Higgs: Mass+weak force

05 Oct

ABSTRACT. The Higgs is the excuse for CERN’s dangerous experiments. We call it a a hoax, not because the Higgs does NOT exist, but because it does NOT give mass to particles. It only helps in the transformation of particles of our smaller world into particles of the larger cosmological scales of heavy quarks, strange stars and black holes. But humans should not be exploring those processes beyond our range of energy and form that can only destroy the planet.  The cynicism of CERN steams from the lack of a proper explanation of the Higgs role and his expansion of that role to give mass to particles which are so small that do NOT interact with the galactic, cosmological plane in which the field of mass acts. This physicists know. In the standard model particles do not have mass because the 10ˆ40 ‘distance of size’ and ‘strength’ between the particle scale and the mass scale makes the gravitational field irrelevant for its interactions. So they should really explain what the Higgs is.

So 3 things are relevant about the Higgs: The higgs hoax (the marketing of the Higgs as a particle far more important than it is). The Higgs Hunting (the astounding marketing of its irrelevant search till it will become discovered) and The Higgs risk (the fact that Higgs and top quarks are mediators in the transformation of our mass into black holes). And update the Risks which will increase with new energy ranges and luminosity, till first the Higgs achieved the creation of a ‘real top quark’ – so far they have only produced virtual ones, and then a real top quark triplet, ttt++, likely catalyzer of the ‘gas-9’ reaction, the name I have given to the process of transformation of ordinary matter into top quark black hole matter.

So we shall study in this post:

1. The experiment and the chances it really found the Higgs.

2. The nature of a Goldstone boson and how it destroys and feed on  our world.

3. The different theories of mass of Mr. Einstein and Mr. Higgs and why the Higgs was blown out in its importance.

4. The obvious conclusion, when we objectively judge the importance of the Higgs and the risks of those experiments: while the finding of a goldstone boson is a landmark of physics, its importance is far inferior to many other experiments in biological social sciences, far cheaper and important for our life in this planet.

Further on, the hunt for the Higgs has two collateral effects that damage both science and life:

– The Higgsteria which for profit reasons has blown up Higgs importance, has also imposed the wrong theory about mass (quantum physics instead of Einstein’s relativity) and stopped all funding and interest in the work of Einstein and its expansion (Absolute relativity, fractal structure of the Universe, mass theory, etc.)

– The experiment can still kill us, and the mere fact nuclear physicists are allowed to keep putting our species at risk is a crime of which all elements of our ‘technological society’ with their blind slavery to the ‘memes of metal’, money, weapons and machines that rule us, are guilty.

To that aim unlike in all other articles of this web, dedicated to CERN’s risks we will have to introduce some basic concepts of the fractal, 5D universe as the picture above on the 4 SCALES known.

My apologies for some disorder in this and other articles, as it has been a 10 years updating process as news come and go…


I. The Higgs Hoax. and his Risks

II. Mass Theory, from 4D Einstein to 5D mass scales.

III. The Higgs as a propaganda machine.

IV. The Higgs hunting

I. Higgs Hoax and its risks

‘It will be born extremelly small. It shall arise and grow exceedingly fast. It shall have no respect for any created being, but its power shall be such as to enable it to transform everything, from its natural condition into itself’

Leonardo, Prophecies.


in the two videos, to be seen consecutively we dismount the false ‘media propaganda’ created around the Higgs as an essential particle that gives mass to all the other particles of the Universe. This is blatantly false as Mr. Leonard Susskind explains in his lectures at Standford University. The higgs is a minor particle related to electroweak reactions, one more of the zoo of over 1000 particles known in the Universe. Mass is defined as Nobel Prize Wilczeck explains according to the equivalence principle of Einstein (E=Mc2), as the frequency of vibration of a vortex of space-time. Thus the faster a space time vortex vibrates the more mass it has (such is the case of a black hole turning in its event horizon at the maximal speed of the universe, c-speed). In the same manner a hurricane attracts more the faster it rotates. The videos use the stringent laws of the scientific method and its proofs of veracity (falsification, evidence, correspondence, simplicity, etc.) to compare both theories, Einstein’s principle of equivalence between acceleration and gravitational forces that defines mass as the final accelerating gravitational vortex of space-time with Mr. Higgs theory of mass which has never been able to define the different masses of the particles of the Universe and gives a different explanation to the mass-media hysteria about the Higgs: a propaganda campaign needed to sell the industry of accelerators, as Mr. Lederman, the lobbyist of the industry which defined the Higgs as God’s particle says on video: ‘i was a propagandist for the industry’. Thus the industry needed an alibi to keep its huge projects and budgets going and the Higgs was pumped up to divine status for that purpose…

The Higgs alternative to a sound mass theory.
We explained clearly what a mass is: a vortex of accelerated gravitation, according to the Principle of equivalence. And what the higgs does – to mediate the transformation of our light mass into top quarks and black holes.
But that wouldn’t have gotten the approval for a 10 billion euro machine. So the role of the Higgs was cynically expanded to give mass to all the quantum particles that do NOT have mass in their quantum interactions, as in the scalar Universe, there are discontinuities between scales. So obviously the ‘cosmological scale’ does not emerge in the lower quantum scale as a relevant force (measured in fact to be 10ˆ40 times weaker than the electromagnetic force at that scale, since the electrons and photons of our quantum world couldn’t care less rightly for what the black hole masses do thousand of light years away) till CERN decided the most pressing research for mankind is to transform our mass via Higgs into top quark and frozen black holes.

Till here all seems clear. You will have probably understood what Mr. Einstein meant by a mass as a gravitational vortex, because after all as he put it ‘the Universe is simple but not malicious’.

But there are also ‘malicious physicists, which are not simple’ and try to convert the Universe to its cause. Let us then see what the Higgs is supossed to do to give mass to particles. Explaining in detail as Mr. hauer has done in its conference of the Higgs, the ‘quantum alternative’ that tries to take the place of Einstein: alas! the celebrity particle.

The behaviour of physicists in a crowded social event at a conference is equivalent to the Higgs mechanism, as proposed by David Miller (University College London).

In the graph, the hypothesis that the Higgs also gives mass to particles was an idea that came out later during the marketing of this particle as the meaning of it all, but Higgs was never able to explain how it did it. So since Mr. Higgs did not know what his particle did, a student invented the esoteric Higgs mechanism, which converts particles in humanlike sentient beings. Those particles, represented in the drawings by blue physicists, cluster around Einstein, who enters the room, slowing the scientist’s progress. In this manner they give the scientist mass. But they treat each particle differently. They like some (the celebrities of the party, which have more mass) while other particles are liked less, so they move faster and have less mass.


Of course, this is called… bull$hit. A 13 billion dollar excuse.

On their discharge, we must also say that quantum physicists don’t fully understand mass, because they have been at odds with Einstein for a century in many aspects of gravitational theory, being their discipline about ‘lineal forces’ (electromagnetism), which they try to force-feed to explain gravitation; while Einstein proved that mass and gravitation is a whole different type of force, A NON-LINEAL vortex of spacetime in which attractive accelerated vortices of time shape the particle state of physical systems – as explained in the two next paragraphs.


So after we explain now the risks of the Higgs, we will need to make an introduction to the natural extension of Einstein’s black hole, mass and ‘weak and strong force theory’ to fully grasp, what really the Higgs is  ABOUT: TO CONVERT OUR LIGHTER MASS QUARKS INTO HEAVIER QUARKS, into ‘black atoms’ and top quarks, the heavier most destructive quarks of the Universe, as the next graph shows:

Today in the news WE got the first hint this is going to happen as they have made the first non-virtual top quark:

They have produced the first non-virtual top quarks associated to the Higgs boson. Of course they have no idea why both come together. This is something I have been explaining though for 20 years and counting because IT IS perfectly explained in 5Dimensional metric. And now alas! another proof of 5D… yes, the Higgs is the field of the black hole top quark ‘atom’.

How many they need to start a ‘gas-9 reaction’? The top quark triplet SHOULD be the seed of the black hole but it is extremely unstable unless created within a dense fireball… as those they will do with the increasing luminosity by 2020:

In the graph, physicists ignore almost everything about the cosmological ‘scale’ of dark matter in which the Higgs field mediates the creation of top quarks, the only ultradense cut-off substance that can make black holes real (Einstein’s hypothesis). Their ignorance is the alibi to keep increasing the production of Higgs that will produce those top quarks likely seed of Einstein’s black holes as frozen stars. Fact is the Higgs just completes the triad of W, Z, H ultraheavy bosons that transform through weak interactions our light matter into heavy cbc and top quark dark matter. So its production IS directly related to that of the top quark – only-candidate for a cut-off substance for black holes. We deal with the needed theoretical upgrades and news on black holes, top quarks & higgs production on the articles on black hole evaporation and the Higgs hoax (the hoax being the propaganda on the Higgs as the god’s particle that gives mass to all other particles, which is false. The Higgs is just along the W and Z particles, one of the intermediate states of transformation of light quarks into heavy quarks; in the case of the Higgs, the heaviest of them, the top. And so ‘real black holes’ made of tops that won’t evaporate should happen. But the black hole scenario is  less probable than the almost certain production of strangelets, dismissed in safety reports with a laconic ‘quark strange matter (QGM) does not exist’. Yet there is growing evidence that QGM is at the core of pulsars which might all be strange quark stars, and the Witten’s hypothesis – that strangelets form the halo of galaxies – is gathering pace, as theory has found a ladder of triplets of increasing stability made with strange quarks, now being produced at LHC: Hyperons (usd) ->Dibaryons (usd-usd)->Alpha quark MACHOs (3 dibaryons) which already can trigger a Strangelet ice-9 reaction…

In the graph, the Higgs boson is NOT giving mass to other particles which have no mass in the standard model and 5D as the quantum scale does not need or perceives the cosmological scale where mass fields happen, but what the Higgs does and was invented for along the W and Z weak  bosons is to trans-form-ing -feed light quarks into heavy tops… as the weak force is NOT a force but a time-in-form-ation process – again this they don’t understand as they don’t understand the arrow of information in the Universe, the weak ‘force’ has no spatial range – happens in the same place and lasts much longer in time).

So basically the Higgs boson and the top quark black hole go together. And recently, june 2018, they have produced the first real top quark.  So now they are completely excited about making more Higgs and tops and will use the first real top-higgs as the marketing tool to sell we need to know more of both of them… So sooner or latter they will make a top quark black hole with the transformative help of the weak interaction and its intermediate z,w,h bosons.

Indeed, it is safe to say that with the new upgrade in 2020 the LHC will throw enough dices/particles to create under the Totalitarian Principle a strangelet or a frozen top black hole that will certainly extinguish us if any of the laws in which most science is based (Relativity, Thermodynamics, Time arrows, conservation of energy and information) proved right once more – as all of them preclude the formation of strangelets and/or black holes that won’t evaporate.

In this manner The Totalitarian Principle will explain the Fermi paradox or absence of intelligent life in a universe teaming with planets, meaning  ALL planets reach the technology of LHC before they reach interplanetary travels and ALL of them attempt the experiment that ALWAYS blows the planet into a Nova creating a pulsar (a strangelet star) or a Supernova, a black hole.

Ok, that might seem too cynical but remember what Nobel said to his girlfriend when she proposed to ‘compensate’ all its other Nobel Prizes with one of peace: ‘What for? My factories of weapons will end all peace congresses when they invent a weapon that can wipe out an entire army with a single shot’… This of course is NOT the original intention of CERNies as obviously the people researching AI military robots don’t want to end in a terminator scenario… But the fact is humans are made of light matter, and among light matter of the lightest atoms, H,C,N,O. So at least they should be a bit more humble about their power to resist and survive both the heavier, energetic iron atoms of weapons, which they have never survived (have you seen a flesh warrior cutting the iron sword that killed him ever?).

So if we can’t even ‘stop’ a 23 iron ud atom, what can you expect this planet to do, when those experiments with weak interactions and heavy quarks trigger a global transformation? Of course as it happens in the growing debate on killer robots, the ‘experts’, that is, the people who live off making killer robots, AI and Higgs bosons are the ‘only’ ones to defend their livehood whatever it takes. But the amazing thing about CERN and the industry of heavy quarks production is that it is by far still the biggest existential risk to this planet, it is just a machine paid by supposedly humanist European tax payers, it makes no sense, no new physics of relevance, costs a fortune, and yet nobody cares. You have all those enviromentalist crowds who go around protesting silly-nilly global warming heat, chemical trails, genetically engineered seeds, you name it, but have all put a blind eye on the only true existential risks before AI Military robots or iron nano-bacteria are evolved to reach that limit of global genocide CERN seats comfortable in.

And all that has been achieved just with a few obvious lies backed up by the entire community of physicists, who have always looked at the other side, when the worldly profession of making weapons, which is what they do, and why they love all those big-bang, entropy-only, crash-particle theories and experimental praxis.

Fact is humans should not be exploring those crash and transformation processes beyond a range of energy that can only destroy the planet producing particles that don’t belong to this light universe. The cynicism of CERN’s propaganda steams from the lack of a proper explanation of the limited Higgs role.

His expansion of that role to give mass to light particles which are so small that do NOT interact with the galactic, cosmological plane in which the field of mass acts IS a lie. This physicists know. In the standard model particles do not have mass because the 10ˆ40 ‘distance of size’ and ‘strength’ between the particle scale and the mass scale makes the gravitational field irrelevant for its interactions. To explain theoretically why is OK not to have mass on the quantum scale, they need a 5D model of a fractal Universe, which beautifully shows it is OK what we observe: when we emerge into a larger scale of reality from the quantum realm to the thermodynamic realm and then to the cosmological, gravitational realm, the effects of our lower scale dissipate. And so gravitation does not matter to electrons, nor they have mass – only when they interact with that larger cosmological realm a magnetic field can deviate them. But they do NOT interact with the Higgs boson – they do NOT become through weak interaction a Higgs and then a top quark. That only happens inside LHC and likely in Nova reactions. So they should  explain what the Higgs is NOT.

But we live in the age of alt-truths, experts defending their turf and lies and selfish agendas regardless of consequences. And the sheeple always accepting their dictum to feel at peace, and the corrupted politicos busy-busy with their own deals, just putting off fires when they have started – only that this one cannot be put off if it starts. So, in public (not in private of course, where the Higgs is still the ‘toilet particle’, it is now dogma to state that the the Higgs gives mass to the Universe, when the only thing it does is to transform our world into heavy dark matter, close and closer to the catalytic production of frozen black holes as the runaway increase of energy in the machine, with each update, makes its production of Higgs and tops in proton-proton collisions larger.

While in its heavy ion collisions they are closing in to bring into existence the first Alpha quark MACHO Strangelets.

But nothing of what is really being produced at CERN comes into mainstream media. We have to dig into specialized press to get from time to time ‘news’ of dibaryons, of neutral strangelet detectors OUTSIDE the premises because they are long lived and escaped (Mathusla).

Instead when CERN talks is about a new record of energy, about a new expensive upgrade of the machine, some well known quark ensemble ‘assessed’ as an amazing new discovery, and the fact they are NOT finding any of their mathematical fictions, the efficient, economic Universe refuses to invent – in a surrealist task, akin to search among people for Quixote, Hamlet and Le Petit prince, because their linguistic fictions are so beautiful… So of course the LHC is  rendering zero results – no supersymmetry particles, no axons, no photinos, no mathematical creationism or any other unscientific fantaphysics.

And yet, nuclear physicists idle since the end of the cold war are lobbying with Chinese nationalist politicians to get a bigger one, for what? Just so the communist party can say, we have the biggest, baddass quark cannon on the solar system; and amazingly enough they seem to get ahead with it, because of the Law of Silence in the press and the so-called ‘enviromental activism’ that practice the common method humans seem to use to avert catastrophes and impeding death – silence and denial that it is happening till it happens and then they die. End of history. Not even an epitaphy left.

What about preventing death, taking the hard-swallowed pill of truth about accelerators of this size – that we should not make them just because we can according to Mr. Fromm’s ethics of a technological civilization: ‘if a machine can be done, it must be done, even if it kills us all’.

Conclusion: Higgsteria: The W, Z, Higgs bosons and the weak force.

So the Higgs – the excuse for CERN’s dangerous experiments – is a a hoax, not because the Higgs does NOT exist, but because it does NOT give mass to particles.  It only helps in the transformation of particles of our smaller world into particles of the larger cosmological scales of heavy quarks, strange stars and black holes.

This requires a note on the clear difference between the 3 ‘spatial forces’ that communicate energy and information between particles (strong, electromagnetic and gravitational forces) and the weak interaction, NOT a spatial force, but a process of trans-form-ation of particles into each other, which does NOT have spatial range (as when you change internally your form you don’t move; it all happens within you). So the proper way to model the weak interaction is as an evolutionary process that trans-forms as in chemical reactions, one product into another – a particle into another.

For that reason the ‘weak interaction’ has a coupling constant measured in ‘time frequency or mass’; because it is an evolutionary process; and it does violate the CPT rule because ‘time is NOT symmetric as space’, or as Einstein put it, ‘wires don’t travel to the past’. 

The difference is quite important, since if the Higgs is JUST another particle within the different processes taken place on the transformations of particles into each other, mediated by the weak interaction (as the W and Z bosons are) it is a relatively secondary feature of the Universe and one that poises enormous dangers precisely because it is related to the extinctive processes of ‘light particles of our Universe’.

And that is the case since mass is not an external feature as Einstein taught us but an internal property of a vortex of space-time. It is exactly by the principle of equivalence between mass and acceleration, which are absolutely undistinguishable (this is the essential ‘postulate’ of general relativity) a vortex of space-time in the ‘cosmological scale’.

LET US explore those facts in more detail, classifying properly the forces of nature, with the more advanced concepts of the scalar Universe, since we need also this to understand the Higgs role.

And what about to do new physics or at least sound physics explaining the weak interaction properly, as an informative process, and the Higgs as just another weak boson? Ah, but that would need to recognize an error, to be humble, to work the brain with thought experiments of pen and paper as Einstein did… as I have been doing for decades with the 5D fractal formalism… as so many scientists do in all spheres of knowledge, before they go around asking billions to bomb particles and risk our lives. Ah, but that would require serious neuronal effort, not just the routines of wiring and spending money in bigger machines and bullying politicos with the skills physicists gathered during the cold war, to get always whatever they want with ‘messianic’ hyperboles of their self-important research, the ‘only one that matter to understand the mystical matter of God’.

WHY THE HIGGS is irrelevant to the future of physical sciences.

The point of the Higgs is not only that if it exists, is rather irrelevant, as the videos explain but the fact they just really found a statistical bump on decay particles, which hints at a heavy particle that doesn’t even have the predicted mass of the Higgs – yet of course, we were so eager to justify the LHC that we now must not only ‘believe’ in the evaporation of black holes by decree but in the ‘reformed’ Higgs. From a recent article on the search for long-living strangelets, 18 quark ensembles known as ‘quark alphas’, with a new detector aptly called Mathusla; this late recognition:

“As David Curtin, a professor at the University of Toronto and one of the originators of the MATHUSLA concept, explained, the Higgs just isn’t as massive as quantum physics predicts it to be. So, the current model of the universe required a big, arbitrary-seeming “correction” in Higgs related equations.

Physicists, Curtin explained, suspect that the Higgs’ strangely small mass implies that other, undetected particles are out there…

Jessie Shelton, a theoretical physicist at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign who helped edit a white paper pitching MATHUSLA, said that so far — with the important exception of the Higgs boson detection itself— the LHC has been a disappointment. The Higgs appeared, but ever since then, even after a series of upgrades to the machine, the hunt for new particles has turned up nothing.”

Why? The answer is obvious: because the scientific universe is efficient and economic (Occam’s razor). And so as we can perfectly construct the galaxy and its dark matter with the particles of the Standard Model, the efficient Universe is NOT inventing anything else.  Whiile increasingly ascientific CERNies prefer to believe in ‘mathematical creationism’, similar to the religious creationism of those who thought ‘God created being by naming it – Abrahamic religions). So they sponsor the belief that if we write an equation, regardless of its truth, it must be real and we shall detect the invented particle, even if it is a pure mathematical fiction.

Update, June 2018.

So the news came that they have finally detected not only as usual ‘virtual top quarks’ mediated by the Higgs, but real top-antitop quarks, the first step to produce toplets, (ttt) and dark atoms (cbb) likely components of frozen top quark stars, aka ‘real black holes’, which as Einstein said must have a ‘cut-off’ substance to be real, which can only be the top quark and dark atoms. Here are the news:


The conclusion is obvious: if the Higgs boson really exist, at its real value face is a rather secondary particle, not the particle of god or the giver of mass). Since neither the Higgs or any other quantum theory explain the mass of particles… Let us then end, resuming at the simplest possible level why Mr. Higgs particle is a hoax that does not give mass to other particles and the correct theory of mass is that of Mr. Einstein.

(For those audiovisually inclined we have resumed those themes in a ‘humorous video’ with plenty of information on the difference between Mr. Einstein’s work on mass, and that of Mr. Higgs and Mr. Hawking. )


“I would like to emphasize something. The theories about the rest of physics are very similar to the theory of quantum electrodynamics: they all involve the interaction of spin 1/2 objects (like electrons and quarks) with spin 1 objects (like photons, gluons, or W’s) within a framework of amplitudes by which the probability of an event is the square of the length of an arrow. Why are all the theories of physics so similar in their structure? There are a number of possibilities. The first is the limited imagination of physicists: when we see a new phenomenon we try to fit it into the framework we already have—until we have made enough experiments, we don’t know that it doesn’t work. So when some fool physicist gives a lecture at UCLA in 1983 and says, “This is the way it works, and look how wonderfully similar the theories are,” it’s not because Nature is really similar; it’s because the physicists have only been able to think of the same damn thing, over and over again.”

Richard Feynman. “QED: The Strange Theory of Light and Matter’

The previous quote explains ultimately why Higgs theory is so popular among quantum physicists. It is simply an extension of the only theory they figure out – that of electromagnetism, where forces are transferred by change of particles.

Problem IS that mass is NOT electromagnetism, precisely it is the opposite type of force: a cyclical non-lineal force caused by the attraction of a gravitational vortex. But that was the work of Einstein, always suspicious for his pacifist standing and opposition to the mathematical entelechies of ‘creationist quantum physicists’, which from Bohr to Hawking think all equations are truth and the substance of reality is mathematics – NOT space and time, as Leibniz, Einstein and this writer in his 5D formalism rightly affirm – whereas languages are mirrors that compress the information of the Universe in a still language, hence able to explain better for human minds and even forecast the deterministic cycles of reality in ‘lesser time’ – BUT NEVER creating the reality it mirrors.

So we must to fully understand the High Hoax give to caesar what belongs to caesar, give to Einstein and those who follow in his steps, the proper understanding of mass and the forces related to mass theory – the weak forces to which the Higgs along other ‘W and Z particles’ belong.



In the video for the visually inclined an explanation of what mass is. Then we shall expand on the path of Einstein, his concept of black holes as vortices of mass, made of a quantum type of particle of similar density to show how obvious is the risk of the Higgs in a more theoretical basis, including my work on 5D that fully completes such model (taken parts of the post on ‘the 3 ages of black hole theory’:

A mass is according to Einstein’s Principle of equivalence a vortex of accelerated time, from the cosmological scale, akin to the charge, a vortex of time of the quantum scale or the thermodynamic eddie. Following that scalar structure, the Universe should have an upper scale of v>c rotary motions, the accelerated black hole beyond the event horizon, and a scalar tachyonic field with zero information from our quantum ‘spinning-world’ perspective, the Higgs field. This scale is NOT relevant to our ‘galaxy’, the 3 human scales of quantum, thermoydnamic and gravitational fields we know and should care for. So the Higgs and the top quark, likely component of the black hole hardly appear in our world, ONLY in processes of ‘feeding and transformation’ of our matter into ultradense dark matter, mediated by the weak ‘trans-formation’ through the W, z & Higgs. Lacking the true future advancement of physics, which is the understanding of the laws of the scalar fractal Universe, physicists of big science/projects such as the LHC will keep endangering the planet, which might be converted into a top quark star, aka black hole, with the excuse of learning more about the Higgs – substituting their incapacity to make proper thought experiments (5Ð physics), with the collection of DATA already known, to the risk of provoking a Higgs-top mediated Nova

All what exist is a motion in time. Space forms are a Maya of the senses. So as we penetrate matter we keep finding solid matter to be just a cyclical accelerated time space clock, the meaning of gravitational forces and charges, just two vortices of two different scales of spacetime, all of them unified in the scalar metric equations of 5D physics:  In the graph, accelerated vortices of time in physical systems, in different scales of the fifth dimension: charges, masses and thermodynamic eddies become then the main clocks of time that carry with different speeds according to 5D metric (Space-size x Cyclical time-speed =K), the information of microscopic quantum charge worlds, human-size thermodynamic scales and cosmological gravitational scales. The beauty of that scalar Universe is obvious: smaller parts as the next graph shows, run faster cycles, and hence carry the information of larger systems: in physical systems quantum spins carry the information, which now is applied to mechanical systems, of ever smaller quantum computers. In biology genes carry the information of larger slower systems,. And in the galaxy fast spinning smaller black holes carry the information of its larger forms. All is entangled. All is about INFORMATION the dominant arrow of life, not lineal entropic big-bang death

In the graphs we can see that a mass is as Einstein well explained an accelerated vortex of gravitation. So no ‘higgs’ is needed to bump and give mass. What the Higgs does on the verge of C-speed, when a particle of our world cannot longer speed up, and transforms the energy of the accelerator into mass, becoming a heavier quark, is to help as the W and Z bosons do, the process of transformation of our particles into ultra-heavy=ultra-fast rotating v>C top quarks, the likely substance of black holes and ‘door’ to the intergalactic Space.

What is going on then with the Higgs theory is very simple: because quantum physicists use lineal theories of forces, coming from its study of electromagnetism, they have always been at pains with non-lineal gravitational forces, which do NOT respond to their lineal equations and on top happen only in the cosmological scale (the standard model does not give mass to particles, which are vortices of charge).

So they have ALWAYS tried to model all ‘forces’ as lineal ‘gauge’ theories of exchange of particles, which they are NOT all. This is their concept of unifying forces. Force feed the diversity of the universe into a single ‘view’ – that of their quantum electromagnetic radiation.

This is obviously wrong because the Universe is made of different scales, and in each scale we have always 3 type of forces, which we might term:

  • Spatial, lineal forces to expand motion and provoke translations in space (¥).
  • Temporal, cyclical, clock-like forces to implode motion into information (mass).
  • And scalar weak forces to evolve matter into heavier forms, (weak force). 

BECAUSE THE UNIVERSE SHOWS to be made of TIME, SPACE and fractal SCALES, So simple so beautiful.

So we must then give you a glimpse to the scalar, fractal time space Universe at theoretical level to fully grasp the role of the Higgs as part OF THE PROCESSES OF ENTROPIC DEATH OF MATTER AND EVOLUTION OF LIGHT MATTER INTO HEAVY QUARKS MEDIATED BY THE TRANSFORMATIVE, SCALAR WEAK FORCE.

But to start with we must consider what is the basic ‘epistemological error’ from where all those ‘entropic theories of lineal big-bangs and black hole evaporation’ depart – from the misunderstanding of time as a single lineal mathematical ‘cartesian graph’ arrow; when all time clocks are cyclical:

Let us then start by describing the biggest blunder mankind has committed in the realm of knowledge: to simplify the nature of cycles of time-space into lineal durations, to measure best the locomotions of cannonballs.

time cycles

Physicists uncoiled time-frequency, into lineal time, T=1/ƒ BY WRITING THE INVERSE equation…


-The information ‘stored’ in the ‘form’ and ‘frequency’ of those cycles.

-The understanding of ‘broken vital spacetimes, as each full closed cycle  reads reality into an inner and outer region, inside and outside the ‘simple knot’, or geometric definition of a cycle (Jordan’s first knot theorem). So by the mere fact of being in a universe made of infinite repetitive ‘conserved time clocks’, we obtain a broken space-time.

How does a Universe of infinite time clocks of different size and speed relates to the present Universe in which all time clocks are equalized to the mechanical, clocks of metal-information, which were invented in the Middle Ages in Italy, and became the ONLY CLOCK-TIME OF THE UNIVERSE, once elongated into a lineal ‘second-minute-hour-day-year’ system of equalized time clocks (of light waves, mechanical clocks, earth’s astronomical clocks).

Further on because time IS motion, the final substance of reality IS motions in time, and this makes REPRODUCTION, the essence of a fractal a dynamic natural CONSEQUENCE of this first ‘motion-substance’: by the mere fact of repeating a time clock-like cycle INFORMATION REPRODUCES. So there is no mystery to the process of reproduction, as reproduction occurs by MOTION. And so all those elements -repetitive patterns we call laws of science, the existence of broken vital spaces enclosed by angular momentums and moving membranes performing cyclical clocks that store and reproduce information, and the fractal structure of all of it, WHICH ARE THE ESSENTIAL WHYs of reality, became hidden by the simple concept of an absolute lineal ‘humind’ second unit of space-time.

Humanity is still in that primitive concept of a single time.

Since Einstein  just added to that XVI c. equation, V=s/T,  a ct corrector factor, but in essence he left the concept of single lineal time unchanged, despite recognizing it was a convention that must change.

What physicists mostly do then is the study of ‘open locomotions’, translations in space, through ‘lineal inertia, or scattered, entropic paths’, of objects that move; AND WHAT they care about TO QUANTIFY in terms of ‘RODS OF MEASURE’ that speed of translation in open space, is of course part of time=motion=change studies but far less important than the qualities of ‘closed time paths of frequency and form, of information’ we shall study here.

In the graph, left side,  ‘ðime’ clocks that measure the rhythms of reproduction=repetition and change=evolution of the Universe are always cyclical ‘r=evolutions’.

So while humans obviously are aware of the existence of cyclical patterns of nature, because they have abandoned the proper concept of cyclical ðime changes, and its second dimension of form, of information, they cannot fully grasp the fundamental principles of the Universe: its cycles of ðime§pace, its scales of ðime speeds as §pace size (ab. ∆±i), and the ‘mind-mirrors and languages’ of information that allow systems to measure them, and interact with other beings in ðime§pace.

The concept of cyclical ðimes is not new. On the contrary, as it is evident in the left picture that all ðime clocks are cyclical, repetitive; the true mystery is how humans are so ‘dumb’, as to deny it in the modern age. Since all Asian cultures, and all western cultures till Galileo, did believe in cyclical ðimes. The word in fact still lingers in the names of our newspapers: ‘The New York Times’, ‘The Times of London’.

Moreover science would not exist if ðimes were not cyclical as ‘scientific laws’ are merely the repetition in ðime of patterns of behavior and causality.

Each clock creates a discontinuous space-time, whose cyclical perimeter of in-form-ation encloses a piece of energetic space breaking reality into ∞ formal patterns; different time cycles with specific forms and frequencies. Thus the use of a single human clock that equalizes all of them misses 2 features of each of those time cycles:
– Its specific forms of in-form-ation in space, which gives birth to the main topological laws and Isomorphisms of the 5th Dimension (I).
– Its different speeds or frequencies. Since cyclical time is measured not by duration but by frequency, its inverse function: ƒ(t)=1/T.

All these truths unfortunately are hidden in the ðime equations of modern physics, so good for calculus so bad for interpretation, which need to be translated into cyclical ðime, measured by frequency (T=1/ƒ) and streamlined with a new jargon appropriate for a dual Universe, as opposed to the simplex jargon of classic absolute ðime§pace physics, that lingers in all sciences and drags its understanding.

In the left physical cycles, planetary orbits, which we humans use to measure ðime in all our ‘clocks’, which are also cyclical. People are hardly aware of this fact, since they tend not to use the ‘parameter’ of cyclical ðime, which is ‘frequency’, but its inverse, lineal duration: ƒ=1/t.

The formulae are simplified in this manner. Since ‘frequency ðime’ is discontinuous and so difficult to ‘integrate’. So physicists prefer to uncoil, frequencies into Lineal Time.

For example the ‘revolutions per minute of a car wheel’, multiplied by its perimeter give us the ‘distance’: λ x v = S. And besides in this manner we achieve more information, as we get the duration and form of in-form-ation of each cycle (λ) and its frequency, v.

So instead of using V=s/t, V=wave length x Frequency gives the information on the frequency and shape of the cyclic steps of the motion.

But if you just want to know the total length of along ðime period, you use Lineal Time durations and so you don’t need to sum all those cycles to get the lineal speed: V=s/t.

In the left graph, we can see that all physical systems, and all its ðime cycles return to its origin, creating a circle, but physicists uncoiled them and put all those revolutions one after another creating the concept of Lineal ðime – an artifact of measure, and further on equalized all the different clocks of the Universe, all the different cyclical actions of its species with a single mechanical ‘ðime clock’ elongated into an infinite duration.

And we shall return to it, when using cyclical time to define and upgrade physical equations, with new insights on its whys, thanks to the ‘inverse arrow of time’ cyclical frequency, ð(ƒ)=1/T-duration.

Since the enormous deformation of reality caused by the ‘belief’ that there is a single time-space continuum, a single ‘human clock’ measuring it all with a second and a single space-rod, also the human visual light spacetime measuring it all with a c-speed is obviously wrong and keeps producing conceptual errors, camouflaged by the fact the equations ‘work’ in both systems, either as ƒrequency of cycles or a lineal speed sum of the trajectories of those cycles. What we miss of course is all the inner information of the cycles.

Frequency time, broken time cycles, infinite of them, are novel concepts hidden for so long by the lineal deformation of the cartesian graph, canonized by Newton that not even the quantum revolution of ‘broken space’ and the Revolution of relativity that saw multiple time regions in the Universe, and many insights that came after on the cyclical nature of time clocks, and the SYMMETRY BETWEEN THE MOTION TO THE FUTURE (OR LIFE, informative arrow) and the motion to the past (or entropy arrow), has been ‘enough’ for mankind to understand the cyclical nature of time and all the amazing results derived from it. Since ALL MOTIONS OF TIME TOWARDS THE FUTURE OF HIGHER INFORMATION ARE FOLLOWED BY THE REVERSAL ARROW OF TIME TO THE PAST OF ENTROPIC DEATH – BUT ALL THOSE TIME CYCLES ARE LOCAL, diffeomorphic, so there is no paradox on traveling to the past, simply speaking, we talk of two inverse arrows of time, loosely understood as the arrow of life and the arrow of death, but specific of each species.

I.e. in electromagnetic waves we shall talk of the advanced collapsing wave and the retarded expansive wave; in local particles of the particle towards the future and the antiparticle or death of the particle (Feynman).

In relativity we shall talk of the ‘gravitational arrow of time that warps space’ and the ‘antigravitation’ of those likely antiparticles (still to be experimentally proved). In forces we shall talk of the ‘gauge’ spatial forces, and the ‘trans-formative, evolutionary, time interactions mediated by the weak force’. In life obviously of life and death future and past; and all of them will be soon formalized in the concept of a world cycle which is the most general understanding of all those closed time cycles that break the Universe into an internal and external world separated by a membrane, spin or angular momentum.

Lineal theories of the Universe.

Of course the best physicists are fully aware of this, but there are few of them, so Einstein said ‘I seem to be the only physicist that thinks there are infinite time clocks in the Universe’, and ‘time curves space into cyclical masses’. And when he died, as his concept of black holes as frozen stars the concept of cyclical infinite time clocks in the Universe, one for each of those cyclical masses disappeared because quantum physics and electromagnetism, are lineal equations, balanced by those cyclical masses, so as quantum physicists carried the power OVER relativists, they have ever since force-fed their theories of lineal time big-bangs and entropic black holes, and a dying Universe as dogma. When the proper way to study cosmology is precisely as I used to explain in scientific conferences when I was the chair of Duality, with the two arrows of time, lineal motions and cyclical clocks that carry the information of the Universe in the form and frequency of its cycles – masses and charges.

Einstein’s mass theory 
The easiest proof that Einstein’s mass theory (mass as an accelerated vortex of gravitational forces) is called Ockam’s principle. The simplest theory is more truth. So when the earth was put in its place astronomy simplified Copernicus complex orbits in simplex Kepler. So does the proper way to advance our knowledge of mass… Einstein. The beauty and simplicity of the Universe, according to Einstein’s mass theory will never cease to marvel us.
All becomes reduced to a Universe of 2 cyclical accelerated motions, vortices of mass and charges in the 2 scalar membranes of the gravitational and electromagnetic world, and its 2 inverse lineal accelerated motions, gravitation and electromagnetism, trans-form-ing each other ad eternal:
Lineal Motion/Energy/Space  (G, ¥) < => Cyclical Time Vortices of Information (M, Q)
Both imploding and exploding, E=M, in eternal, infinite rhythms all over of the Universe. Clocks of time, charges and masses storing the information of the Universe in its cyclical forms and rhythms, coiling and uncoiling into lineal electromagnetism or gravitational space, in two symbiotic membranes that construct the symphonies of the Universe.

In Physics, according to Einstein the information of a particle is its mass. This can be easily proved theoretically, mathematically and empirically.

In the previous pictures of masses as vortices obtained in bubble chambers (beg. article) tthere is an obvious empirical proof. All pictures of masses and charges appear as vortices with an accelerated inward motion. Let us now deal with the other proofs (and let us remember that truth in epistemology of science is based in 3 pillars – empirical, logical and mathematical proofs.

Einstein’s Mathematical proof

The mathematical proof is simple, given by the 2 main equations of Einstein, which relate the frequency of information (a time parameter), the mass and the energy of physical systems:

ExT=K, E=Mc2, hence M=K/T=Kv; where v is the frequency of rotation of the vortex of mass.

Thus a mass is a vortex of space-time that carries the information of the Universe in its frequency.

This also has empirical proofs: All vortices attract inwards with a force equivalent to the strength of the rotating vortex. So a hurricane attract more when it turns faster. And so a mass, which is a hurricane of space-time attracts more the faster it turns. Moreover vortices of all kind are ‘accelerating’ inwards: Vo x Ro = K, which means that the shorter the radius is, Ro, the faster its speed, Vo, so the closer you come to the vortex, the faster it turns, the more it attracts, the stronger its gravitational force is, and the more mass it has.

Einstein’s Conceptual proof.

Now this simple equation is in accordance with Einstein’s Principle of equivalence between acceleration and gravitational force. Both are the same in General Relativity. And so why we should stop this ‘comparison’ at a certain point of the accelerating vortex? Since in the Universe we have never seen ‘substance’ but only motions, it is logic to think that what we call a mass is exactly that: the final region of acceleration into a vortex of gravitational forces. Such vortex obviously offers a resistance to motion (inertial mass), which is dependent of the speed/acceleration of such motion.

But what type of accelerated motion?  Well it turns out that there are only two accelerated motions, lineal and cyclical accelerations. Further on, accelerated motions can produce forces that ‘work’. And Newton gave us a simple equation to describe ‘all’ the forces of the Universe: F = M (cyclical acceleration) x A (lineal acceleration). This is fascinating because it means that the Universe is made of 2 accelerated motions: F = M x A, where A is lineal acceleration or ‘energy’ and Mass is a vortex with more dimensional form, or cyclical acceleration, whose form and frequency carry the in-form-ation of the Universe.

Of course when we enter into deeper analysis of the mathematical details, a mass vortex is more complex. Einstein described it with a set of equations that go beyond the scope of this introduction. But there is a different version of those equations much simpler – the gravito-magnetic version found by Heaviside, recently proved experimentally by a Probe, which are mimetic from the equations of electromagnetism.

And so since charges are obvious accelerated vortices of electromagnetic forces, it is self-evident that if masses produce a self-similar field system, they will be accelerated vortices of gravitational forces.

As Einstein put it ‘the Universe is simple and not malicious’. And so there you have, the 3 simplest, more important equations of Physics, F=m a, E=Mc2, E=hv and then the more complex, equally essential Maxwell and Einstein’s equations come all together to accept mass as an ‘internal’ property that define mass and hence need no further fields and esoteric particles to be explained.

And indeed, the fact that Einstein’s equations can be written as electromagnetic equations is also the key to the unification equation of the G and Q Universal constants of charges and masses as two vortices of two self-similar forces of two different fractal scales of the Universe – one of the most striking advances of marrying the extended Principle of Equivalence and the recently proved fractal nature of the Universe – the true paths of modern research in mass theory, which the thunder of CERN cannot silence…

Because of course, and this is the beauty of science – you cannot corrupt a scientific truth, you need to prove it with the tenants of truth of epistemology and the scientific method…

And so it is left to proof the ‘Einstein Mechanism’ just the empirical proof… Look around you, every single vortex in the Universe attracts and every particle is a vortex; look around you, because it is an intrinsic property of every particle we do not need to find any new field, any new boson, anything… just what you see is what it is.


Theoretical. In essence Mr. Hawking as Mr. Higgs never understood Einstein, despite of making a living on denying him. Mr. Hawking believes that there is only a single time in the Universe and black holes can work as time machines. Wrong. There are infinite time cycles and you cannot go back in time, as those cycles are independent of each other and so you can only at best move backwards a time cycle. Second he thinks black holes evaporate information. Wrong. Black holes precisely create mass by bending electromagnetic space into mass as we have explained. They create, don’t erase information. 

Mathematical. What did Hawking gets wrong in his equations? The two principles of Entropy he denies, when he affirms information evaporates. But also when he thinks that an ultra-hot ‘born’ black hole, in an ultra-cold Earth’s environment is going to break the first law of thermodynamics and become a perfect machine, as it becomes even hotter evaporating. Instead the hot item cools down and evaporates the external world – our world. This any high school student knows it. Or else your coffee will evaporate and the cup freeze. Now if you interpret his equation without this conceptual error, the result is obvious: the black hole will be born exceedingly hot and so the smaller it is the faster it will evaporate the surrounding environment.

Indeed, in simplified terminology Hawking says: Mass = Konstant/Temperature.

And when we reject his entropic error enclosed in the way he dynamizes that equation all is clear: The black hole is born at maximal temperature, with minimal mass, but as temperature diminishes, its inverse parameter, mass grows, POINT. This self-evident truth is what I could not deny for theoretical and ethical reasons and got me into this nightmare (1). Why then physicists defend this absurdity? It has to do a lot with non-theoretical reasons (celebrity, mass-media, industrial profits, CERN’s policy, etc.) but also with the way ‘complicated’ arguments have always impressed people, who without fully understanding them accept it. The jargons and complicated mathematical arguments used by Hawking and other quantum theorists do that work. It is like the banker’s speech on toxic assets. That is the name we have now ‘after’ they convinced us of their enormous value. The ‘black hole factory’ is the proper name of the LHC but that won’t be accepted ‘after’ as a matter of fact, it evaporate us.

Experimental. We never saw one evaporating. All feed on mass – the faster the smaller the born black hole is. And this is proved by Novas, which grow so fast after the birth of a micro-black hole seed in his interior. And it is proved by recent observations of small black holes which are far more active than big ones. So one it is born it will grow at c-speed swallowing the Earth within seconds.

– So why light has no mass? A tautology: Light does not close a cycle, but it is a wave that deflects the cycle into an open wave. Hence it never has mass. But if we were to calculate its mass in terms of energy the higher the frequency of the web (analogous to the mass frequency) the more mass-energy it has.

– Then there is the scalar, fractal structure derived of the homology of the equations of charges and masses which however exist in two different scales. This is a key discovery for the fractal structure of the Universe and proves one of my fundamental mathematical findings: the unification equation of the G and Q Universal constants of charges and masses as two vortices of two fractal discontinuous scales of space-time, the quantum, smaller world and cosmic upper scale.

And we will return to that at the end of this article, when considering in depth the consequences of upholding and evolving Einstein’s theory of mass, instead of seeking and absurd scalar particle that explains so little…

– Finally, why the Universe accelerates between galaxies? It is accelerating and will end into pure entropy? No. Self-evident. Physicists ignore the meaning of information and mass and they have a continuous theory of space. None of that works anymore. As each time cycle ‘breaks’ space into an inner and outer region. So do the time cycles of the Universe of which the biggest clock is a galaxy that ‘warps space into time-mass’. So the acceleration of space between galaxies is balanced by its warping within them. And both balance each other: gravitation informs light-space into mass vortices, galaxies. And then light-space the substance of which our space is made, once it abandons the galaxy, stretches his frequency (doppler effect as ‘real’) till its ‘generational time cycle’ of around 10 up to 10 years dissolves it back into non-perceivable, lineal, gravitation with no form. But this and so many other fascinating results of a proper theory of time cycles require more knowledge of physics that I expect a non-physicists to have, so we shall end here the simpler version of Einstein’s mass theory.

So why the Higgs?
The errors of a continuous model of the Universe, which obliges to consider only a single Unifying theory, which therefore must depart either from Quantum or Relativity. This is false in the future standard model which will be a fractal model of discontinuous space-time. In that model both are incompatible, because they are two different scales in size and range so accordingly Relativity breaks in the quantum sclae and the quantum scale hardly affects the cosmological one. But that is the future of science, XXI century physics, which is NOT CERN, just the swan song of XX century physics, but a new paradigm…
So alas! since both cannot be put together quantum physicists are in the illusory quest of reducing relativity and gravitation to their turf and explaining them with quantum particles. Hence the need for the Higgs.

We don’t need the Higgs. The Higgs is just a mathematically poorly constructed theory that Nuclear Physicists have sold out to an audience – the establishment of the military-industrial complex… What people should understand is this: even if the Higgs was found it is only a particle related to certain reactions of the ‘temporal, informative force ‘par excellence’ of the Universe – the weak force that trans-forms particles; but it is NOT the particle that gives mass to all other vortices of space-time (aka particles), neither explains as we have done the obvious relationship between mass and size of the particle (Max. Mass = Min. size by virtue of the inward accelerated motion of any vortex) which is the rule that differentiates the different weights of each particle.

So why we need Hawking’s evaporation? 

Hawking’s evaporation is the same kind of error: a quantum theorist trying to invade relativity with quantum, false effects.
Black holes however are not quantum species but cosmological ones from other membrane and force of informative nature, gravity. This, Hawking never understood because it is the future of physics and his work is old. But he didn’t have at least like Higgs the common sense of retiring, as Higgs put it, ‘because I couldnt cope with the advances of mathematics to do further research’.
Hawking in that sense has not learned the implications of fractals and Information Theory so he still works with entropy-only, disordered theories.
This is right only for quantum, electromagnetic forces, which are energetic, disordered entropic but gravitational forces are informative, attractive, they form, in-form particles. Mass creates information, black holes create mass, information does not evaporate, only if we bend the laws of mass, information and gravitation to create a fantasy called quantum gravity.
Yet because the duality of energy/information is so ill understood by physicists (that is the realm of complexity theorists, my discipline), errors like those of Hawking keep creeping in Physics and Nature defies them, not finding a single evaporating black hole in the entire Universe.

In that regard, what we face at CERN is not only an existential problem but an intellectual problem: quantum physicists work with a single arrow of entropy=energy, ignoring all about the sciences of information and the meaning of masses as information, forms, dimensional form; and are halting the development of true science, using the methods of religions and the military to impose their false ideologies of the Universe – censorship, bullying, money and political power. But they cannot censor, paraphrasing Einstein, ‘the thoughts of God’, the laws of the Universe, and the consequences of creating the most powerful, attractive vortices of mass of the Universe on planet Earth.

We really need it to survive. Since, now with the new propaganda machine greased and funds coming, we might have them coming in 2015 at 14 tev. The problem is the Universe doesn’t need it. And the Universe takes primacy over man, and this neither prophets and scientists of lately it seems, seem to understand.

Nobody really believed in Hawking when he published. Then as he became famous and an industry of popular physics, it became tolerated. Only when CERN needed it to prove itself ‘safe’, it became dogma not to discuss his work and simplistic negation of basic laws of physics.

But all this is not only to be blamed on physicists. They are defending their way of life at CERN. It is the people who blindly believe them as experts. Like the bankers who ab=used mankind in this crisis printing money for free because people do not understand how money is printed, physicists are abusing us because people don’t understand their maths. That is why I have made them so simple to you. In the future updates of this post, we shall develop the entire model in the themes concerned with mass and Einstein’s upgrade with more mathematical rigor. But what matters is to depart from sound conceptual analysis, which is where people and Higgs fail. Then once you have a wrong concept, maths can take you to any conclusion, as in both cases.

The funny part of it…

is that now the wrong concept is a fact – not the existence of a Higgs which might be truth after all, but we need seriously much more data for that, but the idea that the Higgs gives mass to all particles, which merely pumped up its importance to get funding going. And so an entire planet has a new religion – the Higgs.

This is funny of course only for non believers, like ‘the Life of Brian’ is funny, but physicists take this kind of truths very seriously like the Brianists do 🙂 So the Higgists will fight to convey new methods to prove such a blatant lie and that is funny. You see an entire new type of twisted scholastic logic is needed for the task.

And so now the entire information industry, corrupted long ago by the military industrial complex and the celebrity circus and the ignorance of its practictioners etc.etc. will have the task to spread the belief and teach in their text books the ‘good news’ that the celebrity particle and the Higgs Mechanism have completed our understanding of the Universe – now we know it all! (the Einstein’s Mechanism of course does NOT exist officially, but I’m sure he would be amused as a pantheist with this new pan-psychism of those socially conscious electrons and approve 🙂

Good luck. I can imagine the teacher sweating and the students practicing the celebrity ‘move’ dispatching his text books right to his head at c-speed…

Im sorry but i can’t help it, LOL…Right now thousands of ‘research journalists’ who research by the chimpanzee method, wiki, copy and make some happy sounds, gee, gee… They must be now all chatting about the astounding advancement for the human species of having found the celebrity particle that prescient, socially conscious electrons love to chat with too…

In the graph, the Equivalence principle of relativity means a mass is a vortex, m=(h/c2) ƒ, whose frequency gives us its attractive power as in any vortex. So top quarks must turn very fast in its spin cycles, reason why in classic science top quarks do not interact with the strong force, which is slower in its exchange of gluons.

Yet because they turn so fast in frequency as vortices of space-time, they have much more mass: m=h/c² ƒ.

So they cannot interact with the strong force, but they can form an ultra-dense central region in the huge Kerr-Newman black rotating hole of the galactic center with a massive positive charge, producing those huge ‘superluminal’ jets akin to the superstrong magnetic force of pulsars; and they can interact with the gravitational force. And those 2 forces combined that reach the ‘electron-like’ halo of negative strangelets account for the huge force of attraction between the halo and the center of galaxies, which is the biggest mystery of physics today (dark matter missing), because electromagnetic forces are much stronger than gravitational, so the top quark positively charged magnetic-like jets bring together strongly the negative halo and positive center.

Why a sound use of Einstein’s concept of masses as accelerated vortices of spacetime, extended to charges and particles, its components matter also to big-bang theory is obvious: because the expansion of entropic lineal dark energy between galaxies is PERFECTLY balanced by the implosion and collapse of dark energy into mass when arriving to those galaxies. So this give us NOT a single lineal big-bang but a balanced ‘fractal series’ of expanding space and imploding space creating particles within the galactic vortices.

This must be clear from the beginning: in physics, due to its error of lineal time and a single arrow of time for all systems of reality, the balance of gravitational vortices has disappeared  when in fact there are infinite of such cyclical mass vortices, as they are also the basic cycles and forces of charges and particles and quantum physics.

Chirality and gender in forces. Left handed female particles and right handed machos.  Parity in scales

Since Pasteur studied chemistry’s optic activity finding molecules that polarize light in different  we know molecules are ‘chiral’, either left-handed or right-handed, why? Because CHIRALITY is the true meaning of ‘gender’, left-handed systems are female systems and right-handed male systems. So they can superpose onto each other looking at each other, pegging their palms, and reproduce. FOR A physicist this is ONLY ‘a mirror symmetry’ an it has a pathetic pedantic mathematical proof that reveals nothing. For a physicist it is a ‘matrix coordinate that changes sign’…

Not so, chirality has ALL the properties of gender. And it emerges IN EACH SCALE OF THE FIFTH DIMENSION till becoming so complex that voila it becomes sexual gender. First you have the neutrino which is ONLY female, left handed, as the galaxy which is ALSO female left handed. The left handed neutrino thus is the one we see at c-speed (the right handed goes faster than c-speed), and when they mate they reproduce a light ray (Broglie Jordan’s theory of neutrino light; exactly when both spins penetrate each other locking in spin up and down like dick and cunt do🍆🍩😅… alas then you have SLIGHTLY MORE left handed electrons, as you have slightly more females being. born. Moreover, ONLY left-handed particles (female ones) REPRODUCE new particles, through the weak force, which is NOT a force but the process of particles becoming ‘pregnant’, fattened by energy (women only become pregntant with extra energy), so they become a fat massive z particle and then they reproduce a bunch of other particles; but RIGHT-handed particles are sterile, are males, they do NOT reproduce other particles through the weak force… And then you get a left handed electron coupling with the proton but the result is a sterile right handed atom, there are NOT left handed atoms so they do NOT reproduce other atoms… and then you get the left handed amino acid which the top predator nucleotides neutered, killing all the right handed so they cannot REPRODUCE and are at the mercy of the RNA left and right that control them and reproduce/mate as mirror images to form the DNA, and voila now we are into left handed women (left brain dominant), slightly outnumbering at birth as left handed amino acids on primordial soups…

But why the left handed is woman? Because its head SPIN is orientated inward to his body-wave momentum, so they can in a’hyperbolic topology’, similar to the woman’s body with is ‘glass-hour figure’, combine its energy and information to reproduce, as women are connected in brain to the hypothalamus, but right handed are lineal, BOTH SPIN and momentum, body and wave move ahead; they have slightly more ENERGY than women, which are preferred by the universe that seeks the less energy state… So the right handed sterile machos go faster (so the right handed neutrinos go faster than light, reason why we do not see them)… And all this then connects wit the duality of particle, antiparticle left and right handed, life and death, antiparticles kill and die fast… and so on and so on…

The first gender level in the Universe is called parity. Asexual spheres do not have parity. Parity requires a mirror symmetry, and so we shall call left handed species women, and right handed species male:

The graphs, as all others taken from a SciAm’s article of chirality shows the achiral, non-sexual sphere, the chiral male-female screws and hands. Notice that right handed male systems show the ‘same directionality’ between the ‘head’ of the screw and the direction of ‘penetration’ of its body; while left handed female systems show inverse ‘complementary’ directions between the head and the body in its penetration the medium. They are ‘balanced’ female systems with inverse directions between body and head. While male systems are ‘lineal’, on the same path, with no paradoxical contradiction. Left handed females are more abundant in nature because they are the ‘state’ of minimal energy and maximal immobility as both tendencies, S and T contradict. The male is ‘physically’ bigger, faster as both directionalities are in the same path.

We observe chirality in all scales as it emerges from one to the other. Parity then would be the equal quantity of both. But as it turns out, the Universe prefers the ‘lesser energy consuming, balanced’ female species, in all its scales. So the electron tends to be left handed favored in the weak Z force – the time force of transformation in the height axis of information (the female axis), which the male (lineal, moving, in the length dimension) doesn’t even notice.

In the next scale of atoms, amino acids of L-enantiomere nature dominate and when reproduced from primordial atoms they are slightly more numerous, as they consume less energy. While energetic sugar molecules (male species), tend to be more D-dominant. So happens among humans which slightly favor the birth of female species. Moreover most proteins and enzymes responsible for the reproduction of life are L (in fact as any student knows all our amino acids are L, the why though is a selective ‘choice’ of likely Nucleotides, to prevent amino acids and proteins to reproduce without their intervention – we must say that in the different ‘ages’ of life, nucleotide dominant top predator molecules ‘castrated’ proteins.

In the second graph we see this choice as we ‘grow in scales’, meaning than in the hierarchical Universe, the upper dominant wholes ‘control’ the choice of reproductivity of the lower planes. So while the Universe is chiral, it tends to choose the inverted S><T complementary female of less energy, even if the difference of quantities is smaller.

Sexuality then arises of the mirror symmetry that allows to ‘peg’ in opposite directions, hence ‘attractive’ directions two inverse left and right handed. You can indeed bring them together to penetrate each other, or coil one around the other, which is the ultimate meaning of gender, the pegging together in an attractive mirror fashion of two beings, one dominant in energy, the male species and the other in form, the female one.

This dominance of left-handed is ultimately within the superorganism of the galatom connected to the fractal nature of the galaxy, which is you guess it left handed, as the electron and the weak force in its preferences, which simply goes up in scales.

So that is what we are about to find with the different ‘bosons’ of the weak force, the w, z and H-iggs, the heaviest of them all as it leaves our dear left-handed particles pregnant to give birth to the most dense, powerful species of the Universe, the top quark, seed of the ‘black star’ also called in creationist mathematics, the black hole (regarding the true nature of black holes as black stars, the way Einstein predicted them, we deal with it on the post on why black holes do not evaporate, from the higher more advanced perspective of 5D metric equations and the proper understanding of entropy and Relativity WITHOUT correcting Einstein as Mr. Hawking did).

To notice finally that in the same way physicists poorly endowed for conceptual thought, ‘decided’ that because in Dirac’s equations there are ± particles and -+ antiparticles (that is both with positive and negative charge), they also expanded it to all other Neutral particles, without realizing the antiparticle is a feature of the electromagnetic force. So following his custom of making it all look like electromagnetism, they decided there should be an antiparticle neutrino – never mind it has no charge, and an antiparticle photon, never mind it has no charge. And of course, as they never found any difference between them they found this ‘new exceptionalist rule’ of calling the same particle its own antiparticle. Not so. Hence now they are astonished looking for right handed neutrinos, when they already found it in the right handed antineutrinos. Simply speaking there are NOT antineutrinos, but left handed and right handed neutrinos. This Majorana noticed so they are called now Majorana neutrinos. 

And when both together mate (: voila they create a ray of light (Broglie->Jordan theory of neutrino light). But that is beyond the scope of this post on Higgs as it corresponds properly to the understanding of the scale of the Universe beyond galaxies and the proper understanding of big-bang theory and the 5D fractal Universe, some day I will post here from my web on the isomorphic properties of all the space-time organisms of the Universe. So now e-quiped with some serious knowledge of reality as IT IS, we can assess what the Higgs dangers really are, namely, making top quarks that make black holes.


What started as a joke between Master Magician, Leo Lederman, and a few colleagues on how to sell an accelerator, when the Nuclear Industry was in its lower moments has become now a dogma. In this ‘fantaphysical world’ constructed with evaporating black holes, invisible fields that however are everywhere giving mass to the tiniest electrons with a mammooth particle that only comes out of 5 trillion collisions examined, 1 in a trillionth, mind the reader. You and everything else has mass because the celebrity particle that only appears once in a trillionth is busy-busy giving mass to trillions of particles… Uhm, at 1 event for each trillionth of particle collisions, the time it will need to give mass to all the particles of my ‘trou noir’ is longer than the life of the Universe! I Lol… The eschatological sense of mankind, the search for the absurd, the disgusting, the tragic, death and the absolute all conveyed by that word reaches now new heights in this endeavor. What Weinberg called the ‘Toilet particle’ before it was needed to accelerate fundings and Lederman, the biggest lobbyist of the nuclear industry, in search for hundreds of millions of $ sold the toilet… of God to Reagan (-:

“The God Particle’ (p. 23): “The Higgs-Boson is the primary reason for the building of the super collider

‘Those who impose truth with the tools of power, will be the laugh of the Gods‘ Albert Einstein, true discoverer of the meaning of mass.


CERN lied systematically on its conference on the found Higgs. The particles does NOT seem a Higgs. Only two proofs:
– The sigma 5 was achieved only combining the two more crowded channels, the Z and photon channel, discharging the 3 signatures that were negative sigma. A serious scientist will average all channels, and then we conclude there might be a Goldstone particle but it SHOULD NOT be the Higgs, whose specific channels were not found.
Introducing those other channels for an objective analysis “overall ATLAS data significance is just 2.5 sigma” (page 23/24).
– The Higgs mass must fluctuate brutally because according to theory it does so when it gives mass to every particle of the Universe, LOL. Well that particle is NOT fluctuating wildly.
So it is NOT the Higgs. It is a goldstone boson, which will be the ‘substance’ of the ‘next, scale’ of space-time, that of dark matter of higher density of mass and energy, in which Goldstones decay creating top and bottom and tau quarks of the heaviest quark family (and strongest known-known candidate to form dark matter, strangelets, toplets and top stars, aka black holes).
And if a boson particle exists in that range it discharges:
– Supersymetry (out: zero particles of all of them found)
– Higgs mechanism (out: this particle has nothing to do with the HIggs)
– Technicolor (this was my favorite of the standard model, but unless the bump is background or a virtual resonance of top-related events, it needs no further field.)
– A Sheet of light space-time, our quantum with max. C speed-distance-size level. Where the Photon is the boson, or ‘substance’ of the space-time we live and according to the duality of energy and information of all systems of the Universe appears either in its energetic, extended, distance-speed form (as a light beam) or as an informative coiled form, as a photon.
– A Sheet of space-time at cosmological >c speed-distance-size level, the dark matter scale, with a Goldstone as the boson, ‘substance’ which through the triad, W->Z->H, ‘breaks the symmetry’ of our space-time and transfers its momentum in the fomr of mass to those Heavier quarks in which those
heavy bosons decay.
 Where the electroweak force is simply the informative/temporal/transformative force that transforms our bosonic membrane of photons into the bosonic membrane of W-Z-H (a temporal form, that lasts longer in time and has no spatial range, according to the inverted laws of fractal time-space.)
Simple, elegant, beautiful but dangerous since if that one is truth, now CERN is going to make thousands of them when it upgrades at 14 TEv; till their decaying tops, bottoms and strange quarks condensate into strangelet, bottomlet or toplet condensates.

2. Unfortunately, we live in an age of ego trips, based in human authority not in objective laws of science, as if humans have forgotten that ‘who matters nothing in science’, it is all what, how and why.

Now for those who think I am here in egotrip too just with a ‘mass theory’ to sell (-;,
I am sorry but that is not the case.
Within the context of my work in the 5th dimension and the General Systems of the Universe, the understanding of masses and charges as the simplest clocks of time and information of the Universe is indeed an important result but it is not the most important discovery of those new disciplines – physicists have always as prima donnas of the weapons industry – hence the scientists most liked and invested by power – thought their discoveries and species are ‘the most important’ of the Universe. This is not truth.
What truly matters for further advancement of science is the understanding of the duality of energy and information, of motion and form, and how they create all the scales, entities, events and forms of reality.
And this requires to evolve the ‘real’ foundations of science, which is not physics, but logic, the language of time, and geometry, the language of space.
So for example, it matters far more than the new understanding of the informative, clock-meaning of masses and charges the discovery I did of the 4 Non-Euclidean Postulates of Geometry that complete the discovery of the 5th postulate of Non-Eucidean Geometry, in order to evolve mathematics and harmonize its geometrical laws with those of the fractal, discontinuous space-time we live in (astonishingly enough for 150 years mathematicians had changed the 5th postulate of geometry, without realizing that if points could have infinite parallels, they CANNOT be euclidean points ‘without breath’, and so those 4 other postulates needed to be changed).
Physics is just a mathematical explanation of smallish, and biggish, simple forms far away from human perception. Its laws though require still today the evolution of mathematics and logic, to the ternary logic of a Universe of multiple arrows of time, energy, information, past and future dimensions of time and its infinite present combinations that we perceive…
And so it matters more to understand the duality of ‘time logic’ as both, entropy-energy-motion and information-order-dimensional form co-exist in the creation of the space-time cycles and events of the Universe.
The discoveries obtained from such advances are far more important than those done in physics today by this or any other author. For example, from the duality of logic, as all systems are complementary systems made of ‘physical particles/biological heads that gauge information’ and ‘physical fields/biological bodies’ that process energy, we can easily explain  the ‘reasons’ of the life-death cycle of all systems , which is caused by the ‘switching’ in all systems between the arrows of information that creates life, as ‘young, gaseous energy’ is wrinkled into form (E->I) till the 3rd age of ‘solid information’ when time switches and the arrows of energy that erase information in the moment of death – either in big-bangs that erase the information of masses reconverted into pure energy or in the collapse of the nervous network that releases the cells.
We shall not overextend about my work outside the realm of physics in those posts, though it is needed from time to time to remind the reader that those ad hominem campaigns against opposers to CERN are just part of the strategy big companies implement to avoid criticism. On the contrary, the people who sued CERN did so out of a higher ethical and intellectual standard that those who ‘know’ and say nothing, precisely because we are pioneers of XXI century science and fill obliged to ‘enlighten’ mankind on dangers old and renewed, regardless of the consequences for our careers. It is a Kantian ‘moral imperative’, a burden that obliges.
And certainly it does not matter how long it takes mankind to upgrade their scientific understanding of those terms – mankind will, if it survives CERN upgrade their mind, because science always imposes its truths over power and ‘those who impose truth with power are the laughs of the Gods’ (Einstein). Paraphrasing Lincoln, ‘you can cheat all the people for a short time, some people all the time, but you cannot cheat all the people all the time’. And you cannot cheat scientists for very long. Indeed, as today, Mr. Hawking’s blatant counterscientific musings have not earned him a position in serious lists of the most respected physicists of the XX century (for example this paper on the top 40 ones fails to mention him or Mr. Higgs for that matter).

In that regard, what we face at CERN is not only an existential problem but an intellectual problem: quantum physicists work with a single arrow of entropy=energy, ignoring all about the sciences of information and the meaning of masses as information, forms, dimensional form; and are halting the development of true science, using the methods of religions and the military to impose their false ideologies of the Universe – censorship, bullying, money and political power. But they cannot censor, paraphrasing Einstein, ‘the thoughts of God’, the laws of the Universe, and the consequences of creating the most powerful, attractive vortices of mass of the Universe on planet Earth´, will be on his words ´the laugh of the Gods. For imposing truth with power´.

But children cannot even understand death and they fear and reject bad news. Death being half of the Universe is so common precisely because people DO NOT THINK of it. They die for sheer ignorance and downplaying of the risks involved. And they die ALL the time.  The problem is the Universe doesn’t need or care for man. But children have invented all type of musings, scientific and religious to think we matter.
And part of it are all those pumping prizes, genius rhetorics and self’entitlements of a species which is so low in true ethics and true intelligence that its theories of reality are doodles in the sand, seeing from the slightly advantage point of view, i can offer from the perspective of XXI c science (nt.2).
All what I know is that the laws of the Universe take primacy over man, and this neither prophets and scientists of lately it seems, they understand.This is the absolute unimportance, ridicule nature of the human lot. Humans are subjective, selfish, childish not very intelligent, unethical. So they do not grasp reality easily, which is objective, selfless, mature, intelligent and yes, ethical, just based in action reaction and balanced process.
So humans, confronted with a world far superior to their faulty existence prefer instead to imagine fantastic complicated self serving theories to explain reality. Then it is all a job for rhetoricians – their ego makes them feel they are geniuses because they have – so they think – discovered the meaning of it all. Me, i and myself, Mr. Higgs, Mr. Hawking, Mr. Einstein or Mr. Sancho, you name us… We are all feeling so clever… But reality does not seem to conform to our musings. This we know. Every year new phenomena surprises us. Now, here is where the scientific method, and its objective methods kick in to assess risks and give probabilities of truth to certain theories.
And this is where CERN and the physicists community at large has broken all the basic laws of scientific ethic, accepting 2 blatant lies according to the methods of finding truth of the scientific method – that black holes evaporate and the Higgs gives mass to particles, a faulty experiment, the finding of the Higgs,and put all the wrong symbols of truth, prizes, propaganda, p.r.ess to make us belief all that is truth.
The issue is not therefore the truth of Einstein’s upgraded theory on mass and its vortices of information that sooner or latter will receive due attention or those of Hawking and Mr. Higgs that will be properly valued once the industrial-military complex no longer needs them by the methods of truth of science. The issue now and here is our survival – the fact that scientists are humans and must be bond by ethical, survival reasons and respect the rights to true information and life of those who pay their research. It is the absolute madness and stupidity of risking the life of the species for theory – even if it were sound theory – what makes so bizarre the unchallenged experiments taken place at CERN.
So now after this Nobel prize, we can die for a ridiculous theory of reality, comforted by the ‘belief’ the P.R. system of prizes and self-pumping applause make us righteous.
Since what it is real is the awesome power of the LHC machine to reach overloads of energy that can blow the planet. What is real is the capacity of humans to assembly machines.
What is real is the capacity of physicists to make bombs NOT their capacity to explain reality better than the rest of sciences do.
In fact, as we show in many parts of this blog, physicists are no longer the avant-garde of science, since the apparition of fractal mathematics, theory of information and system sciences that explains reality with both arrows of time energy and information – which physicists obsessed with motion, weapons and lineal speeds have never understood. We, philosophers of science trying to fusion biology and information with physics and energy and its laws, are the avant garde of science along with logicians and mathematicians, as it has always been.
We are dying for nothing.
Yes, i am sorry if we die, it would be NOT for some meaningful heroic rhetoric quest. Death and genocide have never had any heroic reason. They are dumb actions, abominations which can never be justified except by damned lies and statistics. We will die as absolute idiots proving only the absurdity and null importance of mankind in the big symphony of the Universe, indeed ‘just a mush over a lost rock in a corner of the cosmos’ (Schopenhauer), who died in the most pathetic manner without any attempt to self-defence, cheated by a pair of retarded, old cranks. To accept that and deal with it honestly both from a philosophical and scientific point of view is the reasons are write this therapeutical blog.

Conclusion. The Higgs and the membrane of dark matter.

The discovery of the Higgs or any other Goldstone boson opens the door to the membrane of ultra-heavy quarks of dark matter, only serious candidate remaining to explain the nature of the Dark World that controls and feeds on ordinary matter in the galactic scale, once SUSY theories have been discharged.

It couldn’t be otherwise. Since the ‘Universe is simple but not malicious’ (Einstein). And so all particles that exist must have a role in that efficient Universe. According to such Occam’s Principle, heavy quarks must have a key role, which cannot be any other but being the components of that all pervading dark, heavy mass world.

In such a Universe teaming with quark condensates, strange and top quark stars, black holes and dark energy, a key factor are the doors that transform the matter of our light Universe into the dominating, 96% of dark matter. Those doors are heavy bosons called generically Goldstone bosons.

Thus, the Higgs is just one of those bosons that transforms our membrane of light matter into the dark matter membrane of heavy quark particles, top quarks, strange quarks and bottom quarks  in which it decays.

And if produced in enough numbers it might condensate into an explosive, quark liquid, either a strangelet or toplet that starts the chain reaction we fear can annihilate the world (ice-9 reaction that will convert us into a strange star and gas-9 reaction that will make us into a black hole or toplet star…

In that regard, the Higgs is not the essential particle which explains the mass of all other particles of the Universe (this job is well done by Einstein’s General Relativity and its modern extensions) but just one that ‘transforms us’ into heavy quark masses. And this is the essential lie, today masterminded by CERN, in the past by the lobbyists of the Nuclear Industry, (Mr. Lederman) who have exaggerated the role of the Higgs to obtain fundings for this machine. Now, of course, when the funding is obtained, CERN starts to recognize this fact, as it does in its last ATLAS report, in which it says:

 IntroductionThe Standard Model (SM) of particle physics [1–4] has been tested by many experiments over the last four decades and has been shown to successfully describe high energy particle interactions. However, the mecha- nism that breaks electroweak symmetry in the SM has not been verified experimentally. This mechanism [5– 10], which gives mass to massive elementary particles, implies the existence of a scalar particle, the SM Higgs boson.’

Thus for the first time in a decade, when all is sold and sanctified CERN recognizes what we have been explaining for a decade: that the Higgs just kills our matter (breaks its symmetry) converting us in massive elementary particles (hence giving them mass), as a transformative state. But it does NOT give mass to particles, as mass is NOT given by an external agent, but a natural condition of any Einsteinian vortex of space-time that attract other particles as hurricanes do, dragging them as part of the space-time flow they absorb. So in this post we shall explain also Einstein’s mass theory and reveal what truly the Higgs implies for mankind – the opening of the dark world of heavy masses which feed on our universe.

Of course, that research entices nuclear physicists so much, that they disregard the surrealist, obvious danger of mass-producing them in our ‘light’ environment – short of creating a Jurassic Park for dark matter particles, here on Earth, to study the ways these lethal virus-like ‘particles’ can kill us, ‘breaking our symmetry’. This again should not surprise the reader if he is aware that Nuclear Physicists have been living with the Fermi Paradox – their responsibility in the future holocaust of the human species – quite comfortably during the entire cold war. So our collective dismissal for them is ‘business as usual’. Another matter though is the attitude of politicians, judges and the P.R.ess who as usual prefer to look to other side and let genocides happen, as long as they are not they are not their direct responsibility and some ‘expert’ is handy to justify it.


Update, 4th July 2012.

 After the discovery of a Goldstone boson that might be a Higgs, we have opened the door to the dark world, whose strongest candidates today, as SUSY has been discharged, are the known known, extra-heavy quarks, which if produced in great numbers will condensate into strangelets and maybe black holes (likely to be top quark stars).

We are now going to mass-produce Goldstone bosons of high energy/mass that decay into strange, top and bottom quarks, called in liquid, explosive form, strangelets, toplets and bottomlets quark-explosives.

Those substances described in the graph, can become mass-bombs able to feed and transform the entire planet into a quark star. We are thus closer to a negative scenario when the production of Higgs resumes in 2015 at an industrial scale. Then, the chances that the particles in which Goldstone bosons transform our electromagnetic, ‘weak symmetry’ world, Top, Bottom, and Strange quarks are produced in enough quantities to condensate into a dark matter liquid explosive will be according to the Totalitarian Law of physics (all compounds that are not ruled out by the laws of physics ‘will happen’) almost ‘certain’.

Finally, we do not see Higgs bosons but its decaying particles, heavy top and bottom quarks and antiquarks that in huge numbers as they will be produced after 2015, will attract each other and condensate into explosive strangelet, toplet or bottomlet liquids, the known-candidates, responsible for the explosions of Novas, Supernovas and quasars.

In that regard, it must be said that this expensive and dangerous tune up is unneeded to explore the Higgs candidate, as we have found it at low energies/masses. So with the present regime of low risk energies, all its properties could be researched. But that won’t change the policy of CERN, since it would mean to accept the existence of those risks, which the company adamantly rejects against the known-known laws of science. Ultimately CERN, as all ‘modern corporations’, never accepts a wrong-doing, always uses a corporative, P.R. Walt Disney type of ‘newspeak’; and so its routine and the need for jobs and future budgets for new accelerators makes unavoidable the upgrade and on the long term perhaps our dismissal by the paradigmatic mad scientist – the nuclear ‘researcher’…

We would wish and have fought for a different future, but the determinism of humanity to ‘go to the end’, on this issue of finding a quite irrelevant particle ‘whatever it takes’, seems to make Mr. Fromm’s statement the destiny of our civilization:

‘Technological civilization is programmed by the principle that something ought to be done because it is technologically possible. If it is possible to build nuclear weapons, they must be built, even if they might destroy us all. Once this principle is accepted, humanist Values (something has to be done because it is needed by man) are dethroned and technological development becomes the foundation of ethics.’

Yet of course ethics deals with survival, the preservation of life. So technological ethics deal with the survival of machines and weapons whatever they do to mankind. And certainly CERN’s LHC seems determined to survive till it accomplish the Fermi Paradox, whatever its collateral damage to mankind is.

Its money-hungry industries and Nobel-hungry physicists will also validate the Merchant of Death’s proposal to end all wars with the peace… of Nirvana: ‘My factories will put an end to war sooner than your congresses: on the day [my weapons] can annihilate armies in a second…” 

Mr. Nobel’s justification of its factories of weapons was latter picked up by physicists during the Nuclear race, and renamed the M.A.D. strategy (Mutual Assured Destruction). It was then when accelerators were discovered to research the Atomic and Hydrogen bomb. In fact the first Atomic bomb was an accelerator design, but the unpractical construction of one accelerator, too heavy to fly over Japan scrapped those plans and the machine became the fundamental tool of research of new weapons, in a race between Russia and the US, disguised with a new jargon of ‘Nuclear Physics’ and the ‘search for new particles’ as the ‘Saint Grail’ of knowledge.

This secondary role became the best propaganda for them after the end of the cold war when funding dragged for the Super-Collider, once the ‘red scare’ diminished. It was then when the bright idea of pumping up the Higgs – just the 3rd boson that kills our matter as the Z and W boson do, but NOT the particle that creates mass – into transcendental meaning became the alibi for further funding of this prop of the Nuclear Industry.

Since if the stakes were so high (our annihilation and 13 billion $ of tax payer money) the purpose must be even higher – the finding of the meaning of God, Man and the Universe. And it worked.

So M.A.D. has become now a reality with this new icon of our civilization, the ultimate weapon, but of course in the age of Orwellian Newspeaks, where we don’t go to war but send ‘peace missions’, we are also researching the 3rd horizon of Nuclear weapons, Mass-bombs for peaceful research. Newspeaks change adapting themselves to the Zeitgeist of each age. What does not seem to change is the purpose of our ‘technological civilization’…

If so the resolution of the long standing Fermi Paradox – why despite the abundance of planets there are no signs of intelligent radio-signals or robotic civilizations in the Universe, only the rhythmic tam-tams of pulsars (strangelet stars) and black holes (quite possible toplet stars) – will give reason to the cynical Mr. Fermi, who affirmed nuclear physicists blow up all those planets before they reach interstellar travel or A.I. substitute us – making us into yet another tam-tam strangelet or toplet star. It will also confirm, Mr. Smolin’s theory of a Universe that evolves black holes NOT human beings, though quite in a different way.

(Of course if you are a ‘believer’ on G. Bush, a God Bush of the bronze age, you can always think on the anthropic principle so many ‘serious’ physicists sponsor: namely that we are the ‘chosen’ unique intelligent species of the Universe, designed to host us (-; and so we shall not only find God’s particle but she will rapture us into heavens )-: 0-:  To each one its Karma.


update.  November, 2013 Nobel prize

And so the time came for the P.R.ess to announce the Nobel Prize of Physics to Mr, Higgs…
The price is not yet for Mr. Hawking. This is in fact an impossible event, as if black holes are produced at CERN they will not evaporate.  They will evaporate us and kill mankind as they grow in size and feed on our weaker matter. So if micro-black holes exist we will die instantly and Hawking will not have time to get the Nobel. And if they do not exist, there will never be a proof of evaporation and Hawking won’t get the Nobel prize either. He will though endanger mankind as long as he covers up what he knows: that he is endangering the life of 7 billion human beings for personal ambition.
Mr. Higgs also endangered the life of all of us, but he was more discreet – beyond a rif-raff with Hawking in which each one accuse the other of not being good enough to receive the prize (- the bet came nicely and now it is the time for rewards. It did not surprise me at all. We all now that if you murder a person you are a criminal, if you commit genocide you are a national war hero. So now Mr. Higgs is the hero of the Nuclear Industry.
The Saint Nobel of the Dynamite works hand in hand with big science, with technological and industrial Physics and more and more its prizes are given to technocrats and instruments of science that help to find little details of the standard model, not to r=evolutionary physicists and even less to ‘humanist’, peaceful ones who care for physics as a form of knowledge not a form of material gain or technological advancement.
Of course, it is all part of the surrealist nature of our technological civilization, defined by Mr. Fromm: ‘if a machine can be done it will be done, even if it can destroy us all – this is the ethics of a technological civilization’.
I said this because now the LHC’s reason of existence are even thinner. The Higgs is found, so why we must upgrade it to twice its power to enter the range of real dangers for human extinction? For no reason at all, only because we can do so. Because men do not think, they act, they build, they assembly machines and then they think what they are, what they mean. Men made steam machines and it took them 100 years to build up and wrongly a theory of heat and thermodynamics to explain heat.
There is of course the exception, the Einsteins and Leibnizs that think first and act latter. But those are not likely candidates for Saint Nobels of the Dynamite, reason why it took 20 years for Einstein  to get the prize and one year when he was the only candidate the prize was desert not to give it to him, a pacifist who made ‘thought experiments’, and who is the real author of a serious theory of ‘mass’, not Mr. Higgs. And this is the reason why must comment in this upgraded post on the Nobel prize to Mr. Higgs.
Now the Higgs particle probably do exist, even though the proofs are so far scanty, as we explain in the article specific to the Higgs particle. But he DOES NOT GIVE MASS TO PARTICLES.
It is just a boson, on the ‘next fractal scale’ of the family of mass of the Universe (the top quark family of bosons and fermions). And as such it is involved in transformations of lighter quarks into heavier quarks and in top antitop quark reactions, a very limited role in the world of physics, which was pumped up to collective hysteria to obtain huge resources from clueless politicians as the particle of God and the particle that explained mass, when the real use of those accelerators, to research for more powerful nuclear bombs, diminished after the end of the cold war.
This must be clear: the Higgs hoax consists on using a secondary particle, the Higgs boson, to explain an intrinsic property of physical systems, mass, perfectly explained by Einstein’s Principle of Equivalence between mass and acceleration.

Mass is the attractive, in/forming force of the Universe; and it is merely the last, accelerated, curved motion of the gravitational force. This was explained by Einstein with his principle of equivalence between acceleration and mass/gravitation. Initially, due to the ‘mirage’ of materialism, physicists thought the principle only applied to the external, curving vortex of gravitational forces that sunk into the mass. But the mass as a solid substance was never found and all pictures have seen merely vortices of curved motions.

Now we can explain all this and take further, conceptually and mathematically the discoveries of Einstein, thanks to the advances of complexity.

In the graph and video we explain and update Mr. Einstein’s sound theory of mass according to his Principle of Equivalence between mass and acceleration:
A mass is an accelerated vortex of gravitational forces that attracts as a hurricane does, all what is flowing in the gravitational membrane. Hence intrinsic to that vortex-mass of gravitation.
As such a mass is the smallest clock of time, which cycles and carries the information of the Universe in the frequency of its twist.
For the same reason, a charge is an accelerated vortex of electromagnetic forces, which attracts all what flows in the electromagnetic membrane.
And so this writer put forward in the 90s in the milieu of systems sciences a simple model of masses and charges, unified by simple fractal equations, as two membranes of a scalar fractal Universe in which ‘particles of temporal information’, masses and charges, and forces of lineal energy, gravitational and light forces constantly interacted as the two ‘informative/temporal’ and energetic/spatial motions/forms of the Universe:
E(spatial, lineal energetic forces) < => I (particles, clocks,vortices of temporal information)
We study in depth such a model in our articles on mass and the Unification equation.  A similar model was put forward also by Mr. Wilczek in the 90s, using also the frequency of a mass vortex to calculate accurately the mass of several quarks -something Mr. Higgs has never done, as it has never explained how  particles acquire mass from the Higgs, not why each mass has the value it has, as Mr. Wilczek and this author’s model have done.
What to make of this? There are two theories of mass out there.
The one first brought about by Mr. Einstein, sound, logically and physically consistent, further evolved by wilczek in quantum physics and this author in the world of systems sciences and theory of information. In that model we define masses and charges as the clocks of time that carry the information of the Universe in the frequency of its eddies, which attract the flow of gravitational or electromagnetic forces and the particles ‘floating’ on it; and hence attract more the faster they turn, as experiments show – being the black hole that turns at c-speed in its event horizon the most attractive eddie of mass in the Universe, and the electron which turns slower, the lighter and those eddies that never close a cycle as light and gravitation does, massless bosons.
The model is sound, it predicts accurately the masses of all particles. It solves the Information Paradox. It simplifies enormously our understanding of mass, particles, information, entropy and explains a myriad of scientific facts. It even unifies the equations of electromagnetism and gravitation,
In brief it is all what physicists have been waiting since Mr. Einstein’s incomplete work on gravitation and mass. And yet nobody cares. Even Mr. Wilczek after some protests received a Nobel Prize and abandoned his theory, grudgingly accepting Higgs. (nt,2)
So we have on the other hand the Higgs, which nobody knows how it gives mass, neither how it gives different masses to different particles, a theory of mass that is blatantly false, illogic and experimentally unsound, but it has allowed the construction of a 13 billion $ machine.
And so IT MUST BE TRUTH, according to the aforementioned Fromm’s  ‘Ethic Principle of a technological civilization’: Since we can make the LHC therefore we must construct a machine that can destroy us all, specially in technological civilizations that lack ‘humanist ethics’, a collateral damage they purposely ignore. Mr. Nobel invented chemical explosives and personal mines. And CERN the ultimate weapon.
And now after receiving the Saint Nobel Prize of Physics CERN’s views in physics are instant canonical, dogmatic truths. Even if every serious physicists knows Higgs boson does not give mass to electrons and every particle of the universe. It is just one of those things we must believe by decree.



Graph 1

On the graph, from CERN’s site, the existence of a statistical bump in the production of photon couples around 125 Gv,  means there might be a particle with that mass desintegrating on that zoneBecause Higgs equations do not specify the mass of the Higgs boson. Ergo any new particle could be a Higgs boson as we don’t know its mass. But what we know is that the esoteric Higgs mechanism to give masses to other particles, whose equations predict that as the Higgs interacts with those other particles, the boson’s mass fluctuates wildly, have NOT been met. If that particle exists is not fluctuating, ergo it is a proof OF THE NON-EXISTENCE of the Higgs Mechanism and reinforces the view of this researcher and others working on the extension of Einstein’s Principle of equivalence to explain mass that mass MUST BE described with the tools of gravity and Einstein’s work NOT with the quantum alternative presented by Higgs.

So the Higgs is still missing. All what really was found is a bump in the production of pairs of photons, the commonest reaction of the Universe. Thus to ascribe those photons to the desintegration of a specific particle, the Higgs is a wrong logical conclusion, as a pair of photons is NOT an EXCLUSIVE signature of the Higgs. Further more, the specific signatures of the Higgs, the decay of our matter into heavy quarks of the ‘dark world’, top-antitop and bottom-antibottom particles was negative, meaning in fact LESS reactions than expected took place. So what was found? Maybe, the existence of a much more generic type of particles called aproppiately ‘goldstone bosons’, since their ‘magic transformation into Higgs’ will report a pot of gold to CERN (-;

Indeed, once more money wins over science and we falsify the laws of the scientific method and the stringent measures of truth that used to make science different from religion, politics and economics.

Today the need for the Higgs obviates that loop of scientific logic between the premise – there is a bump of photons – and the conclusion  – the Higgs among many other particles produced it, despite its specific signatures were not there. Interpretation once more is bend to the needs of the researcher, with the oldest trick of ‘relaxed scientific evidence’, bumpy logic. 

But this ambiguous ‘discovery’ paves the way for the money needed to upgrade the machine by 2015 for lead to lead collisions over 10 Tev. Then if strangelets exist their proof will not be a small bump but a big bang…

Indeed, what it has probably been found, a ‘goldstone boson is extremely dangerous. It is the door to the dark world of quark gluon explosives that can erase the smiley, which crossed my face when I read the ‘physics’ of this ‘discovery of the century’ )-:

Im sure all the bosses at CERN have now in their faces a big LOL for having cheated so easily the P.R. Press of not-so ‘expert’ scientific journalists, which once more have swallowed the pill – not to speak of the governments and public that will foot the bill of new waves of Goldstones, threatening to start in this planet a chain reaction of dark matter… )=;

Indeed, the most astounding fact of this conference is not the finding of a goldstone boson, door to the dark world of dark matter, black holes and big-bangs in the making but the 4th clear proof that CERN is NOT an idealist, serious scientific institution but a company of physics of the industrial-military complex, of the nuclear industry, with the same kind of cynicism about truth and wreckless behavior about risks that those industries show – witness the recent independent report at Fukushima. 

Indeed, CERN has first denied the fact that if Einstein is right and black holes are formed they will eat the Earth (first denial of truth); it affirmed the machine was safe and known, and within days of switching it, it blew up (second mishap); then it said, too early that Einstein was wrong and neutrinos were faster than light in its bid proper of all quantum physicists to ridicule the master of all themes about mass and gravitation from a quantum perspective, 3rd mishap; and now makes a mockery of the epistemological method and parameters of truth in physics to announce before enough data and signatures are found the particle that justifies the investment. 4 mishaps however have not casted the slightest doubt on this company which risks the life of all of us, or an independent analysis of the risks involved in the ‘adventure’ of entering the dark world of super-energies and super-masses, big-bangs and symmetry breaking (which merely means death of our matter).

That is the collective responsibility of mass-media, which long became mere infotainment, in this affair. 

10th july, update. 

We were the first to uncover at cerntruth, the day of the conference that the data shown at CERN merely implied the possible existence of a goldstone boson, not the Higgs and his rather absurd theory of mass, but probably the sounder nambu-goldstone bosons of technicolor theory that produce the ‘death of our matter’ into dark matter (technically known as ‘breaking of symmetry’) in the process of predation of our light matter by heavy quarks, forming quark-gluon explosives, strangelets and black holes.

This week a paper has appeared at explaining the same fact, further proving that CERN behaves as a ‘corporation with P.R. strategies that care nothing for truth and risks. Now, I don’t pretend to be a better nuclear physicist than CERN is, (just a better ‘time theorist’ 🙂 so if I know, the bosses at CERN who gave that conference know they have not yet found the Higgs.

The only difference I believe between those who oppose CERN, who know-know and those who work there, the ‘expert Chenneys’ of the Military-Industrial Complex with their known-unknowns is a question of self-interest, their ‘known’ who fogs their reason.

What they know and care, a budget, the nuclear industry, the need for prizes, makes truth to bend and become unknown or as Nietzsche put it: ‘ The commonest lie is that which one lies to himself’.

Yet the more dangerous of all, and in this Dick was right, are the unknowns-unknowns of the dark world, which the gold stone, the philosophical chimera of ‘knowledge’ will bring here to transform us onto its go(l)d particle.  Since all these ‘golden stones’, mind the reader, are specific particles of a process called breaking the symmetry, which is basically a process of death of our matter ‘fed’ into the high density dark quarks through ‘weak currents’ mediated by those bosons.

This is really the meaning of the HIggs the Z and the W particle, the triad of massive particles, intermediate states between our light space and the quark mass in which we will become converted if finally in the study of the dark world CERN succeeds in creating enough H,Z,W decomposed into Top and bottom and strange quarks to form a strangelet or toplet star or black hole.

Update. 4th August.

Atlas now claims a 5.9 sigma in his finding of the Higgs. 2 precisions:

– CERN continues NOT to average to obtain their sigmas, all the channels of the Higgs boson, as it should, merely jacking up the ‘price’ of the channels that show more evidence (diphoton). This cheating trick is also common among economic ministers of certain countries that to hide inflation change the ‘weight’ of each product price in the total average, in favor of those products with lower inflation, as CERN changes the weight of each channel it averages in favor of those channels with higher production. But this is not how serious science is done. Present data still means merely there is likely a goldstone boson but NOT with the peculiar characteristics of the Higgs – a faulty theory that inflates what a Higgs does. So what we are likely to have is the first bosons of the ‘fractal scale’ of dark matter, likely to be made of quark-gluon explosive condensates.

– And this precision is important to understand what we, Relativists have been telling for decades, all along – that the predicted goldstone boson that opens the door to the dark matter membrane does not give mass to all particles, only to heavy quarks, transforming our light particles into them. This in fact is recognized for the first time in the Atlas experiment: ‘This (Higgs) mechanism [5– 10], which gives mass to massive elementary particles’…

We conclude that the importance of the Higgs for knowledge has been upgraded in the same proportion that its dangers have been degraded, according to the Corporative directives of this company and its Media Department, truly ‘expert’ in Orwellian Newspeaks:

Thus, guided by Higgsteria masterminded by the P.R.ess Office of CERN and the expected profits of the military-industrial complex that Nuclear Physics, even in its research arm, represents, mankind will ignore those risks, spend astronomical sums firing up the LHC at higher energies, and building new accelerators to mass-produce Higgs sub-products, H->T+S+B (toplet, strangelet, bottomlet liquids)… And so in a bizarre paradox we shall all risk our lives for the pleasures of studying an invisible entity which never manifests itself, but only shows in  a cascade of explosions that will ‘in crescendo’ excite physicists and quantum fluctuations till the dark world transforms us into itself.

And so instead of bizarre theories about the nature of all the matter of the Universe (the Higgs Mechanism in the P.R.ess version), the Occam’s principle has been imposed: the Higgs is a particle that kills and transforms our mass into dark matter, but it does not create mass, an intrinsic property of space-time, as Einstein wanted.

Since ‘ the Universe is simple but not malicious’. A. Einstein. And so we don’t need more particles than the ones we have (3 families of quarks of increasing mass and the different bosons of those membranes), extended in a series of fractal scales of space-time (the quark, inner atom scale; the external, quantum,  electro-magnetic, light scale, we inhabit and the bigger cosmic, gravitational scale of dark matter). In that increasingly proved fractal, dual scale Universe, certain doors, describe mathematically how matter and energy travels between scales. These doors are often vortices=particles of a certain membrane of space-time that act as bridges to the other membrane. Such is the case of black holes in the bigger scale and goldstone bosons in the lower scale, which transform our light matter into dark, heavy quarks…

Since indeed, the Higgs is just that virtual state of transformation of mass into heavy quarks, the ‘real’ entities, the goal of the process.  And so dark matter will with all probability be made of the known-known heavy quarks of the II and III family; of strangelets and toplet substances, of which strange stars, Novas and probably black holes are made of. Yet the problem of exploring those quark-gluon substances born out of the decay of weak force bosons (W, Z, H triad) in this planet, is that dark matter feeds and controls our matter ‘breaking its symetry’, and transforming electromagnetic energy into heavy quark masses, in a process described by Einstein, M=E/c2, and called a mass bomb. So the research and understanding on how our light, electromagnetic membrane ‘dies’ and evolves into dark matter is as absurd as a researcher enthusiastic about committing suicide, cutting his wrists, to explore the speed of the bleeding flow… Since a extinct physicist knows nothing, mankind would do better stopping the obsession of CERN physicists for the study of the weak currents of energy that those bosons transfer to the dark world, when they break=kill the symmetry of ours.


In graph 2, without the enhancement of the ‘mute CERN’s artist of graph 1’, that we print with permission of Mr. Penrose from heavy ion alert, it seems a new particle might lurk on the range of 125 Gev, unknown to this date (among other bumps, i,e, at 105 standing clearly also, when not highlighted by the red line drawn of CERN’s graphic ‘artists’  – a subtle subliminal message to make you feel in the graph 1 they handled to the press, that such data was specially important).
CERN considers this particle to be the Higgs but this is not fully proved, as the Higgs does not have any special mass and it is a boson. CERN acknowledge it does not know if this particle is a boson for certain and any mass could be attached to the Higgs (unknown parameter). So more data is needed. What we see there is a bump which is wide at 125, but also a bump in data background, which implies a higher background noise from other possible reactions. So we conclude that there are 3 fairly equal possibilities of finding at that spot a) background reaction that increased gamma radiation b) a couple of particles, a Higgs duplet or c) a Goldstone triplet used in processes of death of our matter (‘symmetry breaking’ in the scholar jargon) mediated by top quarks, without need of new, invisible fields.
A) The hypothesis of background requires a 3rd graph, which i didnt make erasing the red line and doing a wave-like line that would de facto joint all their points as they experimentally are.
Indeed, the 4th order polynomial is really a variational wave-like distribution that makes the peak even less remarkable. With a bit of imagination the reader can substitute the red line for a wave-like one and see how neatly the variation integrates on that wave. Then he can observe the enormous background radiation on those wave nodes, which make the bumpt statistically related to background events, not specific events of a ‘new’ particle.
B and C are a particle and so we can also consider them equally possible.
Now, if we have 3 possible outcomes of this experiment, background radiation, a Higgs doublet or a Goldstone-Nambu triplet, this is not a discovery but a 1/3rd probability, which is a sigma 0, in any serious scientific project, a non-discovery, only an announcement
But things get more juicy. Is this 126 mass an specific property of the Higgs, to justify maybe a better probability? Not at all. The theoretical Higgs if it exists, has an uncertain mass. Thus a new particle range always corresponds to the Higgs (since we do not know its mass). And what CERN has done is to consider that this MUST be the Higgs NOT any other thing.

Further on, as per Hauer’s conference CERN has neither proved this unknown particle is a boson.

And  Photons (we have only seen the decaying photons NOT the Higgs), can decay from many other particles. They are, conceded, often a signature of bosons, any of them, yet even so, it does not take us further than where we were: A) background B) Higgs C) Goldstone.

Conclusion the Higgs is not still found, by any of the minimal methods of veracity and truth, defined in serious scientific announcements, but the world has been convinced it is found. Because the world of media is infotainment. It is no longer serious, not even in an issue of this transcendental importance (not the Higgs but CERN and its machine). And so finally the ‘sheeple’, which believes the press has joined in.

And this is the most fascinating of all facts. How a pointless, ignorant mass of journalists, merely transcribing news have accepted with no criticism the discovery of the century (-;

The risks of golden stones: conversion of light matter into dark matter.
Now, if you are able to stop your naive beliefs in ‘big science’ as an idealist endeavor, and realize unlike our journalists, how CERN takes mankind for a ride, whenever it wants; in this post we shall consider not only this shaky ‘statistical lie’ but one which is at the core of the ride: the Higgs or any other goldstone boson does not give mass to our atoms and particles, it only devours them and gives mass to the quarks of the dark world.
And this is a whole difference respect to the ‘importance’ and risks of the Higgs.
That the Higgs gives mass to you and me is the ‘big lie for funding’ by cern, acting with corporative strategies not to the service of scientific truth.
That the Higgs or any other goldstone boson is a door to the dark world, which ‘transmutes’ as the philosophical, golden stone did, all what it touches into dark, heavy quarks into which it ‘decays’, killing our world, is the ‘biological’ truth that CERN and all physicists, in their ivory tower of abstract jargons, hide; so mankind is not aware of what really all that ‘breaking the symmetry’ jargon and ‘mass bosons’ mean:
CERN is a center of high energy research studying the range of energies in which our matter dies and decays, warping into heavy, massive bosons and quark condensates, the substance which implodes stars and galaxies into black holes, strangelets and quasars.
 So the dangers of this ‘travel’ to dark matter are the unknowns-knowns:
We know dark matter controls and feeds (transforms into itself), light matter, even if we do not know the details. But this ‘known’ has become an ‘unknown’ at CERN, which is a corporation that has a budget first and so lies out of its hat whenever it is needed, and then is a group of researchers on the roll pay – and not the other way around, as people and the center try to portray itself a group of ‘idealist’ geniuses searching for the meaning of it all. 
So now CERN doesn’t know officially dark matter eats our matter and breaking the symmetry; since this unknown-known is now the objective of CERN: to produce as many goldstone bosons and its decaying particles, strange and top quarks as possible for decades to come. And since knowledge is never satisfied, when it gives you new prices and new budgets, sooner or latter those bosons and quarks will condensate stabilize and start the chain reactions CERN considers an impossible ‘known’.

Fact is Goldstones break the symmetry = kill our matter and this is what CERN studies and this is dangerous and this should be explained in a layman jargon to politicians and the public, who find fascinating that ‘metaphysical symmetry’ talk but understand nothing of what really means.

This is truly the ultimate alibi of CERN or Wall Street, of Nuclear Physicists and Economists: people are more afraid of making fools of themselves, of suffering in their ego, than of death and poverty. So they take this kind of abuse from nuclear physicists as they take it from bankers, just because they use imposing jargons, ‘breaking the symmetry’, ‘collateral debt obligation’, instead of ‘killing matter’ and ‘toxic asset’.

And so with that seemingly powerless trick, c.d.o.s were sold and the need to risk the planet’s existence to study the death of our matter (how nuts this is), were hidden by the beautiful task of studying how ‘the symmetry of the electromagnetic world we live in’ is broken.

But of course the possible goldstone is for CERN, the horn of plenty, the perfect alibi for future funding. So we shall have Higgsterya for long.

The scientific method and its 3 tenants of truth: logic, mathematical and experimental consistency.

So how can we resolve what they have found? If we were to use NOT the ‘corporation’s method’, in this case CERN’s P.R.s doing their campaign to increase their ‘trademark’ and ‘sell’ to politicians the budget for its upgrade, but the experimental, scientific method and its 3 ‘tenants’ of truth, experimental evidence, mathematical consistency, and logic causality, we would come to a self-evident truth:

We have not found God’s particle, the Higgs, but a Goldstone, and no, this is not a silly game of words, but truly another type of particle called aproppiately the Goldstone boson by his discoverer, Jeffery Goldstone.

Let us explain ourselves as always in fractal scales of complexity. In brief. We have a sign, the Gamma ray photons that peaks up at 126 gigas. This means a particle might lurk there, any particle. We have negative signature for the Higgs specific decay reactions – meaning in layman jargon that many particles can become gamma ray photons, any bosons and some others, but certain reactions which were not found, are specific of the Higgs. Higgs decays into->Top plus antitop or Bottom plus antibottom or tau+antitau. And of those reactions in fact at 126 gigas less than expected (negative sigma probability) were found.

So now if I were a serious scientist I wouldnt call a conference for the entire world to affirm that I have discovered a Higgs. This is totally specific and could have only be claimed if the specific Higgs reactions of massive top quarks plus top antiquarks in which the Higgs alone explodes were found.

A serious scientist would have only said that a particle might have been found at 126 and it could be a boson because it had decay in a mode proper of bosons without charge. And this means it could be a family of bosons known for 50 years,  called Goldstone bosons, among which the Higgs is one but not the only one and certainly not the likely one by lack of its specific top-antitop decay signature.

Alas the conference should have merely declared that there was a probability of finding a particle, maybe a Goldstone boson, if we were not living in an age of pure corruption that now extends also to hard science, where a corporation which has stacked 10 billion $ budgets in finding a certain particle MUST – not may but MUST – find it. 

I’m not sure if I am explaining myself well because obviously I cannot use equations in a blog for scientists and ethical people, but not for physicists, so I will repeat like a mandala those basic ideas, as CERN repeats ad infinitum its dangerous experiments till instead of hitting a gold pot of the stone variety hit a black hole… So let us do a recap.

Recap. CERN might have found a particle, which has not the specific signature of the Higgs, as it did not increase the number of massive quarks created which is what the Higgs only does. It is therefore a possible particle. Because the photonic peak of desintegration tends to be caused by a boson, it might be a boson. This type of bosons are called Goldstone bosons. This is so far what CERN has found, a goldstone boson which due to the lack of signature specific of the Higgs, will likely not be the Higgs but other variety.

The G Particle right on the spot (-: I thereby nominate Mr. Goldstone for a Nobel prize.

The logic and mathematical method. Higgs doesn’t give mass to all particles; it just helps to kill our mass transformed into heavy quarks.

Now, the first leg of truth we need of the 3 ‘sustains’ of any event, THE EXPERIMENTAL METHOD, tells us that the particle found experimentally is probably a boson and likely not the Higgs – no specific signature.

The experimental method has failed and this means that without one of the 3 legs the ‘chair’ of truth will fall. But normally the experimental method fails in serious science, because the logic and mathematical method have failed somewhat. And given the astounding development of computers and hence of mathematical systems, it is normally the logic consistency of the system, which the researcher not the computer must provide ‘a priori’, before ‘doing mathematical physics’, what has failed here. So now we have to explore a bit why indeed the Higgs is not likely the goldstone we found as the specific ‘treat’ of the Higgs is to give masses to other particles. And this is absolute non sense when we apply seriously the logic and mathematical method to Mr. Higgs theory of a weak-force boson that exists only in the ‘border membrane’ between the light world and the dark world, giving mass to all the particles of our Universe.

If we strip the Higgs of that falsity however it becomes a more regular goldstone-type boson. And this is likely what we got. So let us imagine, when things calm down and more experiments are carried to the risk of our lives (if a B.Hole appears and Einstein is right this circus is over) that many more goldstones of whatever specific type are found, tabulated and proofs of their bosonic nature appear. This means a new particle related to the W and Z and electroweak forces is found, which should be called a goldstone boson, G.

This is what we have, the G particle not the Higgs.

And this is the likely answer by the scientific method because logically the Higgs does not give mass to all the other particles of the Universe; it is not the key element to explain the meaning of mass.

Then Mr. Goldstone as Mr. Nambu, the co-writer of his work, prior to the Higgs (merely a specific variety of the Goldstone boson that does very weird things according to Higgs that no other boson does, like giving mass to electrons, something which has never been even described properly in mathematical terms), would be Nobel candidate, and as Nambu, receive the Nobel prize for his work on the electroweak force and its breaking of the space-time of our Universe (the so called symmetry breaking which merely means our universe is broken and fed into the universe of dense masses, which of course we fear it will happen not only in a single goldstone boson but in enough quarks to blow up us all).

Of course, this would be science as it used to be done before the age of audiovisual celebrities, ‘big science budgets’, ‘damned lies and statistics’.

Penrose writes me in a private email that goldstone is ambiguous in his papers about the existence of the Higgs mechanism, latter explained in more detail,… no wonder why.

Indeed, even if the results are proved the goldstone boson we shall found it does not have the Higgs mechanism. It will not give mass to light particles that form our world, electrons and light-space, and light quarks, nor there is a single explanation on how it could do that, which is the fundamental ‘theoretical lie’ of CERN: to have blown up the importance of the Higgs, a particle related to the weak force as other heavy bosons, the Z and the W, but NOT the meaning or explanation of mass, provided by Einstein’s work on gravitation. In that sense, the H, properly called G will complete the triad, W, Z, G, of intermediate states that break the symmetry of our space-time membrane absorbing our energy and transforming it into heavier mass, to give birth by its final decay to the densest quarks of the Universe (b, T). A mass which enters the accelerator accumulates energy, and then E=Mc2, as that energy coils into a vortex of gravitational mass, through those transitional W, Z, G states ends up becoming a massive quark.

This is really what there is to the Higgs. And yet, because it was needed so much money and the idea of finding yet another particle of the zoo of nuclear physics, was not relevant enough (more or less it was like asking 10 billion $ to fund a project to find a new, wonderful ant that could explain the meaning of the Universe). It took a lot of chuptzah and ambition to take the bold step of rejecting the much more promising advances made by relativists on the steps of Einstein’s work and accepting the weird Higgs Mechanism to explain mass. And because you cannot force-feed science it simply doesn’t work.

This absurd affirmation- that the Higgs gives mass to all particles of the Universe – vehemently denied by those who follow Mr. Einstein’s work on the strong principle of equivalence is just another attempt as those Mr. Hawking with its evaporating black holes, to invade the territory of Relativity, Cosmology and gravitation, described by Einstein, with Quantum theories that are not fit to explain gravity. It is like explaining physics with biology or history with the Newtonian laws. It simply doesn’t work.

But power has expanded quantum theories into all those realms as power has expanded ‘monetary values’ to invade all ethic values. So now the ‘values’ and laws of quantum theory MUST explain also mass, regardless…

Again, of this, few are aware, as quantum physics represents 30% of the world GDP and Relativity 0%. So in terms of money, Relativistic research is not exactly in the same league. But that doesn’t mean Mr. Einstein’s cosmological discoveries are invalidated by money and the number of theorists of each discipline, which obviously will defend their point of view. Am I inventing a confabulation theory? Not, of course, apart from the one century old standing arguments of Einstein vs. Bohr, which has made Einstein’s work ‘fair game’ for quantum physicists, this bias must be explained with the simple facts of economics. There are two main branches of physics, relativity and quantum theory. Relativity deals with all things related to mass, gravitation and the cosmological, macroscopic scale of the fractal Universe. Quantum theory with all things related to electromagnetism, particles and other forces of the microscopic Universe. Both theories therefore relate to two different scales of space-time and in the fractal discontinuous space-time models which are slowly but steadily displacing the continuous, standard model expanding our concepts as nothing has done since Galileo, those scales are ‘self-similar’ (a fractal, systemic concept) not equal. So there is no quantum gravity, and so we give ‘to the Caesar what belongs to the Caesar’: gravity and mass belongs to Einstein.

No Higgs is required when we understand Einstein – a Goldstone maybe, for the limited work of converting us into dark matter.

In quantum physics the point of view is that forces are mediated by particles exchanged between fermions. But this applies to electromagnetic forces. Gravitation is an in/formative, one way only force. And so it is a vortex of space-time that attracts as hurricanes do, the faster it turns till the limit of rotational c-speed in black holes, the most attractive. In brief, mass is, an intrinsic property of a vortex of space-time.

The Higgs deals with the weak force at quantum scale if it exists, with roles similar to the Z and W bosons and so not the panacea of anything. Just another particle.  The jump needed to complete the standard model is the understanding of fractal scale time, not the attempts by quantum physicists of invading Einstein, following the one century old quarrels between Einstein and quantum physicists and specially the fact that 30% of the world GDP comes from quantum physics, as we are closer to that sclae than from relativity which deals with the Universe. So the overwhelming number of jobs and experts in the physics world are quantum theorists and they need to theorize and expand their field, taking over other fields.

So the conclusion is: Yes, a particle, the last boson of the triad of heavy bosons that transform ‘light’ matter into dense quarks has been found. No, it is not the God’s particle, and probably it will not end up being the Higgs but any of its predecessor theories (Nambu-Goldstone bosons) which completed the role of the W and Z particles in the ‘destruction of our mass’, reconverted in dark matter at the LHC. In that regard, its discovery merely is a new step in that steady and ultra-dangerous entrance into the dark world of ultra-heavy, maybe hyperluminal particles of dark energy and dark matter responsible for the death (symmetry breaking) of light matter.

Recap. Of all the different mathematical, self-similar theories that describe this ‘Goldstone boson’ (which was the real name, given also the ironic concept of a ‘gold stone’, that indeed converts stones in this case particles into pure gold for the researchers), the most interesting are Nambu’s work, since they describe most clearly the process of death of our matter and its transformation into heavier particles. So the particle will probably be, according to the laws of the scientific method a Goldstone-Nambu particle, G.

And that is extremely dangerous for us, one more step into the dark world of top predator matter that kill ours, breaking the symmetry (synonimous of death and transformation of our world of light space into dark mass.)

Since Goldstones of any variety, indeed transform all what they touch into dark matter, top-antitops, bottom-antibottoms, heavy quarks, the explosive substance of Novas and supernovas, black holes and strange stars, the most likely candidates to the 96% of dark mass, which dominates the Universe. Now we know there is one particle that can transform us into ‘them’, now we have the puzzled almost complete, now we have the boson of the dark world calling at our doors, and the purpose of cern will be from here onwards to produce enough Gs to populate the accelerator of tops and bottoms and strange quarks and charm quarks, the quark-gluon explosives that can destroy the Earth.

The dangers of Goldstones. The G completes the triad of bosons in which our matter decays.

In Nambu’s and self-similar formulations (technicolor, Top color, Higgless theories, etc.) you don’t need an invisible field that nobody observes, which breaks the main laws of epistemology (Occam’s razor, the Universe is simple and so the simplest explanation is truth), but merely the top quark, the top predator mass of the Universe, feeds on our mass breaking our symmetry and the process implies 3 intermediate states of that mass, as W, Z and G particles that live so little that cannot really be considered real but just virtual states of transition; as when water freezes and there is in between a state of water/ice. So when light matter becomes top quark dark matter it freezes into mass through those states.

In essence, you exist in a light-space Universe, made of electromagnetic and light particles (u-d quarks). This is the first family of mass. As always in the fractal Universe there are 3 families of ‘evolution’ of any system, which implies an increase of its information parameter. Those are the 3 ‘states’ of any ‘field of space-time’. And their reason of existence is simple. You live in a Universe of two parameters energy and in/form/ation, form, and so energy transforms into information and then when all is information, it explodes and dies.

For example, molecular matter is first energetic gas, then becomes balanced, exi, liquid and finally solid, informative, formal mass. And then the big-bang explosion of mass devolves it back into pure energy.

You live a young, energetic age, reproduce in your maturity your energy and information and then warp, become formed, informative in your 3rd age and then die in an explosion.

Well matter also has 3 families of increasing information till arriving to the top quark, which probably condensates stars into top quark stars, aka black holes of self-similar mass-density through a big-bang explosion of death of a star. And the transformations of states require to ‘break the symmetry’ of our matter and make it into W->Z->H which ‘decays’ into Top-antitop, or Bottom-antibottom quarks.

But the idea that those particles of a ‘different space-time membrane’ of higher density and energy and mass (the dark world of black holes and strange stars), also give mass to all the other particles of the Universe, including electrons, which are all over the Universe in the thin membrane of light-space, even without materializing (as nowhere in our light universe there are those energies), constantly is so aberrant than only the complete despise of one of the 3 foundations of the scientific method, experimental, logic and mathematical evidence, by modern physics can explain why people ‘believe’ this.

Indeed, mathematical consistency in this case exists in several theories. The Higgs is the less consistent, Nambu’s the more. So there is a possible 3rd heavy boson. Experimental evidence now is important, but CERN has falsified it to make it look like a HIggs. Indeed, of the 5 channels that desintegrate a Higgs, the 3 specific of the Higgs (transformation into top-antitop, bottom-antibottom or tau-antitau particles of heavy mass), have not occured, in fact they gave negative sigma values meaning that they found less reactions that expected on the specific signatures of the Higgs: – 2.5 for tau, – 2.3 for bottom and so those negative sigmas cancelled most of the positive sigmas and make the discovery NOT specially relevant to identify the particle precisely as the Higgs.

In that regard the corruption of truth by CERN, the lack of ethics of this company that endangers our life for nothing, the entire mindset of this company is much closer to that of the ‘experts’ in finances of Goldman than the idealistic myth those researchers have built around themselves. It is a new low in the nuclear industry’s trade mark mixture of arrogance, ignorance and cult to death. Those particles are about the death of our matter not the meaning of the Universe. And yet mankind needs a religion to die for, a goatkeeper’s god of the bronze age, a tribal nation that denies the unicity of the homo sapiens, or now a meaningless particle that only can bring the kindgom of Kali to the Earth…


Posted by on October 5, 2014 in News


22 responses to “Higgs: Mass+weak force

  1. Brad Busch

    December 20, 2013 at 4:14 pm

    I have an observation you might be interested in. 3-3, 2-2, 1-1, 0 Zero is ALWAYS the sum of two exact opposites, the ONLY other way to arrive at zero is to divide by infinity, or multiply by or divide by zero. From this then we must determine zero must be its own opposite. If you can get that, then… There are an infinite number of examples of two opposites not being = to one another, so from that we can say no two opposites are ever equal, so how can zero be equal to zero. Also the argument that infinity must be zero’s opposite is false because when two opposites are added it equals zero, and there are an infinite number of examples. Infinity + zero= Infinity, so they cant be opposite. When matter is propelled to an energy state in which interaction becomes impossible it should become a hole in the time space continuum.

  2. Hypertiger

    December 27, 2013 at 11:51 pm

    Take a byte of the forbidden fruit of logic and gain awareness of 1 and 0

    Truth and lies

    Positive and negative

    Supply and demand

    Something and nothing

    What matters and what does not matter

    Matter and antimatter

    Birth and death

    Female and male

    White and black

    Truth or something (constant/singularity) is the supply of power to the demand for power by the life (beginning) and death (end) of lies which are nothing that want to be come something (variable/duality)

    Probability of a lie defeating Truth = 0% or absolutely NO…Negative 1…Defeat…Eternal Death

    Maybe eventually becomes a certainty…Quantum superposition or the zero point.

    Probability of Truth defeating a lie = 100% or absolutely YES…Positive 1…Victory…Eternal Life

    1 = 0.999999999999999999999999….

    0 = 0.000000000000000000000000….

    Truth which is infinite and indestructible exists outside of the Universe which is a finite and fragile lie.

    The battle between matter and antimatter did not resolve billions of years ago…it is constantly happening…the Universe is not constant or static…It is dynamic or variable

    You do not see the millions of calculations or invisible order behind the visible chaos of the computer screen that is being drawn/created and erased/destroyed 60 times a second.

  3. Hypertiger

    December 28, 2013 at 12:53 am

    Singularity = All that has ever happened forever and all that will happen forever occurs at the same point.

    The Universe is a finite and fragile lie that demands wants more power than it gives to sustain it’s continued existence…From GOD/Truth which is the infinite and indestructible supply of power the Universe needs.

    When the lie demands or wants infinite and indestructible power to become Truth or yes.

    Truth supplies what The lie needs or no…this is revelation…The lifting of the veil on the wedding dress of the abyss to receive the sweet kiss of the apocalypse of bliss.

    Ignorance is bliss…is an equation.

    Negative = positive

    0 = 1 = false

    1 = 0 = false

    Positive = negative

    Knowledge is misery

    Knowledge is bliss

    Positive = Positive

    1 = 1 = True

    0 = 0 = True

    Negative = Negative

    Ignorance is misery.

    All and everything which is a finite and fragile lie in the Universe including the Universe itself capitalises upon Truth which is infinite and indestructible to sustain the existence of all an everything which is a finite and fragile lie in the Universe including the Universe itself.

    Absolute capitalism takes more power than it gives from all and everything to sustain existence.

    Animals employ absolute self indulgent reason to solve the problem of continued existence.

    The just think/embrace positive (lies and delusion/fantasy) ignore/reject negative (Truth/reality) algorithm.

    Animals are ignorant of Truth (All the cells in your body which is a fractal are absolute capitalistic)

    It’s the same as chopping down trees faster than they regrow to sustain existence (inflation)…It is antisocialism…absolute/ignorant/irresponsible or negative capitalism…a lie or finite and fragile…death…the direct current principle….unsustainable

    Responsible capitalism shares power equally with all and everything to sustain existence

    Human beings employ responsible altruistic logic to solve the problem of continued existence.

    Think/embrace positive (lies and delusion/fantasy) realize/accept negative (Truth/reality) algorithm

    It’s the same as chopping down trees as fast as or slower than they regrow to sustain existence (inflation)…it is socialism responsible/knowledgeable/ or positive capitalism…Truth or infinite and indestructible…life…the alternating current principle…sustainable

    You are not a realized ideal at the moment of conception or birth and what you see when you are looking into a mirror is not a Human being.

    People which are animals that think or are pretending to be human beings are following the same path as moths to the flame by taking more power than they give to sustain existence.

    It is what the exponential growth/continuous compounding interest equation does…nuclear bombs…lighting bolts…bacteria…black holes…Ignorance of Truth.

    If you are chopping down trees faster than they regrow to sustain existence.

    You have two options.

    Stop before you run out of trees and collapse now

    Or to avoid that negative fate

    Continue until you run out of trees and collapse later.

    Now (sooner) or later…Maybe eventually becomes a certainty.

    That is why they can not stop.

    Because according to the just think positive religion…there is not anything impossible if you put you mind to it and if at first you do not succeed..try try again.

    Ignorance is bliss…until you reach the logical conclusion of that reasonable assumption.

    As far as I comprehend infinity…In the temple in the holy of holies is where GOD exists and only the top priest with special training can look at GOD…Anyone else is annihilated.

    the global trade system set up in 1944 reach maximum potential and began to visibly collapse in 2008…so it is game over…The lie all believed was Truth in 1944 reached maximum potential inflation (positive phase) in 2008 and has been collapsing or deflating into the maximum potential of the negative phase…since.

    This implosion is already in progress.

    The key problem I have…is the black hole at CERN makes sense…But should we try to stop it>

    According to the calculations it will be all over in seconds…and other than those that know…the rest of the population of the earth is ignorant.

    It will be basically humane compared to the collapse of the global trade system that is in progress.

    Where everyone will hack themselves to pieces trying to reacquire what they never had to begin with and what they never will…freedom from the tyranny of Truth.

    We are all going to die at some point…being sucked into a singularity is a pretty quick suicide compared to the current one already in progress…since 2008

  4. Hypertiger

    December 28, 2013 at 1:29 am

    It’s mass euthanasia…technically since beyond the singularity no one knows…It’s speculation.

    Or fight to the finish in world cornered animals stage…where the meek that survive…inherit what is left once they become exhausted and the dust settles…Two black holes…the one we are already collapsing into that is annihilating us right now…Or press the button to infinity and beyond.

    I just do not comprehend the devil in the details of the mechanics of the singularity that is possible to be created at CERN good enough…

    But what you are pointing out does seem to make sense…

    Steven Hawking claims that the big bang does not need GOD…Well Truth is GOD and GOD is Truth.

    So if he says you do not need Truth or knowledge…He’s claiming ignorance is bliss…That is false or illogical or insane basically…

    He’s basically saying lies power truth…when it is Truth that powers lies.

    The universe power the universities the universities do not power the universe

    The power plant is the supply (truth) the light bulb is the demand for power of the (lie) of illumination.

    “The essential claim of sophistry is that the actual logical validity of an argument is irrelevant (if not non-existent); it is only the ruling of the audience which ultimately determines whether a conclusion is considered “true” or not. By appealing to the prejudices and emotions of the judges, one can garner favorable treatment for one’s side of the argument and cause a factually false position to be ruled true.”–Sophistry A.K.A Democracy or Truth by Popular delusion/consensus

    “We must win the war of democracy”–Vladimir Lenin

    “A lie told often enough becomes the truth.”–Vladimir Lenin

    “If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed.”–Adolf Hitler

    “Presidents are selected, not elected.”–Franklin Delano Roosevelt

    “It is enough that the people know there was an election. The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything.”–Joseph Stalin

    “A lie which is finite and fragile is designed to masquerade as Truth and since Truth is infinite and indestructible and never changes must mimic truth by Not changing.”–Me

  5. green400magazine

    February 8, 2014 at 1:20 am

    Is there any way to stop Steven Hawkins madness, his insanity?
    Who died and left Steven Hawkins the one who destroys all?
    Is there anyway to stop CERN’S madness in 2015? And if there is, then lets do this!!!

  6. Pingback: cerntruth
  7. Lissakrhumanelife

    August 13, 2014 at 5:55 pm

    Reblogged this on Lissa's Humane Life and commented:
    And so the time came for the P.R.ess to announce the Nobel Prize of Physics to Mr, Higgs…
    The price is not yet for Mr. Hawking. This is in fact an impossible event, as if black holes are produced at CERN they will not evaporate. They will evaporate us and kill mankind as they grow in size and feed on our weaker matter. So if micro-black holes exist we will die instantly and Hawking will not have time to get the Nobel. And if they do not exist, there will never be a proof of evaporation and Hawking won’t get the Nobel prize either. He will though endanger mankind as long as he covers up what he knows: that he is endangering the life of 7 billion human beings for personal ambition.
    Mr. Higgs also endangered the life of all of us, but he was more discreet – beyond a rif-raff with Hawking in which each one accuse the other of not being good enough to receive the prize (- the bet came nicely and now it is the time for rewards. It did not surprise me at all. We all now that if you murder a person you are a criminal, if you commit genocide you are a national war hero.

  8. tinkertiger2012

    April 10, 2015 at 6:39 am

    latest video is marked private so we can’t see it.. ??

  9. birdsaw

    May 1, 2015 at 8:53 pm

    Looking forward to your next update.

    • birdsaw

      May 2, 2015 at 8:23 pm

      They’re claiming to be trying to find the God particle. Let’s translate this. They are really looking for a particular substance that can be used in a God like way to rule the world. They are looking for the ultimate particles that can be used as the ultimate WEAPON to control the world.

  10. djvolatile2

    May 7, 2015 at 6:29 pm

    Is there any way to purchase a DVD copy of Strange Matters? I am having trouble viewing it, in its entirety, on Vimeo.

  11. Oppenheimer

    June 10, 2019 at 7:38 pm

    Einstein was a little good at nothing he did.


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