass-like ordered liquid. And so it is only now a question of time that the chain reaction of ice-9 starts in earnest.

RHIC has published that it has found indirect evidence (since strange quarks are ‘dark matter’, invisible, and hyper-dense), that strange atoms (by definition stable) called baryons are being produced in enormous numbers.

Among the scanty data given by RHIC we have the relationship of mass between those strange quarks and the ‘human kind of quarks (light up and down quakrs) in the ‘freezing glasma’ (quark gluon plasma that freezes and change state to strange liquid, ‘strangelet’ ).

It is 27 to 1. That is the glasma of strangelets has a proportion of strange quarks mass 27 times higher than the mass of light , up and down, quarks.

And this indicates that the glasma that RHIC is producing is a strangelet liquid with a 100% purity.

What they don’t say is that ‘those higher mass states of strange baryons’ are the substance of strangelets, which falling undetected to the center of the Earth, will mass up there and eat the planet inside out, in a time frame we cannot calculate with precision, let alone without supercomputing power, but which will be within our lifespan or that of our children, a fraction of time in the immense life of this planet, even in the life of mankind.

Some graphs:

The problem of the missing mass is important because it means that dark matter of strange liquid is being produced and stable falls to the center of the Earth where it will accumulate, is accumulating since April and at certain point will have enough volume to start the strangelet atom reaction illustrated in the next text:


In the graph we see what is happening at RHIC. Strange liquid is produced and it pulls normal atoms, transforms them into strange quarks and cools them down forming the glasma liquid.

When this starts to happen to the planet from its centers, where the stable atoms are falling, it will trigger the ice-9 reaction.

The data that RHIC provides shows that there are now clear proofs the process is real, not merely theoretical, as we see a hint of the ice-9 process in the data of those collisions.

Indeed, a strange atom is merely an atom with 3 quarks in which at least one, is a strange, heavy quark. So strange atoms can be, sud, suu, sdd (with a single strange quark).

And then the mass proportion of the atom is 15 to 1:

A strange atom for each up and down light quark, yet since strange quarks are very heavy, 100, and our quarks are light, 1.7 for the up quark and 5 for the down quark, when you have 1 strange quarks at 100, one up at 1.7 and one down at 5, you get, a 100 / 5+1.7, a 15 to 1 proportion of strange mass.

Thus 15 to 1 is a proportion that signifies the creation of pure strangelet, meaning all the components of the glasma is made of strange atoms  This is a pure glasma, and the one produced by RHIC IS even of a higher purity; meaning they are also producing the most dangerous strange atoms, those that have more than one strange quark, ssu and sssd and sss, the super strnage atom, the heaviest, and negative, 300 weight, ours are a mere 10…

But RHIC has found 20 to 1 and 27 to 1 proportions. This means is producing also heavier strange atoms with at least 2 Strange quarks: ssu, ssd and ‘omegas’, sss, negatively charged, pure strange atoms. So the proportion of strange mass increases.

And the creation of negative strangelets, the truly dangerous ones also increases, as s-quarks are negative. Thus a negative strangelet is then produced, which in the very own words of the safety report (2003):

‘if strange liquid exists and could be produced at RHIC it would be extremely dangerous. We know of no absolute barrier to the rapid growth of a dangerous strangelet.”

RHIC: A Distillery of Strangelet.

Now, what I will affirm might sound surrealist but it is surrealist. RHIC is nothing but a distillery of strange liquid.

A factory of strangelet even if it is forbidden to speak truly about what they do.

Let us then consider the safety reports of RHIC and LHC (totally outdated to 2000 pre-experimentall jargon).

In those safety statements they affirm that rhic cannot distill quark-gluon strange liquid, because they will produce a hot quark-gluon plasma. Mind the reader RHIC has been producing quark-gluon liquid for a decade, reporting on it. But the safety documents on which mankind depends talk of something which is no longer the experiment, a plasma…

Then the report  describe the 3 methods of creation of strangelets, closing with the method of distillation of strangelets that has just now happened at RHIC:

“On the theoretical side, the 2003 report considered three mechanisms for strangelet production [1]:

i) a thermal mechanism [3], in which particles are produced as if
from a heat bath in thermal equilibrium,
ii) a coalescence mechanism, in which particles produced in a heavy-ion collision might combine at late times to form a strangelet, and
iii) a distillation mechanism [18], which was proposed as a specific
model for strangelet production. According to this last mechanism, a hot quark-gluon plasma with large net baryon number is produced in heavy-ion collisions, and is enriched in strangeness as it cools down by emitting predominantly particles containing strange antiquarks.”

In RHIC safety report, (outdated by more than a decade)  they explain it also in simple terms:

“The strangeness distillation mechanism is considerably more speculative. It assumes that a quark gluon plasma (QGP) is produced in the collision and that the QGP is baryon rich. It further assumes that the dominant cooling mechanism for the QGP is evaporation from its surface. Since it is baryon rich, there is a greater chance for an s ̄ quark to find a u or d quark to form a kaon with positive strangeness than for an s quark to find a u ̄ or d ̄ quark to form a kaon with negative strangeness. The QGP thus cools to a system containing excess s quarks, which ultimately becomes a strangelet. This mechanism requires a collision energy sufficient to form a QGP.”

What is specially criminal is the fact they know perfectly they are doing distillation of strangelets and simply by erasing a full description and changing the ‘key words’ (instead of strange atoms  baryons, instead of strangelet glasma, instead of distillation, freezing, etc.) they get away with murder, knowing people understands nothing of it.


Distillation is a slower but easier process of creation of strangelets, which requires very few strange quarks to be triggered.

Now the news are under reported and the wording is carefully chosen not to explain what is happening, the distillation of strange liquid.

Further calculations in fact show  there is a ‘missing amount’ of that mass of strange liquid which is not decaying from the fireball. This would be ‘successful’ strangelets that have not decayed. How many of them? Given the fact that the distillation is an enormous success, which we shall see is producing strangelet liquid of a +100% of purity, an important amount.

There are now millions of strangelet atoms, stable, in this planet. And since they are so much heavier than our atoms (in a 30 to 1 proportion) they are falling to the center of the Earth. The route though can be interrupted if they are captured by electromagnetic and electronic flows, and become trapped in different rocks. Only strangelets with millions of atoms would fall straightforwards as their weight would overcome any electromagnetic attraction. This are the good news. The bad news is that distillation creates negative charged strangelets, the so-caled killer strangelets, because they can attract positively charged ions and start the ice-9 reaction ‘in situ’ in the factory.

The proportion of strange liquid includes – and this has surprised even more the researchers – around a 50% more of the  purest, heaviest strange atoms: omegas= sss negatively charged atoms, which are commanding the transformation of up and down quarks into strangelet liquid.

In the next graph,  RHIC has been noticing an excess of strange antiquarks – the trademark of distillation on its experiments:

In the jargon of physicists, the process taking place at RHIC is called ‘distillation of strangelet’, one of the 3 methods possible to create them. In both safety reports in 2003 and 2008, RHIC and CERN discounted distillation models as impossible despite having worked a method to report them (a calorimeter to measure its lowering of the hot plasma into cold liquid), called CASTOR and issue reports on the process. In the next graph we can observe the distillation process now taking place at RHIC:

Screen Shot 2014-09-08 at 12.49.57 PM
In the graph, RHIC is aware since 2010 of  the anomalous increase in the production of strange antiquarks during its process of distillation of strange liquid. The news today advance in the same road, confirming further RHIC is distillating strangelet, by expelling strange antiquarks of the quark-antiquark pair and increasing strange baryons in the liquid.

The graph shows they are producing an excess of strange antiquarks – the key element that distillation is being produced. Nature is quite intelligent. When you enter into the ‘space-time’ of higher energies in which strange quarks  survive, those pairs of strange-antistrange quarks pop out together. Then the strange antiquark takes away the excess of u and d quarks from the soup and the strange quark forms strange liquid with the remaining Us and Ds.
This of course, they know. Why then there is no clear information to the public, politicians and the military?
On my opinion nuclear physicists are caught in the lies of their false safety statements and now that they are doing what they say it was IMPOSSIBLE to do,  they just decided to go along just in case we survive and keep a low profile on the data, reason why these news are nowhere… And if all blows up… well, that is a prize Nuclear physicists always accepted since Hiroshima.

Why we are so sure they are making them? Because strange quarks are heavier and negative. So while RHIC does not give data on strangelet production it has easily calculated the proportion of strange quarks in the soup by weighting them. And the ratio of strange negative quarks to ‘our light’ up and down quarks is 27.

This means there are 27 times more mass of negatively strange quarks in the soup than our lighter quarks. And this excess of negative strange quarks in the soup is what defines negative strangelets, which are produced with a 100% purity.And so the conclusion is self-evident: RHIC is a factory of strangelets.

All what they produce is strange liquid. But since their policy is ‘don’t tell, don’t ask’, like the gays on the military or the nuclear bombs on the Israeli army, the invisible strangelets at RHIC remain invisible. They don’t tell us, and the P.R.ess don’t ask about them.BUT THE EFFECTS TOLD OR NOT TOLD will be the same death: it is certain that unless the industry of quark cannons is closed, one of those strangelets produced at RHIC and CERN when it opens at much higher energy/luminosity will become ‘visible’. Or in other words, we are still here because in the first phases accretion is slow, as most strangelets will acquire electrons and lay dormant, before a critical mass of them reaches the center of the Earth.

This is the society we live in – one in which catastrophes and genocides, collective deaths ‘grow and boil’ in secrecy, and do not matter as long as they are not public. Thus RHIC knows as long as people ignores what they do, it’s ok to attempt blowing up the planet every other day.

Yet for that to happen and become visible the strangelets RHIC is producing have to avoid being trapped by an electronic cover that would halt its growth. So the process of ice-9 is  very slow at the beginning till a strangelet with enough mass breaks all electromagnetic barriers and starts direct gravitational attraction. Then the speed will be catastrophic. The result will be the ‘second size’ of strange matter, the strangelet proper, which will devour all other matter on earth, till reaching the 3rd size, as a strange/neutron star.

Fact is finally it is happening – even if the news do not report it; even if RHIC uses a cryptic language not to reveal what they are doing. RHIC is distillating strangelet. So the countdown for extinction has started. It is now a question of producing enough strangelets to accumulate them in the center of the Earth and start the ice-9 reaction.

The key factor to assess the danger they trigger the ice-9 reaction is  the size of the quark soup in which the negatively charged strangelets wander, related to their luminosity; that is, to the density of the fireballs of quarks.

In the past, the fireballs were too small to produce significant strangelets. Now they are huge and growing. The luminosity (measure of the density of the beam and the number of collisions to be expected) has increased enormously to the point that the 14 run which caused those results has produced more collisions on target that all the previous runs since 2000… combined.

But RHIC has a perfect alibi to keep ‘quiet’. Strangelets  are ‘dark matter’, invisible to the eye. So the proofs of their existence are indirect, published officially by the RHIC magazine, with an indirect language.

It is a scary matter. We shall die in an invisible way with the people causing this invisible tragedy at distance. Killing at distance and with no responsibility always eases the act of killing and make the perpetrators childish and irresponsible. As those kids who kill civilian ‘terrorists in Afghanistan from their drone consoles in Nevada.

Yet for those who read physics, ‘between lines’ of the data RHIC is handling, the proofs of distillation are evident:

CERN is telling us that the heaviest hyperons and dibaryons,  (hence those with more negative strange quarks) are ‘cooling down’ the whole fireball of quark-gluon plasma (glasma), produced on the gold to gold collisions; since they are eating up the gamma rays of the collision and the u-d quarks of our atoms. So they are suppressing the hot radiation of the fireball, cooling down the quarks ‘fixing’ them with the heavier gravitational pull to its strange quarks, and forming negatively charged lumps of quarks, strangelets.

But here the information is scanty. There is of course no mention whatsoever of ‘ice-9’ and strangelets – how many of them are being created, which masses are likely to have, how many are stable (missing mass), etc.

Their size matter because the bigger A=(quark numbers), the easier they will be falling to the center of the Earth. That they are forming is ‘certain’ because today’s theory accept quasi-stable strangelets with 6 quarks (dibaryons), and over 30 quarks, with absolutely stable strangelets with over 100 quarks. And those soups have millions of quarks tightly packed. So the question we cannot know (as we don’t know the ‘fate’ of those strangelets formed in the soup) is: Has the ice-9 reaction started, becoming irreversible?  That is, have any of those strangelets started an ice-9 reaction somewhere under Long Island?

This will depend on the quantity of hyperons and dibaryons of those strangelets, and of them being negatively charged to start the attraction of our atoms and start the ice-9 reaction. In that sense the bad news couldn’t be worse since  the method of distillation produces negative strangelets and produces them with high A=quark numbers.

And so, what all the reports (outdated by a decade)  on safety deny is now happening.

“Recently it has been suggested that rather cold droplets of absolutely stable or metastable strange-quark matter may be distilled in heavy-ion collisions during the phase transition from a baryon-rich quark-gluon plasma (QGP) to hadron matter. Here we present a model describing the hadronization of the QGP through particle emission, which is based solely on thermodynamical arguments. Pions and K+’s and K0’s carry away entropy and antistrangeness from the system, thus facilitating the cooling process and the strangelet formation.
Our results are supported by revised more sophisticated rate calculations. Two rather unexpected results are obtained when this model is applied to the investigation of strangelet production. The strangeness separation mechanism and the formation process works well even for higher initial entropies per baryon, tantamount to higher bombarding energies.
The surviving strangelets have a rather high strangeness content, fs∼1.2–2 [i.e., Z/A∼(-0.1)–(-0.5)]. Hence droplets of strange-quark matter with a baryon number of ∼10–30 and with a negative charge may be produced. They may serve as a unique signature for the transient formation of a quark-gluon plasma in heavy-ion collisions.”
Indeed since strange baryons are negative, by distillation RHIC creates negative killer strangelet.
And this process must be taken place since April.


How much strange liquid has been produced since April? Are we STILL ON TIME TO STOP THE FACILITIES BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE?

Why RHIC has taken so long to announce it?

Why it says it with a cryptic language instead of calling what it distillates, strange liquid, strangelet?

Obviously because if it uses the popular terms of strangelet and explains that the fireball  has cooled down and starts to acquire properties akin to a black hole: an attractive, cold superfluid vortex that can devour us all people might get worried. So it is telling us: we are making strange liquid, and we are seeing hints of what will be in higher amounts  an ice-9 reaction.

In fact the ‘Safety Report’ STILL talks of a gas not of a liquid more than a decade after the first proofs the quark-gluon plasma cooled into liquid appeared.

So the question now is how long physicists expect to last an ice-9 reaction, once stable strangelet atoms are produced?

Magnano from the other quark factory on Earth, CERN, in his safety report adduced a 200 years period for strangelets to devour the Earth once produced in the numbers observed at RHIC.

Just a little example on how ‘serious’ they are with their safety reports. This video is of the chief safety officer at RHIC which signed a 14 years old 20 pages ‘safety report’ full of errors and omissions, laughing at the report he signed (minute 7.44):

Alea Jacta Est.

In the race for extinction, which our proud technological nations are carried out undeterred by that ‘minor’ collateral damage, i.e. the death of all of us, RHIC, the American ‘rival’ announces an indirect proof of the existence of strangelets. 

And of course nobody understood, nobody cared…

Let us recall the words of a researcher at RHIC a decade ago: ‘if strange liquid exists and could be produced at RHIC it would be extremely dangerous. We know of no absolute barrier to the rapid growth of a dangerous strangelet.

In a catastrophic chain reaction, the weight of killer strangelet would pull it down. “Eventually, strangelet would sit at the center of the earth, eating other nuclei, attracting the earth’s mass gravitationally. That way, it would eat our planet from the inside out, converting the entire earth into one giant strangelet killing us all in the process.”

Reason why Wilczek the physicist who RELEASED Rhic’s safety report, cynically named this distinctive possibility an ice-9 reaction after cat’s cradle satire on nukes, where an American physicist discovers a similar liquid that freezes the planet into ice, extinguishing life.

Of course, then he went on as this video shows, to sign a safety statement affirming that: “the strangeness distillation mechanism seems very unlikely to be effective for producing strangelets at RHIC.” (page 17)

But that is exactly what has happened. RHIC is distillating strangelets.

I recall the beginning of Kurt’s masterpiece:

When I was a much younger man, I began to collect material for a book to be called The Day the World Ended. The book was to be factual. The book was to be an account of what important Americans had done’ 

And yet the always epic American press commenting about the great feats of the manifest nation was surprisingly mute on the distillation of ice-9.

In fact, the theme never made it to the news glued by a BARRAGE of small tragedies happening in this little rock lost in the corner of the galaxy that we call Earth… It was during the same days that we heard about a young black man shot in Ferguson, and a brave journalist decapitated in Iraq, about the Ukrainian civil war and yet another bombing of Gaza, not to speak of the news on the economic crisis, global warming, the celebrity circus… and the weather, always the weather on top of all other repetitive news…

But this piece of information of the nuclear industry, deserved to be noticed due to the relevance for the non-future of the planet.

Since a single drop of strange liquid can convert a planet or a star into an ultradense rock of dark matter. How long it will take for the strange liquid to accumulate in the center of the planet and start the ice-9 reaction, is studied in detail in other post of this blog.

As my co-plaintiff in the 2008 suit against CERN, Walter Wagner, rightly pointed out in his letters to scientific American, and his earlier suit against RHIC in 2000, chances the American machine produced strange matter were high, only a question of time and luminosity.

Finally it is happening: This week (of course without mentioning any risk involved), RHIC announces strangelet distillation in gold to gold collisions. 

And it considers some are stable. Since they cannot be detected directly by the particles it decays into. Indirect detection is based in a lower temperature of the quark gluon soup.

If those strangelets are forming they are falling to the center of the Earth and will eat it inside out in a period which ‘experts’ have never fully figured out – might be between days and decades.

But of course our high-minded, idealist scientists at RHIC have not flinched an eye, on the news they are delivering to the human sheeple. On the contrary they are all excited with the findings of ‘new physics’:

‘The calculations show that inclusion of the predicted but “experimentally uncharted” strange baryons fit better with the data, providing the first evidence that these so-far unobserved particles exist and exert their effect on the freeze-out temperature of the observable particles.’

“The finding has potentially important implications for quantum chromodynamics—a theory that describes the strong interactions underlying the physics of the nucleus. In particular, it could indicate that physicists have been making some wrong assumptions about the dynamics of photon production at the energies of RHIC and LHC collisions. The researchers suggest that the finding could indicate something very interesting and not yet understood about the evolution of glasma or quark–gluon plasma, although more detailed computational simulations are needed to confirm the dynamics of photon production in such collisions.

This is the first indirect evidence that heavy strange barons exist and can be created by high energy collisions. Apparently the Brookhaven facility has been making heavy strange baryons for quite some time. The significance of the discovery is coming closer to proving all the theoretical particles of the quark model of matter are real. The discovery also indicates that many of the Big Bang concepts are justifiable in physical reality”

Now the question if we are ‘already dead in the future’, in this Schrodinger’s cat experiment depends on this cryptic question left open by the RHIC ‘informer’: “We’ve found that the higher mass states of strange baryons affect the production of ground states that we can observe. And the line where we see the ordinary matter moves to a lower temperature because of the multitude of higher states that we can’t see.”

How much is a multitude? That is, how many ‘higher states’ of strange baryons have been created? Enough ‘bag’ to make the strangelet stable? Ah, this is the quizz, ‘to be or not to be’… Since it is invisible and physicists are clueless, we might still have a chance to be… But the first incognita is solved. Yes, RHIC and CERN can, have and will produce strangelet atoms.

Would now RHIC tell us exactly what is the solution to this quizz? Have they produced enough of them to make the strangelet bag stable?  Are we a dead cat or a living cat?

As RHIC will not answer, i would rather say with all my affliction that we are a dead cat in the nearby future…

The problem though is because the ‘missing mass’ shows those strangelets to be stable and to be falling out of detection to the center of the Earth, once the ice-9 reaction ‘sits’ on the center, there is no way to reach the substance, and so even if it start very slowly eating an atom at a time, it will grow exponentially and when we realize due to the increase of earthquakes, it will be like a cancer, which cannot be cured. So we will at best assess the quantity of time we have left to live on this planet.

The world will end then soon as the process has become irreversible, and once noticed it means its effects are reaching beyond the iron nuclei into the magma where Earthquakes are caused.


It is thus quite likely that strangelets with relative low A-Mass are being produced. How low depends on the parameter of stability STILL unknown by physicists who play with this explosive without understanding yet its parameters.
But it might be likely on the order of 100 quarks, and it is likely they are negatively charged, which is what the distillation mechanism has caused at RHIC – a freezing mass of strangelet negatively charged by excess of negative strange quarks… a killer strangelet.
Yes i know, we are still here… No, we cannot know for how long, we do not know even enough theory of the distillation ice-9 process and we are not researching.
This is because CERN AND RHIC are officially safe, this has been approved by the safety report that tell us they are doing gas NOT liquid, they CANNOT Distillate:
‘a distillation mechanism capable of giving rise to strangelet production is not
operational in heavy-ion collisions at RHIC, and this suggestion for strange-particle production has been abandoned for the LHC.” (LHC, RHIC safety reports, 2003, 2008)
But it is happening…

In the first graph, RHIC 14 run has created more collisions gold to gold than all other previous runs combined, producing (second graph) huge amounts of the primordial quark-gluon plasma, found in the first moments of the explosive big-bang and in the interior of Strange stars (Neutron stars), made of strangelet (strange quark liquid). Hence the reports announcing a massive creation of strange atoms:


In the graph, an H-Dibaryon containing 2s+2d+2u quarks, the stable particle of strangelets, which seems to be produced in the quark-gluon plasma at RHIC. Once created it will fall to the center of the Earth, due to his higher mass, where it will lump in enough quantities to start an ice-9 reaction that should collapse in the future planet Earth.

In fact there are statistical proofs they ARE already producing them at the lhc:

SINCE the ratio of strange to up and down quarks found at RHIC’s new, denser ‘glasma’ (quark-gluon plasma) shows a strange to light quark mass ratio Ms/Ml = 20, (squares) and 27 (diamonds). Those numbers are even higher than the mass ratio of strange quarks to ud quarks found on those H-dybarions, which is Ms/Ml=15

Indeed strange quarks weight 20 to 50 times more than up & down quarks, Ms=104, Md=4.8, Mu=2.4, the ratios of Ms/Ml mass in dibaryons is much larger than the number ratio of strange quarks to light u-d quarks: Ms=Mu=Md, Ms/Ml= 104/4.8+2.4=±15.

Thus there  are more than enough strange quarks on the soup to produce millions of dibaryons. Moreover, the fact that they are absorbing gamma rays, in enormous numbers and freezing the soup of normal particles, implies they are reachng a certain degree of stability. Thus all seems to indicate RHIC is producing strangelet atoms in huge amounts. RHIC obviously does not give us the amounts of dibaryons is producing, but the graph of luminosity shows it should be producing millions of them.

How many dibaryons have to reach the center of the planet to make a strangelet stable, and start an ice-9 reaction? Theoretical calculus (MIT bag, Peng papers from Chinese Nuclear Research center) give us numbers as low as 10.000. Since they are more stable than our atoms and heavier, they should be falling to the center of the Earth unharmed, sliding down the magma, like a knife cutting butter.

In fact its name ‘strange’ derives from its surprising longevity, which far surpassed all previous calculus. So the discoverer, amazed by its long life said of it ‘it is very strange. It is like if Cleopatra was still falling from its barge in the nile; as if she was still dying’.

It is thus only a question of time that its accumulation in the center of the Earth triggers the formation of a strangelet, starting an ice-9 reaction.

This is the key sentence to explain why:

Apparently the Brookhaven facility has been making heavy strange baryons for quite some time.
They might be falling already to the center, as the densest matter on planet earth, where they will accumulate till collapsing into a strangelet and then the period of accretion will start, though it is impossible to calculate… it would be fast.

In other words, what physicists don’t count for is that simple ‘fact’ – things that are equal come always together, in one or other way. In the case of those dybarions and hyperons that RHIC recognizes, it has produced in large numbers, which are more stable than ordinary matter, they should be as of now, falling to the center of the Earth, one by one, drop by drop of strange liquid, sipping through magma, just ‘transparent’ gaseous matter for them… till reaching the exact center, likely a uranium crystal and when enough of them stop, forming a bag of strange quark atoms – the definition of a strangelet, they will first transform the uranium, then the iron into strangelets… Carpe diem, live the day…

So RHIC’s news are utterly relevant for our…

Chronicle of a foretold death.

All this has been foretold for decades. I printed a first analysis of quark cannons and its likely extinction of man in my book ‘The extinction of man’ c. 92, Walter put a suit to RHIC in the 2000s. Papers have been written, warnings have been issued. Our suits alerted the world, thanks to the cover of Sunday NYTimes of 2008: ‘asking a judge to save the world’.

The present RHIC run at much higher luminosities provoked a warning of lawyers that got some media attention., just to dismiss the issue, as in the case of CERN, with the ‘usual’ physicists’ risk assessment committee of non-independent nuclear physicists affirming their experiments are sound – more or less as if new drugs tests were assessed by the corporations that manufacture the drugs, instead of the FDA, which of course would always ‘sell’ us that their drugs are the universal panacea to health. This only happens in the industry of accelerators. Every time the risk comes out, they bring a pannel of self-appointed experts which claim independence, affirm there are no risks with arcane languages nobody outside the community understands, attack ad hominem the qualifications of the ethic scientists that denounce those risks and pass page. And so little by little, step by step as that long run of the hero of Marquez’s short story ‘chronicle of a foretold death’ we come closer to the end of the world.

And nothing is been done. The ‘system’ merely used all the tricks of the book to quench public awareness of this colossal tragedy. So we must go beyond the obvious ‘mathematical’ and physical discussion of those risks to the ‘socio-economical’ implications of that ever real topic of the ‘military-industrial complex’ to solve the ‘surrealist question’:
Why such projects, RHIC and CERN, exist? How can ‘humans’ – after all nuclear physicists are ‘humans’ – can promote this kind of project?

You have to understand the psyche of nuclear physicists who have discounted after 70 years of making weapons of mass-destruction that could obliterate the Earth any ethical con-cern.

So the answer to this madnees is ‘routine’. The routine of evolution of nuclear cannons, which after the cold war ended had to camouflage with ‘newspeaks’ of peace and humane purpose its military-industrial nature. Unfortunately cern is protected by the military-industrial complex, with ‘diplomatic immunity’ (provided in the height of the cold war when accelerators were indeed just ‘cyclical cannons’ used to research atomic bombs), and by the lazy or paid-per-view P.R.ess which accepts its blatantly lies, following the ‘routine procedure’ of the Nuclear Industry that never recognizes victims or risks (Fukushima, Chernobyl are supposed to have cause just a few dozens of victims, as those who die of cancer cannot be proved 100% to be caused by those explosions ).

Again both RHIC and CERN have a perfect alibi to deny any catastrophe: strange quark lumps are ‘dark matter’, difficult to detect (in the case of CERN, their detector, CASTOR after we uncovered its existence, has literally gone ‘undercover’ and now CERN denies adamantly it exists. So instead of being a Centauro And STrangelets detecTOR, if you search for CASTOR in CERN servers it is now a STORage machine; at RHIC the detection of the first atoms of strangelets have been indirect and nothing of its implications have been explained).

So if they fall to the center of the Earth and eat us up, as in the case of the cancer deaths of Chernobyl and Fukushima, nuclear physicists, will deny any wrong-doing. So beyond ‘high thoughts’ of human intelligence, rationality and caring, you must understand CERN & RHIC within the ‘routine’ evolution of the industry of ‘cyclical, nuclear cannons’, which has now reached the technological threshold of creation of strange matter. And so as Eric Fromm put it the ethics of a technological civilizations are simple: ‘if a machine can be done it will be done, even if it menaces to kill us all.’

All this of course is taboo, hidden. So all the focus is NOT put in what CERN & RHIC truly will create in enormous numbers – strange quarks – but in the ‘minimal’ quantity of ‘speculative’ possible other particles it might create – higgs bosons, superparticles, etc.

Hence the little impact the most important news of the century are having on media.


Look at this young, enthusiastic fella below, the nuclear physicist who announced proudly we have created the strange atoms that will devour us, and his homunculus mind, the space that each sense occupies in his brain… Yes truly a monkey lethaliensis scientificus, which assemblies machines with his hands, spews out a lot of nonsense garbage on the immensity of its discoveries and has no mind at all to fully grasp what he has done. An image in this case is truly worth more than a thousand wor(l)ds…

 77970_webhomunculus‘When I was a much younger man, I began to collect material for a book to be called The Day the World Ended. The book was to be factual. The book was to be an account of what important Americans had done’ 

‘Ice-nine was the last gift  Felix Hoenikker created for mankind before going to his just reward. He did it without anyone’s realizing what he was doing. He did it without leaving records of what he’d done. True, elaborate apparatus was necessary in the act of creation, but it already existed in the Research Laboratory.  It was blue-white. The old man had died on Christmas Eve, having told only his children about ice-nine. His children had divided the ice-nine among themselves.’

There was a sound clear, like that of the gentle closing of a portal as big as the sky. The great door of heaven being closed softly. It was a grand AH-WHOOM. I opened my eyes and all the sea was ice-nine. The moist green earth was a blue-white pearl. The sky darkened. The sun, became a sickly yellow ball, tiny and cruel.

“Beware of the man who works hard to learn something, learns it, and finds himself no wiser than before’. Bokonon tells us. “He is full of murderous resentment of people who are ignorant without having come by their ignorance the hard way.”

What hope can there be for mankind when there are men that give such playthings as ice-9 to short-sighted children as most people are?’

Excerpts. ‘Cat’s cradle’. Kurt Vonnegut

Unfortunately, when the ice-9 reaction starts, there will not be any  place to escape, nor solution to the process, as we cannot arrive to the center of the Earth, where those dibaryons will start eating up the uranium, provoking massive earthquake waves…


Alea Jacta Est. In the race for extinction, which our proud technological nations are carried out undeterred by that ‘minor’ collateral damage, i.e. the death of all of us, RHIC announced yesterday an indirect proof of the existence of strangelet atoms. As my co-plaintiff in the 2008 suit against CERN rightly pointed out in his suit against RHIC in 2000, chances the American machine produced strange matter were high, only a question of time and luminosity. This week (of course without mentioning any risk involved), RHIC announces that the first strangelet atoms might have been produced in gold to gold collisions. Indirect detection is based in a lower temperature of the quark gluon soup. If those strangelets are forming they are falling to the center of the Earth and will eat it inside out in a period which ‘experts’ have never fully figured out – might be between days and decades.

But of course our high-minded, idealist scientists at RHIC have not flinched an eye, on the news they are delivering to the human sheeple. On the contrary they are all excited with the findings of ‘new physics’:

‘The calculations show that inclusion of the predicted but “experimentally uncharted” strange baryons fit better with the data, providing the first evidence that these so-far unobserved particles exist and exert their effect on the freeze-out temperature of the observable particles.’

“The finding has potentially important implications for quantum chromodynamics—a theory that describes the strong interactions underlying the physics of the nucleus. In particular, it could indicate that physicists have been making some wrong assumptions about the dynamics of photon production at the energies of RHIC and LHC collisions. The researchers suggest that the finding could indicate something very interesting and not yet understood about the evolution of glasma or quark–gluon plasma, although more detailed computational simulations are needed to confirm the dynamics of photon production in such collisions.”

Now the question if we are ‘already dead in the future’, in this Schrodinger’s cat experiment depends on this cryptic question left open by the RHIC ‘informer’: “We’ve found that the higher mass states of strange baryons affect the production of ground states that we can observe. And the line where we see the ordinary matter moves to a lower temperature because of the multitude of higher states that we can’t see.”

How much is a multitude? That is, how many ‘higher states’ of strange baryons have been created? Enough ‘bag’ to make the strangelet stable? Ah, this is the quizz, ‘to be or not to be’… Since it is invisible and physicists are clueless, we might still have a chance to be… But the first incognita is solved. Yes, RHIC and CERN can, have and will produce strangelet atoms.

Would now RHIC tell us exactly what is the solution to this quizz? Have they produced enough of them to make the strangelet bag stable?  Are we a dead cat or a living cat?

My opinion is that this is another nail in the coffin, the clearest one in anticipation of the ‘big run’…


And so it finally happened… The experiment is being performed as we speak. Ion-Ion collisions are breaking records every day. If the Earth is going to die, because of CERN, it will be. From 1st to 15 december, stable dibaryons are being produced with no safety whatsoever at the facilities.

So as of now those stable dibaryons are falling to the center of the Earth, where they will slowly accumulate till reaching the critical mass required to start an ice-9 reaction, within the span of a few years.

For real data on that production, please consult Eric Penrose’s site, which has been doing the mathematical physics of the process during the last year.

This transformation of our light, harmless up and down quarks into strange quarks, a hundred times heavier, is caused by the enormous energy-mass reached by each particle as it comes closer to c-speed. Because c-speed is the barrier of speed for particles, according to relativity, when quarks reach the limiting barrier, they keep absorbing energy from the accelerator. But instead of accelerating, quarks swallow and transform that energy into mass – E=mc2; hence becoming massive strange quarks, which once put together into stable dibaryon configurations, should fall to the center of the Earth.

The main factor of extinction both in certainty of the event and timespan, in which it will happen is obviously the number of experiments performed:

The facility will produce more lethal dibaryons, the more ion-ion collisions are performed. Right now, as we speak those collisions are producing, per collision according to CERN, 30.000 ‘unclassified particles’, to be found in the strangelet soup of up and down and strange quarks – the infamous quark-gluon soup, origin of the big bang – plainly speaking, the most powerful explosive of the Universe. If we multiply this number by the sheer amount of atoms colliding in each bunch of tightly packed rays, we are talking of millions of dibaryons in each experiment. Certainly enough of them to bring a critical mass within years of accumulation at Earth’s center.

Since strangelet, abb. for strange liquid is  the substance that can provoke in enough quantities a runaway ‘ice-9’ reaction that could freeze the Earth converted into a 15 kilometre sphere of ultra dense strangelet matter; as strangelets convert all matter around them into strange liquid.  The process starts obviously producing the ‘atom of strangelet’,  a USD-USD dibaryon atom, the minimal stable piece of an strangelet. Yet they have to form a lump of heavy strange and light up and down quarks, of enough critical mass to provoke the big bang explosion of Earth. Hence it will take time for them to accumulate in the center of the planet. And the more ion-ion collisions the LHC makes, the more they will produce and fall and the faster the ‘reckoning day’ will come for the species. The date thus have some uncertainty, in time, the space does not – it will be start on the center, and the probability hardly – far above what any conscious human being needs to stop the facility.

Uncertainty of course is the factor CERN plays. We will never be sure that those dibaryons kill us till they kill us. They are invisible, undetectable, and disappear from the facilities, so even if it happens, we cannot prove they originated at CERN. Might they have come from outer Universe. You see, destiny plays the mouse and cat, hid game facilitating the facilities take it easy ways. For that reason, this blog treats all the elements of the game of extinction and warns the scientist that reads of a well-known fact since quantum mechanics: the universe is always probabilistic, no event is deterministic as regarding to when and where it will happen.

This is the Uncertainty principle of quantum physics: Energy x Time ≥h/2. The calculus of the Energy and time of an event is thus a probability, but not for that reason intelligent species, stop acting against the odds of being harmed by a dangerous ‘predator’ that can eat them up.

I.e. the gazelle does not know, which one of the herd will die to the lion, but not for that probabilistic reason stops running to avoid the lion from entering its vital space. Only an idiotic scholar, all theory none survival instincts, will stay eating daisies, munching the ‘Buridan Paradox’ – might he kill me, might he not?- while the lion makes his run. Since non-action will increase enormously the chances that by doing nothing the lion targets her. It is like a soldier advancing against fusiles and gun machines. He might survive, and certainly it will never know whose soldier on the other side shot him down. But if he wants to increase his chances, he will not fight against the superior metal-weapons. And if he does so, he rather fights with single shot rifles than gun machines of multiple shots. That is CERN did his single shots at low regime,found his Higgs and should have declared his war against mankind, over. Now he is shooting with the gun machine and keeps reloading the cartridge. Good luck.

3. Dec. 2015. DON’T WORRY BE HAPPY (and die like a child).

Now, before we go on, the reader should understand beyond evilwood movies the facts of death in the Universe. The fundamental food of the cosmos are children. It sounds harsh but it is what happens in the world. 90% of animal children never get adulthood. When lions run the herd, they seek for the children. When tortoise hutch all kind of predators eat them before arriving to the water. African thugs use children soldiers, because they are emotional, driven, lineal, focused in the task they do not question. CERN in that regard is a cradle of children physicist, in the 20s average, using millions of childish students all over the world. And it has used to dismiss those danger childish arguments, with a ‘teacher’s’ benevolent tone.

This surrealist approach is shrewd and it has worked.

Thus accordingly, to the childish approach, CERN has developed a panoplia of silly-nilly propaganda working at top speed:

Rap songs on evil particles; engagements with celebrities of the media circus; cosmic hype on irrelevant discoveries and the beat-drum of ‘new records of energy-mass’, hence of higher risks ; and messianic, pseudo-religious mantras that ranged from God’s particle to the Shiva statute at the entrance of CERN.

All those elements narrated in the previous film -are repeated ad nauseam, under the classic dictum of the first ‘ministry of propaganda’ (today called in the newspeak of the day, ministry of information): ‘if you repeat a lie many times people will believe it, the bigger the lie the more they will’ (Goebbels).

But those lies must sound silly and fun, so CERN maintains 2 pages to prove the no-risk mantra:

  • One written in a tone proper of a kindergarten school master, sweet and calmed, to resolve the ‘magic’ side of it.

    Yes Messieurs we do know that, thanks for telling. It is this a serious institution, providing true statements and taking seriously the risks of a global nuclear tragedy? Are we treated as citizens who pay with his taxes this machines and deserve a proper response? Why CERN has diplomatic immunity – the reason it dismissed the suits; why safety reports unlike in any other industry are not authored by independent researchers?

    Why it has broken all the NEPA and environmental laws of Europe, repeatedly poisoning the area? Because the Nuclear industry is the summit of the military industry, and this ‘peaceful machine for research’ is the white elephant, useless, dangerous but nice to see in its awesome pics for kid-scientists working there (20-agers most of them, who sign confidentiality statements and as their chief scientist put it ‘must believe in black hole evaporation, the concept backed by Mr. Hawking and Mr. Penrose, based on time travel to the past). This of course, is the internal dialog for the flock of young, enthusiastic collaborators to keep crunching data to the tune of the rappers.

  •  Meanwhile for more serious seekers of truth, alas, he gives us the ‘safety report page’, which is a copycat of a safety report made 20 years ago for a much smaller machine in the United States – RHIC; ad it has NEVER been updated to the much higher power and technical specifications of this machine, or included the new discoveries on cosmology that prove the existence of strangelets (the report simply denies they exist and so it solves the problem out of the hat, but as today it has become the main candidate to be the component of 90% of matter in the Universe – dark matter; alas, they do not only exist but it is likely the commonest, hence easy to produce, substance of the Universe).

Thus the report  is plagued with obvious half-lies that any physicist knows – the best known, the mantra that cosmic particles do have so much energy as those collisions and so if cosmic rays do not blow up planets, the experiments poise no risk. Of course, the half lie is the trick. Cosmic particles are gamma rays or at best lonely protons, which cannot produce quark strangelets, because they don’t have ‘mass’, which is the factor here, no energy, as the heavy ions of the collider do. And they are not massed up in bunches of billions of them, guided to collide in a central point, where they reach enough critical mass to produce dibaryons and small lumps of quark-matter.

We dare to say that CERN’s people are very smart to be intelligent and survive. Since instead of plotting lies to defend their livelihood, it should say the truth and respect the life of mankind.

And the truth is that Cosmic rays do NOT produce quark-gluon plasma, the substance from where strangelets are born and NEVER will; since they are lonely, light particles unlike the dense heavy bunches of the heaviest atom, lead, using in those collisions, guided by magnetic fields with extreme precision to mass in enough numbers to produce the strangelet liquid (let us also give the proper name to the ‘quark-gluon soup’, which is nothing but a liquid made of up and down and strange quarks – which once distilled onto stable dibaryons (2 up, 2 down and 2 strange quarks) should become a strangelet in the Earth’s centre.

A final, simple proof that cosmic quarks do not produce ‘big bang’ strangelet soup is obvious:  If it would, we will not even construct the machine but merely watch the cosmic rays that hit the Earth and see the ‘witches’s brew’.

It remains of course to be explained what they will find in this new run now that the irrelevant Higgs has been explored in depth. Alas! lacking a good argument, CERN has outdone itself, publishing that one of the most hopeful discoveries that lay ahead is the understanding of dark matter, which makes 90% of the mass of the galaxy and accumulates around the Halo.

Recap.The equation of death and its 2 limiting risks.

As we have been explaining for a decade, following the well-known Witten hypothesis, the 2 main candidates for dark matter in the halo are:

– Micro black holes that did NOT evaporate (first hypothesis of Hawking before came with the absurd idea that actually they are time machines that travel to the past and so as you would evaporate back into the past into your mother womb, they should go back into the past and disappear just formed) – a fact which will mean if they are created at CERN they will swallow us.

-And strangelets, which would be created in nova explosions and planetary explosions, and migrate under the laws of angular momentum to the halo. So now, CERN tells us that yes, dark matter is likely to be made of strangelets, and they are going to explore the theme at CERN, of course omitting the ‘half truth’ – this should mean our extinction – since their control of media, in this advancing militaristic age makes it safe enough to say without saying to the world. We are going to convert the planet into strangelets, to study that magnificent particle, which we shall appropriately call, the ‘Hell Particle’. So now that is what they research and they tell us, and the sheeple sings the song, ‘four legs, four legs’. So yes, it is time for Nirvana, a peaceful day. Because the process is a great silence. Invisible dark matter, undetectable should be now falling, and the only variable we cannot fully calculate for lack of knowledge about the exact configuration of the Earth’s interior, is how long it will take them to travel to the center, and create that critical mass, as they will follow a biased ‘brownian motion’, through the magma, much heavier than normal matter, hence with a gravitational gradient to the center, but repelled chaotically in its journey… to erehwoN.

This duality between the good and the bad fruits of the tree of science has always been at the heart of the destiny of mankind, and we never solved it properly as the zealots of the machine have won the battle. A responsible, humble humanity would have prune the tree since its inception, forbidding the bad fruits, weapons and promoting the good ones, tools. Death is in the metrics of the 5th dimension, a simple equation of imbalance by overdrive of energy (accidental death) or information, form (3rd age of wrinkles in life, warping of matter into black holes in Einstein’s relativity, angst, baroque age of technological wars in history).

So if Life and survival is the balance of mens sana in corpore sanum: Energy=Information; death is Max. Energy  x Min. Information, (accidents, weapons that deliver maximal energy, a Big bang Nova explosion for planets and stars), or Max. Information x Min. Energy (3rd age, cold, freezing death, black hole death of matter, star death into white dwarfs, death by future robots and A.I. – algorithms of information, the true meaning of Artificial Intelligence that atrophy, substitute and displace human minds from labor and war field, as we speak).

Thus on the wider vision that a European Humanist always add to the technical aspects of science, we are in the ‘3rd age of History’, and so we should instead of rushing into death by information, had controlled the tree of science, but we didn’t. As a mad old man who feels like a child and wants to keep going making a fool of himself, mankind rushes into extinction, at full speed.

So yes we soon will be producing as many God’s particles as Hell’s particles, perfectly cancelling each other into a 0-sum called the human species. But who can prove it and blame them, if earthquakes within the next decade suddenly rise to 8 in the richter scale? Dibaryons are invisible, and the reaction will start from the center of the Earth. So CERN is shielded of any present or future responsibility, as it can always say it was not their fault but some particle from the outer Universe that has sipped into the planet.

In that regard, what people like Hawking and the bosses at CERN, shield by media and power, never grasped is the fact that science should not only be theory and prices but mainly praxis in favor of a better future for the humankind, exactly the opposite of big money and prize ambition, which drives the people at the facilities in their search for ‘nobel prizes’.

Mr. Hawking and thousands of other physicists are conscious of the risks and the ‘imaginary nature’ of his black hole time machines and the risks of the new technologies that break the balance of the planet. But none speaks up against their practice. At best they denounce each other’s work. So Hawking, on one side laughs at Caltech on the risk that his imaginary black holes make ‘bolognesa spaghetti’ out of mankind.

But on the other, he warns humanity of its near end if we keep evolving technology. So he urges us to find soon inhabitable planets and migrate to survive, sponsoring our view on the Fermi Paradox.

It is all talk, since he knows travel to the stars, given the lethal radiation existing beyond the Oort ring, needs massive shields on stellar ships, which will take centuries to design. And the Nuclear and robotic Industry – the two limits of maximal energy and information that unbalance the Earth and can kill her – will do us well before that happens.

So while he is aware of those 2 limits of human survival and rightly denounces the evolution of A.I. and robotics, even quotes some possible catastrophic scenarios at CERN related to Higgs production he should warn mankind against his imaginary black holes, his field of expertise.

Instead he advanced the clock of the end of the world created after the A-Bomb by physicists, which now runs a couple minutes ‘before’ the endpoint.

In that regard, the loneliness of our activism against CERN is not a proof of falsity but of the cynicism of big science and its practitioners who won’t disclose those dangers to protect their prestige and livelihood.

Simply speaking, when a life risk is imposed by power, it cannot be judged. Instead it becomes a censored taboo, so only the optimist good side that all realities have is highlighted, as it happens when a war starts and we know millions will die – you cannot speak of it. It is called ‘derrotism’ and it is punished. Instead the system preaches optimist and talks of a short blitzkrieg, of glorious days a head, as the Germans and French – the heart of the LHC experiment – did in I world war, which now celebrates its 100 birthday. Paris and Berlin simultaneously was to be reached within a week according to the P.R.ess of both sides…






Posted by on August 3, 2017 in Uncategorized


41 responses to “Strange-let updates

  1. Frederick Jackson

    August 21, 2014 at 7:20 pm

    Our only hope then is that our extra/inter dimensional company we share the planet with and or our extra terrestrial house guests (ca. 100 species) will put a stop to this. Even the good ones may abandon their rule of non interference.

    I have asked you before for your thoughts on this possibility and am not aware of a reply.

    • futureofhistory

      August 21, 2014 at 7:50 pm

      My hope was that natives would be just a bit more aware of the survival rules of the Universe and cancel those experiments before they produced strange matter, but they are children of thought, with no survival instincts, too young of a species to realize that cubs are the staple food of the Universe. Certainly if there are other ‘really intelligent’ life forms on the Universe, visiting us, they are keeping/will keep quiet, away from the monkey lethaliensis… But unlike the much faster black hole scenario, the speed of accretion of strange matter might keep us hanging around for a while. What RHIC proved with its massive creation of strange atoms and the system with the censorship of these issues, is that it will happen.
      And that gives the alternative ‘fermi paradox’ answer to your question, maybe there are no extra terrestrial house guests anywhere in the Universe because all of them were/will be as dumb as we are.
      I do prefer though the positive solution to that quizz. Intelligent species are not making quark cannons. They reach a balance with the Universe in which technological evolution is ‘selective’, rejecting its lethal fruits and life cherished… So we do not hear them because they have little interest in communicating with our species, dominated by the wrong memes and eviL cultures that despised the gift of God=Logos, the mind of the Universe: ‘to Live’.
      But let us entertain your idea that other intelligent life exists in this planet or they are watching us from afar. Still i don’t see anyway they can interfere with the collapse of the center of the Earth by a strangelet ‘ice-9’ reaction. It is impossible by any technological conceivable means, which are not mere science fiction, to reach the center of the planet and/or modify an ice-9 reaction. Human-like intelligent life will still be made of lighter up and down quarks, and we are talking here of the ‘top predator’ mass forms of the Universe from a ‘higher scale’ of size and density.
      If and when the ice-9 reaction starts it will be irreversible but slow enough for them to leave. So if they are here and they have not interfered, when it was easy to do, it is because they respect the ‘freedom’ all species have to create or destroy their own future. Obviously what they have done/will do is to close the file on mankind and if they are still here, take the next exit door, when the first ominous signs appear:
      “There was a sound clear, like that of the gentle closing of a portal as big as the sky. The great door of heaven being closed softly. It was a grand AH-WHOOM. I opened my eyes and all the sea was ice-nine. The moist green earth was a blue-white pearl. The sky darkened.” (Cat’s cradle)

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  3. Lissakrhumanelife

    January 30, 2015 at 7:54 pm

    Reblogged this on Lissa's Humane Life and commented:
    So we learned yesterday, 19th august, 2014, that RHIC is producing quasi-stable strangelet, an abbreviation for strange liquid, the most explosive substance of the Universe, made of strange atoms.

    And it has been doing so, without releasing the news since April, in enormous quantities according to the graphs released now on the luminosity=density of mass of strange atoms created (see graph 2, scrolling down).

    The news delivered by RHIC

    It was not a nice day. I could not sleep reading text after text of this obscenity, this long awaited conclusion of a foretold chronicle of human foly, which will be no more.

    In brief, RHIC has confessed to a mute press in a very low voice that it is producing since Spring, a massive amount of strange atoms, the substance of strangelets, the dense matter that eats our light matter and so in the future once those stable strangelet atoms – hyperons and dybarions – fall down to the center of the planet and mass there till reaching the stable size of a strangelet, they will start to feed on our light matter, eating the planet inside out, till it devour us.

  4. Colorado

    September 2, 2015 at 9:37 pm

    Requesting a petition be started, and fund raising efforts go underway immediately. If this information is true, this is a true emergency situation, and we need to organize and gather up public awareness on a massive scale. The problem with scientists, is they spend all their time doing science. Time to bring in the public because although I am just a regular news reader, this topic is quite interesting, compelling, and well written on this website. I would donate and sign a petition, and you don’t need mainstream media to create a viral topic on the internet. Engage!


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