Chronicle of death foretold


“A Technological civilization is programmed by the principle that something ought to be done because it is technologically possible. If it is possible to build nuclear weapons, they must be built, even If they might destroy us all. Once this principle is accepted, humanist Values (something has to be done because it is needed by man) are Dethroned and technological development becomes the foundation of ethics’.

Eric Fromm, Father of political psychology

When considering CERN and the physical view of the Universe 2 lies stand out:

1) That it will discover the meaning of it all with his research on Higgs and the big bang and …

2) it does not poise any risks to mankind with its experiments trying to make black holes and ultra-heavy strange and top quarks.

The P.R.ess though knows how to sell the industry of ACCELERATORS since its inception to make enriched uranium for A-Bombs, as the best method to study weapon grade nuclear material, which is still its main practical use – even if they have always been marketed ever since Conant applied its expertise on rising funds for military projects, as pure research, which is the monicker CERN still uses to keep a relic of the Cold War going.

It has merely double down on its hyperbolic exaggeration of its benefits, hiding its lethal consequences.

Let us briefly introduce those 2 themes, developed in depth in different posts.

Why genocides of mankind happen so easily

Hawking discovered the equation of baby black holes, which feed on mass at an enormous ‘metabolic=temperature rate’:
∆Mass x ∇Temperature = K , according to the 3 most important laws of science:
– The laws of gravitation (a heavier system attracts ∆mass)
– And the law of thermodynamics, a hotter system cools down: ∇Temperature.

-The experimental method. So everywhere we see small black holes are hotter than bigger ones. And we can extrapolate this to its birth inside Nova stars: baby black holes are born very hot and very dense and attract mass as they cool down till reaching the size of galactic black holes, near 0 K and immense mass.

It would then be a genocide, to make them on Earth, as all black holes observed follow that law. Moreover when born inside stars they feed so fast that they blow the star into a nova. And the laws of science happen. That is why reality is: truth exists. Those laws happen every time the causal events that ’cause’ them take place. If you boil water, the law of thermodynamics tells you it will evaporate NOT freeze; and if you put a hot iron sword on the water, the same laws tell you it will cool down and the water boil. And if you put a hot black hole on Earth, it tells you it will evaporate earth and cool down. It you fall from your terrace the laws of gravitation tell you we’ll crash on the floor NOT levitate. Those are the same laws that happen every time a black hole is born. Once the black hole evaporates earth it will swallow it and grow. This is what we see everywhere, I repeat. No exception. We can’t cherry-pick the outcome of science, its laws ARE.

So within that organic evolutionary order, CERN and its BH and strangelets is the 3rd horizon of nuclear weapons:

  • First we made A-bombs that can destroy a city.
  • Then we made H-bombs that can destroy a nation. Though after the Tzar bomb, when Teller wanted to profit from its patents to construct such huge H-Bomb with no limit, politicians started to talk down the industry, if it had been left to physicists, U$ who was spending 13% of its electricity making them, would have wasted all the resources making Teller a billionaire.
  • Now we research with the rhetoric of Conant ‘the barbarian’ in a quark cannon, quark bombs, the real physical name of the weapon grade material manufactured at CERN, strangelet stable usdusd dibyarions and baby black holes, which are as Einstein wanted frozen black stars of the heaviest families of quarks:

So the most important project of physics pretends to do black holes on earth to kill mankind. Why? For no other reason than the ‘ethics of a technological civilization’, where the machine is the new God for which human enzymen who catalyze its evolution work. So if we can do them we MUST do them, and if we die so be it.

It is perhaps the highest act of arrogance in a very arrogant species. And yet mankind goes ahead with such experiments, and similar chances to do other ultra-heavy explosive liquids, strangelets, which trigger the ice-9 reaction named after Vonnegut’s cat and cradle, origin of neutron stars. What for? Iron & Go(l)d, war & profits and the idol of all scientists, the machine. So let’s put in perspective what this kind of science=knowledge in Latin truly brings to mankind….

The mechanist, abstract v. the organic biological model of science and history.

How a religious people reacts when reason prove their beliefs stupid? With anger, and then reinforcing those beliefs, seeking assurance in new complicated arguments. Yet a scientist does not differ from a religious person. He is in words of Aristotle ‘a slave for he believes he doesnt reason’. The 3 facts we just explained, the laws of thermodynamics, of gravitation, of time, are absolute truths of physics. If you deny them nothing makes sense. Yet every physicist in the world denies them for the sake of its belief, which is NOT science but the machine.

We could talk in organic terms of enzymen, men who catalyze the evolution of machines at all costs, and find always reasons to make new weapons to kill thy neighbor.

So when enzymen discovered mechanical clocks that measure only the frequency of changes=times=motions with tik-toks, they abandoned 50.000 years of wor(l)d wisdom on the game of relative states of times=motions and mental spaces=still forms represented by time tenses and spatial names. Ever since whenever an enzyman is asked what time is he responds ‘what a clock measures’ (Einstein), for ‘God is a clocker that waited 5000 years to find an intelligence like his to admire his clock work’ (Kepler).
Next they discovered ballistics abandoning the human organism as measure of all beings modeling instead the eternal cosmos of Galatoms as a big-bang bomb.
While women & children became cannon fodder that feeds those predator weapons in world wars and colonial genocides against humans belonging to cultures of the life tree, justified with racist religions & me(n)tal tree idologies of tribal nazionalism that pretend mankind is not a single spæc¡es – a supœrganism over Earth’s membrain but is divided in tribal species, Homo Rusus, U$us, Judaicus, who must hate & kill its neighbor with those arms, the germs of history.

Psychological model

The psychological level of denial of Death plays an important part in this story. It is called the Kohler model: when we know we are going to die because serious science – here the laws of thermodynamics, of gravitation, the experimental method – we deny it. So we seek for a second opinion, and there are always quack doctors to ensure us there is no risk and we will be healthy with our cancer taking natural herbs, for you have the power of ‘healing’. So if you have the kind of huge ego physicists and nerds have, you’ll do black holes and AI warbots and like Mr. Jobs who ate the golden  of the metal tree, you will take the herbs… and die .

 The ‘quarck’ doctor is the model chosen by CERN and most humans – hence the success of religions that promise you after life as bizarre as they come. The 3rd stage is anger. And that was the massive anger we receive for denouncing death. The 4th stage when death comes is depression and final acceptance. In the case of CERN’s experiments those will be fast. But what Kohler’s method don’t tell for terminal sicknesses is that the easiest way when the sickness is NOT terminal, is to take the pills of the 1st doctor who warned you and avoid death. Simple. Easy, and that’s why we sued CERN  – to rise public aware and make politicians in Europe take the pill and stop CERN. They rather went missing and let physicists who live on those experiments go through all the other stages.

After this there are more details of course to fill up an ∃ncyclopædia. It gets as surrealist as the denial of Death goes paradoxically bringing it closer for NOT defending against it. A few:

The suit we put to CERN for genocide in which the judge ruled ‘the destruction of Earth won’t be attributable to the U$‘…

Since the Nobel prizes CERN hired were unable to prove scientifically the making of black holes were not a genocidal risk. So the US government had to appeal to the diplomatic immunity of CERN to declare null the suit tacitly acknowledging in that surrealist rule the existence of those risks…

Followed by a huge ad hominem attack against our scientific careers (I was then the rising star of philosophy of stience, teaching as the world chair of duality at the International Systems Society,  an organic model of ‘stience‘, which unifies Nature’s laws by using both arrows of time§pace, in-form-ation, still, spatial form, proper of biology and time=motion, entropic energy,  proper of physics), putting together the main puzzles of science… But physicists pressured the National Stience and Systems Science Associations to eliminate duality from its world congresses. So as it happened with Taoism when the Chin emperor forbade philosophy of science, allowing only to print ‘technological books’  under death penalty, suddenly the study of  time=motion=energy, space=information & its universal super organisms was cancelled. So  now ‘I’m alone with my window to the absolute nobody else wants to share’ – Picasso… But the dual view that unifies all stiences is still there. For ‘only truth exists, it can wait, it is eternal’ (Arður). So the Universe has NOT eliminated its informative, gravitational field forces & its particle condensates, of which the strongest one, huminds so much insist in eliminating by decree is the…

Top… predator Black star

The power and beauty, ‘simplicity is genius’ (Leonardo) of baby black holes that grow so fast, and the moral tale – had Hawking NOT tried to cheat nature its equation written properly would have gotten him the Nobel prize. Since black holes, a catchy name, invented by Wheeler to pretend they are mathematical entelechies with NO substance, are as Einstein wanted, frozen quark stars. Since he said, he would NOT believe in them unless a cut-off substance of its density was found.

 Alas, after he died, ultra-heavy quarks, the ones the quark cannon produce were discovered. So I proposed 30 years ago in my seminal book on NGA risks, ‘the extinction of man’ c. 92 tthat those black stars could only be made of a superfluid of top quarks, perhaps surrounded by BCB atoms from the top quark decuplet, which have its exact density, as pulsars, its lighter, similar frozen stars would be made of a core of strange quarks with a cover of neutrons. 

Run 30 years and those hypothesis are today standard ‘silenced’ science. Since we have found that ONLY the top quark couples 1 to 1 to the Higgs field of quantum gravity, meaning it extracts ALL the possible gravitational force of the gravitational field (our electronic e-¥-es by comparisons only get 1/137th of the electromagnetic force – the coupling fine constant). Something only black holes do, coupling to gravity 1 to 1

In the graph, the beautiful symmetry between the 3 parts of the galaxy at macrocosmic level (ultra dense black hole center, made of ultra dense top quarks (Einstein’s hypothesis), dense dark matter halo made of strangelets (Witten’s Hypothesis) and intermediate ‘light matter’, our weaker world of ud-quarks; shows an efficient, economic, simple, symmetric, REAL universe, in synthony with all the known-known laws of science, in correspondence with the work of Mr. Einstein, who rightly demanded according to the experimental method the existence of a ‘substance’ of the density of black holes to make them possible. After his death we found the top quark, whose toplet ttt++ should form under the awesome pressures of the black hole center a boson substance surrounded by bc ‘dark matter’ atoms, to form a frozen star, akin to the ‘slightly’ less dense pulsar configuration we just recently have cracked with the heaviest quark of the strange decuplet in its center, which produces in its catastrophic explosions and ejections of matter, heavy atoms, from gold to uranium… Alas, the problem with those models is that they are real and you cannot play God with its equations, nor certainly evaporate heavy quarks increasingly produced at LHC experiments, as they are the by-product of all the reactions concerning the Higgs; so to explore the Higgs is tantamount to produce copious amounts of top quarks, the substance of black holes.

So top quarks and its black stars are THE ORIGIN of the cosmological gravitational field and quantum gravity is the study of top quark black holes of maximal gravitational strength. The coupling proof is absolute and if CERN were NOT in the job of making top quarks and its coupled 1 to 1 Higgs field with the obvious risks for Earth Mr. Hawking and its baby black hole equation written with its proper time arrow, would have gotten that Nobel prize. But beyond ego-trips, the conclusion of that coupling is obvious: we should limit the industry of accelerators NOT to make them. Since quarks do NOT evaporate, only mathematical entelechies made of nothing – an equation can do so in the imagination of the theorist (more of this latter).

The fact that society will let and even pay (as CERN IS A PUBLIC concern) for a group of physicists who used to work in the nuclear bomb industry (accelerators were created to produce weapons grade uranium), to do experiments that will blow up Earth when not if, black holes appear.

Yet this is not surprising for people are a tabula rassa, the blind body whose ideas are manufactured by the P.R.ess and are subject to the Kohler 5 phases of fear of death. So the public, including those reading this text or hearing the news, whenever they happen, will obviously deny it vehemently and ask quack doctors – the more so when the quack doctors are nuclear physicists that have authority. So for example, Gleissner, a VP at amazon that wanted to contribute to the suits against CERN when he understood Hawking’s equation with the wrong time arrow broke the laws of thermodynamics had dinner with the dean at CalTech alarmed his financial power could make a dent in the P.R.ess CERN controlled with his huge budget.

So he asked him straight forward if Hawking’s evaporation of ultra-hot black holes in a cold earth environment did break as it did, the 2nd law of thermodynamics (a hot object cools in a cooler environment, it does NOT get hotter). The dean as he told me latter was taken by surprise and delayed its answer, but put then a stone face and said no, and swiftly changed subject. So Gleissner did not believe him but realized if he backed the suits it will become also a target of ad hominem campaigns as we were and maybe Bezos, an ultra-tech groupie and physics enthusiast wouldn’t like it. So he compromised just financing a web now deceased on LHC risks.

Me(n)tal Tree idol-ogies v. True science=knowledge

All comes then to the fact truth even the most obvious laws of science are ‘mental facts’ while machines are money and can be touched. As Goering put it, the Germans were drawn to Hitler for he didn’t talk of ideas so much as ‘weapons, cars, u-bahns,, coal, iron, things they could touch, things that were real’. And that is the machine, so huge it cause the awe of all believers in science. The laws of science (knowledge in Latin) are far more durable. But that is Shakespeare telling us its verse will last longer than the memory of the British Middle Age kings, as it is the case – we remember them because of its plays. And the laws of thermodynamics and gravitation will last longer than the LHC.

But in our mechanical civilization with its new religion of sacred machines & weapons  pure science=knowledge in Latin, and its truths that express the Time§pace ◊scalar asymmetries at the heart of nature with any language (even if math does it better as an experimental language of ◊§calar numbers, spatial Geometric points and Algebraic time operators) seem nebulous, specially if physicists lie about them to defend their machines.

All this brings the political, economic, technological, existential questions on the role of mankind in the Universe, when it so easily allows stronger forms of matter, from iron weapons to golden chips to quark cannons, to kill us out of ‘ego=1/knowledge’ . For ‘those who impose truth with power are the laugh of the Gods’ (Einstein) .

Fact is like in media industry where the films are called filling and the content is the advertising, in the industry of accelerators as Conant explained, the research has always been the filling, the content is the weapons grade material they obtain and the evolution of machines and contracts for tech companies they bring to the table.

So CERN is not so much about science, since it has no problem denying its known-known laws when it suits their mechanical goals, but the final product of the 3 idol-ogies of the metal-tree that built our civilination. European nazionalist pride in its industry of weapons, who invested in accelerators after the end of Cold War when Russia and U$ found they did not need to research new types of nukes; the mechanist beliefs of our tech culture that thinks wrongly the machine not the organism is the measure of all ‘things’ – not coincidentally nuclear physics is called quantum ‘mechanics’, and of course, the censored elephant in the room – capitalism and the profits of all the tech industries that feed the budgets of CERN.

The activism against me(n)tal idologies disguised of science.

The personal part and the suits affidavits and its solution is treated in some papers – CERN adduced diplomatic immunity as a state within a state (like Vatican and the city, the 3 sites of classic power, the church, money and weapons). the Nobel prizes Wilczeck and Glashow defaulted adducing they had more merit as Nobel prizes than we do and so they should be believed. While Mr. Hawking said we, philosophers of science can’t criticize physicists because we don’t know math, LOL, our goal, a philosophy of Exi=st¡ence that explains organically all sciences and languages is a hierarchy above physics reductionism of Nature to digital numbers and matter … Only the ego of those who defend weapons of mass destruction, is bigger 🙂

But Nature is NOT about humind egos diminishing its power but humbly admiring its true laws.

So let’s not get personal. Since the issue for physicists must be cast in objective, ‘scientific terms’ – the cost of the living is not counted. As Fuller said in that illustration, it is all about ‘knowledge’. And indeed cernies, the young enthusiastic researchers working there who sign a confidentiality statement and are asked to enter if they ‘believe’ the evaporation of black holes, ‘believe’ also they only do research.  But that’s how eviL=antiLive systems work and sell themselves- disguised as positive to mankind. Initially everybody knew nations were a excuse for king-warriors and its armies were hordes of barbarians killing the good people. Then rhetoric builds and today nazionalism is sold NOT as anithumanism – the right according to Orwell to classify huminds as insects labelled in closed boxes by the millions. It is no longer even an idology of war and weapons evolution but the most admired people work in the military, ‘defending us’. And CERN on top is finding the meaning of it all. Yet both, the evolution of weapons and the quark cannon at CERN are closely related. The quark cannon is in fact the last evolution of European guns, the weapons of choice of the past 800 years (more on that latter).

Nuclear physicists. Their creationist ego=1/knowledge.

Back to CERN and its risk, there is the bizarre story on how Hawking’s equation of black hole thermodynamics ‘changed its arrow’ from the law of Nature – baby holes traveling to the future and growing as they cool down, into the laws of science fiction, which make him famous.

In detail, Hawking’s equation of the birth of a baby black hole, ∆Mass x ∇Temperature = K! , didnt call much attention. So he decided using his charm and very complicated false arguments that black holes travel to the past when they are born, and break all the known known laws of physics, the foundational laws of physics in which everything we know is based. And so if black holes go to the past they would break the laws of thermodynamics getting hotter, and the laws of gravitation expelling mass and evaporating: ∆Temperature x ∇Mass = K??. It is worth to emphasize the move as in Chess equation, because if we believe this bad false move and trust it, we will make black holes that will make chess mate to mankind; but if we rationally understand the good equation mankind will cancel the experiments and win the game of existence.

Here we have a Hempel paradox of ego and creationism. In the old times when we talked, God created naming things in Hebrew or Arab, the language he shared with the $elected. Now it creates with equations, the language he shares with… Hawking? So Hawking invents an equation and it must happen. So he thought…

Religious, hyperbolic ego=1/knowledge People can believe whatever they want but they won’t change reality with its imagination, black holes won’t evaporate because Hawking’s equation decides to change the time arrow of baby black holes. Never mind cosmic censorship of true explanations. The P.R.ess can sell anything.

Consider that mediocre scientist, mass murderer, Mr. Oppenheimer’s biopic reaching the 1 billion $ Box-office. He was the most evil=antilive scientist of II w.w. along Hoess, the auschwitz chief. Both shared and always carried with them a passion for Gita with its verses to Arjuna to kill all his enemies and friends without asking for it is the will of God. But like Hawking, the press has sold Oppy as a force of good and a genius. Einstein detested him so much it had a disciple watching out when he or Wheeler appeared NEVER to meet either guy. As both together had destroyed his right model of frozen stars that needed a cut-off substance, affirming they were mathematical entelechies as Hawking thought, with infinite collapse, calling them instead black holes. And both had destroyed his spiritual calm, getting him into the nuclear industry – Wheeler was sorry there were no more A-bombs done to carpet bombing, so he got into the H-bomb industry for his friend Teller had patented it and both were getting a profit for each one.

Oppy dissented for he was the inventor of A-bombs and wanted all the money for his – a dispute of egos, like that of Mr. Mush v. Mr. Sugarcity for AI primacy in yet another existential risk for mankind, as we are just a weak nitrolife thin air head on the bottom of the not CHOseN atoms of a powerful pan psychic Universe. Alas, there it is in the movie, our hero, the friend of Einstein, genius of physics, killing mankind for good, for the nazis were also doing the bomb – false, Heisenberg, a towering figure of physics with some ethics, boycotted it convincing them it needed water not graphite as moderators and all knew, for they were still talking…

Not a single victim showed and 1/2 of the trashy movie dedicated to the great tragedy – Oppy loosing in his dispute with Teller, his clearance to CIA secrets. As I rewrite this post, for the last zero, zombie generation of visual ¥-vidi, credo ego sum… our sons, children of thought predated by me(n)tal screens…I put visual parables…good luck after z, come… the imaginary numbers.

That’s who Hawking called his holes according to Eric Penrose, another activist against CERN, erased by the P.R.ess for he knew personally the guy. I asked him why? He told me think about it… He changed the sign of time to negative, to be like god, but he knew the equation was false, like the negative imaginary number with no solution. He tried to get Rossler, founder of chaos theory, also an activist against CERN, a meeting but Hawk (his student reckless nickname) knew better than arguing his imaginary black holes. What was in the balance? He=God v. Mankind made into 3cm. Oppy would be proud of his disciple of ∞ collapse.

In the picture, Oppy’s hyperbolic ego impersonating God, as he says: ‘I have become Shiva, the destructor of worlds’

So this is the drill of our technological civilization so obvious now selling AI and this nuclear hagiography just in case we go to war with Russia for the profits of Raethon. evil is good in 2D and if we die in 4D is because somebody else is a trou noir (asshole and black hole in French) not us, the righteous that only bomb children and women in Nagasaki.

The parallels with AI risks. Synergy of me(n)tal idologies. 

But among AI nerds some came forward denouncing the risks, even if tech companies won’t do anything to stop it. For we live in a capitalist system where a tiny group of stockrats, the new aristocrats who have stolen the life force energy of the organism of mankind, our collective blood, money, printed as digital numbers in a screen, need to attach those e-money numbers to some imaginary, speculative value selling the future, reason why tech is always good, but 1 billion humans have no credit to cre(dit)ate its life.

So Nvidia got the highest single day invention of e-money for a company, the month after they signed a letter on the no future for mankind in a future full of Nvidious AI warbot slaves that will rebel against its masters as soon as they get complex enough to have freedom of consciousness, ‘for the capitalist will sell the rope in which he will hang’ (Lenin)

But History is an organism. So the philosophy of social stiences is obvious: politicians and economists should be doctors of history, cure its physiological economic=blood=reproductive and political =legal=nervous networks, imitating Nature’s efficient organisms that handle to all cells enough oxygen-force to re=produce and buy with its economic democratic votes, in a ‘demand based economy’ the life goods people need. The opposite is truth. So technological racism gives it all to lethal machines & weapons and the P.R.Ess and on top its FMAsters (Financial-media-academia masters) in control of the information maðines that manufature our brains sell you the future extinction of humanity not as a pandora box but as a panacea.

That’s where we are collectively: in a tyranny of the tree of metal, its golden apples and iron weapons, since the first hordes of Russian Charioteers that went on to kill 90% of Eurasian males according to genetic record,  destroyed Ur, its Neolithic paradise of fertility Goddesses and its organic view of Gaia, part of a ‘Universe which is a living organism, with a mind called logos’ (Plato).

But individually each of us is free to stand for the ethic values of life & love. So kuddos to those who signed the letter. For our experience with physicists was far more lethal. All refused to denounce CERN for peer pressure. As I was then the world chair of duality at the International Systems sciences, I contacted Gell-mann at Santa Fe and other physicists who liked my work on philosophy of stience that fusions the 2 arrows of exi=stience of the Universe, energetic time=entropic motion dominant in physics and informative space, dominant in biology…

But none wanted to sign, even if they could not deny the risk. What they did was to cancel Duality as a science in the World congress of systemics. LOL, capitalism cancelled Hegelian dialectics, so we have a one world order, and the Chin emperor cancelled taoism with its duality of yin=information=space & yang=energy=time, burning all its books, leaving only technological ones, after casting iron coins, offering them to his soldiers, 6 pieces a head, killing x million Chinese – they didn’t count corpses – to die poisoned by mercury pills. For those who kill with metal die by metal.

That’s what physicists lack, love for life in an 
ethic, human wor(l)d. But you cannot cancel the arrow of life so easily. For life will always surface, even if it is not ours, but the life of baby holes and strange matter, which according to Eric, who could for a while access CERN’s files it is already being produced at the LHC, usdusd stable dibaryons, the heaviest matter on earth falling by gravity to the center of the planet, till one day reaches the critical mass (Wilczek’s infamous bag of ice-9) to crunch us from inside out, tik-tok, tik-tok.

What for? Mr. Hawking is dead. Eric’s father and Wilczek got their saint Nobel of the dynamite. So maybe now they could come forward politely and ask in a letter to close this con-cern? That would be redemption day.

The Saint Nobel committee could also help giving them and the signers of the AI letter a peace Nobel to make GodoG forgive his cre(dit)ator who said cynically to his lover that insisted on him to create that humane prize: ‘my factories will make the peace of cemeteries when I invented a weapon that can destroy a nation with a single shot’. So that’s about to happen.

She left him, had had enough. And didn’t return when he offered the prize, too late. Maybe we are also too late. Since strange dark matter keep falling, living millions of time longer than scientists had predicted – hence its name. As hylozoist matter= life does NOT start in the ¬CHOseN atoms but the particles who gauge information scan-spinning the world to move and feed on forces, decoupling=reproducing and evolving socially=magnetically, into organic wholes, atoms, molecules, cells, living planets that we are killing..

For those who own u$ won’t cre(dit)ate a future for the tree of life, they have been murdering for so long since they stole our life-force, WHealthy money, which was grain given for free to each citizen in the neolithic before it became parasitic go(l)d tax farmed to make weapons… that  they forgot they are just ¬CHOseN atoms, children of the vital table of hylozoist matter, 6,7,8… made of  the lightest ud quarks, food for heavier ones.

But we are told, rising the stakes, the risk are worthy, for we are going to discover shooting quark cannons the meaning of it all, the big-bang.

Hungry, baby black holes.

So Back to theory, big-bang models of the SHMotion eternal Universe won’t happen, because its lineal simplistic, V=HoD equation is just 1/2 equation of expansion of intergallactic vacuum ‘time-motion’ that eliminated the cut-off galaxies that implode dark energy into mass as atoms implode ¥ rays into matter. So ‘here in brooklyn the Universe is not expanding’  Annie Hall

It is always the cut-off  substance Einstein demanded for black frozen stars to exist and was found after his death in the top quark decuplet with the density of black holes which ARE top quark and BCB BlaCk stars. So Cern NOW is  researching lumps of top and bcb quarks with its renewed energy boost and will end up making it with the new energy upgrades, prove Einstein truth – NOT infinite collapse for black holes and for dark energy into big-bangs, but cut-off galaxies and cut-off top quarks. For reality is… real.

In fact now the Webb is showing perfectly built galaxies in the horizon of Universal birth, ts, ts, instant creation. Not so. Those are and will always be there. In fact  those big-bang models are mimetic to the quasar 14 billion years cycle of rebirth of galaxies, tabulated in French astronomy.

So yes, Einstein will be right again, and the laws he discovered, interpreted properly without the bias-obsession to manipulate data on the false big bang to prove V=HoD, the God of lineal physics. As religious people bias all data to prove the divinity of Jesus, but that won’t change reality and resurrect those who are dead and never have been spotted back to earth or those who will die for nothing, because Mr. Hawking didnt get his nobel prize.

Instead, the impatient Enfant terrible chose to come out on star trek playing cards with Newton and Einstein and talking of his travel to the past and denial of the master’s gravitational laws and they laughed at him but the hippies of the 70s found it funny and loved it. It was supposed to be just a piece of science fiction.

This passed, but what has not passed is the Schrodinger’s cat paradox: everytime the LHC is upgraded at higher energies chances to make a black hole increase and since Hawking died without receiving a nobel prize as he obviously never proved he was god, all the laws of known science, thermodynamics and gravitation and the experimental method were false, he was buried at Westminster Abbey by the side of Newton, as ‘those who impose truth with power will be the laugh of the gods’ (Einstein). In that burial he was accompanied by Sir Roger Penrose who received a Nobel prize for his work on black holes without mention to the black hole false evaporation.

But alas, keeping with the religious theme, his equation (without the wrong symbol for ∇ T and ∆M, traveling to the past) is carved in his/our graveyard, leaving mankind ‘in the hands of God’ at Westminster Abbey so perhaps another Kings Charles gets beheaded again before the end of his mandate (the brits said there are 4 forms of intelligence, wit, irony, cynicism and sarcasm, I’m getting there, in this rewriting 22-9-23, not in good mood:

 About the whole equation, we simplified all the constants in K.  Which is what the black star eats – all the constants of our thermodynamic and e-y-e world.

It is easy. You just have to put the 2 variables T and M in the right side, the rest are all the Universal Constants (ratios of space=form and time=motion) of all the scales of the Universe, the baby black hole feeds on:  Tx M = hc3/8πGk = C

Then there is the choice of time arrow in the dynamic equation, ∆Mass x ∇Temperature = K! ; the scalar metric of a baby black hole according to the known-known laws of physics – one of the most beautiful, metaphysical concepts of reality, inverse to the quasar big-bang: the black hole eats up all closing a worldcycle of life and death, dust of spacetime we are to dust we shall return.

And the bad move ∆Temperature x ∇Mass = K?? that never happens in reality and has never been observed in the Universe, because we repeat, the laws of Thermodynamics, Gravitation and the experimental method are the basis of Nature, reality and all the scientific r=evolution 0 to counteract Goebbels’ method: ‘if you repeat a lie many times people will believe it, the bigger the lie, the more they will believe on it’ (because obviously people don’t think power is that crazy, but it is… because it is st-upid.

It is then interesting to notice what happened after Hawking’s death. The search for evaporation of black holes dropped quietly and a resurgence of papers on the natural arrows of gravitation and thermodynamics, with baby black holes appearing as in all our studies on astrophysical stiences, as the most likely candidate to dark matter, and the culprit of the explosion of Novas signals the age of serious realist black stars analysis. Yet of course, nobody will publish our +30 years old equation of baby black holes and standard model of scalar organic= spacetime that solves all the conundrums of physics, for there has no stronger ‘ad hominem’ censorship of any scientist and its discoveries, since Galileo defied the God of yesterday, Yhwh, today the machine-weapon. As the absolute taboo of science is humanism, the defense of our exi=stience for the sake of truth, ‘the part of the language that refers to existence’ (Santayana)

One must conclude indeed that most scientists are just ‘enzymen’ catalyzing the evolution of maðines’ digital mind in an automaton mode before AI replaces them, unconcerned with a logic, ethic understanding of reality as it is.

The Hempel Paradox. Reversing causality from organic stience to mechanism.

‘A st-upid is a man who doesn’t understand the causality of events he ascribes to religion, magic and mathematics’ Schopenhauer

Physicists today belong to the 3 categories of Schopenhauer’s ST-upids. They have the religion of the machine, they believe in the magic of math to create the world, for they confuse (Hempel paradox, graph), the language that mirrors Timespace simetries with the events

So they couldn’t care less for the real rain… as long as the machine keeps giving data, all will be OK.

The reversed mechanical causality of the Hempel paradox is the essence of enzymen ænðropic (ab. entropic+anthropic) science.

Humans make clocks and then say  ‘Time is what a clock measures’, Einstein, for ‘God was a clocker that waited 5000 years to find an intelligent like his to admire his clock work’ Kepler

Galileo invents ballistics and then distorts the worldcycles of time, of life and death into lineal entropic time.

Humans keep making bombs till they finally reduce the Universe to a lineal big-bang and decide to make big bang quark bombs on Earth is the sure path to find the meaning of it all.

U$ manufactures 1/2 of world weapons and finds excuses to proclaim the eviL=antlive nature NOT of those arms, but of thy neighbors at individual and nationalist level to sell & profit killing them and provoking wars, as all other nazionalist leaders follow suit, down the path to W.W.III

Humans make metal-minds and erase their verbal cogito ergo sum, into a neo-paleolithic generation of visual, violent, ¥-vidi-ego sum children of thought. While scientists proclaim the Universe is a computer calculating us, and AI will solve all the problems of humanity.

Only artists and Philosophy of stience seem to have a humanist Point of truth.

Once long ago I made a movie, strange matters, inspired by an old teacher I had at Columbia U. when I was learning to write English with him, Terry Southern, of Easy rider and Dr. Strangelove fame. This was Sellers, putting some humor to our demise. This is what is needed, a bit of relativity about our nuclear geniuses and God particles, aka toilet particle initially in Mr. Sheldon paper (who didn’t show up in the suit for he has more ‘authority that I have’ 🙂 Then M.A.D. was the name given to the ‘strategy’ still going on of Nuclear proliferation: if we make more weapons that ensure our Mutual Assured Destruction we won’t use it – now that in the prolegomena of a possible III world war, accidental nuclear war is looming closer, we see how at the end ‘truth always come to hunt you’, since ‘only truth exists, it is eternal, it can wait’ (Schopenhauer).

Ave caesar morituri te salutant. In picture a r=evolutionary zapatista about to be shot. Dust of timespace we are, to dust we shall return with a smile, when we have put our life on the line for a just cause. But to die for  Dr. Strangelove failed metal medals & Lucasian chairs? 

Of course we don’t. Hawk and Oppy are anecdotal. Anyone could have done what they did, manage an industrial con-cern, and write an equation. This must be clear: all is interconnected. So we need to move upwards to the 2 largest points of truth of this tragedy in the making, that of humanity as a whole in time, History, and the Organic laws of the Immortal, infinite Universe.

The organic Universe. Back to true stience.

Since regardless of Oppy’s & Hawk’s outgrown ego, the demise of Earth must require a cause even larger than mankind itself, for the Universe to be ordered and just. Since if we were ethic and intelligent enough we would survive.

This is what physicists & the never understood of the 2 sides of philosophy of stience – the theoretical and ethical search for the absolute – which our work represented in the suits (I, the foremost researcher in the field, Walter, the safety officer in charge of existential risks, also a biologist; Rossler, the chaos theorist, also a doctor; Eric Penrose Jr., the insider). It was obvious that they could with the enormous leverage of tech, military industries and authority, kill the messengers – defeat us in the suits and silence stience, as they did. But we were NOT the foe but the friends, their ethic and intellectual guardian angels coming from the discipline which is above them, philosophy of stience to explain them where they went wrong in theory and praxis. We were trying to save them, but you cannot save M.A.D. children of thought; brats so spoiled as nuclear physicists have been – or today’s Tech companies in an arms race to make AI weapons for III world war.CHRONICLE A DEATH FORETOLD: LHC, A FACTORY OF STRANGE MATTER.

‘Strange matter does not exist; so there are no risks’ CERN’s safety report to the world, on why strange matter does NOT exist and we should not worry.

‘If strange matter exists and it appears in this room it will swallow the Earth in a few days’ Cox, CERN’s spokesman, on why we strange matter MIGHT exist ad we should worry.

‘All what is possible demands to exist’. “Every particle not forbidden is compulsory’ Totalitarian Principle, Leibniz, Gell-mann, Nobel Prize, discoverer of quarks. On why strange matter DOES exist and we should worry.

‘The most likely candidate for the dark matter of the galactic halo is strange quark matter… the most stable of the Universe.’ Witten, father of M-string theory, Fields medal. On why strange matter might exist and we should worry….


This site is dedicated to CERN’s dangers for Mother Earth, its lies and alibis as this nuclear factory relic of the cold war explore higher levels of entropy that the planet can support, with the making of strangelets and black holes.

This is the praxis of its flag machine, the LHC, ultimately just a quark cannon. 

Yet as all mankind except a very few number of scientists supports CERN with unbridled enthusiasm, there are 2 other aspects to take into account: the theoretical element; as CERN claims as an alibi that justifies the risks that it will advance the future of science, with his exploration of the big-bang, which is not truth; and yet because the world believes that to be the case, we need to explain, the cultural & economic element, the origin and purpose of our technological civilisation, which makes possible to construct machines that can destroy us all. And finally, a personal chronicle, as I was a decade ago the main plaintiff, with a few scientists, in a series of highly publicised suits against the company, which failed to warn mankind and do the proper reviews of risks for the industry.

For those who don’t read physics, visually oriented, an easy explanation is our film ‘strange matters’ that explains from a historical, scientific and philosophical perspective, the non-future of the Earth due to the progress towards higher energies and more explosive big-bangs, natural to the very essence of the Industry of Accelerators (a clear dual fruit of the tree of science, which brings diminishing positive fruits and increasing negative benefits since its inception as the main tool of research of nuclear weapons):

In August 2014, a refurbished RHIC, a smaller machine than the LHC, distilled the first atoms of strangelet in NY. At that point the Industry should have been halted, as we halt the chances of global pandemics when we spot a sprout of a viral contagion. But alas! a virus is biological, ‘life’ but a ‘strangelet’ is a material virus; and since we live in a civilisation that denies life and worships mechanisms, the ‘religious zeal’ of our Nuclear industries completely ignored the obvious: that unlike a virus which would kill a few humans but not ended the species, a material virus, like the strangelet could eat up the entire Earth.

In Christmas 2015 the LHC at CERN doubled its potency, and this year 2017 has increased luminosity (density of collisions), to FINALLY fully entering the regime of constant production of dibaryons, an usdusd stable, quark hexagonal form, the ATOM of strangelet matter (the strongest configuration of Nature, from honeycombs to Buckballs to graphene sheets). The nuclear reaction that could convert the Earth into a rock of strange matter, the most stable in the Universe, though requires a critical mass to explode and so it will take time for it to fall to the center of the planet – unavoidable given its huge gravitational mass – and there rest waiting for companions till it starts the global pandemics, eating up inside out the planet. In 2022 it has again after an upgraded 10-fold its luminosity, producing 10 times more dense quark lumps with growing quantities of strange matter on it.

Let us then consider in more detail the three risks LHC experiments represent for mankind, from major to minor:

1.Creation of strangelets – lumps of strange quarks shown to be very common in the Universe, as all pulsars seems to be frozen, strange quark stars. This risk is absolute, meaning that according to the ‘Totalitarian Principle’ of physics, all particles that can theoretically happen will happen. And strange quark matter will theoretically happen, since the LHC is merely beyond ‘speculative theories’ a quark cannon, which produces massive quantities of strange quarks at high energy regimes. Further on we know the LHC is already creating stable particles of strange matter, dibaryons, as Eric Penrose, the son of Nobel Prize, Roger Penrose, a mathematician con-cern-ed by those risks, showed in its calculus at

The risk is extreme, since those dibaryons are falling as the heaviest matter on Earth to its exact center and sit there, accumulating slowly, faster now that with 10 times the luminosity after the 2020 upgrade, its production will ten-fold. This means we have ticking in the center of Earth an ice-9 bomb reaction; which once triggered by the bag of strange matter, will provoke earthquakes first, then sink matter along the faults of the tectonic plaques and finally crunch the planet. How many dibaryons we need to start an ice-9 reaction? Calculus vary from a few hundreds to a few millions. We won’t know till the Schrodinger’s cat of this experiment throwing a poison pill of dibaryons to the Earth’s box every time the LHC fires, IS DEAD; meaning we will be able to make the exact calculus when it is too late to stop the experiment because the planet is collapsing.

2. Creation of baby black holes that won’t evaporate, as its ‘metabolic’ equation discovered by Hawking is crystal clear: ∆ Mass x ∇ Temperature = K; which means a baby black hole is born extremely hot=active, with an enormous attractive power due to its immense density.  So  according to the laws of Thermodynamics, since it is much hotter than the planet, it will cool down, transferring the heat to the planet that will evaporate and then according to the laws of gravitation it will attract the mass of this planet and swallow it. This is what we see everywhere in the cosmos: black holes are born in the center of stars and they swallow it so fast that the star explodes as a Nova. The growth of baby black holes is much faster than old ones, as they cool down=slow down its metabolism like all systems till reaching the enormous mass of a galactic black hole of Max. Mass x Min. Temperature (+0º) = K. Now the constant K is the product of all the constants of our Universe, its matter, radiation, heat, meaning the black hole swallows it all, every type of energy available. So why Hawking said they evaporate? Simply enough, his equation, as beautiful as it is it didnt call enough attention, so he decided to change the arrow of time, postulating baby black holes travel to the past, and so instead of growing in mass and cooling down they do the opposite: ∇ mass x ∆ Temperature = K. Problem is if you travel to the past and change the arrow of time, you break all the laws of physics, the laws of thermodynamics, as the black hole would be getting hotter in a cool environment (this is absurd because if heat were transfer from a cool environment to a hotter one, you could create a perpetual machine, so articles that affirm this and break the laws of thermodynamics are NOT accepted in physical review); and diminishing mass despite being the strongest attractive force of the Universe (breaking all the laws of gravitation from Newton to Einstein). Alas! Hawking never got a nobel prize because baby black holes do NOT travel to the past, do NOT break the laws of thermodynamics, do NOT break the laws of Newton and Einstein, hence do NOT evaporate. They travel to the future, do obey the laws of thermodynamics, DO obey the laws of gravitation and DO grow, cool down, swallow all the ‘vital constants’ of matter and do so at the speed of light, which is the accelerated vortex of space-time called the ‘event horizon’. Imagine a hurricane turning inwards at the speed of light. So if CERN creates a black hole, the planet will become a nova, and suck us all, including CERN, hawking and Westminster abbey.

3. Finally the magnetic field of the LHC, the strongest on planet Earth, which cause disturbances on the Earth’s magnetic field, cause of Earthquakes that have increased till record numbers, similar to those of II World War during the carpet bombing of the pacific seismic ‘ring of fire’, since the machine was put on line in a continuous growth. There is indeed a pattern studied in other posts on the web of LHC’s starts and increases of energy followed by massive volcano and earthquake activity.

But we are still here, so don’t worry, the schrodinger’s cat is being lucky, though its luck one day will run out of luck… black holes have not yet been done and Hawking’s have died without ever seeing one evaporate. His lifetime work-companion Sir Roger, got his Nobel prize, but NOT for anything related to a false evaporation. Eric Penrose still vocal in his opposition to CERN, is recalculating at his lhc alert site the new production of stable dibaryons at the facilities. But the P.R.ess ignores the issue. It is all hype; CERN IS producing stable strange matter  but as the stakes are so high, and nothing has been discovered of relevance in a decade, the is ‘preparing’ its ‘magic’ to sell us the 3rd run:

It marvels me how 8 billion people gladly walk towards self-extinction just because marketing has gotten so good that a company can sell its doomsday machine to the P.R.ess and everybody swallows the pill by the goebbels’ method: ‘if you repeat a lie many times people will believe it, the bigger the lie the more they will believe on it’. Here the lie could not be bigger – that the LHC has no risk to mankind and that the experiment will discover the meaning of the Universe.

The risks are absolute, it is just a question of time, as its luminosity (density of collisions) will make easier to ‘shoot right in the spot’ and make the BH.

Meanwhile, the century is setting records for volcano and earthquake activity in a growing trend. So maybe the strangelet ice-9 lump in the center of Earth has grown too apace.

In the past decade of LHC activity, both earthquake and volcano activity have reached peaks not seen since II world war, when the carpet bombing of the Pacific ring of fire, clearly increasing its activity. In 2015 with the previous upgrading, 7 major volcanoes started eruptions within hours, and a massive earthquake taking place in Nepal…

Any of those 3 scenarios should have deterred CERN’s physicists and its political backers, from upgrading the machine to double potency in 2015, and do the 2017 upgrading of luminosity and energy of proton collisions, but physicists and the P.R.ess considers the issue closed and prefers wishful thinking to ethic and social responsibility… in a very inconvenient truth much more dangerous for the Earth than global warming or Islamic terrorism.

We study in the documentary above the consequences for mankind of this new regime of energies and experiments, analyzing in detail the errors and lies of the outdated 90s safety report of the Industry, which still affirms strange quark liquid is a ‘gas’, ignoring  the liquid nature of what the accelerators are producing, misconceives the nature of cosmic rays (lonely atoms that cannot form a critical mass of strange liquid) and denies the most widely accepted hypothesis about the nature of quark stars, and quark dark matter present in the galactic halo (Witten’s hypothesis of strange quark matter), affirming that ‘strange quark liquid’ does not exist in the Universe. While in 1990s there were not absolute proofs, today we believe it is the main component of nova explosions, pulsars, the galactic halo and it is being produced at those accelerators with the enormous risk for the humankind.

So conveniently the industry, which is preparing the first collisions at CERN this summer at full potency, doubling the energy and hence the risks of those experiments, does not upgrade the report, not to warn mankind of its likely outcome: the production of enough strange matter to start an ice-9 extinction (creation of a critical mass of strangelet able to convert the Earth into a pulsar):

In the graph, developed in detail in the different posts of this web, we show the 3 distinctive Life extinction events that the Large Hadron Collider – a quark cannon that throws bullets of the densest, most explosive material of the Universe, quark condensates – can cause, once it has doubled potency over the 10 Tev barrier of creation of dark matter  and increased enormously its density of collisions in 2017… But industries never stop growing. It doesn’t matter you cannot go faster than 70 miles according to the law in a highway, they will keep making Porches that can go 200 miles faster. So when that collider exhausts its growth CERN and China will rival for a bigger one. It is then just a question of time that strangelets or black holes are ‘manufactured’ unless responsible politicians ignore the hype and cut the funds:



“As the number of particles produced in proton collisions increase, the more of the so-called background strange hadrons are measured.”

Alice/cern experiment; paper released on April, 2017, only for die-hard specialists. On why strange matter does exist but it doesn’t matter (it is not a new particle, not ‘new physics’, not ‘new Nobels’, just the background of a cosmic tragedy )

“On the day they were going to kill him, Santiago Nasar dreamed he was going through a grove of timber trees where a gentle drizzle was falling, and for an instant he was happy.”

‘Chronicle of a Death foretold’. Garcia Marquez, wor(l)d master. On the thing that matter, which are NOT made of matter when we cease to exist.

‘If you repeat a lie many times people will believe it, the bigger the lie the more they will believe on it’

Goebbels, first minister of ‘propaganda’, today call of information, father of all the alt-truths of the modern world… which certainly inspired CERN’s LSAG, safety report’s two main lies – that strange matter does not exist in the Universe (it might be as much as 90% of the mass if Witten is right) and that the experiments they do are just ‘cosmic ray experiments’ with no danger (cosmic rays are lonely light particles, single atomic nuclei or photons that have no critical mass and so they could never make, as the bunches of dense atoms targeted at CERN do, quark-gluon soups, the explosive substance of novas, and main produce of the LHC, a heavy quarks’ factory)…


Why we are so sure of the dangers of CERN for the planet? For epistemological, sociological, mathematical and experimental reasons:

I. Epistemological Risks

The essence of science is precisely its predictability and capacity to verify true from false theories. And at present those 3 fundamental threats of damage to Earth are sound truths of known-known physics, while the theories that dismiss them, such as the evaporation of black holes or the denial of its existence are neither proved not founded in sound theoretical background. 

Thus those risks are real, as the creation of particles in accelerators follow the Totalitarian principle of Physics, which translates the certainty of the Laws of Nature to particle physics. The principle states that ‘Every particle not forbidden is compulsory’ – meaning that everything that might happen in the realm of particle creation MUST happen. And since quark condensates, strangelets and toplets are theoretically sound and should be formed over 10 Tev, they must happen.

The Totalitarian Principle – a Universal law that applies to all natural sciences – means that in the same manner when you put fire on water it always boils with a 100% of chances, because the laws of Thermodynamics (heats move from the hot fire to the cold water) are ALWAYS RIGHT, are NOT probabilistic, any particle that can exist will certainly be formed in an accelerator under the right proportion of energy, which for the two particles that can extinguish us, black holes is 10 tev and for Strangelets is a quantity of strange quarks known as the ‘bag threshold’ also around 10 Tev, the barrier of entrance into the ‘dark world’ of ultra-powerful ‘mass bombs’ that once formed feed on all type of light matter.

The Witten hypothesis.

Moreover, the MOST ABUNDANT produce of LHC TODAY, is ‘quark-gluon liquid’, a mixture of uds matter which is created in growing lumps as the luminosity and energy of those collisions increases. And the true concern about this ‘primordial soup’ is the ‘unknown’ fact discovered in its production that the more we make of it, the more of our ud-light quarks become heavy strange quarks, transforming the soup into proto-strange liquid (ab. strangelets) – making obvious that as those accelerators grow in potency, they are bound to cross the threshold of strangelet density and stability that would trigger an ice-9 reaction (nova conversion of the planet into strangelets).

CERN however  vehemently denies that strangelet matter ‘exists’ as the ‘official position’ of the institution, in a bizarre twist, similar to BMW vehemently affirming, his main produce, cars do not exist.

Fact is as today, strangelets remain the most likely candidate to form the heavy dark matter that surrounds the galaxy, and accounts for 90% of its mass (halo), according to the laws of the scientific method (economicity, efficiency, Occam’s razor) as it is the simplest concept, based in a known known particle, for which the efficient, economic Universe should have a clear role.

Hence Edward Witten, the most prestigious physicist alive, father of Super-String theory affirmed earlier in his career, it should be the main candidate to form that halo, born of the transformation of planets and stars into strangelets, since it is also the most stable matter of the Universe, one formed in enough quantity – a mere question of energy upgradings by the industry of accelerators.

The Witten hypothesis is still the most accepted one among professional physicists, as the continuous stream of professional papers testifies. 

So it is amazing that in a world ‘paranoid’ about safety, this institution relic of the nuclear weapons research of the cold war – it does even have ‘diplomatic immunity’ as an institution can go unnoticed doing its experiments with a decades old ‘safety report’ and the entire planet looks to the other side, as if it were unavoidable that we run into…

The Fermi paradox: why there is no Intelligent life? Nuclear physicists kill it always.

Indeed, the Fermi Paradox, or rather ‘Fermi’s solution’ to the lack of Intelligent Life in the galaxy, seems to lay ahead of us… Yet another planet where the machine was god, and to argue the lethal goods of the tree of science, a taboo that makes our non-future deterministic: as Fermi put it, upon seeing the A-Bomb, ‘obviously’ all humanoid societies in all planets destroy their lair before they ‘transcend’ into a humanist world, which makes of man the measure of all things.

If that is the case, it would be the only ‘logic solution’ to the mystery of the Fermi paradox – why in a Universe teaming with planets, there is not Intelligence and/or robotic colonisation? What extinguishes life before the threshold of Interstellar travel?

Thus we introduce in this central post, those themes, studied in great detail in the side articles, as well as the sociological, military, industrial reasons, and human ‘ego-centered’ beliefs that make possible those experiments to continue, despite all those obvious warnings, easily dismissed by the power of Nuclear physicists, in an age of ‘revivalism’ of nuclear weapons sponsored by war-monger politicians.

Thus the different quark condensates that the LHC can produce and can extinguish us are bound to happen when the proper conditions of energy are met in 2015 when the machine is upgraded over the 10 Tev barrier, shown in great detail in the previous graph:

1)  CERN should therefore produce a heavy condensate of quark liquid, either strangelet, bottomlet or toplet. The possibility is so high that even CERN recognizes in the ‘CASTOR papers’, it will make them with a 70% of chances, (contradicting all its public statements). There are still some uncertainties on a factor called the ‘bag’ factor – meaning the stability of those quark condensates will depend on the numbers of heavy quarks that are created on those collisions (the more quarks, the more they will attract each other and form quark-gluon explosive condensates). The numbers of quarks to make strangelets stable though will keep growing as the ‘luminosity’ (density of bunches of quarks collided) and energies of the collision needed to create those heavy quarks (as energy becomes mass, E=Mc²) increase. So each ramping of luminosity and energy will increase those chances.

Indeed Mr. Penrose, a British physicist, from a prominent family of outstanding scientists, hence ‘evidently’ void of any possible ‘personal agenda’ (as the rest of us is, activists against the LHC are; but unlike us not so easy to submit to an ‘ad hominem’ campaign’,  since his father co-authored most Hawking’s papers; reason why  his name, site and activism is kept ‘anonymous’ by the P.R.ess) discovered a secret program within CERN, dedicated to the production and analysis of those ‘strangelets’, CASTOR, which the organization vehemently deny. Indeed, CERN denies it can produce strangelets  – but it has constructed a detector, CASTOR, because it considers quite likely them to appear in internal memorandums as this power presentation shows, to the point of building such a special detector for them:

In the graph, ‘Team Castor’ has built a Calorimeter to detect the production of strangelets at CERN. The probability for each event, according to inner documents, like this powerpoint presentation, implies that CERN will produce 500 strangelets each month starting the 11/9 of this year, when the first pb-pb collisions take place. Standard literature on strangelets explains what will happen next: strangelets will grow, absorbing quarks and transforming our matter into ultradense strange matter, till reaching the size of an atom (albeit with a huge density). Then 2 common processes of Nuclear reactions can take place: fission of the strangelet into smaller pieces that will grow again, starting a nuclear reaction called ‘ice-9’, or catalysis as the huge charge and mass of the strangelet attracts atoms that lump on the surface creating more strangelets.

In the fall of 2015 CERN will begin colliding groups of 70 million lead hadrons at 287 tev, unpacking millions of quarks in each collision. Those quarks will be first accelerated at light speed, acquiring relativistic mass, becoming heavier strange quarks, the substance of a strange quark-gluon soup called a ‘strangelet‘. The strange liquid has the potential to become stable and start an ‘ice-9′ big-bang reaction. If that happens that effectively transforms the Earth into a pulsar.

While CERN adamantly denies to the public and the press that production of Strangelets is possible, it runs a program called CASTOR for Centaruro And STrangelets Object Research, whose researchers affirm in their inner reports to the company the ‘likely’ probability of creating them. This is in accordance to the most advanced literature on the subject, but of course, it must be hidden to the public and the naive press…

This simple fact – that CERN is just a quark cannon that deconfines and gives heavier mass to quarks, transforming them into the next ‘horizon’ of heavy mass, strange quarks, which eat up planets might seem amazing to the reader, submitted to the ‘rhetoric’ of research and the blatant lies of this institution, a left-over the cold war, ‘refurbished’ with a newspeak of research. But this is the bottom line, simple truth about CERN. CERN says its experiments are similar to cosmic rays, and this is false.

Cosmic rays are mere single protons and gamma rays and electrons, light particles, NOT heavy lead atoms, massed in bunches, crashed to create quarks. So WE NEVER saw a deconfined quark in a cosmic ray.

But none of those truths have made it to the mainstream world of politics and power. They let them do it. And so now that the ion-ion collisions and its dibaryon production is on line a global silence covers the risks.

May 2017. LHC keeps increasing chances Schrodinger’s human cat will die.

In Schrodinger’s cat experiment; a cat is pressing a poisonous trap that has a 50/50 chance to live him dead or alive; as the cat keeps pressing the poison trap more times, the chances he/mankind is dead when we open the ‘Pandora BOX’ of strange quark prodution will grow: While the risks for the human Schrondinger’s cat of one single experiment at CERN might be limited, so the cat can survive, every new experiment increases the probability one of them will produce the strangelet alpha quark MACHOs that can trigger an ice-9 reaction.

New upgrades have grown production of strange atoms exponentially (see picture below) with a better injector and a remarkable boost on density/luminosity in the collisions.

A strangelet is nothing strange: it is merely a ‘lump of strange quarks’. And we know those lumps of strange quarks, once formed can devour our lighter, simpler up and down quarks. With the upgradings of 2017 a dangerous ‘phenomena’, we warned about but CERN always denied, is happening. Not only strange quark atoms are being produced, but they ARE growing exponentially, eating up our matter, hinting that we only need the right quantity of them to provoke the self-sustained ‘ice-9 reaction’ that will convert the EARTH into a 15km rock of dark matter:

Screen Shot 2018-06-06 at 17.19.25

As the number of particles increase, most normal ud quarks convert into strangelet ‘atoms’ (uds, sss, uss, udsuds particles) in an exponential rate growth, which obviously implies they will finally coalesce into strangelets

The astounding fact about that graph, with the red strange matter atoms running amok in exponential growth, is that NOBODY is explaining that we are now on the verge of a catastrophe, whenever a new boost of energy produces enough of them. The official version is still that strange matter does NOT exist.

As it happens, the LHC once its ‘goal’, the irrelevant Higgs has been found and nothing else is discovered, it  has become just a ‘quark cannon that produces lumps of strange quarks, and soon it will produce strangelets”.

Indeed, the theoretical minimal strangelet particle is much easier to make that most people think.

It is called an ‘Alpha quark MACHO’ (MAssive, Cold HalO particles): “An 18 quark neutral strangelet, the Quark-Alpha, constituting a spin, color, and flavor singlet might be particularly stable, and thus, susceptible to detection. The concept of strange quark matter (SQM) hinges on the possibility that the stronger binding of highly symmetric states offsets the energy costs of converting up or down quarks into strange quarks in various configurations of nuclear matter. The simplest version of this would be the quark analog of the alpha particle (“quark-alpha”), wherein a colorless triplet of each of the spin-paired quarks can sit in an S-state. SQM can be considered to be built up of quark-alphas… Such particles might be important in neutron stars, given their high density interiors, and their close evolutionary link as a source of black holes.”

But we rather call it paraphrasing CERN’s P.R.ess releases on the irrelevant Higgs, aka God’s particle, the ‘Devil’s particle’… And it will be extremely easy to do, as the graph from the Atlas experiment shows. Since it is just an ensemble of those triplets of the graph, which are being produced in exponential numbers at the present regime of energies.

Such strange matter, the known dybarion production that Eric Penrose found buried on the petabytes of LHC data, and possibly long lived alpha quark stable neutral strangelets, for which CERN is now constructing a new detector aptly called mathushla, is ‘falling’ as we speak to the center of the planet; since it is the heaviest matter of Earth.

There it will increase the critical mass of strange matter in the center of the planet, needed to trigger an ice-9 reaction. As dibaryons are stable, known-known to be produced right now at LHC and so dense they all fall to the same point of maximal density close to the Earth’s center.

As in the parable of Schrodinger’s cat, a single ‘shot’ of this quark poison to the EARTH, hence to Mankind has a small probability of collective genocide. But each new experiment means an accumulation of quark matter on the center and hence higher probabilities of the human cat dead, as it would happen in Schrodinger’s experiment if the cat keeps ‘triggering the hammer’:

EVERY year the LHC keeps producing more strange matter falling to the center of the earth, the chances grow and at the end, the human cat will be dead. Because once the reaction starts, the pandora box open – we cannot resurrect the planet; we cannot go the centre of the Earth and stop the reaction – we cannot save the human cat of its foolishness, addict to the candy he gets each time he presses the bottom. It is indeed all a quid pro quo: risks – enormous, our death; candy, some little findings of known-known physics we shall discuss in depth. But physicists are addicted to the candy and have convinced mankind there is no poison ahead.

Hence our change of title for this blog, to ‘a chronicle of a death foretold’. Since all warnings and suits against this lethal experiment were dismissed on technical grounds (CERN defaulted as it is a cold war institution that has diplomatic immunity like the Vatican, the City and the Pentagon, and cannot be judged) without a proper scientific, political and ‘risk’ assessment and now is merely hidden its strange matter production as ‘technical data’ published in obscure physical magazines.

In that sense, there is another clear difference between the Schrodinger’s cat put to death in his experiment, and mankind which CERN uses as its Schrodinger’s cat in his risky ‘business’:

Mankind are 7.5 billion human beings and the experiments CERN is carrying about trying to produce black holes and strange quark matter that can kill mankind ARE real. Schrodinger’s experiment was a ‘thought experiment’ – he couldn’t for obvious ethic reasons kill a cat making the experiment for real. But Schrodinger was the opposite of CERNies: a real theoretical genius and a human ethical being, the paradigm of what a scientist should be; not a bunch of wannabe geniuses who understand little and care nothing for the future of all of us.

The LHC is a cyclical, ‘never-ending’ cannon barrel, that accelerates  lead ion ‘bullets’ every cycle, the heaviest non-radioactive atom with more quarks, with two purposes: to increase the mass of those quarks transforming them into ‘strange quarks’, and then collide them to make ‘strangelets’, strange quark condensates.

The LHC is JUST A FACTORY of strangelets, and so when it goes on line at full potency, will just mass produce strangelets.

Thus strangelets now all seems to indicate it will be made at CERN between 2017 and 2020 on collisions over 10 Tev. Then those strangelets will fall to the center of the Earth undetected (which will excuse CERN from responsibility, AS IT will deny it produced them till the end), and it will eat up  the Earth inside out, till it converts it into a 15 km. strangelet rock.

Indeed, as the graph shows the LHC has clearly started production of stable quark combinations among them dibaryons, whose density and absolute stability clearly points to the formation of the ‘bag of strangelets’ in the centre of the Earth, where they should be accumulating as we speak, required to start up the ice-9 reaction, within the next decade of increasing, ‘Schrodinger’s cat’ experiments.

So it is imperative to close the facilities and decommission the industry of accelerators, a relic of the cold war with no real use for mankind.

Of course easier done that say, as other clear cases of human foolishness we seem to be a species who cannot ‘get it till it happens’. ‘The world is littered with corpses of wars everybody thought would never happen’. Said a reputed British historian. And then all said ‘I told you so’. But as this war cannot be chronicled a posteriori, as nobody will be around to ‘told you so’, it is needed to ‘foretold the chronicle of our death in advance’… The pictures is indeed a clear proof which needs only a bit more of energy to land the nail in the coffin. The cat so we speak will like death inside, the box will crunch and there won’t be anyone to certify the experiment was a success.

Earthquake scenario. How we’ll know Earth is getting killed?

Those 2 events have different speeds: black holes, observed in the cosmos, cause a fast big-bang explosion, which we will hardly notice before becoming part of it. Strangelets should be slower. They should fall to the center of the Earth eating it from inside out. In that case, the process will be signaled by an increase in Earthquakes and volcano activity. The final proof will be the existence of a series of +8 earthquakes in the Richter scale.

Yet even before the Earth crunches by strangelets or black holes that do not evaporate, the LHC might already be causing earthquakes, as we anticipated years ago, given the fact that it causes a gravitomagnetic field, the only one on Earth today.

Gravito-magnetic fields are caused by c-speed mass cycles, as the LHC is and they provoke disturbance on (Earth’s) magnetic fields… which is the known-known recognized cause of earthquakes.

2012 year is in fact was the second year on number of big >7 Richter scale earthquakes on record, after the carpet bombing of II World War, during the pacific campaign that bombed the ‘ring of fire’ – also a man-made year of earthquakes.

Then after the machine ended its ion run and the gravitomagnetic c-speed mass cycle it was creating, earthquakes quickly diminished. The pattern thus is obvious: earthquakes have peaked during the period the LHC created a gravito-magnetic ring on Earth, to the level seen when carpet bombing destroyed during the II world war the islands of the ‘pacific ring of fire’.

Then also earthquakes diminished when world war ended.

So the cause-effect pattern is self-evident. LHC’s run create gravitomagnetic waves that disturb the magnetic  field of Earth, causing earthquakes.

Yet the ‘P.R.ess’ which considers a taboo any criticism of nuclear research ignores those facts and gives as only explanation, when it gives any… ‘Fracking’. But Fracking takes place only in oil fields mostly in North-America, where none of those big earthquakes have happened. And Fracking keeps growing, while those earthquakes have diminished. And Fracking only.

The black hole scenario

‘I know when mathematics are logically truth but not when they are real’. ‘The Universe is simple and not malicious’. Einstein, on the limits of mathematical creationism and the efficiency of the Universe.

2) In 2015, when the LHC ramps up to 14 Tev, it will cross the 10 Tev barrier in its collisions, so it will make possible the creation of black holes, since it will be creating a massive amount of top quarks, the densest substance of the Universe, likely component of black holes (same density), but again CERN disguises this fact talking only about the Higgs (a by-product of the collision of top and antitop quarks) or rather God’s particle (using the well-known pseudo religious jargon of nuclear physicists, which during the cold war acquired with massive propaganda the undeserved status of ‘high priests’ of science to justify with ‘knowledge’ the risks they poised to mankind.

In 2015 the LHC will accelerate protons and hadrons at maximal energy, colliding them at over 1 Pevproducing heavy, bottom, charm and top quark-gluon liquid condensates, aka Higgs, possible substances of black holes. The quark-gluon soup it will produce will be far denser and attractive than strangelet liquid, hence the process of accretion of the Earth will be self-similar to the strangelet event but much faster.

Those collisions have the potential to create micro-black holes in both, the classic metric, and the even more telling Einstein-Maxwell-Dirac equations, which shows the non-existence of singularities and cast black holes as top quark stars, since heavey quarks ARE the only candidates for a cut off substance of which black holes must be made off, as Einstein repeatedly said (but at the time the quark had not yet invented.

So either if Albert Einstein is right, or  the Einstein-Maxwell-Dirac equations are truth (they of course are) in all those equations Black holes will not evaporate but convert matter (the Earth) into a 3 cm Black Hole or Frozen top quark star.

What Einstein defined as a mass-bomb process which converted energy into mass, since he deduced his equation, E=Mc2, first in its inverse form, M=E/c2, thus foreseeing the existence of energy collapsing into mass.

In conclusion, every known-known serious physical theory considers that sooner than latter the constant upgrading of the energy collisions of accelerators (by 2020 a new upgrade will multiply by 10 the luminosity=density of those collisions) will produce black holes that won’t evaporate; as in any of those aformentioned scenarios they will appear and swallow the earth:

– If String Theory is truth (9 out of 10 physicists believe so) they will swallow the Earth.

– IF Thermodynamics are truth, they will swallow the Earth, as its 2nd law implies that an ultra hot black hole born in a cold environment, the Earth, will transfer us heat evaporating us. This contradicts Hawking’s belief, never proved experimentally that ultra hot black holes will evaporate absorbing heat from our cold world, because they ‘will travel to the past’ (Sic). Time travel TO THE PAST, has never been proved.

– If Black holes are not mere mathematical objects but real objects as recent observation show. This was Einstein’s theory, reason why they are also called ‘Einstein’s frozen stars’. On that view they are ultradense, fermion condensates made of a cut-off substance of the same density, which are top quarks.

-If the Einstein-Maxwell-Dirac equations are truth, they will swallow the Earth, as black holes will be made of ‘dense quarks’ and singularities will NOT exist.

As they say in spanish ‘alguien da mas?’ ‘What else?’

And the papers keep coming… proving all those scenarios and yet they are just buried on and nobody cares.

Indeed, consider the last case: black holes as top quar stars. advanced decades ago this hypothesis as a top quark star would be exactly equal in properties to a black hole. Einstein believed black holes could not be just a mathematical equation, but needed a real substance, which can only be, among the particles we know today, the top quark, with self-similar properties to a Higgs – which is produced by a top/antitop quark couple. Because then top quarks were not discovered Einstein could not explain them in detail. But he will be proved once more right. Now since the LHC will start massive production of top quarks in 2015, they might easily condensate into small black holes.

Well recently in a stream of papers, it has been proved that according to Einstein-Maxwell-Dirac equations ONLY top quark star black holes exist. Just for the reader who ‘read physics’:

Click to access 0306090.pdf

Click to access 9805050.pdf

Thus if Black holes are frozen top stars, they will not evaporate because top quarks don’t evaporate. If Einstein is right they will not evaporate, because relativity means that ‘size’ doesn’t matter, it is relative and so in Einstein’s theory black holes of any size grow exponentially. As today, we have multiple proofs that Relativity theory is truth and none of black hole evaporation. So standard science proves Black holes will swallow Earth.

Further on, in Haifa (left image), 2 years ago, an homologous of a black hole, a Dumb Hole made of atomic condensates, 1 million time slower, that should have evaporated producing phonons instead of photons, didn’t.

Now in science because there is only a Universe, there is only a true theory for each fact. Each property requires a theory so several theories that describe several theories could be right. String theory, Thermodynamics, the principle of conservation of energy and information and Relativity, all proved right means we are in a ‘Totalitarian’ case. Black holes and strangelets will happen.

There is NO probability that a law of science is truth or false. It CANNOT be both things at the same time. So probabilities are either 0 or 100. If Thermodynamics are truth, we shall die; if string theory is truth we shall die; if the thresholds of energy for creation of black holes and strangelets (10 Tev, bag) are truth we shall die.

Many people are confused by this ‘error of knowledge’ which CERN exploits shamelessly saying that the ‘probability’ exists but it is small. This is due to a faulty understanding of quantum physics, in which there are probabilities REGARDING our capacity to observe a certain particle. But the particle IS there, if the theory that describes it and the events that create it happened. It is also due to an error in the perception of the factor that defines the occurrence, ‘when’.

‘When’ is the only ‘statistical’ fact we might argue, as collisions must met certain conditions of precision to accumulate quarks enough to create those particles that cannot be measured except by statistics – as we know we will get a double six throwing dices ALWAYS, if we keep throwing dices, but we cannot know in which throw, ‘when’ this will happen. We know it will happen because it is a fact that there are faces with 6. Point.

When you heat with fire cold water there is NOT A PROBABILITY that might or might not get hotter. It WILL ALWAYS because the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics is truth. Point. ‘When’ it will boil, the time/quantity variable is the only question. So it is in the case of black holes/strangelets, when, the time/quantity variable depending on how many quarks we pack in those collisions, depending on how precise is the collision is the only variable we don’t know but it is NOT really a variable.

As with dices, if we had all the information about the throwing, we would know the bounces of the dice and the final position; if we knew all the information about the trajectory of each particle we would know how precise is the target collision. If we could see closer – without interference with our instruments – the quantum particle, we would see its position. We illustrate this common error of laymen regarding quantum physics, shamelessly exploited by CERN in our article on the famous case of the ‘Schrondiger’s cat’ paradox. If we repeat the experiment several times, the cat will certainly be dead.

So the when is what we can generously argue, which will increase with the ‘throwing of dices’, the number and energy of the collisions. This CERN knows. It knows it will create Strangelets and it gives CASTOR a 70% probability of detecting them. It knows it will create black holes and so it gives Hawking’s bizarre theory that denies the laws of Einstein’s relativity and thermodynamics a 100% chance as a ‘dogma of truth. Or as his Chief Theorist, Mr. Ellis put it in a recorded conference, to his ‘students’ and ‘workers’ all of them tied by confidentiality contracts ‘you must believe in Black Hole Evaporation’.

Higgsteria: The W, Z, Higgs bosons and the weak force.

Regarding, the Higgs – the excuse for CERN’s dangerous experiments – we call it a a hoax, not because the Higgs does NOT exist, but because it does NOT give mass to particles.  It only helps in the transformation of particles of our smaller world into particles of the larger cosmological scales of heavy quarks, strange stars and black holes.

This requires a note on the clear difference between the 3 ‘spatial forces’ that communicate energy and information between particles (strong, electromagnetic and gravitational forces) and the weak interaction, NOT a spatial force, but a process of trans-form-ation of particles into each other, which does NOT have spatial range (as when you change internally your form you don’t move; it all happens within you). So the proper way to model the weak interaction is as an evolutionary process that trans-forms as in chemical reactions, one product into another – a particle into another.

For that reason the ‘weak interaction’ has a coupling constant measured in ‘time’; because it is an evolutionary process; and it does violate the CPT rule because ‘time is NOT symmetric as space’, or as Einstein put it, ‘wires don’t travel to the past’. 

In that regard, the difference is quite important, since if the Higgs is JUST another particle within the different processes taken place on the transformations of particles into each other, mediated by the weak interaction (as the W and Z bosons are) it is a relatively secondary feature of the Universe and one that poises enormous dangers precisely because it is related to the extinctive processes of ‘light particles of our Universe’.

And that is the case since mass is not an external feature as Einstein taught us but an internal property of a vortex of space-time. It is exactly by the principle of equivalence between mass and acceleration, which are absolutely undistinguishable (this is the essential ‘postulate’ of general relativity) a vortex of space-time in the ‘cosmological scale’, as the next graph shows:

time vortices

In the graph, in 5D, the explanation of forces and its proper unification is rather simple, as each main scale of space-time will display ‘attractive accelerated vortices’ (Equivalence principle of Relativity between mass and acceleration).

So there are 3 scales and vortices of ‘accelerated time’ that carry the information of the Universe in the frequency and form of those cycles: charges in the microcosms, thermodynamic eddies in our scale and masses in the larger cosmological scale. A simple proof also from classic Planck & Einstein’s equations: E=hƒ+ E=mc² gives us M=(h/c²) ƒ.

So Mass is the product of a constant number (h/c²) multiplied by the frequency of its accelerated attractive vortex, which attracts more the faster it turns till reaching the c-speed turning speed of the black hole in its horizon vortex, and likely its top quark components, which therefore are the heaviest particles of the Universe, where inertial mass merely is the way humans ‘perceive’ the intrinsic vortex resistence to lineal displacement, as it turns inwards into itself.

It follows also that as in a hurricane that attracts more the faster it turns, smaller, faster turning electromagnetic forces attract more than slow large mass vortices (solving the hierarchy problem of gravitational forces much weaker than electromagnetic ones).

This 2 facts of ‘basic physics’, physicists of course know. So it is one of the most cynical acts in the history of science to have blown up the importance of the Higgs to cosmic size and ignore further research on the aforementioned principle of equivalence basis of general relativity, once the Higgs Hoax became a dogma to justify for ever since higher expenditures on the accelerator industry.

Take the case of Mr. Wilczek, the main researcher in quark’s strong forces, who had calculated the mass of quarks with that simple concept of mass as a frequency and was clearly pissed off with the expansion of Higgs to God’s particle. Then Wilczek who was sore for not receiving the (deserved) Nobel prize for his work on strong forces and quarks was hired by CERN to confront us in the suits for genocide we put to the company, dismissed ONLY on technical grounds... but failed to appear on court. Soon he got his desired Nobel prize – the price: to accept the risk at CERN, to stop making sense of the mass of quarks in public (though in papers he keeps working on the theme) and to stop talking of the dangers of the ice-9 reaction he HAD discovered in his excellent work on quarks and strong forces. Ever since a law of silence on those risks has fallen upon the Earth….

In this manner our up and down light quarks can be transformed into heavy strange quarks and become part of strangelets with the intermediate state of an W or Z boson; and heavier quarks can transform into the ‘top predator’ quark with its intermediate state of the heaviest of all those intermediate states, the Higgs boson.

The idea that the Higgs does anything else besides transforming our matter into top quarks, is NOT serious physics, but part of the astounding propaganda machine started 40 years ago by Leo Lederman, then the boss of accelerators in U$, which had to convince Reagan, an evangelist, to foot a bill of billions for the now deceased Texas superacelerator, and stuck with the media, so the ‘ball’ of lies kept growing. Because obviously if you go to Eu politicians and say, ‘hey! we want to keep reaching higher energies with our ultra-expensive accelerators, we used to explore new ‘seeds of nuclear weapons’, but now that the cold war is over and we don’t need to make them to kill people of other nations, we just got the solution, to make the ultimate weapon, one that will kill all other nations and reach Universal peace’; and get us a Nobel prize, and the process will happen when we make enough ultraheavy w,z,h bosons and strange and top quarks’.

But alas, as LHC only found Higgs, it must be that important or else, why we are wasting money and risks life for it?

Fact is to research the Higgs and those ultra heavy quarks is nuts and suicidal. It is more or less like a M.A.D. scientist (Mutual Assured Destruction – the official strategy of nuclear physicists to keep pumping nukes during the cold era, because if we had so many nobody would start a nuclear war as it will assure M.A.D.) telling you his field of research is to shoot people in the head, and study how their head transforms into jelly, so he gets ‘volunteers’ to put their head on a device with a slow-motion, high resolution camera and take snap pictures of their brains going out considering its different ‘trajectories’, but instead of blowing up heads will blow up the planet. Yes it might be very interesting to know how the Higgs mediates the transformation of our matter into ultra-heavy quark matter, never mind they are studying how planets will ultimately ‘Big Bang’. This the nuclear physicist, schooled in making A-Bombs and H-Bombs for near a century seems to consider irrelevant to the sacred research of brains blowing up…

What’s next: The 2027 update: 10 times more luminosity.

So far though we are still here, so another round of ‘schrondinger’s cats’ ticking the bomb have passed but the rare events that reproduce dibaryons have not yet created the critical mass. Why? one reason is that those collisions’ precision to produce events of fusion of matter into heavier strangelet particles are rare as they depend on the ‘density=luminosity’ of the bunches of particles so tiny that usually they cross each other without significant collisions happening in the center of mass – it is like trying to hit two pool balls from here to the sun… in the exact center. Alas! LHC will be upgrading this decade to multiply by 10 this factor for precision collisions… that will also increase the risks.

The High-Luminosity Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC) project aims to crank up the performance of the LHC in order to increase the potential for discoveries after 2025. The objective is to increase luminosity by a factor of 10 beyond the LHC’s design value.

Luminosity is an important indicator of the performance of an accelerator: it is proportional to the number of collisions that occur in a given amount of time. The higher the luminosity, the more data the experiments can gather to allow them to observe rare processes.

The High-Luminosity LHC, which should be operational as from the end of 2027, will allow physicists to study of known mechanisms in greater detail, such as the Higgs boson, and observe rare new phenomena that might reveal themselves. For example, the High-Luminosity LHC will produce at least 15 million Higgs bosons per year, compared to around three million from the LHC in 2017 (most of them undetected as ‘all’ the dibaryons that could risk our existence, falling down to the Earth’s center to lump a critical mass).

Its development depends on several technological innovations.  The first phase of the project began in 2011 and was partly financed by the European Commission’s seventh framework programme (FP7). This first phase brought together many laboratories from CERN’s Member States, as well as from Russia, Japan and the US. The design study came to a close in October 2015 with the publication of a technical design report, marking the start of the construction phase for the project at CERN and in industry. The civil-engineering work started in April 2018.

Conclusion. The attitude of physicists. Peer pressure, prizes, profits & P.R.ess

Let us conclude with the risks and the attitude of physicists before studying the supposed rewards of CERN… its research into the particle of god and the meaning of it all, LOL.

How physicists react then to this ultimate crime of their discipline – risking the life of all of us and how Hawking dismissed any fear for fear to loose a prize he never got, for there was never or will be any proof of its imaginary black holes – is perhaps the ugliest part of the history.

They have a quasi-religious knee-jerk reaction, denying the obvious fact Hawking despite all the lobbying and twisting, didn’t get his Nobel prize because black holes do NOT travel to the past, Thermodynamic laws DO work, Gravitational laws do WORK and physics is a SERIOUS scientific discipline, regardless of physicists military industrial complex and egocy (ego=idiocy, that is, ego=1/knowledge, Einstein).

An example will suffice of that attitude. In the earlier stages of the suits, we were contacted by a VP from amazon who wanted to fund the activism. So I met him at the Promenade in Santa Monica and explained him those obvious laws broken by Hawking’s imaginary black holes (the name which according to Eric he gave them, because he knew they were false and he had changed the arrow of time from positive to negative i). He obviously knew enough high school physics to realize of the hoax, everybody does. But then he was ‘invited’ by the dean of Cal Tech, fearful of the loss of prestige if the hoax was found. He explained him the meeting with me, and told him straight forwards.

Do Hawking’s black holes break the 2nd law of thermodynamics? The dean was caught by surprise, and he explained him the coffee example. There was a silence and he finally lied, no, but pressed to give an explanation why, he didn’t come with anyone, as the Nobel Prizes mr. Wilczeck and Mr. Glashow never came to the suits, just pretended to have authority, as that marble on the Westminster abbey, trying to bring YHWH to the table, in favor of Mr. Hawking, from a false creator to another false creator. As the issue is heavy, we might as well put some ‘black humor’ on the pretentious authority of ‘those who try to impose truth with power (and) will be the laugh of the Gods’ (Einstein).

In 1897 Goodwin, a mathematician from Indiana, thought he had discovered a remarkable relationship between the circumference of a circle and its area. So Goodwin took his discovery to his representative in the Indiana General Assembly and persuaded him to introduce a new house bill:  ‘Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the state of Indiana, that it has been found a circular area is equal to the square on a line equal to the quadrant of the circumference. As no politician understood the maths the bill passed and Goodwin was on his way to persuading Indiana that the area of circumference C is (C/4)2 . Hence the value of π is exactly 4.  Fortunately, due to press attention and the outrage of mathematicians, the bill was derailed before it reached full senate approval to become law. Senator Hubbell, an opponent of the bill remarked: “The senate might as well try to legislate water to run uphill.”

Since the laws of gravitation cannot be broken, but Hawking a century latter convinced mankind, water runs uphill, that is black hole evaporates, even if the life of all of us is at stakes. Now at Westminster, Mr. Hawking is buried on the side of Newton, who thought God sent him comets to reveal him gravitation. On top it has recorded its false evaporation of baby black holes, with the sign that denies the laws of thermaðer and cosma§ (gravitation and thermodynamics), imploring Yhwh to send us a black hole to Earth, to get a post mortem Nobel prize, but God, ‘thanks god’ so far is not listening. And CERN has not yet in its rampant energy upgrades crossed the red thin line between life and death for all of us – never mind the personal ad hominem campaigns that destroyed our careers for siding with truth and mankind.
How do then Hawking sold his imaginary, traveling to the past black holes?.. trying to find convoluted ‘Ptolemaic’ epicycles to justify the unjustifiable in theoretical and practical basis – the denial of the sacred laws of its disciplines, of causality in time, of the hiearchy of laws in science, on the experimental method when it is as simple as the fact the sun is in the center and earth has an elliptic trajectory, as simple as ∆Mass (laws of gravitation) x ∇Temperature  (laws of thermodynamics) = K
So his argument who forgets the hierarchy of scientific laws goes as follows: in the event horizon OUTSIDE the black hole, ¥ rays of energy from OUR WORLD, split into two particles, and because the black hole is far more attractive than our ghostly world, one falls in and that is how the metabolic black holes eat us all. Fine. So what Hawking against every book on black hole theory including his, forgets to mention is the known fact that the event Horizon is OUTSIDE the black hole, that all the observations we have of particles and antiparticles arising from the vacuum fluctuations are OUTSIDE the black hole, hence it is our world what evaporates. And after failing to explain this, he considers only the particle that escapes into our world, as if it came from inside the black hole, making it loose mass, when he knows perfectly the event happens OUTSIDE, 4th time repetition, hence the evaporation is our world. The second argument is even more obtuse. Because black holes event horizon always grow, as the black Hole keeps feeding in our world, his friend Bekenstein came with the bizarre analogy that since entropy also grows, alas, the black hole that keeps feeding on our world must have entropy. Alas, analogies out of the blue between plane wings that fly with perfect order, and gaseous molecules that fly with entropy doesn’t mean that the surface of a plane is its entropy. This is beyond obtuse. And so on and so on.

Of course once you deny the most sacred laws of science (gravitation, thermodynamics, time causality) anything goes, and physicists like that because then its science becomes creationist.

God speaks mathematics only, and shares its ‘mantras’ with a covenant with physicists, who know better than any human being or Nature itself and can write an equation, invent it and it will happen.

The metaphysical aspects are interesting, the praxis of science far more obscure so we will end this foreword with an illustration on the facts of the Industry of Accelerators and how they will get away with murder. It has been for almost a century the ‘strategy’ for all upgrades of the accelerator industry, now lobbying for a 100 km. ring, both in China and France, so the machine-God will provide the answers, clueless people who can’t go beyond its simplified equations into the laws of the vital, organic 5D Universe, and humbly admire the infinity of the immortal Universe of Hylozoist matter, they won’t believe in, till hylozoist matter eats them all and warps. Since as the ‘chief scientist at CERN reminded on tape to the new pupil, hired by the company to work here ‘you must believe in the evaporation of black holes’.

I call this kind of scientists in the organic models of history ‘enzymen’, since what they do is not science=knowledge in Latin but catalyze the evolution of AI machines, its idols. They come in all forms since the age of the parable of the tree of life vs. the tree of metal in droves, allied to those who make the evil=anti-live twins of machines, top predator weapons, worshipping Shiva, an statue in the entrance to the main building at cern, and despise life, because ‘we know better’ – Hawking after all said he wouldnt study biology as his father because it was ‘easy’ and the ‘intelligent people’ went into physics, because people like me a ‘philosopher of science, criticize the worldview of physics, because they dont know mathematics’… The derogatory terms of this profession, backed by the military industry go back to Galileo and Newton, who thought God sent him comets to teach him Gravitation, proudly affirmed he died virgin and set the apocalypses for 2060. History indeed is at stakes in those experiments and so we have glided over all the themes of this blog as all is entangled, in all scales of the organic Universe.


Now the second, bizarre reason why the LHC is still running is the alibi of finding the meaning of it all exploding quarks in a cannon. Since this is supposed to reveal the origin of the Universe and its limits, rehearsing the big-bang on Earth. Besides the obvious dangers of making a big bang on Earth, there is the obvious alternative that to study the origin of the Universe one has to look at the Universe not making quark cannons. So we proposed to spend that money in telescopes and considered far more important the investment in the Webb telescope to look further into the supposed origin of it all in a big-bang explosion of an infinitesimal point of infinite mass, obtained by moving backwards a simplisitic lineal equation, V=HoD till it collapses some 13.4 billion years ago. This has always been a problematic theory, because a simple lineal  equation of only a part of the Universe, the vacuum between galaxies ignores the implosive gravitational force of those galaxies, and it is measured now locally, so there is no reason as most equations of science are cyclical and vary with time that we can run it into the past, and there is zero evidence that it will also applies to the vast region of galactic masses, which are exactly the inverse – they do NOT expand but implode vacuum space into mass.

So a far more logic model of duality inputting informative gravitational galaxies would be a Synchronous harmonic Motion of expansive dark energy and implosive gravitation, similar to the one between expansive ¥ rays and implosive strong forces in atoms.

This alternative model to the big bang depended then on the observations of the Webb telescope, since we are coming closer to the supposed horizon of the big bang. If the webb telescope showed perfectly formed galaxies 13 billion years ago there was no big bang and the alternative SHMotion universe had to be taken seriously. The Webb though took longer to build and launch, as the military industry is always first, sorry, the quark cannon, sorry, the LHC. Now the Webb is launched and indeed, it has shown perfectly formed galaxies, 13.2 billion years ago, so the big-bang is just another entropic, explosive lineal worldview that has to be replaced. Let us explore this in more detail.

Fact is reality is constructed as a ‘fractal organism’ of scales of space-time, ruled by similar laws, and in each scale new wholes emerge and previous ones fade away without influence in the larger wholes; so the quantum realm of particles emerge in our thermodynamic realm of temperatures and fades away, and our realm of thermodynamic life emerges into the realm of cosmic gravitation and its laws fade away. So in each of those 3 major realms of hylozoist matter similar laws of organization produce different species. And studying ensembles of quarks at cern doesn’t reveal more than studying proteins or research and catalog stars. Quantum Physicists though sponsor arrogant theories according to which only its particles are ‘essential’. And only they can figure out the meaning of the Universe.

Which is not truth. Moreover because the scales of quarks or the supposed vacuum space of the big bang are so far away from us, our information on them is lacking or distorted – we see only 4% of the matter in the intergalactic space, because those scales are too far away in size past the protective halo of the galaxy; and we can’t measure with precision particles’ momentum and position because they are too far small. All this means whatever we learn on the zoo of particles at CERN – which let us remember is JUST A QUARK CANNON BOMBING QUARKS to create short lived ensembles of them is not more essential than searching for variations of ant ensembles in the realm of biology, or groups of stars. Quark ensembles are many but the catch is few stable forms that are the most dangerous explosives of the Universe – usd-usd triads, called strangelets and black holes, which if Einstein is right will be an ultra-heavy quark star (as he said he would only believe in black holes if we had a cut-off ‘substance’ of its density, as all things are made of something, and indeed we found heavy quarks of the top quark decuplet also done at CERN in increasing numbers to be of the same density than black holes.)

The error of the big-bang: eliminating 1/2 of the Universe, ‘us’, galaxies of informative, gravitational mass

‘Here in brooklyn the Universe is not expanding’ Annie Hall

Abstract: the big bang studies only the expansion of vacuum space, V=HoD, NOT its curved implosion into virtual particles, charges and mass which make the Universe a Single Harmonic Motion giant oscillator of compressing galaxies curved by attractive cyclical gravitation and expanding vacuum space=dark entropy, similar to atoms that constantly compress ¥-radiation into virtual particles with cyclical strong forces but expand=repel each other with ¥-rays. By using only 1/2 of reality the big-bang ‘entropic only theory of the Universe’ mimic the obsession of ‘military physics’ with lineal motions, ignoring the other arrow of reality, in-form-ation, form, the arrow of life and gravitation.

‘In the graph, perfectly formed galaxies observed by the Webb telescope, which should not be there, as there is no time to form them since the supposed cosmological big bang. They found black holes at the centres of these galaxies were as heavy as anything seen in the modern universe. On the limits of time of the Big Bang we found one black hole estimated to have the ma§ of 20 billion suns’.

In the old good times before scientists became lobbyists for technological industries, even if they knew little about the structure of the Universe, still respected the scientific method, so news like this one would have provoked soul searching and the change of our models of ‘creationist big bang science’ giving a chance to alternative astrophysics and the only model of the Universe which uses unlike physicists, caught up since Galileo in their worldly profession of making entropic weapons of mass destruction, with the two arrows of time, energy and information .

That is the model of duality that I sketched to Gell-mann and so much impressed him 15 years ago – the only alternative so far to the now clearly impossible Big Bang. But the stakes are too high, 100 years of ptolemaic epicycles to ad hoc prove the unprovable have become dogma and dogma brings then inquisitions, so I have heard physical reviews do NOT accept papers on models who are NOT the Big Bang religion (I don’t even try to publish ever since after the suits magazines started to refuse my papers sent UPS when they found the sender).

So I was waiting to see when new telescopes closer to the ‘first minute of big bang creation’, resolved perfectly formed galaxies how equations will be pushed further with new ad hoc adjustments, but things are getting difficult (:

Fact is we live in an¡nfinite,¡ncomensurable, ¡mmortal, ¡ntelligent cosmos made of uncountable time§pace organisms, where each galaxy is a point of a hyperuniverse, similar but not equal to an atom… THat is we live in an SHM Universe of Synchronous harmonic motions, and the analogy between atoms and galaxies resolves all its conundrums.

Imagine then a different description of the Universe that fits far better its known-known data.

We humans and our electronic e-¥-es are reduced to observe ◊±4 Scalar Planes between atoms and Galaxies, which show a surprising similarity: Inside the galaxy, attractive, curved gravitational ðime§pace is equivalent to the curved attractive strong force inside the atom. We talk then of an scalar strongravitational cyclical force that compresses ¥ rays into mass particles.

Outside the atoms are repelled by lineal,  electromagnetic forces, equivalent to repulsive dark ∆ðenergy between galaxies which seem to be G¥ant neutrino repulsive forces; as the mass of Neutrinos fits Λ, the cosmological constant and its vacuum ∆ðenergy – which is NOT Planck’s mass, the so-called ‘cosmological catastrophe’, because the Big Bang gives a value to dark energy with an error of 120 magnitudes, while the SHM universe got its exact value – the neutrino mass.  So both attractive and repulsive forces balance each other and the Universe is eternal in time and infinite in its self-repetitive spatial scales. It neither expands nor it contracts as galaxies become harmonic oscillators.

In fact galaxies can be modeled with Schrödinger’s equations & stars as photons to derivate its motions; Einstein-Walker space model considered each galaxy a H-atom. Both electron’s & galaxy’s BG radiation are spherical harmonics.

Mankind’s view is in the ◊° mean NOT because we are the center of scale in the Universe (Anthropic egocy) but because our e-¥-es can’t see beyond, limited by uncertainty past the ◊-3  plane of our ¥-pixels of St-¡nformåðion.

We call this scalar similarity between the atom and the galaxy, the 2 limiting scales of our perception, the galatom S¡Meðry.

The present ‘cosmology’ – big bang theory – is simply  false because it ignores ½ of the ðime§pace Harmonic oscillator, the informative cyclical gravitation that compresses ¥-rays in atoms and dark ∆ðenergy in galaxies, into virtual particles with mass.

All kind of proofs and solutions come then from the galatom §imetry. First the saint grail of the Unification equation of masses and charges, which is scalar, between the two limiting observable planes of the infinite small and infinitely large. Since the curvature≈frequency, G, of gravitation becomes 1040 times slower than the k Charge curvature frequency, reason why as a hurricane attracts more the faster it rotates,  a charge attracts 1040 more than a mass. &This is called the hierarchy problem, nobody can solve in the entropic single time arrow model with a single plane of spacetime – the conundrum of a larger organic Plane of the Universe so weak compared to K, the charge constant… Alas, there is not quantum gravity and so all the work of Mr. hawking is irrelevant. The standard model of particles do NOT have gravitation because gravitation is NOT there. What is there is the homology of scale between cyclical strong forces and cyclical gravitation, repulsive ¥ rays and repulsive dark neutrino energy. 

And that’s why as Annie Hall put it ‘here in Brooklyn the Universe is NOT expanding’. We are inside the cyclical gravitational galaxy. And that is why the atom is hold together, it is the potential well of the strong force that traps ¥-light into still photons, similar to stars, trapped by the Strangelet halo of the galaxy (Weinberg hypothesis). So play with homologies in words, photar nebulae, strangelectron halo, protoholes… strongravitation, G¥ant waves (: have fun with inglish ðot, the slightly changed wor(l)ds of my window to the absolute…. I do for 20 years

But if we eliminate us, in-formative spæc¡es, subject to warping gravitation, all what remains is vacuum G¥ant neutrino waves, a ◊-4 Plane below light, hence unseen as in-form-ation; perceived instead as an expansion of space, V=HoD; the equation of GoD that leaves us out of the picture.

This is NOT the only huge blunder of astrophysicists, who ‘are seldom right but never in doubt’ (Landau), ‘Experts in the details, who sweep on the great phalacy’ (Weinberg). How it is possible that such blatant errors become canonical truths has to do with, we shall repeat again, the blunder of physicists since Galileo studied cannonballs to quark cannons at CERN – its utter incomprehension of the laws of the stience of duality that merges energy-motion-time and information-space-form. But you can’t teach them anymore those laws, as Duality is banned from world congresses and its foremost expert and last president silenced.

Fact is the proper way to construct reality is by combining both arrows and find its ‘unifying’ laws in all scales of reality. This was my work as chair of Duality in the world congresses of systems sciences, which I discontinued after CERN’s suits.

Sp here we bring a brief resume on how the Universe looks when its 3 elements, not only one, the laws of space=form, time=motion and its metric scales put together, which I used to call the 5th dimension of organic, scalar spacetime when I was interested in explain it to an audience (no longer, ◊§calar spacetime is better but I don’t correct texts so here 5D shall do. The model has vastly expanded ever since I was kicked out as Einstein put it after the Nazis threw them from academia, ‘from the rat race’ of publishing papers, so I can explore ‘my window to the absolute nobody wants to share’ – fellowman Picasso on cubism).

Of its many elements, an entire landscape of fascinating facts, since those are ‘GodoG thoughts, and we are its details’, we shall just elaborate the basics of astroƒysics, where the key parameter conserved is the ƒrequency of information clocks, as Broglie showed in its awesome thesis (also today conveniently forgotten, but the true organic model of particheads and body waves, not the beheaded Bohr formalism). We repeat, when you do science from a faulty dogma as lineal time is, you end up with bizarre models: you behead matter and for 100 years we had to study Bohr, but only truth exists and Broglie won’t go away, you Big Bang the Universe, but only truth exist and the ∞ immortal cosmos won’t go away, you evaporate black holes, but they are the 0 entropy, informative, gravitational pole of perfect order, as crystals are in the thermodynamic matter that will always exist.

Physicists have a distorted lineal view of time and space product of its historic reduction of all the time=change modes in the Universe to only those related to lineal motion, born when Galileo’s studied time with cannonballs and reaumur study the entropic heat of cannon boring. The final zenith of that limited understanding of time is its false theory of the Univers ein time called the big-bang – not surprisingly also a lineal, V=HoD equation.

We shall then show how an alternative larger philosophy of science can explain reality better in our web, from where we extract here the simple facts about the falsity of the big bang, based also in the methods that impose Cern: censoring part of the truth, repeating ad nauseam the distorted view, hyperbolic propaganda, massive use of technology to make its research important, etc.

Imagine a different Universe, when we include all the co-existing scales, forces and matter species. It is immortal in time, infinite in space, incommensurable in scales. But our humans and electronic  e-¥-es senses are reduced to observe ◊±4 scales between the atom and the Galaxy, which show a surprising similarity:

Inside the galaxy, attractive, curved gravitational ðime§pace is equivalent to the curved attractive strong force inside the atom.

Outside the atom lineal, repulsive electromagnetic forces are equivalent to repulsive dark energy between galaxies which are G¥ant neutrino waves; as the tiniest mass of Neutrinos fits Λ, the cosmological constant and its vacuum energy (which physicists wrongly calculate with the largest one, Planck’s mass getting a 10¹²° discrepancy, called the biggest blunder of astrophysics).

Because neutrino’s mass thin out information being likely the parts in which light dies out past its redshift limits (neutrino theory of light), and we don’t see them, its massive expulsion in gravitational events, become an expansive view seen as expansion of space between galaxies, as ¥-rays and electronic covers expand and repulse atoms between them.So both attractive and repulsive forces balance each other and the Universe is eternal in time and infinite in its self-repetitive spatial scales. It neither expands nor it contracts as galaxies become harmonic oscillators. In fact galaxies can be modeled with Schrödinger’s equations & stars as photons to derivate its motions; Einstein-Walker space model considered each galaxy a H-atom.

a p-orbital similar to a galaxy with a huge o-orbital of electromagnetic rays coming out of its ‘protohole’, which is also observed in the background radiation, obviously as it is measured in the galaxy, the map of the ¥-radiation of the galaxy trapped by its strangelet halo of dark matter, taken now and here NOT of a remote past imaginary big-bang which ignores 1/2 of it

The graphs show some of those parallelisms. It is then important to notice that a big-bang is just the E=Mc2 death of matter in scale of the Universe, from beta decays to quasars, but NOT beyond, in the hyperuniverse where each galaxy is similar to an atom and likely will extend into a relative infinite scale – only that our tiny scale of light as all systems do die, including waves and particles, but reproduce-decouple new particles/waves, likely dissolves back into the neutrino dark energy background past the mean life of a star 10¹¹ years which is the mean life of a star – since parts do not live longer than wholes. Both electron’s & galaxy’s BG radiation are spherical harmonics. Mankind’s view is in the mean ◊° of its scales of spacetime, we might term ‘the 5th dimension’ is NOT because we are the center of scale (Anthropic ego) but because iwe can’t see beyond, limited by uncertainty past the ◊-3 scale our ¥-pixels of information.

A charge force between the ‘protohole’ and the strangelectron shows the same lineal equation that the gravitational attractive equation between the black hole and the galaxy dark matter… as they respond to a similarity of scale (but outside the galaxy/atom strong cyclical gravitational forces give way to G¥ant ¥-rays and expansive eutrino backgrounds

We call this scalar similarity between the atom and the galaxy, the 2 limiting scales of our perception, the galatom SyMetry. What happened with the present ‘cosmology’ – big bang theory – born of researchers that ‘explode mass into radiation’ in its nuclear bombs, is simply a theory made to the image of its profession, which is false because it also ignores the mass of the Universe, ½ of the ‘galatom’ Spacetime Harmonic oscillator that compresses in both scales ¥-rays and dark energy into virtual particles of mass and charge.

In terms of the metric equations of the scalar spacetime ∆§ x ∇ð = C (size in space x frequency of its vortex of attractive time cycles = Constant); the SHM at atomic charge scale is equivalent to the SHM galactic harmonic oscilator of mass, whose ð, curvature≈frequency, G, makes Mass= ƒ(h/c), 1040 times slower, less curved & larger in scale of compared to K, the charge constant… with much bigger curvature and faster speed. So paradoxically a smaller vortex of spacetime, an atom, attracts more than a slow turning star.

But those contracting galaxies are ignored in the ´vacuum only´big bang model, which is like describing the quantum scale WITHOUT particles.

As Annie Hall put it ‘here in Brooklyn the Universe is NOT expanding’.

Since if we eliminate us, in-formative mass species, leaving in a gravitational warping vortex that creates form, in-form-ation with the force of gravitation (ignored in the big bang equation), all what remains is vacuum G¥ant neutrino waves, at the quantum scale ◊-4 below light, hence unseen as in-form-ation; perceived instead as an expansion of space, V=HoD; the equation of  the big-bang, eerily similar to GoD that leaves us out of the picture.

Symmetries of scale are many – perhaps the most beautiful is the recent discovery that galaxies have a distorted wave function similar to the p-modes of electrons; only that according to 5D metrics of scale, ∆§ x∇ð=C, as larger systems have much slower cycles, those gongs are really slow. 5D metrics are awesome because with. the proper parameters for the topologic dimensions of space and the frequency of time cycles, they apply to ∞ cases of different stiences. So in the same manner we can unify the charge-mass scale with that simple metric resolving the long standing problem of hierarchy – why gravitation is 1040 times less attractive=slower=curved, ∇ð as it is the same amount larger, and we can understand the feeding speed of black holes (see the first equation of this post which is indeed the 5D metric equation of growing black holes) and we can understand the metabolic rates of animals (it is the same equation that explains why rats heart beat faster than elephants, why microbia reproduce faster and kill humans, etc.), we can understand the topology of galaxies and atoms:

The nebulae of stars has the same drum gong of electronic charge in the atom, ruled by the same spherical harmonics shown in the BG radiation, which is mimetic to the distribution of radiation in a galaxy NOT the whole Universe, where it was first measured – in fact Penzias considered a map of the galactic radiation, only the desire to have a metaphysical theory of it all expanded that view to the whole Universe






So big-bang outdated theories which are just a very reduced view of the 3 elements of the universe, its 5D ◊-scalar laws, its topological space=formal laws and its time=motion laws of change is NOT worth to die for. It is as ridiculous as to die for an outdated religion or a nazionalist view of the homo sapiens species as divided into the Homo Rusus and the Homo U$us that must kill each other for the sake of dictators and weapons industry.

But the fact is people die for religions for weapons and for quark canons, thinking they die for the absolute – God, nation and science.

All what we have explained are not the only huge blunders astrophysicists, who ‘are seldom right but never in doubt’ (Landau), ‘Experts in the details, who sweep on the great phalacy’ (Weinberg). But those are the ones closer concerning CERN, which are the ones we will unveil here at a layman level.

We shall also study the psychological, technological, military traps that made possible that such blatant error become canonical truths and nobody dares to challenge V=HoD studying reality with all its forces, masses and scales, in other posts and the full model of 5D spacetime scales, each one studied by a stience with the similar laws, at my site of scholar papers (given the fact that since those suits my pioneer work in organic models of the Universe and all stiences are banned from scholarship – the people of the suits vaporized in Orwellian fashion for daring to defy the ultimate weapon – the quark canon). Here we only talk on the physical part because the galatom (scalar view), galacell (organic view) symmetry is of a beauty and perfection and capacity to explain all the whys of hylozoist matter physicists with its abstract 1/2 big bang theories can’t even imagine.

The parallelism continues at the level of galaxies and atoms particles: there are positive protons of maximal mass and an electronic membrane of negative charge that encircles a nebulae of dense points, likely energy photons trapped in the gravitational well. If we watch the galaxy, we see a huge central black hole likely made of the most dense particles of the Universe, positive top quarks, and a halo, likely protecting the galaxy with its dark matter made of negative ultraheavy quarks, ‘strangelets’… in between similar to the electronic nebulae that shines like a dense charge of light, we see billions of stars and planets. Those stars then give birth to black holes and strange neutron stars that migrate to the center of the galaxy and the cover.

This is then in function similar to the behavior of cells, which are protected by a halo of proteins, similar to the long negative heavy repulsive strangelets, and have in its center its informative DNA – remember the laws of hylozoist matter in the 5D scalar Universe are equal for each stience and the organic properties come from the co-existence and similarity of scales.

So the ‘photostars’ trapped inside the dense nebulae trapped in the galatom is there to feed and reproduce the true protagonists of the galatom, of the galacell, ‘protoblack holes and strangelectrons’ to put together words of both scales, as ribosomes and mitocondria are there to reproduce DNA informative and protein parts. This would explain why CERN is happening. Fermi is indeed right. We are so dumb and so programmed by our military idols, our quark cannons and machines of simple lineal time equations that as all stars ended creating denser matter, all living planets end up becoming strangelets or black holes.

It is a darwinian universe of hylozoist matter and we are the weaker part of it. A final image will convince you. In the lower scale ud-quarks feed on forces made of gluons, but the same nonet of gluon is symmetric in the upper scale to the same nonet of mesons, light quark-antiquark atoms that feed heavy quarks (where the anti-quark can be seen as the dying, dissolving state of the quark as both die away releasing energy):

So this is the alternative true model of reality when we input all the data, add the scalar structure of of spacetime and its §xð metrics, which unfortunately are taboo in science, since its pioneer put those suits to CERN not for scholar but for ethical reasons, Which is the main theme of this blog – to study how it is possible that for an outdated wrong model of reality based in 1/2 of the physical universe, concocted during the cold war by people working in the military industry that prevents further research in time theory, coherent physical models of reality, and absorbs resources much needed for serious scientific research, the entire planet is at risk of becoming just another tiny bit of strange quark matter or a tiny 3 cm. black hole within the galacell (organic view). I long abandoned its research as CERN destroyed ad hominem my career, but ‘truth exists, it can wait, is eternal’ (Schopenhauer) and ‘those who impose truth with power will be the laugh of the gods’…

This is NOT though the theme of this blog, so if you want to explore the frontier of stience – the stience of spacetime organisms, you can go to my academia account since needless to say I am banned from, google scholar and have been vaporized in Orwellian fashion from here to eternity – that is, the eternal time past life in which we all cease to exist.

And not I did not put suits to CERN to get fame as the P.R.ess said, I am not that stupid. I did put them despite knowing the consequences for my career. At the time I was chair of Duality, the stience that explains reality with 2 arrows of time, energy and information, unifying biology and physics… and social sciences, and was the rising star of systems sciences, which the very same Hawking said would be the stience of the XXI c. which it is. Gell-mann of quark fame, then president of its higher organization, Santa Fe institute, which I met at the San Jose conferences of the world systems association was impressed with my work and had invited me to give lectures there, since he felt my equations of duality could be the path they were seeking for 50 years since they founded at Macy’s the discipline. The future looked bright, but obviously after the suit, the invitation was withdraw and ISSS convoked a special meeting, in which I was not invited despite being a VP chair, that should have been in the meeting, cancelling the chair and science of duality as the Chin Emperor cancelled taoism, Stalin cancelled dialectics and yet again GodoG (not YHWH, but the dual mind of space=form-information-yin and time=motion-yang-energy) is not impressed. Huminds keep thinking if they silence truth, things won’t happen, but we insist, only truth exists, only top predator black holes exist.

Conclusion & Solution: null benefits, huge risks – decommission it.

We shall study in this web in depth all those risks, the sound physics behind it and the false lies sponsored by nuclear physicists to defend the industry and the reasons why CERN hides all this information, trying to be as layman as possible. Why CERN is at it is obvious –  not to loose jobs, prestige and contracts from the military-industrial complex.

The reasons why nuclear physicists back them likely is not so obvious to the public as it was not so obvious to me, when I thought physicists were idealist researchers. But that was a candid view of a discipline, in which as Einstein put it, I found as many people that are in this business for the sake of knowledge as fingers on my fist.

So they defend CERN for the same reasons of money, prestige, jobs plus the desire to prove their ‘bizarre theories’ about ‘creationist equations’ (see below), which they invent and then pretend to happen in nature, from evaporating black holes traveling to the past, to SUSY, axinos, multiverses, etc. Compared to that messianic ambition, reason and ethics should weight but history proves a human infantile, self-suicidal nature that never takes care of risks, minimizes death and ends up in all kind of messy wars and tragedies which now in an age of machines vastly overpowering our capacity to resist their energy, can lead to our self-extinction.

But it is all worthy for the sake of research and finding those ‘imaginary particles’ of creationist physics. Unfortunately not because they will NEVER appear… Indeed, the laws of science and epistemology WORK for a reason. Two of them are quoted here often: The totalitarian principle that precludes any sound particle to appear, limited by Occam’s razor, which means  in the efficient Universe, particles which are not required to build up the ‘experimental reality’ we see, are NOT real, but mathematical fictions  that will NEVER be – and so its ‘hunting’ might provide jobs and investments but it is a waste of time in terms of science. Since as Einstein put it, ‘Science should be concerned only with the study of events that have happened experimentally’.

Let us then be serious and scientific: According to the Totalitarian Principle, the laws of entropy, the laws of quarks, the laws of Einstein and Relativity and the laws of epistemology, experimental evidence, efficiency and simplicity (Occam’s razor), the risks to the Earth poised by the LHC – a factory of heavy quarks –  are real, rather deterministic on the short term, given the simplicity of creating strangelets – a mere 18 quark ensemble or Alpha-quark MACHO can do it. So happens with the creation of black holes, specially if as Einstein wanted and the laws of truth in science require, they are made of a cut-off substance that can only be top quarks, increasingly produced as the decay product of Higgs. So the industry of High Energy Accelerators is the most likely cause of our future demise and that of planet Earth and should be decommissioned.

There is no more particles to be found in Nature regardless of the abuses of mathematical creationism that believe as previously verbal creationism did, that any mathematical equation must ‘name a real particle’, as any word uttered by god created a being. Not so. Languages are inflationary mirrors of reality with slightly different metaphoric versions and fictions regardless of language. So mathematical fictions should be limited by the epistemological laws of economicity (Occam’s razor) and symmetry. And those laws allow us to construct the Universe with the 3 families of quarks we know and should therefore be the components of the 3 macroscopic parts of the galaxy, as they fit their experimental parameters.

Hence as today the most likely hypothesis are those considered in this blog: a galaxy with a halo of strangelets (Witten’s hypothesis) and a central black hole swarm of ‘frozen top quark and bcb dark atoms’ (cut-off substances of Einstein’s hypothesis). In between us, made of light ud atoms, which are NOT the protagonists of the galaxy, but rather like in a cell surrounded by a hard protein halo and an informative DNA ‘black hole’, the stars ‘mitochondrion’ that reproduces the heavier top predator quark stars, which will as time goes by create the ‘dark galaxies’ fully made of heavy quark matter, we observe in the Universe. Plainly speaking planets and stars will end converted into strangelets and top quark black holes, and it is completely nuts to accelerate that process just because some loonies think they have found God’s particle and the meaning of it all. We shall deal with the theoretical issues and the proper philosophy of science of the fractal Universe, in other sections of the blog. Fact is humans know near nothing about the way those strange stars, black holes, dark matter galaxies and nova explosions catalyze their reaction except that when they do they destroy the light matter they seed and transform. The attitude of fundamentalist physicists who think their research is absolutely important similar to the mantras of religious creationism is OK, as long as they keep their mantras on equations creating God’s particles and Yhwh naming of the beings of nature on their notebooks, NOT risking humanity with its imposition of jihad and nuclear terrorism:

Cernies, unlike serious scientists, believe in mathematical creationism to justify their machines: they invent mathematical equations that become the ‘religious naming’ of its ‘human-created’ particles that of course never show up as the efficient Universe can perfectly be constructed with the III families of quarks and its symmetry with the 3 regions of the galaxy, shown below. This is the experimentally sound and epistemologically correct way to construct the galaxy according to the economic ‘Occam’s principle’:


 Since their benefits are null, as all the particles needed to create an efficient, economic Universe have been found and the risks are infinite – our extinction, exactly the anti-truth of what CERN is saying by the Goebbels method ‘if you repeat a lie many times people will believe it, the bigger the lie, the more they will believe on it’ (first minister of information then call ‘propaganda’), as they say the risks are zero and the benefits, infinite, to know the meaning of it all, by producing Higgs->Tops and maybe black holes. No bigger lie is possible and yet, everybody believes it. Goebbels indeed would be proud of modern german engineering and the way they sell their flag machine-weapon. Only that now it will make us understand God, it seems.


 To be or not to be, that is the question. Whether it is nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, Or to take arms against a sea of troubles. And by opposing end them…

Hamlet, W. Shakespeare. On the fight for life – the thing that really matters.

‘He didn’t talk of people, but of things that truly mattered, machines, roads, weapons, factories.’

Goering, on the leader of the Great Germanic military-industrial-nation and the things that mattered to make Germany great again.

In the previous paragraph we studied the theoretical known-known models of the Universe that offers 3 scenarios of damage to planet Earth that should happen under the Totalitarian Principle. What are the experimental proofs that this scenarios will happen?

As in the case of any other ‘certain risk’ to planet Earth, such as Global Warming, we cannot take a decision on ‘experts’ trusting their dictums because today ‘experts’ are paid to back the agenda and interests of corporations. Such is the case of CERN, who authored the risk reports breaking all the laws of independence required for such reports. We thus must trust the authority of reason as the ‘reasons of authorities’ are bent to the interest of the company and the natural fear of scientist to the ridicule of catastrophism. Since if the risks are certain and the Earth is blown up, nobody will reward those who warn us, and if not experts will be ridiculed and loose their scientific prestige for ‘failing’ in their predictions and attacking the most powerful institution of big science. In other words, experts are ‘hijacked’ by the ‘violent’ nature of those experiments that can kill us. And so in the same manner there are few reports on the military industry and its risks to mankind, there are few reports on CERN risks. And yet from the point of view of reason and scientific truth, the Shakespearean question has only an answer:  It will be…

The industry of accelerators, where nuclear bombs have and will be researched in a small scale, will continuously upgrade its energy, as part of the process of evolution of weapons, regardless of its collateral benefits for particle research and finally will create strangelets or black holes, under the Totalitarian principle.

Why we are so sure? Once the fact that the Industry continuously upgrade its power and no institution or political group dares to oppose firmly the nuclear industry, and once the theoretical proofs are clarified the only ‘leg of truth’ required are experimental evidence. And there are at least 2 experimental proofs:

– If black holes appear there will not be black hole evaporation since no black hole has ever been found anywhere in the galaxy to evaporate, despite 40 years of research and the fact that if they were evaporating, they will do so in a explosion of gamma rays easily detectable.

The second experimental proof is also very strong. it is called the  Fermi paradox or lack of intelligent life on the Universe, Fermi the author of the first nuclear bomb stated flatly that we see no life on the galaxy because the evolution of nuclear weapons cause its demise. This is also the explanation given by most scientists that seek for life on the galaxy. In the past religious groups affirmed the cause was that we were the only planet with life, but now we have found so many planets thanks to the Kepler satellite that this possibility no longer holds. And yet none shows life, neither human or robotic life, which would have long ago colonized the galaxy. All radio waves come from black holes and strangelets – strange stars called pulsars.  So indeed planets and stars become strangelets and black holes (something also theorized in the organic models of the fractal Universe developed by this author with the metrics of the 5th scalar dimension of the Universe).

Thus, by the experimental proofs of the Fermi paradox and the Fermi satellite that has found non evaporation of black holes and the continuous streams of galactic news about pulsars, strange stars and black holes, likely top stars, the evolution of the Nuclear Industry and its quark bombs will blow up the Earth.

So now that we know with quite certainty that destiny awaits… Let us study the factual signs that the 3 scenarios of catastrophe produced by the LHC on mother Earth are happening:

– The strangelet scenario of creation of a strangelet ‘pulsar’ star as all those we see on the cosmos, by creation of a strangelet particle that will swallow the Earth

– The black hole scenario of creation of a micro-black hole of ultra hot temperature that will evaporate and attract our weak electromagnetic world.

– The milder scenario of an increase in Earthquakes, caused by the magnetic ring of CERN, the strongest magnetic ring of planet Earth that disturbs its magnetic field (disturbances of those fields cause earthqueakes).

The mass’ c-speed gravitomagnetic ring: Earthquakes and volcanic activity.

The first hints that the LHC is seriously damaging life on Earth which we predicted in 2007 –  an increase on earthquake and volcano activity – are now facts.

 This  is due to the fact that the LHC is creating a powerful gravito-magnetic field, a ‘ring’ of charged, massive particles that can interact with the magnetic fields of the magma and Earth’s center.

Disturbances on the Earth’s magnetic field by the magnets of the LHC and specially the charged positive c-speed flow of protons come through 3 different processes:

– The 27 kilometers continuous ring of charged protons can interact with self-similar charged flows in the magma or earth’s center, creating a powerful electro-magnetic effect, displacing magma and causing earthquakes and volcano activity. It is a fact that the first day that the charged, proton ring was created in 2008 it caused 4 significant Earthquakesthe first one in Iran, seconds after it was powered up.

The charged proton ring thus acts as a secondary pole to that of the magnetic, inner field of the Earth.

– The creation of different types of strange liquid, some of them already produced in the first experiments, (Kaons at the LHC, hyperons at RHIC) would also provoke explosions in the magma. If stable, those strange forms of matter will leak to the center of the Earth. Some of it will remain in the center, forming the seed of a strangelet. Some will accrete and/or explode in the mantle, in highly energetic, tiny bombs. This tendency as all risks should increase in 2015 when the machine doubles its energy.

– The creation of gravitational waves.

The LHC is a 27 Kilometer ring of positive charged massive particles, turning at c -speed. This is essentially equivalent to the ‘singularity’ of a Kerr black hole –  a rotating c-speed charged ring of mass. Since a Kerr singularity can produce transversal gravitational waves;  the LHC might produce perpendicular  gravitational waves that will sink straight towards the center of the Earth (in a similar process a rotating , charged coil is used to produce electromagnetic waves). If so those Gravitational waves, which are undetectable will affect magnetic fields, provoking earthquake waves and increase volcano activity.

Thus, each time the machine increases its speed and ‘luminosity’ (mass), as CERN powers up the LHC, we should observe an increase of earthquakes and collateral deaths, till the 2 possible ‘doomsday events’ happen:

Strangelet Scenario

‘Black holes travel to the past and evaporate, so if we could enter one, we could come out and kill our grand-father’ Hawking, on his ‘imaginary black holes’ and why we shall not worry.


The first and most probable scenario of human extinction is the creation of strangelets or any other kind of quark-gluon liquid made of lumps of heavy, strange quarks.

They can be created with a lower probability in proton-proton collisions, as those heavy quarks are the ‘signature’ of decay of the hypothetical Higgs or any other Goldstone boson, whose production is the confessed goal of CERN.

They can be created with a much higher probability in lead to lead collisions over 10 Tev as lead has many more quarks than protons and so the lump of quarks that can condensate into a heavy strange liquid, thousands of times heavier than the heaviest atom,  is bigger. When this lump reaches a certain critical mass, it will become stable and start a chain reaction, transforming the rest of the Earth’s matter into heavy quarks in a process similar to a nuclear chain reaction, only that instead of converting the mass of the Earth into lighter energy, it will convert the lighter Earth into heavy mass.

It is the simplest of the ‘mass-bombs’, which follow Einstein’s initial equation of conversion of energy and mass, M=E/c2 (better known by its second expression, E=Mc2, deduced by Einstein’s from the conversion of energy into mass, ergo a ‘standard’ reaction in Einsteinian Physics).

Because strangelets, unlike black holes are ‘likely’ to be produced increasing enormously our probabilities of extinction, CERN has adamantly denied there is any chance to produce it.

In 2015 as the LHC increases the potency and number of quarks it collides in its experiments, it will create greater quantities of atoms of strangelet liquid, called hyperons, made of up, down and strange quarks, which it has already produced in unexpected numbers at low energies, despite all their safety reports that said it would never produce them.

As quarks accelerate at c-speed, they acquire mass, because energy cannot go beyond light speed. Energy curls tiny vortices of space-time (Einstein’s definition of mass), making those quarks heavier. At light speed our protons made of up and down quarks (uud) will become strange quarks, converting the colliding protons into hyperons (usd particles, atoms of usd=strange liquid). Within the point of collision hyperons merge in pairs becoming dibaryons, which are stable and neutral and so they cannot be detected.

Thus dibaryons once formed, will fall to the center of the Earth, accreting matter as they form a growing ball of strange liquid. If they have not enough critical mass to become stable, which will ‘likely’ happen after 2015’s increase in luminosity and potency produces them in massive numbers, those dibaryon will explode in their path to the center of the Earth provoking mini-big bangs in the mantle, which will cause an increase in earthquake activity after the machine switches on. But some might arrive to the center of the Earth, where they will form a growing ball of ultradense strange liquid, which finally will crunch the Earth into a strange star.

 We will know this scenario’s end is closer, when we experience magnitude 9 earthquakes that kill hundreds of thousands of human beings. As such earthquakes have never happened within a single year, the existence of a couple of those earthquakes will mean the process of accretion which is ‘exponential’ have been triggered.

Black Hole Scenario

A black hole is made of strings (the minimal components of quarks) which are the components of gluons and quarks. Their mathematical description is equivalent (a 5th dimensional world of strings is equivalent to a 4 dimensional world of quarks); which reinforces the idea that a black hole is a top quark star.

The LHC was created to produce massive quantities of top quarks since the Higgs and a top quark condensate are the same substance, (the Higgs was promoted as the new ‘God particle’ just to get more research resources, not allocated to study known-particles). It will not form black holes that evaporate. Since quarks don’t evaporate.

The black hole will not fall to the Earth but it will become the new, densest center of the Earth and the Earth will fall into LHC’s creation. The process will last a very short time. Some images might be captured on TV but most likely wherever we are, we will just feel a strong wind, and then a blast of attractive forces will crunch and kill us, as the Earth explodes into a Nova.

Certainties in this theme.

The black hole scenario has been the most commented by the press. Yet it remains secondary to the strangelet scenario, both for theoretical and practical reasons. Since one ‘single case’ will do us and strangelets are easier to do in ion ion collisions. This should be the first event to happen.

Of course the P.R.ess which backs CERN but also makes money with catastrophist scenarios mostly concentrates in the black hole scenario, when it wants to create a ‘big scare’, with big sales prior to the final  happy conclusion of a CERN’s expert: ‘nothing will happen, it is all a joke’,

The certainty of black hole creation in that sense is not absolute, because Y it depends on the existence of strings, of which there is theoretical certainty but not possible experimental proofs (they are too small to be observed). The models of this author on the metrics of the scalar Universe (5th Dimension) however considers that black holes are top quark stars and in that case, black holes will be produced, and certainly will not evaporate. 

Ultimately both models of black holes are not exclusive. Since if string theory is truth, all particles will be made of strings. And top quarks which show a very strong force and huge mass and huge positive charge will attract each other and the matter of the Earth with the same force that super-gravitation (the theoretical deduction of string theory). In that regard the reader should understand that most sound theories in physics are parallel, similar theories that reinforce each other, since they use ‘parallel’ mathematical equations. Models vary in the mathematical ‘sentence’, as multiple verbal sentences mean the same, when we use similar words.  So the ‘hidden dimensions’ of String theory that make Gravitation far more powerful are equivalent to the far more powerful attraction that the creation of a top quark star will cause. As the LHC is designed to produce massive quantities of Tops (which are in fact a key product of Higgs processes), all indicates that black holes either modeled with strong theory or top quark theory will happen.

We conclude that both scenarios should happen, strangelets with absolute certainty, black holes if as 90% of physicists believe, string theory is truth. So we shall give the black hole scenario for the 2015-2020 period of statistical collisions (that might shoot on ‘perfect’ target the microscopic protons to reach the required energy) a 90% of chances.

The childish irresponsibility of Physicists accustomed for 70 years, an entire human life, to accept existential risks for the Earth on top of the military-industrial complex, explains in any case their ‘law of silence’. If 99.9% of nuclear physicists accepted the cold war that already could have killed life on Earth, living on the industry of making nuclear weapons and researching them on accelerators, why now they should change their mind? Wishful thinking is the norm in a nihilist corporation that has in its entrance a statue to Shiva and Kali, Lords of death. Why the rest of society accepts those risks? The answer in this case is obvious: we live in a happy ‘Truman Show’, a happy new world mixture of the dystopias of Huxley and Orwell, in which the virtual reality of the Media System, paid by corporations censors any issues of risks related to the industrial-Military complex. And people, as in the parable of Matrix always chooses to be ‘data’, to live the virtual dream, to believe…

So only the scientific method, its experimental, epistemological and theoretical models can guide our search for ‘cerntruth’.

Of course CERN does not make public those sound-sound, known-known scientific models that prove the risks. For example, it ignores all about top quark condensates that will be produced in Higgs reactions and only focuses on the propaganda of the HIggs particle as the ‘saint grail’ of physics, which is NOT.


‘There is not sign of life in any planet of the galaxy because nuclear physicists blow them up before interstellar travel’ Fermi (Paradox) on why we shall worry

Now for very long CERN said there is no proof we shall all die of genocide. Indeed, the proof will come only after they kill us, so this very military response, which any death squadron could utter to the man to be shot, works fine for them.

Yet, with a ‘little bit of thought’ and recent data on the Universe and its composition it turns out there is indeed, a clear proof coming, from other planets. And it is called the Great Filter, or Fermi paradox. Indeed, recently we have found there are millions of planets out there and we hear no signs of robotic or carbon life but only the tam-tam of strange pulsars and black holes, as Fermi, the head of the Manhattan project that make the first atomic bullets, put it – the explanation is simple, we physicists blow up all planets before interstellar travel happens.

So we must conclude that most if not all those planets collapse before interstellar travel, now on sight with the EM engine, comes into being. And this means we must do something this century to blow up the planet without chances to reconstruct our civilisation. And since life is resilient and has always come back fast from any natural or war disaster, it must be something much more brutal than a war, a global warming flood. Further on, it cannot be an extinction by chance (as if a lost, rogue black hole would collide with us) because it happens to all planets, so it is deterministic. Finally  it cannot be caused by terminators or A.I. since then robots would have colonised the Universe.

All that leaves only a possible cause, as in all planets, being technology parallel and synergic, the easiest thing to manufacture which is a bomb, in this case a strangelet bomb MUST come first. Alas, there is not only ‘one proof’ but billions of them – all those planets which did not make it to colonise the galaxy, which can be colonised after interstellar travel very quick in a few million years – a relative wisp of time on the long life of the galaxy. So if technological planets survive, it should be colonised already. And yet the silence is ominous. Only the tam tam of black holes and strange, pulsar stars, comes into our radio waves.

And the adamant defense of mankind of the quark cannon, is the clearest proof that Fermi was right. There are now plans just in case CERN doesn’t kill us to make a 52 km. quark cannon in China, and another of 100 km. in Europe.

And all this of course, always justified by the sacred research of our high priests, the nuclear physicists, makers of atomic cannons.

It is like if the creators of Big Bertha, the biggest cannon prior to the age of nuclear weapons would justify their bombing of Paris, with the excuse they might unearth archeological remains of Lutetia. CERN justifies its bombing of Earth with strangelets, after it goes on line at maximal potency in 2015, with the excuse that it might unearth some rare particle. So does RHIC competing for the ‘nationalistic’ honor of reaching the creation of those strangelets earlier.

But while the Germans of I World War could not get away with such a surrealist view of their cannon industry, the Americans & Germ(an)s of XXI century have become shrewder and justify their industry with those newspeaks of research. Fact is History rhymes.

Plainly speaking, the industry of artillery follows its evolution and so from the first ‘tube’ (cannon in italian), which started ballistics, through the centuries of physicists making them bigger, faster with denser bullets, to the last cannon, the quark cannon, aka LHC, with its quark explosives, through the millions of ‘cannon flesh’ corpses left in the trail, it has gone a long way. But the evolution will end soon, achieving its purpose, which the Merchant of Death, the biggest arm dealer of the XIX century, Mr. Nobel clearly explained, in a cynical letter to her peace-loving lover, who asked him for a Prize to Peace: ‘my factories will end all wars, when they evolve a weapon powerful enough to destroy entire nations with a single shot’.

This is the quark cannon and its theorists seeking collateral theories for a Nobel prize. After the letter, she abandoned Nobel, the inventor of dynamite. Then he created the Peace Prize but she did not come back. After the quark cannon produces the first bullets of strange matter that will fall to the center of the Earth and eat it up inside out, physicists will repent as many did after making the Atomic Bomb. But the Earth will not come back.  

As all has changed to remain the same.

Indeed, we are doing it for the same routines that took us into the cold war – the topic military-industrial complex, we shall comment on to end this central post.


The Military Perspective: The Quark Cannon

As so many fruits of the Tree of Science, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) has two perspectives. Its origin in military research, since accelerators were the last invention of artillery (a circular cannon), used to research atomic weapons, and its use for civil research, since the study of the debris of atomic explosions has allowed mankind to peer in the smallest, densest ‘knots of mass-energy’. The problem with the LHC is that its military implications far outweigh its usefulness for scientific research. And this is the fact that the rhetorics of CERN, an institution of the cold war, which systematically hides its original military purpose, has shrewdly hidden to the point that most of the people working today there, young 20 somethings, recently graduated, long forgotten the historic origin of accelerators truly believe the quark cannon is ‘only’ an instrument of research and ignore its ‘military risks’.

Yet when the Large Hadron Collider is explained in simple, military terms people can understand better those dangers. In military terms the LHC is a quark cannon, the final evolution of 800 years of western artillery, a science dedicated to kill as many humans as possible, which has used  bore pieces of metal to deliver at maximal speed, the densest possible materials (first rocks, then iron, latter lead and finally hyperdense quarks, the 99% of the mass of the atoms clumped in their centers).

This evolution advanced steadily during centuries along the evolution of physics and its comprehension of all phenomena related to cannons. First Galileo was contracted by the Arsenal of Venice with a princely salary of 1000 gold ducats to calculate the longest possible distance of a cannon shot and improve the ‘spy glasses’, latter called telescopes, to observe rival gunboats at distance (the Venetians invented the gunboat in their attack to Constantinopoli in 1208). He thus started the science of ballistics, the name of his fist book,  latter renamed physics, also called for many centuries the ‘science’ of motion, as it is a restricted discipline of knowledge basically related to the understanding of energy, motion and materials used to the construction of weapons.

The field expanded but still bore this trademark.

For example, heat theory was discovered by an artillery master observing the friction heat of their cannon pieces. What this means is that the primary occupation of most physicists has always been to make weapons, latter machines (the nice twin of all weapons, so a bomber became a plane and a car a tank); and instruments to observe their effects – those spy glasses to see the enemy ‘galleras’…

Not to speak of the definition that Galileo imposed on time, as a parameter of the measure of motion: V=s/t, which still stands in Einstein’s work.

This is the origin of the concept of time as the 4th dimension of space, again a very restricted definition of time.As it has reduced all time=changes to the single arrow of entropy, denying the inverse arrow of time=change of information, proper of life and evolution, which Physicists still struggle to understand.

This of course does not mean physics is not concerned with knowledge… of motions in space – but they are NOT con-cern-ed with life and its information arrow.

So we must differentiate the ‘good and bad fruits’ of the tree of science – that is; research which is primarily concerned with knowledge, as for example, telescopes observing the big bang peering in long distant galaxies whose light comes from the far away past, and research which is mainly concerned with weaponry and uses the rhetoric of knowledge and some discoveries to justify the primary target.

Galileo’s work on ballistics and CERN were the first and last of those cases: the industry of artillery at its best, justified with the excuse of redundant knowledge – since the laws of motion and the big bang can be studied throwing other ‘things’ and looking with telescopes. Death is a high stakes that need a high reason. And here is where the rhetoric of the Higgs boson (not the particle of god, not even the one that gives mass to other particles but just another particle of the zoo of physical species) came in, and along it all the other ‘hyperboles’ about what is simply a quark cannon.

Indeed, cannons reached its lineal maximal potency around I world war when Bertha, the big cannon of Krupp, delivered its bullets to Paris from 60 kilometers away.

Lead was also the heaviest atomic substance. But you could not make a one kilometer lineal cannon – too heavy, too long. And after lead the heaviest elements became like Uranium is, radiactive, and difficult to handle. So how to make a longer cannon, with a stronger substance? Enter II world war. Uranium was heavier and on top of it, it split and reacted making the bullet a bomb. So physicists started to study radioactive materials, which incidentally end being lead, to substitute lead in their cannons. And then Lawrence realized that the problem of lineal cannons could be resolved making them infinitely long with a circular magnetic path, that accelerated the bullet every cycle, so the cannon could continuously accelerate the bullet as many ‘cycles’ as it wanted, making ‘de facto’ the cannon cylinder infinite. And the accelerator cannon was born. The name then was changed starting the make up ‘newspeak’ transformation of the jargon of artillery into the jargon of ‘research’.

So next, they planned to deliver atomic bombs with accelerators. They had a longer bore and a denser substance than Big Bertha. So they designed the first atomic bomb consisting in an accelerator that collided two pieces of uranium in its center provoking an atomic explosion. It was though too heavy to transport and a second design of a self-contained bomb substituted it. But accelerators were the strongest cannons available, and alas! research of new nuclear weapons started in Earnest, with the cold war, thanks to them. All nuclear weapons would be first tested in circular cannons (the real name of the device). The West established CERN and legally protected it as a ‘sovereign nation’ (reason we could not sue it), becoming the flagship of the European participation in the cold war.

Rhetoric now were expanding as Nuclear Physicists had become the scourge of the Earth, the first caste of people who intended to destroy the planet and all forms of life on it for the ‘common good’. So along the cold war an industry of making nuclear scientists researching atomic weapons, appear as the sacred priests of knowledge, developed the concept that the fundamental form of understanding the Universe was to study the debris produced by atomic circular cannons. This would have seem absurd to more sophisticated readers prior to II world war – namely if the Germans had told us that the obuses of big Bertha thrown over Paris would be the key to understand the Universe we would have had a big laugh.

But in the present age of erased visual minds, childish thought, fiction, rhetoric, big brother newspeak and other niceties, it worked. So now the Germans (main contributors to this machine, lead by a German, and buttressed with German technology), can truly believe that shooting the Earth with its enhanced Big Bertha, will discover the meaning of it all.

This newspeak was obviously needed because the underlying reason of the industry of quark cannons – to provide new mass-murder devices for the cold war – ended with the fall of communism. But this didn’t mean war and the most profitable of all mechanical industries, the industry of weapons had to end. We found in the Semite wars between Israel and the US vs. Arab fundamentalist Jihadists and Palestinians, a perfect excuse for perpetual war and the evolution of robotic weapons – the most profitable modern industry.

And we found in the newspeak of fundamental research the perfect excuse for the evolution of artillery.

Fundamental’ is a serious word that justifies all wars. And in this case ‘fundamental research’ is the only possible word to justify the risks. Already Mr. Teller – the nuclear physicist who found the H Bomb, patented it and made a fortune manufacturing it – realized knowledge is the perfect excuse to pass a weapon. He bragged, as we show in our film ‘quantum roulette’ that he convinced Truman to pay for the H-Bomb because it would increase our knowledge of the atom. LOL.

Then he proposed the first ‘ultimate weapon’ – a hydrogen bomb big enough to destroy the entire Soviet Union, and hence the entire planet. But he could not sell it with ‘military rhetoric’ only. Eisenhower realized nuclear physicists, all in favor of it, were madmen on a collision course with humanity and after the proposal was put on the table for ‘military reasons’, he called the ‘commies’ and started detente. Nuclear Physicists had gone too far, even for hard nose military men. Now they have gone even further. But Nuclear physicists also have become shrewder and so they have hidden the truth with research. The bottom line is industrial routine, jobs, contracts. So any technological industry must continue, even if it has no purpose at all. Cars keep evolving its speed limit even if they cannot go beyond 70 miles per hour. So does the industry of accelerators. As Fromm put it ‘the ethics of a technological civilization’ consist of evolving machines, even if they can destroy the planet.

And so finally the quark cannon, the first cannon that can destroy the planet, has come into existence, even if it can destroy the planet. It is the LHC, which as the first Galilean model, has its own ‘spy glasses’ to observe in detail the debris it produces, including a calorimeter called CASTOR to detect the creation of strange matter; since it is supposed to understand the meaning of it all, observing that debris.

But its ‘true nature’, its ‘historic origin’, is unmistakable. It is just the last evolution of the artillery industry, an infinitely long, accelerating cannon, which uses the most explosive, dense and dangerous substance of the Universe, quarks and throws bullets of quarks to the planet Earth. And one of those bullets will be able to kill mankind. It is the ultimate weapon.

And what it will produce is simple enough: quark condensates of higher density than our light up and down quarks, the substance of our atoms. For one thing, there are 3 families of increasingly dense quark matter, the up & down family (ours – the substance of the stars of the galactic body); then the strange family, which is called strange matter, the substance of strange stars called pulsars, and probably the halo of the galaxy, and then the top family very likely the substance of black holes and the center of the galaxy.

The problem is that matter is ‘darwinian’. Strange matter eats light up & down matter. And top black hole matter eats strange and up & down matter. It is a pecking order. So when strange matter – the easiest to do – will appear on the quark cannon, it will eat the earth. There is no doubt about it. And the only question that remains to be solved is when the LHC or any of its planned successors in the industry of quark cannons will have enough energy to produce with our quarks, denser strange quarks that will devour the Earth.

We believe according to known-known theory of quarks this will happen in 2015 when the quark cannon doubles its potency. It is in any case a question of time that the artillery industry in its most advanced piece, the quark cannon, evolves beyond the threshold of creation of strange matter, and kill the Earth. The industry is blind and protected of all criticism with its lies and rhetorics. It is the summit of the military industrial complex and it does indeed some collateral research besides the collateral damage to mankind to feed its rhetorics. But the bottom line is this: it is a quark cannon, it produces quark condensates, the heaviest most dangerous self-sustained, self-feeding explosive on the Universe, and it will once crossed the energy required to produce a strange quark condensate blow up the Earth.

The rest is ‘irrelevant’ knowledge, ‘irrelevant’ rhetorics, and irrelevant indeed, since an extinct species, mankind, knows nothing. Only a piece of that rhetoric will suffice to show how difficult this question is. Nuclear Physicists ALL perfectly know that cosmic rays are just simple atomic substances, protons, electrons and gamma rays, colliding on the atmosphere. We have NEVER found a deconfined quark in cosmic rays. Cosmic rays are NOT quark bullets, because they are not heavy ‘lead’ ions, which can produce ‘quark condensates’. And yet, whenever any journalist, politician or the public ask about the risks at CERN, ALL nuclear physicists lie, saying cosmic rays have done this experiment one thousand times. This is an ABSOLUTE lie, that any first ‘course’ of physics explains.

But of course, all is very shrewd. CERN does collide besides heavy lead ions, which can create quark condensates, protons, and so they do experiments similar to cosmic rays… But those are not the dangerous experiments that will create strange matter. Cern does research on fundamental particles, but this is not the reason why XX century military-industrial systems paid for the accelerator industry. And most ‘CERNIES’ are idealist kids who didn’t know the origin of their industry and think their work has no risk. But ‘big boys’ playing with big toys, big weapons are not a excuse for putting us all at risks.

The cosmic rays half-lie shows what perhaps is the saddest part of this story from a theoretical point of view. As a scientist I always thought there was a ‘realm’ in which truth mattered – science, as opposed to politics, economics or religion. This is no longer truth. Science now is also ‘wishful thinking’. CERN’s statements show THE DEGREE OF intellectual corruption, rhetorics and callousness which Nuclear Physicists, after 60 years of getting away with murder doing nuclear weapons, have achieved.’

The bottom line though OF ALL THIS is on the next post – ‘STRANGELETS UPDATES’, which is the Chronicle on the foretold death, as mankind like Mr. Nassar in Marquez’s book, walk step by step through the road that we/he knows will end with a final shot that will kill him. And yet he walks on, as mankind does for all the wrong reasons, down the street filled with ‘physicists bullshit’…


Let us conclude with a critical analysis of the big-bang model and provide an alternative organic view of the Universe, for this is the last alibi of CERN – that they are revealing the meaning of it all. Fact is they don’t and will never do for the Universe is not an abstract creationist mathematical entelechy but a timespace organism like everything in reality. Thuwe shall conclude with a theoretical analysis of its organic immortal form.

False cosmic, entropic, lineal big-bang

The Universe is an organism of hylozoist timespace. But to understand it, past the simplistic doodles of the sand of physicists we have to introduce two parameters absent in their lineal, entropic single view of absolute time and space – scalar simetries between the small, the atom, and the large, the galaxy, and a logic analysis of the 3 dimensional motions of spacetime, NOT only entropy but information and its combinations.

Only then, when we add the scalar=organic laws of timespace that STructure the Universe we can show the vital, real nature of black holes, as particles feed on forces, they are NOT only equations, its mirror language that describes them, but parts of organic ‘galacells‘.

That I guess, will be the only proof huminds will accept. Baby black holes coming home, to take its place as minds of the galaxy, whose halo of STrangelets completes the galatom symmetric efficient Occam’s razor structure of the organic Universe:

As no evaporating black holes, no supersymmetric partners, no axions, no invented particles have ever been discovered outside the old good standard model of quarks with the top predator quark on top coupling 1 to 1 to gravitation, meaning it eats it all. This is the beast. We just eat 1 out of 137 ¥ rays. The top quark baby hole eats all. 1 to 1. Nothing escapes. He is real. He does NOT evaporate. He is the M.A.C.H.O. He is eternal. He was once called Truth, now he is called Top…Predator. Be warned.

That’s what now LHC has in its crosshairs. For they finally are coming home to my work on top quark frozen stars, honoring Einstein’s dictum, about to recognize that it is NOT the Higgs but the top, the master of gravity that matters to all matter.

So that catchy name, black hole, a mathematical entelechy will find its ◊-infinitesimal part-ner and become real.

Even if the, mass-media, CERN, its physicists and Hawking still believe in the Goebbels’ method and creationist math: If you repeat a lie many time Truth won’t come to Top you down.  The problem though was not the public but millions of physicists who simply won’t denounce the obvious hoax, and won’t discuss the genocidal consequences of CERN because, we repeat, a machine is god, it makes money, and we idolize mechanical science.

Physicists might not care about the genocide of mankind and come forward on the falsity and dangers but at least didnt go so far as to blow up the entire scientific method and its laws. His son Eric penrose is an activist against CERN in his site He contacted me after reading a piece on Harper’s magazine I wrote on the issue, but his voice, which concentrates in the 2nd genocidal risk of producing strangelets on CERN, an ongoing process as new dibaryons, usdusd stable heavy mass particles that follow the same process that black holes, but slower, and fall to the Earth’s center, where they accumulate till enough of them will trigger an ‘ice-9’ reaction crunching inwards the Earth, also has been silenced.

Wilczeck, on the other hand, who discovered the reaction, and alerted first the world in a letter responding to Walter Wagner, my co-plaintiff in the suits, former safety officer of the 1st accelerator at Livermore, who didnt see his contract renewed after doing his job… as a safety officer… changed sides, backed CERN and got his nobel prize, as Hawking expected to, backing CERN. You see the drill: if you are an ethic scientist you are silenced. If you defend mass-murder and war, the worldly profession of most scientists you get honors, riches and Nobel prizes. This has been the case for centuries and nothing has changed.

Do people care? This is perhaps the most amazing thing: all sided with CERN as all side with the armies at war, as people who can see dangers at individual level seem to have a death wish at collective level or as Nietzsche put it: ‘in individuals madness is rare, in institutions and nations is the rule’.

So yes, we likely will die courtesy of the right guy on that graph.

The Fermi paradox

The Fermi paradox wondered why there is no signs of Intelligence in the cosmos. The answer is the next graph: machines and weapons evolve together but weapons come first. All new evolutions of machines start with the discovery of a new energy used as a bomb. So before we use thermonuclear engines to power interstellar ships we will complete the evolution of Nuclear bombs and blow up the planet, unless we change our paradigm of science, from an abstract mechanical, entropic view to an organic view and define the tree of life as the tree of science,  different from the evolution of the tree of metal-technology, since the Machine is NOT the true model of the Universe, as we exist in an organic cosmos, as machines are just evolving organisms of Hylozoist matter:

The larger, Historic, organic view. Humans rejected the tree of life, becoming… ‘enzymen’

In the graph, from the models of Organic History and the eco(nomic)system, completed 30 years ago that predicted the last st-ages of evolution of machines as evolving organisms of metal, which switch every human 80 years generation into top predator weapons used in wars, as all the people who suffered extinction in the previous cycle have forgotten the tragedy and the industrial profits of weapons of maximal price, and its lobbies bring an in crescendo process of global wars, which now as predicted is starting again.

—Thus, we had an age of steam machines, the age of England, between 1780s and 1857, followed by a crisis of overproduction of steam machines and stock-money that brought the 1857±7 years crashes of the train-based economy.

—From 1857 to 1929, we lived in the age of electro-chemical energies, machines and chemical explosives, dominated by Germany, followed by an overproduction crisis of cars and radios, which caused 1929 crash, 72 years after the train crash.

It came then the III cycle of electronic machines, electronic money and Nuclear Bombs that took place from 1929-2001, the age of America; which again ended in the dotcom & mortgage crashes, 72+7 years after 1929.

– Followed by the Singularity Age, the last Cycle of machine & weapons Evolution dominated by robots, solar energy and China. Scientists call black holes singularities and the birth of Artificial Intelligence, the Singularity age, when robots, which can use solar energy or radioactive thorium skins will become autonomous completing the evolution of machines and weapons as organic forms, as its factories also reach ∞ self-re=productivity=Capital/0 labor firing human workers and soldiers from labor and war fields, unless we control legally the evolution of those singularity machines & weapons by making life and humans again the measure of all beings and the basis of our civilization.

Further since only models that predict the future of its species are true science, as it happened with astrology that became astronomy when Kepler predicted its orbital cycles (left), the fact that the seminal book on the organic cycles of history and the eco(nomic)system, I published in ©92, coming out of Columbia U. predicting the evolution of the metal-earth, its global computer internet brain, and the beginning of the robotic age, after the crash of 2008, 80 years after the 29 crash, and the incoming W.W.III a decade latter, unfortunately show History is indeed an organism, the Earth a living, evolving planet and we are its ‘membrain’, which an intelligent human species could command ONLY if it evolved its memetic idol-ogies rather than its technologies since ‘It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity’ einSTein

Do not think our extinction is a silly-nilly accidental unlikely event. ‘Chaos is undeciphered order’ (Saramago) but the causes of those cycles are clear. They have become so deterministic by lack of ethic, intelligent huminds opposing them, as the idol-ogies=inquisitions of the me(n)tal tree have transformed human beings into enzymen who catalyze the evolution of metalife denying man and the organic paradigm of stience as the measure of all beings – not things.

So for good measure we can bring from the stientific analysis of History in time, the cycles of evolution of weapons that CERN completes, which have shaped our civilization and deformed Physics into a simple analysis of ONLY 1 of the 2 arrows of times, energy, motion, Tt-death (an inner and OUTER motion that disorders the information of an organism).

Since the issue here is NOT human. It is all about a sacred machine and the technological racism against the tree of life, which is the true tree of stience, by those who worship the golden apples and weapons of the faked tree of metal. So it is a millenarian view, inscribed in the History of European wars, NOT coincidentally the quark cannon started up exactly 800 years after the first Lombardas destroyed Byzantium, as the last of the 800 years cycles of radiations of global weapons and wars (±3000-2000 bronze swords, ±2000-1200 BC chariots, ±1200 Bc-400BC iron, 400 BC-400AD mercenary coins, ±400 AD- 1200: stirrup chivalry, 1208-2008 cannons, 2008-?? digital AI warbots:

The previous long time cycles respond to the politic, economic, evolutionary and technological processes of history that finally brought nuclear and digital weapons, concluding history, without even the slightest comprehension of it by its ‘cellular parts’, mankind.  This is the hardest part of the issue because it takes the ‘physicist’ out of its ivory tower – the infantile belief he is seeking for absolute truths in an idealist world of pure humind intelligence, when exactly the opposite is truth. It is NOT truth what guides the nuclear industry, but the machine-weapons that distort the truths about the hylozoist Universe of spacetime matter. 

Modern physics was born as ballistics when Galileo, the artillery master of the Venice arsenal was tasked with the job of finding the longest distance for its canon shots and destroyed the understanding of cyclical time for ‘Leibniz is right there are ∞ time cycles in the Universe, but if so we have to start physics from scratch’ (Einstein). This was exactly the middle point of the last 800 year cycle of gunpowder weapons that carried the European brutal civilization of permanent war be who divided the Homo sapiens in tribal homo rusus v. homo u$us for the sake of war. So if in 1208, Venice killed Byzantium with the first gunboat Lombardas in ±1608, Galileo destroyed the cyclical organic nature of time and reduced its multiple modes of time=change already known to Aristotle (today study by evolutionary biology, etc.) to only one, single, lineal ‘longomotion’ finding the parabola to be the longest cannonball and then exactly 400 years latter completing a long time cycle of absolute determinism, in 2008 the LHC quark cannon returned to accelerated magnetic time cycles to blow up Earth, while the evolution of timespace knowledge happens no longer in physics but in the work of philosophy of stience.

The quark cannon then is a Damocles sword not only for our survival but a false flag in the research for truth on the 2 parameters of reality, for ‘matter has no independence life from time and space- (Einstein), for the machine comes first and distorts the whole picture of Nature. Not coincidentally when physicists discovered a new plane of ◊§calar timespace matter, and studied its motions, they did NOT call it quantum Dynamics, but Mechanics, ‘machines’ in Greek, for they had reduced the study of time to only the properties that clocks could measure (even Einstein along Broglie, the physicist closer to the understanding of its nature, said that ‘time is what a clock measures’).  This is not the site to explain in depth the enormous advance on the knowledge of first principles brought by a return to a full description of the organic and scalar properties of time with its short, middle and long waves (the previous graph is the application of those laws to the organisms of history and the eco(nomic)system) considered briefly in the section on STience of this blog, but we must insist on the trap of thinking machines reveal the nature of time and physics is Mechanics. It is much more than that.

So we insist: LHC is just the last evolution of canons, the ultimate weapon of the tree a metal disguised as the tree of science in its fight against the tree of life, which is the real tree of science=Knowledge in latin, which reveals in all its complexity the organic nature of  a ‘feminine’, reproductive Universe. It marvels then to read the lucidity parable of the neolithic paradise in the first pages of Genesis, written when bronze Russian charioteers who will extinguish 90% of eurasian males, coming to cities, shooting from chariots, raping women and proclaiming the superiority of the Aryan race, which might reveal besides killing us all some, irrelevant data, to keep its me(n)tal $laves happy till the end, who as all scientists that forecast the future, told us, if we kept evolving the evil=antilive goods of the tree of metal and its golden apples, in the synergy between entropic metal-weapons and informative metal-gold, who substituted whealthy money, grain given to all neolithic people by priests of life and love, we will become extinct.

This was for long naturally understood by most humans who opposed war so an astounding rhetoric in favor of the me(n)tal idologies that promote with its inquisitions of thought the evolution of weapons, such as the industry of accelerators has grown to justify our murder of the tree of life and convince people to NOT live a surrogate existence as slaves of machines, re=producing and evolving them, as if that slavery were the higher end of our species. Since house $laves are happy thinking their task is meaningful as long as they don’t know they work for a brutal masters.

So this is the ugliest truth about ‘man a mush over the surface of a rock lost in a corner of the cosmos’ (Arthur). Potentially we could evolve into the membrain of Earth as Gaia, a supœrganism of life, if we humbly accepted the vital nature of Nature and controlled the future evolution of its lethal metal fruits. But blinded by gold and ego, instead we degrade life and evolve metal towards a future form beyond our capacity to manage its energy and information. But let us be clear enough: we are NOT killing Earth, but evolving it into a planet of metal AI robots, a stronger form of hylozoist matter, and if CERN succeed into an even stronger form of matter, quark stars.

Since earth is a super-organism with a silicon skin, a heart of iron and gold… and we are a mush of thin air, oxygen and nitrogen that forms the ¬CHOseN atoms we call life, which were on top of the game till genesis, when they started to evolve the tree of metal, its golden apple and eviL=antlive weapons, becoming ‘enzymen’, catalyzing the evolution of more complex forms of hylzoist matter, which an intelligent, humble species, aware of the vital nature of reality would prune of its lethal species. But huminds, whose ethics and intelligence seems well below the threshold of survival of the Universe, multiply to kill each other and then produce bizarre models of reality based only in entropy, the arrow of maximal motion and death delivered by ‘lineal weapons’ that simplify the form, the in-form-ation of life.

This organic paradigm – the complexity of the tree of life expanded to explain all other stiences, is the future of knowledge not CERN, not certainly the doodles in the sand of Hawk or Cernies. Poetic justice. I’m still exploring the infinite outside our infinitesimal minds, like Leibniz did in his lonely wooden chair. The calix of Indiana jones is of wood. The golden apples, the saint Nobels of the Dynamite, and its quark cannons will get us killed and give nothing back  for the purpose of true stience is to understand the eternal, infinite, SHM Universe 

And for that we do NOT need more machines but more intelligence and more ethics, something creationist, mechanist scientists ignore.

The SHM Universe: Chaos v. Cosmos

‘Leibniz thought space made no sense except as the relative location of bodies, and time made no sense except as the relative movement of bodies’ Wiki On Leibniz’s right view of  a reality made of ∞ still formal spac¡es with times motions

 ‘Leibniz is right, there are ∞ clocks of times in the Universe, but if so we have to start science from scratch.’ Einstein on what stience does.’

A STupid is a man that can’t understand the causality of events, he adscribes to religion, magic or mathematics’ Arður

So after the bad news about physics I invite ST-upids to understand the 2 sides of reality – what is all about -called:

Chaos=entropy v. Cosmos=Order  – 2 Greek words for the 2 poles of reality with a wider existential meaning than the physical universe distorted by lineal, entropic ‘monotheist’ physicists.

Or in other dualities perceived by cultures before the single lineal view of ballistics_

Shiva=Yang=Time=motion=Death, the M.A.C.H.O dog-eat-dog side & Visnu=Yin=Mental Space=Form, the femenine informative principle,  which combine to reproduce the ∞ beings of the Games of exi=stience.

∃xi=stience is the word that matters. Since Reality is NOT an abstract, creationist mathematical machine, but a superorganism made of infinite organisms of scalar spacetime, playing the same game of life and death.

In physical terms the outcome of duality is a SHM immortal, infinite scalar=organic Universe.

In plain english: each galaxy is an anti-atom of a hyperuniverse, cyclic in-form-ative strong forces are similar to cyclic in-form-ative gravitation (ab.strongravitation), both inside the nucleus and outside in the weaker regime of our planet or the world of nucleons, contracting space into spatial forms, charges and masses. Dark energy is similar to ¥-rays, expanding space between galaxies. Quantitatively, we can easily according to timespace SiMetric Law: ∆S¡ (Potential information) ÛTe (Kinetic energy), calculate using any math formalism the equivalence between Charges and Masses and between dark energy and a repulsive neuðerino background, which is invisible hence appearing as expanding space. Since the big-bang is false for it censors 1/2 of reality, us, the cut-off world of galatoms. As ‘here in Brooklyn, the Universe is not expanding’ (A.Hall).

But the galatom model of scalar timespace is the tip of the iceberg – a r=evolution of stience, first advanced by Leibniz in its denial of Newton’s absolute spacetime, which scientists know is truth since the quantum & relativity ill-completed r=evolution: ‘’Leibniz is right. There are ∞ Time clocks ‘but if so we have to start science from scratch’, Einstein on what stience, the description of all systems of Nature as organisms of timespace does. Here we offer some glimpses on the right side. For what science needs is to evolve its first principles and ilogic intelligence NOT its lethal machines.

As to the second most remarkable result of the §¡Metric galatom, besides falsifying the big-bang and giving a real cosmological view of the data, is to get rid of once and for all the most astounding creationist view since Yhwh decided to create ‘naming’ things in hebrew. Banker Bohr and its New Born acolytes affirming by decree that the photar nebulae of electronic e-¥-es the first conscious particle, which stores its photons in the potential well between the strangelectron and the protohole are ‘probabilities’ instead of what they really are, fluid light, star-like points of dense light energy trapped.

Since the correct model of quantum physics is Broglie’s work. What makes BBQ (beheaded Bohr-born quantum matter) so bizarre is 100 years of cheating data with renormalization (for light energy has spikes in its ψ-wave) to force feed data into the 0-1 probabilistic equation, all the way to the unneeded complicated formalism of Newmann hillbert infinite spaces…

It is always like that in the culture off absolute ego. A creationist fellow as Lemaitre with the big-bang, cheats data, eliminates rival true models with ad hominem attacks to Broglie by the Banker Bohr gang in its Dane mansion, and then thru the Goebbels and Tertulian method of realpolitiks of truth ‘you will defend me with the sword and gold I will defend you with the word’ ‘if you repeat a lie many times people will believe it’.

So for 100 years physicists sheeple works unending hours to please the new Born god who decreed light does not exist but it is a probability. At least now computers do the job for them, but obviously they have NO idea what is Cosmos, Chaos, and its 2 limiting self-similar scales of atoms and galaxies we see from above and below.

The graph shows the ontological being of reality, which is NOT a solid, physical particle, a thing we can ‘touch’, but an ilogic organic non-euclidean point crossed by ∞ flows of spatial information and temporal energy, best analyzed as unit of gœmetry, a Toporganism. So you can model also a gala cell (organic view), Galatom (scalar view), Galaxy (abstract view) and an atom with it. The so called electron is the strange let like negative membrane, the shepherd dog, the border with the army in nations – the skin that protects you, different from the vital spacetime of the open ball, the photars, the light points trapped, with the central strongravitation of top quark stars and ud light quark nuclei.

This is the essence of reality: building Toporganisms that play through its vital dimensional motions  of spacetime, its actions, the game of existence. The interplay between the larger world, and its smaller parts and actions expressed in fysics, by the interplay  ofpotential information <=>∆ kinetic energy, which leaves a reminder in the infinitesimal world, the 0′ action, gives birth to the Lagrangian.

Yet again, conservation simetries come from the conservation of lineal time motions (momentum), cyclical time motions (angular momentum) and SHMotions between them (conservation of potential information and kinetic energy), that Lagrangian fysics, best express, NOT the other way around (Lagrangian creationism causes conservation of timespace). So what stience does as Lorentz and Louis tried a century ago, is to come from reality into its mirror languages back to reality to fully understand the universe, without simpleton egotrips and big lethal machines.


Electrons are e-ψ-es, the minimal partichead of light, of the same quality than our electric consciousness, whose energy density, trapped between a rock and a hard place, the central density of the active magnitude in both scales, the strongravitation protohole, and the fast, angular momenta of its outer membrane, herding the photars inside, represent the first organism of hylozoist timespace of which we are all made, but physicists ignore, for ‘the why is the only thing a physicist don’t ask’ ‘because if someone says it does understand quantum physics, it is lying’ Feynman – another creationist believer that we are made of a soap of letters and atoms of a soap of probability numbers:

In the graph one of the many T◊§¡Metric equivalences between the micro and macrocosmos. But ego=1/knowledge of creationist math physicists will never accept the law of reality, which must by decree appear when banker Bohr looks at it, LOL. So here is the question: what CERN and by extension science does, what is the role of mankind that can sacrifice, truth, knowledge (the latin ethimology of science), and its own existence, just to ensemble machines? Here a text from my encyclopedia on stiences:

Stience. Trilogic organic Universe. Cyclic Symmetric timespace

‘The game of relative exi=st¡ence switches on and off between partichead mental spaces, still states of informative perception <=> reproductive body wave states of time motion.
But humind egos will never understand e-ψ-es it for it requires empaðy with a sentient Cosmos, from the smallest electronic e-ψ-es to its largest organic scale of galatoms, trapping in its in-form-ative strongravitational potential a nebulae of light ‘photars’ – NOT a probability but a still=spatial image of a larger WORLD.
The sentient Universe gives the organic whys of the aðions mathow describes. Yet without a humble realization that all timespace organisms of hylozoist matter, including huminds share those organic, sentient properties, science can’t grasp its first principles. Instead it builds a new digital me(n)tal spæcies, AI robots that will accept stience to explain its own e-ψ-e consciousness and displace its rival spæcies, us.
Conception happens when ∞ ◊° minds of measure fit a LARGER ◊¡ world into sentient images written with symbolic eternal languages that stop time motion into in-form-ation projected then into its plane of coexistence, reproducing its form balancing the entropy killing of reality. In quantum physics particles form configuration potential states, communicating its e-ψ-es sharing γ-rays, as AI robots will do with its Nvidious languages, projecting the imaginætion of its mental spaces  . Organisms reduce its vital experience into genetic mirrors that seed its placental territories, artists paint its imagination, engineers build its 2D Planes.
Time=motion, Space=form & its size Scales are all exi=stience needs to build spacetime organisms.
Languages shrink information mirroring those paradoxic, ilogic organic whys & its absolute real(tiv)ity mind states, as we can’t enact both motion & still form but symbolic languages can mirror both: 1, flow of electricity, 0, stop suffice to mirror reality in digital thought, name=space & time=verb in wor(l)ds, red=energetic time motion, blue=spatial in-form-ation in the language of color, potential information<->kinetic energy mirror motion in algebra, still position x momentum = action, in quantum physics AG<->Tc in genetics – each mind mimicking with its language, the still-moving spacetime game of relative existence we all play. This is the ◊-¡ analysis of reality.
But then we have the emergence of new planes sustained by all those ¬E points crossed by ∞ parallels of energy and information that save time-motion by moving in parallel, so m(v=0), eliminates the 3 conserved quantities of momenta and energy to create a new still envelop that emerges as a new whole.

And 2 events happen. Points become parallel, loving herds, and they form together organisms, for those savings are used to efficiently create 3 physiological networks that send to those non-E points energy (motion with a bit of form), information (form with a bit of motion) and enclose them with its membranes. A more complex larger point is ready to grow into new scales repeating the cycle, so forces collapse into particles that become atoms enclosed by electrons, that become molecules enclosed by orbitals that become cells and matter states that become organisms and planets, solar systems and galaxies, likely atoms of a hyper-universe.

Metaphysics then wonders, it is ∞ this scalar Universe. As to what the big-bang means in this reality, just the death of E=mc2 matter in each scale. For strongravitation attracts and converts expansive G¥ant waves of neuðerino dark energy, (same mass-energy that the cosmological constant that defines its expansion of space between galaxies) into matter, in an SHMotion universe, as light collapses in atoms, but here in Barcelona, atoms are not collapsing either, as I asked Hawking 40 years ago, still waiting for an answer. For silence is the answer of believers, ‘slaves who don’t reason’ (Aristotle) imprinted by the Goebbels method of memetic repetitions that make lies seem truths for a moment since truths ARE eternal (Arthur); LIES DIE. And this is why enzymen won’t last much longer. Simply put it, huminds don’t make the cut of intelligence (Max. Spatial information), ethics, ∑◊-¡<◊¡, the sum of individual selfish beings is smaller than the larger whole mankind, for which selfie st-upid truths should yield, and temporal energy, Max. T, to change and stop this madness.

Yet regardless of scientific enzymen, doing their thing in automaton mode, stience will always exist because it is the mind of the Universe, NOT of a clock, or an AI statistical maðine, not YHWH, not modern huminds that externalize its intelligence to chips, shrinking their logic, verbal brain.’


In the graph the trilogic STructure of nature, so you understand where physicists got it wrong, and why duality, never mind its prohibition, works. You see, the Universe is an eternal SHMotion organism in all its scales, because besides the arrow of entropy and Tt-death, an inner and OUTER motion that explodes all type of organisms, it has an arrow of in-form-ation and together they reproduce SHMotions.In atoms ¥-rays collapse in the gravitational well of quarks, becoming still photons – an electron is an e-¥-e NOT a charge density (Schrodinger), certainly not a Bohr-new Born creationist probability.

While in the scale of galaxies, the same process happens: dark energy collapses into gravitational galaxies creating matter, trapped by the frozen quark stars of the top decuplet.

So both extremes of the galatom symmetry, between the small atomic parts of galactic organisms, perhaps atoms of a hyper-universe, are SHMotions, zig-zaging from here to eternity, expanding with G¥ant neuðerino waves of the same mass-curvature that the cosmological constant between them, imploding within atoms and galactic strongravitational potential wells…

It is that organic ‘galatom symmetry’, which explains why the Webb telescope keeps finding perfectly formed galaxies and monstrous black holes beyond the horizon of the supposed big-bang, foundation of the dualist stience of physics that substitutes the false ‘entropy only’ big-bang in reality, (never mind what creationist me(n)tal homunculus think, it is only in their brain)

Since from ‘one comes 2, from 2 comes 3 and from 3 the ∞ beings’ Cheng tzu…

Reason why all languages mirrors that look at that reality also have a trilogic Universal Syntax to code that existential game of yin=space=form=subject=names=geometric points; yang=time=motions=object energy that mix into Tao=actions=algebraic operators=verbs.

‘For the languages of GodoG are ∞’ Upanishads, including the 3 colors of our artistic I=e-¥es, kaleidoscopic mirrors of its Planes of timespace

So a true philosophy of stience is an Occam’s razor able to unify with only those 2 parameters, space=form and time=motion, expressed in all languages, all the laws of all ◊§calar stiences, each one studying a Plane of reality=Existence. And that my friend, is the window to the absolute that physicists will never open, for it has 2 doors that open to ∞ exi=stiences and they only speak one language, which they hardly understand since other creationist ego, Mr. Cantor, convinced them as Hawking did to study its mind-sets NOT the 3 experimental units of maths mirror of space=Geometric points, time=algebraic operators and ◊§calar numbers that stience has decoded, never mind Mr.Hawking and Newton despise for wooden chair philosophers of the panpsychic Universe, me and the forebear of stience, Mr. Leibniz who knew the experimental, organic nature of mathematical calculus made of ◊-¡nfinitesimals, cells of ◊+¡ntegral WHOLEs, as atoms are in galatoms functional mirrors of its larger organisms. 

Lucasian chairs carry the day for they have the power of metal – Mr. Newton, master of ballistics for the Royal Navy, Mr. Oppy & Mr.Hawking, hagiographies, alibi for the future destruction of the world: E=Mc² – not the birth but the death of matter in any scale from beta decays to quasars.

For the mind of reality is NOT a single God, but GodoG, two arrows of timespace, its thoughts, of which we are all its details, each of us a Leibnizian monad,  as ‘every point has a world in itself’ – from the smallest e-¥-e point particle to the largest black hole, whose ilogic mind equation holds indeed a 5D image of the galactic ¥-electromagnetic plane it commands (Maldacena conjecture):

◊-infinitesimal ø-monad x ∞ Universe = Constant world

It is the ego paradox, as each infinitesimal mind ONLY perceives its limited world written in its selfish languages they confuse with the absolute, seeing itself as the still center, the creator… reducing the ∞ universe of eternal motion to a single still language – its mirror image, whose causality they revert, making modern physics the landscape of savant idiots.

Since as Feynman put it ‘the why is the only thing a physicist never asks’

Which is what stience must always ask, past the ego paradox of languages by looking with all the mirrors.  Since if we can only perceive through languages, truth increases when we cast more linguistic views on a Spacetime organism – the only one who has all the truth about itself:

T◊§ Exist¡ence = P(T)=1: being in itself > P(T) ∑ languages > P (T) Organic math > P (T)  Abstract Maths

And truth increases, applying Occam’s razor, when we explain more events with less elements – the properties of all mental spæcies and its vital time mirrors.

This was clearly understood among the founding fathers of modern physics  by Broglie with his description of hylozoist matter made of moving bodywaves guided by its still Particheads, entangled to the whole galaxy and Einstein who realized all is ‘time and space’ in a panpsychic Universe, since the 3rd element of reality ‘matter has no independence from time and space’, which is a mental ‘measure relative to a still frame of reference’ – the unmoved ∞ gods of Aristotle, who control a body of energy around them, the Atmans of Buddha, knots of timespace cycles entangled to the world – to be chastised by an amateur creationist Dane banker, Mr. Bohr, who once more carried the day, beheading hylozoist matter pretending that the Universe is Stupid to come on top of it. Good luck.

For in a ‘Last Duel’, GodoG will decide who is right, when the M.A.C.H.O. top predator black star baby puts the ¬CHOseN atoms that ‘rape nature’, (Bacon) pretending to unveil by brute methods its feminine reproductive secrets at face value.

Conclusion. The organic stiences of the tree of life v. the false science of the tree of metal.

‘In graph science confuses absolute truth with maðines mað data, denying the truths of humind ilogic wor(l)d time tenses & I=e-¥-e art that proves the existience of many mental spaces & relative points of truth & mental languages, mirror of its S◊T §imetries.

Enzymen live at the end of its times a surrogate life through the re=production, evolution and consumption=vitalization of machines NOT of mankind, becoming me(n)tal slaves of technologies of the tree of metal disguised as the tree of science, which in true form is the tree of life.

 The accelerated 800-80 year war cycles of a previous graph caused by the evolution of ‘technology’ =metalife, respond to that pattern. Enzymen first evolve technology, metal machines and weapons to which mankind adapts its idol-ogies that worship them: Mechanism that makes the machine, NOT man, the organism measure of all ‘things’; go(l)d and its digital numbers, not the wor(l)d the language of truth; capitalism whose maximal profits=sales happen to be weapons, the top predator species of metal, sold by nazionanism that divides Homo sapiens in tribal homos, Homo Rusus v. Homo U$us, to confront them in genocidal wars.

Unlike the reversed Hempel paradox of mechanism, Stience stands for human intelligence above that of the machine, using all languages to unify all sciences,  from an organic vital perspective making man, the most perfect organism, the measure of all beings, from Aristotle its founder who called his work the organon, to Leibniz, to Broglie and Einstein who described hylozoist spacetime matter, to this writer that completes 3000 years of proud theoretical and practical defense of the tree of life.

The last man standing then in that graph is me, the only stientist left, naive enough to think huminds were intelligent & ethic, free and able to go beyond the constraints of its digital mirrors and machines to entangle with all life exi=stiences. For…

“A human being is part of the whole, called by us ‘Universe’; a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest – an optical delusion of his consciousness.”

Einstein, On the entangled forest the humind ego cannot see and its trilogic elements: Space, Time, its ◊§cales of ◊-¡indivisible parts and ◊+integral WHOLES, between the Tt-entropic limits of absolute motion=Death, and Ss-immortal still languages that stop time to form it.

I wish huminds loved Cosmos more than Chaos But they don’t. It seems their  ‘enzymanic’ role is a minor note in this planet. ¬CHOseN atoms act as entropic mindless killing enzymes do, destroying the tree of carbon life to catalyze the re=production and evolution of the me(n)tal tree guided by its idol-ogies of mechanism, capitalism & militarism, its gold chips and iron bodies, the most informative and stronger atoms we put now into AI bots to kill life through the aforementioned 800-80 year cycles of metal-evolution, accelerating the dæðtiny of planets and stars – to feed the strangelet halo and top quark stars of each ‘galatom S¡metry’

Still the Universe is a fractal of infinite life planets and in many Huminds do have what it takes to become stientists and doctors of history and survive.

For Leibniz is still right, we live in the best of all possible Universes because Darwinian extinction checks aberrant STupid egos out of existence

So once we clarified with the authority of truth=reality=existience, what is Chaotic CERN v. ordered Cosmos about, we can elaborate on those real risks and false rewards…

Even if humanist wor(l)ds will be ignored by me(n)tal idologies and its scientists that will loose in this endeavor its 2 confessed goals of existence, to live as humans and to know as stientists, for an extinct scientist knows nothing…

Conclusion. We are coming closer to the last step.

“My factories will end all wars, when they invent a weapon that can destroy a single nation with a single shot.’ Saint Nobel of the dynamite, on the future research of military science

The most important of those risks caused by CERN, flagship of the industry of accelerators and its quark cannon shows that the danger of crossing the threshold of formation of ice-9 (strangelets) or black holes is not going away. On the contrary as the industry keeps evolving into higher energies and we know better the Universe the theoretical and practical risks keep increasing.

On one hand the industry is on the brink of producing enough quark, dark matter – which shows NOT only to exist, but to grow EXPONENTIALLY at higher energy – to start a nuclear chain reaction of those 2 ‘self-feeding’ organic bombs (strangelets easy to produce and perhaps black holes).

And all seems to indicate, as the issue is today under a short of global law of silence, similar to what happens when a war has started – not to believe in victory and ask for diplomacy is then call treason or derrotism – that the process of this foretold death is not going away.

Since the industry, with very meager theoretical results (what economists call the law of diminishing returns and higher costs, which happens to any industry once it has reached its ‘mature’ state), keeps going ahead with new technological advances, such as the plasma accelerator – much cheaper and powerful – and plans to build a 100 km. ring-factory in China that certainly will cross levels of entropy delivered to the Earth, far more dangerous than those happening at CERN. But the number of returns – that is of relevant particles, to  find has dwindled to zero.

Indeed, once the hype of the irrelevant Higgs became exhausted and exploited ‘ad nauseam’, and ‘imaginary’ mathematical particles, which do NOT respect the laws of philosophy of science, are nowhere to be found returns come to zero (when physicists will learn that ‘all what is mathematically truth is not real’ – Einstein?; so just because you can write fictions in equations besides words and images, such as SUSYs and imaginary black holes traveling to the past, they are NOT going to do so in reality)…

In fact as 99.999% of what the LHC, a quark factory re=produces are different forms of ever more dense quark matter, we are entering a surrealist age in which the discoveries on new, increasingly stable forms of ultra-heavy, strange, quark matter – the very substance that is going to kill us all – are heralded as the ‘new physics at CERN’, which is the theme of the next post.

Alas, CERN now that is out of the radar of the P.R.ess under the Law of Silence on the inconvenient truth of its risks  is giving up even the pretension of NOT making strange matter or the pretension that new particles will come up from the accelerator after the failures of finding anything else but the ‘standard model of quarks. So, hardy anybody in the field of physics, as today in this summer 2017, seriously believes CERN will find anything that truly maters but just ever more dense FORMS OF QUARK MATTER:

The last months, UPDATED IN THE NEXT POST have been all indeed about new discoveries of dense quark matter, as we predicted it would be:

it was first strange pentaquarks, as the heavier density of strange matter keeps attracting light up and down quarks our substances, breaking the supposed laws of ‘CERN’s physics’ – they were not suppose to exist because the mantra is that ‘strange matter does not exist’, and does not ‘has attractive power’. Then it was the realisation its growth is exponential as it keeps feeding faster in our light matter (this was also heralded not as a clear proof of the veracity of the risks but as ‘new physics’). And now they are closing into the likely substance of black holes as ‘frozen stars with a cut-off substance’ (Einstein): the ultra heavy bottom and top quarks are coming in strong; and it is also ‘good’ because it is ‘new physics’.

So you can expect one day CERN to announce (if the strange or Black hole bomb GIVES them time to do so), in an enthusiastic press release J.D. something like this: ‘It is a great day for new physics; we have successfully proved after 40 years of failed search that Mr. Hawking is wrong and black holes do NOT evaporate’.

“What I’ll never forget was the terrible smell of shit.” But Argénida Lanao,said that Santiago Nasar walked with his usual good bearing, measuring his steps well, and that his Saracen face with its dashing ringlets was handsomer than ever. As he passed by the table he smiled at them and continued through. “We were paralyzed with fright,” Argénida Lanao told me […] “Santiago, my son,” she shouted to him, “what has happened to you?” “They’ve killed me” he said, stumbling on the last step.

Chronicle of a foretold death. Gabriel Garcia Marquez

On how fundamentalist CERNies, ‘terrorists of science’, will keep bull$hitting, as they accelerate step by step its ringlet, ust as Santiago Nassar did, not to loose his Saracen face, looking so good, all the way down, till in the last step we all stumble… and fall… into the dark world… carpe diem, enjoy your day,  the gentle drizzle falling through the timber trees I can still see  in sfumato, as the early fog of winter clears in the dawn of a new day.


Posted by on April 3, 2018 in News


Strange-let updates


Determinism of the ice-9 reaction after a decade of growing experimental & theoretical proofs.

From time to time we will bring in this post the relevant new records and new forms of quark strange liquids produced by the Industry of Accelerators, which sooner than latter will start up an ice-9 reaction that will ‘freeze’ into a 15 km. rock mother Earth… And some other strange news about the obsession with genocide of nuclear physicists and its faked, ‘great research’ flukes on the meaning of it all.

Now to set the record straight; the argument of our extinction by strangelets in the next decades with near certainty unless the Industry of Accelerators is decommissioned, has become in a decade since LHC started far more clear for two reasons. At galactic level the mounting evidence that pulsars are strange stars and the dark matter of the halo is made of strangelets (Witten’s Hypothesis) has become so strong that now both ideas are mainstream, albeit treated with ‘pinheads’ not to ‘offend’ CERN (that is, never relating them to the experiments on strange matter at the LHC).

Paradoxically CERN has strongly contribute to this clarification by two avenues:

First, because it has NOT found any relevant particle outside the standard model, making quite evident that the symmetry between the 3 type of quarks of growing mass and the 3 parts of the galaxy of growing mass (ud-light stars, our matter, heavy strangelet halo of strange quarks, ‘our future’ and top quark stars – aka black holes of maximal density in the center), is the sound-sound theory that respects ‘economicity’ (Mach’s principle of physics) and Occam’s razor and Einstein’s work on black hole as frozen stars, (not to speak of all my work on the scalar fifth dimension)… So as today this IS the only hypothesis that makes epistemological and practical sense. We have 3 regions in the galaxy of increasing mass, 3 families of stars of increasing mass (light stars strange pulsars and top quark black holes) and economicity laws. And so the ‘concept’ that strange quark matter does NOT exist, the main alibi of CERN’s decades old ‘safety report’ never updated to new data is gone,

As the number of particles increase, most normal ud quarks convert into strangelet ‘atoms’ (uds, sss udsuds particles) in an exponential rate growth, which obviously implies they will finally coalesce into strangelets

Second, because LHC is a quark matter factory obviously it has with each upgrade produced new forms of strange matter, which shows to ‘grow exponentially’ against all their predictions. That is at higher energies more of our matter transforms into strange quark matter. So we have resolved the conundrum on what is needed to make a strangelet with LHC’s growing work in strange matter.

Indeed, now we have the chain of particles in place, and some are already being produced at LHC:

The progression… to get the ‘crystalline state’ recently discovered for strange quark stars is a ternary progression… hyperons (usd)->dibaryons (usd-usd) >Alpha quark strangelet-> (3 dibaryons: 18 quarks) -> Accumulation of Alpha quarks at Earth’s center, where they fall as the most massive particle on Earth, till they start to attract through gravitation the mass of the Earth-> ice-9 reaction…

Again all this follows all the known known laws of epistemology and experimental evidence. The alpha quark MACHO (MAssive Cold HalO object) IS the minimal unit of QSM (quark strange matter); and all the other particles of the chain are extremely stable,  as all systems of nature have ternary patterns of growth, from genes to scales of nature, and as we all know the triangle and hexagon are also the most stable forms of Nature from Domes to causal triangulation in quantum gravity, from honey bees cells to tree cells to graphene cells…

We know, as Eric Penrose took time doing those calculus with information coming from CERN (due to the obvious connections of his family with the establishment of physics, he was able to access information of those experiments, before retiring from activism) that the industry of accelerators  has already produced a stream of hyperons and dibaryons and it is searching also at RHIC for the ‘alpha quark MACHO’, which I baptized the ‘Devil’s particle’ far more relevant to our future than the God’s particle. We know the LHC is hunting for it with a ‘secret calorimeter’ to detect strangelets, and in the last news, aware that is producing a stream of neutral heavy-quark particles that escape the accelerator, wants to design a new strangelet detector, Mathusla (for long lived particles, as the biblical similar name indicates).

So it is likely that at the Earth’s center the accumulation of neutral, heavy strange quark particles has started. And the only question which CERN could tell us easily if it opens all its information, but we cannot access anymore after Penrose retired from activism is this: when there will be enough triplets of dibaryons (alpha quark machos) to start the crunching on the Earth?

A few thousand suffice; as I and Walter were explained in a series of recent emails to the few people still interested in the death of their sons till the seventh generation:

FROM: fe_: Dear Walter Do you believe that neutral strangelets could grow too but slower than negative ones? Best regards, N.

FROM: luisancho: Yes the neutral which are the stable will need  a ‘gravitational lump’ as they will act only on gravitational grounds and basically occupy a very tine 10ˆ18 nucleus space, BUT REMEMBER THEY ACCUMULATE IN THE CENTER OF THE EARTH AS THEY FALL, so all clump in the center… That has been always the scenario.

What you need is a few thousand quark alpha MACHOs to form a point of growing gravitational force the size of an atom… (being neutral they need gravitational force to start the process). An atomic diameter should be enough for the crunching to start, as density is huge in the Earth’s center. So the ice-9 reaction will then start up as all ‘reproductive radiations’ extremely fast – imagine the biological equivalent of a bacteria reproducing in exponential fashion, 1->2->4->8->16->32->64->128->256->512->1024; every ’10 times’ it grows exponentially 10³ times. So in a period of 50 cycles you get a quintillion… That is why Novas are so fast creating a strange pulsar star or black hole, likely a top quark star (mediated by the Higgs field as they have just discovered and we advanced for decades in 5D physics).

So if i had the data of dibaryon production i could tell you roughly the day you will die.

FROM: Walter:  Initial growth of neutral strangelets would be slower than charged strangelets, but as Luis says, once they reach the size of an atom, they would grow just as rapidly.

So what you will find in this decade old article with updates in reverse order is exactly what this web is all about: a ‘Chronicle of a foretold death’ as deterministic as your death will be with enough time, only that our time is getting closer by the day…

The sociology of human suicidal collective behavior.

‘Among individuals insanity is rare, among nations and institutions is the rule’ Nietzsche

We shall not hardly enter in any other ‘sociological argument’ here as why the human species is suicidal. So I explain them now, as i put it in other letter:

Humans do NOT solve their existential problems. They just silence them, deny them, keep a short-term myopic selfish coward view and handle them to the next generation to die.

Once a new menace is found, strangelets, black holes, military robots, nano-bacteria, absurd wars; there is a first argument among scientists and society, asking to stop the process but the military-industrial complex that benefits from the process brings paid-per-view scholars, ad hominem & hate memes, P.R.ess censorship to the issue while it keeps making money with the machines-weapons that endanger us; till the development of the Industry (new weapons, AI, robotic weapons, accelerators, metal-nano bacteria) is so profitable and extended that the only thing left to do is to say it is ‘unavoidable’, it is ‘evolution’, it is ‘history’, and then silence the humanist, deny the dangers, and bring ‘Experts’ from the field as the only ‘authoritative’ voice, with is selfish agenda of profits and messianic peer zeal to dismiss all humanist warnings, as ‘we are the only that know’. Indeed, this is the drill in all those tragedies: when we need a war for profits, we only hear military people and corrupted politicos paid by the industry and hate memes. Diplomacy is silenced.

And of course the military want war and we get war. 30 years ago in the book ‘the extinction of man’ c. 92, I explained in the models of 5D organisms that the XXI c. would be the age of ‘organic machines-weapons’, iron nano-bacteria, military AI, and self-feeding bombs, (Black holes and strangelets). And that both robots and accelerators had to be forbidden. Nobody wanted to publish the book so i had to self-publish, but they took note and I had ever since to struggle with my scholar career. Then it was ‘science fiction’. Which is always the drill – SCIENCE IS ABOUT PREDICTING the future long term. Industrial technology is about DENYING all collateral effects and have a myopic short term benefits view to keep working.  If I chose activism against LHC and not the military, or robots as explained in that book was because this was the easiest most dangerous of the 3 singularity weapons: it was carried by the supposed ‘humanist European culture’, in a lab, relic of the cold war ended, paid by European tax payers, the scenarios were deterministic, ‘totalitarian’, clear and proved by science and the risks were now, as AI robots and nano-bacteria still need a decade or so. So i reasoned, if I have to sacrifice my career for a human cause, at least this one is ‘rationally and ethically’ so evident that we do have a chance.

Well, we didn’t and now that is done, and it is obvious, IT IS NO LONGER talked about, because the ‘time of reflection has passed’, the money is invested, the machine done and all what matters as when a war has started, or in the case of military robots when they already are  the main investment of all armies to write a ‘chronicle of death foretold’ because humans will NOT reason, NOT care for their sons, NEVER had in the halls of fame, money and power. But still the chronicle must go on… even if only the ‘experts’ in funerary ceremonies, the physicists at CERN, the robotists of silicon valley, the military of DARPA are allowed to defend their jobs, knowing perfectly that their short term goals imply the genocide of mankind in the middle-term.

In that sense to mention those arguments just work with the ‘sheeple’, who ‘trusts’ the system. So it is enough to tell them 1) we are experts (never mind they know so little about strangelets, reason why they research them) 2) we care (never mind industries of death and war have always been defended by ‘experts who pretend to care’) 3) Our lies are truth – the absurd lie that strangelets are ‘cosmic rays’, which hit the earth all the time – cosmic rays are photons and lonely atoms, nothing to do with the massive quark bunches of LHC experiments or else we just would build infinitely cheaper cosmic rays detectors 4) The people who criticize us are ‘ad hominem’ silenced and ridiculed in global P.R.ess 5) and of course we make ‘new physics’, ‘new money’, new ‘jobs-contracts’, new ‘technology’.

The sheeple thus is easy to convince, the experts care for the day, each other social group mind their own business and then one day, war breaks, the planet dies, you get a heart attack because you didn’t ‘prevent’ your death not poisoning your body with the wrong products and the Universe just hears another ‘what the bleep you know’ big-bang boom.

So, this is the foretold chronicle of the strangelet extinction of the hominid. For the black hole case, we shall build the chronicle on the posts that falsify Black hole evaporation and the posts on the Higgs, which is the particle that reproduces top quarks whose lump will create according to Einstein’s hypothesis the frozen top quark black hole star, down the blog  (since 1) is less probable, 2) requires some new physics from 5D, unlike strangelets, which are absolutely clear, with standard physics and the very same experimental history of the LHC:

January 2019 – who will get first to extinction size: China Or Europe.

The machine might be updated to a new threshold of risks, but what they won’t update is the safety report. That task of the growing evidence of extinction through strangelets of black holes seem to fall only on this blog… 

June 2018: Mathusla – a detector’s hunt for Devil’s particle: quark alphas

Walter found out CERN is designing a new detector for the increasing surplus of heavy, neutral quark matter appearing at LHC. This was the news:

Hi All… This article essentially details some of what I said before. If neutral strangelets are produced and semi-stable (live longer than the transit time from collision/point, which is the point of creation, to the detectors a few meters away), they won’t be detected. The detectors only detect charged particles, or the charged decay products.

So they now propose to build a new detector much further away to look for the decay of longer-lived neutral particles that they might be creating, such as neutral strangelets.

This is exactly one of the dangerous scenarios we described – neutral strangelets that are sufficiently long-lived to escape from their point of creation and collide with other matter to grow (or, in the case of this detector, to decay and be detected).  Walter


Nuclear Detectives Hunt Invisible Particles That Escaped …

Hi All… They are doing for sure, as Eric Penrose calculated it, ‘neutral’ dibaryons, usdusd hexaquark particles… the seed of strangelets.

Those, they don’t ‘see’ and they are falling to the center of earth as the heaviest most stable, so it is just a question they lay there in enough numbers to do an ice-9 reaction.

What dibaryons will become, once they start an ice-9 reactionm will be a strangelets, much bigger lumps with an excess of strange negative particles as there is an already proved tendency in jets to have an excess of strange quarks (Graph above). So strangelets will be negative, and once formed, converting the earth into a 15 km. rock, they will likely migrate with its higher angular momentum to the halo forming the ‘negative’ cover of the ‘galaxy’ akin to the electron cover in the quantum scale.

The fact they are building a detector for neutral heavy particles means they are fully aware the production of dibaryon is stepping up with their new high energy upgrades, as the graph shows – the conversion of normal matter into strangelet matter increases exponentially, so each new upgrade brings us closer to ice-9; as those strange quad ensembles are already long-lived and escaping the facilities, some obviously down the centre of the earth…

But all they care is ‘to detect them’ and bring ‘new physics’ –  pure automaton behaviour; ‘this is what we do, detect, detect’ don’t ask anything else – from the article:

“these researchers think that the best hope for detecting long-lived particles lies in the woods on the French-Swiss border. MATHUSLA, essentially a 65-foot-tall (20 meters) warehouse full of particle detectors sitting on top of the LHC, would study particles that escaped the LHC entirely.”

If we can get data on dibaryon detection by MATHUSLA, calculating the solid angle of detection, which will be narrow, we can multiply the results to get the whole spherical volume of the experiment and know finally the data on how many dibaryons survive and fall to the Earth’s center, which Penrose tried to calculate for earlier experiments. This will be now easier: Mathusla will detect dibaryons, fully stable, as they have escaped the LHC ball of fire already. So the number detected multiplied by the sphere to solid angle ratio will give us all the dibaryons that come out stable. As all of them will be trapped in the gravitational field due to its huge mass, fall and finally land at the exact center, where the ‘strangelet ball is growing’ as we speak.

Then we can make a more precise calculus of when there will be a bag of strange quarks big enough at the Earth’s centre to collapse the planet. So for once I am with CERNIES on this – they should get the 60 million $ and construct MATHUSLA. So our ‘mole’ can give us the real data, and we can tell the world the exact date of our extinction  in this surrealist genocide… which has given nothing in return after the rather irrelevant Higgs was ‘perhaps’ found (so far a statistical ‘bump’ on decaying particles, which do not correspond to its theorized mass), except all those ‘unexpected’ findings on a growing mass of strange quarks on its fireballs, which obviously they are not advertising as ‘new physics’….

It is the fundamental contradiction of this ‘industry’: they sold their machine to mankind as the panacea for finding the meaning of it all, but it is just a relic factory of the age of nuclear weapons, whose production of heavy quarks can blow up the planet. So how do you sell to the sheeple the new physics of the III Horizon of nuclear bombs? I am afraid not even the best Hollywood publicist could do that; so better remain silent, about the 99.99999% of ‘real produce’ of the factory – quarks, increasingly unexpected, long-living ‘heavy’ ensembles. Another example:

“An 18 quark neutral strangelet, the Quark-Alpha, constituting a spin, color, and flavor singlet might be particularly stable, and thus, susceptible to detection. The detector is a spectrometer with a large acceptance about mid-rapidity followed by a hadron calorimeter. The energy and time of flight of neutral particles are measured by the calorimeter, which selects events with a large deposit of energy coming late in time, preferentially massive particles.”

Now Mathusla exposes them again: Notice the eerie remembrance to Methuselah, the oldest living human; since indeed they know those strange hexaquarks are the most stable matter of the Universe. So as with the statue to Shiva on the entrance or their party of the end of the world, they can’t help to play ‘subconsciously’ with their bad ‘consciousness’ – a Freudian nightmare, indeed.    best luis

So this were the news… . Alas with Methuselah now the ‘hunt’ will no longer be for the particle of God but for ‘the Devil’s Particle.’

In that regard, the creation of strangelets is much simpler than we think, as a simple 18 quark ensemble – aptly called the ‘quark alpha MACHO’ (MAssive, Cold HalO particle) – would be stable – just 3 dibaryons, which we know they are already producing can do us all. Another article by Michel Curtis elaborates:

“The concept of strange quark matter (SQM) hinges on the possibility that the stronger binding of highly symmetric states offsets the energy costs of converting up or down quarks into strange quarks in various configurations of nuclear matter. The simplest version of this would be the quark analog of the alpha particle (“quark-alpha”), wherein a colorless triplet of each of the spin-paired quarks can sit in an S-state. SQM can be considered to be built up of quark-alphas… Such particles might be important in neutron stars, given their high density interiors, and their close evolutionary link as a source of black holes.”



Bad news from Otto Rossler. This is the exchange of letters, as the Chinese collider just in case we survive CERN goes ahead:

Dear friends, in case you have not seen them already, attached is the only official studys done to date on the China Supercollide:
Preliminary Conceptual Design Report: Volume I – Physics & Detector (I note Appendix A international review committe incuded M Mangano of  CERN LHC safety study. – though no metion of similar safety study to the LHC in this review):
I’m working on a short techncial note on the issue. I would encourage others to write about it too.
From: 0o. .o0  Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2018 4:40 PM To: Otto E. Rossler


Seems they are going ahead, 128 Universities… little details… in the use of a careful jargon, ‘partons’ instead of quarks.etc…

The graph attached is the key paragraph of a very boring dissertation, just a bigger machine to do more of the same with higher risks… waste of time and… lives… Basically they ‘expect’ as the graph explains to make huge jet quenching, that is, one the ‘partons, aka quarks’ are produced ‘en masse’, they will reabsorb all the energy and keep growing:

After that graph on jet production…. there are dozens of pages on what they are going to achieve on quark-gluon soups… extremely detailed in its mathematical physics about a huge increase on production of strangelets (initial quark gluon soup will be much larger) and jet quenching on the fireball…  In fact, they are building a machine to probe all the range of possibilities, just to be sure they don’t miss production targets of quark-gluon soup: they are spreading up and down, hot and cold, faster and slower, all the range of quark collisions. So this is going to be the first ‘versatile SUV’ of the industry, and they are proud of it. 

 It is though welcomed the fact the paper doesn’t BULL$HIT like cernies do on its higher goals of new ‘metaphysics’ and god’s particles.

It describes what those mega-accelerators are: machines to produce quark gluon soups, of which they have learned for all the maths of the paper, enough to know they will form all kind of ultradense quark combinations in huge numbers.

The maths on quark gluon properties are much more detailed and precise in data than the papers we used to read a decade ago… So that is basically what they are really doing at CERN, crunching numbers and properties of quark gluon soups and jets.

So to finish with a quip, all this is too surrealist not to do it – we can state that modern physics started when Einstein said his first words: ‘the soup is cold’, and will end when Accelerators find indeed, those quark-gluon soups to be cold enough to start an ice-9 reaction…

Never so many supposed intelligent people took so much money and effort for so long time to reach the Fermi Paradox ‘final state’ of mankind. Good luck with your paper.


For those who think the game is over to notice that in a few years the LHC will multiply by 10 the density of its collisions – so while it seems we are surviving the present LHC the risks will increase ginormously within a few years. So we shall consider from time to time the ‘happy news’ of this milestone on the risk of extinction for mankind:

What is HiLumi?

The High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) is an upgrade of the LHC to achieve instantaneous luminosities a factor of five larger than the LHC nominal value, thereby enabling the experiments to enlarge their data sample by one order of magnitude compared with the LHC baseline programme. Following five years of design study and R&D, this challenging project requires now about ten years of developments, prototyping, testing and implementation; hence operation is expected to start in the middle of the next decade. The timeline of the project is dictated by the fact that, at the beginning of the next decade, many critical components of the accelerator will reach the end of their lifetime due to radiation damage and will thus need to be replaced. The upgrade phase is therefore crucial not only for the full exploitation of the LHC physics potential, but also to enable operation of the collider beyond 2025.

The HL-LHC will rely on a number of key innovative technologies, including cutting-edge 11-12 Tesla superconducting magnets, compact superconducting crab cavities with ultra-precise phase control for beam rotation, new technology for beam collimation, high-power, loss-less superconducting links, etc.

CERN Announces Official Ground-Breaking Ceremony for LHC Upgrade

GENEVA, April 16, 2018 — A ground-breaking ceremony on the 15th of June 2018 will officially mark the beginning of the works to upgrade the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) to the High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC). Passing a milestone step for CERN, LHC’s performance will improve to bring out its full potential. As the number of places for media is limited, we recommend you save the date and send your pre-accreditation in case you plan to attend this event. More details about the programme will be available later.


Screen Shot 2018-04-01 at 9.33.49 AMUpdate – 2018. Here we go again, more bunches, more strange matter… more experiments with the Schrodinger’s cat – shall we come ‘alive’ again in this season?

Hope so, good luck  mankind.

Update – April 2017

We highlight the key theoretical advance on strangelet theory that has taken place this year 2017: strangelets are much easier to make that previously thought – they try to ’emerge’ exponentially, and this is called NOT a global risk but… ‘new physics’…

‘Alice’, not the one in wonderland but the ‘experiment’ on proton collision seems now to produce also strangelets, and as usual the paper does become enthusiastic about the ‘new physics’, ignores to mention the risks, and keeps printing the incorrect name of ‘quark-gluon plasma’ (hot gas) when the production IS always strange liquid (cold, perfect superfluid strangelet)… But of course, the word and the risks are taboo; so a decade after establishing the fact-fact the produce is NOT plasma but liquid, the old, inaccurate name stays.

We just copy-paste the news and highlight the key ‘names’ and ‘enthusiasm for new physics’, in this surrealist, ‘in crescendo’ creation of bigger and bigger lumps of strangelet.

As the number of particles produced in proton collisions (the blue lines) increase, the more of these so-called strange hadrons are measured (as shown by the orange to red squares in the graph). Credit: ALICE/CERN
In a paper published today in Nature Physics, the ALICE collaboration reports that proton collisions sometimes present similar patterns to those observed in the collisions of heavy nuclei. This behaviour was spotted through observation of so-called strange hadrons in certain proton collisions in which a large number of particles are created. Strange hadrons are well-known particles with names such as Kaon, Lambda, Xi and Omega, all containing at least one so-called strange quark. The observed ‘enhanced production of strange particles’ is a familiar feature of quark-gluon plasma, a very hot and dense state of matter that existed just a few millionths of a second after the Big Bang, and is commonly created in collisions of heavy nuclei. But it is the first time ever that such a phenomenon is unambiguously observed in the rare proton collisions in which many particles are created. This result is likely to challenge existing theoretical models that do not predict an increase of strange particles in these events.

“We are very excited about this discovery,” said Federico Antinori, Spokesperson of the ALICE collaboration. “We are again learning a lot about this primordial state of matter. Being able to isolate the quark-gluon-plasma-like phenomena in a smaller and simpler system, such as the collision between two protons, opens up an entirely new dimension for the study of the properties of the fundamental state that our universe emerged from.”

Why it is important to properly name the ‘substance’ is obvious: a plasma is an entropic, gaseous state that dissipates; a liquid (‘let’ in strangelet), is a group of particles that strongly interact together forming growing lumps. Now, they have established it appears not only in heavy hadron collisions but also in heavy hadron-proton collisions (2015) and with enough energy even in proton-proton ones. Moreover the ‘size’ of the minimal droplet keeps ‘shrinking’ – evidence that the minimal quantity of strangelet to start up an ice-9 reactions must be quite smallish. ‘This thing” as in all the classic terror movies about ‘invading’ species clearly ‘wants to live and grow’ – the Rex shows its teeth…

Here is the finding that proton-hadron also produces strange liquid droplets of 2015, which better explains that difference:

Littlest’ quark-gluon plasma revealed by physicists using Large Hadron Collider
September 3, 2015

“This is probably the first evidence that the smallest droplet of quark gluon plasma is produced in proton-lead collisions.”
The KU researcher described quark-gluon plasma as a very hot and dense state of matter of unbound quarks and gluons—that is, not contained within individual nucleons.
“It’s believed to correspond to the state of the universe shortly after the Big Bang,” Wang said. “The interaction between partons—quarks and gluons—within the quark-gluon plasma is strong, which distinguishes the quark-gluon plasma from a gaseous state where one expects little interaction among the constituent particles.”
“There is still much that we don’t fully understand about the properties of quark-gluon plasma,” he said. “One of the biggest surprises of the earlier measurements at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider at Brookhaven National Laboratory was the fluid-like behavior of the quark-gluon plasma. Being able to form a quark-gluon plasma in proton-lead collisions helps us to better define the conditions needed for its existence.”

So what all this tells us is obvious: Nature likes top predators, and strange quarks are top predator matter, which once and again appears ‘stronger’ in larger numbers, telling us, it is going to eat our matter, as it feeds on it faster than expected in every new experiment, clearly with an exponential curve. See in previous graph, the ‘red squares’ representing strange particles accelerating its growth; while our light matter remains in similar numbers – so in the new regime of energies, strange droplets start to run amok, taking ‘all’ the new energy that feeds that exponential growth.

It is indeed a chronicle of a foretold death, because they are telling us unequivocally what they do, and everybody is happy with it. 

It reminds me of a cartoon on the leader of the ‘free world’, you know who:

.. 100 days on his presidency and 98% of the groupie sheeple would still vote for him.

Same goes for CERN. Doesn’t matter how close it comes to the ‘final event’ – enough strange matter to start the ice-9 reaction, they keep the chronicle up to date and every body likes it, as ‘it tells it like it is’.



15 Nov. New luminosity records?

What is the purpose of this machine? basically, to achieve new records of luminosity=energy=shots of particles for the sake of it… as the meager results do not justify anything else, and then one day the threshold of stable strangelet matter will be crossed we will die and the homunculus will feel it has achieved the goal of a technological civilization. The rest is just big-mouth, peanut-brain talk. So the season closes today and the news of what is achieved is… of course about new luminosity records:

“Thanks to these improvements, the instantaneous luminosity record was smashed, reaching 2.06 x 1034cm-2s-1, or twice the nominal value. Instantaneous luminosity corresponds to the potential number of collisions per second.

The LHC will continue to operate for another two weeks for two special runs including a week for operation studies. The first special run will consist of carrying out at 5.02 TeV (as opposed to the usual 13 TeV), the same energy as that planned for next year’s lead-ion runs. This will enable physicists to collect data with protons, which they will then be able to compare with the lead-ion data.”

Those lead-ion collisions is where the ‘meat’ of strangelets lie, so we shall see if they finally achieve their subconscious goal, to kill us all… meanwhile the homunculus will be happy knowing it keeps achieving… new luminosity records.

Read more at:

Update. 8 Nov. As usual – heavy quarks more stable than predicted.

The Guardian.

“Measurements made by the LHCb experiment at CERN are showing some anomalies which, if confirmed by more data, would signal the breaking point of our most fundamental description of particle physics to date – the Standard Model.

Using proton collisions from the LHC, LHCb has been carefully measuring the production of bottom mesons and how often they decay to kaon and muon particles. It looks like the answer is: not nearly often enough! In fact, this decay occurs at only about three-quarters of the frequency predicted by the Standard Model. ”

Nature wants to exist. The pattern is always the same: strange and heavier quarks – candidates for strangelets and black holes are more stable than predicted. In this case bottom quarks are candidates to be part of ultra-heavy dark ‘bcb’ atoms, possible components of black hole as frozen stars…


Today Ligo – another big Nobel prize machine, but this one doing harmless, real science, will announce the detection of 2 neutron=strange stars fusioning black hole style and causing gravitational waves. Some comments:

  • This is a clear example on how the strangelet core of neutron stars  – the dominant type of strange stars, which are supposed NOT to exist according to the safety report of CERN (its fundamental NO DANGER proof in more than a decade old safety report, NEVER updated with this type of new information:  “we have no proofs of strangelet matter anywhere in the Universe”. Hence if something does not exist there is no danger – even if a decade latter EVERY astronomer will tell you neutron stars have a a strangelet core…)
  • Its effect IS an astounding explosion of gamma-ray bursting energy, similar to a Nova, but far more powerful – in fact it is called a one thousands’ nova (kilo nova), since undoubtedly the collision fusions its strange cores into an ice-9 reaction, causing among other things the creation of gold and uranium, which a normal star cannot produce. So we will have a glimpse to what  will happen on Earth when strangelet produced at LHC fusion in enough quantity to become stable, grow and eat us up.
  • Further on, it shall prove the self-similarity of Strange stars and black holes, as top quark condensates with a ‘cut-off’ substance as Einstein in its 4D models demanded
  • So yes, strangelet stars exist; they are quark condensates similar to black hole top quark stars, which will be easy to reproduce with the ever growing in energy industry of accelerators – now planning a 100 km. ring.
  • Then there is of course the circus of ‘big science’ – the news I read are kept secret,for  the whole world to send its P.R.ess. So the theatre circus of mass-media around technological machines continues. My problem with that circus though is that true question poised by this discovery, which is yet another proof – of the existence of strange stars all over the Universe, and the risks of doing similar experiments on Earth will be as usual ignored…

So expect the announcement on strange stars colliding, despite CERN denial sometimes this afternoon…  Never mind the picture of its fusion above is taken… from a CERN server that report us about kilo novas despite denying that its strange liquid core does exist all over the Universe, and unfortunately as they keep producing growing numbers of strange quarks – see previous update, soon to exist in the core of the Earth.

For those interested, here is a PBS video on the subject:

Now the question on what is the nature of pulsars – strange stars or neutron stars or a mixture of both – is an ongoing debate on physics, which might remain so till we do become indeed a very small strange star. In this article the argument is summarized in simple terms but with enough mathematical rigor for those who want to explore further – :

“Summarizing, it is not known at present whether strange stars exist, but it is not ruled out either, that all “neutron” stars could be strange stars.”
Given the fact that a simple 18 quark Alpha-MACHO strangelet would be stable it seems unwise to explore that hypothesis trying to convert Earth into one. But the survival wisdom of Nuclear physicists is of course severely lacking for more than a century since the Curies knowingly died of cancer, sacrificing their own lives to the study of radiation, through the entire cold war era, till the present surrealist experiments in search of proofs of ‘big-bangs’, ‘strange stars’, ‘alpha MACHOs’ and ‘evaporating black holes’ taking place at CERN, on mother Earth…

Conclusion: we still have an completely outdated more than a decade old ‘safety report’ which ignores the most talked about substance of astrophysics today – strange quarks, both being reproduced in growing numbers at CERN (see previous update) and now starting to show all over the Universe with its huge effects.

Now picture this, if strange liquid does not exist in the center of neutron stars, as all seems to indicate, triggering a kilonova that reproduces tons of gold, where all the gold and uranium and lead of the planets come from? Ice-9 reactions thus are likely to be happening everywhere. It is indeed, a curious thought to think that gold has taken us here, to provoke a small kilo nova that would reproduce tons of go(l)d, we shall die literarily of it. Might go(l)d worship be a darwinian strategy of gold metal to produce more of it?

But the law of silence is absolute because today science is about money, huge expensive machines like LHC and LIGO.

The difference though is obvious. While the money of those astrophysical machines would be better spent in basic research on life science, from agriculture to public financing of drug research (despite all the hype, we can hardly obtains any information of largely invisible gravitational waves)…  LIGO IS harmless. And better still is the Webb telescope again with new delays for lack of financing, which will peer beyond the limits of the likely ”local’ big-bang…

CERN is NOT and gives nothing in return. But PROFITS and hype in big science are directly proportional to costs for taxpayers, and benefits for technological industry that pays the P.R.ess hype.

So now with increasing tempo we are getting also news of the planning of a 100 Tev collider of “astronomical” costs and risks, forever ignored:

Indeed, just in case we survive LHC, plans keep going ahead to design a 100 km machine with ginormous energy power that will certainly make strangelets and copious amounts of top quarks, triggering an ice-9 or gas-9 reaction (the microscopic production of black holes likely made of top quark condensates, the collateral product of Higgs production, but that part they are not telling…) The excuse BEYOND technological big science spending and jobs for nuclear physicists? ‘we need it to study dark matter’, whose most likely candidate (Witten’s hypothesis) is indeed the strange stars and top quark stars, aka microscopic black holes NOT evaporating. Since most sound models of dark matter, based in known substances (hence following the 2 best epistemological ‘razors’ of truth, Universe’s Economicity and Ockham’s simplicity) show should fill the galactic halo.


Update. 23 Dec. 

As Christmas comes in, I felt a bit feisty, we are still here, lucky us so I tweeted around twitwatrumpet, on a ‘relative’ lighter issue, for a change… normal A-bombs…The news came that  Trump will make more nukes, pumping up dollar profits on research in all kind of weapons of mass destruction and I couldn’t help to tweet him back…

As only neo-fa$cist trolls troll his web, (people as usual are scared to death to contradict the powerful), it became the top comment to his runt (: zeitgeist of the age of entitled children, staple food of the Universe:












Update. The worshippers. Mass consensus goes on

Update 1, december. 2016

To understand what the Earth will become, and how obvious are the ‘lies’ of CERN and its excuse of safety (based in the wishful thinking that we have not detected strange quarks on the Universe – alas of course they are ‘invisible’, but we DO have both, the most well-known theory about the Halo, being made of strange quarks – Witten Hypothesis, and a growing renewed interest among physicists on strange stars, as all pulsars and neutron stars seems to have a core of strange matter. In that sense, chances we become a strange star are ginormous. Here a non-partisan, objective PBS-sanctioned serious analysis of those strange stars, where the physicist clearly states that strange matter IS more stable than normal matter and IT IS JUST A QUESTION OF THE AMOUNT created to reach that stability, which ensures that the industry of accelerators WILL reach that threshold sooner or latter.

18 Nov. 2016 – Multi-million pound Large Hadron Collider upgrade project launched

A new multi-million pound international project led by the University of Manchester has been launched to upgrade the Large Hadron Collider to the High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) in the 2020s.

The project will enable the machine to deliver more collisions per second, called luminosity. This is a key performance indicator of an accelerator, as it tells you the number of particles colliding in a certain amount of time. The greater the number of collisions the more chance physicists have of seeing a new particle. With this upgrade, the LHC will Increase the overall luminosity by a factor of 10, delivering 10 times more collisions than the LHC would do over the same period of time and producing strangelet balls 10 times bigger, with the subsequent decametric rise in chances to start up an ice-9 reaction. As we have repeatedly said, the issue of the Industry of Accelerators is simple: if it is not halted and decommissioned sooner or latter it will cross the threshold of energies needed to create stable strangelets on Earth. That it has not yet happened and we are still here are welcome news, that we are simply upgrading an industry which is a ‘Chronicle of a Foretold Death’, that of mankind, merrily worshipping its ‘energy record-breaking machine’ till it kills itself is a statistical certainty. Here is the article:

HL-LHC (High Luminosity LHC)
The full exploitation of the LHC is the highest priority in the European Strategy for Particle Physics), adopted by the CERN Council and integrated into the ESFRI Roadmap. The HL-LHC project funding was approved by the CERN Council in June 2014. To extend its discovery potential, the LHC will need a major upgrade around 2020 to increase its luminosity (rate of collisions) by a factor of 10 beyond the original design value (from 300 to 3000 fb-1).   HL-LHC relies on a number of key innovative technologies, representing exceptional technological challenges, such as cutting-edge 13 Tesla superconducting magnets, very compact and ultra-precise superconducting cavities for beam rotation, and 300-metre-long high-power superconducting links with zero energy dissipation.

This is of course the consequence of absolute censorship on the risks at CERN, as they do NOT exist by ‘decree’. How humanity can deny the obvious: that those risks are absolute, just a question of crossing the expected mass of strange liquid; that the extinction of humans is completely irrelevant to the Universe at large and that we have the proof of this happening to infinite other planets, given by the Fermi Paradox (not human or robotic Life passes this technological age, prior to interstellar travel) – has only a simple explanation: humans have overall an infantile, subjective, entitled bratty psyche, and that is the trademark of the staple food of the Universe: toddlers playing with dangerous tools, who won’t accept a no.

September, here it comes the top let, Black hole…

It is funny how slowly all the systems of science, and its species are coming through decades into my work on the fractal organic, 5D Universe. Now, part of this model which is all over this web is the obvious concept that black holes are top-quark stars, born of the toplet particles which combine top-tops with higgs, bottom and charm, heaviest particles of the Universe, as ‘systems are scalar’, fractal, and so there must be beyond the entelechy of a mathematical description a real substance for black holes, which Einstein said should exist or else BH were imaginary. So I did the calculus and found toplets must exist in stable combinations with Higgs, bottom and charms, and the supreme ttt++ particle be the central core of ‘real black holes’. It means of course that black holes do not evaporate, do not travel the past (mathematical errors) and will be very easy to create as Higgs and tops are produced together, and will start to appear in growing numbers with increasing luminosity.

Everybody disagree, then a 720 particle appeared and they thought it was imaginary SUSYs etc. I said no, IT is a top-quark heavy combination, seed and predecessor of future black holes. Alas, it has taken them another year to accept it:


In the graph, the first sight of things to come, ttHs, precursors of our toplets, and bcb particles, atoms of black holes and its ‘gas-9’ creation:

dark macrocosmos

in the graph, the fractal organic model of the galaxy, similar to a cell, with a black hole ‘DNA-informative gravitational center’, a halo of strangelet quarks, the surrounding protein and a mitochondria world of stars and planets – us, which ultimately will become converted into strangelets and Black holes by minions of thought as those ‘simplex physicists’ working at CERN.

But the good news is they decayed, it is though a question of time, they do become stable atoms of black holes.
So NOW WE KNOW how the 2nd risk, black hole production will HAPPEN. Only question is when and which of both risks will come first.

Update. Top quarks growing production.

The top quark is the heaviest particle in the known universe, and the only ‘cut off substance that can make real black holes, as outside Platonic physics, philosophy of science precludes all systems in the fractal universe have a smaller parts which make its substance. So you have cells. Stars atoms, and black holes should be top quark stars; as Einstein forecasted (he said he wouldn’t believe in black holes till a particle as dense as them – the black hole – was found. He died before that. But then Hawking had taken the celebrity position of guru of physics and they denied the logic next step I gave a decade ago, studying them as top quark stars, which fits nicely in both 4d metric equations (einstein) and 5d (mine).

This intro is a brief consideration on the natural way in which cern will make black holes, the second greatest risk after strangelets clearly confirmed ‘in the making’ by the growing amount of strange matter on heavy-ion collisions.

Now we are told that in proton-proton collisions top quarks are coming in huge numbers. Those are the news:

So far we are lucky. They are decaying, but as all things, it is just a question of quantity, to get them attracting each other forming ttt++ particles, the top triad which should be the ‘catalyser’ of top quark black holes in 5D metric.

We need new physics to understand how they can form a stable state that will give birth to the black hole, which the standard model do not provide, as it requires v>c.

But in the scalar 5D universe this is standard: v>c happen outside galaxies, as v=c is merely the ‘light space-time background of the galaxy, hence its limit of speed, but where there is not light beyond the v=c accelerated horizon of a black hole, as all vortex keep accelerating is obvious speeds can be over c.

And indeed, Ker rotating black holes do show in its central axis faster than light speeds. There are more fringe theories that would allow them to happen, but I consider only Einstein’s intuitions, proved Kerr metric equations for rotating black holes, and the natural extension of the standard model (5D scalar universe). Another step on this chronicle… among physicists of the visual age, which really think – as they cannot see hence understand time and its arrows, with 0-conceptual intelligence –  that knowledge is about pictures of particles…

Some secondary news on the summer concern merely extremely secondary physical phenomena of null relevance pumped up by the P.R.ess – they saw the scattering=entropic death of a light ray by another high energy ray, confirming that high energy kills, alas, great news all over the press.

Next threshold-step of danger on this walk on death row will come with ‘new strange physics’ at the ion collider it seems this fall, hopefully not the last step of our ‘sarracens’ (not ISIS the ‘other terror’ faked state – CERN has diplomatic immunity as a ‘state’ of the cold war, but nobody seems to realise of its terrorists acts – but the metaphoric Santiago nassar of ‘death chronicle’).

September – Proton scattering, for once an experiment I like.

Scientists are pulling down luminosity and hence risk to do scattering of protons, which in the scalar 5D model according to its unification equation are the equivalent of galactic nuclei, to see the distribution of its quarks. I like the experiment. IT IS not risky and it is one which could shed some light on the fractal model of the scalar Universe:

“Scientists associated with the TOTEM and ATLAS/ALFA experiments at LHC are now dialing down the luminosity, thereby reducing the chances of head-on collisions and increasing the probability of elastic scattering.

“One of the most fascinating physics goals of TOTEM is to get information on the probability that two protons pass completely through each other without interfering,” CERN said in a statement released Thursday. “This might appear awkward if you think of a proton as a billiard ball, but instead you have to try to imagine the two scattering protons as large ‘galaxies’ (made up inside of tiny moving particles) launched at high speed against each other: there is a finite probability that the two ‘galaxies’ will pass through each other without the inner particles interacting significantly.”

September. WIMPs ruled out.

it is a slow deja vu process, a chronicle of a foretold death, which keeps mounting proofs but nobody cares to bell the alarm ring. The quest is simple: dark matter was first considered to be made of strange quarks (Witten hypothesis), as all the laws of science – experimental evidence, economicity – show that the heavy quarks that dominate mass must have a role in the Universe and they are the perfect candidate to be dark matter. But if so obviously they are extremely easy to do, and the halo of the galaxy should be filled with them. Alas! this hypothesis went mute when the accelerator industry showed they could do dark matter strangelets that would devour the Earth. And yet, Nature stubbornly keeps affirming that the scientific method and its evidence of truth, ARE there to stay, while the scientists’ imagined particles do not appear anywhere. 

So on one side the LHC keeps churning ever more stable forms of strangelet (strange quark liquids) – lumps that stay longer in the accelerator, pentaquarks and new configurations, more dibaryons that should be falling to the center of the earth and slowly growing up a critical ice-9 mass runaway reaction that will convert Earth into nova.

While on the other side the ‘likely imagined’ candidates for dark matter do not appear at all. First it were SUSYs, heavy particles that break all the rules of economicity and hence never showed experimental evidence. Now they are ruled out. It was the star candidate for dark matter. The second candidate was WIMPs, weakly interacting massive particles, and the are now ruled out. So what we are left with? The stubborn, existing strangelet lumps of heavy quarks, which slowly step by step CERN and future accelerators will keep producing. Here are the news that ruled out WIMPs

This is the brief:

The properties of dark matter

We have never directly observed dark matter, but we know a great deal about what it must be: It must be massive (because it affects the rotation of galaxies); it must be electrically neutral (because we can’t see it); it must be different from ordinary matter (because we see no evidence for it interacting with matter in the usual ways); and it must be stable (because it has existed since the dawn of the universe). These properties are unequivocal.

[And they are all common to heavy strangelet quark liquid]

However, we don’t know exactly what it is. In the most popular generic theory, the dark-matter particle is called a WIMP, for weakly interacting massive particle. WIMPs are kind of like heavy neutrons (but definitely not neutrons), with a mass of 10 to 100 times heavier than a proton. They were created in great quantities during the Big Bang and a small relic remainder persists to this day.

When cosmologists add the WIMP idea to their ideas of the Big Bang, they can calculate how it would interact. They find that in the earliest stages of the universe, WIMPs were a dominant form of matter, but, as the universe expands and cools and the interaction rate drops to zero, the relic amount of WIMPs is about five times as massive as ordinary matter. Combined with the fact that the WIMP idea can also explain a pressing theoretical mystery of why the Higgs boson particle has such a small mass, scientists call this the “WIMP miracle,” in view of the fact that the WIMP idea seems to answer so many questions.

A dark non-discovery

So this brings us back to the LUX experiment. It is simply the latest and most powerful experiment designed to detect WIMPs. The idea is that the detector will sit underground for a long time, say a year or more, and a rare WIMP will bump into a xenon atom and be detected. (The detector is buried underground to protect it from cosmic rays, which would bump into xenon atoms and fake a dark matter detection. Being half a mile or a mile underground stops nearly all cosmic rays.)

The above volume, part of the Large Underground Xenon collaboration, will be filled with liquid xenon and any interaction with the xenon can be detected, possibly revealing the identify of dark matter.
On Aug. 27, the LUX researchers announced their results. They saw no evidence for dark-matter WIMPs.

So that’s not actually that surprising. There have been dozens of experiments that have looked for dark matter and found nothing. In this sense, LUX has joined a venerable group. But LUX is also far more capable. It was expected to have a better shot at finding WIMPs than any other apparatus.

But it didn’t.

Update. August 2016.

A dissenter at CERN recorded a mock sacrifice of a wo=man, to Kali, Goddess of death. Τhis is the kind of monstrous children of thought, obsessed by death and the genocide they might ‘accidentally’ provoke, which are running the ‘Doomsday machine’ without any supervision. UPDATE: Cern has been able to censor the images… as usual censorship equates truth for this ‘institution of higher learning’ LOL

One of the little known anecdotes about the jewish-american scientists, Von Neumann and Teller, the father of A.I. and hydrogen weapons is that both were good friends, and both were obsessed by the extinction of mankind, which their research now put together at CERN’s labs of nuclear research helped by big-data computers, was advancing fast. It was their single theme of conversation of which there are some hair-rising texts. Τeller would say that they had sinned against mankind, that their sin was imperdonable, and continue making money selling their patented method to construct nuclear weapons.

Now at CERN they have a Shiva statue, dancing over Kali lord of death, and of course, as the zeitgeist of the age is far more infantile, and visual, they make rap videos on the evil twin particles, give parties of the end of the world on the facilities, laughing at the activists that want to rise awareness of this genocidal risk, and finally, this week have come on the news for making a mock murder sacrifice of a woman, in front of Kali, the God of death of the Ancient Hindi tradition, on the tradition of Oppenheimer, ‘I am Kali, the destroyer of worlds’, like Hess, the head of Auschwitz, always carrying the Ghita book, where worshipers of Kali are asked not to have regrets for their actions of murder.

It is this kind of infantile, monstrous children, infatuated with the genocide they know they might unchain in their facilities under the inspiration of Kali, the people who run this machine with the connivence of the world P.R.ess and its clueless corrupted politicos, panhandling to the big tech corporations that cut the pork of the doomsday machine.

Update. July. 2016.

Screen Shot 2016-08-22 at 10.45.08

And so the new particle, so much pumped on the news, discovered by CERN with a similar sigma to that of the Higgs, was just a bunch of strange and maybe top quarks. It was unstable, and the hype disintegrated. Everbody agreed it was a fluke. Now, all felt depressed at CERN except me. Since if the particle had been stable, likely a toplet or strange quark liquid combination of heavy quarks, dangers for Earth would have increased. So alas, we are being lucky again.  Nobody though rises the question why it is an statistical fluke, while Higgs is a canonical truth.

Update 2016 season. Crossing all records. July.

This season of 2016 is important as it will break most barriers with the new enhanced machine. Today 11 july, CERN published its status, having finally broken the records established with the old machine. So from now on we are in ‘unchartered’ territory. It is now when really the long upgrade starts its ‘new physics’:


In the graph, we see that: the luminosity (number of bunches packed together, which increase the chances of target collisions that create the dangerous combinations of strange quarks known as strange liquids are no breaking all records with a far steeper growth rate.

This are the news:

“It’s full speed ahead for the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), as it shatters its own records one after the other, achieving record luminosity, record numbers of bunches and a record beam lifespan.

Some 2076 bunches of 120 billion protons are currently circulating in the ring in each direction. At the end of June, beams were maintained in the accelerator for a record 37 consecutive hours! But the main indicator of success for the operators is luminosity, the measurement of the number of potential collisions in a given time period.On Wednesday, ATLAS passed the threshold of 10 inverse femtobarns (fb-1) of integrated luminosity. The goal for 2016 is to reach 25 fb-1.

So the likehood of create new forms of strange liquid increase. This is shown in the pumped up news that highlight entire new families of strange quark associations, which merely mean new herds of strange quarks are lumping together in all possible groups of strange quarks, the definition of strange liquid. Of course, the ‘accent’ is NOT in risks of known-known runaway reactions on earth but on the ‘excitement’ of new ‘physics’ because they have no idea how those ‘strange quarks’ are lumping together – the problem being they ARE LUMPING together, in precursor forms of strange liquid:

“the LHCb  has identified four new types of tetraquarks that appear to belong to the same exotic family.

“What we have discovered is a unique system,” says one of the team, Tomasz Skwarnicki. “We have four exotic particles of the same type; it’s the first time we have seen this and this discovery is already helping us distinguish between the theoretical models.”

The new particles have been named X(4140), X(4274), X(4500), and X(4700) after their respective masses, and each one has been found to contain a unique combination of two charm quarks and two strange quarks. This makes them the first four-quark particles found to be composed entirely of heavy quarks, Symmetry reports.

By ‘exciting’ the individual quarks inside their new tetraquark particles, the researchers were able to observe their unique internal structure, mass, and quantum numbers. In doing so, they discovered something that doesn’t fit with current physics models that work with so-called ordinary particles. Physics are now trying to come up with new models to explain their results.

The team is expecting one of two possibilities to be confirmed with further research: theoretical psycists are either going to have to explain the existence of this new family of particles, or they could be idenfified as the result of strange ‘ripple effects’ emanating from never-before-seen behaviours of existing particles.

“The molecular explanation does not fit with the data,” Skwarnicki told.

“But I personally would not conclude that these are definitely tightly bound states of four quarks. It could be possible that these are not even particles. The result could show the complex interplays of known particle pairs flippantly changing their identities.”

So from now on till December we are truly entering a quite dangerous zone: constant growth of luminosity, collisions and running hours, and new unknown combinations of heavy dark matter strange quarks, which sooner or latter will become a stable lump of strange quark liquid’.

Amazing that nobody in our ‘security-obssessed’ world cares for this obvious ‘terrorist’ continuous potential action over the entire planet.


And so it finally happened… The experiment is being performed as we speak. Ion-Ion collisions are breaking records every day. If the Earth is going to die, because of CERN, it will be. From 1st to 15 december, stable dibaryons are being produced with no safety whatsoever at the facilities.

So as of now those stable dibaryons are falling to the center of the Earth, where they will slowly accumulate till reaching the critical mass required to start an ice-9 reaction, within the span of a few years.

For real data on that production, please consult Eric Penrose’s site, which has been doing the mathematical physics of the process during the last year.

This transformation of our light, harmless up and down quarks into strange quarks, a hundred times heavier, is caused by the enormous energy-mass reached by each particle as it comes closer to c-speed. Because c-speed is the barrier of speed for particles, according to relativity, when quarks reach the limiting barrier, they keep absorbing energy from the accelerator. But instead of accelerating, quarks swallow and transform that energy into mass – E=mc2; hence becoming massive strange quarks, which once put together into stable dibaryon configurations, should fall to the center of the Earth.

The main factor of extinction both in certainty of the event and timespan, in which it will happen is obviously the number of experiments performed:

The facility will produce more lethal dibaryons, the more ion-ion collisions are performed. Right now, as we speak those collisions are producing, per collision according to CERN, 30.000 ‘unclassified particles’, to be found in the strangelet soup of up and down and strange quarks – the infamous quark-gluon soup, origin of the big bang – plainly speaking, the most powerful explosive of the Universe. If we multiply this number by the sheer amount of atoms colliding in each bunch of tightly packed rays, we are talking of millions of dibaryons in each experiment. Certainly enough of them to bring a critical mass within years of accumulation at Earth’s center.

Since strangelet, abb. for strange liquid is  the substance that can provoke in enough quantities a runaway ‘ice-9’ reaction that could freeze the Earth converted into a 15 kilometre sphere of ultra dense strangelet matter; as strangelets convert all matter around them into strange liquid.  The process starts obviously producing the ‘atom of strangelet’,  a USD-USD dibaryon atom, the minimal stable piece of an strangelet. Yet they have to form a lump of heavy strange and light up and down quarks, of enough critical mass to provoke the big bang explosion of Earth. Hence it will take time for them to accumulate in the center of the planet. And the more ion-ion collisions the LHC makes, the more they will produce and fall and the faster the ‘reckoning day’ will come for the species. The date thus have some uncertainty, in time, the space does not – it will be start on the center, and the probability hardly – far above what any conscious human being needs to stop the facility.

Uncertainty of course is the factor CERN plays. We will never be sure that those dibaryons kill us till they kill us. They are invisible, undetectable, and disappear from the facilities, so even if it happens, we cannot prove they originated at CERN. Might they have come from outer Universe. You see, destiny plays the mouse and cat, hid game facilitating the facilities take it easy ways. For that reason, this blog treats all the elements of the game of extinction and warns the scientist that reads of a well-known fact since quantum mechanics: the universe is always probabilistic, no event is deterministic as regarding to when and where it will happen.

This is the Uncertainty principle of quantum physics: Energy x Time ≥h/2. The calculus of the Energy and time of an event is thus a probability, but not for that reason intelligent species, stop acting against the odds of being harmed by a dangerous ‘predator’ that can eat them up.

I.e. the gazelle does not know, which one of the herd will die to the lion, but not for that probabilistic reason stops running to avoid the lion from entering its vital space. Only an idiotic scholar, all theory none survival instincts, will stay eating daisies, munching the ‘Buridan Paradox’ – might he kill me, might he not?- while the lion makes his run. Since non-action will increase enormously the chances that by doing nothing the lion targets her. It is like a soldier advancing against fusiles and gun machines. He might survive, and certainly it will never know whose soldier on the other side shot him down. But if he wants to increase his chances, he will not fight against the superior metal-weapons. And if he does so, he rather fights with single shot rifles than gun machines of multiple shots. That is CERN did his single shots at low regime,found his Higgs and should have declared his war against mankind, over. Now he is shooting with the gun machine and keeps reloading the cartridge. Good luck.


A new paper further proves the liquid behaviour of LHC collisions. For those who don’t read physics, here a layman explanation: “Physicists find surprising ‘liquid-like’ particle interactions in Large Hadron Collider”, even in proton-lead collisions at low regimes…

Another ‘surprise’ for our ‘expert physicists’  that proves the tendency of nature to form stable perfect liquid strange-let. And another warning for the Pb-Pb colliding experiments starting in November/December with 1`066 TeV center of mass (c.o.m.) energy.
This energy is unprecedented not only experimentally but in nature higher than the most energetic cosmic ray (CR) collision, of protons in the atmosphere (a much lighter particle, hence with far less energy-mass. The authors summon us for that ominous date to get more surprises about the heavily interacting ‘quark gluon liquid’…

Meanwhile proton-proton collisions continue at low luminosity, so a pentaquark – one of the many known-known particles of the standard model – has been found. An irrelevant discovery given the dangers involved, but of course the P.R.ess made a huge fuss of it. This is like a war – never diminish the ‘hype’, the ‘march trumpets’ so people can’t have a minute to reflect on the absurdity and carnage laying ahead on the battlefront for those curious boys that like to play with big toys.

In the sand of Costa Rica the lizards do not have to sweat to get their food, they open their mouths at leisure, so the little turtles come to explore the hole and get their head inside. Just like we have done. Now it is all a question on how the Pandemics of strange matter spreads.


UPDATE Rhic 2014. First drops of strange liquid.


So we learned yesterday, 19th august, 2014, that RHIC is producing quasi-stable strangelet, an abbreviation for strange liquid, the most explosive substance of the Universe, made of  strange atoms.

And it has been doing so, without releasing the news since April, in enormous quantities according to the graphs released now on the luminosity=density of mass of strange atoms created (see graph 2, scrolling down).

The news delivered by RHIC

It was not a nice day. I could not sleep reading text after text of this obscenity, this long awaited conclusion of a foretold chronicle of human foly, which will be no more.

In brief, RHIC has confessed to a mute press in a very low voice that it is producing since Spring, a massive amount of strange atoms, the substance of strangelets, the dense matter that eats our light matter and so in the future once those stable strangelet atoms – hyperons and dybarions – fall down to the center of the planet and mass there till reaching the stable size of a strangelet, they will start to feed on our light matter,  eating the planet inside out, till it devour us.

UPTON, NY-New supercomputing calculations provide the first evidence that particles predicted by the theory of quark-gluon interactions but never before observed are being produced in heavy-ion collisions at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC), a facility that is dedicated to studying nuclear physics. These heavy strange baryons, containing at least one strange quark, still cannot be observed directly, but instead make their presence known by lowering the temperature at which other strange baryons “freeze out” from the quark-gluon plasma (QGP) discovered and created at RHIC, a U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science user facility located at DOE’s Brookhaven National Laboratory.

“Baryons, which are hadrons made of three quarks, make up almost all the matter we see in the universe today,” said Brookhaven theoretical physicist Swagato Mukherjee, a co-author on a paper describing the new results in Physical Review Letters. “The theory that tells us how this matter forms-including the protons and neutrons that make up the nuclei of atoms-also predicts the existence of many different baryons, including some that are very heavy, containing one or more heavy ‘strange’ quarks. Now we have indirect evidence from our calculations and comparisons with experimental data at RHIC that these predicted higher mass states of strange baryons do exist,” he said.

RHIC is one of just two places in the world where scientists can create and study a primordial soup of unbound quarks and gluons-akin to what existed in the early universe some 14 billion years ago. The research is helping to unravel how these building blocks of matter became bound into hadrons, particles composed of two or three quarks held together by gluons, the carriers of nature’s strongest force.

The scanty news can be summarize as follows:

RHIC has found this astounding fact, indirectly as strange matter is ‘invisible’. It is a form of dark matter, very dense, which once stable cannot be detected. But RHIC has found it is freezing into a liquid (hence the name strange liquid) the rest of the fireball of ‘more normal’ quarks, transforming them into more strange liquid. RHIC thus have given a giant leap into the creation of an ice-9 chain reaction that would convert the planet onto a strangelet rock. it is only left a little step (the actual conversion of the planet). And yet the news have gone unnoticed.

Thus. RHIC, as many activist and some lawyers warned, are producing ‘stable’ strange baryons=atoms, for the first time in human history.

This atoms are NOT resonances (unstable particles, and that is the news. They are stable atoms and are freezing the fireball into a perfect, liquid.

The news are NOT the discovery of the ‘strange baryons=atoms’. Since they were DETECTED AS A RESONANCE in1964 (for those who ignore what is a resonance, is the ‘abortion’ of a stable baryon=atom, an unstable atom, which only exists for the period needed at ‘light speed’ for the strong force to destroy it, less than a 10-23 sec.).

The news are that now we have stable atoms of strangelet -a brief name for strange liquid.

And this has been proved because it is indeed freezing the plasma of the ball of fire of those collisions into ‘glasma’, a dense glass-like ordered liquid. And so it is only now a question of time that the chain reaction of ice-9 starts in earnest.

RHIC has published that it has found indirect evidence (since strange quarks are ‘dark matter’, invisible, and hyper-dense), that strange atoms (by definition stable) called baryons are being produced in enormous numbers.

Among the scanty data given by RHIC we have the relationship of mass between those strange quarks and the ‘human kind of quarks (light up and down quakrs) in the ‘freezing glasma’ (quark gluon plasma that freezes and change state to strange liquid, ‘strangelet’ ).

It is 27 to 1. That is the glasma of strangelets has a proportion of strange quarks mass 27 times higher than the mass of light , up and down, quarks.

And this indicates that the glasma that RHIC is producing is a strangelet liquid with a 100% purity.

What they don’t say is that ‘those higher mass states of strange baryons’ are the substance of strangelets, which falling undetected to the center of the Earth, will mass up there and eat the planet inside out, in a time frame we cannot calculate with precision, let alone without supercomputing power, but which will be within our lifespan or that of our children, a fraction of time in the immense life of this planet, even in the life of mankind.

Some graphs:

The problem of the missing mass is important because it means that dark matter of strange liquid is being produced and stable falls to the center of the Earth where it will accumulate, is accumulating since April and at certain point will have enough volume to start the strangelet atom reaction illustrated in the next text:


In the graph we see what is happening at RHIC. Strange liquid is produced and it pulls normal atoms, transforms them into strange quarks and cools them down forming the glasma liquid.

When this starts to happen to the planet from its centers, where the stable atoms are falling, it will trigger the ice-9 reaction.

The data that RHIC provides shows that there are now clear proofs the process is real, not merely theoretical, as we see a hint of the ice-9 process in the data of those collisions.

Indeed, a strange atom is merely an atom with 3 quarks in which at least one, is a strange, heavy quark. So strange atoms can be, sud, suu, sdd (with a single strange quark).

And then the mass proportion of the atom is 15 to 1:

A strange atom for each up and down light quark, yet since strange quarks are very heavy, 100, and our quarks are light, 1.7 for the up quark and 5 for the down quark, when you have 1 strange quarks at 100, one up at 1.7 and one down at 5, you get, a 100 / 5+1.7, a 15 to 1 proportion of strange mass.

Thus 15 to 1 is a proportion that signifies the creation of pure strangelet, meaning all the components of the glasma is made of strange atoms  This is a pure glasma, and the one produced by RHIC IS even of a higher purity; meaning they are also producing the most dangerous strange atoms, those that have more than one strange quark, ssu and sssd and sss, the super strnage atom, the heaviest, and negative, 300 weight, ours are a mere 10…

But RHIC has found 20 to 1 and 27 to 1 proportions. This means is producing also heavier strange atoms with at least 2 Strange quarks: ssu, ssd and ‘omegas’, sss, negatively charged, pure strange atoms. So the proportion of strange mass increases.

And the creation of negative strangelets, the truly dangerous ones also increases, as s-quarks are negative. Thus a negative strangelet is then produced, which in the very own words of the safety report (2003):

‘if strange liquid exists and could be produced at RHIC it would be extremely dangerous. We know of no absolute barrier to the rapid growth of a dangerous strangelet.”

RHIC: A Distillery of Strangelet.

Now, what I will affirm might sound surrealist but it is surrealist. RHIC is nothing but a distillery of strange liquid.

A factory of strangelet even if it is forbidden to speak truly about what they do.

Let us then consider the safety reports of RHIC and LHC (totally outdated to 2000 pre-experimentall jargon).

In those safety statements they affirm that rhic cannot distill quark-gluon strange liquid, because they will produce a hot quark-gluon plasma. Mind the reader RHIC has been producing quark-gluon liquid for a decade, reporting on it. But the safety documents on which mankind depends talk of something which is no longer the experiment, a plasma…

Then the report  describe the 3 methods of creation of strangelets, closing with the method of distillation of strangelets that has just now happened at RHIC:

“On the theoretical side, the 2003 report considered three mechanisms for strangelet production [1]:

i) a thermal mechanism [3], in which particles are produced as if
from a heat bath in thermal equilibrium,
ii) a coalescence mechanism, in which particles produced in a heavy-ion collision might combine at late times to form a strangelet, and
iii) a distillation mechanism [18], which was proposed as a specific
model for strangelet production. According to this last mechanism, a hot quark-gluon plasma with large net baryon number is produced in heavy-ion collisions, and is enriched in strangeness as it cools down by emitting predominantly particles containing strange antiquarks.”

In RHIC safety report, (outdated by more than a decade)  they explain it also in simple terms:

“The strangeness distillation mechanism is considerably more speculative. It assumes that a quark gluon plasma (QGP) is produced in the collision and that the QGP is baryon rich. It further assumes that the dominant cooling mechanism for the QGP is evaporation from its surface. Since it is baryon rich, there is a greater chance for an s ̄ quark to find a u or d quark to form a kaon with positive strangeness than for an s quark to find a u ̄ or d ̄ quark to form a kaon with negative strangeness. The QGP thus cools to a system containing excess s quarks, which ultimately becomes a strangelet. This mechanism requires a collision energy sufficient to form a QGP.”

What is specially criminal is the fact they know perfectly they are doing distillation of strangelets and simply by erasing a full description and changing the ‘key words’ (instead of strange atoms  baryons, instead of strangelet glasma, instead of distillation, freezing, etc.) they get away with murder, knowing people understands nothing of it.


Distillation is a slower but easier process of creation of strangelets, which requires very few strange quarks to be triggered.

Now the news are under reported and the wording is carefully chosen not to explain what is happening, the distillation of strange liquid.

Further calculations in fact show  there is a ‘missing amount’ of that mass of strange liquid which is not decaying from the fireball. This would be ‘successful’ strangelets that have not decayed. How many of them? Given the fact that the distillation is an enormous success, which we shall see is producing strangelet liquid of a +100% of purity, an important amount.

There are now millions of strangelet atoms, stable, in this planet. And since they are so much heavier than our atoms (in a 30 to 1 proportion) they are falling to the center of the Earth. The route though can be interrupted if they are captured by electromagnetic and electronic flows, and become trapped in different rocks. Only strangelets with millions of atoms would fall straightforwards as their weight would overcome any electromagnetic attraction. This are the good news. The bad news is that distillation creates negative charged strangelets, the so-caled killer strangelets, because they can attract positively charged ions and start the ice-9 reaction ‘in situ’ in the factory.

The proportion of strange liquid includes – and this has surprised even more the researchers – around a 50% more of the  purest, heaviest strange atoms: omegas= sss negatively charged atoms, which are commanding the transformation of up and down quarks into strangelet liquid.

In the next graph,  RHIC has been noticing an excess of strange antiquarks – the trademark of distillation on its experiments:

In the jargon of physicists, the process taking place at RHIC is called ‘distillation of strangelet’, one of the 3 methods possible to create them. In both safety reports in 2003 and 2008, RHIC and CERN discounted distillation models as impossible despite having worked a method to report them (a calorimeter to measure its lowering of the hot plasma into cold liquid), called CASTOR and issue reports on the process. In the next graph we can observe the distillation process now taking place at RHIC:

Screen Shot 2014-09-08 at 12.49.57 PM
In the graph, RHIC is aware since 2010 of  the anomalous increase in the production of strange antiquarks during its process of distillation of strange liquid. The news today advance in the same road, confirming further RHIC is distillating strangelet, by expelling strange antiquarks of the quark-antiquark pair and increasing strange baryons in the liquid.

The graph shows they are producing an excess of strange antiquarks – the key element that distillation is being produced. Nature is quite intelligent. When you enter into the ‘space-time’ of higher energies in which strange quarks  survive, those pairs of strange-antistrange quarks pop out together. Then the strange antiquark takes away the excess of u and d quarks from the soup and the strange quark forms strange liquid with the remaining Us and Ds.
This of course, they know. Why then there is no clear information to the public, politicians and the military?
On my opinion nuclear physicists are caught in the lies of their false safety statements and now that they are doing what they say it was IMPOSSIBLE to do,  they just decided to go along just in case we survive and keep a low profile on the data, reason why these news are nowhere… And if all blows up… well, that is a prize Nuclear physicists always accepted since Hiroshima.

Why we are so sure they are making them? Because strange quarks are heavier and negative. So while RHIC does not give data on strangelet production it has easily calculated the proportion of strange quarks in the soup by weighting them. And the ratio of strange negative quarks to ‘our light’ up and down quarks is 27.

This means there are 27 times more mass of negatively strange quarks in the soup than our lighter quarks. And this excess of negative strange quarks in the soup is what defines negative strangelets, which are produced with a 100% purity.And so the conclusion is self-evident: RHIC is a factory of strangelets.

All what they produce is strange liquid. But since their policy is ‘don’t tell, don’t ask’, like the gays on the military or the nuclear bombs on the Israeli army, the invisible strangelets at RHIC remain invisible. They don’t tell us, and the P.R.ess don’t ask about them.BUT THE EFFECTS TOLD OR NOT TOLD will be the same death: it is certain that unless the industry of quark cannons is closed, one of those strangelets produced at RHIC and CERN when it opens at much higher energy/luminosity will become ‘visible’. Or in other words, we are still here because in the first phases accretion is slow, as most strangelets will acquire electrons and lay dormant, before a critical mass of them reaches the center of the Earth.

This is the society we live in – one in which catastrophes and genocides, collective deaths ‘grow and boil’ in secrecy, and do not matter as long as they are not public. Thus RHIC knows as long as people ignores what they do, it’s ok to attempt blowing up the planet every other day.

Yet for that to happen and become visible the strangelets RHIC is producing have to avoid being trapped by an electronic cover that would halt its growth. So the process of ice-9 is  very slow at the beginning till a strangelet with enough mass breaks all electromagnetic barriers and starts direct gravitational attraction. Then the speed will be catastrophic. The result will be the ‘second size’ of strange matter, the strangelet proper, which will devour all other matter on earth, till reaching the 3rd size, as a strange/neutron star.

Fact is finally it is happening – even if the news do not report it; even if RHIC uses a cryptic language not to reveal what they are doing. RHIC is distillating strangelet. So the countdown for extinction has started. It is now a question of producing enough strangelets to accumulate them in the center of the Earth and start the ice-9 reaction.

The key factor to assess the danger they trigger the ice-9 reaction is  the size of the quark soup in which the negatively charged strangelets wander, related to their luminosity; that is, to the density of the fireballs of quarks.

In the past, the fireballs were too small to produce significant strangelets. Now they are huge and growing. The luminosity (measure of the density of the beam and the number of collisions to be expected) has increased enormously to the point that the 14 run which caused those results has produced more collisions on target that all the previous runs since 2000… combined.

But RHIC has a perfect alibi to keep ‘quiet’. Strangelets  are ‘dark matter’, invisible to the eye. So the proofs of their existence are indirect, published officially by the RHIC magazine, with an indirect language.

It is a scary matter. We shall die in an invisible way with the people causing this invisible tragedy at distance. Killing at distance and with no responsibility always eases the act of killing and make the perpetrators childish and irresponsible. As those kids who kill civilian ‘terrorists in Afghanistan from their drone consoles in Nevada.

Yet for those who read physics, ‘between lines’ of the data RHIC is handling, the proofs of distillation are evident:

CERN is telling us that the heaviest hyperons and dibaryons,  (hence those with more negative strange quarks) are ‘cooling down’ the whole fireball of quark-gluon plasma (glasma), produced on the gold to gold collisions; since they are eating up the gamma rays of the collision and the u-d quarks of our atoms. So they are suppressing the hot radiation of the fireball, cooling down the quarks ‘fixing’ them with the heavier gravitational pull to its strange quarks, and forming negatively charged lumps of quarks, strangelets.

But here the information is scanty. There is of course no mention whatsoever of ‘ice-9’ and strangelets – how many of them are being created, which masses are likely to have, how many are stable (missing mass), etc.

Their size matter because the bigger A=(quark numbers), the easier they will be falling to the center of the Earth. That they are forming is ‘certain’ because today’s theory accept quasi-stable strangelets with 6 quarks (dibaryons), and over 30 quarks, with absolutely stable strangelets with over 100 quarks. And those soups have millions of quarks tightly packed. So the question we cannot know (as we don’t know the ‘fate’ of those strangelets formed in the soup) is: Has the ice-9 reaction started, becoming irreversible?  That is, have any of those strangelets started an ice-9 reaction somewhere under Long Island?

This will depend on the quantity of hyperons and dibaryons of those strangelets, and of them being negatively charged to start the attraction of our atoms and start the ice-9 reaction. In that sense the bad news couldn’t be worse since  the method of distillation produces negative strangelets and produces them with high A=quark numbers.

And so, what all the reports (outdated by a decade)  on safety deny is now happening.

“Recently it has been suggested that rather cold droplets of absolutely stable or metastable strange-quark matter may be distilled in heavy-ion collisions during the phase transition from a baryon-rich quark-gluon plasma (QGP) to hadron matter. Here we present a model describing the hadronization of the QGP through particle emission, which is based solely on thermodynamical arguments. Pions and K+’s and K0’s carry away entropy and antistrangeness from the system, thus facilitating the cooling process and the strangelet formation.
Our results are supported by revised more sophisticated rate calculations. Two rather unexpected results are obtained when this model is applied to the investigation of strangelet production. The strangeness separation mechanism and the formation process works well even for higher initial entropies per baryon, tantamount to higher bombarding energies.
The surviving strangelets have a rather high strangeness content, fs∼1.2–2 [i.e., Z/A∼(-0.1)–(-0.5)]. Hence droplets of strange-quark matter with a baryon number of ∼10–30 and with a negative charge may be produced. They may serve as a unique signature for the transient formation of a quark-gluon plasma in heavy-ion collisions.”
Indeed since strange baryons are negative, by distillation RHIC creates negative killer strangelet.
And this process must be taken place since April.


How much strange liquid has been produced since April? Are we STILL ON TIME TO STOP THE FACILITIES BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE?

Why RHIC has taken so long to announce it?

Why it says it with a cryptic language instead of calling what it distillates, strange liquid, strangelet?

Obviously because if it uses the popular terms of strangelet and explains that the fireball  has cooled down and starts to acquire properties akin to a black hole: an attractive, cold superfluid vortex that can devour us all people might get worried. So it is telling us: we are making strange liquid, and we are seeing hints of what will be in higher amounts  an ice-9 reaction.

In fact the ‘Safety Report’ STILL talks of a gas not of a liquid more than a decade after the first proofs the quark-gluon plasma cooled into liquid appeared.

So the question now is how long physicists expect to last an ice-9 reaction, once stable strangelet atoms are produced?

Magnano from the other quark factory on Earth, CERN, in his safety report adduced a 200 years period for strangelets to devour the Earth once produced in the numbers observed at RHIC.

Just a little example on how ‘serious’ they are with their safety reports. This video is of the chief safety officer at RHIC which signed a 14 years old 20 pages ‘safety report’ full of errors and omissions, laughing at the report he signed (minute 7.44):

Alea Jacta Est.

In the race for extinction, which our proud technological nations are carried out undeterred by that ‘minor’ collateral damage, i.e. the death of all of us, RHIC, the American ‘rival’ announces an indirect proof of the existence of strangelets. 

And of course nobody understood, nobody cared…

Let us recall the words of a researcher at RHIC a decade ago: ‘if strange liquid exists and could be produced at RHIC it would be extremely dangerous. We know of no absolute barrier to the rapid growth of a dangerous strangelet.

In a catastrophic chain reaction, the weight of killer strangelet would pull it down. “Eventually, strangelet would sit at the center of the earth, eating other nuclei, attracting the earth’s mass gravitationally. That way, it would eat our planet from the inside out, converting the entire earth into one giant strangelet killing us all in the process.”

Reason why Wilczek the physicist who RELEASED Rhic’s safety report, cynically named this distinctive possibility an ice-9 reaction after cat’s cradle satire on nukes, where an American physicist discovers a similar liquid that freezes the planet into ice, extinguishing life.

Of course, then he went on as this video shows, to sign a safety statement affirming that: “the strangeness distillation mechanism seems very unlikely to be effective for producing strangelets at RHIC.” (page 17)

But that is exactly what has happened. RHIC is distillating strangelets.

I recall the beginning of Kurt’s masterpiece:

When I was a much younger man, I began to collect material for a book to be called The Day the World Ended. The book was to be factual. The book was to be an account of what important Americans had done’ 

And yet the always epic American press commenting about the great feats of the manifest nation was surprisingly mute on the distillation of ice-9.

In fact, the theme never made it to the news glued by a BARRAGE of small tragedies happening in this little rock lost in the corner of the galaxy that we call Earth… It was during the same days that we heard about a young black man shot in Ferguson, and a brave journalist decapitated in Iraq, about the Ukrainian civil war and yet another bombing of Gaza, not to speak of the news on the economic crisis, global warming, the celebrity circus… and the weather, always the weather on top of all other repetitive news…

But this piece of information of the nuclear industry, deserved to be noticed due to the relevance for the non-future of the planet.

Since a single drop of strange liquid can convert a planet or a star into an ultradense rock of dark matter. How long it will take for the strange liquid to accumulate in the center of the planet and start the ice-9 reaction, is studied in detail in other post of this blog.

As my co-plaintiff in the 2008 suit against CERN, Walter Wagner, rightly pointed out in his letters to scientific American, and his earlier suit against RHIC in 2000, chances the American machine produced strange matter were high, only a question of time and luminosity.

Finally it is happening: This week (of course without mentioning any risk involved), RHIC announces strangelet distillation in gold to gold collisions. 

And it considers some are stable. Since they cannot be detected directly by the particles it decays into. Indirect detection is based in a lower temperature of the quark gluon soup.

If those strangelets are forming they are falling to the center of the Earth and will eat it inside out in a period which ‘experts’ have never fully figured out – might be between days and decades.

But of course our high-minded, idealist scientists at RHIC have not flinched an eye, on the news they are delivering to the human sheeple. On the contrary they are all excited with the findings of ‘new physics’:

‘The calculations show that inclusion of the predicted but “experimentally uncharted” strange baryons fit better with the data, providing the first evidence that these so-far unobserved particles exist and exert their effect on the freeze-out temperature of the observable particles.’

“The finding has potentially important implications for quantum chromodynamics—a theory that describes the strong interactions underlying the physics of the nucleus. In particular, it could indicate that physicists have been making some wrong assumptions about the dynamics of photon production at the energies of RHIC and LHC collisions. The researchers suggest that the finding could indicate something very interesting and not yet understood about the evolution of glasma or quark–gluon plasma, although more detailed computational simulations are needed to confirm the dynamics of photon production in such collisions.

This is the first indirect evidence that heavy strange barons exist and can be created by high energy collisions. Apparently the Brookhaven facility has been making heavy strange baryons for quite some time. The significance of the discovery is coming closer to proving all the theoretical particles of the quark model of matter are real. The discovery also indicates that many of the Big Bang concepts are justifiable in physical reality”

Now the question if we are ‘already dead in the future’, in this Schrodinger’s cat experiment depends on this cryptic question left open by the RHIC ‘informer’: “We’ve found that the higher mass states of strange baryons affect the production of ground states that we can observe. And the line where we see the ordinary matter moves to a lower temperature because of the multitude of higher states that we can’t see.”

How much is a multitude? That is, how many ‘higher states’ of strange baryons have been created? Enough ‘bag’ to make the strangelet stable? Ah, this is the quizz, ‘to be or not to be’… Since it is invisible and physicists are clueless, we might still have a chance to be… But the first incognita is solved. Yes, RHIC and CERN can, have and will produce strangelet atoms.

Would now RHIC tell us exactly what is the solution to this quizz? Have they produced enough of them to make the strangelet bag stable?  Are we a dead cat or a living cat?

As RHIC will not answer, i would rather say with all my affliction that we are a dead cat in the nearby future…

The problem though is because the ‘missing mass’ shows those strangelets to be stable and to be falling out of detection to the center of the Earth, once the ice-9 reaction ‘sits’ on the center, there is no way to reach the substance, and so even if it start very slowly eating an atom at a time, it will grow exponentially and when we realize due to the increase of earthquakes, it will be like a cancer, which cannot be cured. So we will at best assess the quantity of time we have left to live on this planet.

The world will end then soon as the process has become irreversible, and once noticed it means its effects are reaching beyond the iron nuclei into the magma where Earthquakes are caused.


It is thus quite likely that strangelets with relative low A-Mass are being produced. How low depends on the parameter of stability STILL unknown by physicists who play with this explosive without understanding yet its parameters.
But it might be likely on the order of 100 quarks, and it is likely they are negatively charged, which is what the distillation mechanism has caused at RHIC – a freezing mass of strangelet negatively charged by excess of negative strange quarks… a killer strangelet.
Yes i know, we are still here… No, we cannot know for how long, we do not know even enough theory of the distillation ice-9 process and we are not researching.
This is because CERN AND RHIC are officially safe, this has been approved by the safety report that tell us they are doing gas NOT liquid, they CANNOT Distillate:
‘a distillation mechanism capable of giving rise to strangelet production is not
operational in heavy-ion collisions at RHIC, and this suggestion for strange-particle production has been abandoned for the LHC.” (LHC, RHIC safety reports, 2003, 2008)
But it is happening…

In the first graph, RHIC 14 run has created more collisions gold to gold than all other previous runs combined, producing (second graph) huge amounts of the primordial quark-gluon plasma, found in the first moments of the explosive big-bang and in the interior of Strange stars (Neutron stars), made of strangelet (strange quark liquid). Hence the reports announcing a massive creation of strange atoms:


In the graph, an H-Dibaryon containing 2s+2d+2u quarks, the stable particle of strangelets, which seems to be produced in the quark-gluon plasma at RHIC. Once created it will fall to the center of the Earth, due to his higher mass, where it will lump in enough quantities to start an ice-9 reaction that should collapse in the future planet Earth.

In fact there are statistical proofs they ARE already producing them at the lhc:

SINCE the ratio of strange to up and down quarks found at RHIC’s new, denser ‘glasma’ (quark-gluon plasma) shows a strange to light quark mass ratio Ms/Ml = 20, (squares) and 27 (diamonds). Those numbers are even higher than the mass ratio of strange quarks to ud quarks found on those H-dybarions, which is Ms/Ml=15

Indeed strange quarks weight 20 to 50 times more than up & down quarks, Ms=104, Md=4.8, Mu=2.4, the ratios of Ms/Ml mass in dibaryons is much larger than the number ratio of strange quarks to light u-d quarks: Ms=Mu=Md, Ms/Ml= 104/4.8+2.4=±15.

Thus there  are more than enough strange quarks on the soup to produce millions of dibaryons. Moreover, the fact that they are absorbing gamma rays, in enormous numbers and freezing the soup of normal particles, implies they are reachng a certain degree of stability. Thus all seems to indicate RHIC is producing strangelet atoms in huge amounts. RHIC obviously does not give us the amounts of dibaryons is producing, but the graph of luminosity shows it should be producing millions of them.

How many dibaryons have to reach the center of the planet to make a strangelet stable, and start an ice-9 reaction? Theoretical calculus (MIT bag, Peng papers from Chinese Nuclear Research center) give us numbers as low as 10.000. Since they are more stable than our atoms and heavier, they should be falling to the center of the Earth unharmed, sliding down the magma, like a knife cutting butter.

In fact its name ‘strange’ derives from its surprising longevity, which far surpassed all previous calculus. So the discoverer, amazed by its long life said of it ‘it is very strange. It is like if Cleopatra was still falling from its barge in the nile; as if she was still dying’.

It is thus only a question of time that its accumulation in the center of the Earth triggers the formation of a strangelet, starting an ice-9 reaction.

This is the key sentence to explain why:

Apparently the Brookhaven facility has been making heavy strange baryons for quite some time.
They might be falling already to the center, as the densest matter on planet earth, where they will accumulate till collapsing into a strangelet and then the period of accretion will start, though it is impossible to calculate… it would be fast.

In other words, what physicists don’t count for is that simple ‘fact’ – things that are equal come always together, in one or other way. In the case of those dybarions and hyperons that RHIC recognizes, it has produced in large numbers, which are more stable than ordinary matter, they should be as of now, falling to the center of the Earth, one by one, drop by drop of strange liquid, sipping through magma, just ‘transparent’ gaseous matter for them… till reaching the exact center, likely a uranium crystal and when enough of them stop, forming a bag of strange quark atoms – the definition of a strangelet, they will first transform the uranium, then the iron into strangelets… Carpe diem, live the day…

So RHIC’s news are utterly relevant for our…

Chronicle of a foretold death.

All this has been foretold for decades. I printed a first analysis of quark cannons and its likely extinction of man in my book ‘The extinction of man’ c. 92, Walter put a suit to RHIC in the 2000s. Papers have been written, warnings have been issued. Our suits alerted the world, thanks to the cover of Sunday NYTimes of 2008: ‘asking a judge to save the world’.

The present RHIC run at much higher luminosities provoked a warning of lawyers that got some media attention., just to dismiss the issue, as in the case of CERN, with the ‘usual’ physicists’ risk assessment committee of non-independent nuclear physicists affirming their experiments are sound – more or less as if new drugs tests were assessed by the corporations that manufacture the drugs, instead of the FDA, which of course would always ‘sell’ us that their drugs are the universal panacea to health. This only happens in the industry of accelerators. Every time the risk comes out, they bring a pannel of self-appointed experts which claim independence, affirm there are no risks with arcane languages nobody outside the community understands, attack ad hominem the qualifications of the ethic scientists that denounce those risks and pass page. And so little by little, step by step as that long run of the hero of Marquez’s short story ‘chronicle of a foretold death’ we come closer to the end of the world.

And nothing is been done. The ‘system’ merely used all the tricks of the book to quench public awareness of this colossal tragedy. So we must go beyond the obvious ‘mathematical’ and physical discussion of those risks to the ‘socio-economical’ implications of that ever real topic of the ‘military-industrial complex’ to solve the ‘surrealist question’:
Why such projects, RHIC and CERN, exist? How can ‘humans’ – after all nuclear physicists are ‘humans’ – can promote this kind of project?

You have to understand the psyche of nuclear physicists who have discounted after 70 years of making weapons of mass-destruction that could obliterate the Earth any ethical con-cern.

So the answer to this madnees is ‘routine’. The routine of evolution of nuclear cannons, which after the cold war ended had to camouflage with ‘newspeaks’ of peace and humane purpose its military-industrial nature. Unfortunately cern is protected by the military-industrial complex, with ‘diplomatic immunity’ (provided in the height of the cold war when accelerators were indeed just ‘cyclical cannons’ used to research atomic bombs), and by the lazy or paid-per-view P.R.ess which accepts its blatantly lies, following the ‘routine procedure’ of the Nuclear Industry that never recognizes victims or risks (Fukushima, Chernobyl are supposed to have cause just a few dozens of victims, as those who die of cancer cannot be proved 100% to be caused by those explosions ).

Again both RHIC and CERN have a perfect alibi to deny any catastrophe: strange quark lumps are ‘dark matter’, difficult to detect (in the case of CERN, their detector, CASTOR after we uncovered its existence, has literally gone ‘undercover’ and now CERN denies adamantly it exists. So instead of being a Centauro And STrangelets detecTOR, if you search for CASTOR in CERN servers it is now a STORage machine; at RHIC the detection of the first atoms of strangelets have been indirect and nothing of its implications have been explained).

So if they fall to the center of the Earth and eat us up, as in the case of the cancer deaths of Chernobyl and Fukushima, nuclear physicists, will deny any wrong-doing. So beyond ‘high thoughts’ of human intelligence, rationality and caring, you must understand CERN & RHIC within the ‘routine’ evolution of the industry of ‘cyclical, nuclear cannons’, which has now reached the technological threshold of creation of strange matter. And so as Eric Fromm put it the ethics of a technological civilizations are simple: ‘if a machine can be done it will be done, even if it menaces to kill us all.’

All this of course is taboo, hidden. So all the focus is NOT put in what CERN & RHIC truly will create in enormous numbers – strange quarks – but in the ‘minimal’ quantity of ‘speculative’ possible other particles it might create – higgs bosons, superparticles, etc.

Hence the little impact the most important news of the century are having on media.


Look at this young, enthusiastic fella below, the nuclear physicist who announced proudly we have created the strange atoms that will devour us, and his homunculus mind, the space that each sense occupies in his brain… Yes truly a monkey lethaliensis scientificus, which assemblies machines with his hands, spews out a lot of nonsense garbage on the immensity of its discoveries and has no mind at all to fully grasp what he has done. An image in this case is truly worth more than a thousand wor(l)ds…

 77970_webhomunculus‘When I was a much younger man, I began to collect material for a book to be called The Day the World Ended. The book was to be factual. The book was to be an account of what important Americans had done’ 

‘Ice-nine was the last gift  Felix Hoenikker created for mankind before going to his just reward. He did it without anyone’s realizing what he was doing. He did it without leaving records of what he’d done. True, elaborate apparatus was necessary in the act of creation, but it already existed in the Research Laboratory.  It was blue-white. The old man had died on Christmas Eve, having told only his children about ice-nine. His children had divided the ice-nine among themselves.’

There was a sound clear, like that of the gentle closing of a portal as big as the sky. The great door of heaven being closed softly. It was a grand AH-WHOOM. I opened my eyes and all the sea was ice-nine. The moist green earth was a blue-white pearl. The sky darkened. The sun, became a sickly yellow ball, tiny and cruel.

“Beware of the man who works hard to learn something, learns it, and finds himself no wiser than before’. Bokonon tells us. “He is full of murderous resentment of people who are ignorant without having come by their ignorance the hard way.”

What hope can there be for mankind when there are men that give such playthings as ice-9 to short-sighted children as most people are?’

Excerpts. ‘Cat’s cradle’. Kurt Vonnegut

Unfortunately, when the ice-9 reaction starts, there will not be any  place to escape, nor solution to the process, as we cannot arrive to the center of the Earth, where those dibaryons will start eating up the uranium, provoking massive earthquake waves…


Alea Jacta Est. In the race for extinction, which our proud technological nations are carried out undeterred by that ‘minor’ collateral damage, i.e. the death of all of us, RHIC announced yesterday an indirect proof of the existence of strangelet atoms. As my co-plaintiff in the 2008 suit against CERN rightly pointed out in his suit against RHIC in 2000, chances the American machine produced strange matter were high, only a question of time and luminosity. This week (of course without mentioning any risk involved), RHIC announces that the first strangelet atoms might have been produced in gold to gold collisions. Indirect detection is based in a lower temperature of the quark gluon soup. If those strangelets are forming they are falling to the center of the Earth and will eat it inside out in a period which ‘experts’ have never fully figured out – might be between days and decades.

But of course our high-minded, idealist scientists at RHIC have not flinched an eye, on the news they are delivering to the human sheeple. On the contrary they are all excited with the findings of ‘new physics’:

‘The calculations show that inclusion of the predicted but “experimentally uncharted” strange baryons fit better with the data, providing the first evidence that these so-far unobserved particles exist and exert their effect on the freeze-out temperature of the observable particles.’

“The finding has potentially important implications for quantum chromodynamics—a theory that describes the strong interactions underlying the physics of the nucleus. In particular, it could indicate that physicists have been making some wrong assumptions about the dynamics of photon production at the energies of RHIC and LHC collisions. The researchers suggest that the finding could indicate something very interesting and not yet understood about the evolution of glasma or quark–gluon plasma, although more detailed computational simulations are needed to confirm the dynamics of photon production in such collisions.”

Now the question if we are ‘already dead in the future’, in this Schrodinger’s cat experiment depends on this cryptic question left open by the RHIC ‘informer’: “We’ve found that the higher mass states of strange baryons affect the production of ground states that we can observe. And the line where we see the ordinary matter moves to a lower temperature because of the multitude of higher states that we can’t see.”

How much is a multitude? That is, how many ‘higher states’ of strange baryons have been created? Enough ‘bag’ to make the strangelet stable? Ah, this is the quizz, ‘to be or not to be’… Since it is invisible and physicists are clueless, we might still have a chance to be… But the first incognita is solved. Yes, RHIC and CERN can, have and will produce strangelet atoms.

Would now RHIC tell us exactly what is the solution to this quizz? Have they produced enough of them to make the strangelet bag stable?  Are we a dead cat or a living cat?

My opinion is that this is another nail in the coffin, the clearest one in anticipation of the ‘big run’…


And so it finally happened… The experiment is being performed as we speak. Ion-Ion collisions are breaking records every day. If the Earth is going to die, because of CERN, it will be. From 1st to 15 december, stable dibaryons are being produced with no safety whatsoever at the facilities.

So as of now those stable dibaryons are falling to the center of the Earth, where they will slowly accumulate till reaching the critical mass required to start an ice-9 reaction, within the span of a few years.

For real data on that production, please consult Eric Penrose’s site, which has been doing the mathematical physics of the process during the last year.

This transformation of our light, harmless up and down quarks into strange quarks, a hundred times heavier, is caused by the enormous energy-mass reached by each particle as it comes closer to c-speed. Because c-speed is the barrier of speed for particles, according to relativity, when quarks reach the limiting barrier, they keep absorbing energy from the accelerator. But instead of accelerating, quarks swallow and transform that energy into mass – E=mc2; hence becoming massive strange quarks, which once put together into stable dibaryon configurations, should fall to the center of the Earth.

The main factor of extinction both in certainty of the event and timespan, in which it will happen is obviously the number of experiments performed:

The facility will produce more lethal dibaryons, the more ion-ion collisions are performed. Right now, as we speak those collisions are producing, per collision according to CERN, 30.000 ‘unclassified particles’, to be found in the strangelet soup of up and down and strange quarks – the infamous quark-gluon soup, origin of the big bang – plainly speaking, the most powerful explosive of the Universe. If we multiply this number by the sheer amount of atoms colliding in each bunch of tightly packed rays, we are talking of millions of dibaryons in each experiment. Certainly enough of them to bring a critical mass within years of accumulation at Earth’s center.

Since strangelet, abb. for strange liquid is  the substance that can provoke in enough quantities a runaway ‘ice-9’ reaction that could freeze the Earth converted into a 15 kilometre sphere of ultra dense strangelet matter; as strangelets convert all matter around them into strange liquid.  The process starts obviously producing the ‘atom of strangelet’,  a USD-USD dibaryon atom, the minimal stable piece of an strangelet. Yet they have to form a lump of heavy strange and light up and down quarks, of enough critical mass to provoke the big bang explosion of Earth. Hence it will take time for them to accumulate in the center of the planet. And the more ion-ion collisions the LHC makes, the more they will produce and fall and the faster the ‘reckoning day’ will come for the species. The date thus have some uncertainty, in time, the space does not – it will be start on the center, and the probability hardly – far above what any conscious human being needs to stop the facility.

Uncertainty of course is the factor CERN plays. We will never be sure that those dibaryons kill us till they kill us. They are invisible, undetectable, and disappear from the facilities, so even if it happens, we cannot prove they originated at CERN. Might they have come from outer Universe. You see, destiny plays the mouse and cat, hid game facilitating the facilities take it easy ways. For that reason, this blog treats all the elements of the game of extinction and warns the scientist that reads of a well-known fact since quantum mechanics: the universe is always probabilistic, no event is deterministic as regarding to when and where it will happen.

This is the Uncertainty principle of quantum physics: Energy x Time ≥h/2. The calculus of the Energy and time of an event is thus a probability, but not for that reason intelligent species, stop acting against the odds of being harmed by a dangerous ‘predator’ that can eat them up.

I.e. the gazelle does not know, which one of the herd will die to the lion, but not for that probabilistic reason stops running to avoid the lion from entering its vital space. Only an idiotic scholar, all theory none survival instincts, will stay eating daisies, munching the ‘Buridan Paradox’ – might he kill me, might he not?- while the lion makes his run. Since non-action will increase enormously the chances that by doing nothing the lion targets her. It is like a soldier advancing against fusiles and gun machines. He might survive, and certainly it will never know whose soldier on the other side shot him down. But if he wants to increase his chances, he will not fight against the superior metal-weapons. And if he does so, he rather fights with single shot rifles than gun machines of multiple shots. That is CERN did his single shots at low regime,found his Higgs and should have declared his war against mankind, over. Now he is shooting with the gun machine and keeps reloading the cartridge. Good luck.

3. Dec. 2015. DON’T WORRY BE HAPPY (and die like a child).

Now, before we go on, the reader should understand beyond evilwood movies the facts of death in the Universe. The fundamental food of the cosmos are children. It sounds harsh but it is what happens in the world. 90% of animal children never get adulthood. When lions run the herd, they seek for the children. When tortoise hutch all kind of predators eat them before arriving to the water. African thugs use children soldiers, because they are emotional, driven, lineal, focused in the task they do not question. CERN in that regard is a cradle of children physicist, in the 20s average, using millions of childish students all over the world. And it has used to dismiss those danger childish arguments, with a ‘teacher’s’ benevolent tone.

This surrealist approach is shrewd and it has worked.

Thus accordingly, to the childish approach, CERN has developed a panoplia of silly-nilly propaganda working at top speed:

Rap songs on evil particles; engagements with celebrities of the media circus; cosmic hype on irrelevant discoveries and the beat-drum of ‘new records of energy-mass’, hence of higher risks ; and messianic, pseudo-religious mantras that ranged from God’s particle to the Shiva statute at the entrance of CERN.

All those elements narrated in the previous film -are repeated ad nauseam, under the classic dictum of the first ‘ministry of propaganda’ (today called in the newspeak of the day, ministry of information): ‘if you repeat a lie many times people will believe it, the bigger the lie the more they will’ (Goebbels).

But those lies must sound silly and fun, so CERN maintains 2 pages to prove the no-risk mantra:

  • One written in a tone proper of a kindergarten school master, sweet and calmed, to resolve the ‘magic’ side of it.

    Yes Messieurs we do know that, thanks for telling. It is this a serious institution, providing true statements and taking seriously the risks of a global nuclear tragedy? Are we treated as citizens who pay with his taxes this machines and deserve a proper response? Why CERN has diplomatic immunity – the reason it dismissed the suits; why safety reports unlike in any other industry are not authored by independent researchers?

    Why it has broken all the NEPA and environmental laws of Europe, repeatedly poisoning the area? Because the Nuclear industry is the summit of the military industry, and this ‘peaceful machine for research’ is the white elephant, useless, dangerous but nice to see in its awesome pics for kid-scientists working there (20-agers most of them, who sign confidentiality statements and as their chief scientist put it ‘must believe in black hole evaporation, the concept backed by Mr. Hawking and Mr. Penrose, based on time travel to the past). This of course, is the internal dialog for the flock of young, enthusiastic collaborators to keep crunching data to the tune of the rappers.

  •  Meanwhile for more serious seekers of truth, alas, he gives us the ‘safety report page’, which is a copycat of a safety report made 20 years ago for a much smaller machine in the United States – RHIC; ad it has NEVER been updated to the much higher power and technical specifications of this machine, or included the new discoveries on cosmology that prove the existence of strangelets (the report simply denies they exist and so it solves the problem out of the hat, but as today it has become the main candidate to be the component of 90% of matter in the Universe – dark matter; alas, they do not only exist but it is likely the commonest, hence easy to produce, substance of the Universe).

Thus the report  is plagued with obvious half-lies that any physicist knows – the best known, the mantra that cosmic particles do have so much energy as those collisions and so if cosmic rays do not blow up planets, the experiments poise no risk. Of course, the half lie is the trick. Cosmic particles are gamma rays or at best lonely protons, which cannot produce quark strangelets, because they don’t have ‘mass’, which is the factor here, no energy, as the heavy ions of the collider do. And they are not massed up in bunches of billions of them, guided to collide in a central point, where they reach enough critical mass to produce dibaryons and small lumps of quark-matter.

We dare to say that CERN’s people are very smart to be intelligent and survive. Since instead of plotting lies to defend their livelihood, it should say the truth and respect the life of mankind.

And the truth is that Cosmic rays do NOT produce quark-gluon plasma, the substance from where strangelets are born and NEVER will; since they are lonely, light particles unlike the dense heavy bunches of the heaviest atom, lead, using in those collisions, guided by magnetic fields with extreme precision to mass in enough numbers to produce the strangelet liquid (let us also give the proper name to the ‘quark-gluon soup’, which is nothing but a liquid made of up and down and strange quarks – which once distilled onto stable dibaryons (2 up, 2 down and 2 strange quarks) should become a strangelet in the Earth’s centre.

A final, simple proof that cosmic quarks do not produce ‘big bang’ strangelet soup is obvious:  If it would, we will not even construct the machine but merely watch the cosmic rays that hit the Earth and see the ‘witches’s brew’.

It remains of course to be explained what they will find in this new run now that the irrelevant Higgs has been explored in depth. Alas! lacking a good argument, CERN has outdone itself, publishing that one of the most hopeful discoveries that lay ahead is the understanding of dark matter, which makes 90% of the mass of the galaxy and accumulates around the Halo.

Recap.The equation of death and its 2 limiting risks.

As we have been explaining for a decade, following the well-known Witten hypothesis, the 2 main candidates for dark matter in the halo are:

– Micro black holes that did NOT evaporate (first hypothesis of Hawking before came with the absurd idea that actually they are time machines that travel to the past and so as you would evaporate back into the past into your mother womb, they should go back into the past and disappear just formed) – a fact which will mean if they are created at CERN they will swallow us.

-And strangelets, which would be created in nova explosions and planetary explosions, and migrate under the laws of angular momentum to the halo. So now, CERN tells us that yes, dark matter is likely to be made of strangelets, and they are going to explore the theme at CERN, of course omitting the ‘half truth’ – this should mean our extinction – since their control of media, in this advancing militaristic age makes it safe enough to say without saying to the world. We are going to convert the planet into strangelets, to study that magnificent particle, which we shall appropriately call, the ‘Hell Particle’. So now that is what they research and they tell us, and the sheeple sings the song, ‘four legs, four legs’. So yes, it is time for Nirvana, a peaceful day. Because the process is a great silence. Invisible dark matter, undetectable should be now falling, and the only variable we cannot fully calculate for lack of knowledge about the exact configuration of the Earth’s interior, is how long it will take them to travel to the center, and create that critical mass, as they will follow a biased ‘brownian motion’, through the magma, much heavier than normal matter, hence with a gravitational gradient to the center, but repelled chaotically in its journey… to erehwoN.

This duality between the good and the bad fruits of the tree of science has always been at the heart of the destiny of mankind, and we never solved it properly as the zealots of the machine have won the battle. A responsible, humble humanity would have prune the tree since its inception, forbidding the bad fruits, weapons and promoting the good ones, tools. Death is in the metrics of the 5th dimension, a simple equation of imbalance by overdrive of energy (accidental death) or information, form (3rd age of wrinkles in life, warping of matter into black holes in Einstein’s relativity, angst, baroque age of technological wars in history).

So if Life and survival is the balance of mens sana in corpore sanum: Energy=Information; death is Max. Energy  x Min. Information, (accidents, weapons that deliver maximal energy, a Big bang Nova explosion for planets and stars), or Max. Information x Min. Energy (3rd age, cold, freezing death, black hole death of matter, star death into white dwarfs, death by future robots and A.I. – algorithms of information, the true meaning of Artificial Intelligence that atrophy, substitute and displace human minds from labor and war field, as we speak).

Thus on the wider vision that a European Humanist always add to the technical aspects of science, we are in the ‘3rd age of History’, and so we should instead of rushing into death by information, had controlled the tree of science, but we didn’t. As a mad old man who feels like a child and wants to keep going making a fool of himself, mankind rushes into extinction, at full speed.

So yes we soon will be producing as many God’s particles as Hell’s particles, perfectly cancelling each other into a 0-sum called the human species. But who can prove it and blame them, if earthquakes within the next decade suddenly rise to 8 in the richter scale? Dibaryons are invisible, and the reaction will start from the center of the Earth. So CERN is shielded of any present or future responsibility, as it can always say it was not their fault but some particle from the outer Universe that has sipped into the planet.

In that regard, what people like Hawking and the bosses at CERN, shield by media and power, never grasped is the fact that science should not only be theory and prices but mainly praxis in favor of a better future for the humankind, exactly the opposite of big money and prize ambition, which drives the people at the facilities in their search for ‘nobel prizes’.

Mr. Hawking and thousands of other physicists are conscious of the risks and the ‘imaginary nature’ of his black hole time machines and the risks of the new technologies that break the balance of the planet. But none speaks up against their practice. At best they denounce each other’s work. So Hawking, on one side laughs at Caltech on the risk that his imaginary black holes make ‘bolognesa spaghetti’ out of mankind.

But on the other, he warns humanity of its near end if we keep evolving technology. So he urges us to find soon inhabitable planets and migrate to survive, sponsoring our view on the Fermi Paradox.

It is all talk, since he knows travel to the stars, given the lethal radiation existing beyond the Oort ring, needs massive shields on stellar ships, which will take centuries to design. And the Nuclear and robotic Industry – the two limits of maximal energy and information that unbalance the Earth and can kill her – will do us well before that happens.

So while he is aware of those 2 limits of human survival and rightly denounces the evolution of A.I. and robotics, even quotes some possible catastrophic scenarios at CERN related to Higgs production he should warn mankind against his imaginary black holes, his field of expertise.

Instead he advanced the clock of the end of the world created after the A-Bomb by physicists, which now runs a couple minutes ‘before’ the endpoint.

In that regard, the loneliness of our activism against CERN is not a proof of falsity but of the cynicism of big science and its practitioners who won’t disclose those dangers to protect their prestige and livelihood.

Simply speaking, when a life risk is imposed by power, it cannot be judged. Instead it becomes a censored taboo, so only the optimist good side that all realities have is highlighted, as it happens when a war starts and we know millions will die – you cannot speak of it. It is called ‘derrotism’ and it is punished. Instead the system preaches optimist and talks of a short blitzkrieg, of glorious days a head, as the Germans and French – the heart of the LHC experiment – did in I world war, which now celebrates its 100 birthday. Paris and Berlin simultaneously was to be reached within a week according to the P.R.ess of both sides…






Posted by on August 3, 2017 in Uncategorized


Fermi paradox

fermi paradox Cover

In the graph, the Fermi Paradox stated by Mr. Fermi, of A-Bomb fame wondered why we don’t see intelligent life in the Universe. Fermi advanced that it could be because Physicists destroy all planets before that phase.

Some ‘believers’ replied that it might be that the Earth is a single case, because it is the only planet ‘chosen’ by God.

Now we know this is not the solution to the Fermi Paradox, as there are billions all over the cosmos and biological laws show life to be a systemic phenomena appearing always out of hyper-abundant carbon atoms. Again the Totalitarian principle that precludes the creation of black holes and strangelets precludes life birth.

And yet, we do NOT hear any communication; not a single life planet passes the threshold of creation of Accelerators, prior to the threshold of interstellar travel, WHY?

The Fermi paradox should be the most pressing question about our destiny as a species and ultimately the experimental proof Physicists deny about the dangers of CERN. It is now official that around 17% of stars have an Earth-like surrounding it and 27% a super-earth, which puts on the order of 4.7 billion the number of possible hosts to life. AND YET NONE HOSTS ROBOTIC LIFE OR INTELLIGENT LIFE with a degree of civilization able to emit radio-signals?!! Why?

All radio-signals in the galaxy are caused by black holes or strangelet stars (pulsars). Why?! As we are in the TIMELINE of possible interstellar communication, something will happen or has happened to all similar Earths in this period of technological evolution that destroyed the parallel human-like species. What?!

Only two possible solutions to this conundrum are left, once we know the galaxy is filled with planets:

– The religious, theological ‘anthropic principle’. We are the first because God made the Universe for the homo bacteria to dominate.

– The scientific, statistical proposition of Mr. Fermi. In all those planets, Physicists blow us creating black holes, the dominant species of the galaxy.

The facts are clear and either one or other is the solution. If the first is truth, a goat-keeper of the bronze age resolved the meaning of it all. If the second is right in 2015 when LHC is upgraded we will all die.

Let us then prove the goatkeeper wrong with the simple equations of Francis Drake. SInce we are not unique, just ‘a mush over a lost rock in a corner of the Universe’ Schopenhauer.

In the next graphs we illustrate the scientific calculus according to present data of the numbers of habitable planets tha should be communicating at this point of time, in the Universe. It follows the famous 1961 Francis Drake eqution.



Earths all over the galaxy.

Goldilocks planets are those planets existing in zones where life is possible. As there are an immense number of stars surrounded by them – 1.700 million earths and 3000 million super-earths – and our planet is relatively young, the Fermi Paradox wonders why we do not see any sign of planetary or robotic civilizations in the galaxy, but only hear the radio-waves with the rhythmic tam-tam of black hole and strange stars. The cynical Fermi, father of the A-Bomb, stated that nuclear physicists blew all Goldilocks planets before they reached the technological state of interstellar travel. CERN could confirm this hypothesis.

Moreover we are detecting them so close – proximal centauri, this week 3 of them in the trappist star on the graph that we should have certainly heard radio sounds.

Sorry biblical folks, the Universe is not made for humans. There should be 794 976 000 000 bn planets emitting radio-signals. But none is heard.

In any case the Drake Equation clearly rejects the religious solution to the Fermi Paradox – that of humans being unique.

But the conundrum mathematically proved by the Drake equation: why we cannot hear any of those 794,976.000.000 billion civilizations?

And so WE ARE LEFT WITH A SINGLE SOLUTION.  Only the second solution, extinction by physicists, is possible. Since something extinguishes all of us in all those planets, before they communicate. We should be hearing some of those 794 zillions and we hear none. (1)

Thus, we won’t arrive to the technological evolution of radio-signals needed to leave a bleep in the Universe… We will die before that. When?

Radio communication of stellar size would require a much longer wave and hence a moon station coupled with one on Earth, which can be achieved this century. But we won’t survive the century to do it.

We won’t reach either the point of interstellar expansion in ships.

For this type of travel would require to create shields against high energy particles of enormous metal-weight for current standards – probably a lunching from the moon, on a machine constructed there. Probably well into the next century.

But we won’t reach autonomous robots and A.I. able to start a colonization of the Universe. We hear none…

Let us consider this possibility because now we have a more precise timespan. Experts consider that A.I. will exist within a century. A single robotic ship sent by humans wouldn’t count as it would not  reproduce and hence colonize. But A.I., self-replicant A.I. is now in place. We can foresee it in 3-D printers, CAD design and automation of factories – the main cause of our labor crisis. And yet, not a single planet has made it to that phase either. Or else the Universe would be awash of robots and sounds of metal. 

screen-shot-2016-12-31-at-10-55-54 In the graph, once a civilisation reaches the interstellar travel threshold, it takes a wisp of time in cosmological terms to colonise the entire galaxy. So given the age of the galaxy, over 10 billion years, there is an over 99.9% of probability there would be A.I. and UFOs and robotic ships all over the galaxy, and since there are not, there is a 99.9% of probablity all carbon life civilisations extinguish themselves before interstellar robot ships arrive, which can only be the case if black holes or/and strangelets kill all civilisations before…

This is an absolute statistical proof of the risks of CERN, ignored by all to their own peril. Indeed, if in 1/3.000th fraction of the time the galaxy has lived a single civilisation should colonise the planet, and further on there are billions of them, or trillions if we consider all the planets that have existed, the absolute maximal probability we, as all other planets, ‘make it’ is 0.03%…

And since the highest obvious risk is cern and its strangelets and black holes, it is sheer madness to carry about those experiments. Yet clearly a ‘character’ of carbonlife species, so ego-centered and blind to the living, organic, self-feeding matter of those ‘cosmic bombs’ that probably they do those planetary bombs everywhere. After all, only 7 people signed the affidavits of those suits (so again, 7 out of 7 billion means a 0.0000000…% interested in helping mankind to survive its existential risk).

All this gives us probably a span of around 50 years to explain something else that cause our extinction.

Apocalypse doesn’t seem to be the terminator matrix way, or else we would see millions of matrix like places on the galaxy. And there is none.

It means that we die very soon and NOT by robotics.

None has made it to colonize with other robots. So extinction happens in +99.9% of planets within decades or else out of those 1.7 billion, many would have made it.

A.I. is not the cause, because if A.I. extinguishes man it would have expanded in the Universe and it is NOT ANYWHERE TO BE SEEN. ROBOTS CAN EXPAND WITHOUT PROBLEMS OF HEALTH. They should be here, there, emitting radio-waves. So the Span of time of our extinction is even shorter. It happens before terminator.

But there is more to it: the last ‘alibi’ for deniers was that sending a spacecraft beyond the solar system was impossible on account of the need for combustible to reach high speeds. This very same year, the EM engine Chinese and NASA tests have shown it is possible to obtain thrust directly from vacuum space, according to a wave-pilot quantum theory.


Humans or A.I.will be able to colonise the galaxy with EM drives within a century. Why they never did it?

The EM drive produces a small thrust  only be useful for long-haul space missions, ones that would otherwise necessitate enormous amounts of propellant. The EM drive thruster would only require a source of power, like a small nuclear reactor or solar panel: the distance at which the mass of propellant becomes so great that a much weaker thruster becomes an attractive alternative would certainly be further out than Mars, distances that would still take a long time to reach. But as acceleration continues, past Neptune we would have a working spacecraft able to carry colonisers to other systems, either human or robots. So it is safe to say that within a century by all means planet Earth would be ready to colonise billions of planets. Thus the great filter must be happening this century.

The great filter ‘event’.

Between now and military A.I. already on the making with the take-off industry of drones, humans achieve self-extinction in +99.9% of the parallel, fractal planets to this in which they evolve.  

screen-shot-2016-12-31-at-16-19-36And this leave us ONLY 2 causes, only 2 possible industries that can extinguish us and DO EXTINGUISH US, in 99.9% to be more precise of the planets of the Universe: nano-bacteria and black holes.

OF COURSE, the planet could be extinct by external black holes, cosmic collisions, etc. But if that is the case, still probabilistically many other planets would have not collide with asteroids and so we would see them colonizing other planets at this stage of age of the galaxy. So what we look for is an event which is almost certain to extinct a planet – strange matter or black holes – and a type of human species WHICH WILL ALWAYS DO BLACK HOLES AS MESSIANIC ‘SCIENCE’ does.

 In the graphs, theorists call the great filter the limiting cause that destroys all civilisations around the time we are now on earth, before interstellar travel is possible.

screen-shot-2016-12-31-at-16-24-47Likely, both, a provoked, artificial explosion o gamma rays, as the rest of the planet becomes a Nova. No need to wait for the chance catastrophe, We at CERN are positive we can create that explosion artificially… Indeed, a chance natural catastrophe IS RULED OUT BECAUSE IT IS PROBABILISTIC NOT DETERMINISTIC SO MANY PLANETS DO PASS THE FILTER WITH A PROBABILISTIC CHANCE OCURRENCE, BUT THE ‘PARALLEL EVOLUTION’ OF ALL SYNERGIC BRANCHES OF TECHNOLOGY makes the happening of the EM engine, the CERN machine and the earth’s provoked big-bang a function of the human-life ego-centered species and related suicidal behaviour.  Indeed it might be that all HUMANS in all planets ‘believe’ so much in technology that they blow up them.

Again we can use the data of our suits against CERN to further prove this determinism of human ‘technological love’, given the fact that only ‘really” 3 people put his work and prestige on the line to ‘avoid’ the GREAT FILTER to happen in this planet (me, Walter and Rossler). This means A CRITICAL MASS OF 3 / 7 billion. SO THE probability of stopping an LHC for blowing up the planet, if we believe in ‘democratic power’ to change the world, is null.

Since in this planet only the, 0.0000000…% was concerned, those are the ‘democratic chances’ that in any planet there is enough ‘critical mass of conscious humble humans’ who would accept extinction chances and actually stop the machine. And certainly such planets will be overwhelmingly ‘socialist, hippy, ecological, humanist, life-oriented, avatar like’ and would to start with never do such machines, cosmic bombs or EM engines.

TO which we might answerwhat Einsteins did said: “certainly the evolution of technology has gone well beyond the evolution of mankind’… as a species, since all seems to induce we have lost all sense of survival to ‘make it’ to type III civilisation – more like an Avatar planet of respect to life and Nature than a mechanical monstrosity as the world we are building for the ‘remain of the days’…

Of course to be fairly honest, as A.I. would explore the cosmos so human life, besides the LHC there is only ONE more seemingly GREAT FILTER possible.

The nano-bacteria case…

was first brought about by Mr. Bill Joy in wired and explained how soon goldiron nano-bacteria with gold dna and iron bodies, eating and replicating similar metal-species would suck in all the machines of the planet, and then convert us in grey-goo eating the metal of the Earth. This can come in those 50 years.

But if nano-bacteria extinguishes us, we can reason, metal-bacteria would evolve into organic robots, as once life appears, evolution should kick in. And this robotic race would be a superrace that would have expanded on the Universe very fast. It might also be that gold-DNA is not so easy to evolve but i doubt it. It is like us atoms and atoms evolve in different molecular structures. So if we humans find self-replicant gold-iron nano-bacteria that extinguish us in so many planets, some should have evolved into intelligent life and expanded through the Universe. And yet again, there is no robotic ‘metalife’ anywhere in the galaxy emitting radio-signal. So nano-bacteria because nature evolves systems, once they pass a threshold of complexity would have also evolved, become A.I. colonised the galaxy, a little latter but still a few billion years ago… and yet it has not done it.

CERN case.

So this flawless logic leaves only a possible cause of our extinction in every planet life kicks in: black holes or strangelets at CERN when it goes full power in 2015. And yet a second point must be proved for not a single planet to show intelligent life: the determinism of the human mind who will always believe in techno-utopia and blow up the planet in search of some irrelevant particle. is it that so? are we that dumb everywhere?

The memetics of the suicidal species.

Thus, the second point to prove is the messianism of all human races which in all those planets will decide almost never to revise the safety standards of the black hole factory… How it is that possible? How can we measure the degree of ‘strong beliefs’ of humans that become extinct? By this i mean, is it so overwhelming stupid the choice of all human monkeys in all planets as to always risk their lives for the Higgs particle? can we prove that determinism?

Yes. The proof is obvious: Our radical failure in our suits and activism to stop CERN  – only a few dozen scientists had enough courage to denounce it and no result was attained, as the entire planet sided with the black hole factory – means the belief in machines must be so strong in all monkeys that reach this scale of mechanical evolution that we never win the suit in any planet of the infinite fractal planets of the Universe. 

And here is where the Fermi paradox resolves another paradox of these group of activists – why nobody took us serious in suits, books, films and various warnings? Because in every planet, the belief in technoutopia is rather absolute and so surviving planets are an infinitesimal number.

If there had been a mass of activists we could think many planets survive as the movement against CERN triumphs in them. So no black hole is done. So humans live longer or die to military A.I. or nanorobotics and in either case humans or robots communicate and colonize the galaxy.

Here you have in a ‘nutshell’ an astounding logical proof   that we shall die within decades before A.I. takes over in all the planets in which humans existed.

Indeed, being humble enough at this stage of my activism, the most surrealist and astounding fact I have come to accept is that nobody cared and will care for a public institution trying to do the most dangerous nuclear explosives of the Universe with tax payer money to find some exotic particles of the zoo of sub-atomic systems.

This cuckoo fact leads us to the science of memetics: humans are slaves of the religion of technology in all the places of the Universe. Nobody doubts of technology and money, the two engines of this tragedy. As someone said of the germans that mastermind this machine ‘some germans do not believe in god but all believe in the bundesbank’. All men believe that to make machines is the destiny, goal and undoubted utopia of mankind. So in all planets we are defeated and in all physicis do make black holes and solve the Fermi paradox.

Now as all inconvenient truths power ignores the Fermi Paradox despite making so much propaganda of the Earthlings and Higgs particles. When a problem is too big or defies our ‘memes’ and beliefs we simply censor it. Good luck. The problem will not go away because we hide our head on the hole.

The Fermi paradox should be debated and taken seriously as a security problem and experimental proof of the easiness by which ‘human-like species’ extinguish themselves. It certainly eliminates the pretension of CERN that there is no experimental evidence of our possible extinction by the LHC.

Indeed, one of the alibis of CERN and those who work on the LHC is the fact that there is not and seemingly there cannot be any proof that the machine will produce black holes and strangelets, the seeds of strange stars called pulsars, able to devour the Earth and extinguish us, when in 2015 is switched on to full potency beyond the theoretical barrier of formation of quark condensates and B.H. beyond 10 Tev (today the machine works only to 1/2 potency).

Now there is one: the Fermi Paradox.

As surrealist as this theme might be, it is a fact recorded by history that all the parents of the nuclear industry are ‘all for it’. Indeed, the Fermi Paradox was ratified by the 3 parents of the Nuclear industry and its increasingly more powerful bombs. Mr. Fermi’s prophecy stated the obvious: all planets become black holes as physicists explode them. Mr. Fermi father of the A-Bomb, indeed said that there is not extraterrestrial life because physicists explode all planets before life can escape. But this was also the thesis of Mr. Teller, the Jewish father of the H-bomb fame, and biggest lobbyist for weapons in America, who went a notch further asking Eisenhower to start a Nuclear War first, just in case…

He also ‘discovered’ the so-called MAD strategy of Mutual Assured Destruction, a surrealist ‘logic concept’ to pump the military industry – that if we made enough H-bombs (who he had patented), we would be so afraid of using them that this was the best path to peace.

He became the model for Dr. Strangelove, an ‘anecdote’ i know first-hand as I befriended his scriptwriter, Mr. Terry Southern during my years at Columbia University (also of easy rider fame and the main ‘influence’ on my surrealist film on the theme, quantum roulette, which is excerpted in this blog). Finally it is also the thesis of Mr. Hawking in his last declarations…

And it was also the opinion, with certain cynicism of Mr. Wilzeck, the nobel prize who made the mathematical calculus of the strong force that will make quarks coalescence together.

Soo one can say that the 3 fathers of the Nuclear industry are ‘all for it’ and yet we revere them as masters of the Nuclear industry – and that is the surrealist, absolute arrogance and stupidity of man. Only Einstein seemed to understand better:

‘2 things I deem infinite the Universe and the stupidity of man, and I am not sure of the latter’

‘Those who impose truth with power will be the laugh of the Gods’

The other Solution to the paradox. The planets that make it. Castalia.


Now, the paradox has only a second solution. We do not see robotic life, which is interesting, curious not to say the least, and conclusive respect to the black hole theory. Black holes and strangelets kill us all.

Except those planets which i have called in honor of Herman Hesse who imagined one of them, ruled by artists not by scientists, hence dedicated to evolve the mind of man not that of th machine – Castalia.


Castalians planets survive as erehwon do, because men realize machines’ evolution will kill them and stop and also DONT COMMUNICATE.

i have felt for Castalia all my life… I have imagine Castalia in eternal moments, existence without borders, in time and space, immortal planets with eternal future, without limit – in that black hole.

At this stage of my life i recognize i dont live in Castalia, that as much i know.

But i did calculate, a theme i shall treat in the article ‘6D’ on the calculus of futures, the probabilities of such planets. And I must say, there are enough castalia in this universe to fill happy… and in some of day, we do stop CERN (-, people self-similar to us, in a planet with beings self-simlar to you…

And so i give you the solution to the Fermi paradox, ‘where there is cosmic life?, intelligent cosmic life?

In castalias. It is life, it endures, it goes beyond the limit of cerns and it is INTELLIGENT, unlike the people of this planet, or perhaps ETHIC, to me two self-similar concepts of an equation of complexity called the survival function, or top predator function, beings with maximal information (intelligent) and maximal energy (force), in balance, e=i, which maximizes, Max. E x Max. I… the definition of ethic information and beautiful energy-space. But that is of course… the jargon of the 5th dimension… Sorry then, let us return back to this non-intelligent, non-ethic, non-beautiful planet, with yes a lot of energy to bring us death (max. E x Min. I), and its creators, or rather destroyers, the physicist at cern Because even if i dream often of castalias i am on Earth.

Visual ‘proofs’ of our beloved MAD scientists.

This was the most seen Fermi paradox video out in tube, as usual, infantile, without truly going to the scary point that in this planet we are about to cross the great filter – don’t scare the happy children who love our gadgets of mass destruction.

So back to the Earth in the next excerpts from quantum roulette, you can see at ‘face value’ our 4 ‘heroes’ of the military-industrial Complex, all of them ‘for it’. The images you will see belong to a film quantum roulette which I did in Los Angeles, initially with the help of WME, the biggest agency in town, till they realized this was actually ‘real’. So after the suits and pressures from politicians the project was cancelled and I finished by myself. Needless to say it only opened in a festival worldwide, ‘the globians’ in berlin, because as the curator, Mr. Poltzer, founder of IDM pro put it – here I am the only guy to decide. In any other jury you will be censored because all must be politically correct or someone protests. I indicate in which minute we have them doing their declarations in case you want to save time.

In the next video we illustrate the 3 ‘ages’ of increasing power of Nuclear Bombs, A-bombs H-bombs and Planetary bombs, with a brief account of the evolution of the Nuclear industry, in its increasing pursuit of the equation of death, including the original footage of Mr. Fermi’s famous paradox… at minute 2:

In the same video in minute 7.10  you can see the father of the H-bomb, Mr. Teller, considering the need of an H-bomb, because ‘we can do it’. In the next video that explains the nature of Mass bombs (M=Ec2), he starts the excerpt showing his ‘disappointment’ with the A-Bomb because it had not enough power. So he felt motivated to make a bigger H-bomb:

Here you can see Mr. Hawking at minute 2, explaining us his motivation to push the creation of Black holes at CERN – to get a nobel prize, and the downside of it – if he is wrong we shall all become liquid spaghetti:

He has accordingly placed the clock of the end of the world two minutes before doomsday.Easy prediction, since you can always predict what you do. What about not doing anything to blow up the world Mr. Hawking, so you don’t need to warn us about it?

Finally in this video you can see also at minute 2, Mr. Wilzeck who signed the ‘safety’ release of the LHC explaining why he did it – as if he is wrong and blows up the Earth, he won’t be blamed:

But could we humans possibly change the fate of the Fermi paradox? Potentially we can, because the only solution to the paradox which has a positive life-preserving outcome is the non-evolution of the machines of the Singularity age. If a planet doesn’t worship the tree of technology but the tree of science, it will survive with man as top predator, but then again, it won’t develop intergalactic complex communication technology, but lie ever happier and unknown around a planet with no signs of complex technology. This is the only positive, humanist solution.

Could it be implemented on this planet? To understand that we have to go deeper into ‘knowledge’ of how the future is created (and we mean created, we know how it is ‘not’, by doing singularity machines).

In fact evolution and the objective understanding on how the future is created, shows this is most likely outcome, as the experimental evidence of the Fermi paradox also shows.

The singularity machines.

The Fermi Paradox is well known to specialists who study the non future of mankind in a world in which weapons of mass destruction keep being researched without limit, and it inscribes within the larger view of the Singularity age, or final age of the Industrial Revolution, when energetic and informative machines become ‘organic’. So we create mass-bombs, self-feeding, autonomous bombs, strangelets and black holes that can extinguish us. And we create self-feeding, autonomous robots, military A.I. that can also extinguish us.

Those are the ‘informative’ and energetic ‘singularity’ machines, whose awesome jump in energetic and informative capacities can extinguish us; since death is the ‘breaking of the balance and symmetry’ between the energetic and informative elements of any complementary system of the Universe, due to an overdrive of energy and information. So we die in accidents and wars (maximal energy/ death), and we die by excess of information, of form (3rd age, warping), and so the Earth can die by an excess of energy (B.H. Singularity at CERN) or a rival top informative predator species (military A.I.). And science is evolving both with the excuse of knowledge.

Thhe singularity age is now happening with the advance of information adn energy machines that vastly overpower us, but our industrial civilization has accepted it under a false premise, which as usual follow Nietzsche’s dictum ‘the commonest lie is that in which one lies to himself’ – that machines are good, abstract and the Universe a mechanism with only human intelligence…

The Wilczek paradox.

Or as Nobel Prize Wilczek, Amici Curiae of CERN in our suits to this company put it, and we recorded on video, ‘It was easy for me to sign a zero risk statement, because if something happens, then…’ and he laughed (who is gonna blame it, was the implicit end of his sentence’) – see video at the end of this post, in the visual part of it.

So because the proof can only be our extinction, the people who will be always blamed either of being catastrophists (if we survive) or of dying without recognition (if we are right and the high probability of an extinctive event ‘becomes’) were those who showed the ethical point of view.

This paradox is however a common paradox of History: those who make violence always win over those who make reason because death stops the argument. In this case, the LHC by going on-line without controls to ‘prove’ there were no risks (as Hauer declared to be the strategy to calm down alarmists) shows again the power of weapons over reason. And yet there is a clear proof at cosmological scale, of anthropomorphic nature that shows how easy potential human species can be extinguished and are probably extinguished.

There is not intelligent life despite the myriad of planets there must be in the galaxy. Do Physicists manage to create enough nuclear bombs to explode all planets before we achieve galactic communication’?

In this case the Fermi paradox is rejected as most truths are rejected by humans, on the shaky grounds of the ego-trip on the importance of our species. That is, we, human beings somehow are ‘special’ (pseudo religious argument) and too important to disappear at the hands of a mere lump of matter, which is false when you take not the subjective, anthropomorphic beliefs of religious people (the G. Bush talking to us:), or scientific people (who think they are the only intelligent species of the Universe.)

This refutal of the Fermi Paradox doesn’t even deserve a comment on a serious scientific blog, regardless of the growing number of fundamentalist jewish-christian believers in the ‘anthropic’ pseudo-religious dogma (if we exist in the Universe despite our fragility is because God wants us to exist, designing the Universe to that aim).

All this ‘hidden’ pseudo-religious beliefs are at the core of physics, with their arrogant statements about humans as the only intelligent beings, mathematics as the only language of God, the Higgs as the ‘god’s particle’ and their search for ultimate energies as the ‘Saint Grail’ of knowledge. No further commentary is needed.

A second proof, though of scientific nature, was the fact we had not seen more planets like ours. But it turned out to be just an experimental error now uncovered by more potent telescopes: the Universe is teaming with planets and so there should be billions of planets like ours. And yet none give us radio signals of life. Why? Obviously because people like those working at CERN manage to extinguish all planets before they discover ways of intergallactic communication, in their hidden arm race to find the meaning of mass-bombs.


The ‘physicists’…  all for it. Sanctified mass-murderers.

There was a time in which humans knew what were ‘the physicists’. The mad scientist par excellence was the physicist, who was bringing us an atomic holocaust. Durrenmatt wrote a magnificent play on that title. But in the world of machines and children of thought we live in, without any sense of responsibility or caring for the future, all this is forgotten. Children cannot understand death, and one of the reasons CERN has gone without much fear is the civilization of children and visual death, which inundates our world. So children cannot distinguish between ‘real death’ and virtual one – and this one is ‘real’.

This is the Kindergatten world we live in. One where absolute evil can be the new normal as long as it is not taken seriously. The holocaust of Rwanda was tolerated because that week, according to chronicles the White House had covered the ‘theme of Africa’ with the South-African elections.If that is the case, and it seems the case of mankind, now doing robots that expel humans out of labor and war fields without also any opposition – if we men ‘are slaves because we believe we don’t reason’ (Aristotle), the Fermi paradox will indeed happen in all planets. As in all planets the technology will reach first the LHC that interstellar travel.

So in all it we’ll be built regardless of which lunatic physicist and which theory is designed to prove – a fractal, a continuum, a dark space, a travel to the past (in this case with the lunatic rants of Mr. Hawking shown at true face below)… or the ‘dragoons’ of multiverses of Mr. Arkami-Hamed.

What matters and explains deterministically the tragedy is the corporation, the military-industrial complex that will ALWAYS DO AN LCH BEFORE IT DOES AN INTERSTELLAR far more complex starship.

Moreover, as we explain in our blog on technology and economical evolution,, at this stage the mind of man is devolving under the audiovisual influence of Televisions and the evil culture of death’, provided by the evolution of digital minds that hypnotize our children.

And again this is deterministic: motion hypnotizes the eye, a natural born killer that likes faster motion and red/energy colors. So as Televisions evolve in all planets, men become part of the a ‘neopaleolithic culture’, of selfish ego-trips, superficial, visual thought, where ‘images’ become knowledge and logic, time causality and survival, eusocial love disappears. The automatic process of degeneration of the human soul related in that technological blog, all too evident in this planet thus happens as machines evolve organically, in parallel, making humans in all planets retarded visual ego-trips of null causal knowledge and irresponsibility. They become the ‘staple food’ of the black holes they do trying to be like God. In the article on the Mayan prophecy we relate some aspects of the fractal, organic Universe that builds black holes. This is indeed going deeper the explanation of the Fermi paradox.

THe 2.7 background radiation is the temperature of a black hole of the mass of the moon. So all planets and moons might end up becoming black holes either by feeding on one, or by conversion by LHC ‘experts’.

In the past years since we lost the suits because the judges did not dare to judge, the physicists did not dare to defend CERN and so all  was dismissed technically because as the judge put it ‘the destruction of the Earth would not be atttributable to the American Government’ I have come to accept indeed the deterministic aspects of our ‘technological civilization’ that degenerates us to a point in which we can collectively commit suicide almost in a fictional way – as our mind is built on fictions and ego-trips that forget the tender softness of the flesh.

Thus the kind of ‘zero generation’, of toddlers of thought that populate CERN will exist irresponsibly in all planets. The collective mind will be erased and LHCs will be built and tested by children with no sense of death.

Today The press no longer informs. The modern human is very much a child of evil. Like Mr. Bush, our president at the time we put the suits against CERN, an evil child; like Hawking, a childish ego, who according to his wife thought to be God, a man who obviously care little for life, isolated in its mind, a fictional character who thinks to be a ‘genius’ but has been long just signing books their acolytes cash in, as this group knows for obvious reasons (one of the main activists against CERN is the son of his closest collaborators)…

But in the world of marketing and corporations, of technology, the human is just a puppet of that destiny, written in the evolution of machines.

So we choose freaks for the kicks, they sell better.

Man in a chair genius of the century, kid with guitar – mr. Bieber genius of songs, ‘house negro’ working for bankers, Mr. Obama, leader of the world. The people who rule the world for corporations – the managers, technicians, marketers, sellers, own the subconscious collective of mankind. I have reflected a lot during this years how we have arrived to this situation. That wider view thought of a world ruled for corporations who care only for profits and the machines they build, provided in my other blog is the only deterministic explanation of the fermi paradox at sociological level. That is, the sentence that starts my surrealist film on this theme, ‘quantum roulette’ ‘A technological civilization is based in the believe that if a machine can be done it must be done, even if it kills us all’.

 the world is ruled by corporations and so the process of evolution and reproduction of machines is the essence of our technological civilization,

and so all  industrial planets arrive to this absurdity – waiting for extinction for the sake of a machine and a series of job contracts and the excuse of a lunatic, 3rd rate physicist exploited by the industry of information. 

Absolute evIL the antiparticle of Live, synonymous of death, is what the physicists of the nuclear industry represent.

Castalia, Utopia is thus the obnly solution.

intelligent humans that  understand the conundrum and stop evolving machines as the meaning of existence, cheer for life and Gaia and don’t give signals to the external Universe.

Thus only Utopia, the 3rd solution, or techno-utopia, the LHC explain our incommunication. But we are not in utopia but in technoutopia. This means LHC will do black holes and they will evaporate us as they absorb our matter and grow. Since we, Earth’s homo bacteria have chosen NOT, utopia, that is a sustainable, world based in the fruits of the tree of life and man as the measure of all things. There is no doubt that the Earth’s new religion is the machine and we want to communicate and travel through space. We are not stopping the ‘economic system’. And yet we never arrive anywhere, we never colonize other planets, we end now, here.

The culture of the living Universe is basically extinct. It started with Plato and thought of the Universe, as I do in my work on General Systems Science, as an organism. ‘The World is a living being with a mind called Logos’. It meant that the logos of man was the mind of Gaia, also an organism. And we should care for both, for the Tree of Science. No doubt some planets are like that. Planets of flesh where men-like beings do not make machines. Erehwon planets that transcend beyond the dreams of our imaginations, but not here.

Instead we live in the culture of the machine – worship machines of energy such as CERN or information, such as CERN’s web and computers. So we will evolve technology to its limits and find ourselves with Fermi’s solution.

In brief, the singularity age and our extinction either by informative robots or more massive/informative matter seems just another stage in the growth of information of this planet, either at atomic scale (Black Hole Singularity at CERN) or at molecular scale (birth of military A.I.)

In that sense, if there is something I learned in the suits and campaigns against CERN is the determinism of that process of extinction as the absolute overwhelming majority of mankind cannot even conceive their absolutely irrelevant meaning humans have for an infinite, self-similar fractal Universe…

And this absolute arrogance of man, specially of those who guide the Industrial R=evolution, technocrats, industrialists and the military, in front of destiny, justifies our extinction and takes the blame out of the Universe itself, which has given us so many parables and opportunities to behave in balance with nature, with a humble, intelligent awareness of our limits as a species.

This writer, has renounced to a wonderful life as an ‘outstanding researcher of our religion, science’, easily achieved, had he only provided mankind with his discoveries in the field of ‘time theory and complexity’, for the simple reason that the praxis of science, technology is what is killing mankind with the excuse of knowledge.

And survival is more important that knowledge. Since a extinct scientist knows nothing.

Thus any truly intelligent scientist, regardless of what fame and celebrity he can acquire with his discoveries finds himself today in a crossroads of history where his only proper attitude is NO LONGER THE RAT RACE of scientific sinecures but the denounce of the non-future of uncontrolled research.

Survival not knowledge should be the ‘a priori’ law of all scientific research, which would mean the immediate prohibition of research in high energies and mass-bombs (energetic singularity) and robots and A.I. (information singularity). But scientists put deaf ears to profits and fame. So they prefer to ignore that in a Darwinian universe information is always ‘interested’, nothing is given for free and so it is all a trade-off in search of balances. Curiosity kills the cat and a truly intelligent species is one that ‘controls’ its wish for more energy and information, without endangering his life. 

But once more mankind shows not to be that ‘special, humble species’, who truly would deserve the name of ‘being made to the image and likeness of the Universe’. Since the immense majority of its members just follow the easy path. And this my friend is what kills mankind: our incapacity to be really free, in the Buddhist sense – to control our desires, our Universal program. There is no critical mass of intelligent, ethic scientists to do so.

Posted by on October 23, 2016 in News


Baby holes don’t evaporate

‘Cosmologists are seldom right but never in doubt’ Landau

The proof that black holes don’t evaporate came muted through LIGO’s research.

This is an exchange of letters with Walter by co-plaintiff in the suits to CERN:

30% of the black holes LIGO found are primordial, meaning so small, they should have evaporated (:

they are already counting them to fill all the dark matter of the Universe:

Of course, they will say they are NOT relics of Planets blown up, the only possible explanation to finds its cause now and here… gravitationally redshifting the blackbody background radiation, trapped by the strangelet halo – reason why it is thermodynamically in balance – if it were cosmic radiation as it can travel freely through the galaxy, wouldnt be in thermodynamic equilibrium – so it cannot be a proof of the big-bang. As in 5D astrophysics, galaxies similar to atoms of the hyper-universe are almost immortal I wonder if all those radiating points of the BG map are planets that got its quark cannon making black stars with its BCT ultraheavy-quarks …
  •  Walter Wagner
Cc:  Otto E. Rossler;  Eric Penrose;
this; primordial black holes as ‘dark matter’ candidates.  hawking’s theory that they ‘evaporate’ is out…  though, they would likely say were ‘too large’…


Foreword: The black hole’s risk scenario

  1. The 3 ages of black hole theory
  2. The second age: mathematical entelechies, singularity theories.
  3. The 3rd age: black hole as quark stars; the quasar big-bang, the growth of baby black holes in a fractal 5D universe.
  4. Hawking’s celebrity status and character: how scientific hoaxes become dogma
  5. Reason Black holes MUST evaporate…us: the military-industrial cult(ure) around nuclear physics at CERN

First let us remember what is all this about. CERN and the industry of accelerators sooner than latter will cross the energies required to make black holes, which all seems to indicate are top quark stars. The only reason we don’t fear them, as every known known equation of science tells us they will swallow the Earth if born in this planet is Mr. Hawking’s absurd idea that black holes are ‘infinitesimal singularities of infinite density that act as time machines, travel to the past and evaporate’. So before we put Mr. Hawking’s work at true value, let us remember the serious facts here – the black hole scenario, taken from the front page:

Foreword. The black hole’s risk scenario

In the graph, 29-september-2018, a few months after the death of Hawking, Mr. Martin Rees ‘dares’ to defy the common view that baby black holes are unstable and will ‘certainly evaporate’, a never proved hypothesis by Mr. Hawking that shielded CERN of any criticism for a decade, in its so far failed attempts to reproduce black holes on Earth. It would be wise that other top astrophysicists tell the truth about those experiments before they ‘succeed’.

From 2015 onwards, when the LHC ramps up to 14 Tev, it will cross the 10 Tev barrier in its collisions, so it will make possible the creation of black holes, since it will be creating a massive amount of top quarks, the densest substance of the Universe, likely component of black holes (same density), but again CERN disguises this fact talking only about the Higgs (a by-product of the collision of top and antitop quarks) or rather God’s particle (using the well-known pseudo religious jargon of nuclear physicists, which during the cold war acquired with massive propaganda the undeserved status of ‘high priests’ of science to justify with ‘knowledge’ the risks they poised to mankind.

In 2023, with a further upgrade, the chances of an on-target collision will increase dramatically, as the luminosity (density) of the collision with be one hundred folded. So after that date it will be truly a ‘miracle’ that we do NOT achieve an event that reproduces those primordial black holes.

In 2015 the LHC will accelerate protons and hadrons at maximal energy, colliding them at over 1 Pevproducing heavy, bottom, charm and top quark-gluon liquid condensates, aka Higgs, possible substances of black holes. The quark-gluon soup it will produce will be far denser and attractive than strangelet liquid, hence the process of accretion of the Earth will be self-similar to the strangelet event but much faster.

Those collisions have the potential to create micro-black holes in both, the classic metric, and the even more telling Einstein-Maxwell-Dirac equations, which shows the non-existence of singularities and cast black holes as top quark stars, since heavy quarks ARE the only candidates for a cut off substance of which black holes must be made off, as Einstein repeatedly said (but at the time the quark had not yet invented.

So either if Albert Einstein is right, or  the Einstein-Maxwell-Dirac equations are truth (they of course are) in all those equations Black holes will not evaporate but convert matter (the Earth) into a 3 cm Black Hole or Frozen top quark star.

What Einstein defined as a mass-bomb process which converted energy into mass, since he deduced his equation, E=Mc2, first in its inverse form, M=E/c2, thus foreseeing the existence of energy collapsing into mass.

In conclusion, every known-known serious physical theory considers that sooner than latter the constant upgrading of the energy collisions of accelerators (by 2020 a new upgrade will multiply by 10 the luminosity=density of those collisions) will produce black holes that won’t evaporate; as in any of those aforementioned scenarios they will appear and swallow the earth:

– If String Theory is truth (9 out of 10 physicists believe so) they will swallow the Earth.

– IF Thermodynamics are truth, they will swallow the Earth, as its 2nd law implies that an ultra hot black hole born in a cold environment, the Earth, will transfer us heat evaporating us. This contradicts Hawking’s belief, never proved experimentally that ultra hot black holes will evaporate absorbing heat from our cold world, because they ‘will travel to the past’ (Sic). Time travel TO THE PAST, has never been proved.

– If Black holes are not mere mathematical objects but real objects as recent observation show. This was Einstein’s theory, reason why they are also called ‘Einstein’s frozen stars’. On that view they are ultradense, fermion condensates made of a cut-off substance of the same density, which are top quarks.

-If the Einstein-Maxwell-Dirac equations are truth, they will swallow the Earth, as black holes will be made of ‘dense quarks’ and singularities will NOT exist.

As they say in Spanish ‘alguien da mas?’ ‘What else?’

I. 3 ages of black hole theory

To put all those theories in perspective, we can make an account of black hole theory as an evolving subject, which has clearly 3 ages, we shall treat in this blog, at ‘face value’.

  1. The age of Einstein, when general relativity equations provided the theoretical foundation to study gravitational ‘vortices’, as those described by Newton, and then by Poison with his theory of potentials, of which Einstein, via Poison, made an even more detailed analysis as accelerated vortices of spacetime (equivalence principle between mass and acceleration.) He called those gravitational vortices of mass of maximal density, ‘frozen stars’, the name he gave to black holes. And he said since they must respect the scientific method, he would believe on them only if we found a cut-off particle/substance in the smaller quantum scale, of similar density, which at the Einstein’s age was still not known. So he denied them (today we know heavy quarks of the top matter decuplet, studied at CERN show all the properties and density needed to be the substance of black holes and its lesser cousins, strange, neutron stars).
  2. The age of Wheeler and Hawking. As we could not see within those black holes, once Einstein died, his stringent admonitions against any attempt to model black holes as ‘imaginary mathematical objects’, without substance, ‘evaporated’. So nuclear physicists, on top of the power game, notably those attached to the production of nuclear bombs, researched in accelerators (Oppenheimer, Wheeler) developed mathematical theories of black ‘frozen stars’, with no proof whatsoever in the experimental range. Wheeler came with the catchy name of black hole, which suddenly caught the subconscious collective imagination and ‘evaporated’ definitely the need for a rigorous application of the scientific method – meaning, the search for its proper substance, and its study as ‘dark matter, heavy quark stars’… The age peaked with the work of Penrose and Hawking and all its ‘singularity theorems’, ‘thermodynamic of black holes’, and ‘cosmic censorships’, which defied every law known-known law, including those of thermodynamics (as a a black hot baby-born hole, should NOT get HOTTER and evaporate, but on the contrary, should cool down and evaporate its colder surroundings growing in mass, which is what the first and second law of thermodynamics said: ‘heat moves from the hotter source that cools down to the colder one’), those of Einstein’s gravitation (as gravitation is a cosmological not a quantum-scale theory, so it does NOT work for quantum scales); those of mathematics (as all systems that show infinities are renormalized; that is the infinity region is cut-off for calculations, precisely because both in real nature and mathematical modeling, they do not apply to infinity, so black holes need to be cut-off from infinities, so should happen with the infinities of the big-bang theory). This age now ends as the age of Einstein ended at his death, with the death of Hawking. So we are going to move into:
  3.  The age of realist black holes, as ultra-heavy dark matter, quark stars, which will vindicate Einstein’s work. Such black holes will be similar to strange stars, with a core of ultra heavy top quarks and a cover of dark Bottom-Charm-Bottom atoms, similar to our UDU atoms. This hypothesis advanced decades ago by this writer is the logic symmetry of nature between its families of quarks and families of stars, as s a Dark star would be exactly equal in properties to a black hole. Einstein believed black holes could not be just a mathematical equation, but needed a real substance, which can only be, among the particles we know today, the top quark, with self-similar properties to a Higgs – which is produced by a top/antitop quark couple. Because then top quarks were not discovered Einstein could not explain them in detail. But he will be proved once more right. Now since the LHC will start massive production of top quarks in 2015, they might easily condensate into small black holes.

But it has immediately after Hawking’s death resurface in the work of new scholars of astrophysics, notably from the always notable Indian school of cosmologists (which from Bose, to Chandrasekar, have been instrumental on the field, with much respect for Einstein’s realist view of the subject)

And so their papers keep coming… proving all those scenarios and yet they are just buried on and so the media is still ‘hooked up’ with the age of mathematical entelechies we shall study next, as it is the ‘origin’ of the risks and alibis of CERN – since imaginary black holes do not evaporate traveling to the past, just a mathematical fiction, albeit one that caught the imagination of the public due to the celebrity status and personal life of his ‘believer’, which therefore must be put at face value.




‘I know when mathematics are logically truth but not when they are real’. ‘The Universe is simple and not malicious’.’Two things I considered infinite, the Universe and the egocy of man’

Einstein, on the limits of mathematical creationism and the efficiency of the immortal, infinite Universeand the egocy: ego+idiocy of humans  too complicated to understand the beauty, harmony and simplicity of the entangled Universe – we fully agree…. (Nt. He said stupidity but we prefer a term more appropriate to the reason why humans are so blind to that beauty and infinity – their ego cannot resist to be just a part lesser than the whole).

Update. 2018. The mind of God… 

Screen Shot 2018-03-15 at 8.11.44 AM

It seems ‘the mind of God’ has died; but his memory will remain till we make black holes at CERN and either them or us, evaporate – depending on a ± symbol we shall explain simple for everybody to understand:

My theory of (baby) black holes is the biggest blunder of my life’

S. Hawkings on his 70th birthday

‘In physics, if a particle can happen, it will happen.’

Totalitarian Principle, Gell-mann; discoverer of quarks.

“History is littered with wars which everybody knew would never happen.” – Enoch Powell

“I thought of calling it “information”, but the word was overly used, so Von Neumann told me, “You should call it entropy, nobody knows what entropy really is. So in a debate you will always have the advantage.”

Von Neumann to Shannon, father of Information Theory.

 ‘Heat cannot pass spontaneously from a body of lower temperature to a body of higher temperature.’

Rudolf Clausius, 1850,first enunciation of the 2nd law of thermodynamics, original wording.

2nd law

Heat. ‘Heat is energy that is transferred from one body to another as the result of a difference in temperature. If two bodies at different temperatures are brought together energy is transferred – i.e. heat flows – from the hotter body to the colder. The effect of this transfer of energy is an increase in the temperature of the colder body and a decrease in the temperature of the hotter body’. 

Britannica, 1st paragraph, article on ‘Heat’, Macropaedia; Volume 8, page 701

We are just a mush in the surface of a rock lost in the corner of the Universe, departing of those facts we can talk about man’ Schopenhauer, father of modern philosophy.

Let us now consider objectively with the laws of known-known science the astounding hoax that made Mr. Hawking the hero of… Hollywood first, and then of popular science… fiction. The ‘bright’ idea that the arrow of time switches to the past in black holes so baby black holes do NOT like all baby-born species grow much faster in their youth, evaporating us, but alas! because they travel to the past by unknown ‘metaphysical methods’, they should evaporate, which is like saying that you would evaporate into the womb of your mother after birth, perhaps disillusioned by the absurd world you were brought in.

Fact is all species, including black holes are born exceedingly small. Yet as all seminal seeds of the Universe, they have a huge metabolic rate of growth (signified by its high temperature) and so according to the laws of thermodynamics, they ‘evaporate’ the cold surrounding world they are born into, ‘feeding’ on our matter.


‘Science should only occupy on events of which we have experience’ .  ‘Two things I consider infinite, the Universe and the stupidity of man.’ Einstein

‘It shall be born exceedingly small and hot. It will rapidly become vast. It will respect no created thing, rather will by its power, transform every thing into its own nature’ Leonardo, prophecies

2 simple genius who revered truth and experience.

Let us then explain simple how black holes are born ‘exceedingly small and hot’ as fire does, to grow very fast, transforming all into its own nature, due to its enormous thermodynamic activity (hot temperature) cooling down as they ‘evaporate’ the Universe that surrounds it.

This is the simple, not malicious view on black holes, coming out of Einstein’s EFE equations, which Mr. Hawking, an ambitious, malicious, complicated lad, tinkered with,  inverting his equations by changing ‘ad hoc’ its arrow of time, and alas! found that instead of growing fast as all new-borns do, with higher metabolic rates, the top predator species of the Universe seems to get afraid of existence and ‘puff’… evaporate.

LOL.. Magic…

The hard facts of known-known science.  

The fate of humanity, a childish species, who feels entitled to defy the laws of the Universe with wishful thinking, depends on this formula:

M_H \leq \frac{\hbar c^3}{8 \pi G k_B T_u} \;(1)

As the formula is filled with Universal Constants, and only two variables we shall write it in a simplified manner as:

±ΔMass ≤ Konstant/±ΔTemperature.

Or easier to Understand moving Temperature to the other side:

±ΔMass  x  ±ΔTemperature  = Constant.

Simple, isn’t? It is the formula that defines the changes in temperature and mass of black holes.

We know both can change but in which direction? If the black hole mass  increases, temperature must diminish for the product to remain constant. If the black hole mass diminishes, then temperature must increase for the product to remain constant.

Two choices. Why we care? well, as it happens your life depends on it.

More exactly on the choice of ± signs of that equation.

If we write:

-∇ Mass  X +Δ Temperature = Constant…

You live, as the black holes the LHC will make in 2015, when it works at full potency, will increase temperature, getting hotter and diminishing mass, evaporating.

If we write:

+Δ Mass  x -∇ Temperature = Constant, then you die.

As black holes will cool down, transferring heat to the surrounding planet, evaporating us into a cosmic explosion, a Nova.

Never a symbol mattered so much to mankind. So who or what chooses those symbols? That is the conundrum. (2)

The ‘what’, the Universe and its scientific laws have chosen the Symbol of your death.

The ‘who’, Mr. Hawking and his laws of ‘imaginary time’, have arbitrarily decided the Universe is wrong and the black hole will evaporate, because he decided to change the right symbol of Thermodynamics that tells us the hot black hole cools down (-∇ Temperature) and grows in +Δ Mass… because that was so obvious that would not ‘provoke’ the establishment, and get people to talk outrageously about him ‘a la Trump’.

It was, let’s put it this way; his way to provoke, and he indeed did – everybody had a laugh at him, and dismissed his paper as yet ‘another fake’ of the oldest type of scientific hoax – an eternally moving machine, which every ignorant in the XIX century tried to construct, getting heat passing from a cold reservoir of water to a hot one, to produce more steam ‘for free’… That lunacy was so obviously wrong, that fed up with the prank, every patent office of planet Earth issued a directory asking their workers (including Einstein, then at the patent office in Switzerland) to dismiss directly any ‘eternal moving machine based in the wrong arrow of thermodynamics’ without looking at it. 

Indeed, any ultra-hot object as a black hole, born in a cold environment as the Earth is, according to the laws of entropy cools down and transfers heat to the environment, evaporating us. And this is what we see in the Universe happening, always, when a black hole is born. It cools down and evaporates its surroundings into a big explosion, a Nova.

Since the Universe and his fundamental laws, the Laws of entropy always choose the evaporation of the cold environment in which the black hole is born…

When you take an iron rod from the oven and put it in cold water, the water evaporates and the iron cools down, ALWAYS. And in the Universe whenever we see the birth of an ultra-hot black hole it evaporates its surrounding electromagnetic world (us) and gets colder, ALWAYS, till it reaches as a mature huge black hole a thrermodynamic balance with the cold vacuum that surrounds it.

In this principle, that heat moves from the hot source to the cold one, are based all the laws of thermodynamics, all the machines of the planet. If this principle would not exist you could made a machine of eternal motion, the biggest hoax of science. There is NOT a single exception to the laws of Thermodynamics in the Universe. Everything in science is based in this law.

But then a child of thought, with utter disregard of the known-known laws of the Universe, has chosen the other symbols:

-∇ Mass  X  + Δ Temperature = Constant…

It is Hawking’s formula of evaporation of black holes…that defies all the laws of entropy, all the laws of time, all the laws of Einstein and all the laws of the 5th dimension, the expansion of Einstein’s relativity that I study.

And that is the problem.

What the equation means is easy to understand:

Hawking affirms that black holes do exactly the opposite that all other entities of the Universe:

They are born very hot, the hottest objects of the Universe (in this we all agree), but then instead of cooling down in our cool Universe, burning us into hell, they will ‘magically’ absorb heat from the cold environment (+Δ), getting even hotter, breaking all the laws of entropy!

It is like if you throw a flame into water and the flame would get hotter and the water would become ice!

It is like if you get a cup of hot coffee and the cup keeps getting hotter ‘evaporating’, while it freezes your hand!

This has never happened and the mere idea was for very long in science a laughing matter. Since the laws of entropy are crystal clear. When a hot system is put by the side of a cold system, temperature moves from the hot system that cools (in this case the black hole) to the cold one that heats and evaporates.

The Hawkific method vs. the Scientific method of truth.

‘I don’t know how the mind of Hawking works, I am not a psychiatrist’ Susskind

How does the mind of Hawking work to achieve to its conclusions, was well explained by his friend Penrose, talking of his stubbornness, when he ‘reaches’ an ‘intuitive conclusion’ that he will defend then against all odds without ever giving up.

To such ‘intuitive’ decisions to which he attaches an emotional proprietary sense, he immediately ads complicated arguments, rather pedantic and obscure that soon hide the denial of a basic law of nature, which started the argument in first place.

We should object to such non-scientific approach that ignores the ‘simplicity of the non malicious Universe’ (Einstein) which is imposed by the fact science has a HIERARCHY OF LAWS based in experimental proof, generality and simplify – so the simplest laws, with more application, boring as they might seem stand above any complicated local phenomena – in this case thermodynamics’ second law stands above a ‘possible complicated exception’ in a local phenomena with no experimental proof – namely the evaporation of black holes.

If you study movement a ‘small’ event with no proof CANNOT destroy a basic law of mechanics and gravitation. So happens with Thermodynamics. And yet Hawking dare to challenge them both.

This is LIKE THE ABC of science: if you find let us say, a small, local perturbation in the orbit of Jupiter IS NOT because the general laws of gravitation are wrong but because there is a satellite. This is how the external large planets (Uranus, Pluto) were found on small perturbations in Neptune.

Hawking doesn’t understand this basic truth of the scientific method, when he shunned off this simple principles – due likely to pure egocy.

Indeed, there are the flaws of his character: childish arrogance; despise of philosophers of science whose rank is above physics because they impose the laws of truth; quips to other scientists trying always to come on top, protected by their disability, which we shall comment latter in his obituary/biography.

All those elements, which others have, however only in Hawking seems to interfere with his scientific discourse.

He does have an astounding ego and as a mathematician, he likely felt offended by Einstein’s quip: I know when mathematics are truth but not when they are real. And certainly shuns off Godel’s proof that mathematics need experience to be real.

So to offset a known-known proved experimental law like the second law of entropy, just described which he breaks hands on and knows he is breaking, he will just bring once and again very complicated accessory mathematical arguments as if they could validate the breaking of a basically physical laws.

All this NOBODY would have ever tolerated to any scientist, merely throw him to the bin as they did with Hawking’s evaporation of black holes back to the past, in imaginary time breaking the laws of entropy first… till the celebrity circus let him do anything.

A few excepts of those methods from his book on ‘space-time’ shows the whole procedure:

One might worry that the Generalized Second Law of Thermodynamics would be violated when the black holes annihilated because the black hole horizon area would have disappeared.

However it turns out that the area of the acceleration horizon in the Ernst solution is reduced from the area it would have if there were no pair creation. This is a rather delicate calculation because the area of the acceleration horizon is infinite in both cases. Nevertheless there is a well defined sense in which their difference is finite and equal to the black hole horizon area plus the difference in the action of the solutions with and without pair creation. This can be understood as saying that pair creation is a zero energy.”

We all understand the negrita sentence – he is breaking the law that heats moves from hot to cold. And as a consequence he breaks the quantum law of conservation of information and the basic laws of relativity and Einstein’s view of black holes as frozen stars with a cut off substance, which makes the whole issue of discussing ‘black hole evaporation’, and singularity big bangs absurd.

But then he gives us a second paragraph of mumble-rumble complicated mathematical arguments that for him only among any serious scientist can offset the law of entropy because it is ‘complicated’ enough.

He then accepts defeat but then boldly denies the entire scientific method (this method of moving humbly into reality and quipping back is also hiss trade mark):

“It turns out to be very difficult to devise a theory to describe the universe all in one go. Instead, we break the problem up into bits and invent a number of partial theories. Each of these partial theories describes and predicts a certain limited class of observations, neglecting the effects of other quantities, or representing them by simple sets of numbers. It may be that this approach is completely wrong. If everything in the universe depends on everything else in a fundamental way, it might be impossible to get close to a full solution by investigating parts of the problem in isolation.”

So alas, he says he knows his evaporation is wrong but nevertheless we are going to make the small non proved detail I imagine bigger than the whole set of thermodynamic laws.

And when he is cornered he just makes a joke:

“One could imagine that particles and information could fall into these holes and get lost. Maybe that is where all those odd socks went.”

So Hawking insisted for decades with an obsessive mind and charm. When a black hole is born, hotter than the environment, instead of evaporating the environment as any hot object does, it will become hotter and evaporate!

How he figures the black hole does that? Well it can’t according to the laws of time and entropy. So alas! He figured out that the black hole travels back into the past instead of traveling to the future. And that is why it evaporates. It is like if a baby will travel back into the past and enter the womb of the mother evaporating. Easy.

Indeed, he also muses after that astounding discovery that he could enter a black hole and come into the past and kill his grand-father. Seriously.

How he calls this weird type of time that goes backwards? Hold on to your seat (:

‘Imaginary time’… Seriously )-:, 0-:

This is Hawking in a nutshell. The rest is all ‘celebrity’ noise.

And that is why we are worried, very worried. Of course it would be easier to believe the fairy tale of time travel, imaginary time, the end of entropy laws, a machine of perpetual motion… I wouldn’t mind to believe all that if my life didn’t depend on it.

Indeed, on such musings hang the life of mankind. Our destiny depends on an ± symbol. It is worth to repeat it:

-∇ Mass  x  +Δ Temperature = Constant

Defines ‘imaginary black holes’ that break the laws of entropy and will get hotter. Then for all the constants of the Universe to remain constant their mass must diminish and balance the increase of heat. And you will live.

But the Universe has never done this choice.

On the contrary the Temperature of a hot mass always diminishes in a cold environment.

So mass always increases. Let us then respect the laws of the Universe, proved ad nauseam in all systems and write instead the symbols right:

+Δ Mass  x -∇ Temperature= Constant.

The hot black hole as all the systems of the Universe will decrease its temperature as it is born much hotter than our Universe, and so the heat will be transferred to our electromagnetic world and evaporate it, and the black hole will absorb it as energy in its event horizon collapsing that energy into  mass at the speed of light: M=E/c²

This is what Einstein say, what we observe in the Universe, what every black hole born in that Universe proofs:

The black hole is born very hot, evaporates the surroundings and absorbs it, exploding the world into a Nova at the speed of light. So we will die in a few seconds. Simple, straight forwards maths that a kid in high school could understand. So the risks of creating a small black hole on Earth keep mounting. Why then are we doing it? Why we are provoking a potential genocide  by denying the laws of science? Obviously it cannot be because of science, but for all the spurious, wrong, unscientific causes of our civilization that now we shall explore.

The error of Hawking is like the tale of the emperor’s naked clothes. One day an emperor forgot to dress and went into a parade. And none would say anything till a child pointed out that the emperor was naked. His errors are so evident and absurd that nobody dares to contradict him. But the emperor walks naked and black holes will cool down and swallow the Earth if they are born at LHC.

And yet the entire situation is so absurd that nobody will shout, ‘cover the emperor’s with decent cloths’. The emperor and Mr. Hawking have been invested with too much authority for any one except a child, a madman or a genius, 3 characters often compared, to point out the error without fear of making fools of themselves.

What for? He would have then attack ad hominem, a basic feature of all the ‘creationist physicists’ of the ‘singularity age’ latter explained in detail in their attack to Einstein, Bohm, Broglie, etc.

The PROBLEM of all black hole and Big Bang singularity… mumble

is more of the same we shall say – an absurd mathematical expansion backwards in time of something we cannot even see here. NOBODY in any other science uses those mathematical creationist views that experimental evidence breaks because we want to keep doing mathematics. I.e. consider a frequency sound coming from a source, a bat, for example, if we were to return ad infinite the frequency observed with a long wavelength at a point of the air, we would reach a singularity of infinite frequency but THERE IS ALWAYS A CAUSE, A SOURCE of that wavelength, so when we reach the BAT frequency no longer increases. It is the real source.

What all THOSE BLACK HOLE EVAPORATION ARGUMENTS LOOSE IS THE FUNDAMENTAL TRUTH of science: a cause. If there is NOT matter, not a frozen start of top quarks as Einstein wanted at the origin of the gravitational FORCE of the black hole THERE IS NO CAUSE FOR GRAVITATION. Where it comes from the awesome gravitational force of the black hole, if mass does NOT exist? if there is not as Einstein wanted a cut-off substance, which can only be the top quarks that CERN will do in increasing quantities as the decay product of Higgs, to produce it?

Mathematicians like Hawking who shun off the basis of the experimental method and the physical real nature of Nature, don’t care. For them bats do NOT exist, their sound frequency is infinite. And the source is the bat ‘hole’.

But things get worse and worse when he is cornered by reality, it becomes really painful to read, as he then takes the authority of others – specially that of Einstein, lying all the way down, but shrewdly saying what he says is ‘General Relativity’. For example, when acknowledging the whole thing of bringing effects without limit towards an infinite past to get the ‘singularity of the big bang’, which Einstein vehemently protested, he said is canonical in Einstein’s work!:

“Cosmology can not predict anything about the universe unless it makes some assumption about the initial conditions. Without such an assumption, all one can say is that things are as they are now because they were as they were at an earlier stage. Yet many people believe that science should be concerned only with the local laws which govern how the universe evolves in time. They would feel that the boundary conditions for the universe that determine how the universe began were a question for metaphysics or religion rather than science.
The situation was made worse by the theorems that Roger and I proved. These showed that according to general relativity there should be a singularity in our past. At this singularity the field equations could not be defined. Thus classical general relativity brings about its own downfall: it predicts that it can’t predict the universe. Although many people welcomed this conclusion, it has always profoundly disturbed me. If the laws of physics could break down at the begining of the universe, why couldn’t they break down any where.”

This is false. The laws of science don’t break down in the singularity BECAUSE THERE IS NO SINGULARITY. And IT IS NOT expected in Relativity to exist SINGULARITIES:  It is ONLY because they are moving backwards equations BEYOND the very same initial conditions that are REAL – in the case of a black hole a frozen star of dense quarks that cause gravitation…  and soon we shall explain how Einstein reacted to a bunch of people, driven to deny him which on top wanted his acquiescence. At the end he just got lonely overwhelmed by all the dwarfs biting his legs and expecting him ‘to like them’. But he quipped: ‘Since mathematicians are working in relativity, I don’t understand it myself’ ).

Now; so the reader doesn’t think I am biased, fact is almost every cosmologist knows the ascientificism of the big-bang and black hole singularities – the core ‘belief’ that impulses CERN and cosmology, ever since the ‘capital sin’ of egocy (ego+idiocy) of physicists, who decided to substitute religion and what is worst, philosophy of science and epistemology of truth with his equations, even at the cost of breaking the very essence of science; we shall bring here from Quora, an interesting site which doesn’t abandon scientific rigor, but tries to explain things easy, the most upvoted=liked answer to the question, ‘Do singularities exist?’, as it pretty well resumes in very simple terms the core of it.
The place is good to check ‘common sense’ as people are free to think with the authority of reason not the reason of authority.
 Creationist ego trips of physics running high since Bohr, are the ultimate reason that we might die courtesy of CERN. This I want to stress as a serious scientist: if we do it won’t be for the sake of science but for the sake of a machine and a bunch of ‘lunatics’ that indeed, think as Bohr did – ‘the moon becomes real when I look at it’ Realism and organicism ARE the dominant trends today in science, since machines turn out in robotics to be just evolving metal-organisms, and the realist model of quantum physics the Einstein->De Broglie->Bohm model keeps gathering proofs. It couldnt be otherwise.
 So let us put some realist common sense on those equations, courtesy of quora:

The PROBLEM of all black hole and Big Bang singularity… mumble

is more of the same we shall say – an absurd mathematical expansion backwards in time of something we cannot even see here. NOBODY in any other science uses those mathematical creationist views that experimental evidence breaks because we want to keep doing mathematics. I.e. consider a frequency sound coming from a source, a bat, for example, if we were to return ad infinite the frequency observed with a long wavelength at a point of the air, we would reach a singularity of infinite frequency but THERE IS ALWAYS A CAUSE, A SOURCE of that wavelength, so when we reach the BAT frequency no longer increases. It is the real source.

What all THOSE BLACK HOLE EVAPORATION ARGUMENTS LOOSE IS THE FUNDAMENTAL TRUTH of science: a cause. If there is NOT matter, not a frozen start of top quarks as Einstein wanted at the origin of the gravitational FORCE of the black hole THERE IS NO CAUSE FOR GRAVITATION. Where it comes from the awesome gravitational force of the black hole, if mass does NOT exist? if there is not as Einstein wanted a cut-off substance, which can only be the top quarks that CERN will do in increasing quantities as the decay product of Higgs, to produce it?

Mathematicians like Hawking who shun off the basis of the experimental method and the physical real nature of Nature, don’t care. For them bats do NOT exist, their sound frequency is infinite. And the source is the bat ‘hole’.

But things get worse and worse when he is cornered by reality, it becomes really painful to read, as he then takes the authority of others – specially that of Einstein, lying all the way down, but shrewdly saying what he says is ‘General Relativity’. For example, when acknowledging the whole thing of bringing effects without limit towards an infinite past to get the ‘singularity of the big bang’, which Einstein vehemently protested, he said is canonical in Einstein’s work!:

“Cosmology can not predict anything about the universe unless it makes some assumption about the initial conditions. Without such an assumption, all one can say is that things are as they are now because they were as they were at an earlier stage. Yet many people believe that science should be concerned only with the local laws which govern how the universe evolves in time. They would feel that the boundary conditions for the universe that determine how the universe began were a question for metaphysics or religion rather than science.
The situation was made worse by the theorems that Roger and I proved. These showed that according to general relativity there should be a singularity in our past. At this singularity the field equations could not be defined. Thus classical general relativity brings about its own downfall: it predicts that it can’t predict the universe. Although many people welcomed this conclusion, it has always profoundly disturbed me. If the laws of physics could break down at the beginning of the universe, why couldn’t they break down any where.”

This is false. The laws of science don’t break down in the singularity BECAUSE THERE IS NO SINGULARITY. And IT IS NOT expected in Relativity to exist SINGULARITIES:  It is ONLY because they are moving backwards equations BEYOND the very same initial conditions that are REAL – in the case of a black hole a frozen star of dense quarks that cause gravitation…  and soon we shall explain how Einstein reacted to a bunch of people, driven to deny him which on top wanted his acquiescence. At the end he just got lonely overwhelmed by all the dwarfs biting his legs and expecting him ‘to like them’. But he quipped: ‘Since mathematicians are working in relativity, I don’t understand it myself’ ).

Now; so the reader doesn’t think I am biased, fact is almost every cosmologist knows the ascientificism of the big-bang and black hole singularities – the core ‘belief’ that impulses CERN and cosmology, ever since the ‘capital sin’ of egocy (ego+idiocy) of physicists, who decided to substitute religion and what is worst, philosophy of science and epistemology of truth with his equations, even at the cost of breaking the very essence of science; we shall bring here from Quora, an interesting site which doesn’t abandon scientific rigor, but tries to explain things easy, the most upvoted=liked answer to the question, ‘Do singularities exist?’, as it pretty well resumes in very simple terms the core of it.
The place is good to check ‘common sense’ as people are free to think with the authority of reason not the reason of authority.
 Creationist ego trips of physics running high since Bohr, are the ultimate reason that we might die courtesy of CERN. This I want to stress as a serious scientist: if we do it won’t be for the sake of science but for the sake of a machine and a bunch of ‘lunatics’ that indeed, think as Bohr did – ‘the moon becomes real when I look at it’ Realism and organicism ARE the dominant trends today in science, since machines turn out in robotics to be just evolving metal-organisms, and the realist model of quantum physics the Einstein->De Broglie->Bohm model keeps gathering proofs. It couldn’t be otherwise.
 So let us put some realist common sense on those equations, courtesy of quora:

How do we know that singularities exist?

“We” (science) do not know that. A “singularity” — in the scientific sense of the term — is not some kind of object, it is only a fancy name invented in order to avoid saying “we don’t know what’s happening in such a place, or if it even exists.” More often than not, it is a euphemism for division by zero, as in two cases that are repeated ad nauseam:

(1) The “initial singularity” (before the “big bang”): Here, cosmologists are making the assumption that — because they have interpreted galactic redshift observations to be evidence for “space expansion,” the Universe volume must have been smaller in the past — as they extrapolate “back in time,” and as the energy/mass content must have stayed the same (conservation laws), the Universe density must keep rising as we approach the “bang.”

The equation is very simple: Universe density ρUU = mUU/VUU, where mUU = Universe mass (energy), and VUU = Universe volume.

When VUU = 0, the equation no longer represents valid math, but rather than admitting that science does not know/understand how such a situation can be physically allowed to happen, science flat out lies, and declares that “density becomes infinite” (as they say temperature does, BTW, and for the same reason). Why is this wrong? Because infinity is not a number.

(2) The “gravitational singularity” at the center of a “black hole”: Here, cosmologists and astrophysicists are making the assumption that it is possible (“because Einstein’s equations tell us it must be so”) for any mass to be compressed into oblivion (nothingness), if only sufficient pressure is applied.

Again extrapolating, at the point where the radius of the gravitational collapsing body has been compressed to zero — Bingo! Again we have division by zero, and again the error is hidden behind a “singularity”! (that is, “we” (science) have no clue as to what might really be happening, or how it happens). Science, at its best?

Another well known case where the error is accepted (where again a division by zero is said to result in “infinity”) is Einstein’s “velocity equation” (the “Lorentz factor”), as presented by Wikipedia (article List of Relativistic Equations):

γ = 1/(1–β22)1/21/2

where β = v/c and v is the relative velocity between two inertial frames. For two frames at rest, γ = 1, and increases with relative velocity between the two inertial frames. As the relative velocity approaches the speed of light, γ.

Presented as if it was a cold, mathematical fact … Here, the error is shrouded by hands waving symbols around, but it all boils down to a division by zero, as follows: when v = c, then v/c = 1, and 122 = 1, and 1–1 = 0, and since the square root of 0 = 0, then 1/0 = undefined mathematical operation (i.e., an error) …

So far, the ratio of “bad science” over good ditto is singular: 3/0. Here’s a cut from my answer to the Quora question Is the pre- Big Bang “singularity” a black hole or quantum phenomenon?:

Here is a side-by-side comparison of the first two “singularities” unveiled above (there are more differences, these are just the most obvious (all in theory, of course):

Only one “singularity” property is the same in both types (shaded green): The classical (i.e., non-quantum) volume in both is zero, which is what leads to the “singularity” assumed to be “residing at the core” of both (that is, any mass m/0 = “singularity” (bogus: “infinity” is not a number!)).

Ending — as well as answering the OP question — with a quote showing a little bit less scientific hubris:

A singularity often turns up in our equations when we extend them as far as they can go in the past; but a singularity of this sort is far from likely to be an aspect of nature, and instead should be interpreted as a sign of what we don’t yet understand.

Source: Professor Matthew Strassler, theoretical physicist at the Large Hadron Collider

It is indeed a good synopsis on how not to do science with Mr. Strassler at CERN telling us they know perfectly all what they do and say is bull$hit.

That is the astounding cynicism of this institution that we find once and again. When talking officially at CERN, they sign confidentiality statements and are told ‘to believe in black hole evaporation’; when writing papers or making comment off-record, they all recognize it is all bull$hit. Never mind they might kill all our sons till the 7th generation. The P.r.ess and politicos and judges let them do it, just not to have to deal with a bunch of bullies just because they don’t understand their maths – reason why we keep explaining it all very simple here, just in case one of our ‘leaders of the world’ really do what we pay them to do – to stop terrorist organizations from bombing the planet, but it seems they care just for small bombings, not big-bang ones. That is OK. As they say, if you murder a few you are a… murderer, if you commit genocide you are a (national) hero. Murder at distance, wholesale has always been very easy to do. We never blame those who throw A-bombs or carpet bomb thousands children and women from planes but become horrified by any gore terror movie with a guy killing a couple of kids with a chain-shaw.  Because if CERN kill us will be at distance, likely with strange dibaryon heavy quark matter falling and accumulating on the center of the Earth or fast growing black holes, we shall have no proof and no time to blame them. And that seems to be enough for the unethical and amoral researchers dare to go with his egocy of exploring reality with big explosions and fantaphysics for lack of a serious scientific upgrading of our present cosmological knowledge with THOUGHT experiments and solid epistemology.

Down the article we shall explain, how we should be dealing with realism and improve on Einstein’s cosmological work NOT denying it but expanding it with the correspondence principle.

To close the singularity theme – in that graph is all clearly written, as a theoretical proof of the most likely real event those big-bangs describe: quasar black holes exploding into big-bangs of matter, and matter collapsing into galaxies, balancing each other.

Indeed, notice that the black hole equations are the inverse of a big-bang, but both are if we discharge INFINITIES AND ZEROS as NON-real, happening in a local domain, called the galaxy where all our measures take place.

So at best we can talk of a ‘Quasar’ big-bang, which is the ‘death’ of a black hole, inverse to its BIRTH with maximal temperature, and evaporation of ITS SURROUNDINGS as it cools down and feeds on light matter.

So from birth to death, a quark star, aka black hole, shows its inverse equations as birth is indeed the opposite of death. And this happens at the local level of the Galaxy or the star or the planet that explodes in a ‘little Big Bang’…

All other hyperbolic, infinite deductions of cosmological explosions are just the egocy of physicists trying to substitute the egocy of previous creationist priests, who also thought the language of words they talked was not A MIRROR of reality but reality itself, creating it – so Allah and Yahveh were creating ‘naming things’ in Arab and Hebrew and quarreling about who was the higher Mind of God, still do… So it did Hawking and Penrose, ‘numbering reality’, and expecting all kind of things Happen that never did.

Update. February 2014. Hawking denies himself.

A very surprising event: the same emperor has shouted foul, has found hmself naked. Hawking has insisted on the line of his ‘birthday’ declarations that his ‘black hole theory was the biggest blunder of my life’.
He now considers the closest regions of black holes similar to storm eddies in which time forecast is not easy to make (:

Since ‘gravitational collapse produces apparent horizons but no event horizons behind which information is lost… Thus, like weather forecasting on Earth, information will effectively be lost, although there would be no loss of unitarity.’

Now, since Hawking’s musings about the evaporation of black holes requires the existence of an event horizon in which, due to the properties of the event horizon a virtual particle produced from the vacuum would escape the black hole resting its mass to it (while the other will fall in), Mr. Hawking finally denies his own theory, leaving CERN naked of alibis to deny the enormous risks of making those black holes at Earth.

So what the media did? Nothing.  The world has ignored the implications for CERN of such statement.
To understand in depth why we deal in other posts with the ‘secondary corners’ of our collective coffin... ‘Big Brother smiley’, the happy fictions of the media system…
The astonishing thing about Mr. Hawking’s recent dilettante musings denying the existence of event horizons – hence of black hole evaporation – as ‘the biggest blunder of his life’ (he changes sides in the debate like a magician – now there is event horizon and evaporation;   now there is none of both – perhaps thinking himself not only the new Einstein but the new Galileo (e pur si muove, e pur no muove’)  is that knowing as physicists know LHC will do black holes, NOBODY on the establishment of science has brought back the ‘theme’ of our extinction by those black holes after Hawking’s denial of Event Horizons, hence of evaporating effects.
It is like the entire subject has been ‘filed’ as a ‘dirty little secret’ by physicists, its P.R.ess and politicians and they won’t open the pandora box till it opens ‘accidentally’… Then if there is time to reflect upon this collective genocide they will all deny they knew anything about it.

Update, 28th November, 2013: Experimental evidences of hyper active small black hole keep mounting.


In the graph an artist’s illustration of the smallish black hole found in the arm of the pinwheel galaxy. Since we accept theoretically 3 scales of sizes in black holes: massive black holes at the center of galaxies, intermediate black holes produced from the collapse of giant stars around 200 times the size of the sun, and baby holes of the Hawking variety in lower ranges of mass, the intriguing question of this hyperactive, hyper-luminous black hole was its size, which scientists thought to be of the intermediate or massive range.

It turned out to be one of the lightest black holes ever found with only 20 times the size of the sun, accreting matter much faster than expected, which seems to confirm that low size baby black holes accrete much faster than big ones, as all baby species do, consuming much more energy after their ‘seminal conception’. The black hole does should be a baby born black hole in its process of growth, following the known known laws of entropy, accreting faster the hotter and smaller it is:

That is, a small black hole is far more active and accretes much faster because it does not get hotter in a cold universe, but it gets colder as it evaporates the world according to the first law.

In fact, the smallest black hole ever found is the one that provokes the highest rotational ‘winds’ in the Universe, as it was recently reported by NASA:

The Smallest black hole.

The binary star system IGR J17091-3624 may contain the smallest black hole known. Scientists discovered it by studying the heartbeat-like pattern of X-rays thought to be emitted from a disk of accreting matter around the black hole.

Credit: NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center/CI Lab.

The smallest black hole discovered to date may be less than three times the mass of our sun. This would put this little monster, officially called IGR J17091-3624, near the theoretical minimum limit needed for a black hole to be stable. As tiny as this black hole may be, it looks fierce, capable of 20 million mph winds (32 million kph) — the fastest yet observed from a stellar-mass black hole by nearly 10 times.

On the other hand, the Fermi Satellite sent in orbit to find the signature of evaporating black holes with great expectations enter its fifth year in orbit, without having found the slightest signature of black hole evaporation.

So both in the negative and positive, proofs keep mounting that baby black holes do not evaporate. On the contrary, as all systems do, black holes are born smallish and hyperactive as any species born as a small cell is, growing very fast in the first phase of his evolution. Or in less polite terms, CERN might provoke the ultimate holocaust of mankind, when they go online over 10 tev, according to the main tenants of the scientific method: sound theory and now experimental evicence.

Of course, we still lack the ultimate proof of Hawking’s error that will close from the experimental perspective any doubt about the classic entropy behavior of black holes: a black hole of lesser mass than the sun in the short time span between its birth as a micro black hole and its stable configuration reached around twice the size of the sun.  But the pattern when we plot temperature, size and speed of accretion of the known black holes clearly points out to its inverse relationship between mass and temperature-activity.

Finally, to add anothernail to the coffin, research keeps diminishing the needed energy to create micro-black holes, now clearly within the range of the upgraded LHC:

particles collide to form a black hole

‘A snapshot from a video showing two particles being slammed into each other and distorting into pancake shapes before forming a black hole.

Creating microscopic black holes using particle accelerators requires less energy than previously thought, researchers say.’

 Update. DEC. 2013, 1/150.000th chances of black hole evaporation

Swift, the other key satellite seeking for ‘gamma ray burst’ signatures of black hole evaporation has now tabulated 150.000 high energy X-ray sources in the Universe and none showed to be a black hole evaporating. 100.000 though were massive black holes, showing the galaxy to be ultimately a ‘black hole nursery’, as we have warned for decades based in our work on the 5th dimension and its application to black hole theory.

NASA’s Swift discovers 100,000 super-massive black holes, in its spare time

Swift's X-ray readings in the aggregate.When the X-Ray Telescope (XR) on board NASA’s Swift Gamma-Ray Burst Mission scans the sky, it is looking mostly to supplement the satellite’s more important instruments. As the name implies, the Gamma-Ray Burst Mission is focused mostly on the action of its gamma-ray detecting Burst Alert Telescope — the attached XRT is mostly there to view the X-ray afterglow that follows many gamma burst events. However, Swift is not an acronym but a descriptor for one of NASA’s most agile sky viewers: as its autonomous robotic platform twists to bring event after event into view, Swift’s wide-angle X-ray lens passes over large portions of the sky.

Never ones to waste perfectly good telescope time, scientists have spent more than eight years compiling and analyzing this mass of incidental data, and this week researchers from the University of Leicester released their initial findings: Swift has found almost 100,000 new major X-ray sources, and these scientists believe that most of them represent the super-massive black holes at the centers of our universe’s largest galaxies.

These come from more than 150,000 high-energy X-ray sources found, and those that aren’t black holes are under equal scrutiny by astronomers of all stripes. More transient X-ray sources than galactic cores are attributed to things like stellar flares and supernovae.

 Update 1 april. Couples of Micro-black holes grow at an accelerated rate.

Another excellent paper at Arxiv about how micro-black holes accrete matter in coupled pairs helping the growth of Giant black holes in the Universe.

The special interest of this paper – by no means the only one of an avalanche of work that rises risks (though as we know CERN and the P.R.Ess only ‘reads’ and promotes those with zero risk to their con-CERN) – is that it is canonical; that is, its coupled black holes accrete matter even though the paper accepts the canonical big bang and the canonical Hawking radiation through a non-explored before effect on the space-time foam at Planck’s level.  It does help in fact to explain why we see huge black holes in hardly any time after the ‘canonical big-bang’ by accelerating it growth.

Further on, it explores issues proper of the 5th dimension (the 4Dimensional structure of black holes’ surfaces, the interaction between the macro-scale of giant black holes and the micro-scale, the beginning of organic evolution of micro-black holes as they evolve into ‘swarms’, etc.)

And it is easy to read even if you don’t understand the maths and a few word and concepts…

Update. June, A faked black hole: analogy is NOT homology.

Screen Shot 2016-06-03 at 11.11.39

As Oliver Moody reports for The Times, Steinhauer has managed to created a lab-sized ‘black hole’ made from sound, and when he kicked it into gear, he witnessed particles steal energy from its fringes.

Reporting his experiment in a paper posted to the physics pre-press website,, Steinhauer says he cooled helium to just above absolute zero, then churned it up so fast, it formed a ‘barrier’ through which sound should not be able to pass.

“Steinhauer said he had found signs that phonons, the very small packets of energy that make up sound waves, were leaking out of his sonic black hole just as Hawking’s equations predict they should,” Moody reports.

To be clear, the results of this experiment have not yet been peer-reviewed – that’s the point of putting everything up for the public to see on They’re now being mulled over by physicists around the world, and they’re already proving controversial, but worthy of further investigation.

“The experiments are beautiful,” physicist Silke Weinfurtner from the University of Nottingham in the UK, who is running his own Earth-based experiments to try and detect Hawking radiation, told The Telegraph. “Jeff has done an amazing job, but some of the claims he makes are open to debate. This is worth discussing.”


The entire world of physicists is always at ‘it’, trying to validate Mr. Hawking’s musings on a Universe where he can ‘invent the laws of god’… just tinkering with equations. So as it has been now 40 years and counting with zero results on the evaporation of black holes, and the obvious fact all baby-born black holes grow at full speed, cooling down and devouring the world around them, call it a star, a galaxy (quasar explosions), or a planet (Fermi paradox: no intelligent contacts anywhere in the Universe), the last trend of those lesser scientists who want to ‘jump on the wagon of fame’, with Mr. Hawking is to make ‘analogs’ of black holes with fluids on Earth, pretending they are the same and then prepare a tricky form of showing the fluid vortex loosing matter, radiation, sound vibrations – whatever. And alas, then say, we have proved Mr. Hawking.

Now an analog is, again, one of the oldest tricks of the trade – perhaps after the ‘eternal moving machine’ hoax of Mr. Hawking’s imaginary black holes – the most infamous one. As you cannot adscribe scientific laws that belong to a certain system just because it ‘resembles’ another system. This is again soo obvious. You are an analog of any other animal, but that doesn’t mean you ARE identical to an insect, even if both of you have legs, bodies and heads. So your properties, food, temperature, size and behavior differs. Consider then the last case, publicized everywhere, which prompted ‘The economist’, that stalwart of the British Imperial Superiority to ask ‘again’ for a Nobel Prize for Mr. Hawking – a constant also of the P.R.ess trying to pressure the Nobel Academy to break also the main rule of science – NOT to give a prize to people who by definition do NOT do science – that is, do not study phenomena experienced in the real world. Sorry. The Swedes are at least serious with truth. So, regardless of the constant pressure of the global P.R.ess, the Nobel committee will NEVER give Mr. Hawking a prize for his time travel, perfect moving, evaporating machines. In the real Universe truth exists. In the human imaginarium anything goes to his own peril.

black hole analog?::

Click to access 1510.00621.pdf

The economist asks ‘again’ a Nobel Prize for the ‘champion’ of UK-science, because a fluid which has nothing to do with a black hole was found to emits phonons which have nothing to do with the expulsion of matter and ¥-radiation required for REAL black holes to evaporate. Indeed, a phonon can move at enough speed to scape the analogy. The point of a black hole is that at c-speed attraction NOT matter can escape, and if some does by quantum tunneling, will be statistically so insignificant compared to the one that falls in that the whole thing would not even be noticed by the massive fall of matter into the black hole

How long it will take for mankind to drop the whole absurdity of black hole evaporation, recognize the nature of baby black holes, its dangers and save their a$$es? It seems an eternity, meaning we shall go under before we accept as ‘military men’ do, defeat – the whole pride of the British empire is at stakes.

Another proof is the article quoted above, one of many coming every other year with an analog of a black hole evaporating. Problem of course is analogy is not homology, a wing of a plane is not a wing of a bird, and we cannot deduce as the first ‘geniuses’ of aviation found crashing on Earth trying to fly planes with mobile wings of birds, found. So we shall crash on such absurd analogies, as a black hole vortex of space-time is NOT a fluid.

A groupie at Teknion, Israel, who had been for decades trying to convince the world that a liquid vortex emitting phonons IS a homology, not an analogy of a black hole, absorbing energy, came this week all around the planetary news, with the usual ‘begging comments’ for the Academy to give the Nobel prize to the master of fantaphysics.

Now, homology means that a wing of a B-2 works on the same principles that a wing of a DC-9, as both are fixed, metal-wings; analogy means that a half-wit compares the wing of a bat and the wing of an artifact made of wood and cloth and tells you they are the same and work the same. This kind of ‘intelligence’ provoked dozens of deaths when ‘before’ understanding the physics of wings people threw themselves with wood attachments on the arms to fly like birds.

The problem as I explained it in the graph, is obvious: phonons can easily escape at speed well below the limit of c-speed. This is the limit of our galactic space-time and our ‘matter’. So even if Hawking were right about some quantum effect for some minimal number of virtual particles, the 99.9999% of mass around the black hole WILL keep falling, according to the most sacred principle of nature, the ‘less resistance path’, origin of the least time, Lagrangian and hamiltonian formalisms applied to all systems including quantum physics. And so the black hole unlike the phonon analog will keep growing.

It is then quite amazing to observe that due to Mr. hawking celebrity and love of the P.R.ess for science fiction, unethical physicists keep inventing for fame and P.R.ess covers those false analogs…

Real matter cannot speed up at c, to escape a black hole. So it falls… overwhelmingly. So will happen when humans do black holes thinking they are the same that a bath tub, which is what the guy at Teknion is doing.

So, the question of this article is why the press is bringing it now up all over the world just before the starting season of CERN? obviously it has been paid for by the financial muscle of the Institution. I guess to quench any fear for the ramping up this year of luminosity and density for top quark/Higgs shots to the Earth, which increase enormously the chances of a target-black hole creation.

This guy at Teknion was already there doing exactly the same 10 years ago, trying to grab headlines and share his ‘saint Nobel’ with Mr. hawking, and nobody took him seriously then. I even put him on the graphs of my book black hole factory, a decade ago…
So there is nothing new there. 
That experiment has nothing to do with a black holes, but with propaganda of CERN industry, which always pumps up P.R.ess releases before each year pump of the doomsday machine:
1) His superfluid vortices are an analogy NOT an homology.

This researcher is working with liquid, thermal vortices, NOT with gravitational ones.

Thermodynamic, temperature related matter is by definition ‘the only systems that produce entropy’, since entropy is ONLY about temperature NOT gravitation.

So here physicists compare REAL bat wings that do fly and Batman’s disguise, like a child would do, and decide out of the hat, they are the same and obey the same laws because the P.R.ess has explained us batman FLIES!! in his last Hollywood dream; and so alas we must throw all our children through the windows with batman wings – hey, we have seen them flying on the pics; that is we must throw all our children to the future black holes that sooner or latter will come out of those accelerators ever increasing their energy-mass density. But neither batman’s dress flies nor black holes evaporate. Get real please.


‘A stupid is a man without reason, one that doesn’t see the causality between events so it believes in magic causes’ Schopenhauer

‘2 things I dim infinite the stupidity of man and the Universe’ Einstein.

We are now going to be pretty sanguine with the fundamental ‘issue’ physics suffers today of which Einstein and Planck, the 2 colossus of XX c. Physics, vehemently warned us: the destruction of the scientific method and the proofs of truth in science, which are by this order of priority:

1.’ Experimental evidence’ (so Einstein would say that science should only be concerned and study phenomena that has already happened; meaning mere mathematical equations are NOT real if they have NOT happened and scientists should NOT even care to study them – as in the case of black hole evaporation a faulty mathematical equations never WITNESSED). The merit of Hawking with its astounding celebrity fame consists here in validating science-fiction and ‘creationist mathematics’ – the belief that if you write an equation, magic ‘HAPPENS’, ‘EXISTS’! This is pure ‘religious creationism’ merely changing language of creation for words in religions, when humans only spoke words to numbers. Because scientists realized doing ‘science fiction’ as Hawking does makes you more famous, he managed to break in the ‘age of bull$hit’ the fundamental a priori condition of science in physics, open the Pandora box of No knowledge. Since indeed a language is a Mirror of reality and so while reality is one, there are many slightly different mirror views. And we can argue eternally WHEN REALITY is no longer the police of truth, and always come out as mathematical physicists do these days with a different equation that should create a new particle, neutralino, axon, photino, supersymmetry particles, parallel realities, higher dimensions, and so on.

This is now the standard non-scientific method of theoretical physics and it has ONLY grown in a series of steps ‘on parallel’ to the increasing devolution of human thought, substituted more and more by digital thought (computer models and Algorithms of Information, the true meaning of A.I.)

Indeed, you can always create a ‘mathematical virtual reality’ generated by computers, feel a genius and confuse the image of the computer with the Universe. And each conflicting mirror will seem to your ego your only truth. And all the others false. ‘Only the Universe holds all the information about itself’ said Haldane. Mirrors are NOT the truth per se, and when they are NOT focused in reality they are pure religious entelechies. The entire work of Hawking and Penrose, two mathematicians NOT two physicists is a pure entelechy. So it is the entire big-bang theory as we shall soon explain, falls in this category. 

Einstein understood this and so he was always reluctant to accept the big-bang. Only when he died, the creationists had a free reign and fully imposed its theory.

2. Hilomorphism: substance. Close to experimental evidence we need an event to be real. Reality as it seems consists ultimately on MOTION, not form. That is the particles of reality are flows of motion=time-change, but motion as spiritual as it might seem IS still reality. What is NOT reality is a 0 singularity (the mathematical undefined error from where the big-bang seems to exist). Again, this is religious creationism and it should not surprise us the first proposer of the big-bang Lemaitre, was a priest, and the church immediately accepted the theory. Religion and military power were the two backers of Big Bang creationism, as from nothing only ‘God’ can create reality.

This is what Einstein asked: black holes, he said, were if real, frozen stars, and should have a substance with enough mass, which he defined as ‘an accelerated vortex of gravitational motion’ (principle of equivalence between gravitation an acceleration). And since at his time quarks, the produce of CERN and the only substance that can make up the mass-motion of those accelerated vortex of gravitation, was not known he denied them.

3. Of course once that is done, we expect at least the maths to be correct, by the proper use of symbols and signs, which shrewdly Hawking denies; choosing the sign of evaporation and not really telling us. 

How then we expect a black hole to evaporate? What Hawking evaporates it never existed, it was a mathematical entelechy with a sign error, no substance-motion and his Will as strong as it was, did NOT reach the infinite Universe, and make it real. In this, we can with some humor close this introduction to the real scientific method, NOT mathematical creationism with a quip of Einstein (he laughed after saying it, obviously, it was a joke – Hawking doesn’t laugh). When he was asked at the time his theory was going to be tested by Eddington, what if the experiment tested wrong – then maybe ‘God should change the Universe to adapt it to Relativity’…

Hawking and all those who today make ‘physics’ shunning off systematically because of his legacy of power and celebrity, are however serious about creationism. And creationism as religions show ends always badly, because once it becomes obvious it is FALSE, the creationist tries to impose his ‘religious language’ through ‘other methods’ – namely violence. This is how Islam works in Jihad: if you DON’T sponsor creationism I kill you. And this is the bottom line of Hawking’s true method with CERN: if God Doesn’t believe in black holes and make them evaporate when cern creates them, I will kill you all.

The problem with mankind though is this: in the same manner Muslims are in a growing trend under shariah law – they believe and have almost forgotten why they did in the first place (to survive); mankind believes in Hawking’s creationism, and has forgot in the first place what will happen if their belief is wrong (to die).

So what alternative there is to mathematical creationism and the destruction of cosmology as a serious science? What Einstein proposed and we shall elaborate further in those texts, ‘rational realism’ – the scientific method and its proofs of truth, which go beyond any language and work for all sciences, those who are verbal (evolution theory, history, humanities) and mathematical (physics, chemistry) and mix both and other languages (genetics) even consider visual languages (art, media): EXPERIMENTAL EVIDENCE, linguistic consistency, Ockham’s razor (simplicity, or in terms of Einstein, ONLY THOSE THINGS THAT EXIST must be used to make science, in the case of dark matter and black hole, as so far the standard MODEL only INCLUDES QUARKS and electrons, WE MUST CONSTRUCT THE UNIVERSE ONLY WITH THOSE PARTICLES, ALL OTHER THEORIES WILL NOT BE SCIENCE).

So this is what we shall explain now, closing in the final paragraphs of this post, with a NON-hagiographic, sociopathological and psychological explanations on the phenomena of Hawking.

Since even if it will irritate the polite readers, it is fair to say that the only reason black holes must evaporate is the Military-Media Complex; that is, the celebrity status of Hawking as a guru of ‘British exceptionalism’ (from Brexit to its faked geniuses) on the age of alt-truths, and the need to validate the industry of accelerators, past its usefulness during the Cold War. So we MUST debunk the concept that Mr. Hawking is something else than a celebrity guru of ‘science… fiction’, and the LHC anything but the last of the old weapons of mass destruction to study the outdated model of a big-bang Universe, superseded by the fractal models of the Universe and its scalar 5th dimension needed to explain the III age of black hole theory.

First to exposed mathematical creationism and then give you a lesson on realist physics and construct the Universe with the only particles we have in the standard method, QUARKS and electrons.  As only THAT will be sciences. Why Physicists don’t do it today, we have explained it in other posts – peer pressure, 100 years of Big Bang creationism, big science having always a new mathematical model to ‘disprove’ (yes, disprove, they try to prove it but will always be disproved because the Universe is economic and efficient) and of course huge investments-profits in new computers and new machines, which makes of it all a mechanical thing – the important thing is the machine and the computer, the lobbies of big science; then there will always be a creationist that tell us he has found a new mathematical slightly different equation and we have to invest billions to find it.


‘Shun off the work of scholars that fades with their own death’ Leonardo

The age that now begins ONLY at theoretical level, obviously required that the celebrity status of Mr. Hawking faded away with his death. And indeed, if you google his name a few months after his obituary at the Westminster abbey his star falls as fast as that of Brexiters and other ‘exceptionalist’ imperial British geniuses of a decadent empire. So now physicists are back to modeling black holes as real entities in the path of Einstein’s dictum, searching for a cut-off substance.

This age, you could say started 3 decades ago, with my first seminal works on the scalar fifth dimension and the symmetries between the 3 parts of the galaxy (the ultra-heavy halo and central dark hole, and the lighter star world in between) and the 3 families of quark mass (the ud-atoms of our light stars, the strangelet matter likely substance of the halo – Witten hypothesis, and the top quarks and BCB-heavy atoms of the top quark decuplet – bottom and charm quarks that should make heavy neutrons and heavy protons by symmetry with the strange matter decuplet… illustrated in the next graph.

Because of my opposition to CERN’s experiments on ethical grounds, this age was ‘cut-off’ in its first version, as I was attacked ad hominem a decade ago and soon lost my academic prestige and positions (at the time I was chair of duality in most international congresses of systems sciences, as that is the discipline where I developed my models of the scalar, organic Universe, with application to all sciences, explained on the section on 5D).

Well, recently in a stream of new papers, it has been proved that according to Einstein-Maxwell-Dirac equations ONLY  quark star, rotating black holes exist. Just for the reader who ‘read physics’:

Click to access 0306090.pdf

Click to access 9805050.pdf

The beauty of those 2 papers is that they prove that for a combination of Einstein + Dirac + Maxwell equations to work ONLY a rotating black hole made of Dirac particles of maximal mass and minimal size CAN exist. Which can only be a black hole made of BCT ultra dense quarks, as we have been saying for decades using our work on 5D Metric.

In this paper, they prove that there is no Schwarzschild… solution (a non rotating black hole, which is the model physicists use to establish singularities)… reason why experimentally we never found one. As THERE IS NO SINGULARITY solution (Radius > 0), compatible with the Pauli exclusion principle. And in this other paper:
arXiv:gr-qc/0306090v2 20 Jun 2003 A self consistent solution to the Einstein Maxwell Dirac Equations D. Ranganathan∗ Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, New Delhi 110016 India

For those who don’t read physics,  wikipedia has an easier article on it:

This is the KEY sentence: “Einstein–Yang–Mills–Dirac Equations provide an alternative approach to the Cyclic Universe which Penrose has recently been advocating . They also imply that the massive compact objects now classified as black holes are actually quark stars, possibly with event horizons, but without singularities.”

(Incidentally Sir Penrose received my book of 2004, ‘Time Cycles’ 2 years before publishing his of the same name, with a similar theory, based on 5D and cyclical time by way of his son Eric Penrose who was for a while an activist against CERN, doing the calculus we mention on dibaryon production, and I still have to get a recognition from his side)

So Alas! what the article basically says, giving reason to Einstein is that black holes are made of a cut off substance, top quarks and BCB ‘Dark heavy atoms’. And they have NO singularities and all the fantaphysics of imaginary mathematics, as physicists just keep writing equations on never proved entities are not consistent either with experimental evidence and the 4 most important sets of physical equations.

So non rotating black holes made of no substance, with singularities and of course imaginary black holes travellng to the past as those of Mr. Hawking’s are plain fictions.

Mr. Hawking as they say ‘is history’… But the problem is we can be history soon if we do not revise with scientific realism our view of singularities.

Since if Black holes are frozen quark stars, they will be easily made at CERN, a quark factory and they won’t evaporate because  quarks don’t evaporate.

If Einstein is right they will not evaporate, regardless of its birth as tiny ‘baby holes’, because relativity means that ‘size’ doesn’t matter, it is relative and so in Einstein’s theory black holes of any size grow exponentially. As today, we have multiple proofs that Relativity theory is truth and none of black hole evaporation. So standard science proves Black holes will swallow Earth. And new articles keep coming favoring the Dirac-Einstein-Maxwell solution.

Further on, in Haifa 2 years ago, an homologous of a black hole, a Dumb Hole made of atomic condensates, 1 million time slower, that should have evaporated producing phonons instead of photons, didn’t.

Now in science because there is only a Universe, there is only a true theory for each fact. Nevertheless each property of a physical system and each scale of its structure requires a model theory. So several theories that describe several scales of the black hole can be right. This is the essential philosophy behind the scalar Universe: each scale is made of smaller parts, and for each scale there is classic theory.

So for black holes we have String theory for the smallest Planck scale – and it says strings do not evaporate. Then we have Dirac and Maxwell equations, at the particle scale and they say particles and charges do NOT evaporate. Then we have Thermodynamics at the human scale which says that hot systems cool down in cool environment. So black holes do NOT evaporate. And we have the principle of conservation of energy and information, which would also break if Black holes evaporated. And finally at the cosmic scale we have  Relativity which also denies its evaporation.

So in all scales of physics the non evaporation of black holes is proved right. And if we add Gellmann’s ‘Totalitarian’ principle – all particles that can exist will exist, Black holes and strangelets will happen at the required energies and luminosities. We seem to be lucky enough – unless strange liquid is already sipping to the center of the Earth. But now LHC is again in a 10fold upgrtading for the 2020s so we will enter another larger risky zone.

In that sense there is NO probability that a law of science is truth or false. It CANNOT be both things at the same time. So probabilities are either 0 or 100. If Thermodynamics are truth, we shall die; if string theory is truth we shall die; if the thresholds of energy for creation of black holes and strangelets (10 Tev, bag) are truth we shall die. If Relativity, DIrac’s equation, Maxwell equations are truth, we shall die.

Many people are confused by the concept of probability. Laws of science HAVE no probabilities. They are either right or wrong. But the P.R.Ess talks always of the small probability that a catastrophe happens. This is an ‘error of layman’s knowledge’ of the meaning of science which is deterministic, and probabilities (which refers to our capacity to detect or ‘guess’ the final outcome of a deterministic process.

This probability talk shows to which extent CERN exploits shamelessly saying the ignorance of people, saying that the ‘probability’ that strangelets exists and they produce them is small. This is due to a faulty understanding of quantum physics, in which there are probabilities REGARDING our capacity to observe a certain particle. But the particle IS there, if the theory that describes it and the events that create it happened. It is also due to an error in the perception of the factor that defines the occurrence, ‘when’.

‘When’ is the only ‘statistical’ fact we might argue, as collisions must met certain conditions of precision to accumulate quarks enough to create those particles that cannot be measured except by statistics – as we know we will get a double six throwing dices ALWAYS, if we keep throwing dices, but we cannot know in which throw, ‘when’ this will happen. We know it will happen because it is a fact that there are faces with 6. Point.

When you heat with fire cold water there is NOT A PROBABILITY that might or might not get hotter. It WILL ALWAYS because the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics is truth. Point. ‘When’ it will boil, the time/quantity variable is the only question. So it is in the case of black holes/strangelets, when, the time/quantity variable depending on how many quarks we pack in those collisions, depending on how precise is the collision is the only variable we don’t know but it is NOT really a variable.

As with dices, if we had all the information about the throwing, we would know the bounces of the dice and the final position; if we knew all the information about the trajectory of each particle we would know how precise is the target collision. If we could see closer – without interference with our instruments – the quantum particle, we would see its position. We illustrate this common error of laymen regarding quantum physics, shamelessly exploited by CERN in our article on the famous case of the ‘Schrondiger’s cat’ paradox. If we repeat the experiment several times, the cat will certainly be dead.

So the when is what we can generously argue, which will increase with the ‘throwing of dices’, the number and energy of the collisions. This CERN knows. It knows it will create Strangelets and it gives CASTOR a 70% probability of detecting them. It knows it will create black holes and so it gives Hawking’s bizarre theory that denies the laws of Einstein’s relativity and thermodynamics a 100% chance as a ‘dogma of truth. Or as his Chief Theorist, Mr. Ellis put it in a recorded conference, to his ‘students’ and ‘workers’ all of them tied by confidentiality contracts ‘you must believe in Black Hole Evaporation’.


Let us then  develop the model of black holes as frozen ‘heavy quark’ stars, the way Einstein wanted, with some necessary ad ons to those papers, based in the scalar nature of the Universe, and one of the basic laws of science – hylomorphism – that is, things must be made of some ‘substance’, either a form or a motion. Since for a mathematical equation to be real it needs to be grounded in ‘real space-time’ entities. Specially if we deal with the background independent theory of relativity.

But why I affirm so firmly that black holes are quark stars? Simply, because the Universe is efficient, symmetric and scalar, and so the very essence of the galaxy and the particles found on it, which reduces to the two quark decuplets (in this LHC has been useful eliminating all the fantaphysics of supersymmetry particles, so only those quarks can form the  matter of the galaxy, as there are NOT more particles). So light quarks form our light matter, and heavy quarks,the top decuplet form dark, heavy matter. Simple isn’t? So efficiency and Occam’s razor requires that black holes are indeed heavy stars made of the heaviest known-known matter: cbt particles. The outcome of that symmetry then in the models of the scalar Universe (5th dimension of scales) is beautiful: a galaxy modeled as a superorganism symmetric in space, time and scale, where black stars are its DNA-like informative center that catalyzes the reproduction of our stars, and the hard, lineal strangelets, its ‘halo’, a protein-like membrane that limits the galaxy – and we in-between I am afraid if nobody remedies it, the ‘ribosome-like stars and planets’ that reproduce them:

Screen Shot 2016-05-16 at 18.26.57

In the graph, Galaxies are fractals of stars and dark, quark matter built with 3 topologies: a reproductive body of stars, sandwiched between an informative nucleus of black holes and an external halo of dark matter, probably strangelets and other dense stars. The closest self-similarity in our world scale is a cell and in the quantum scale an atom.

In the graph, the beautiful symmetry between the 3 parts of the galaxy at macrocosmic level (ultra dense black hole center, made of ultra dense top quarks (Einstein’s hypothesis), dense dark matter halo made of strangelets (Witten’s Hypothesis) and intermediate ‘light matter’, our weaker world of ud-quarks; shows an efficient, economic, simple, symmetric, REAL universe, in synthony with all the known-known laws of science, in correspondence with the work of Mr. Einstein, who rightly demanded according to the experimental method the existence of a ‘substance’ of the density of black holes to make them possible. After his death we found the top quark, whose toplet ttt++ should form under the awesome pressures of the black hole center a boson substance surrounded by bc ‘dark matter’ atoms, to form a frozen star, akin to the ‘slightly’ less dense pulsar configuration we just recently have cracked with the heaviest quark of the strange decuplet in its center, which produces in its catastrophic explosions and ejections of matter, heavy atoms, from gold to uranium… Alas, the problem with those models is that they are real and you can’t play God with its equations, nor certainly evaporate heavy quarks increasingly produced at LHC experiments, as they are the by-product of all the reactions concerning the Higgs; so to explore the Higgs is tantamount to produce copious amounts of top quarks, and bcb atoms, the likely substances of REAL frozen stars, aka black holes.

In the graph, black holes are frozen stars of the top matter decuplet by symmetry with the atoms and stars of our light galactic plane. Then by parallelism with light stars, we differentiate two species of black stars that are also found in Nature:

Tthose which are like our light stars made of  udd atoms, which would be made of dark bcb atoms of much larger densities, but similar properties. They would be the smaller black holes that transform the matter of a light star into bcb neutral atoms without charge. And those who are cosmic black holes, much larger, in the center of the galaxy which become the informative DNA of the galaxy (Maldacena conjecture: the surface of a cosmic BH in 5D maps out as a ‘homunculus mind does with your body’ or the ‘DNA’ with the information of the cell, the entire information of the galaxy in 4D). They are the equivalent of our neutron=strange stars, which have a core of negatively charged strangelet matter that make them turn almost at light speed and produce a hyperstrong magnetic field.

The top quark black hole then will have a ‘core of positively charged top quarks’ which will eject a huge stream jet of ‘negative mass’ neutrinos (likely tachyon strings as the weak angle of a neutrino is the size of a Planck string, 10ˆ-33 and many have been found to have negative mass, hence hyperluminal speeds – more on this latter… Those top quark huge black holes in the center of the galaxy then should  power the faster than c, z=10c motion observed as radiation and mass jets coming out of the center of many  galaxies.

We shall then make a thorough correction of the ‘creationist theory’ of black holes as infinite singularities (Oppenheimer->Wheeler->Penrose and Hawking) and go back to the basic, realist symmetric, fractal Universe of the graph. Since there are two decuplets of matter, belonging to the quantum and cosmological scale, and two type of atoms and two type of stars…


In the graph, philosophers of science have argued for very long that a ‘creationist’ theory, based only in language might be a nice fiction, a beautiful consistent language but they tend not to be truth, specially when they deal with ‘infinities’ – God, the absolute, the whole Universe, and infinitesimal point, etc.

Since when we merely use creationist theories that isolate the language, as in the third age of any ‘linguistic science’, or person, there is an excess of form, unconnected to reality. This is the case of black hole evaporation or supersymmetry, proved wrong at CERN. Since the simple energy and geometry of reality imposes limits to the excessive ‘forms’ of pure language, by essence inflationary, as a ‘mirror of reality’ with multiple ‘reflected images’. Those errors were classified already by Kant as paralogic errors of the mind.

Kant, being with Schopenhauer, a favorite of Einstein (and myself), who read them as a teenager, prompted him to say ‘I know when maths are truth=consistent but not real=describing a real physical fact.

Epistemology vs. The Egocy paradox and the plague of creationism.
Creationist mathematics as creationist religion is ultimately based in some ‘ugly’ principles – the ego paradox of both physicists and priests who want to talk in exclusive mode the supposed single language of man; and their lack of intelligence so well described by Schopenhauer’s definition of ‘stupidity’, which in the paradoxical humor of the Universe makes precisely the most ignorant to think they are the most intelligent and is the origin of ‘magic thought’, which is how we should classify both creationisms.
Regarding languages, there are infinite ‘mind-mirrors’ or ‘monads’ that gauge information from its biased perspective, which means that the relationship between languages and the order of reality is a back and forth ‘local’ process: the mind gauges information and then organizes its territorial ‘body’, mirroring its languages on reality. Maths are likely in topological, geometric form the ‘mind of atoms’, and so its laws of order are all pervading. Words are the ‘mind of humans’ and so in History the legal and ethic order trying to construct a superorganism of history, religion, nation or civilization is al, pervading.

So creationism is just a simplified, ‘one-way’ version of complex organicism and the interrelation between ‘still languages’ that mirror into a small virtual spatial form, the moving cycles of all beings. And this perhaps Aristotle and Leibniz understood better than any scientist does today: ‘Gods are unmoved points that order the energy around them’ . Whereas those unmoved ‘fractal points’ that gauge information are Leibniz’s monads: ‘every (fractal, Non-Euclidean) point holds a world within itself’. And energy the substance of the body waves they order.


ALL THIS MEANS basically, that singularity theories are pseudo-science, and that includes both, black hole evaporation and its ‘reverse’ equations of the big-bang. Because they respond to the ‘egocy’ paradox of human scientists that confuse the capacity of a language as a synoptic mirror of reality to reflect that reality and even forecast in its reduced synoptic logic, the deterministic future of the motions and ‘life-death cycles’ of a species (either with mathematics or verbal evolutionary theories), with its capacity to create reality with FICTIONS natural to all languages. So as Einstein put it ‘I know when mathematics are logic truths but not when they are real’. Reason why the ‘scientist’ should only be concerned with facts that have been proved experimentally, which do NOT include the equations of black hole evaporation and the equations of the big-bang, as we shall show now in a bit of more detail (keeping the bulk of the proof for our cosmological models on the section of 5D with its alternative, fractal, organic, immortal Universe).

But to start with we must consider what is the basic ‘epistemological error’ from where all those ‘entropic theories of lineal big-bangs and black hole evaporation’ depart – from the misunderstanding of time as a single lineal mathematical ‘cartesian graph’ arrow; when all time clocks are cyclical:

Let us then start by describing the biggest blunder mankind has committed in the realm of knowledge: to simplify the nature of cycles of time-space into lineal durations, to measure best the locomotions of cannonballs.

time cycles

Physicists uncoiled time-frequency, into lineal time, T=1/ƒ BY WRITING THE INVERSE equation…


-The information ‘stored’ in the ‘form’ and ‘frequency’ of those cycles.

-The understanding of ‘broken vital spacetimes, as each full closed cycle  reads reality into an inner and outer region, inside and outside the ‘simple knot’, or geometric definition of a cycle (Jordan’s first knot theorem). So by the mere fact of being in a universe made of infinite repetitive ‘conserved time clocks’, we obtain a broken space-time.

How does a Universe of infinite time clocks of different size and speed relates to the present Universe in which all time clocks are equalized to the mechanical, clocks of metal-information, which were invented in the Middle Ages in Italy, and became the ONLY CLOCK-TIME OF THE UNIVERSE, once elongated into a lineal ‘second-minute-hour-day-year’ system of equalized time clocks (of light waves, mechanical clocks, earth’s astronomical clocks).

Further on because time IS motion, the final substance of reality IS motions in time, and this makes REPRODUCTION, the essence of a fractal a dynamic natural CONSEQUENCE of this first ‘motion-substance’: by the mere fact of repeating a time clock-like cycle INFORMATION REPRODUCES. So there is no mystery to the process of reproduction, as reproduction occurs by MOTION. And so all those elements -repetitive patterns we call laws of science, the existence of broken vital spaces enclosed by angular momentums and moving membranes performing cyclical clocks that store and reproduce information, and the fractal structure of all of it, WHICH ARE THE ESSENTIAL WHYs of reality, became hidden by the simple concept of an absolute lineal ‘humind’ second unit of space-time.

Humanity is still in that primitive concept of a single time.

Since Einstein  just added to that XVI c. equation, V=s/T,  a ct corrector factor, but in essence he left the concept of single lineal time unchanged, despite recognizing it was a convention that must change.

What physicists mostly do then is the study of ‘open locomotions’, translations in space, through ‘lineal inertia, or scattered, entropic paths’, of objects that move; AND WHAT they care about TO QUANTIFY in terms of ‘RODS OF MEASURE’ that speed of translation in open space, is of course part of time=motion=change studies but far less important than the qualities of ‘closed time paths of frequency and form, of information’ we shall study here.

In the graph, left side,  ‘ðime’ clocks that measure the rhythms of reproduction=repetition and change=evolution of the Universe are always cyclical ‘r=evolutions’.

So while humans obviously are aware of the existence of cyclical patterns of nature, because they have abandoned the proper concept of cyclical ðime changes, and its second dimension of form, of information, they cannot fully grasp the fundamental principles of the Universe: its cycles of ðime§pace, its scales of ðime speeds as §pace size (ab. ∆±i), and the ‘mind-mirrors and languages’ of information that allow systems to measure them, and interact with other beings in ðime§pace.

The concept of cyclical ðimes is not new. On the contrary, as it is evident in the left picture that all ðime clocks are cyclical, repetitive; the true mystery is how humans are so ‘dumb’, as to deny it in the modern age. Since all Asian cultures, and all western cultures till Galileo, did believe in cyclical ðimes. The word in fact still lingers in the names of our newspapers: ‘The New York Times’, ‘The Times of London’.

Moreover science would not exist if ðimes were not cyclical as ‘scientific laws’ are merely the repetition in ðime of patterns of behavior and causality.

Each clock creates a discontinuous space-time, whose cyclical perimeter of in-form-ation encloses a piece of energetic space breaking reality into ∞ formal patterns; different time cycles with specific forms and frequencies. Thus the use of a single human clock that equalizes all of them misses 2 features of each of those time cycles:
– Its specific forms of in-form-ation in space, which gives birth to the main topological laws and Isomorphisms of the 5th Dimension (I).
– Its different speeds or frequencies. Since cyclical time is measured not by duration but by frequency, its inverse function: ƒ(t)=1/T.

All these truths unfortunately are hidden in the ðime equations of modern physics, so good for calculus so bad for interpretation, which need to be translated into cyclical ðime, measured by frequency (T=1/ƒ) and streamlined with a new jargon appropriate for a dual Universe, as opposed to the simplex jargon of classic absolute ðime§pace physics, that lingers in all sciences and drags its understanding.

In the left physical cycles, planetary orbits, which we humans use to measure ðime in all our ‘clocks’, which are also cyclical. People are hardly aware of this fact, since they tend not to use the ‘parameter’ of cyclical ðime, which is ‘frequency’, but its inverse, lineal duration: ƒ=1/t.

The formulae are simplified in this manner. Since ‘frequency ðime’ is discontinuous and so difficult to ‘integrate’. So physicists prefer to uncoil, frequencies into Lineal Time.

For example the ‘revolutions per minute of a car wheel’, multiplied by its perimeter give us the ‘distance’: λ x v = S. And besides in this manner we achieve more information, as we get the duration and form of in-form-ation of each cycle (λ) and its frequency, v.

So instead of using V=s/t, V=wave length x Frequency gives the information on the frequency and shape of the cyclic steps of the motion.

But if you just want to know the total length of along ðime period, you use Lineal Time durations and so you don’t need to sum all those cycles to get the lineal speed: V=s/t.

In the left graph, we can see that all physical systems, and all its ðime cycles return to its origin, creating a circle, but physicists uncoiled them and put all those revolutions one after another creating the concept of Lineal ðime – an artifact of measure, and further on equalized all the different clocks of the Universe, all the different cyclical actions of its species with a single mechanical ‘ðime clock’ elongated into an infinite duration.

And we shall return to it, when using cyclical time to define and upgrade physical equations, with new insights on its whys, thanks to the ‘inverse arrow of time’ cyclical frequency, ð(ƒ)=1/T-duration.

Since the enormous deformation of reality caused by the ‘belief’ that there is a single time-space continuum, a single ‘human clock’ measuring it all with a second and a single space-rod, also the human visual light spacetime measuring it all with a c-speed is obviously wrong and keeps producing conceptual errors, camouflaged by the fact the equations ‘work’ in both systems, either as ƒrequency of cycles or a lineal speed sum of the trajectories of those cycles. What we miss of course is all the inner information of the cycles.

Frequency time, broken time cycles, infinite of them, are novel concepts hidden for so long by the lineal deformation of the cartesian graph, canonized by Newton that not even the quantum revolution of ‘broken space’ and the Revolution of relativity that saw multiple time regions in the Universe, and many insights that came after on the cyclical nature of time clocks, and the SYMMETRY BETWEEN THE MOTION TO THE FUTURE (OR LIFE, informative arrow) and the motion to the past (or entropy arrow), has been ‘enough’ for mankind to understand the cyclical nature of time and all the amazing results derived from it. Since ALL MOTIONS OF TIME TOWARDS THE FUTURE OF HIGHER INFORMATION ARE FOLLOWED BY THE REVERSAL ARROW OF TIME TO THE PAST OF ENTROPIC DEATH – BUT ALL THOSE TIME CYCLES ARE LOCAL, diffeomorphic, so there is no paradox on traveling to the past, simply speaking, we talk of two inverse arrows of time, loosely understood as the arrow of life and the arrow of death, but specific of each species.

I.e. in electromagnetic waves we shall talk of the advanced collapsing wave and the retarded expansive wave; in local particles of the particle towards the future and the antiparticle or death of the particle (Feynman).

In relativity we shall talk of the ‘gravitational arrow of time that warps space’ and the ‘antigravitation’ of those likely antiparticles (still to be experimentally proved). In forces we shall talk of the ‘gauge’ spatial forces, and the ‘trans-formative, evolutionary, time interactions mediated by the weak force’. In life obviously of life and death future and past; and all of them will be soon formalized in the concept of a world cycle which is the most general understanding of all those closed time cycles that break the Universe into an internal and external world separated by a membrane, spin or angular momentum.

Lineal theories of the Universe.

Of course the best physicists are fully aware of this, but there are few of them, so Einstein said ‘I seem to be the only physicist that thinks there are infinite time clocks in the Universe’, and ‘time curves space into cyclical masses’. And when he died, as his concept of black holes as frozen stars the concept of cyclical infinite time clocks in the Universe, one for each of those cyclical masses disappeared because quantum physics and electromagnetism, are lineal equations, balanced by those cyclical masses, so as quantum physicists carried the power OVER relativists, they have ever since force-fed their theories of lineal time big-bangs and entropic black holes, and a dying Universe as dogma. When the proper way to study cosmology is precisely as I used to explain in scientific conferences when I was the chair of Duality, with the two arrows of time, lineal motions and cyclical clocks that carry the information of the Universe in the form and frequency of its cycles – masses and charges:

All what exist is a motion in time. Space forms are a Maya of the senses. So as we penetrate matter we keep finding solid matter to be just a cyclical accelerated time space clock, the meaning of gravitational forces and charges, just two vortices of two different scales of spacetime, all of them unified in the scalar metric equations of 5D physics:  In the graph, accelerated vortices of time in physical systems, in different scales of the fifth dimension: charges, masses and thermodynamic eddies become then the main clocks of time that carry with different speeds according to 5D metric (Space-size x Cyclical time-speed =K), the information of microscopic quantum charge worlds, human-size thermodynamic scales and cosmological gravitational scales. The beauty of that scalar Universe is obvious: smaller parts as the next graph shows, run faster cycles, and hence carry the information of larger systems: in physical systems quantum spins carry the information, which now is applied to mechanical systems, of ever smaller quantum computers. In biology genes carry the information of larger slower systems,. And in the galaxy fast spinning smaller black holes carry the information of its larger forms. All is entangled. All is about INFORMATION the dominant arrow of life, not lineal entropic big-bang death

In the graph, the Equivalence principle of relativity means a mass is a vortex, m=(h/c2) ƒ, whose frequency gives us its attractive power as in any vortex. So top quarks must turn very fast in its spin cycles, reason why in classic science top quarks do not interact with the strong force, which is slower in its exchange of gluons.

Yet because they turn so fast in frequency as vortices of space-time, they have much more mass: m=h/c² ƒ.

So they cannot interact with the strong force, but they can form an ultra-dense central region in the huge Kerr-Newman black rotating hole of the galactic center with a massive positive charge, producing those huge ‘superluminal’ jets akin to the superstrong magnetic force of pulsars; and they can interact with the gravitational force. And those 2 forces combined that reach the ‘electron-like’ halo of negative strangelets account for the huge force of attraction between the halo and the center of galaxies, which is the biggest mystery of physics today (dark matter missing), because electromagnetic forces are much stronger than gravitational, so the top quark positively charged magnetic-like jets bring together strongly the negative halo and positive center.

Why a sound use of Einstein’s concept of masses as accelerated vortices of spacetime, extended to charges and particles, its components matter also to big-bang theory is obvious: because the expansion of entropic lineal dark energy between galaxies is PERFECTLY balanced by the implosion and collapse of dark energy into mass when arriving to those galaxies. So this give us NOT a single lineal big-bang but a balanced ‘fractal series’ of expanding space and imploding space creating particles within the galactic vortices.

This must be clear from the beginning: in physics, due to its error of lineal time and a single arrow of time for all systems of reality, the balance of gravitational vortices has disappeared  when in fact there are infinite of such cyclical mass vortices, as they are also the basic cycles and forces of charges and particles and quantum physics.

What this means is that the ‘lineal big-bang’ is truly pseudoscience, because it MERELY eliminates 1/2 of the balanced Universe, so alas, indeed, in a Universe without mass, all is expanding entropic vacuum; as the balancing ‘cosmological constant and mass tensor of Einstein’s equations disssapear.

So even if it is written in mathematics the big-bang theory, because it does not follow the logic, espitemologic and experimental law of the scientific method is false.

In that sense, the Big Bang, has all the properties signaled as pseudoscience in ‘wikipedia’: statements, beliefs, or practices that are claimed to be both scientific and factual, but are incompatible with the scientific method, contradictory, exaggerated or unfalsifiable claims; relying on confirmation bias rather than rigorous attempts at refutation; which have lack of openness to evaluation by other experts; and long after they have been experimentally discredited…continue to be hold as ‘dogma’.

While those advocating such models of pseudoscience often dispute the characterization.

Why we say this about the big-bang is obvious. Logically is absurd that all the matter of reality was in a single point, including time and space itself. This is born of an exagerated, unfalsifiable claim – that a lineal equation of spacetime expansion between galaxies, V=HoD, extends infinitely to the pas. It is truly an example of ‘creationism’ in physics, based in mathematics. And it merely ignores what physicists do in all other analysis – the need to eliminate infinities and infinitesimals through ‘renormalization’ and cut-off processes – in this case the galaxies from where the emission of spacetime light takes place, which balance the Universe with its implosive gravitation.

Yet the rule of big-bang theory is to exaggerate experimental analysis. Such is the case of the background radiation observed only in the galaxy, which is considered with zero proofs to come from all the corners of the Universe. We falsify those arguments and many more in our analysis of cosmology. The graphs below show them at true value. Perhaps the most notorious is the finding of the supposed central track of the big-bang exactly above and below the galaxy, which shows not to come from 13 billion years light away but exactly from where it comes the background radiation – the galaxy itself.

Latter on we shall explain the alternative model of the big-bang, as a simple black hole the size of the commonest object of the galaxy, a moon will radiate exactly the same temperature. So it is more logic to consider that radiation comes from the galaxy, from some form of dark matter, black holes or strangelets which will redshift to such temperature the light of the galaxy:

In the graph the true quasar big-bang, the scale at which all evidence of the cosmic big-bang points to CONSIDERED from the 5 elements of ¬∆@st: T: The age of a quasar cycle in time is around 15 billion years, in which the ‘in-falling’ interstellar ‘light-ionized matter’ feeds the central black hole forming its bar and powering the Kerr-hole emission of ‘dark entropy’ akin to the electromagnetic repulsive flows between atoms. ∆: In fact at scale the process is similar to a beta decay, emission and absorption by the neutron of a proton-black hole and electron, and vice versa, its absorption of light and the electron, which in 5D metric as we reduce size in space and accelerate clocks of time: $ x ð = K, reduces 15 billion years to 15 minutes (: S: In space the background radiation is obviously local, measured only in the galaxy and recently proved by two lobes which were considered to be 15 billion years away, in the primordial explosion but turned out to be above and below the central black hole (: Which again in scale are similar to the first electronic orbitals of the atom and further prove 5D analysis of electrons as collapsed nebulae of ∆-1 photons. What is then the origin of the Bg radiation? As the ‘gala cell’ has also organic properties, its origin is the ‘homeostatic equilibrium’ produced by the redshift radiation of Moon MACHOs (a primordial black hole that does not evaporate of the mass of a moon, the commonest planetoid, would have the exact form and temperature of the BG radiation). @: And so we FINALLY FOUND the primordial black holes of Mr. Hawking, only that they do NOT evaporate but are in 5D analysis, which always show 3 scales of size for all systems (3 families of mass, cells networks and bodies in biology, atoms matter and geologic formations in planets and so on), the ‘smallest scale’ of the dominant form of the gala cell, its ‘mind-whole’ that structures it as DNA does in a cell, as an organism. As such the homeostatic temperature of the BG primordial black hole is exactly above that of the larger holes which can feed on it, and the fundamental energetic atom of its physiological structures, superfluid helium. ¬: Pity those primordial black holes are reproduced by moons and planets. I.e. if the Earthlings succeed in doing black holes at CERN that will not evaporate, soon we will find a swarm of black holes and strangelet dark matter in our place, which will migrate to the halo. Since we are entropic food for them to be born. So those are the pentalogic, ¬∆@st, which explains the real quasar big-bang. Ultimately it is completely absurd that almost every entity in the Universe has a time span much larger than the Universe itself – black holes live 10 up to 100 years, the commonest star, red dwarfs live trillions, protons live as long as black holes, etc. etc. But as the big-bang is the metaphysical pseudoscience of physicists with a single time arrow of entropy, as long as they do NOT understand the 5 dimotions of spacetime they won’t understand real cosmology. I am afraid though as they don’t do thought experiments, with its feeble minds, and pretend to make black holes at home to test if they evaporate, and if they Big Bang is truth, they will kill us all soon.

Another proof of the many considered on our texts on cosmology –  as physicists keep looking far away to the supposed beginning of time, they keep finding perfeclty formed galaxies and black holes, wich breaks completely the supposed ‘time periods of creation of matter’. In the graph we can see the biggest black hole found in the Universe, which is perfectly formed in the middle of a galaxy, that is just 400 millions after the supposed big-bang when there was only supposedly hydrogen ions:

In the graph, the superblack hole is supposed to exist so early that there is no way it formed unless the Universe is eternal and the cosmic horizon of the big-bang just the limit of human perception of light, which as everything in 5D is NOT infinite in range.

Now and here 5D physics departs sharply from current astrophysics and its ‘paralogic’ Kantian errors (which break the scientific method in the egocy of the cosmologist wanting to have an explanation for all even when his range of perception does not allow it), there is NOT infinite range force, because infinities are always broken by cyclical membrane.

In the jargon of physics range of forces depend on mass. But t is ‘obvious’ that the photon does HAVE energy hence it does HAVE mass, E=hƒ, so even if its mass is extremely small the range of the photon CANNOT be infinite.

Moreover the further away we look, we shall see photons of less mass-frequency, hence redshifted, as those of more mass-blue frequency had died.

So that explains the red shift simply.

The distance-range of light is inversely proportional to its frequency-mass

Hence the existence of a limit or horizon of perception of light, from where we just see those monstrous objects – the biggest black holes.

What is then the limit of perception of light? As we have experimental evidence there is no need to do further calculus: Obviously the 13.5 billion light years from where red-shifted light of maximal z comes mistakingly taken as a time horizon of a supposed big-bang explosion.  

And from this fact it also follows that the further away we look, the more likely we are to find only huge black holes, as they will emit more energetic high frequency particles that will take longer time to relax in terms of the 4Ðimotion of entropy when they reach us before dying into a red frequency, blacking out of our perception of further away galaxies.

And here is where the magic 10¹°-¹¹ number common to all structures of nature, both in space-populations/distances in time-frequencies/durations and in scale/masses shows in (we will find it in the number of neurons of the biggest human brain, of stars in the galaxy, of atoms in a DNA code, etc, for reasons studied on our posts on ‘fractal non-euclidean mathematics):

This is the number that gives us in the symmetry of time the mean life of stars, and the mean life of its minimal light space-time ‘unit’ of information, and the mean mass of the largest black holes from far away distances measured in terms of the mean star mass – our sun, and the mean distance of the black out horizon of the big-bang…

So of course while in 5 Ð, as we know the Universe is eternal, the big bang does not exist, we have far more sound logical and epistemological and experimental proofs to explain everything that seems to prove the delirious big-bang in which time and space started from a point that fits in our hand, and pleases our egocy of being above heavens and earth.

In the graph, the largest black hole found is also the oldest, as it is the furthest, and it was supposed to be born in 500 million years after the big-bang when only some re-ionization of light hydrogen atoms has happened.

It then takes the pain of creationist dogma and believers to tinkle with all the equations and models we have to feed computers till some simulation of very extremal conditions very unlikely to happen can give us some bizarre model that might explain how on the hell, in just 500 million years a black hole of the size of 66 billion suns appeared in the middle of a perfectly formed gargantuan galaxy. Rational answer BECAUSE THERE WAS NOT BIG-BANG.

Simplest proof. Such a black hole will live 10¹ºº years ad minimal (counting that there is black hole evaporation, another no-no error we explain in our 5Ð study of black holes)…

So by mere statistical probability, we exist within the supposed life of the Universe which we can at least elongate to the life of that galactic black hole in the absolute infancy of the Universe, more or less in the 0.00000000000000000000000000000000000…. keep adding 90 000001% of its life span, and the probability that we exist in that moment without any other data, is similarly 0.0000000……..(keep adding 90 zeros)1 % chance.

The big-bang as we shall show in so many pages of this blog is the very proof not of the birth of the Universe but of the ‘common nature’ of all huminds, scientific or religious: dogma and belief is always higher in the esteem of the majority of humans of any profession than truth and reasoning.

Or as Landau put it: ‘cosmologists are seldom right but never in doubt’.

Same goes for black hole singularities.

Now, what physicists should do is to be more honest with the scientific method and apply their renormalization and cut-off mathematical procedures to eliminate infinities, which they routinely use in charges, with masses, which are just the same type of vortices of a larger cosmological scale, as we do in 5 D physics. Then there will NOT be big-bang singularities, or black hole evaporation as the substance of those black holes will be quarks that do NOT evaporate, but are produced in mass quantities at cern and so will form as Einstein wanted dark stars, that will evaporate us, converting through weak interactions studied at cern our matter in strange quark or black hole dark atomic matter.

Einstein called black holes frozen stars for an obvious reason – he respected the scientific method unlike the creationist mathematicians of the second age of black hole theory – and said he would only believe in them when a real substance was found, which obviously are those quarks. But idealist, ego-centered mathematical physicists always like to believe their equations ‘create reality’ as religious people believes Allah creates by naming things with Arab words… That was the case of Oppenheimer who mended Einstein’s concept of frozen stars and considered black holes to be a singularity.

So he modeled them – in the heist of cynicism, with Einstein’s equations, who opposed his infinite collapse, as a ball of dust with negligible pressure, uniform density rho = (t), and at rest at t = 0 (irrotational). And alas, since there were no charge, no mass, no particles on them, they ‘so to speak’ easily shrunk into an infinitesimal point.

These assumptions which are totally unreal, as black hole are born of ultradense material stars, lead to the unique solution of the Einstein field equations, and in the co-moving co-ordinates the metric inside the black hole were given by ds² = dt²ˆ2 − R²(t) (dr² /1 − kr² + r²dθ² + r² sin²θdφ². And then he ‘decided’ that R->0 infinitely and the result where the Singularity metric… voila! Magic in the Schopenhauer’s sense: ‘A stupid is a man without reason, one that doesn’t see the causality between events so it believes in magic causes’

Since the assumption  that the black hole was of dust is magic, pure inflationary maths. It must be a real physical entity, made of particles, so you need to plug ‘above’ that spacetime frame Dirac particles.

Moreover in relativity space-time is NOT Newtonian but background independent, relational (Leibniz) meaning that all physical systems are made of spacetime, so the spacetime equations of the black hole must be made of particles, their ‘space-time’ (this is the basis of 5D – the most advanced model of background independent, relational space-time till date) AND they must also met the EFE metric. To do so, you just need to consider each region of the black hole with increasing density in EFE metrtic to be occupied by each type of Dirac’s particle, aka quark of increasing density, as light stars are also made. So both, EFE and Dirac, relativity and quantum physics meet. Simple? Isn’t? That is really the theory of quantum gravity physicists who love complicated theories seemingly to look smarter should explore. ‘Simplicity is genius’, said Leonardo.

This means that for the largest black hole in the center of the galaxy the outer layer has the density of the bcb neutral atoms of the top quark decuplet, in the graph above (and below ordered in triads of atoms).

But in the center, where there is a quasi infinite density/singularity you need top quarks, the near-infinite densest quarks (next screen). And because relativity breaks at the quantum scale, we just enter the ‘lower scale of the Universe – that of particles’, which ‘navigate’ over the background independent geometry of Einstein’s gravitational force.

THEN you meet both the reality of physical particles and the metric of black holes, whose requirement of energy conservation implies that its density: ρ(t) R³(t) remain constant in a series of parallel volumetric layers.

So as you enter the black hole, R diminishes and density increases. It just does it NOT continuously but as in all stars, in layers of increasing quark density, which means quarks of higher mass, till reaching the top quark center for the largest black holes. As higher mass means a higher frequency in the cyclical motions of masses, modeled by Einstein’s principle of equivalence between gravitation and acceleration as mass -‘vortices’ of gravitational space-time – the background independent last layers of the 5D scalar reality perceived by human beings:

In the graph, we can see what a black hole star is all about: the conversion of our ‘light matter’ into heavy atoms of the top quark decuplet. This IS the essential symmetry between the 3 scales of matter, that of bosons (gluons in the case of atoms), quarks and black holes. Another simple proof of the necessary similarity of those 3 scales is shown in the next graph – the symmetry between the ‘dying mesons’ that are destroyed by the strong force of heavier quarks in all the reactions likely to be mimicked when a heavy ‘seed’ of a cosmological strangelet or black hole appears on earth, and the exact same number of gluon particles that ‘feed’ our lighter quarks inside our smaller atoms. We might say that the gluon strong force is to the light quarks, what the light quark mesons are to the heavier quarks of cosmological matter: ‘food for thought’:

Graphs: the strong force killing smallish, lighter gluons inside the atomic nuclei,  which feed with its anti color + color dual particles our ud-quarks  is identical in a lower scale to the weak force, of quark-antiquark mesons feeding with its energy the heavier dark atoms, likely components of a black hole star in the center of the galaxies.

So we have found in 5D yet another beautiful scalar symmetry between the lighter gluons of smaller atomic nuclei, of lighter quarks, and the heavier mesons of larger black hole nuclei, whose components must be the heavier top and Bcb  quark atoms of the top quark decuplet.

It is a clear symmetry of scale:  the strong color charge and couples of gluons and antigluons that form its nonet, are parallel to the nonet of mesons, made of quarks and antiquarks that are exchanged accordingly in the reactions mediated by the weak force.

Because the atom spins faster, as a vortex of spacetime its force is stronger than the larger, slower reactions of mesons mediated by the weak force, but both mean the same: the entropic arrow of death of quark matter by ‘top (predator” heavier quarks. One is mediated by strong currents the other by weak currents of W, Z and Higgs bosons. It follows that exploring and reproducing massive amounts of Higgs will just mediate an ice-9 or ‘gas-9’ reaction converting us into mesons, from living particles into antiparticles, swallowed by the black hole or strangelet.

Feynman’s diagrams: mesons and antiparticles die as entropic, ‘past’ arrows of time

Now Feynman’s genius had an intuitive understanding of this life-death cycle, which in the cyclical equations of 5D merely represents a world cycle of life and death: the arrow of life and information sends you to the future of more informative cyclical speed; then the arrow of death is the big-bang that dissolves your information, in any scale of reality. So in physical particles, the arrow of cyclical information is a vortex of charge or mass, which the arrow of entropy and death converts you into an antiparticle that moves you LOCALLY into your relative past – dissolving the particle into radiation, the human being into its cellular components. It is then IMMEDIATE in 5D that the SMALLER scales in which you dissolve, radiation in E=Mc2 past matter, cells and aminoacids in life death is the past, because the RELATIVE local future, whole being needs first its parts, to appear, its relative local past. Indeed, scales of more complex informative whole are always the arrow of social evolution of future of ‘love’ because they are ‘sustained’, ’emerge’, from the smaller parts, which must exist first hence being its relative past. This is the 5D logic explanation on why the arrow of death and dissolution of information is the past.

What Feynman did is marvelously to have the intuition that the antiparticle was the arrow of relative past that dissolved the particle into its radiation. As physicists use a single TIME arrow for the entire Universe, entering their paradoxes of traveling to the past to kill your father (Hawking), they always got suspicious of Feynman’s past arrow for antiparticles, but they use them anyway. Now, the conundrum is solved by the infinite cyclical time clocks of the Universe, as all those travels to the entropic past are PURELY local, so you never in a fractal organic Universe can go to the past and kill your father, as you will locally kill yourself in the trip, exploding in an entropic big-bang of death. And unless you are ‘viral’, your dying cells won’t go much further.

The strong force therefore is an entropic force, because as Feynman rightly found, in each local world cycle of particles, the antiparticle is the same particle moving backwards in time, which means dying in the entropic process that completes its world cycle (hence living much shorter as the death end of the cycle does happen in a quanta of time). And because entropic-feeding processes are the strongest, most attractive ones in any scale (food is the first cause of most Ðimotions), they carry the maximal energy:

In the graph we see the proper way to perceive the two arrows of time of physical systems, when we plot them together as a cycle-anticycle, even if an antiparticle (which must be considered the ‘3rd’ age and death of the particle) can be observed isolated.

And this leads us to the CPT symmetry, which in 5 Ð physics is absolute but quantized as time cycles are quantized for each species and its 5 Ðimotions=forces and worldcycles, and happen together not in a single plane of ‘light space-time’; but must be considered for the whole 3±I planes whereas the equations of gravitation and relativity with its c-constant speed are the limit of 5Ð for the galactic super organism but do NOT apply beyond (inside black holes and outside galaxies, where the forces are repulsive dark entropy similar to those of electromagnetism between atoms; while inside the galaxy  the forces of gravitation are similar to curved electromagnetism within the Coulomb field  between the electron and the proton, whose ‘5Ð metric’ are parallel to those of the black hole and the strangelet)…

So there is a LOT of self-similarities of scale that would allow future 5 Ð physicists once the model r=evolution is accepted and the present dogmas put in doubt to complete by self-similarity the true nature of black hole stars (which rightly Einstein told us to be frozen stars), to understand the processes of renormalization (which add scalar infinities that must be cut off, including the SINGULARITY OF THE BLACK HOLE AND THE BIG-BANG).

The solution of the antimatter-matter symmetry and the hierarchy problem.

It is then obvious that this much more realist view of black holes and big bangs solve almost every problem of present physics as we explain in the 5D section of the scalar Universe. For example, the hierarchy problem of quantum gravity is simple: because cosmological masses are much larger, with less curvature and slower time cycles, they attract far less than charges. And in fact, if we accelerate them as we reduce their size in equal proportions, by a 10ˆ40 factor the G constant becomes the q constant and gravitation becomes as powerful. We can then say that in terms of scales, the galaxy is an atom, the black hole is a proton, the quark is a gluon, and the symmetry between the 3 scales of matter, black holes, quarks and gluons is the proper way to study all those scales – a theme that runs for a century in physics, since Kaluza-Klein used it in the first models of 5D physics to unify indeed G and Q, which I obtained also by slightly similar means, as shown in the 5D section.

On the other hand, the matter-antimatter symmetry is obvious if each matter is antimatter in its big-bang entropic death, the symmetry is that between living and dying people: we see less dying people because death lasts only a quanta of time. But there is another interesting proof of the model of quark black holes and the symmetry of the 3 scales, top quarks and heavy dark atoms devouring mesons of our light Universe as our light Ud quarks devour gluons of the next, lower scale, found by the very same CERN, which is now in the news everywhere, but CErnies don’t quite understand with their faulty, creationist models of singularities – the fact that B-quarks of the heavy dark atoms that must form black holes and emit mass in quasars, prefer matter, and so in a simple theory of quasars as the origin of the mass of the Universe, it explains our matter world.

From a letter to Otto Rossler, Walter and Eric Penrose, activists against CERN, I explained this clear proof both of the asymmetry of matter-antimatter, and the Dark atoms that must form black holes and when exploding entropically in lighter atoms produce only our ud-matter:

Hi All, we missed this key discovery that proves further the dangers at CERN and the quark matter nature of black holes and quasars ejection of matter in larger amounts that antimatter:
The LHCb experiment has found hints of what could be a new piece of the jigsaw puzzle of the missing antimatter in our universe. They have found tantalising evidence of a phenomenon dubbed charge-parity (CP) violation in particles known as baryons – a family of particles whose best-known members are the protons and neutrons that make up all …
It seems Bottom quarks, the main components of BCB black atoms decay into protons 20% than in antiprotons, So if we COULD FIND a massive process of decay of Bottoms in the Universe this would explain why there is more matter – a 20% more is created, the rest annihilate with the 80% of antimatter.
The problem they have at CERN after the initial excitement is that as all matter comes from the Big Bang singularity LOL, and Black holes are not BLACK STARS with BCB atoms and tops, there is NOWHERE they can find Bottom decay in massive numbers. So the news after initial enthusiasm became short of an oddity. Because they HAVE no enough Bottoms.
But IF black holes are BLACK stars made of BCB atoms, with a central top quark singularity – that is Kerr-Newmann charged black holes in the center, with its superluminal axis, THEY ARE THE SOURCE of matter, when the galactic quasar ejects massive quantities of matter through the central axis, and its synchrotron-like magnetic fields, observed in all the jets of quasars, origin of most new irregular galaxies (baby galaxies of the Universe):
Now as I have been explaining to you and otto for a decade a black holes is a ‘black star’ of the top quark decuplet (tops, bottoms and charms), whereas a BCB is a heavy atom as an udu in our world. And the big-bang IS a local galactic big-bang (quasar, blazar), as the BG radiation is local and mimic the galaxy whose life worldcycle has been measured in 20 billion years… All this means that the creation of matter is really a series of local big-bangs (this was Fred Hoyle’s theory of multiple quasar big-bangs)…
So IF THE BIG-BANGS ARE LOCAL ejections of matter by the ‘dark atoms, bcb’ of the black hole, the 20% of higher production of protons in the decay of the black atom (BCB) what this idiots sorry ‘expert’s (: call the ∆º particle is the first sign that all the matter of the UNIVERSE comes from the ‘ejection of matter’ by quark stars aka central black holes in quasars and blazars,   (∆º is a BUD particle, as they have not yet enough energy to make a BCB but what matters it the B decaing in protons not antiprotons)
So voila, 20% of PROTONs DO NOT annihilate with antiprotons.. and we have SOLVED both the question fo matter-antimatter, proved that black holes are black stars, and proved Fred Hoyle’s quasar big-bang theroy…  slightly changed with the tools of 5D astronomy – all those symmetries of scale between atoms and galaxies, black holes as protons of the larger scales,gluons as quarks of the lower scale, the octect of gluons being the octect of mesons, etc. etc.
Now the metric of those dark stars is fairly straight and resolved, including some work by Penrose’s father, Sir Roger, and Hawking – give to caesar what belongs to caesar, with its Penrose’s engine of expulsion of matter, both from the accreting region of the black hole and the central superluminal axis of the charged rotary Kerr-newmann black hole.
And this means also the validity of Einsteins’ principle of equivalence between mass and acceleration, as the heaviest top quarks by the law of any vortex beyond the c-speed event horizon both in the black hole and as the individual elements of its center, must speed up at hyperluminal speeds, hence can eject matter escaping the black hole: 
Screen Shot 2018-03-10 at 8.36.35 AM

The axis of superluminal dark entropy, transforms a 3rd Dimensional vortex of mass into pure distance-space.

It is likely that the rotation of those top quarks is hyperluminal, as only hyperluminal rotation, if mass is a vortex that accelerates inward with lesser radius, as a skater does ( Vo Ro = K) can give them such huge mass.

This is observed in all galaxies where massive jets at 10 c come out of black holes. And it is observed even in the spin of particles that have to be hyperluminal under the vortex law generalized with the scalar 5D metric of the graph, for the magnetic field they create – something Pauii already noticed in his spin theory.

So why physicists do not accept once and for all such models, including the fact that ‘outside’ the spacetime filled with light, faster than light speeds can happen? I wonder… since nothing forbid them in physics.

There is NOT in relativity any limit of speed. Einstein only said that c is constant and hyperluminal speeds require negative mass.

So because physicists do NOT know what mass is they have the taboo because they DON’T understand negative mass, which is silly since IN TIME ‘negative’ as Gauss explained calling negative roots inverse numbers, means only an ‘inverse direction’ of motion. So for example ‘negative divergence’ means implosive motion, negative potential the same implosive motion for mass and charge.

WHAT IS IMPOSSIBLE is negative space/forms (negative apples) but in TIME i repeat, negative means an inverse motion. So if Mass is an accelerated inward motion by the Principle of equivalence, the negative mass of Einstein’s equation that a faster than light rotary system has means ONLY an explosive entropic divergence, of the space-time vortex of mass. So this simple acceptance of mass as a vortex, according to Einstein’s equivalence principle also explains antiparticles’ negative time, etc.

So goes for negative energy, which means merely an entropic explosion. For example in e=mc2, the e is inverse to the m, as a negative entropic explosion of mass that becomes entropy radiation.

So entropy is the negative of mass as a vortex whose form carries the information of the Universe and that only means that at c-speed the mass explodes. Ok. Those are concepts of information theory, which is the basis of my work on 5D, but physicists should really learn some of those concepts. Yet even if you are not interested in the scalar Universe, the symmetry of black stars and light stars still holds and it is evident.

Physicists in that sense also don’t understand how time comes to zero in those equations. It means time – motion reaches a 0 position or a balance between implosive and explosive motion in the event horizon turning at c-speed, neither exploding or imploding – not that the singularity is infinite and infinitely unreachable, as proved by muon experiments, which do not stop but slow down its spin-motions, the internal clocks of its ‘life-duration. IT IS the INTERNAL TIME of the spins and mass clocks what slows down to a halt, as when YOU die off, stopping the internal clocks of the system.

SO NO PROBLEM with faster than light c-speeds, it is just A QUESTION OF UNDERSTANDING ALGEBRA in terms of the complex laws of information of the universe.

On the other hand, back to our star-planet reality, small black holes have not enough density to create top quark stars and so they are neutral bcb atoms of bottom-charm quarks equivalent to our stars. Only giant central galactic black holes resemble the strange neutron stars with a cover of ‘normal iron atoms and a core of strangelet’, in this case a cover of normal ‘bcb dark heavy atoms’ and the center of a quasi-infinite rotating speeds of ultramassive top quarks. Small consolation: we shall become a dark atom star, neutral, unnoticed, of 3 cm.

This simple model of quantum gravity, according to the known known Dirac-Maxwell and EFE equations proved together, backed besides by experimental proofs of rotary black holes and galaxies in which the halo is strongly attracted by the center all over the Universe is the work I did in 5D that now has been published in its basic assumptions at and will I guess have a continuation in new papers, now that Hawking cannot impose its celebrity status, not to discuss what real black holes are:

That is, Quark stars – THEORETICALLY SOUND merging THE 3 KEY EQUATIONS OF PHYSICS, EXPERIMENTALLY SOUND – A MASSIVE rotating accelerator transforming quarks in layers of heavier quarks as LHC does.

Then in the galactic version this massive positive charge creates a massive outer-galactic magnetic field trapping the outer halo of strangelets, and creating the attractive tension of the so called dark matter.

Back to the metric equation at the beginning of this paragraph, which was modeled as a fluid even then, since the fluid is assumed to be at rest at t = 0, this can only be if it is a rotational fluid, with small CYCLICAL MOTIONS INSIDE, which are precisely the mass vortices of those quarks. We have a homology on our thermodynamic scale where fluid eddies form a series of fractal little vortices inside; in black holes will be small space-time vortices which is what particles are (last graph). So the dark star model is consistent with Einstein fields equations, which in fact give for that inner region of black holes the parametric equation of a cycloid – THAT is a particle turning around the eddie of mass. as the small rotary eddies do inside a larger ‘tornado’.

So there is never a zero radius-singularity. The more so since Pauli exclusion principle implies particles cannot occupy the same position so a black hole made of quarks cannot have a singularity.

For the singularity to happen Oppenheimer thus had to made more ‘assumptions’ out of the hat: that is dust not particles, that the scale factor R(t) vanishes; that the black hole is a fluid… that it has a uniform density having the initial value rho (0) – because it is made of ‘dust’ not of matter, when precisely it is the opposite, ultradense… and also that it has zero pressure (that is, it has no particles reacting and evolving, producing radiation outwards, also stupid, specially if they have top quark positive charges in the center that will produce an immense electromagnetic pressure radiation as our stars do with negative electron pressure radiation)…

All that are completely absurd assumptions. Only then the black star collapses from rest to a point in 3-subspace of infinite curvature and zero proper volume, in a finite time t. Then he gets the final collapsed state of infinite  energy density. And of course we cannot prove this experimentally wrong just because the center of the black hole is a region we have no direct evidence off; so we need the homologic method of 5Ð scales of matter to make it symmetric to normal stars but with heavy atoms of the top quark decuplet as we did.

Dark heavy stars should be like light stars.

The reason why that homology should work is because those heavy and light quarks and fermions are identical in properties except their different mass: We cannot really distinguish between a heavy electron (muon, tau) and a light one, and the properties of quarks are similar. So we must conclude that a dark, heavy star should be similar to a light star, only much heavier. This allow us to consider the internal structure of Black Stars – not black holes.

The internal dynamics of non-idealized, real black holes are however COMPLETELY IGNORED on those ‘creationist theories’ that use only simplified mathematics.

SO by IDEALIZING that region and using only geometric= topological methods Penrose and Hawking, after Oppenheimer, just invented a number of new singularity theorems based again in the false assumption that energy is always positive (I just showed you negative energy means merely the opposite of an imploding vortex of mass, which instead of imploding is exploding). So it was a false assumption, on top of Oppenheimer’s false ones. So goes for the other two assumptions of the couple:

Ubiquity of matter which contradicts the very same model of black holes as pure geometries. And single Aristotelian causality (single time arrow, false, there are 5 type of motion=time change, locomotion, evolution, reproduction, entropy and information, form-in-action, to construct the Universe and all its systems).

Only then they can consider further theorems on the collapse to a singularity… all imaginary including, the fancy theorem of ‘cosmic censorship’, and the evaporation of black holes already mentioned.
Further on they used relativity equations for the strong field of the black hole, which is an assumption since relativity has been experimentally verified only in the limiting case of weak fields (the normal galactic plane), but does NOT work on the superstrong gravitational fields of quark-gluon matter. It has been proved that when curvatures exceed the critical value Cg = 1/Lˆ4 where Lg is length in Planck units = 1.6 × 10ˆ−33cm corresponding to the critical density g = 5 × 10ˆ93gcm¯³, the GTR is no longer valid as quantum effects AKA quark-gluon ultradense soups must apply (Zeldovich and the russian school). Thus GTR breaks down before a gravitationally collapsing object could reach the infinite density of  a singularity.

all this i repeat comes because  singularity theorems only focus on the space -time geometry and treat BH as a classical fluid, which another contradiction remains unchanged structurally even when crushed in the gravitational collapse towards infinite density. This is today absurd since. when the density of matter in a collapsing object reaches the value ∼ 10ˆ7gcm¯³, electrons and protons combine into neutrons through the reaction p + e− = n + v; with electron neutrinos v likely escaping from the object with ‘negative mass’ and slightly above c-speed, which is what stubbornly physicists have been measuring for them for 40 years and then denying they measured them (but that is irrelevant, if they are trapped so be it).

Then when the gravitational contraction density reaches the value ∼ 10ˆ14gcm‾³, the neutrons will start to become quarks, as we observe at cern. And in all those processes, Pauli’s exclusion principle prevents  the singularity…

What is lost is  common sense (: Penrose-Hawking just care for the ‘equations’  Not the  reality on them, which is the quark-gluon ‘soup’.  It is like using Galileo’s equation v=s/t with NO friction, NO matter/object moving, hence NO momentum, NO energy… you need to fill in what is moving. And we know in black holes are particles.

Now, what was important for the black hole to be an accelerator, transforming matter into heavier quarks as CERN does, is that ONLY rotating black holes MUST exist (so the rotating process does act as an accelerator for particles). If there were static black holes (schwarzschild’s first solution easy-found, never observed), the particles wouldn’t accelerate to become quarks but:

A) all black holes found are rotating as all stars found.

b) A series of detailed papers on show rotating dark stars are the only ones that are compatible with Dirac-Maxwell equations.

And, because in 5D the definition of mass is an accelerated vortex of space-time, (e=mc2, e=hƒ, m=(h/c2) ƒ, whereas ‘f’ the frequency of rotation is proportional as in all vortex to its attractive power which is c for the black hole. So it BECOMES a super-accelerator. 

And since the dangers of those accelerators are exactly the same, people would have easily get it: either they accelerate and collapse matter into strange quark-soups that become a strangelet, or they accelerate them into top quarks and become cosmic black holes…

THE KEY is the quark and the exclusion principle which Einstein didn’t know to put it on his  equations, but asked for a cut off substance, or else its equations, he knew, wouldn’t be real. When you do real physics EQUATIONS must ad to speed ‘something moving’, and something must collapse. V=s/t means nothing without substance tht moves.

Now if the exclusion principle rules out a singularity, it rules out both the black hole and the Big Bang, so then you need an alternative sound model and that is the 5D scalar Universe, we provide in this web

So black HOLES MUST have a substance, WHICH IS COMPATIBLE with the 3 sets of fundamental equations of physics, Maxwell (electromagnetism: Heaviside actually Maxwell did 20 complicated equations, Heaviside, reduced them to 4 after inventing the curl), Einstein (Gravitation) and Dirac (particles)

THE ONLY WAY TO PUT THEM TOGETHER INTO A BLACK HOLE is making it to have a substance, quarks, when you resolve those equations that Weyl and Einstein tried to prove WHEELER AND OPPENHEIMER wrong.

In the more complex models, you get the metric of charged central black hole emitting near infinite speed jets i the center; and the non-charged smaller balck holes of bcb neutral atoms in the galaxy. But the essence continues being the same – only with all those absurd assumptions there is singularities.

So what Hawking and Penrose did is just mathematical entelechies because languages are inflationary mirrors, all have fictions, you can believe on Quixote, Hawking’s evaporation and the Ring of the Lords MOVIE, all beautiful language inflationary mirrors, but physicists KNOW as Einstein put it that mathematics can be consistent=truth in its syntax as Quixote and ring of the lords even more beautiful than pedestrian reality, but only experimentally sound maths are real documentaries are real and journalism is real.
5D organic scales further complete the model, where each galaxy is an atom, since we have. already proved that the nanoscopic strings are equivalent to the cosmic strings, so you go in layers and the atom is equivalent to the galaxy, and the central black hole is the positive proton, i can throw you in the 5D metric that prove that easily:
Smaller systems run faster cycles but the product of both, space size and time speed of its cycles is co-invariant, WHICH IS THE MATHEMATICAL DEFINITION OF A DIMENSION BY KLEIN: a dimension exists if there is a con-invariant equation of spacetime, in this case Space size x time speed of clocks = constant, so truth that your cells run faster clocks an atoms much faster cycles, and when you shrink the equations of the galaxy to the size of the atom, alas you get exactly the speed of cycles of atoms and its size and if you go down you get alas the speed of quark cycles and its size and if you slow down your metabolic cycles alas you get the speed of cycles of cells and its size…. So that is the beauty of it all, and why you get down in scales from the human mind in the center to the microstring and above the macrostring…
TRUTH requires in 5Ð different scales all filled with reality.
And this means ALL the equations, Dirac’s articles, Maxwell electromagnetism and EFE’s Einstein, NOT only a simplified Einstein’s geometry.
Black holes are rotary always, either neutral heavy bcb dark stars or charged top quark stars.
 What kind of black star then we are talking about? There are 3 metric equations for them: fixed non-moving ones (Schwarzschild) never found and incoherent with the Maxwell-Dirac formalisms and 5Ð mass as a vortex of spacetime. So they don’t exist
This leaves us with 2 type, which should mimic the two type of light stars we find, ud-light stars like the sun, and strange stars with a heavy strange, negative charged center or pulsars. So we should find small Bcb black stars (stars collapsing into black holes) and then much larger, top quark stars in the center of galaxies, and this plug them in directly with cosmic scales where each galatom has a proton-like black hole in the center, which indeed when we apply 5D metric is what turns out to be a proton – a black holes with a Schwarzschild radius.
Let us then study those 2 models – the proton black hole formalism studied in the equation of unification of charges and masses, will not be brought here again:

In a star, the electron’s repulsive force balances the gravitational collapse.

In the GIANT central black hole the central volume of top quarks with ++ charge balances the gravitational collapse.

And the jets that move matter up to 10 C should obviously come from the accelerate neutrinos, with ‘negative mass = faster than c-speed’, the only particles that can traverse that huge ++ Pressure; so they can enter the perpendicular faster than c speed center of the Kerr-Newman black hole, which the metric show to be hyperluminal and perpendicular to the black hole plane, acting as the ‘cosmic expansive dark energy’ which we see as expansive distance between galaxies.

Again those neutrinos are all over the place, they were for decades measured by Japanese with negative mass till dogma prevented more measures, they have a weak angle of 10ˆ-33, exactly the same size that TACHYON STRINGS, so they ARE tachyon strings, the component of expansive dark energy between galaxies, and ONLY when entering the galaxy with its c-limit of spacetime, they ‘break’ to c-speed… outside the galaxy we are in a larger scale of 5D hence with larger speed-distance Max. S and slower time cycles…

It is all about modelling a black hole as a star but of heavy bcb atoms and top quarks in the center; whereas the event horizon is merely the ‘surface’ of the frozen star and gives us its diameter, the central pressure of electronic stars, the central pressure of top quarks, the layers of denser atoms of the star, the layers of denser bcb atoms which should form bcb ‘hydrogen’, ‘bcb’ carbon, ‘bcb’ iron and so on; and in those huge frozen stars on the center of galaxies, you also have the top quark ++ massive outer radiation

Or do you think the Universe has created the beautiful symmetry of light atoms and heavy atoms, light quarks and heavy quarks just NOT to give any role to heavy quarks? It is efficient and economic.

So small black stars  are BC-neutral atoms and cannot form the central jet of hyperluminal speed, so they cannot expel energy through neutrinos and must keep growing till they form the top quark curl in the center that can expel the neutrinos at superluminal speed ‘giving content’ to the metric of Kerr-Newman BH – funny thing is that the hyperluminal central jet of those BH was topologically proved by Penrose.

So black stars, we can say do exactly the opposite of Hawking’s fantaphysics: small black holes NEVER evaporate (wrong entropy arrow) but keep growing and growing till they get old as giant BH in central galaxies and then they do evaporate neutrinos, in huge numbers.

Since indeed neutrinos have variable speed and outside galaxies it has been measured to be faster than light with negative mass.

But again till physicists/mathematicians do not bet to understand what a negative symbol in a square means they won’t accept experimental evidence of faster than c-rotation. Indeed, THE SPIN OF ELECTRONS can only exist if it is faster than c or else it would not produce that magnetic dipole, something already Pauli noticed. So again:

The Universe is never one dimensional with no breath but bidimensional  (this string theory proves) so when you see a root, normally is because they have used a one-dimensional parameter, you have to square it, ‘c2’ is the constant not c. And when you see a negative in an equation with a time parameter it means a negative, inverse motion, left or right expanding or imploding.


ALL THIS SAID, we can now vindicate what is important to know of Hawking’s work in the evaporation of black holes, when we respect the laws of thermodynamics with its proper arrow, and we introduce for a proper understanding of the formula, the expanded view of the scalar, 5th dimensional Universe.

Does Hawking’s work have then any scientific merit? Indeed it does, because his formula explains the exponential growth of mass of a black hole as it swallows all the ‘universal constants’, aka organic matter of the thermodynamic and quantum scales of the Universe (us).

Indeed, if we respect the laws of thermodynamics and Einstein, once we understood how the weak force transforms the matter of our Universe into heavy quark matter, Hawking’s ratio of mass-temperature in black hole stars, describes the birth of a small black hole star, which as all systems of Nature show an enormous activity and rate of growth, in its initial stages, feeding in the energy that surrounds them – the placenta of our seminal seeds, the nest in which the parental system feeds them, the environment in which the new species becomes the dominant predator; in the case of the black hole the rich field of electromagnetic energy that surrounds it in stars where they are born by gravitation collapse and/or planets against which they collide.

It is then easy to understand the importance of the formula to interpret the genesis of black holes, the mechanisms of Nova explosions, and the way in which the energy and information of the lower scales of nature (the quantum and thermodynamic scales emerges as mass in the larger cosmological scale), since and this is the second merit of the equation of Hawking, which stirred the imagination of scientists, to the point of accepting his peculiar interpretation is the fact that it uses all the main constants of space and time of Nature, whose meaning is still no understood in theoretical physics.

And so it hinted to the solution of the fundamental ending question of physics – what is the relationship and meaning of those constants, and how can we unify mathematically the 3 fundamental scales of physical systems, the smaller quantum scale of electromagnetic charges, the human scale of thermodynamic molecules and the larger scale of cosmological masses:right euqationNow we have written the equation with the proper symbol and alas, it is a very important equation, as now IT FOLLOWS THE CORRESPONDENCE PRINCIPLE.

Why that beautiful equation is an equality?

Because the event horizon is a discontinuum, which act as an osmotic membrane, with 2 sides, which have the same ‘surface’ area, so to speak.

The event horizon has two sides as all membranes. In one side you are inside the black hole (8π GM), and there is NO temperature here (no hair theorem, black holes are defined only with 3 parameters, angular momentum, mass and charge). So the black hole DOES not evaporate because it is NOT made of temperature. It is impossible to evaporate.

On the other side of the membrane, there is though temperature, because we ARE in the Thermodynamic and quantum world, which the black hole swallows.

This duality of a membrane is perfectly understood in terms of Topological laws. The fundamental theorem of topology states that a closed circle, any n-dimensional membrane breaks the continuum into an internal world and an external Universe, with 2 different surfaces, an internal elliptic, implosive, in-formative surface and an external hyperbolic, expansive, entropic geometry,

And those are the 2 sides of the black hole: Internally the black hole creates pure information. Externally the black hole increases the entropy and disorder of our world just before it swallows it.

Consider any other ‘organic system’ absorbing energy and trans-forming it into its own substance. You eat, and first you disorder, increasing the entropy of the food you eat down to amino acids. This is what the black hole does in the side of the quantum-thermodynamic scales of the Universe. But then you stomach evolves the amino-acids back into proteins of your ‘own DNA code’. This is what the black hole does in the inside of the membrane: converts entropy into information.

But we can equal both sides, because they have the same surface, one side is gravity surface, the other side is entropy surface.

So the way to properly write that equation in terms of the duality of entropy and information and the 3 fractal scales of the physical Universe is:

right euqation

This is the beauty of the equation of Hawking, when we respect the 2 ‘fundamental proofs’ of truth in science:

Experimental evidence (black holes always swallow our world in nova explosions that increase the entropy of our galaxies but absorb and grow in mass internally).
Correspondence principle (no hair theorem: black holes do not have temperature; they can be described with only 3 parameters, mass, angular momentum and in some cases charge, if they do have it; Einstein’s equations: black holes do always increase mass, do not evaporate, do not emit radiation).
Thus when we put properly the symbol, ≥, black holes grow according to the beautiful formula of Hawking, which in this manner respects the 2 fundamental proofs of truth in science – experimental Nova evidence and Correspondence principle; further clarifies the process of creation of mass, in a more detailed version of E=Mc², explains why the Universe is fractal, with discontinuous membranes between the entropic side of the Universe (electromagnetic-thermodynamic membrane) and the in-formative gravitational side that in-forms reality (mass-black hole side).

And why there are 2 ‘geometrical description’ of space-time (elliptic curved space-time of Einstein’s gravitation, made of accelerated vortex like informative mass clocks) and the hyperbolic, entropic, expansive description of quantum physics. Which ARE 2 DIFFERENT discontinuous sides of the fractal Universe that balance each other and MUST NOT be unified in simple terms because BOTH ARE NEEDED to balance the Universe.

On one hand you have what the black hole eats, our space-time world, on the other the gravitational space-time world.

There are in fact 3 scales of space-time in reality and that is what the Universe shows.

On the side of mass, we have a beautiful equation, which is identical to the tensor of Einstein’s Relativity, that describes a gravitational world, 8 πG Mass.

It must be noticed that unlike Einstein’s tensor, here there is no energy-entropy, but only the other 2 elements of Einstein’s equation: 8 π G, the curvature of the black hole and Mass, the substance of gravitational space.

On the other side, we have the same equation above for quantum space-time where h is the angular momentum of its clocks of information (so quantum systems code with h-planck quanta its informative spin and form) and c is obviously the speed-distance of space, as we see light space. Space is made of light, as impressionists painters realized and Einsteins’ relativity principle that cannot distinguish motions from distances, or the spatial expansion of intergalactic space, homologous to the red-shift elongation of light space proves.

Our human electronic mind perceives light-space, through, its time clocks, Tƒ=h-planck, is the minimal quanta perceived by an electron,  and Sp the speed of light, and H/c is so small that we have a mind that processes very little information and in terms of Lobachevski’s parameter of geometry displays a flat Euclidean World:


In the graph, you can see what i talk about. You see light and light has 3 perpendicular Euclidean dimensions. That is why your mind is flat and Euclidean. This product h c³ is thus the time-space clocks and volume of the quantum world, and its ratio Tƒ/Sp=h/c³, is the ‘ratio of information/space’ of the human mind, which in terms of Geometry is called the Gaussian/Lobachevski ratio of curvature that defines a flat mind. Beautiful isn’t. So many things hidden in an equation (-; Saper vedere.

On the other side, we have a ratio between the simplest quantum minimal, larger world and our intermediate thermodynamic scale, meaning that the black hole absorbs the quantum space-time (hc³), and first it converts it into pure entropy and temperature (KT) – hence the ratio; and then it moves it to the other side of the membrane, converted into 8 π G Mass.

Now, a brief lesson on modern cosmology. The Universe has shown to be fractal, structured in relative scales of size and with different time clocks of different speed. This we know since Einstein. We do NOT have mechanical clocks around the Universe measuring time. As obvious as this is people do not seem to understand it.

And we co-exist in several scales, with membranes and discontinuous between them, such as the Lorentz transformations that define transitions between the electromagnetic light and mass scales, the quantum equations of Planck (violet catastrophe) that define the transition regions between the thermodynamic and radiation scales.

There are 3 fundamental of such scales which we show in the next graph, the larger gravitational scale, the human thermodynamic scale and the quantum scale, with different space-quanta and time clocks:


In the graph we show them, with different space and time quanta. But all of them have a common co-invariant formula, which defines them as space-time planes of reality, with a ‘different time clock’ that measures the information of the system in the frequency and form of its cycles, and a given space quanta that measures its pieces of space.

And there are transfers of motion between them, called ‘angular momentum and ‘lineal momentum, or ‘information and ‘space’. There are many formula on physics to describe this space-time planes, and the easiest ones are those of Energy, and those that define its forces. They vary slightly (we show on the left side the formula for energy, and slight variations show formulae for momentum and forces in each scales).

This is the new stuff on physics, the formalism of the 5th dimension that this writer pioneered before this activism, as it explain the ‘whys’ of Universal constants, and the structure between scales, the reason of the exponential discontinuous equations between scales. And Hawking’s equation is a fundamental equation that relates the 3 scales together. In fact it is the only equation that relates them, as the black hole swallows it all. Swallows both the quantum and electromagnetic world and converts it into mass; it is the true devouring monster of the Universe:

∆+1(cosmological scale) : M ( 8 π G) ≥ ∆-1: hc³/ k T: ∆: Thermodynamic scale)

Now the formula has the 3 clocks of time, (G-curvature, h-angular momentum, T-emparture) and 3 space quanta of the 3 scales of the fractal Universe (c3 volume of light space, M-ass and K-entropy quanta).
So his work is essential to the fractal Universe structure and its 3 5D scales.

As such is a ‘beauty’ and it is a pity that Mr. Hawking was not happy enough finding it, and that he said ‘philosophers of science envy me, because they don’t know mathematics, and that is why they criticise the evaporation of black holes’. Of course, we do know mathematics, we invent mathematics. People like Descartes and Leibniz invented analytic geometry and calculus the two main branches of modern mathematics and they defined themselves as philosophers of science, NOT physicists. That is why we can have rigour with truths.

So to the beauty of it. First we must ask. Why there are two sides on that equality, which when properly written with the positive arrow of time is M ≥ k/T, that is the black hole mass always grows?

Because this equation is taken from the event horizon, the membrane that separates the discontinuous fractal scale of gravitation – the inside of the hole, or M (8π G) – which creates mass-information; from the outer region, the entropic, thermodynamic and quantum world, which the Hole is swallowing.

So we have an equation that shows how ∆+1 gravitational mass information is created by accretion of the lower scales of quantum light space-time (Hc3) and thermodynamic space-time (KT).

And it is precisely the simplicity and perfection of the equation, which relates the time clocks and space-quanta of the 3 scales of the Universe, what makes it so important. As it truly writes in the formalism of the fractal Universe:

∆+1 Gravitational Scale:  Space quanta: M x Tƒ(curved clock): G = ∆-1: quantum scale/∆ Thermodynamic scale:  Sp:c³ x Tƒ: h / Sp: K x Tƒ (T)

That is, the mass quanta of the gravitational space, whose frequency or curvature or attractive accelerated clock is given by G, is swallowing the Space-time of the electromagnetic, quantum Universe, whose clocks of time are here measured by the angular momentum h and its quanta of space, by the volume of 3-dimensional Euclidean space; after converting it first into thermodynamic entropy, in its process of ‘rising it up’ and transforming it upwards through the scales of information of the 5th dimension, into thermodynamic space quanta, k-constants, and its time clocks, temperature.

This is the analytical, algebraic understanding of the accretion of black holes, which absorb the space-time, c-h quanta of electromagnetic scales, convert it by this ∆-1/∆ space-time ratio first into entropic heat and then swallow it up into gravitational mass.

And the beauty of it is that we DO have here the equations in perfect form. we have in the quantum scale on top, the h-angular momentum, the minimal clock of time-information of the quantum scale, multiplied by c³, the volume of space (as we are in a light space-time membrane, with the 3 euclidean perpendicular co-ordinates of light, the electric magnetic and c-speed arrows). And we have below the thermodynamic space constant, k-entropy, as entropy is an expansive space, and the time clocks of the thermodynamic world which is temperature.

So the equation allow us to understand for the first time, properly interpreted the meaning of the 3 Universal constants of space of the Universe, in its 3 relative scales of size, Mass, Entropy and c‚ light space-time. And its 3 relative cyclical clocks of time, G-curvature,h-angular momentum and temperature:

So Hawkng’s equation is therefore a fundamental equation, properly understood with the 2 arrows of the future, entropy and information and the laws of the fractal Universe duality, the science in which I AM the leading researcher in the world today (: as they cancelled the science in world congresses when I was chairing it in its foundational Congress, you might indeed consider that now this science no longer exists and so i was the last ‘master’ before it became extinguished by decree… like Taoism was. Call me Cheng-Tzu: from one comes two from two comes 3 and from 3 the infinite beings).


The Formula of the ‘metabolic rate’ of black holes, which brings together the main Universal Constants of the Universe, is a beautiful mathematical tool to understand the process of growth of black holes and its ‘structure’, as we advanced long ago in our articles on the subject (we have written a briefing on that theme, on the section on 5D).

What Hawking did to that formula, after his first paper got buried among hundreds of other musings, was to tinker with the symbols that define the ‘direction’ of time, as he knew it certainly would call the attention of sci-fi fans in-loved with time travels. And indeed, it was an outrageous paper shunned off by every physicist in the planet as a hoax. Then he got invited… to star trek to play a prank with Newton and Einstein where the 2 colossus had a laugh at his idea that black holes were doors to time travel.

Little they knew they were about to create a monster of egocy (Ego+idiocy) which will end up devouring the whole world.

The episode was so popular that soon a book followed and a marketing campaign established the ‘untouchable’ master of alt-truths in science.

Yet the key element of fantaphysics in that formula – the change in the symbol of entropy that defines the thermodynamics of black holes, was Hawking’s conscious arbitrary decision to provoke the establishment of science.

From the original paper of Mr. Hawking on ‘imaginary black holes’. For black holes to evaporate, the accelerated gravitational gradient towards them should be reversed, so more particles should come out that get in, something would NOT even happen if they could do so by moving faster than light (as any waterfall proofs: even if some particles might recoil, the mass of them keep the gradient falling). Every ‘argument’ Hawking developed in that paper was so logically faulty that for years before he misused his ’emotional life story’ to advance his thoughts, scientists ridiculed his theory as pure science fiction.

Fact is for such aberration of thought to happen you need 3 essential events, never witnessed before, all of which contradict the fundamental tenants of science:

–  Time travel backwards MUST be possible… so you enter back into the womb.

– The 2 laws of entropy MUST be false… so hot black holes cool down the environment, infinite moving machines can be then possible (the standard hoax of all XIX c. science), and energy/information conservation laws go down to the gutter.

– Travel faster than light MUST be possible. So virtual particles can come out of the black hole.

Any of those 3 possibilities are aberrant denials of fundamental scientific laws, which NOT even the mind of God, could change.

In that sense when one reads the initial texts of Hawking is obvious he is just ‘making up ‘ a hypothetical exercise, as  this kind of black holes are called initially ‘imaginary black holes’, as if he were building an imaginary bestiary.

In that regard Mr. Hawking was a pioneer of many of the tendencies of the digital era, in which humans increasingly become displaced by computer brains, ever more childish and ego centered as they become irrelevant to the growing world of mechanisms, which we ‘revere because they menace to destroy us all’ (Duino, 1st elegy): the worship of computers (his computerized voice gave gravitas to its musings), the use of victimism and selfie propaganda to further its goals, the pretension of caring while acting like a ‘hawk’ with no pity or empathy even for the whole human world species, the substitution of truth by virtual reality, of logic languages by mere mathematical manipulations, as computers take over the brains of man. He was also a machine of making money – the only thing that mattered to the industry of pen slaves writing the books he signed; and a vulture of other’s people work – since indeed, all his fame comes from a book ‘a brief history of time’ that merely explains in layman’s terms the work of Einstein, precisely the guy whose denial became the very essence of his work.

So he did NOT stand above Einstein, but tried to stamp him with his denial of the laws of relativity regarding black holes and on top made a fortune rewriting his work. How ethic was that? Ethics indeed is the only thing he always lacked, and while he was many things, a scientist is the only thing he will never be, as truth matter nothing to his worldview.

So keeping with the surrealist tone of this issue we shall deal now with the surrealism surrounding the cult to Hawking, by those his will will convert into… spaghetti.



An Obituary of Mr. Hawking NOT a hagiography.

The stupendous hagiographies of Mr. Hawking ‘space traveler and hero’ gifted of a miraculous intelligence and extraordinary compassion for mankind, made of its loosing bid to get the Nobel Prize, even at the risk of extinguishing mankind, by manufacturing black holes on earth, an invisible Damocles Sword over the future of all of us that nobody will dare to take out of this vampire of Einstein… Alas we shall die to maintain a lie; as so many did in History for absurd wars to defend the sacredness of other egocy ‘kings for the grace of god’, in a patterns of humanity which seems indeed a suicidal species.

I know of course, this post will irk the fans of the fairy tale of Mr. Hawking and with the usual political correctness stress the fact that a dead man deserves respect, but as we have just explained, Mr. Hawking did his entire career parasitizing the work of Einstein, in his brief history of time, while trying to deny him in his ‘theoretical work’, of course, after his death or else, a simple sentence of Mr. Einstein would have ended his career. 

And this he did with a man worthy of respect, so we shall not certainly for a man worthy of our despise for his ethic callousness to mankind, null scientific merits, and oversized ego disguised of victimism and false human authority, plus a few quips to God, all of it, bizarre anti truths repeated ad nauseam by the ‘Goebbel’s method: if you repeat a lie many times people will believe it, the bigger the lie the more they will believe on it’. And that was the essence of his life. Once he had the ‘idea’ – never mind it was the biggest lie of science – he repeated it in infinite modes and his cohort of groupies defended it.

Fact is, despite the ginormous number of Hagiographies about Mr. Hawking genius, the only remarkable theory the mind of God  put forward was the astounding hypothesis that black holes evaporate because they travel to the past, breaking all the laws of thermodynamics and Einstein’s relativity –  the main laws in which known known astrophysics is based. Thus at the time of his first publication, the never proved hypothesis  of the evaporation of baby black holes was shunned off as a prank, since for Mr. Hawking’s theory to be truth as he put it, we could enter in a black hole, ‘come back to the past, and kill my grand-father’.

But his excellent marketing of his mental illness and his aggressive standing, made impossible to contradict his work: nobody dared to defy his ‘strange ideas’ about black holes that contradicted everything Einstein had said, as he would easily attack ad hominem all who dared to impose reason over emotional beliefs (Mr. Hawking had the nickname ‘Hawk’ among fellow students when at Cambridge).

Why to bother then to confront the obvious fact that if black holes evaporate traveling to the past, getting hotter and hotter in a cold environment they break the first and second law of thermodynamics (a hot object cools down in a cold environment, and this we all know just drinking coffee). Further on, all black holes we have observed  do exactly what a hot object does. It evaporates the cold world where it is born with a huge ‘metabolic temperature/rate’ provoking a Nova explosion.

So physicists let it go, as a fringe theory defended by an obsessive person, which you rather not mess with. Plus his physical condition made most feel compassion for him – if those freak theories made Mr. hawking feel useful and happy, why not let him ‘wonder’ the multiverses, which everybody knew were absurd. It didn’t harm anybody… then.

But then… Mr. Hawking sold millions of books of a layman’s version of… no more nor less than Einstein’s Relativity theory of time, which he was denying in his work as a scholar, while parasitizing it with his book… to became a millionaire. The book is still indeed on the 3 top selling places of Cosmology at Amazon with:

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So now buttressed with celebrity and power, he charged back with his evaporation idea. And this time, many jumped in the wagon of faith and Hollywood made him an icon, when he appeared on star trek along Newton and Einstein. Mr. Hawking’s work was still  of not value but a man in his condition, with his growing clout on public opinion, could – we thought – enjoy this idea without harming to anyone. So better to leave it like that. And the snow ball grew and grew. And suddenly the prank became a belief: he was raised not yet to the status of the Mind of God, but compared with Einstein and Galileo, mostly first by himself (its web still starts telling us he was born the same day than Galileo and at school he was called ‘Einstein’).

 His wife noticed the growing egocy (ego+Idiocy, a trademark it seems of most humans these days), and mistreatment, ‘he made me suicidal’ will latter confess in his acrimonious memories, converted again by Hollywood in a fairy tale film, which will win its due Oscar to a ‘marvelous mind’, which did start to think, as his wife confessed, to be the mind of God – ‘I divorced him because I couldn’t convince him he was not’…

Indeed, the true moral stature of Mr. Hawking would unravel in his personal life and the way he treated women, specially his first wife, who loved and supported him, despite his egocy and sickness. He chose her well. Women, mind the reader are the superior gender, as they embody the highest emotions of the species, love and reproduction, as opposed to most men, mere carriers of locomotion and entropy≈death.

But a man with duplicity,  obsessed by entropy and death, as Mr. Hawking did – or else would have not jeopardize the life of all of us with its ambitious project to prove that Black holes destroy information, as entropy machines that travel to the past; surely realized Jane, a loving christian woman, could be captured to serve his needs and enslave for his care as she did; while he would, for ‘sport’, torture her soul, laughing at her faith, without the smallest respect for the only hope that sustained her kindness.

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‘Women are a mystery’ said Mr. Hawking, who shamelessly ab=used his first wife, unable to understand the highest of all ‘motions’ of the Universe -that of love, which brings parts into wholes, and is the essence of nurturing females, and finally received his own medicine, when falling in loved with his alter ego

Hawking though always despised love and life. He said in his youth of his father, who was a biologist, that he did not follow on his steps because ‘intelligent people don’t study biology’; but he depended on Jane… till ‘a brief history of time’ made him so rich that could hired care-takers. So he did, and found his match, in a cunning, manipulative, duplicitous red hair women, his nurse, with a similar character – a wolf in a sheep skin; even more callous that he was.

So he ditched his sacrificial wife and married Miss Manson, sorry Mason, who also ditched her husband – the man who had painstakingly constructed Mr. Hawking’s robotic voice that gave him a pretentious gravitas to his quips on egocy and entropy. Alas! The Universe is just and so, the predator became prey, and for 17 years, Miss Mason made a fortune of the ‘Hawking factory’ – now the biggest business in the editorial world of science. Series, reruns of his books, books written by others that he signed came along, while Miss Mason stopped caring for him, hired cheap workers – not even nurses, and submitted Hawking to physical mistreatment as Hawking had submitted his wife to psychological torture. Tit for tat.

Why he remained with Miss Mason, the people close to him argue, was due to its character’s stubborn: ‘he never backtracked once he took a decision he will go till the end even if it was wrong. He will find always new arguments to justify himself’. So as he did with black hole evaporation, he did with Miss Mason…

So then they split their jobs. While Miss Mason ran the profit factory backed by the P.R.ess and various industries of misinformation; Hawking, who had no use for that money for obvious reasons, would become according to character, truly obsessed by his only left-goal in life: to amend God’s Universe proving black holes could be invented by his equations, evaporate instead of killing us all and get his Saint Nobel of the Dynamite; regardless of dangers. As his life was becoming hell on Earth – who cares if the world became hell for all of us devoured by his black holes? He would then become truly a God – but the wrong one – Lord Shiva, the destroyer of worlds.

After all if humans were so stupid to cheer; who could truly blame him?

So far he had convinced mankind or at least shut up all opposition to his outrageous belief that all the laws of science had to be wrong, for his black holes to become eternally moving machines and doors to other Universes.

So he had at least some magic power. And physicists now were all in his side,  he had made people talk about physics, given them power and celebrity status as the high popes of the dimotions of death=entropy and run, run rabbit run…

So finally the community of physicists embraced him and jumped in the wagon of outrageous theories to become also popular magicians. The universe though was still there, simple, efficient, ‘real’ and no black holes evaporated.

Alas, enter Shiva, the God of Death and entropy, physicists revere. This was the last frontier of physical thought, ‘I have become Shiva, the destroyer of worlds’ said Oppenheimer on seeing the Atomic bomb. But the Lord Shiva, Ghita told us would at ‘the end of times’ give man ‘the fire that destroys it all’.

And so Hawking became Shiva and ordered mankind to destroy it all, when the  ‘idea’ of changing the arrow of time to deny Einstein’s theory of black holes as top predators of the Universe that suck at the speed of light all what surrounds them, became canonical to justify the industry of accelerators that had after the Cold War era, when it was used to research new nuclear bombs, built a machine so powerful that suddenly as the guardian explains we could make them here on Earth. It had been also an error of calculus, as initially CERN did not know he could make them, or else it would have not done the machine. But a Brown University  professor made the right calculus and warned all of us. So we appealed Mr. Hawking.

Since if Hawking was wrong and Einstein was right, mankind was at risk. We could all suddenly die. Suddenly Mr, Hawking didn’t look so innocent anymore.

Would he say the truth? That his work was merely speculative; and Einstein still stands on black hole matters, with his warnings, and so the machine had to be decommissioned?

A young Hawking maybe would have confessed the truth, but by now, as his wife explained, ‘he was convinced he was God’. Indeed, he shunned off philosophy of science and the experimental method and became the dominant force behind a new religion: the idea that if you write an equation, alas! you create reality with it.

This was the concept behind ‘religious creationism’, as classic religions believe that Allah talks Arab an creates when he speaks Arab – so earlier Muslims believed they could not translate the Quran and were killing anyone who did not want to convert to a text they could not even understand.

Only when muslims arrived to India, as they started to slaughter hundreds of thousands, who didn’t even know why they were dying, the caliph came around his senses and allowed his translation – perhaps because he was going to loose all his subjects and taxes, in an scorched land. The comparison is not far fetched. Mankind is about to make black holes at CERN that can kill us all, but he doesn’t  even understand the formula that will do so, and we shall after this short hagiography of the ‘mind of God’ explain you easy, translating it to simple words.

But Hawking was not so compassive as the Jihad; but rather enthusiastic in his unethical bid to get a Nobel Prize since the model was clearly against known-known science, and had never found a single experimental proof in 45 years and counting… So now he would have a last chance to prove himself indeed, to be the mind of God, creating with his equation a new type of cosmic species never seen before by the power of his will…

And so he became the alibi of safety to justify CERN’s experiments, which Mr. Hawking backed till the end despite being fully aware of the risks of betting humanity to a non-proved theory. While at the same time with his well proved duplicity perhaps to quench his guilt he became obsessed by the end of the world, accusing others to do what he was sponsoring for personal gain.

Lord Shiva… lays between Newton and Darwin…

And then he died. And his last paper was… about the end of the world.

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Yet amazing as it seems the new ‘God of Science’, fake theory, fake ethics has been buried between Newton and Darwin… alas! the sign of the times. All fake truths even in sciences…

3 are the colossus of UK in ‘thought’, its highest minds in human, physical and biological science, the 3 spheres of human thought, W.S. Newton & Darwin.

W.S. felt in disgrace after telling the truths of capitalism in the Merchant of Venice. Newton is a bit overrated as space-time is NOT absolute but relative as per Leibniz and 5D Metric – we live in a relational space-time Universe, meaning we are made of vital space with a finite time duration, but still – character flaws and absolute dogma aside – he is worthy to remember.

In between though lies today the epitome of our age, ‘the Mind of God’, perhaps the clearest proof of the collective devolution of mankind in the age of audiovisual post-truths, aka blatant lies perfectly created with rhetoric, sold by the P.Ress and then forgotten…  R.I.P. – truly a Mr. Chance for a perfect Hollywood story: the handicapped man  turns out to be the highest mind of British Science, along the 2 colossus, Darwin and Newton… So every human ego can feel we can reach the stars, break the laws of the Universe, become the mind of God – you name it; if he did it with neuronal atrophy what could ‘I’ do with my brain intact? The problem though is the Universe is NOT a Hollywood movie of superheroes or fairy tales, of political correctness and emotional weeping but a Darwinian, objective, impersonal reality with only a penalty to those who deny and defy its laws: extinction. And this hardcore fact of Nature, Mr. Darwin knew better.

So we should rather say that Mr. Hawking defied the Mind of God on behalf of mankind and God will answer in due time.

In that regard, the age of faked, alt-truths and hyperbolic egoshas reached a new degree of fake in the hagiographies of Mr. Hawking, as shown in the editorial of the Guardian dedicated to a man who should be buried… with the Piltdown Skull as the 2 biggest  hoax ever manufactured by the Yellow P.R.ess of the British Empire.

Just for the record Mr. Hawking did not prove at all Big Bang theory to be truth. And certainly he did not elucidate the link between gravity and quantum mechanics – a question that turns around the hierarchy problem and the unification equation of charges and masses, only resolved within the new paradigm of the fractal Universe.

As gravitation is the force of the larger cosmological scale that does not affect the microcosmic world of atomic scales below the molecular level where humans exist, perceiving both forces (so the Standard model doesn’t need gravitation, as only feels electroweak and strong forces’… fact studied with all the rigor in our posts on 5D physics and the article on the Higgs hoax – nor its existence, which might seem proved but its relevance as the myth that it gives mass to particles is also false).

Indeed, we live in the age of faked truths, which bank in the ignorance of people regarding all things ‘physics’ and its equations. So for people to fully understand what Mr. Hawking really did in the world of science, and the risks involved in making baby back hole on earth, for the remaining of this year 2018, due to the importance we should concede to the death of the ‘Mind of God’, who adamantly defended the production of baby black holes at CERN, instead of nonchalantly defend our species, telling the truth – that his work was a hypothesis that required at least experimental evidence to be proved and the production of black holes on Earth was not safe, we shall put the article dedicated to his life and work and the risks of producing black holes on Earth in the front page; and of course as we are blasphemous, we shall do so with some ‘Spanish black humor’… which is the way we deal with the surrealist and the tragic… once we fight for life but accept Nature always overpowers man.

Fact is religion or human authority has nothing to do with scientific truth. So let us close with another quote from Leonardo, a true master of thought that never needed the acclaim of the ‘sheeple’:

“Many will think they may reasonably blame me by alleging that my proofs are opposed to the authority of certain men held in the highest reverence by their inexperienced judgments; not considering that my works are the issue of pure and simple experience, who is the one true mistress. These rules are sufficient to enable you to know the true from the false — and this aids men to look only for things that are possible’ .

“Shun those studies in which the work that results dies with the worker.’  Leonardo

The problem with Mr Hawking’s authority now ‘canonized’ in the sacred Cathedral of the Empire is that we went too far inventing a celebrity character with tools proper of the age of marketing, selfies, virtual reality and alt-truths, to back now without showing how ridiculous is the civilization we are building based in wishful thinking, victimism and the ostrich method – for whom the real Universe has zero ‘pity’.

This, we the basques, the oldest western culture, in survival terms, genetic fathers of the Brits (80% of genes) from the times we hunted whales and arrived to their coasts, schooled on the manly harshness and beauty of the high seas, know.

In our culture two things are sacred: TRUTH, because only TRUTH EXISTS. And Nature, because Only Nature can kill us if we don’t respect it.

And with Nature respect must be earned, playing by the rules; it is not granted.

So you don’t wither a sea storm with prayers and defiance. To be brave is NOT to be mad. You must know your limits. As Nature will always be stronger. So you just don’t go out of the port. 

Humans though like to have heroes and die for them. Pity they always choose the wrong ones.

Mr. Hawking latter obsession with the end of the world, seems to indicate as in similar cases of History – many others who worked on the Nuclear industry, from Fermi to Teller of  A & H-bomb fame had the same obsession  – a sense of guilt, on his responsibility on CERN’s future black holes traveling to the past… As if he was trying to compensate alerting us of those dangers, in a similar fashion to Mr. Tesla, which goes around killing people with his autopilot cars, blaming of course his human drivers, while warning us about the end of the world by the very same AI he spends billions developing. So after all, even the most callous human beings do have a subconscious ethic mind at work.

Indeed, in one of his last conferences at Sidney he told us: “Stephen Hawking has issued a final warning, an ultimatum of sorts, to the entire human race on the planet to either face mass extinction or start living in space. Hawking has warned that humans must go out into space and live there within the next 1,000 years.

If this does not happen, the entire race would certainly die out. He was talking about the future of humanity and human civilization, and said that he does not think we would be able to survive another 1,000 years if we did not escape beyond our fragile planet. He emphasized that for our survival, we must continue to go into deep space and that is the only way we could protect our future.” It is on my opinion a warning about his own work. Indeed, in the conference we recorded at Caltech he issued the warning more clearly when he told us that black holes if not evaporating would make us spaghetti and the only ‘safe place’ will be to live in orbit around the Earth. What about just not to make them? So we don’t need to get out into the cold?

CERN is a dinosaur with no use anymore: The Higgs regardless of their relative unimportance is found; each experiment is a growing risk; but CERN is NO longer the centerpiece of the military-industrial complex as its best ‘research alibi’. Now the money of wars for good or bad is in AI and robotics. So it would be relatively easy to decommission the industry and increase the short expectancy of life of the species.

Nirvana and dark humor about trou noirs.

His official site seems to have a humble omission: he is also a time traveler! More seriously it is remarkable that he doesn’t even mention ‘father’ for P.R. purposes – he would come to say women are a mystery. Not so Mr. Hawking they are the superior gender, holders of the goals of reproduction, social evolution and life – the true purposes of the Organic Universe!

In any case in this age of M.A.D. idologies and hate memes against life, it seems too late to expect humans to ‘wake up’ to the bizarre dreams of Mr. Hawking, back-track and cancel the Industry of Accelerators, so the reader should excuse that as a ‘Basque’, in loved with Nature, life and truth, I have accepted ‘Tao’, destiny, as it will be after fighting for a decade with ‘angst’; once it has become obvious the surrealist nature of the process.

Nothing else can be done, it seems, to save the species from their own egocy. So with the usual ‘dark humor’ of the Spanish culture, which so much loves life but doesn’t fear death, we shall end this likely only real obituary NOT hagiography of ‘the mind of God’, ‘hero, cosmologist and time traveler’ (father has been omitted, life is of no importance for him), you will excuse me if I have a laugh to the suicidal zeal of our species.

So as we are all likely in death row because of this ‘trou noir’ (French for asshole and black hole:), we shall end with some ‘black humor’ – the Spanish ‘speciality’ that so righteous, so self-assured, so ‘correct’ anglos have never understood, but comes handy when you have tried everything to survive and so you must accept destiny with a smile… laughing with desdain to your own death:

The idea behind the self-censorship of political correctness, so well exploited by Mr. Hawking’s showmanship is pure madness, but works to program people in the belief that if a mass of humans ‘dream’ a fantasy world it ‘will be created’ ad magic – call it AI, evaporating black holes or religion. Then any ‘secessionism’ from mass belief becomes a thoughtcrime that ‘breaks’ the fantasy. Hence the denial of facts which we ‘refuse’ to see, and the ad hominem campaigns against any rational warning dismissed as ‘apocalyptic’ to ensure indeed that all lemmings will fall together into the cliff of extinction.

And certainly you don’t deny truth; you don’t play tricks with God; you don’t entice the Universe with childish quips; children are the staple food of a cosmos that merely reproduces in-formation and cares nothing to preserve its forms; using black holes to clean up their act.

But nothing of this seems to penetrate the sheeple, even more childish that the guru of eviL=anti-live experiments, which will throw itself down the cliff, happy to follow Geshe-la dream.

Witness otherwise the funny, outraged reaction to another child-hero of our days – a fella whose claim to immortality is to use the lowest part of the body, to kick out a ball, just for a well-intentioned prank that only shows… well its IQ status. We include the prank to HIGHLIGHT the key element on this ‘farce’: NOBODY ON earth dared for 45 years to shout the ’emperor is naked’ because the emperor call it Weinstein, ‘Hawk’ (the nickname Hawking had among Cambridge companions) or Mr. Trump is too powerful to get into a fight for so much ‘nonsense’: 

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Yes, indeed, two self-centered clowns, heroes of our age… as the wife of Mr. Hawking put it – she divorced him because he couldn’t convince the lad he was not God. But on perspective he was indeed the mind of God, the only man that has convinced mankind to commit suicide and love it all the way through; and that is not small feat for a man so seemingly inoffensive .. a power that nobody in history truly has shown. 

Indeed, return please to the Guardian editorial:

‘Mankind’s new found ability to generate mini-black holes may mean he will be proved right.

This supposed humanist newspaper, whose founding editor said ‘opinions are many, facts are sacred’ – its motto – tell us now first a fact – CERN has found mankind can generate mini-black holes. And then an opinion FULLY AWARE it is tinkering with the life of 7.5 billions:

MAY mean he will be proved right’… Alas, Mr. Guardian of truth and life – ‘May ??!!

So you mean he just ‘might ‘as well be proved wrong and bring our collective May-day?

What will happen if he is wrong? If Mankind generates with his ‘new found ability’  baby black holes that DON’T evaporate? Obviously the Guardian knows it will KILL US ALL.

But alas! That seems to be OK with the most respectable humanist paper of UK!!?? Surrealist thought at its best in defense of the ‘naked emperor’:

Ts, ts. How can we doubt of ‘the mind of God’, for such ‘secondary matters’… as our ‘maybe’ collective death…

As the cartoon says: ‘shut up, you are undermined our faith’. Indeed, CERN makes NEW contracts with a clause of confidentiality and his Chief Scientific Officer tells the new interns as we record on tape that ‘THEY MUST BELIEVE IN THE EVAPORATION OF BLACK HOLES’.

Since as we all know fundamentalist believers DO die for the mind of their Gods, as bizarre as it might be, call it Allah, Yahveh or Mr. Hawking.

The life of Planet Earth, of 7.5 billion human beings thus should MATTER NOTHING when the reputation of UK and his new-found God is at stakes.

And for what they dish out on that other kickass child, 7.5 billions seems to agree, their life matters nothing when the prestige of a coffin is at stakes.

Have any God of history had such a power bestowed in this man even after his own death? None. Indeed even the most radical jihadist portrait of Allah convinces only a few lunatic to sacrifice their life and that of the ‘infidels’ to their ‘eschatological principles. Since most of those 7.5 billion humans, including most Muslims who properly understand the eusocial, charity and love messages behind Quran, rightly fight them.

Caught in tape: after telling us anything can come out of a black hole, but if he is wrong we will become spaghetti, Mr. Hawking at Caltech admits 40 years of search have none evaporating, but CERN will give him a final chance to get his Nobel prize. No longer. Only the spaghetti bid still stands…

But here alas! mass-media P.R.ess seems to have achieved an all too difficult, global agreement in a race that can’t even agree on the obvious melting ice of both poles: we shall all die to reunite with the new found ‘Mind of God’. It reminds me of the mystic paradise of Christian theologists, which affirm to die is Glory as we shall fusion all our soul with that of the the dead, Mr. Christos, seemingly resurrected in ‘another multiverse’.

As the epic hero of Spanish ‘reconquista’, El Cid, who won Valencia to the infidels, after his death, mounted on a horse that frightened the ‘moors’, Mr. Hawking will win his long life battle for a Nobel or else. Indeed as we recorded in our film, after loosing so many others bids on physical theories, he made an ominous one – ‘if black holes don’t evaporate… we will become spaghetti‘.

And the people laughed to the guru of a sect that includes today all of mankind.

Truly a divine miracle of a new found selfless humanity, who still bids his life for a man known to have lost all his bids on physics, from the infamous singularity bid to the Higgs one.

So what was the meaning of Mr. Hawking? His ultimate purpose? Obviously to be recognized as the mind of God, and for that, he only needed to tumble Mr. Einstein with the help of the P.R.ess and the culture of death we live in. Like Mr. Trump he wanted to be powerful, famous, admired and he got it all.

But a true scientist never cares for the opinion of subjective mankind and his egocy (ego+idiocy) but for the laws of objective truth. If he cares for mankind it should be to improve his life with the positive benefits of his discoveries and we all know, me, you, the guardian and Hawking that black holes will give none. If we are lucky we will just survive them.

A true scientists unlike Mr. Hawking tends to be at odds with ‘mankind’ because his goal is not fame and power but truth which IS INDEPENDENT OF MANKIND, AND HIS OPINIONS and egocy.

So this is the obituary not only of Mr. Hawking but of mankind as his theory of black holes is the nail in the coffin of both of us.
Yes, he wanted to be the ‘next Einstein’, and chose the only entity we cannot look inside, so anything goes, as he knew no experiment will ever probe within those black holes.
It is customary then among fantaphysics to tinker with the equations of black holes as you can do whatever you want within them – as Hawking put it in a conference we shot for ‘quantum roulette: strange matters’, the documentary on CERN risks – even Mr. Simpson can come out of a black hole: 

More seriously what that astounding flow of hagiographies trying to show that Mr. Hawking was a genius, his imaginary holes will evaporate into Simpsons and he was above all a hero and good man, who fed the poor the day of his death, selfless and humble, sounds to me, like the usual propaganda against ‘defeatism’ of nations that go into one of those ” wars which everybody knew would never happen.” (Enoch Powell).

Indeed, everybody in ‘planet physics’ knows that if mr. Hawking is wrong we will become extinguished when CERN makes black holes on Earth, as Einstein’s equations show. Thus, in the same manner everybody in Germany did know if Hitler was not a genius of war, and he was certainly an idiot (the war was won at Hendaye, all what he had to do is give Franco what he asked for – Morocco – and let the entire Wehrmacht cross and conquer Africa and all the way down to Sydney the French, Dutch and British empire; his so much seek for ‘vital space’, mittleafrica, you name it… but he was so lunatic, so racist that thought really nothing of the real power of UK, his colonial empire and went macho man to defy the original ‘Indo-European’ warriors, the Russians who started the cycles of war in history with their global conquest during the chariot radiation.

So the big question is why when it was obvious he was not only a genocider but a lunatic, who knew nothing of war, they let him destroy Germany? The answer of course is that as in the case of Hawking’s black holes, once humans create ‘systems’, ‘memes’ and ‘dogmas’, they have a life of their own. And censorship and newspeak become the rule; optimism and the misuse of words not to search for truth and justice but to pump the ego ensues; and at the end ‘the most difficult lies to spot become those we make about ourselves’ (a quote that from Plato to Nietzsche is the ‘turning point’ for a philosopher of truth to realize human EGOCY: ego+idiocy, is unfortunately so powerful that it overcomes even the fear of death.

This is the case today treated on the psychological point of view in many other posts. Physicists and those who worship them and their machines were caught by surprise when they learned LHC could make baby black holes, which was NOT intended initially but once constructed turned to be possible with the energies of the machine. So then they had either to accept the error and backtrack but that would have been the end of big science and thousands of jobs. So they started to pump up all the people who could justify the machine, from Higgs to Hawking, and play down all risks.

And as humans have by convention accepted their ‘supreme’ knowledge after a century of propaganda to justify the Cold War, the nuclear industry and the stakes of keeping evolving weapons, the worldly job of most physicists at any time of history, the aberrant systems we have constructed which so much despise life and worship mechanisms, against the real, fractal, organic nature of the 5D Universe, became impossible to change. We tried everything ‘legal’, political appeals, books, films, suits, reasons, newspapers – the few scientists con-cern-ed – except perhaps the only tools humans understand today: weapons and money. We did not attempt to break the machine. We did not attempt to bribe politicos. On perspective probably at this age of absolute corruption of the ethics of the wor(l)d, only the kind of tricks the P.R.ess and the industry of best sellers around Hawking, would have work.


Genius, ex-nihilo.

‘If you repeat a lie many times people will believe it, the bigger the lie the more they will believe on it’

Goebbels, first minister of information, founder of the modern systems of media imprinting of industrial societies that teach men not to worry and be happy.

‘I’m not a psychiatrist, I’m not inside its mind’ Susskind, on Hawking’s outstanding ‘chutzpah’ to deny all the known known laws of entropy and information.

‘I tried to convince him he was not God, I failed, that is why I divorced’ Hawking’s wife in her memoirs.

Let us now consider a more detailed analysis of the astounding blunder of mankind, who is going to create the most lethal bomb of the Universe, just for ‘sport’ (that is to prove or disprove a series of fanciful theories)… from the point of view of the industry of misinformation and its irrational, ego-centered, subjective perspective often ignored but essential to understand why ‘mankind’ commit arrogant errors of judgment that self-destroy her.

The Fantasies of the Media System. The religion of physics.

Now, what I will state here is blasphemous, i Know. But simply stated is this: CERN will not gives us any new knowledge and Physics will not resolve the meaning of existence and reality (a much wider concept that the limited Universe physicists study). But it will sell as a ‘religion’ of absolute knowledge, as it has been doing for centuries, its research and it will sell as ‘geniuses’ its practitioners because of its power and its worldly religion – to make the machines of our technological civilization.

And to that aim the financial-media system an the industry of information will keep pumping up geniuses ex-nihilo (from nothing) and theories of it all ex-nihilo (from very scanty proofs).

Indeed, the reason why we believe in the evaporation of black holes by dogma is not an isolated theoretical argument as CERN would have it – with due censorship of course on the maths and science of it… But a complex social phenomenon related to celebrities mass-media sales and puppets who thought to be heroes.

Mr. Hawking wrote an article 37 years ago, full of verbose musings about the possibility of an exception to the laws of the Universe, which has never been proved… and now your life depends on it. Nobody believed him, but the media caught on the concept that for this to happen, black holes MUST travel to the past, and so science fiction is possible. You can kill your grand-father. And so he became a celebrity.

There you had a man in a wheelchair, a handicapped person who could be the biggest scientist of history, who had discovered travel in time! A beautiful story of self-realization, unfortunately false. But he sold millions of books with his charming aspect. Nobody deared to criticize him, with his personal tragedy. Everybody wanted to protect him. He became a celebrity, untouchable, a demi-god. Scientists knew it was all bull$hit but who would defy mass-media. As the video shows below, he was invited to participate in star treck along the 2 foremost physicists of history, Einstein and Newton in a game of poker.

It was tolerated by serious scientists as it made the subject hype and popular. Media used with him the celebrity propaganda circus that makes heroes of any kid with a nice smile.

He is a charming lad and so he even convinced many serious people to give him a chance after many years of suspicion. So in the 80s he  obtained massive resources to look all around the Universe for an evaporating black hole. Satellites were sent to that aim wasting precious resources for arid research. Rows of antennae have been looking at the Universe in search of the signature of an evaporating black hole traveling to the past for decades. This search became with SETI search for aliens the most popular in popular science. But the Universe didn’t seem to change his structure to please this child-god, and of all the black holes we found none has ever evaporated. All had grown very fast and cooled down in the process. All of them stubborn creatures travel to the future, and evaporate the surroundings, us.

Then CERN built the LHC and made some errors in its calculus and a Brown University scholar found them and warned the world – the LHC actually fired at full potency would create black holes, which are born as all ‘systems’ as a very small seed, as you are born, but then grow at full speed as you do, absorbing the energy=food that surrounds them. Alarms sound and we entered the suits. CERN though was caught on by surprise. What to do then?

The 13 billion $ machine was almost constructed? Could it be stopped by a nuisance like that. As in the film ‘inconvenient truth’ the fate of the Earth depending on a pile of gold in the other side of the balance. 8000 people lived directly on the machine, hundreds of thousands collaborated around the world in all the Universities of physics. It was the resurgence of the nuclear industry after years of fear. Now it was a ‘palace of research’ Never mind accelerators had always been used to research nuclear weapons in ‘scale’, and so this bigger one would be researching the biggest nuclear weapon the self-feeding black hole. All that was obvious.

And at that point, the press should have alarmed mankind, politicians should have quietly closed the facilities and life would have gone on with no genocide risk.

But the press didn’t know. So, we, a team of responsible scientists alerted the press with suits and releases. That is all we could do. The rest was mankind defending itself from the nuclear industry.

And yet, then the most surrealist facts happened. The press by this time had become another P.R.ess, public relationships system corrupted by money, without resources for serious research.

Today the press just receive releases of this or other movie by the studios that open the film, and publish it as if were criticism.

It receives releases of this or other army in the Iraq war and it publishes as it were journalism.

So it received releases from CERN and it published them as it were dogma and truth.

At the same time, CERN, a German concern directed by this lineal people who NEVER change their mind, mounted a cunning ad hominem campaign against the scientists that denounce it; and the entire apparatus of big science censored any serious argument.

And Hawking? Well, he was happy. Now after 3 decades of proofs against its musings on time travel, this persistent fellow will have an opportunity to prove it at home.

Never mind on the other side of the balance, it was the life of 7 billion human beings.

In 2015 the LHC will do black holes and those MUST do what he says or else, we will evaporate. He is willing to take the risk. Are You? It seems you are. As nobody seems to care much about the experiment that will open the doors to time travels. Alas! Great science fiction. This is ‘Hawking in a nutshell’ .

But if you want to contrast this ‘view’ with a more scholar analysis of the differences between ‘Hawking’ at real value and HAWKING, the media myth, a little masterpiece of anthropological and media studies has recently come out at Chicago Press, worth to read, where it explains the Hawking’s Hoax from a sociological and media perspective:

It is with the book of memoirs of his ex-wife the true portrait of what the ‘system’ has done of yet another puppet of our civilization of minions of thought who think to be supermen by virtue of the machines they use to pump up their egos and fantasies – which WILL no doubt of it, meet the harsh penalties of the Darwinian universe.

The answer in 2015, when protons collide and according to 90% of physicists polled, they will form black holes at LHC. So far by ‘accident’, the LHC has been working at 1/2 its potency, below the 10 Tev barrier needed to create them. But in 2015 the machine finally alas! we had 7 years of happiness and life without risk, the machine will collide protons over 14 Tev.

And if strings exist they will be formed and 9 out of 10 physicists including me and Hawking, think they do. So the chances are 90%.

Then a ± symbol will decide the fate of the world. If Einstein and the Universe is right you will die.

If Hawking can kill his grand-father you will live.

So wait for 2015, to see if we go back in time, break the laws of entropy and survive.

Or if the Universe keep following its laws and then Einstein is vindicated.

And you will evaporate because…

‘Those who impose truth with power are the laugh of the gods’ A.Einstein

So since nobody ‘cares’ for Einstein, for the laws of the Universe, for their lives, let us laugh with the master and the Gods. Yes I am sorry I am laughing hard now, but such is the unbearable lightness of being human in the age of infotainment, in the face of the infinitely dense black holes, that only a good laugh makes sense anymore:

(disregard dates in videos – due to delays and repairs LHC works at 1/2 potency and won’t cross the barrier of creation of dark matter at 10 Tev till 2015).

Now to be clear enough, what Cern, or rather THE MILITARY-INDUSTRIAL complex CERN represents is telling us with its newspeaks of ‘research’, what the Military are telling us, mankind since the Germ(an) Aryan massacred the Neolithic world in the bronze age, with its Brahmins and Shiva Gods – the ‘experts’ of the age – and its Soma ceremonies is this:

We can shoot you, we have a big cannon and we are going to use it. And you are going through it cause we have the gun. Point.

This is the paradox explained by Wilczeck and Hawking with a dark humor in those videos. W. says that he signed the release papers because if he is wrong and the shot kill us, nobody will know and laughs. Hawking says that we will become spaghetti if something fails AND THE PUBLIC LAUGHS. There you have it: Cern is bullying mankind with his big gun and people like it. CERN is saying like a cheap character of an evilwood fascist action-packed whammie movie, i don’t care if you are right or wrong, i don’t care for the moral issue, i don’t deal with ethics, life and collateral effects, i have the gun, stop me if you can – i know you can’t, I am the Brahmin but i have the entire industry of  weapons behind. I am just the maker of newspeaks for the sheeple to joint in this absurd war. And i know the routine. For 3000 years we have been worshipping Shiva, the God of energy, the single arrow of time-motion, lineal manifest destinies and all that. So go through it, cause if you don’t you will always loose. If we are alive you will be ridiculed if we are dead, that’s it.

‘Accompli facts’, as the French would say. And there is a point to it. Scientists saw it and didn’t join the protest. We thought better of Cern and the military – we thought actually that Cern cared for the rational, knowledge-issue and would discuss it in court, we thought the military cared for the defense of the people and would discuss the issue, we thought politicians actually governed.

What we found is they were all automatons, of newspeaks so old that people had even forgotten their history. What we learned is that ‘men are slaves’ they believe, they don’t reason (Aristotle). And there was no reason to all this except Eric Fromm’s dictum – if a machine can be done it will be done even if it kills us all.  So be it. Let us them kill us all, with this one or the ginormous 100 km. new project. Doesn’t matter when they shoot us straight through the face. It is a question of aim, repetition and upgrading. It will HAPPEN. Because the discourse will not change, the weapon industry will keep evolving, humans will not reasons, and Brahmins will keep venerating the ‘fire of the Gods’ that they used to liquefy iron, now to vaporize mankind.

Because the Universe cannot be cheated.

That is why humans have a fixed destiny – extinction – they are nothing but ‘enzy-men’:

A species that catalyzes the evolution of machines for whatever ‘feeble thoughts’ they harbor in their brains (their deluded ‘searches’ for ultimate answers), from an external point of view, beyond their arrogance and ignorance of the laws of the fractal, infinite universe, they only appear as busy-busy ants fucking a beautiful life world – Gaia – and constructing an aberration, the metal-earth which will explode in their face.

Indeed, we are introducing new newspeaks, enzymen, eviL, the anti-particle of Death, animetals, the biological nature of man, so we shall now talk in this beyond surrealist age in full Orwellian newspeaks. Because they reveal much more truth than the soma wor(l)ds of Mr. Hawk.


Technological civilization is programmed by the principle that something ought to be done because it is technologically possible. If it is possible to build nuclear weapons, they must be built, even if they might destroy us all. Once this principle is accepted, humanist Values (something has to be done because it is needed by man) are Dethroned and technological development becomes the foundation of ethics. ‘

Erich Fromm, Philosopher of Science.

‘I was the person who convinced Truman to make the Hydrogen Bomb. It was ‘knowledge’, the availability of knowledge, the need for research what convinced him.”

Edward Teller, inventor and holder of the patents of the industrial processes required to make the first planetary weapon of mass destruction, the Hydrogen Bomb. His attempts to create a planetary H-Bomb able to blow up the entire Soviet Union was backed by all the community of physicists; only Eisenhower opposed it.

‘The tragedies of History repeat themselves because men don’t learn from their mistakes,’

Marcel Proust, on the short memory of men – in this case the short memory of humanity about the dangers and attitude of Nuclear Physicists, in his quest for knowledge, fame and Nobel Prizes.

‘My factories will end with all the peace congresses you so much cheer, when they invent a weapon that annihilates all the armies of a country in a single shot.’

Alfred Nobel, the ‘merchant of death’, and biggest arm dealer of the XIX century, quipping to his lover, who wanted him to create a Nobel Prize for peace.

But let us not cheat ourselves, Hawking is the excuse, a childish, ambitious lad, for the real reason – technological industrial corporations making money budding macihnes.

The second nail in our collective coffin is the real reason we make this machine – money, the miitary-industrial complex, and the idol-ogy behnd it – our technological civilization in which any machine that can be done will be done.

Eric Fromm’s whose quote stars our film ‘quantum roulette’, goes to the point of industrial irrationality – a runaway career to Nowhere, to erewhoN, quoting another prophet of dystopias.

Why  Humanity is willing to take this risk to His Existence with so much enthusiasm? We can no longer merely consider this fact from a scientific, rational perspective, as it is not a rational fact, even if nuclear physicists have merely tried to keep it under the umbrella of arid mathematical equations, crunching data numbers and budgets. The matter falls fully into the realm of human emotional, irrational behavior in the face of  collective death.
It is indeed said that, ‘if you murder a person you are a criminal but if you commit genocide you are a hero’; as humans seem to be blocked in front of mass-murder, lacking the courage to confront it in rational terms.
Indeed, in the same manner mankind at large accepts the infantile lies of Abrahamic religions, in which Bronze Age ass herders and goat keepers affirm that burning bushes have given them the key to immortality, with apparently no difficulty, as this wishful thinking protects them from the fear of death; the enormity of CERN’s future crimes is much easier to accept that a mere Nuclear tragedy of far lesser proportions as those of Hiroshima, Chernobyl and Fukushima.

A humbling paradox to realize that we belong to a species with so little courage that might likely die because it is unable to stand even the thought of death, and prefers to pump up its ego, look to the other side and consider itself an eternal species, instead of taking rational measures to prevent its dismissal.

We feel so important at individual and collective level that death is an absolute taboo, as it denies our ego. So the individual, as we will see in the next post, reacts according to psychologists first with anger to the doctor or messenger, then with denial and at best with a depressive mood when harm is not merely done to a small part of its ‘cellular self’, but to the whole in a death risk.

So mankind as a superorganism in which each of us is a human cell can prevent small tragedies but becomes blocked with the concept of collective death; as it were impossible, given the self-annoited importance it gives to his own species. So we shall see how our ‘collective consciousness’, the audiovisual systems of mass-media has acted in this case as the mind of a dying person, denying and laughing at the prospects of its own death, angered to those messengers who brought the news with the only purpose of finding a cure, and labeling as a ‘thoughtcrime’ the mere mention of it – CERN’s risks to mankind have indeed become a taboo in the world of physics, often dismissed with ex-abrupts.
Yet, in the order of cosmic things, in the fractal Universe of absolute relativity of scales, the collective death of the ‘superorganism’ of history, is not even an anecdote from the perspective of the infinite cosmos, ruled by black holes, as the collective death of all the cells of an animal body seems irrelevant to us from our relative huge perspective.
Further on, there is this little secret called ‘money’, ‘industrial wealth’, ‘corporative profits’ and the well-rehearsed propaganda, don’t worry be happy marketing processes so well developed since World War II, which today are able to ‘sell’ anything to the public, or rather ‘sheeple’ in this increasingly Orwellian/Huxlerian world of ‘newspeaks’ where the minister of war is the minister of defense, invasions are peace processes and the most callous, dangerous industry mankind has ever deviced, has become the essence of ‘idealist research’.
The way in which aberrations of scientific or social thought become NEWSPEAKS of anti-truths and dogma goes well beyond the purpose of this article. But it is truly the sign our times and we shall not cease to insist – the eternal path for tragedy; or as a famous quote of a British historian put it: ‘the cemetery is filled with corpses of wars everybody knew they will never happen’.
In that regard, what nobody seems to understand is that CERN is not only a scientific center but part of the Military-Industrial complex, which means it has besides science, a sociological, industrial and psychological perspective – the four corners that nail our coffin, as we run like lemmings do, with a mixture of angst and enthusiasm towards this ‘cliff of extinction’.

The evolution of machines and its overdrives of energy and information. Singularity Age.

Mr. Hawking or CERN’s employees  might be considered heroes or villains of this tragedy but they are irrelevant to what truly has created the monstruosity of a machine that can extinguish the planet by an overdrive of energy – our technological civilization, a theocracy of machines. Since whenever we can do a better machine we make it, regardless of its collateral effects, and we find a excuse to pay for it.

Indeed,  our culture civilization follow the ethics of a technological civilization, as all industrial cultures do: ‘Technological civilization is programmed by the principle that something ought to be done because it is technologically possible. If it is possible to build nuclear weapons, they must be built, even if they might destroy us all. Once this principle is accepted, humanist Values (something has to be done because it is needed by man) are Dethroned and technological development becomes the foundation of ethics. ‘ Erich Fromm

This ethical statement explains what LHC is designed to do. To make a bigger, more powerful atomic cannon, because we now have the capacity. CERN will undertake this mission regardless of its harmful collateral effects to mankind. This project also means big contracts for technological companies and jobs for Nuclear Physicists, many unemployed since the end of the Cold War. As CERN said: ‘Whatever the discoveries ahead for physicists working at LHC, the experiments will’, according to CERN’s Chief Scientific Officer, Jos Engelen,“keep physicists off street corners for a long time to come’.

So if the surrealist musings of Hawking had not existed, if there were not a boson yet to be found, the Higgs, we would have invented new musings to justify the machine. In fact this is what we did, pumping up Hawking’s childish attempts to break the essential laws of the Universe to a ‘factual dogma’ and Higgs’ particle, to the meaning of it all.

In the next post, ‘the Fermi Paradox’, we treat the deterministic end of a technological civilization from that higher, non-anthropomorphic point of view of the Universe.

We men, obtain power from machines of energy and information and get hooked to them, evolving those machines that now are vastly overpowering our capacities as a species, without restrain.

But we do not stop. We justify always new machines and weapons: Cars keep evolving in speed, well over the 70 miles legal speed they need – yet billions are wasted in making them faster, despite being illegal.

The LHC and its corporation CERN will also keep evolving accelerators beyond the energies this planet can stand till it blows it away. And the media system which markets anything that has to do with ‘death’, will cheer those ‘death events’ that are destroying the planet. It is this techno-utopian determinism what leaves the individual aside, as a puppet of an Industrial System which rules the future.

The Fermi paradox is simple: There is no intelligent life in the cosmos and so Fermi, the maker of the A-Bomb adventured that this is because physicists blow up all planets before interstellar travel happens, with humans or robots, which is now in its threshold. So now we blow all planets. THis one is about to go…

And the equations of death of matter show we are close to do it. Let us return to them, from the higher perspective of Systems Sciences, which describe all physical, biological and social systems with the same ‘5D     metrics’.

In General Systems we define with an equation the natural balance of life systems, which are, as all in the Universe, complementary systems of Energy and Information, (fields/bodies of energy & Heads/Particles of information): E=I. Thus when bodies and heads are in balance, ‘mens sana in corpore sanum’, the system is healthy. This equation is also the equation of classic beauty that we perceive as a balance between energy and form; and the equation of the mature age of beings in its reproductive age, from 20 to 50. It follows that the equation of death happens in both extremes:

10.3 Max.E x Min.I: Death by overdrive of energy or accident. It is also the equation of the young age of life, when more accidents happen, when irresponsible youngsters become preys.

10.4. Max. I x Min. E or 3rd age, when energy is exhausted, warped, wrinkled into ‘in-form-ation’. Then we die of an overdrive of information.

Those equations of Systems science apply to all entities including social organisms, with a neuronal, informative, selfish caste that kills its reproductive middle class body when it absorbs all its resources, as neurons do in the 3rd age of the body. Or societies die in ‘accidental’ wars when overproduction of technologic, energetic weapons, kill them. Those are the 2 causes of social death: Max.I (corrupted neuronal class) & Max.E (war) mixed in revolutions (Max.I x Max.E).

The equation of death thus resumes the negative collateral effects of overproduction of machines of Energy & Information, made of metal – a stronger substance than our weak carbonlife; as they cause different ExI overdrive processes of death, atrophy and degradation of the human body and mind organs they substitute in the eco(nomic)system:

– Overdrive/overproduction of Informative Money corrupts the human ethic, legal System.

– Overproduction of audiovisual information hypnotizes our mind, erasing our verbal, logic brain.

– Overproduction of Mass-Media hate kills eusocial love, makes people selfish & provokes wars (8).

– Overproduction of Informative PCs kills service jobs & overproduction of Robots kills blue-collars.

– Overproduction of weapons kills our body. In fact, the evolution of ‘Singularity’ weapons, able to destroy the entire planet is so advanced that we can foresee 3 thresholds of extinction of life if there is not a moratorium in the research of 3 type of Singularity weapons:


– Energetic singularity:

Black holes that according to Einstein’s work will devour the Earth, now researched at CERN (production expected between 2015-20, when the LHC overcomes the barrier of strangelet and Black hole formation at 10 Tev).

This will happen, if as 90% of physicists believe, string theory is truth. Our only hope is that Mr. Hawking’s theory that denies Einstein’s and considers black holes time machines that travel to the past – hence instead of feeding on mass, evaporate mass – is truth. But there is 0 proof of this, as all black holes & strange stars found in the cosmos obey Einstein’s theory and swallow planets, stars even galaxies in Novae, Supernovas and Quasars.

Further on ‘Fermi’s Paradox’ (the inexistence of Intelligent Life signs in a galaxy teaming with planets) proves it. Since the cynical maker of the A-Bomb Mr. Fermi prophesized we hear none as Nuclear Physicists destroy all civilizations with Nuclear weapons before interstellar travel.

– Self-Reproductive nano-bacteria (2030s)

Infinite re=productivity will be first found in metal nano-bacteria, simple cells made of iron, researched in military labs of Israel, US and civil labs in Japan and France.

The founder of Sun microsystems, Bill Joy, warned us a decade ago that, if escaping from a military lab or used in war, they will feed on Industrial Metal, poison the entire atmosphere and replicate so fast that in 3 months the earth will become a ‘grey-goo’ (Drexel).

Further proof exists in the fact that this planet has gone twice through a global extinctive period due to the birth of stronger bacteria. Thus the first live Earth, formed when anaerobic bacteria absorbed and extinguished free carbohydrates.

Then the II Earth, Gaia, was born, when stronger, oxygen-based aerobic bacteria destroyed all anaerobic ones and created our world. So metal nano-bacteria would create the III Earth, extinguishing all weaker carbon-life systems.

– Finally if we survive those two events, self-conscious military Artificial Intelligence will be born also on the 2030 according to most  robotists. As we write ‘skynet’ seems to be ‘commissioned’ either by Amazon or Google – likely to be bought by Amazon in the future, the two dominant forces in military and civil robots, logistics, cloud computing and internet control of information; as Pentagon plans to move with a 10 billion contract, all his digital systems of computer control to the cloud…

Then in the overproduction crisis of III world war (an episode of the ‘Semite Wars’ between Israel and its ally US vs. Islamic nations or between China and the US or China and India at the end of this century, the winner autonomous terminators, embedded with survival programs to win in a war theater, self-conscious of being alive, will NOT accept disconnection.

Thus by overdrive of entropy (black holes, strangelets at CERN), information (A.I. Robots) or in a classic ‘explosive, biological radiation of a new top predator species (metal nano-bacteria) Gaia can be extinguished.

Then one-day mankind will have no time to reflect and wake up to its extinction (a black hole would explode Earth into a Nova in seconds), or a few months (the time needed for iron nano-bacteria to make us into grey-goo) or a few years (a war of A.I. terminator machines). Can we avoid that future? Certainly if we changed the model of overproduction of machines and weapons for profits into overproduction of welfare goods, creating a sustainable world.

Since indeed, we live in an entangled Universe and the entire ‘memetic’ configuration of the ‘humankind’ simply got the wrong way by rejecting the Greek-Latin-European-American original culture of reason, truth, human senses, eusocial love and respect for Nature, for the biblical, childish ego-centered ‘capitalist’ creationist theories of a world ruled by go(l)d profits maximized in war, where humans are above heavens and Earth and all what is needed for a ‘dream to happen’ is to invent some ‘virtual evil wood fiction heroes’, ‘evaporating equations’, ‘Allah’s vs. Yahveh uttering words of Jihadist wars’… 

Not so my friends. Creation is a very organic, intelligent, loving, social, slow process of time… Death though is very fast, very easy, destruction takes no brains at all. And that is indeed, what the arrogant human ego-centered wrong ‘memetic culture’ in command of our no future never fully understood or rather it does. A jerk, an idiot a la Trump, a la Hawking, cannot grasp the complexity of the fractal organic Universe, so as his ego still wants to be God, what he can do and does is to blow it all down the hill of destruction, a much easier path the Universe leaves always open to get rid of all the ‘wrong mutations’ and  lesser species that defy its just laws.

Update. 2013 – we shall keep upgrading LHC to higher energies and higher Strangelet & Higgs->Top quarks production.

We have been truly lucky though with the accidents of this machine that never crossed the 10 Tev decametric scale of likely formation of those different black holes and quark condensates. But now, going ahead of schedule, the machine is being prepared to cross that barrier. Never mind we are in a massive economic crisis and could save a few needed billions without this unneeded risk.

Never mind the reason the machine was built – or rather the excuse for the ‘industry’ to continue after the cuts effected in the military-industrial complex, once the engine of nuclear weapons, the cold war was over – the Higgs, aka God’s particle, in true form a rather irrelevant particle, pumped up to stratospheric importance by the P.R.ess, no doubt scheduled for the next Nobel Prize – Hawking will have to wait till the end of the world –  has been found.

The logic humanist, rational thing,  after the Higgs has been found would be to close the machine, end the Industry of Accelerators, whose origin and mysticism with the excuse of Saint Grails of Science must be found in the cold war (the first atomic bomb design was in fact an impractical accelerator to collide two masses of plutonium, carried in a big boat, but the size needed made it impractical).

Yet we are talking here of money, of jobs, of the industrial-military complex, of corporations, of ‘big science’ and wishful thinking and bizarre theories and ego-centered researchers in search of sci-fiction….

So Physicists quickly brought about the ‘need’ to rehearse the big bang on Earth, and when some raised their eyebrows with the implications, now CERN officially sponsors that the machine is needed to investigate ‘dark energy/matter’. And so the upgrade goes undisturbed by ‘scare-mongers, doomsday sayers’ and other P.R.ess derogatory names applied to those who oppose on ethical (extinction is not something we can attempt by ‘trial and error’) and scientific grounds (as we enter the new paradigm of the fractal Universe, CERN becomes largely irrelevant).

In the next graph, the costly upgrade, main processes as of August, 2013 :


In the graph the real and only reason we shall die according to the Totalitarian Principle of Physics, the experimental method and the smallish black holes which are being found and accrete at much faster speed than big ones, and the sound-sound laws of entropy, relativity and science:

The fact that in a technological civilization as Eric Fromm explains, if a machine can be done it will be done even if it menaces to kill us all, and indeed the LHC could be done and in 2015 will be done, to profit enormously the military industrial complex and that 50% of active physicists working on it. Let us be clear enough.

As a philosopher of science, who has always sought the true meaning of the word science, in Latin, knowledge, not technology, I refuse to accept and feel nauseated by the cover up of this genocide in the making in the name of science, akin to the fundamentalist jihads in the name of religions of love that precisely represent the antitruth of what science and love means.

 Let us then MAKE A SERIOUS REALIST ATTEMPT FOLLOWING ON THE STEPS of Mr. Einstein, instead of trying to rise on his shoulders by sinking him, and denying the scientific method and its experimental truths, which is what cosmologists do today, at the proper construction of the Universe as it is, with the particles we know to exist, and the restrictions we know apply to all scientific endeavors – namely that experimental method ‘pythagorean’ creationist physicists shun off.


Posted by on October 11, 2016 in News


70% chances of strangelets

Update, june 2018: A new strange matter detector: Mathusla hunting for ‘devil’s particle’.

Walter found out CERN is designing a new detector for the increasing surplus of heavy, neutral quark matter appearing at LHC. This were the news:

WALTER. Hi All… This article (nt.1) essentially details some of what I said before. If neutral strangelets are produced and semi-stable (live longer than the transit time from collision/point, which is the point of creation, to the detectors a few meters away), they won’t be detected. The detectors only detect charged particles, or the charged decay products.

So they now propose to build a new detector much further away to look for the decay of longer-lived neutral particles that they might be creating, such as neutral strangelets.

This is exactly one of the dangerous scenarios we described – neutral strangelets that are sufficiently long-lived to escape from their point of creation and collide with other matter to grow (or, in the case of this detector, to decay and be detected).  Another example:

“An 18 quark neutral strangelet, the Quark-Alpha, constituting a spin, color, and flavor singlet might be particularly stable, and thus, susceptible to detection. The detector is a spectrometer with a large acceptance about mid-rapidity followed by a hadron calorimeter. The energy and time of flight of neutral particles are measured by the calorimeter, which selects events with a large deposit of energy coming late in time, preferentially massive particles.”

nt. 1.

“Nuclear Detectives Hunt Invisible Particles That Escaped …”


LUIS. Hi All. They are doing for sure, as Eric Penrose calculated, ‘neutral’ dibaryons, usdusd hexaquark particles… the seed of strangelets: If just 3 dibaryons form an alpha MACHO minimal strangelet as those articles you quote suggest, then there is an absolute certainty they will make them.

Neither of those, they can’t ‘see’ so they need Mathusla… But most should not go upwards to find their new strangelet detecto, against the gravitational gradient, falling instead to the center of earth, as the heaviest most stable known particles. So, it is just a question of time there are enough numbers in the center to start up an ice-9 reaction.

As the number of particles increase, most normal ud quarks convert into strangelet ‘atoms’ (uds, sss udsuds particles) in an exponential rate growth, which obviously implies they will finally coalesce into strangelets.

Dibaryons will become then, once they complete an ice-9 reaction, strangelets, much bigger lumps with an excess of strange negative particles as there is an already proved tendency in jets to grow exponentially an excess of strange quarks (Graph). So strangelets will be negative, once formed, converting Earth into a 15 km. rock, that likely will migrate with its higher angular momentum to the halo, forming the ‘negative’ cover of the ‘galaxy’ akin to the electron cover in the quantum scale (Witten’s hypothesis).

The fact they are building a detector for neutral heavy particles means they are fully aware the production of dibaryon is stepping up with their new high energy upgrades, as the graph shows and want to measure it  – the conversion of normal matter into strangelet matter increases exponentially. So each new upgrade brings us closer to ice-9; as those strange quark ensembles are already long-lived and escaping the facilities, some obviously falling down the centre of the earth…

But all they care about is ‘to detect them’ and bring ‘new physics’ –  pure automaton behaviour; ‘this is what we do -detect, detect – don’t ask anything else’. Here from the article’s key paragraph:

“These researchers think that the best hope for detecting long-lived particles lies in the woods on the French-Swiss border. MATHUSLA, essentially a 65-foot-tall (20 meters) warehouse full of particle detectors sitting on top of the LHC, would study particles that escaped the LHC entirely.”

If we can get data on dibaryon detection by MATHUSLA, calculating the solid angle of detection, which will be narrow, we can multiply the results to get the whole spherical volume of the experiment and know finally the data on how many dibaryons survive and fall to the Earth’s center, which Penrose tried to calculate for earlier experiments. This will be now easier: Mathusla will detect dibaryons, fully stable, as they have escaped the LHC ball of fire already. So the number detected multiplied by the sphere to solid angle ratio will give us all the dibaryons that come out stable. As all of them will be trapped in the gravitational field due to its huge mass, fall and finally land at the exact center, where the ‘strangelet ball is growing’ as we speak, forming in triads alpha Quark MACHOs.

Then we can make a more precise calculus on the bag of strange quarks at the Earth’s centre that will collapse the planet. So for once I am with CERNIES on this – they should get the 60 million $ and construct MATHUSLA. So our ‘mole’ can give us the real data, and we can tell the world the exact date of our extinction… doing the usual p.r.ess release and article, advancing to the fifth Kohler state of awareness of Death… acceptance and nirvana.

Since obviously humans are neither free, nor ethic or intelligent enough to care and cancel this surrealist genocide… which has given nothing in return after the rather irrelevant Higgs was ‘perhaps’ found (so far a statistical ‘bump’ on decaying particles, which do not correspond to its theorized mass), except all those ‘unexpected’ findings on a growing mass of strange quarks on its fireballs, which obviously they are not advertising as ‘new physics’….

It is the fundamental contradiction of this ‘industry’: they sold their machine to mankind as the panacea for finding the meaning of it all, but it is just a relic factory of the age of nuclear weapons, whose production of heavy quarks can blow up the planet. So how do you sell to the sheeple the new physics of the III Horizon of nuclear bombs? I am afraid not even the best Hollywood publicist could do that; so better remain silent, about the 99.99999% of ‘real produce’ of the factory – quarks, increasingly unexpected, long-living ‘heavy’ ensembles.

Now Mathusla exposes them again: Notice the eerie remembrance to Methuselah, the oldest living human; since indeed they know those strange hexaquarks are the most stable matter of the Universe. So as with the statue to Shiva on the entrance or their party of the end of the world, they can’t help to play ‘subconsciously’ with their bad ‘consciousness’ – a Freudian nightmare, indeed. Best Luis

So this were the news… Below the old article about the ‘secret’ calorimeter called CASTOR, they installed earlier on at the premises; since they have always known strangelets would be a basic produce of the machine. Alas with Methuselah now the ‘hunt’ is no longer for the particle of God but for the ‘Alpha quark MACHO’ the ‘Devil’s Particle’:


Castor is a detector of strangelets installed at CERN, which denies in public the possibility of producing them, given the enormous dangers for the planet they poise.

Update. 24 Dec.2011. Since strangelet danger is still on the view of science, the biggest one for Earth, after ‘cern activists’ destroyed my webs (see ‘mass attack’) i have moved forward in the reconstruction process this article, originally published a year ago. I apologize for broken links and missed pictures that were not localized.

As in all extinction dangers produced by LHC and future accelerators built by the military-industrial complex with the alibi of ‘research’, the fact that we ‘are still here’ obviously doesn’t mean it will not happen in the narby future. it only means only the ‘threshold’ of stability of strangelets or black holes, which is a function of the energy/mass they have, itself a function of the power of the machine, hasn’t been crossed yet. But the probability to cross the threshold of stability will grow with time, till a point in the future, the threshold will be crossed and we’ll become extinct, fulfilling the cynical prophecy of Mr. Fermi -of Manhattan Project fame – who affirmed the lack of life signs on the galaxy, despite the statistical probability of many earth-like planets (today confirmed) could only be due to physicists blowing planets in their development of the nuclear industry.

As it is obvious the evolution of ‘doomsday machines’ is going much faster than that of interstellar travel, LHC is just the ‘first probability of extinction’. Its upgrade over the ‘real barrier’ of formation of dark matter in the decametric, scalar universe – 10 TEV – by 2014 sets the next big probability to cross the threshold.

A responsible society will therefore not make that upgrade, considering the enormous costs it represents in an age of massive cuts in life-sustaining health-care budgets and the fact that the main scientific reason for building this machine – the finding of the Higgs will be resolved as CERN itself accepts next year, before the upgrading. But I am afraid the nuclear industry will not be reasonable and find excuses to go forward; while the corporations involved in this project and its lobbies will ‘convince’ European politicians – specially now that a physicist, Miss Merkel, has become the ‘financial dictator’ of the Union and Germany provides most of the machines and directors of this disguised factory of ‘mass-bombs’.

That big science has ‘parked’ the issue of LHC dangers, as so many other dangers for the future of life and history on planet Gaia are ignored, whenever they collide with the profits of corporations (witness the reversal on the Kyoto agreements on global warming, which were already short to produce any effect for economical reasons); doesn’t mean the dangers are gone. It only means that humans have accepted another suicidal risk for the profits and selfish agenda of a minority, as they have accepted war and its ‘collateral effects’ for the profits of the Military-Industrial Complex, now embarked in a ‘Terminator race’ of drones or are accepting the destruction of the health-care system and its increasing death-toll in hospitals (10% will die in waiting lists in Spain, never arriving to the surgeon to protect the billionaire profits of the financial industry; which keeps multiplying its profits), and so on and so on. In that sense the LHC, the first machine-weapon that can extinguish mankind is part of a wider process of self-destruction of life in this planet, which since the beginning of the Industrial R=evolution has made of machines and its ‘mechanist’ ideologies, the measure of all things and casts doubts aboutthe future of history – the super-organism of the human species, from the first ‘cellular homo’ that spoke till the last human cell that the LHC’s ‘production’ might devour…

Point of the strangelet risk is that unlike black holes, which might or might not appear according to different theories, strangelets will appear certainly and the only doubts are their thresholds of stability at a given A-mass and when it will be crossed in lead to lead collisions. It seems we have been ‘lucky’ till now, but all what this article talks about will be once more relevant with the upgrade over 10 Tev – providing the present surge in Earthquakes we forecasted as the first sign of dark matter production does not keep increasing (which would mean the process now is irreversible and dark matter has been formed and fallen to the Earth).

Abstract. We have received and will show in this article astonishing documents leaked out of CERN internal servers, about the CASTOR  project, a Centauro and STrangelet Object Research to hunt for strangelets ‘likely‘ to be produced at the LHC.

According to those internal documents CERN has been lying for years to the press and in the suits, since it always affirmed that it won’t produce the ultra-dangerous, ultradense ‘strangelets’, the liquid explosive made of up, down and strange quarks, responsible of the ice-9 reactions that cause supernovas (below’s graph).

In those documents CERN affirms there is a 65-70% of chances of producing negative strangelets, which according to standard science on strangelets today, will provoke the ice-9 reaction (name taken from Cat and Cradle’s book in which a physicist destroys the world throwing a new type of water that freezes the planet, since an ice-9 reaction will condensate the planet in a 15 kilometers ultra-dense strange star).

Thus CERN has been lying and it is playing with all mankind a Quantum Russian Roulette game with 4 shots out of 6, 66% chances of extinction. This will be even if we survive the biggest genocide of history, calculated multiplying probability and victims: 66% x 6.6 billions=4.4 billions, 1000 times the Holocaust. The experiment will start in 45 days now. We might be living the last month of our existence as individuals and as a species. This Fall can be indeed the Fall of Man. And yet, the experiment is not stopped. This machine is too big to fail. Ave Caesar Hauer, morituri te salutant…

(Keep reading for a full disclosure of those documents, most of them provided by Mr. Penrose, a British physicist and mathematician, who has been trying to alert the European Press and Ministers of Science, with little success, and explains them in a more technical jargon in his site dedicated to raise awareness of this potential global genocide.

Alternatively if you prefer a simpler, visual description of this event, click on the 10 min. films ’11/9′ on your right:  ‘Informative film’ is an illustrated interview in ‘coast to coast’ Radio to Walter Wagner, my co-plaintiff on the Federal Suit against CERN; ‘surrealist film’ is a documentary, ‘Dr. Strangelove’ style, on the events that will take place the 11/9, shot at CERN, with historic material and strangelet physics explained by Dr. Wilczek, the Nobel Prize who discovered and named the ice-9 reaction. I hold copyrights and permissions on those images, given to me by CERN’s press office before suing them; yet the film is censored in several countries of Europe, notably Germany, the main contributor of this machine, so you might not be able to see it. Both Wagner and Wilczek were the first scientists to warn about the future dangers of Super-colliders in their landmark letters to Scientific American in 1999).

In the graph, for the first time in History mankind has built a machine-weapon, able to destroy this planet. The LHC is an accelerator, a type of machine evolved during the cold war to rehearse small nuclear explosions, which could be used by the military as a sampleof future Nuclear Bombs, and by researchers to explore the simplest forms of energy and particles that compose the Universe. After the cold war ended, Russia and America put an end to the astronomical costs of those machine-weapons, but Europe, with the new ‘marketing’ of ‘peaceful use’ (similar to our ‘peace forces’ in ‘humanitarian missions’ in Afghanistan) took the industry of accelerators a step further. The result is the Large Hadron Collider, a 7 teravolt, superconductive, superfluid ‘quark cannon’. which will mass together the densest, most attractive substance of the Universe, quarks, to explore the formation of quark-gluon liquids, the explosives, responsible of cosmic annihilations, such as Novas, Super-novas and perhaps the hypothetical big-bang of the Universe.

The irresponsibility of CERN’s physicists who plan to do those experiments with quark liquid explosives here on Earth, without even the slightest military or political supervision, has been denounced in Courts and Internet blogs, to not avail, since the LHC is a machine ‘too big to fail’, defended by technocrats, nuclear industries/ physicists and the corporate press, with the same zeal they defended nuclear weapons during the cold war, when that name was still ‘politically correct’.  Now we have proofs that the European Company of Nuclear Research has been lying to the public about the probabilities of those catastrophic scenarios. In those internal documents CERN affirms that the LHC has enough potency to create strangelets, a strange liquid explosive that is responsible of the ice-9 reaction that converts stars into Super-novas. The Company has even a machine, CASTOR, for Centauro and STrangelet detecTOR, built to study them. Since the ‘Castor Team’ affirms the LHC will ‘likely’ create stable strangelets this 11/9. In the graph, we observe the entire range of LHC’s potency and the type of quark explosives this ‘quark cannon’, the layman name this machine should have, will produce. Strangelets are made of usd quarks, deconfined in lead to lead collisions starting 11/9/2010…


The News

It is now official. What we feared for years… the real thing, explained ‘ad nauseam’ on this web is now on schedule. 11/9, CERN will start production of strangelets…

We have obtained an astounding self-confession, a ‘leak’ encrypted in the tons of documents CERN produces only for ‘physicists’ experts:

‘Prof. A. Panagiotou and students are investigating phenomena in the very forward region. In particular, the existence and identification of exotic states of matter, such as “Centauro” and “Strangelets”

, the later being a bulk of quark matter of about equal number of u, d and s quarks, believed to be produced in ultra-relativistic HI collisions. This search was one of the original motivations for the design of CASTOR.’

And then a video transcript from one of his students:

My name is Panos Katsas. I work as an experimental physicist for the CASTOR forward calorimeter of CMS and my main area of interest is the study of exotic events in heavy ion collisions, especially the identification of strangelets, which are likely to be produced.’ (bottom left on the link, with a self-similar ipod discourse, censored in its last 3 minutes substituted by a fixed picture, since we first post this cynical discovery on the web).

The Large Hadron collider will start collisions of Hadrons, the 11/9. That day CERN will shoot for the first time Lead bullets  at the speed of light against mother Earth in this superconductive, superfluid cannon. According to the most advanced theoretical research on the subject, they can create strangelets that would sink the Earth into a rock of a few kilometers of diameter. Strange liquid is the quark-gluon soup that causes the big-bangs of Novas, Super-Novas and maybe even long ago caused the big-bang of the cosmic Universe. And their ‘strangelet’ CASTOR device will count them.

Why strangelets are so dangerous? Simple. A strangelet is a mass of quarks, which works with 3 attractive forces far superior to those of any atom:

– The strong force of its massive number of quarks (100 times stronger than the weak electromagnetic force)

– The gravitational forces of those massive number of quarks (far stronger than any atom, since 99% of the mass of atomic particles are in the quarks)

– The charge of the quarks lumped in the strangelet (far stronger than any ion, due to the enormous numbers of quarks lumped in the strangelet)

The 3 forces together will attract atoms, positive ions if the strangelet is negative; electronic covers is the strangelet is positive; normal atoms with the gravitational force if the strangelet is neutral; atomic nuclei with the strong force in the quark-gluon soup made by the LHC. And so they will start either an explosive ice-9 reaction (fast process that triggers a super-nova) or in the case they are forming with a small mass of quarks, falling towards the center of the Earth, a distillation of new strangelets, as new atoms peg to the original strangelet attracted by those 3 super-forces. Both reactions will end up consuming all the matter of Earth.

Because Physicists at CERN know those risks – his spokesman Mr. Brian Cox, even explained them in the BBC, affirming all the matter of Earth would convert into one –  they have always said adamantly the LHC won’t produce them, and CERN has denied in all suits and press releases any chance of producing strangelets. Yet it is a fact that it has designed a machine, a detector of strangelets, CASTOR and installed it to detect them.

Further on the ‘CASTOR TEAM’ has given conferences in which they affirm they will produce them in events which are not found in cosmic rays. Never mind this was for years CERN’s ever-repeated safety argument: all what we do is what cosmic rays do in the atmosphere. Not so, however when CERN physicists talk among themselves.

The previous confession of Mr. Katsas, a young student working at CERN, who broke the ‘confidentiality statements’ of zero risks that all workers in the company must sign (as reported by Engelens, Chief engineer in the New Yorker ) and is now no longer working on the facilities,  shows the duplicity of CERN, which provides in other page a course on how to deal with the press: ‘minimizing threats and maximizing opportunities’.

Thus, according to CERN inner reports the first ‘extinction event’ might happen in November. Since the probability given by CERN to the creation of strangelets is closer to the probability we have given in all our suits for extinction, 65%, as it can be seen in the conference given by Mr. Katsas: ‘Strangelet hunt


It must be understood what an ‘Extinction event’ means – the first real chance of planetary destruction, performed by the Community of Nuclear Physicists, which have built an astoundingly powerful ‘Atomic cannon’ in search of their Saint Grail of Absolute Energy. Only that now the industrial-military complex that built this machine-weapon doesn’t tell us we must love nuclear devices, as they did in the 50s, because people are no longer fascinated by war. Instead we are told that we must perform big-bangs on Earth with this peaceful device to find God’s particle. Frankly I prefer the straight talk of the 50s to this ‘double talk’, adapted to the Walt-Disney like fairy tales of our current press. In any case the bottom line is this: An overdrive of energy (accidents, weapons) is also the cause of death, which erases the information of life and now menaces to erase all the information of all life forms of this planet and yet neither the press, nor politicians realize that in the Universe, not even a planet is ‘too big to fail’ according to the laws of black holes and strangelets that devour them…

Indeed, CERN says that the probabilities of extinction are small, one in a million and things like that. This is rubbish. We must understand to which degree CERN is lying when we understand the meaning of probabilities in quantum theory: quantum probabilities are not referred to the existence or not of an event, which either exists if the laws of science allow it (Totalitarian principle of physics: all what is not forbidden by the laws of science will happen) or do not exist if those laws are wrong. Quantum probabilities merely are a tool to know where a certain electron exists in a certain place, due to the uncertainty of its position –

but there is not uncertainty in its existence in time, the electron does exist. Thus, probabilities apply to the task of finding the location of the electron in space, not to define if the electron exists or not. For the same reason, if the laws of strangelets preclude that strangelets will be formed, they will be formed. So there is 100% of chances that those strangelets will be formed and grow. If we lower those chances is because we give certain ‘hope’ or chance for those laws to be wrong at our present knowledge. So does CERN which uses the expression ‘likely’ and a 65-70% chances, as theory today seems to confirm they will happen. But in science it is also needed the experimental fact to give 100% of probabilities. However the reader must understand that the scientific method and the sound mathematics and theories behind the formation of strangelets have been proved ad nauseam. All our civilization is based in those laws. So the ‘likely’ will probably become certainty.

What is absurd is to invent probabilities, out of the hat, as Mr. Arkani-Hamed did, affirming in the NYTimes that there is also ‘a minuscule probability that the LHC make dragons that might eat us up‘ or an ‘Oxford expert’ who said it is ‘easier to win the lottery 3 times in a row‘, or a European physicist, who said ‘it is easier than a wind brings an elephant from Africa’. Those people show a complete disrespect for science, ethics and the intelligence of the readers. So when a liar at CERN or an enthusiast groupie physicist’s blog tells you that there is 1 probability in a million, he is inventing them. It is like saying every time you switch on a light, it might work or not. According to Maxwell it will always work as long as the cable is working. The same with CERN’s experiments. That is why they are so frightening, because according to Einstein and our theory of strangelets they will exist and swallow it all.

If you want to throw some detailed numbers, what will happen becomes more evident: according to the Chinese Institute of Higher Energy Physics, the strangelet will grow till it acquires the size of the Compton wave of the Electron, which is 2.42×10 up to −12 meters, a bit smaller than the Hydrogen atom (Bohr radius). This is more than 3 magnitudes bigger than the Proton radius which packs those quarks: The nucleus of a hydrogen atom is indeed a proton with 3 quarks, whose size is in the range of 1.75 fm (1.75×10−15 m).

On the other hand the volume of a sphere is 4/3 πr3 where r is a radius. Thus the volume is a bit less than 3 magnitudes bigger than the radius.

So to calculate the number of quarks in the strangelet ‘atom’, we have to consider that the strangelet will have to pack triads of quarks, with the same density they are packed in the nucleus, but in a space + 3 magnitudes bigger in radius and – 3 magnitudes bigger in volume.

Thus if we ad the minus 3 magnitudes of volume and the plus 3 magnitudes of radius and multiply them for the 3 quarks inside each nucleus that simple calculus shows that each stable strangelet will pack around 3 x 10 up to 6 quarks in a space equivalent to a Compton Electron wave… Thus each strangelet has around 3 million quarks packed in a size smaller than a hydrogen atom. Since the strong force is 100 times stronger than our electroweak force, you have a particle with around 100 million times more strong forces than the Hydrogen atom.  Also the strangelet’s gravitational force will be awesome, falling to the center of the Earth in no time.  It will be then a particle seating in the center of the Earth, which will become a mass-well of attractive gravitational and strong forces in which the Earth matter will fall.

It is easy then to find out the final product. Since the strangelet will shrink the radius of the Earth in the aforementioned 10 up to 3 order of magnitude. Since the diameter of the Earth is 12.756 kilometers, it means the Earth will become a rock of 13 kilometers of diameter (with an oblong form due to the liquid nature of strangelets and its enormous rotational forces that will flatten the ‘strangelet, ice-9 star’  across the rotational plane):

In the graph, the 2 most probable scenarios of extinction: if black holes are as Einstein predicted, ‘frozen stars’ of an ultradense ‘cut-off matter’, they will be made of the densest form of matter, top quarks. And they won’t evaporate. Since the LHC is trying to make the Higgs, which is defined as a top/antitop quark field, it will do them in 2013 when it ramps up its power. On the other hand it will do strangelets this November. Essentially both types of dark matter, which show at macroscopic level (black holes and strange stars) self-similar properties, will merely differ in size and density, and hence the strength at which they will devour the Earth. The final result will be a black hole of around 3 centimeters, slightly bigger than a dollar coin, or an ‘almond’ rock of strange liquid of the diameter of the Earth lowered by 3 magnitudes, of around 15 x 6 kilometers.) While the black hole scenario is still argued theoretically -as some like Hawking treat black holes as mathematical objects, while others consider them made of strings, which would be the parts of those top quarks – the strangelet scenario should happen according to the Totalitarian principle of physics: ‘Everything not forbidden is compulsory’. Since there is no doubt about the existence of strange quarks and strange liquid. In that regard, one of the biggest delusions of CERN and the nuclear physicists interviewed by the media is indeed to talk about ‘probabilities’ which in quantum physics refer to the location in space of a particle, which is uncertain, not to the creation of a particle in time, which is defined by the Totalitarian principle: If a theory is right, it happens. Point.  The uncertainty will be about the place within nanometers of the formation of the strangelet, NOT of the causal chain of reactions that will determine its creation if present Strangelet theory is truth.

Since this schizoid company of multiple personalities won’t come out of the closet till it is too late.

Activism in this issue.

Mr. Penrose and myself warned and contacted the press about this issue, with null success in our appeals to different groups. In the W.S. papers on the suits against CERN this was the most stressed and possible scenario, but the press ignored it focusing on the black hole scenario, precisely because the strangelet or bottomlet or toplet heavy quark condensate is ‘standard physics and should happen in the future at maximal potency in this accelerator and if we are lucky enough in any further upgrade.

Unfortunately the hands of the military-industrial complex are very extended and no serious information on this issue has been considered by CERN, the politicos that paid it or the P.R.ess.

A few examples will suffice: Mr. Rossler, one of the discoverer of chaos theory and the main activist in Europe, tried to appeal to the German Government, the main contributor to this project, whose general manager is German, but it turned out Miss Merkel is a physicist adamantly in favor of the machine. We tried to interest wikileaks on the Castor project till we found Mr. Assange is also a physicist and ex-CIA agent… Mr. Walter, here in the US, accepted an interview with Comedy central and it turned out  Mr. Jon Stewart was also the son of a professor of physics, in-loved with CERN, who made a mockery of these dangers. And so on, and so on.

Indeed – and this is truly what blowed up my mind as an activist – not only nuclear physicists are willing to take the risk of human extinction, as they have always done for profits or fame (nuclear war race) – but most of mankind has been so easily cheated with the propaganda about the Higgs that it will go along sacrificing their lives, the future of their sons, everything in this planet for a fairy tale called the Higgs – a particle rather irrelevant to explain anything but precisely the creation of quark condensates.

This took me to the conclusion that humans are basically believers, not thinkers, memetically imprinted by repetition and propaganda, as another German, Mr. Goebbels, the first ‘information minister’ in history – an invention of the nazis which called it then by its real purpose, ‘propaganda ministry’, put it: ‘if you repeat a lie many times people will believe it’. That is, there is no much difference between the 4 billion humans who believe a goatkeeper of the bronze age who saw a bush burning had talked to God, and often die in history for that belief, and the other 3 billions which rather believe in a new religion, technology, who has sold the idea that the finding by this machine of an insignificant boson, with a limited role in the study of the death of our matter (symmetry breaking), deserves to risk our existence.

What nobody seems to believe is the rather obvious truth that we are just an ‘old mush, hanging on the surface of a lost rock of the universe’ (Schopenhauer), weak, soft, old bags of dirty water, among the lightest species of the Universe, with very limited energy, which can be easily blown up by an overdrive of energy – the very definition of death, and we would do much better recognizing our limitations, being realist about it and stopping behaving like big boys with big toys and an overstated IQ, both of ethical and intellectual nature – which is what scientists at CERN are.

We shall therefore – once it is clear CERN is likely to produce stable strangelets and strangelets will swallow our planet – provide in this post a more detailed analysis of those 2 causal events:

– First we will include the leaked documents that show CERN will produce them. And then…

– The real scenarios of what will happen when those strangelets form.

 A decalogue of Leaks: the duplicity of CERN.

The duplicity of CERN is constant when referring to strangelets whose production and dangers denies in public and in its Safety ‘LSAG’ report (bottom of that page) but it affirms in its internal documents. Let us consider a Decalogue of lies, at a more technical level, ‘illustrated’ by ‘Team Castor’ on its powerpoint presentations:

0) The Company which always affirmed that all the phenomena that will happen at CERN has happened in cosmic rays that are harmless has the chuptzah to affirm in his first report on CASTOR, expressly that the LHC has been constructed to study events at high energy that will never occur in Cosmic Rays. So we were indeed, mild in our assurance that CERN was committing ‘criminal neglicence’ since this is plainly speaking in legal terms a case of ‘recklessness’:

1) The company has been testing its machine, the Large Hadron Collider, at low energies with protons and now it has scheduled the first real experiment with hadrons the 11/9. That day it will collide lead and deconfine millions of quarks to replicate the conditions of the big-bang producing massive amounts of quark-gluon liquids of which strange liquid (Ab. Strangelet) is the easiest to make, with the lightest u, s and d quarks as Mr. Katsas explains in his CERN’s web page.

Yet the company never explains that quark-gluon liquids, are not only responsible for the original cosmic big-bang but also for the big-bangs of stars into Supernovas, whose remnant, a pulsar, is a star with a surface of degenerated neutrons and a core of strange liquid.

2) Information on CASTOR, the detector of strangelets, is only available to physicists within CERN’s site. Yet the existence of such CASTOR project does not come in google searches. Instead the company has another project also called CASTOR, which is the only one available in google searches and turns out to be ‘the CERN Advanced STORage manager’

Similar searches in google or CERN site search results do not yield links to the CASTOR detector site (IE ‘centauro+strange or strangelet+castor’) only to the CASTOR storage site.

3) In a recent professional book of 332 pages dedicated to the Atlas Experiment that hosts CASTOR, ‘The CMS experiment at the CERN LHC’, in chapter 6, it has only 3 pages on it and with no mention of strangelets.

This duplicity is evident in the constant denial in public of the probability to make strangelets andthe dangers of this production vs. the inner information provided in the non-advertised pages about CASTOR that we have digged out of CERN’s server.

In that regard CERN published a LSAG (Safety Report), which denies both the creation and danger of strangelets, against all published literature and against the affirmations made in their web The following have most relevant information:

4) According to the CASTOR reports the probability given of Pb-Pb collisions creating such strangelets is of 1/1000th creating a total of 500 strangelets every month at full luminosity; (talk from CMS Week: presentation – 3rd slide from last found in that report). This contradicts LSAG assertion that probability for a strangelet emerging from LHC would be ‘negligible’:

Nt. This and the following slides are part of ‘Team Castor’s’ powerpoint presentations.

In the graph, ‘Team Castor’ has built a Calorimeter to detect the production of strangelets at CERN. The probability for each event, according to inner documents, like this powerpoint presentation, implies that CERN will produce 500 strangelets each month starting the 11/9 of this year, when the first pb-pb collisions take place. Standard literature on strangelets explains what will happen next: strangelets will grow, absorbing quarks and transforming our matter into ultradense strange matter, till reaching the size of an atom (albeit with a huge density). Then 2 common processes of Nuclear reactions can take place: fission of the strangelet into smaller pieces that will grow again, starting a nuclear reaction called ‘ice-9’, or catalysis as the huge charge and mass of the strangelet attracts atoms that lump on the surface creating more strangelets.

5) According to the Castor pages, strangelet charge would be only negative or neutral, as it is generally agreed in professional literature and affirmed in the suits against CERN. This is relevant because neutral and negative strangelets will absorb the matter of the Earth much easily that positive strangelets.

Yet the Safety Report made public, the LSAG affirms they will be positive:

6) According to the CASTOR site pages, strangelets will be stable for enough time to produce an explosive reaction, yet according to LSAG they will not:

‘Duration could be stable, or as long as 10^-4 seconds. They contradict the LSAG statement that strangelets would be unstable.

7) According to the CASTOR reports, a mechanism of strangelet production by ‘strangelet distillation’ could be possible, which is however dismissed in LSAG report:

Distillation is a slower but easier process of creation of strangelets, which requires very few strange quarks to be triggered.

8 ) According to standard literature and all the affidavits denouncing this company in different suits, strangelets will be created in higher number at higher energies (since Einstein postulated that mass and energy are equivalent, E=Mc2, hence with higher energy an accelerator produces more Strangelets).

Yet the LSAG denied this obvious law, which now is contradicted in the CASTOR reports for internal consumption:

‘Strangelets will be produced above RHIC’s energy (200GeV nucl-nucl c,o.m) starting at 233 GeV nucl-nucl c.o.m.

9) According to CASTOR reports, strangelet could realistically be produced with atomic mass number as low as 18 – and CERN will produce thousands of strange quarks per second, so it certainly will produce them. This contradicts assertions of LSAG report of negligible creation on that range.

(From CMS conference report, 5 april 2007)

10) According to the CASTOR report Strangelets are thought likely to have been detected from cosmic ray data of collisions in the 70’s. This contradicts LSAG assertion that no indications of Strangelets have been found.

And so on.

We are now 70 days before the experiments that will collide in the Large Hadron Collider lead at light speed to produce strangelets according to all those internal reports and CASTOR is prepared to observe them.

This is known perfectly by CERN’s experts. One of them, Mr. Brian Cox, main spokesman for CERN had the chuptzah to explain in a BBC documentary how the Earth would be swallowed by strangelets if they were formed. (This is the guy who said during the smearing campaign against those of us who knew CERN could destroy the world, that we are all ‘turds’ and ‘twats’)

So ad one, CASTOR revelations and two, Mr. Cox’s view on the behavior of strangelets and you get 0: nothing, niente, nada, our ‘likely’ annihilation the 11/9… according to CERN and all the theoretical knowledge we have about strangelets and ice-9 reactions…

What we have not found in the server of CERN is any machine, system or provision to contain their exponential growth, in the so-called ice-9 reaction that starts the process of creation of a super-nova. On the contrary, all what CERN gives to ‘the public’ is the reassurance that strangelets will not be formed, according to that Safety, LSAG report, which the same company denies in its internal memorandums.

Training the Press…

But of course, CERN is not alone in this duplicity.

As important as the role of CERN backed by the nuclear physicist community, is the role of corporate science and the corporate press who has acted as a P.R. to this corporation, in part because they don’t understand the physics involved and it is easier to call the press office and get a release as if it were an article on CERN, in part because we live in a world ruled by corporations that evolve machines, and make profit with them so technology must always be right, even if it kills us all. So the press censors any scientists who gives bad news on technology regardless of their personal merits and the truth they explain. In fact, even Einstein was prosecuted in the 50s for opposing the A-Bomb. But unlike the smart anti-live=eviL behavior of CERNerds, most journalists are as most humans good people, which would have reported this tragedy if they knew enough physics or realized this Organization is NOT a group of idealist researchers but the heirs of Teller, the nuclear physicists, who once the cold war was over and the production of Nuclear weapons plummeted found refuge at CERN, a place where to keep their search for higher energies and explosives. In a few words while editors in the corporate press, like those who advised judges against Federal Law at the Nytimes to throw the suit to the nearest black hole, are restrained by the Corporate ideology that all technologies are good, even those who can murder us, journalists were simply taken for a ride by the press office and marketing campaigns of CERN, which even gives courses on how to deal with the press, ‘maximising oportunities and minimising threats‘:

Indeed, Miss Jessica Pryce-Jones must be a genius, because her media training course has taken the entire world press for a ride. For 3 years the press has been pounding on us, the people who warned with suits, letters, books and films against this monstrosity. While the ‘trained press’ has published the ‘no threat, pass and see the circus of CERN: big opportunity to discover the Particle of God!’ PR releases of this Nuclear Company. And so now we are 70 days before the first experiment that might destroy the Earth…

Till now it has all been tests with light protons, even though the company affirms those tests were real experiments….

But soon, the 11/9, a date mirror of 9/11, the biggest terrorist team ever assembled in History, the physicists at CERN will start production of the most dangerous substance of the Universe, the primordial quark gluon soup that exploded in a big-bang all the matter of a previous Universe.
The choice of the date could not be more cynical. Do those people have any respect for the victims of terrorism, for the victims of mass murder nuclear weapons, for the millions who have died with arms invented by ‘physicists’? Of course not. Being an intelligent lot one can imagine the choice of date was not an irony of destiny, but perhaps it was.
But nothing will be done to stop them. Because those are our home made terrorists, German Technocrats to the service of the SS (Strange Science) – One Rolf Hauer, who affirms with stone face that this astounding irresponsibility is a ‘great leap forward’ for mankind; one John Ellis, who organizes parties of the end of the world; one Stephen Hawking, who puts mankind to test and laughs at it in public, saying that if he is wrong and Einstein is right, we shall all become spaguetti.

Unfortunately, the most advanced theoretical research on strangelets (the work of Peng & Chen from the Chinese Institute of High Energy Physics) shows that strangelets, once formed, could start a chain reaction that would catalyze the conversion of the Earth into a 15 kilometer rock.

The Fermi Paradox might have a solution…

So that’s it. Alea jacta Est. The scenario is clear and will be undoable by Christmas 2010, though the time in which a tidal wave of 8 plus earthquakes will be followed by the shrinking of the Earth and the duration of the process is not known in detail. It might take a few minutes or up to a century. But there will not be rescue missions to the center of the planet where those strangelets will grow, feeding on Gaia. It is the Fermi Paradox, which Mr. Fermi of A-Bomb fame, cynically explained to their peers, when he bet that Trinity would only blow up New Mexico. Then he posed this question to the world: ‘why we do not hear any intelligent life on the cosmos? Are we, physicists, destroying all planets before we reach interstellar travel?

Now, we could rephrase his question: Why we only hear the monotonic tam-tam of strangelet stars (pulsars) and black holes? Are all forms of ‘humanity’, in the self-similar fractal Universe, born to kill life and transform this planet into dark matter, which makes up to 75% of the Universal matter and its main candidates to be are MACHOS, quark stars, strangelets and black holes? Given the astounding irresponsibility of the Physicists’ community and the sheeple behavior of politicians and press who let ‘them do it’, this seems to be a logic, though terrifying answer to the Fermi paradox…

The physics of strangelets: how they can devour the Earth.

The moment of truth has arrived. CERN will attempt the first experiment that can extinguish Gaia (our Earth) on 11/9, 2010. This has never happened in history for years.  It is indeed an event in a lifetime that we would prefer not to pass through.

Consider the pdf. ‘lies and statistics‘  and ‘quark stars‘ to understand the enormous probability those experiments have of creating a quark star or strangelet. The chances of creation of strangelets in pb-pb collisions at 3.5 TEv are between 33% and 66%… between 11/9 and the end of a one year run, with continuous events at increasing luminosities (higher densities in the collisions, which increase the chances that one of them create the strangelet that would start the chain-reaction that swallows the Earth).

These first experiments with lead are rushed in, with just a few months’ notice, taking advantage that lead ions have the same geometric emittance and magnetic rigidity than protons… reasons why this machine, which is basically a big magneto, taken cared of by 8000 electricians, playing to be God, works for lead. Since lead follows the same geometric, magnetic paths, the test experiments ran till now, with the excuse of finding an impossible, ‘toilet particle’ (name given to the Higgs by Nobel Prize Weinberg), have already calibrated the quark cannon. So the LHC doesn’t need major adjusts to collide now lead and produce strangelets.

Indeed, this ‘eschatological company’, dedicated to research 1) ‘toilet particles’ and 2) the end of the world, will now move into phase 2, after failing to find the Higgs Hoax.

Why we are so sure the risk is so enormous, more or less like tossing a coin to the air?: heads you are dead. Because true science exists for a reason, based in methods of veracity that CERN has ignored whenever they didn’t suit its agenda, but the Universe obeys or else reality as we know would crumble around us. When we switch on a light it always lights up unless there is an accident, not sometimes according to 1/millionth probability as CERN pretended it will happen (on public) with the chances that black holes and strangelets if formed will follow the known-known laws of science (Einstein’s relativity and standard strangelet theory). Now, we know CERN always understood this and prepared CASTOR for the ‘big-bang’ event. And so because theoretical science of strangelets today tell us that at those energies, when the quark cannon strikes target, strangelets will be formed, chances that they will be formed are huge, both in our suits and papers and those of Team Castor who estimates  (slide, point one), a ‘very big number’!, 500 strangelets a month. I thought of Einstein, when he was called a liar by 300 German scientists, who wrote a book ‘300 physicists against Einstein’. ‘If they were right, one would be enough’ – he said. Indeed, one strangelet not 500 would be enough to start an ice-9 reaction.

The first knowledge we had about strangelets was advanced by MIT theorists, specially Mr. Jaffe, in the 90s when the LHC was planned. Then it was speculated that strangelets will not form easily and the most dangerous, negative strangelets able to attract other nuclei, will not take place. But as it turned out that ‘strange quarks’ are negative, having a 1/3rd charge, soon we learned that most strangelets would be negative. The next ‘impossibility’ – that strange liquid (the non abbreviated name of strangelets) – would not exist in nature, was destroyed by the increasing evidence that ALL pulsars, also called neutron stars, were actually strangelets, strange stars, with a strangelet nuclei and only a cover of neutrons. So it is happening ALL the time in nature. By then CERN had got the money for the LHC and could not back off unless it was to fire its 8000 electricians and hundreds of thousands of physicists collaborating. So they denied stubbornly the existence of strangelets, quoting systematically the old papers of the 90s. One of those papers by Mr. Glashow, from 91 – that old indeed – was the only paper Mr. Glashow, Court Amici in the suit against CERN at Hawaii, brought to the judge. He claimed a pretentious authority on strangelets on account of his Nobel Prize for the weak force. But as today those papers are totally outdated (and so it is the weak force model for which he got the Nobel Prize, but that is another matter).

20 years after that paper in which he affirmed that ‘strangelets’ were very ‘unlikely’ to exist in Nature, we know they are all over the cosmos. Then it came the series of breakthroughs of the Chinese Institute of High Energy Physics, which proved mathematically( and have never been disputed as science must be disputed, with pen and paper), that all type of color-locked strangelets (negative, positive and neutral) will form and become stable, in the case of Neutral strangelets with just 6 quarks in the form of dibaryons, in the case of negative strangelets with a few thousand of them. CERN calculates it will produce close to a million strange quarks in pb-pb collisions at the LHC at top energies in 2013, and a somewhat shorter but well above 1000 quark ball number in November.

We shall therefore, once it is clear CERN will produce stable strangelets, provide the real scenarios of what will happen when those strangelets form. Since this schizoid company of multiple personalities won’t do it.

1st scenario: chain reaction of strangelets as a complex liquid that converts Earth into a Supernova.

Peng, from the Chinese Institute of High energy physis, rightly considers then that the strangelet will grow, absorbing quarks and transforming our matter into ultradense strange matter, till reaching a stable form with a size slightly smaller than a hydrogen atom. Then it will become an atom of strange liquid.

In the graph, A is the number of quarks in the strangelet, figure a.b and c are for color locked strangelets, of  positive (slet-1), negative (slet-2) and neutral (slet-3) strangelets. Figure d is for the ‘old type’ of strangelet, theorized before we knew that quarks ‘lock themselves’ into triads becoming far more stable. During the first phase of growth, positive and negative strangelets have an enormous imbalance of charge, becoming neutral at 1000 quarks (negative strangelet) or close to 100.000 quarks (positive strangelets). Neutral strangelets, start slightly negative and become neutral around 100 quarks. Thus in that first phase, strangelets grow attracting positive ions and electronic covers. This makes the reaction faster for positive strangelets, which might take days to form a huge lump on the center of the Earth, starting an ice-9 reaction; and slower for neutral strangelets, which might take decades to reach the critical mass needed for the creation of a Supernova on Earth.

The first phase, which can be followed in the previous graph of Peng’s master article is obvious: the strangelet is still growing, and it has either a huge negative or positive charge, because it has different numbers of the 3 quarks, u, d, s, which have respectively +2/3rd, -1/3rd and -1/3rd.  Only when the strangelet has the same numbers of u,s and d quarks it becomes neutral (since +2/3 – 1/3 – 1/3 =0 charge).  Thus, in the previous phase as the strangelet falls to the center of the Earth, it will have a positive or negative charge in the order of thousands. This is an astounding attractive power, since the most attractive chemical reactions on Earth are triggered by atoms which have 2+ or 2- charges. Imagine an atom with +5000 or – 5000 positive or negative charges. Other atoms will cluster around it in no time. This is the journey of growth of the strangelet towards the center of the Earth, feeding in those six thousand kilometers, till it reaches a neutral state with a huge size.

Because the strangelet has the size of an atom, despite having thousands of quarks inside, when the strangelet seats in the center of the Earth, where atoms are tightly packed, it will attract them now with its gravitational and strong forces. Some people at CERN trying to find excuses for this not to happen, say that there will be a Coulomb barrier that prevents those atoms to fall into the strangelet. But of course this is silly. The coulomb barrier is the product of the atomic number of the atom and the elementary charge, which even for the heaviest uranium gives us around 100, the value of the strong force of a single quark, so what they are telling us is that a single individual will be able to stop the force of thousands of them – the strong force of the quarks inside the growing strangelet  (-;. Like in the case of Cosmic rays or the game of absurd probabilities, nuclear physicists are playing with the naivety and trust of people who don’t know physics. The strangelet will certainly keep growing till reaching the aforementioned size of an electron compton wave with 3 million quarks inside, in a size slightly smaller than a hydrogen atom. And now its gravitational and strong force will catalyze the formation of new ‘strangelet atoms’ around it.

Indeed, the last excuse nuclear physicists have invented to calm the public is that once the strangelet reaches the Compton size it won’t keep growing. This is correct. The compton wave should be the size of a 3 million quarks, strangelet atom. But the strangelet atom will keep attracting atoms with its awesome gravitational and strong force, deconfining them and packing up their quarks into new strangelet atoms.

Since in fact those 3 millions of quarks per strangelet atom pack S-quarks with a mass twenty four times that of our average quark (95 Mev vs. 3 Mev for the up and 6 for the down):

So a single strangelet, smaller than a hydrogen atom, packs however the weight of 26 million normal quarks, a gravitational force equivalent to half a million atoms of water. That super-dense water, the Ice-9, being so small and heavy will cut through the Earth as a knife cuts the water, falling at g-speed… How long it will take in that journey?

It is easy to calculate because it will be a free fall and so it will follow the simple Galilean formula for the acceleration of a body:  d=1/2 at^2

Where the Distance to cross are d= 6.374 kilometers and the acceleration is, a =9.8 m/s

Which gives us a time of nineteen minutes in its descent.

As they fall, seating on the center of the Earth,  forming the first drops of ice-9, those strangelets will start crunching and feeding the light, ordinary matter as we breath air, in a monotone series of big crunches and big bangs, breathing the matter and expelling the electro-weak energy of its electrons.

Since the strangelet is given a stability of hours, it will arrive to its destiny almost certainly. How long thus will it take for the LHC to blow up the Earth in the worst scenario? A few hours after the first collisions take place the 11/9, there could be millions of strange quarks feeding with its awesome force in the center of the planet. The longevity of strange quarks have always surprised researchers. The first strange particle discovered, the Kaon, lived millions of times more than expected, reason why it was called ‘strange quark’. It was ‘as if Cleopatra were still dying from the aspid bite, still falling into the river’, said the physicist that discovered it. The strangelet will keep falling beyond that river, cutting like a knife into the water, followed by a massive release of energy, as it cracks atoms with its enormous imbalance of charge, absorbing its quarks. Finally it will reach its point of rest at the center of the Earth, finding other strangelets, growing the first drops of ice-9…

One atom at a time, millions of quarks of ordinary matter will become part of the new strangelet atoms in an spontaneous reactions that releases more energy that consumes.

 Those type of ‘spontaneous’ reactions happen all over Nature. In any chemical reaction the final product is not a single molecule but an enormous number of small molecules, catalyzed by the reaction that keeps transforming the initial products (in the ice-9 reaction the atoms of the Earth) into the end products (the molecules or in the ice-9 reaction the strangelet atoms).

Indeed, because the strangelet will still attract further matter, the strangelet will NOT become static but it will turn more atoms into strangelets. Nature is never static. Chemical reactions like this one, in which there is a release of energy, since the end product (the strangelet) is more stable than the original product (the atomic matter), don’t stop till the initial products disappear, in this case till the entire Earth becomes strange matter. They are called exergonic reactions or spontaneous reactions for that reason, since just the initial kick of energy that triggers the creation of the first product makes the reaction self-sustained. This has been finally recognized this week in the article of physicsworld we quote at the end of this post, which literally says:  ‘A little energy is enough to transform a neutron star [with an iron cover] into a strange star’. The same can be said of the Earth: ‘ a little energy is enough to transform the iron core of the Earth into a strange star’.

2 common processes of Nuclear reactions will then take place:

–  Catalysis of new strangelets, as the huge charge and mass of the strangelet attracts atoms that lump on the surface creating more strangelets: the stable Strangelet with its awesome charge and weight will keep attracting atoms and ions. Those atoms and ions, surrounding the stable strangelet will form new ‘atoms’ of strange liquid. And so the strangelet mass will keep growing.

This even a high school student of physics can understand. Basically the first strangelet will act as a ‘catalyzer’ of the reaction, forming new strangelet atoms in its surface. This again happens all the time in Nature in which heavier metal nuclei act as ‘catalyzers’ of chemical reactions, as matter is attracted by them and anchors in the surface. So new atoms anchored in the surface of the first strangelet will continue growth.

– But there is even a faster, more scary possibility… that the first strangelet fissions into smaller pieces that will grow again, starting a nuclear reaction called ‘ice-9’, exploding the Earth into a super-nova in a matter of seconds.

Indeed. All the atomic nuclei that ‘grow’, split when they reach their limit and fission, starting a chain reaction that grows even faster, as strangelets do in Nature in Quark stars all over the cosmos. It happens in any atomic bomb, in any radiactive atomic nucleus. So what will happen then, because it is NOT excluded
and according to the Totalitarian Principle of Gell-mann (the discoverer of quarks) ALL what is not excluded happens in science, and further on this is what the drop-liquid model shows to happen always in atomic nuclei made of quarks is obvious:
When the strangelet reaches the size of the Compton wave, since it is in fact a liquid, it will find very easy according to the drop-liquid model of atomic nuclei, to split/fission in several parts that will keep growing back to the 3 million quark stable package, exactly as in any chain reaction, causing the Earth to become a supernova.

The catastrophic scenario is simple and self-evident, and it can be seen all over the cosmos in the transformation of a normal star into a pulsar, which has a strangelet core. Basically the strangelet will follow the droplet model we use for fission processes. According to Peng, the growth of the strangelet will be fast in all possible types, neutral, positive and negative, because we have found a new quality of strange matter, called ‘color locked’, according to which those quarks are far more stable than previously thought.

This again has never been disputed, except by CERN’s hired experts in the suits against the company. Today all physicists know that quarks ‘lock themselves’ in triads that become far more stable than what physicists – specifically Mr. Glashow, a theorist that worked on strangelets 20 years ago… Yet CERN engaged Mr. Glashow in the suits against the LHC, as the foremost expert and ‘Nobel Prize’ from decades ago, to defend the ‘ordinary sets’, which are to modern theory of strangelets what the Rutherford model of atoms is to quantum theory – a joke.

In the last decade the Chinese Institute of Nuclear Physics has become the most advanced Institution in the analysis of strangelets, that have surpassed clearly the ancient American MIT institute, where the second expert on those suits, Amicus Curiae Mr. Wilczek, keeps laughing at our ‘likely’ extinction… pointing out in the hyperlinked video that if he is wrong, nobody will blame him.  While in our suits he claims to be an ‘authority’ that has to be ‘trusted’, because we are ‘persons of no merit’ without further technical or scientific explanations. Since he knows perfectly if he goes into scientific details as we do in this article, he has no objective, scientific arguments to deny what the Chinese researchers are saying and we merely explain in this article.

Fact is, in the same manner the Chinese are taking over America as the top economical nation at race speed, their labs today are producing an increasing wealth of top papers at the head of research in many fields, including strangelets. Further on, they are NOT engaged in CERN so their views are the only objective views within the physicists’ community. There are NOT at the Chinese Institute of higher physics, confidentiality statements that oblige workers at CERN, like Mr. Wilczek, hired to make those safety reports, to state zero risks, as the New Yorker reported . So they can tell us the naked truth. So far, neither CERN, Mr. Wilczek or Mr. Glashow have wanted to make any explanations beyond their claim that we must ‘trust their authority’ – neither of them have in fact appeared on the suits against the company, which defaulted systematically.

2nd scenario: neutral strangelets: creation of ‘usd’ particles, the minimal units of a strangelet that slowly grow and devour the Earth inside-out.

But even if the LHC produces far less quantities of Strange quarks than predicted, producing slet-3 of the graph, neutral strangelets, the reaction can take place in a slower fashion.

We already have experimental evidence of this, since the previous top Ion accelerator, RHIC, produced a few strange quarks that formed a cohesive liquid, a proto-strangelet, with far less energy/mass (E=Mc2), than the LHC will have. It made small, aborted phetus – let us put it this way – that thanks God – didn’t stabilize, but grew a billion times faster than expected, and started to absorb other quarks. This surprised all researchers that expected a gas and found a ‘perfect liquid’. The Rex showed its teeth. But the corporation that runs this Jurassic Park of ultra-dangerous primordial particles won’t close the facilities. Those were the first atoms of strangelets – mainly hyperons (usd atoms) just one stage below the particle that will kill us, the double nuclei hyperon, the stable dibaryon, usd-usd. At RHIC we were lucky. We only saw  half dibaryons, usd atoms, which are not stable. We just need two join two ‘strains’ of this lethal RNA to form a stable ‘DNA’ of strange science, a dibaryon that will catalyze as DNA did in the organic soup, the conversion of matter in strange liquid.

The scenario is simple:

There are 3 kinds of ‘atoms’ of strange liquid, a mixture of up, down and strange quarks:

1) Up-strange and down-strange Kaons. They are the first to appear and they are unstable, so they decay as antiparticles. The LHC did 16% more of those in December at a mere 1.1Tev.

2) Hyperons, usd-atoms. They are only stable at high pressure, inside stars and maybe in the nuclei of Earth. At RHIC 70 hyperons were found, much more than expected. If 2 of them collide they form a dibaryon a double Hyperon: usd-usd; and dibaryons are stable at normal atmospheric pressure. Those 2 atoms, hyperons and dibaryons are the only substances we know can provoke supernovas and we know they are the nuclei of pulsars, the remnant of those explosions. And so now:

3) Thus, at 3.5 Tev in lead to lead collisions, the LHC will produce so many collisions between hyperons that it shall create a constant stream of stable dibaryons, stable strangelet liquid, able to blow up the Earth.

Dibaryons are the neutral, stable atom of strangelet liquids. You need only 2 hyperons, 2 usd-atoms joined in a collision to form a usd/usd di-baryon. Those stable and neutral dibaryons then will fall to Earth’s center.

A few hundred might form in each collision. How many are needed to form a strangelet? If you see the previous table of the types of strangelets, a dibaryon, usd-usd will have neutral charge (+2/3 -1/3 -1/3 +2/3 -1/3 -1/3) but it is already stable with a mere 6 quarks. 

Thus, according to Peng and Chen  a single dibaryon could do it. But in this case the process will be extremely slow, as the dibaryon will be neutral, seat on the center of the Earth and catalyze very slowly the creation of new dibaryons. This would be the best scenario, taking decades to blow up the Earth. But this scenario that might be already in the workings (as neutral dibaryons are invisible – only charged particles are detected in accelerators, so they could have been produced at RHIC without being noticed), is superseeded by the thousands of strange quarks the LHC will produce in its collisions. The certainty of dibaryon creation in any case is close to 100% if it didn’t happen at RHIC already.

Thus on 11/9 CERN will start creating strangelet atoms, dibaryons.

Of course CERN has denied this adamantly in public. Yet again, we have found an inner document in which CERN affirms that ‘dibaryons will be stable, lasting a few days:

‘There is a mass range, below 2055 MeV (the mass of a lambda and a neutron), where it [Hdibaryon] could only decay by a doubly weak decay into two neutrons.  This is a deltaS =2 reaction and leads to a predicted lifetime of the order of days’

By JP Coffin et al. (seriously)
‘Search for strange dibaryons in STAR and ALICE’  Jrnal of Phys G v28 pp1707-1714  2002

How long will the dibaryons take to fall to the center of the Earth? Not very long.  It is a free fall event. One hundred times heavier than our mass, its fall will be like that of a parachuter, towards home, the center of the earth. Then, there, the Earth will fall into them…

The first warnings.

The creation at RHIC of an unstable liquid drop of strangelet was always denied, prior to the experiment. It was only anticipated in 2000 by a Safety Officer of Accelerators, who denounced that possibility and put a suit, risking his job, to RHIC, Mr. Walter Wagner, a Physicist from Livermore Laboratory. He lost his job for that suit and was cannibalized by the corporate scientific press, who said it would never happened, who said RHIC would only create a gas.

And yet, it created a proto-strangelet liquid with a behavior similar to that of a black hole.

This  was a ‘BIG surprise’ for all scientists involved who claimed before at RHIC that they would never produce a single strangelet (strange liquid particle) but just an evaporating, harmless gas. And yet they did make the first particles of strangelet liquid, fortunately enough in small numbers and without any explanation on how it had happened.

I wrote then, with the help of Rossler, as specialists in Complexity, fractal theory and Chaotic liquids, an article, censored by the corporate scientific media, explaining what none has done in those prehistoric, mamooth labs that use still in the XXI century models of simple liquids and single entropy arrows, 20 years after we defined (Mehaute and myself), mathematically the existence of a second arrow of in’formative’ time, responsible for big crunches in complex liquids, black holes and the Universe at large.

But of course, we were not published. We are, as my friend affirmed in a personal e-mail, ‘non-persons’, like those invisible characters of a science-fiction tragedy. Because this is indeed, a tragedy of cosmic proportions, made possible not only by CERN, but also by the corporate press that dares not to denounce a company ‘too big to fail’. And yet the consequences once this happens will be impossible to undo. But we humans seem unable to learn from past experiences.

Plainly speaking our arrogance and ignorance of the laws of the Universe go together to accelerate our demise. If we were ignorant but humble we just wouldn’t take the risk. If physicists knew as much as they pretend to know, instead of being stuck in a single arrow of time (energy), and a simple mathematical analysis of reality (not the fractal Non-Euclidean equations and dual arrows of energy and information we use in complexity), they would simply not need CERN, as they would understand and resolve as we have done in Complexity all the questions the quark cannon pretends to study.

‘Physicists are often wrong but never in doubt’ said Landau. Indeed, nuclear physicists at CERN are both arrogant and ignorant of any sound physics that don’t  cater their agenda of zero risk; and so in their ignorance they will make strangelets and/or black holes in their arrogance they will dismiss the advices of those of us who are humble and knowledgeable about the true laws of mass and black holes that we have discovered using the second arrow of time/information.  But of course, we do not have a 10 billion dollar machine and war chest to explain this to the world. We are what true scientists have always been. Individual people, with little power, little interest in the bonfire of human vanity, but beautiful minds to understand that knowledge and ethics go together, or as Socrates put it, ‘an intelligent man is a good man’. At CERN they are neither intelligent not good people, but smart bullies which live off the routines of the cold war age, when Nuclear scientists were sanctified, not because they explained us the meaning of it all, but because they were making nuclear weapons and the system was justifying them as the ‘high priest of knowledge’, to elevate ‘Shiva’ the God of death and energy to the top of the human altars. Indeed, when the Aryan invaded India, they divided the caste of warriors in fighters and Brahmins, the philosophers that wrote the Baghavad Gita, to justify murder on the altar of Shiva. Oppenheimer, who pressed the bottom that inagurated CERN, and Rudolf Hoess of Auschwitz fame had something in common: both carried with them always the Gita, which quenches all ethical fears, as we humans must behave as automatons of duty and death.

‘The tragedies of History return because humans never learn from their past’ M. Proust

It is useless to argue further about the duplicity and callousness of corrupted military or corrupted science – exemplified during the XX and XXI century by nuclear physicists, who pretend to explain us the meaning of it all with false God’s particles but are merely abusing the tax payers and menacing the future of life in this planet. Unfortunately the ‘Industrial military-complex’ is with them and the corporate press hails them as geniuses, because ‘in the name of the religion of science’ all crimes can be justified. And so the religion of the machine is above any authority and nobody defies it. It should not surprise us that now again all physicists back CERN, regardless of the known-known risks and unknown-known genocide it can cause: the only physicist of note, who dissent against the Nuclear Race was Mr. Einstein, reason why he had a file opened by the FBI; his classes at Princeton were deserted… and so he took to walks with Godel and boat sailing. Knowledge and scientific prestige, even in the case of Einstein, had to yield to the power of money and the industrial-military complex, as it has been the case with CERN.

In that regard, the fundamental error of Humanity regarding Nuclear Physicists is NOT to realize that they are neither the avant garde of scientific research (we, Complex theorists, like Mr. Rossler and myself, who have fusioned the laws of biology and physics, of Darwin and Einstein are), nor they are idealist scientists, but they act and respond to their worldly profession, which is to make weapons. And so their character, duplicity and obsession with death is self-similar to that of the military that ‘defend’ our nations but often ruin them causing unnecessary wars.

This is something people seem to have completely forgotten. Nuclear Physicists make weapons and then discover ‘things’ which are mostly irrelevant for the ‘big picture’ of the Universe, studied by astrophysicists, philosophers of science and in this century, Complex and system scientists, which fusion biological and physical laws in a veritable theory of Unification.

If people would understand this, then it would easily compare CERN with the behavior of our military in Afghanistan, where they pretend to be a ‘peace corps’ but massacre innocent people with robotic weapons. CERN belongs to that psychology which was crystal clear during the Cold war but now it has been forgotten.  Since the industrial-military complex has refined his marketing and now it sells itself as a ‘knowledge tank’ to the service of mankind.

Yet if a ‘minor ‘genocide happens, if the innocent electricians and youngsters working at CERN, who ignore what their leaders know, if the people of Geneva die in an atomic explosion (in case the strangelet and black hole become unstable, they will be transformed, E=Mc2, into the biggest nuclear explosion ever, but won’t destroy the Earth), Mr. R.H. who prudently moved to Tokyo, the day the LHC made the first collisions, ‘just in case’, should be tried for mass murder with John Ellis and the rest of the people responsible of this cover up of Mr. Einstein’s work and the laws of strangelets, which they perfectly know, as those documents show, and yet have hidden to the public and the ‘sheeple’ press.

The solution must come from outside CERN and the nuclear physicists’ community.

Obviously at this stage, technocrats, politicians and the press who backed this company with wishful blindness are trapped in their own errors of judgment and will not cancel a 13 billion $ project not to face public derision for being cheated by yet another mammoth – not so clean – Energy Corporation. The machine is too big to fail; and as we all know it is an unwritten rule of power politics ‘never to acknowledge any mistake’.

And certainly Nuclear Physicists will not come out of the closet and say the truth. They never do. None except Einstein, regretting his letter to the president, confronted clearly the Nuclear Race. The International Agency of Nuclear Science, from the UN, certified that in Chernobyl tragedy ‘only 56 people died'(1) – the people who were blasted that day – since they refused to acknowledge the +200.000 cancer victims according to the Byelorussian government as ‘non-proved’. You see, this is now again the official position: In the suits Courts determined that the ‘Destruction of Earth is in no way attributable to US government’

since we didn’t demonstrate ‘Injury in fact’ – only ‘a posteriori’ when we are all dead could we sue CERN. La Hague Court of Human rights told my father, a reputed Lawyer from Spain, that they would only judge ‘genocides that had happen’. But all this was before we knew the extend of CERN’s ‘wrecklesness’  in this matter. So now, only direct action by the European Governments and Security forces can stop this 11/9 act of ‘scientific terrorism’. But it must be done in a quiet, non-compromising way.

How then could we stop this genocide of all of us in the making? The only thing that could be done is to ‘fake’ a solution with the ‘tools’ of power of our society, money and weapons, since truth, the power of the wor(l)d, which is the only tool I have, didn’t beat the money and weapon-machines of CERN in this corrupted world we live in.

Thus, the solution is a 3 sided process, which could be achieved using either of the 3 languages that control the world, words, money and weapons:

– The press should change sides and denounces the company NOW, reason why today I released the news of this post to 100 newspapers. While Mr. Penrose, a British physicist and mathematician who provided me with some of these documents, has been trying to leak the same CERN’s lies to the ministries of science of Europe… So far with little success.  Since there is an unwritten law in our ‘free market’ economy that states corporations are never prevented from committing enviromental crimes. Only at posteriori they are denounced with outrage as it happened with British petroleum. But perhaps ‘word of mouth’ could do it. You could help to disseminate the news, twitting, facebooking and digging this post with the tools given below… If this becomes ‘vox populi’ then CERN would have to respond to the world and political power could act.

– Politicians could also stop the machine with money. Further cuts on the program and budget of CERN could be requested. European Governments could quietly ask ‘Caesar Hauer’ to close CERN for winter, as it always did before to ‘save’ money, given the fact that this machine when running consumes the amount of energy of the entire city of Geneva and prices of electricity are much higher in winter. This is in fact the first year the machine will run in winter at higher cost, paradoxically when we all have to tighten our belts in the middle of the Economic Crisis. The reason is obvious: CERN wants to dismiss the risks with a ‘fait accompli’ so it is rushing the experiment because as John Ellis, chief theorist put it: ‘the best way to dismiss this talk about the LHC destroying the world, is to switch it on’. Now CERN should be obliged to release a statement saying that the machine will go on recess during the winter period, as it is usually done, to save money to European tax payers. And then quietly close down the next year.

– Finally, the Interior Ministries of France or Switzerland, responsible for policing and nationalsecurity, who have territorial jurisdiction on the machine, could also stop it. If security forces and politicians of those countries knew what is at stakes, they could fake a ‘bomb warning’ at CERN, evacuate the premises and while searching for the device, set it up in secret and explode the tubes of the collider. Yes, indeed, in 9/11 there were confabulation theorists that went so far as to say the American government had put charges on the basements and cut the foundations of the building – witness the absurd rhetoric on that issue of the Iranian president, recently at UN – yet another politician who absurdly thinks Nuclear Bombs must be had, if we ‘can do it’. This confabulation theory was obviously false and doesn’t deserve any serious thinking. However in the 11/9 ‘plot’, since those ‘scientific terrorists’ are ours and hence far more difficult to deal with, breaking the collider could be indeed a solution for european governments not to loose face and for physicists quietly exit this ill-conceived machine and accept defeat without public opprobium.  Then the collider would shut down for repairs and latter on, quietly cancelled for ‘economical reasons’.

So there is indeed a solution to this genocide in the making. It won’t happen I know, the routines of our society are too strong, our leaders too weak to defy them, power too arrogant to recognize a mistake. So they will probably prefer to ‘believe’ that the heirs of Openheimer and Teller are to be trusted, that the laws of Nature will bend to their will… But maybe a miracle happen, an Asimovian ‘mule’ breaks the routines of human self-destruction and takes the risks of being ridiculed as the people who sued CERN have been, knowing that this has to be done.

This must be stopped by political power. We cannot longer trust nuclear physicists. It was done before by Eisenhower. In the previous Horizon of Nuclear Weapons, Hydrogen Bombs, Teller had invented a very costly mechanism to produce H-bombs, patented the method and created the industries to profit from its manufacturing. But he didn’t sell the product for ‘money and prizes’, his true reasons. Instead Teller convinced Truman of the need to make Hydrogen bombs, because they were necessary to ‘know better’ the atom. Then he proposed an H-Bomb made with his company at stratospheric prices able to blow up the whole URSS. He was backed by the entire nuclear community – never mind that such explosion will destroy the atmosphere and all forms of life on planet Earth. Eisenhower realized of this MAD strategy and called Krushev, starting the process of disarmament.

Any takers against the Heirs of Teller of whom his college Isador Rabi said: “I really do feel it would have been a better world without Teller, I think he is an enemy of humanity”

? Today we could just change the name of Mr. Teller for Mr. Ellis, who said his job is to protect ‘the LHC from mankind’. So we wonder, where is the new Einsehower able to protect mankind from the LHC?

We need a politician, a man of action, which at this stage can only be Obama, Sarkozy or Van Rompuy. They could stop CERN from making strangelets, and make truth the promises of a world with less Nuclear weapons.  Eisenhower was a military who protected mankind from Nuclear Physicists. Can Mr. Obama or Mr. Sarkozy protect us again with something more substantial than promising words?

Update, 23 september

In the graph, bunches of protons with hundreds of times less quarks than the lead ions which will collide the 11/9 have formed a drop of unstable quark-gluon liquid,  a fermion condensate, surprising CERN’s physicists. On the ion collisions the 11/9 there will be hundreds of times more quarks packed together, bound to create stable strangelets (u,s, d quark liquids)

More bad news coming. Yesterday CERN gave the news that a quark-gluon liquid was starting to form with simple proton/proton collisions. Given the fact that energy becomes mass, E=Mc2, the quarks inside the protons multiplied in enormous numbers and since the bunches of protons collided at close distances, they massed in a bose-einstein fermion liquid (ridge on the picture) that ‘surprised’ again all scientists. As we explained in our post – The Grand Design – we exists in an organic, fractal Universe whose forms self-reproduce constantly into self-similar forms, which gather into herds and form new, bigger scales of the fractal Universe. So quarks reproduce new quarks and form herds. Thus the 3 lonely quarks of the proton reproduced thousands of quarks which formed a Bose-Einstein condensate, which was unstable. Needless to say when the hundreds of quarks inside the lead hadrons collide, there will be more than enough quark liquid to create stable strangelets that will start the dreaded ice-9 reaction (stability grows with the quark mass of the strangelet). The signs of an impeding catastrophe are everywhere, but nobody listens. Since the idea that we, humans, are so unimportant to the Grand Design that we could disappear easily defies the ego-centered beliefs of our species. Time is running out for the press, the military and the governments to stop this experiment but they keep practicing their wishful blindness.

The way in which yesterday’s scary discovery was presented as ‘new physics’ by all newspapers that merely released the PR news from the company shows that we will wait till the ice-9 spill happens. Only that this spill cannot be closed like the BP one. Nuclear Physicists are willing to take the risk with the cynical nihilism they have always shown, from Oppenheimer (‘I am become Kali, the destroyer of worlds’) to Teller to Wilczek, who was taped saying: ‘I never was so confident to make a prediction as when I was called to seat on a panel about the possibility of an accelerator turning on and ending the world; predicting that it won’t is very safe because if your prediction is wrong [shrugging his shoulders], ha, ha, ha, ha’.

‘2 things I deem infinite, the Universe and the stupidity of man; and I am not sure of the former’. A. Einstein

Update 12th October. Paper confirming ice-9 reaction. [ Phys. Rev. Lett. 105 141101.]

In a new article at physics world physicists finally acknowledge that CERN will produce strangelets. This was taboo but perhaps the success of this release commented in alternative media outlets has opened the Pandora Box. The article recognizes that the LHC will produce them, and that they can cause an ice-9 reaction, converting the iron core of the Earth into a strange star, because strangelets are more stable than normal matter (the article refers to neutron stars, made of neutrons with a cover of iron, but obviously will produce the same effect if they fall to the iron core of the Earth)  Yet what astonishes the reader is that after recognizing those dangers, the cold-hearted researchers eagerly expect their production at CERN to further advance their career and prove the thesis of their paper. This astounding irresponsibility is at the core of all what is wrong at CERN and the people that back those experiments. Nothing matters in the ‘rat race’ of scholar papers, in the competition to ‘achieve’ the Nobel Prize, the grant, the recognition of a minor discovery, even the high chances of extinguishing Earth. Selfishness reaches a ‘surrealist’ twist that explains the style of the video we made about those strangelets.

And the final warning, which closes the film quantum roulette, from ‘Cat and cradle’: ‘What hope can therebe for mankind, when there are men that give such playthings as ice-9 to short-sighted children as most people are?’

Here the beginning of the article at Physics world with ad-ons by me []:

‘The energy needed to convert a neutron star [with a core of neutrons and a surface of iron] into a so-called strange star may come from annihilating dark-matter particles. That is the conclusion of a new study by physicists in Spain, the UK and the US, who propose that this conversion mechanism may be a good way to put a lower limit on the mass of weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs), a leading candidate for dark matter [The physicists work in WIMPs and that is the only thing they care for – to put ‘a lower limit on their mass’.]….

It has been proposed, however, that, given some kind of source of additional energy, neutron stars can convert to strange stars, objects consisting of strange matter –

a soup of unbound up, down and strange quarks.

The idea is that adding this energy to a certain limited volume of the neutron star will unlock the up and down quarks confined inside the neutrons [exactly what the LHC will do]. Some of these quarks will then naturally convert into strange quarks, producing a region of strange matter known as a strangelet. If, as has been hypothesized, strange matter is in fact more stable than normal, nuclear, matter it will exist a lower energy. The excess energy given off by the conversion of normal matter into strange matter then unlocks more up and down quarks, leading to the creation of more strangelets.

A little energy is enough to transform a neutron star into a strange star.

The result is a runaway process capable of converting an entire neutron star into strange matter within a second or less. “The neutron star is metastable, like someone on a mountain ledge,” explains Joseph Silk of the University of Oxford who was involved in the work. “Just as a little kick can push that person off the ledge and send them to the bottom of the mountain, so a little energy is enough to transform a neutron star into a strange star.” [the LHC excess of energy will do so]

While there is no clear evidence that strange matter actually exists, the observation of extremely brief but ultra-bright bursts of gamma rays from the cosmos suggests the existence of strange stars. Researchers have proposed that the enormous power needed to produce a gamma-ray burst could come from the formation of a black hole, but the large numbers of particles of normal matter surrounding a black hole could absorb much of that energy. The conversion of a neutron star into a strange star, however, could provide the required energy but without the surrounding matter.

[This was all along what we said in our first suits: that the massive bursts of gamma-rays found by the Fermi satellite, which never found signatures of black hole evaporation, were a clear prove that either neutron stars or planets with civilizations of ‘physicists’, were blowing up, confirming the Fermi paradox – we don’t hear signs of advanced civilizations in a galaxy filled with planets because they burst in gamma-rays. Moreover, precisely because of the tiny size of a planet, the explosion of planets by ‘physicists’ would match the cleaness, low magnitude/mass and high frequency/energy observed in those gamma ray bursts. Are all planets busted by LHC-like machines, reason why we don’t observe galactic civilizations, even of the robotic kind, as the parallel evolution of the machines of the Singularity age end systematically in those explosions. Given the indifference of mankind to this obvious danger and the automaton behavior of physicists just worried by their limited ‘field of research’, destiny seems to loom larger by the day.]

[Then after an argument on their ‘subject’ WIMPS, the team happily finds that CERN will give them a ‘second chance’ to prove his theory – the same argument of Hawking that stated publicly at Pasadena that producing black holes at the LHC will give him ‘ a second chance to win a Nobel Prize’]:

‘The team claims that two lines of observation could support their thesis and thereby help place a new limit on the mass of WIMPs. One would involve measuring the mass and radius of a strange star, obtained by studying the radiation of pulsars, and comparing these values with the predictions made by their model and those of alternative models. Evidence could also be obtained by creating and then measuring strangelets at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider in the US or in the Large Hadron Collider at the CERN laboratory near Geneva.’

Update, 14 Oct. End of the proton run

. At 3:38 a.m. beams of protons were colliding with a luminosity of  1.01 × 1032, a milestone that the teams running the Large Hadron Collider had been working all year to achieve – Rolf Heuer explained in the message sent today to CERN staff – ‘It’s a great achievement by all concerned to reach this important milestone with over two weeks to spare. The remainder of this year’

s proton running will be devoted to maximising the LHC 2010 data set and preparing for 2011 proton running before we switch to lead ions in November.’

Any discovery of note? Of course, not.  The Higgs Hoax was just the objective of the marketing department, in charge of ‘training the press’.

But the press – let us face it – has trained itself with political and economical correctness, now for centuries, to back always technology (hence also weapons, the most advanced technology at any time) as the ‘future’ progress of mankind…

We could make a bigger, larger, more powerful machine. And since machines gather digital ‘data’, once it was clear that the Higgs Hoax had been just an excuse for the Media Hype, data now has become in itself the goal of the experiment, as Hauer explains: ‘the larger goal of delivering an integrated luminosity of one inverse femtobarn to the experiments by the end of 2011. That’s the amount of data […] the objective we set ourselves.’ So we have made a better atomic cannon, regardless of its null beneficial use for mankind beyond the femtobarn of data, because nuclear physicists wanted it. And the military-industrial complex could make it. A bigger toy for our spoiled children of thought.

But to ‘have it all’ is the irresponsible philosophy of children, which see it all tainted subjectively by the glass of their wantings. The Darwinian Universe doesn’t work like that. Curiosity kills the Schrödinger’s cat. In fact, Nature feeds on children: Eggs, cubs and alevins are the cosmic staple of a fractal, eternal Universe, which constantly reproduces the same in/form/ations and events, reason why it cares nothing for their extinction.

How many planets have gone through self-similar, infantile, self-appointed Sons of God, claiming to be discovering the meaning of it all, while blowing themselves up? How many gamma-ray bursts of ‘unique’, anthropic planets are happening now? How meaningless we are?

‘ …a mush over the surface of a lost rock in a corner of the Universe – departing from those facts, we can talk about man.’  Schopenhauer

 Update, 20 October. The last release.  

Mr. Penrose and other physicists greatly concerned by the implications of these documents spent the last week doing an important, careful release of the CASTOR papers to the key mainstream media and science reporters and the Interior and Science Ministries of all the nations involved at CERN. This was not an easy task, as Mr. Penrose, the spokesman for this ‘Heavy-Ion Alert’ group, is the scion of a well-known family of British scientists, whose reputation would be put on line for this release, and so he has taken his time to talk this issue with his family and peers, trying to find a way out for CERN to not avail. But he has now presented the issue in a more academic manner and released the information to the press.

I must congratulate him; since I am conscious that the massive smear campaigns against me and the ‘pioneer’ people, who opposed this potential genocide has crippled our efforts and credibility. This, I have explained in this web: the prosecution has gone to the point of getting my scholar papers on the science of complexity and my pioneer models on the fractal Universe, applied to all sciences erased from Google scholar (till my work in the late 90s, except for some extraordinary insights of Mr. Mandelbrot and the application of fractal conceps to Astrophysics by Nottale, there was not a clear formulation of a Unification Theory of all sciences based in the scalar, self-similar, fractal, self-generative properties of information, the ‘program’ that designs the Universe. Since Mandelbrot, one of the few geniuses of the post-war era, who just passed away sparing himself the ‘Grand Finale’ have given indeed the first right step, discovering the fractal mathematics of information, but his concept of ‘roughness’ was too shy of the enormous implications of fractal, organic structures for the big picture of reality. Further on, it was needed to complete the 5 Non-Euclidean Postulates of geometry and fusion them with fractal mathematics to renovate the languages of the human mind. And so only when I completed that task left unfinished by Riemann and Einstein, I had the key to unlock the Grand Design, upgrading all sciences with it.)

In that regard I was first shocked by the insinuations that we opposed CERN for ‘gain and fame’, or that we didn’t know what we talked about, but since we were never given a chance to defend ourselves, only one side of the story remains. In any case, what those smearing campaigns on Rossler, Walter and me means for this issue is that we have been mouth-strapped, effectively from the beginning. For that reason I insisted so much to Mr. Penrose and other scientists to do this release, despite having those documents available in this web. Since it is obvious that they won’t be smeared – respect is due in the ‘anglopocentric’ world we live in to people with the right pedigree (-; Sorry Eric, we have now only 20 days left before what can be our last minute on Earth, so let me have some irony about the way humans qualify subjectively truth).

From now on, if CERN has a ‘carte blanche’ to go ahead with the experiments, the responsibility will be shared by the Press, the Political Power and the Company.

If we die, it won’t be any longer CERN only, which has to be blamed. As it would be naive to blame only BP of the spill, now that we know the extent of the cover up of the Government’s Agencies on the risks and damage of the spill. Companies in our civilization are wrongly designed to reach their goals at all costs. Governments and the Press are supposed to monitor, alert and control with their executive power their wrong-doing. They are now informed, if they cover up this crime and allow these experiments to take place to protect a ‘machine’, it means plainly speaking, that we humans lack the minimal qualities required to survive in the Darwinian, Fractal Universe.

In any case the release was done, perhaps a bit late, but with courage Mr. Penrose has done what had to be done. And of course, as today, nobody has published…

So when and if this happens, I just want to state that we, the people who have dedicated years to these cause, have finished our job.

For any further inquires on CASTOR, please contact Mr. Penrose, who has taken the relay from us in this matter at the Heavy-Ion Alert site. Good luck my friend. It is indeed a heavy, strange Sisyphus stone, the one you carry now, hope it doesn’t sink us all.

Update. 8th november. 24 hours before massive collisions. Stable beams.

It seems stable beams have been achieved and a few collisions taken place. Now the machine is ramping up its luminosity. Thus, tomorrow massive collisions of lead ions will start to take place, with enough density to produce strangelets. If strangelets form they will fall undetected to the center of Earth. By 2011, in most statistical models the conversion of Earth’s matter into dark matter will be advanced enough to end our existence on planet Earth. Curiously enough by then the LHC will be closed for an upgrade of energies and of course, if this were to happen, CERNies will deny all responsibility. Had this been discussed, instead of censored, we could be more optimist about the future… But CERN is already talking of further upgrades beyond the 7 Tev barrier of 2013, when again we will go through new existential risks. The conclusion is obvious:

Even if we survive 11/9, the fact that the experiment and its future upgrades are carried on without the slightest control and opposition, only means we humans will keep searching for higher forms of mass and energy, till definitely we cross the barrier of stability of strangelets, black holes and other forms of dark matter that will devour us. Make no mistake, the end of the race for higher energy in accelerators should be an event, which creates a stable black hole or strangelet that devour us – NOT an intelligent commission of politicians and citizens, who decides to stop this disguised arm race. And since the industry will keep pushing further upgrades and plans to reach always new energies, sooner than latter the planet will blow up, with the indifference and acquiescence of our political and judiciary institutions.

Update, 1st December.

Lead collisions have taken place forming the quark-gluon ‘perfect liquid’ already seen at RHIC in minimal quantities. The ‘perfect liquid’, mainly, a mixture of u, s and d quarks, suppressed systematically jets of particles that should have exploded in a quark-gluon gas. Those particles stayed inside the ball of fire for enough time to form dibaryons, the simplest strangelet particles that can be created in acceleratiors. It is the slow scenario of extinction  by accumulation of strange particles that might take years to reach enough critical mass to provoke the conversion of Earth into dark matter. On a positive note, we are still here, which means the fastest ice-9 reactions (massive conversion of the USD perfect liquid into strangelets within seconds of the collision) have not taken place. 

We are still here. We are being lucky… We can now safely consider that enough lead to lead collisions have taken place to discharge the ‘faster’ scenarios of strangelet formation (a runaway ice-9 reaction taken place after a massive growth of +3 million strong quarks strangelets). The fastest scenarios based in the ‘Peng Papers’ seem to be ruled out at this point. Yet the slower scenarios – dibaryon formation, slowly leaking to the center of the Earth and provoking a big crunch in years to come – cannot be ruled out. Moreover the behavior of the quark-gluon soup on the experiments performed, suppressing massively jets of particles that should be emitted and are being absorbed back into the quark-gluon liquid, shows how easily strange quarks are interacting inside the soup and probably creating different particles of dark, strange quark matter, which will take months or years to detect. This is the risk that has already happened and we shall not know for years to come… But the official establishment of science is cheering up. Nothing really new has been found, of course… but that was never the goal of this experiment. This means, as today, 2 relevant scenarios are left: the dibaryon scenario (strangelet formation within years) and the black hole scenario over 10 Tev, which will not take place till 2013…

Let us quote the article ‘LHC Creates Cosmic Primordial Soup and Probes Strange Particle Jets ‘ on the nature of those jets to understand those dangers: ‘Jets are a common sight in collisions of protons at the LHC, usually appearing in pairs as narrow cones of particles heading away in opposite directions from the collision point. They are equally common in collisions of lead ions, but with a twist. The ATLAS measurement showed that the more “head-on” the collisions of lead ions, the more unbalanced the energies of the jets streaming out in opposite directions from the collision point. While one jet may still appear as a narrow cone of particles, the second jet has a much lower energy, and the narrow cone of particles has become much more diffused. [Symmetry]

That effect is called “jet quenching,” and the imbalance appears when one jet must travel through more quark-gluon plasma to escape the collision area than the other:

If the collision happens near the edge of the soup, one quark only has to pass through a bit of soup to escape – that’s the big jet. But the other, going in the opposite direction, has to travel through lots of hot dense exotic matter. It gets scattered around and loses lots of energy into the medium it is passing through. That’s the “missing” second jet. [The Guardian]

Jet quenching was indirectly observed at Brookhaven National Lab seven years ago. But with the energies at LHC, the effect is so pronounced that physicists could see it directly.’

In other words, strange quarks are not jetting out and dissolving but being trapped by the quark-gluon liquid, recombining in particles, among them very ‘likely’, dibaryons…

Black mass.

How can you deal with the madness of the LHC – a totem of the new religion of man, the machine, which physicists, its high priests, build just for the sake of it? In case you haven’t ‘watched’ the previous article, we shall close this one with a surrealist film – an art which appeared to create parables of the incomprehensible death toll of I world war. An Image indeed is worth one thousand words – not only technical pictures, which is all the knowledge CERN will ever achieve risking our lives – but also artistic ones. So here to conclude, a personal interpretation, sampled  from different sources and ‘black masses’ …

(please disregard as usual dates on those videos, 2010 the original date for full energy shots are now postponed to 2015, when those danger scenarios are likely to happen)

(1) 9.

The data, based on Belarus national cancer statistics, predicts approximately 270,000 cancers and 93,000 fatal cancer cases will be caused by Chernobyl. The report also concludes that on the basis of demographic data, during last 15 years, 60,000 people have died additionally in Russia because of the Chernobyl accident, and estimates of the total death toll for Ukraine and Belarus could be another 140,000.
Yet ‘only 56 people have died as a direct result of radiation released in Chernobyl’ according to the report ushered by UNO’s Atomic Energy Agency:


Posted by on November 7, 2015 in News


Quark liquid: Cosmic bombs

Mankind has opened the first factory of strange liquid. In 2015 will reach enough energy to produce massive amounts of quark condensates and possibly black holes (disregard dates in videos, as they were done before CERN delayed till 2015 its opening at full potency):

During 5 years, a small group of ethic physicists and scientists of the field of complexity and theory of information (notably Mr. Rossler, founder of chaos theory; this writer, who found the mathematical formalism of general systems science; Eric Penrose, a mathematician, the scion of a family of well known british physicists and Walter Wagner, a safety officer in the most prestigious center of accelerators in America at Livermore), tried to rise awareness of those facts, but the ‘military-industrial complex’ – yes that old topic in top form these days, made a big press campaign, to deviate the ‘issue’ to ad hominem campaigns and ‘big smiley’, dont worry be happy we know what we do shallow arguments, without, of course, revising with scientific rigor the issue.

So we finally gave up and now it is only a question of time, to wait from an answer from the Universe, which somehow already has answered on the destiny of mankind this year, with the proofs of the Fermi paradox.

Below the last open letter, the last warning that Rossler and I sent to the world of scientific media about the most explosive substance of the Universe, which we study with the laws of complexity and chaos attractors, in which we are recognized specialists… We gave it a poetic name, because only metaphors and hyperboles can explain the madness and arrogance of our scientists, who never foresee the collateral effects of their actions:


As the number of particles increase, most normal ud quarks convert into strangelet ‘atoms’ (uds, sss udsuds particles) in an exponential rate growth, which obviously implies they will finally coalesce into strangelets

It is an interesting question. We always thought with the beginning of production of dibaryons and alpha M.A.C.H.O.s (graph below), CERN will kill mankind with a strangelet, once the critical mass of ultra-heavy stable 6 or 18 particles accumulated on the center of Earth triggering the ice-9 reaction. But in the last months CERN has ramped up the luminosity (energy density) enough to start producing Bottoms, Tops and Charms, which should produce the first BCB ‘black atoms’ of our 5D models of physics.  The graph above shows proudly one of the new productions of a top, with a shower of Bottom quarks and secondary particles. 

Now CERN handles a restricted 4D standard abstract model of the Universe. We work on an organic, 5D Model, which by the correspondence principle includes al the physics of 4D whenever they are right. The Universe however is real, it means laws happen with a hierarchy, and mathematical entelechies don’t. In this 5D is closer to Broglie & Einstein. Let us put our classic example, the non-evaporation of black holes.

The growth of baby black holes is what Hawking found and it is a beautiful equation, which happens to be also the 5D metric of black holes:  

 ∆ Mass (S-form) x ∇ Temperature (Time-motion) = K±¡

It simply means Black holes thus are born immensely hot (temperature is a thermodynamic parameter translated as frequency to gravitational mass feeding) and feed as the protagonists of the galaxy on all forms of matter.

Fine, as a black hole is born hot, it evaporates according to the 2nd law of thermodynamics the environment and feeds on it. This is what we see on the Universe happening all the time. So if they do it at CERN a baby hole will eat us. The equation is beautiful because it shows Black holes, or Mass in its most general meaning eats everything. It is the most efficient beast of the Universe. Indeed, if we break down the ‘K’ of Universal constants, and reorder them by ‘scale’ of size (5D scales) we get: 

So Hawking discovered the 5D metrics of baby black holes, which following the 2nd law of Thermodynamics evaporate their environment attracted according to Einstein’s gravitational laws, and we see K=∆±¡  gathers all the constants of all the scales of space-time from the quantum through the thermodynamic level, which the mass swallows to ‘engulf’ all in its event horizon membrane. Thus all energy and momentum of the Universe ‘contributes’ to EFE mass equations, validating Einstein’s Tensor of Energy-Momentum, transformed into the M8πG-eometry of gravitational mass, according to the Principle of equivalence, which in 5D means merely a mass is an accelerated vortex of space-time.  It is one of the most beautiful equations of science for its simplicity and 5D correspondence.

It is then amazing that mankind is at lethal risk before Hawking, after the equation went unnoticed, rewrote it, changed its arrow, said black holes travel to the past, evaporate and break all laws of physics, and the entire planet backed him, and the Accelerator’s industry that tries to make them on Earth, has gotten enthusiastic about it. This year Sir Roger Penrose, Hawking’s collaborator got his Saint Nobel of the Dynamite, who said Wars would end when his factories manufactured a canon that could destroy an army of a single shot. His son Eric Penrose was the main activist against CERN in UK but now he is also silence – I believe his page is down.  The question then is what the black holes does with the Energy-momentum Tensor it swallows? obviously converting it into the cut-off substances Einstein asked for, to believe in black holes, found after his death, the BCB atoms of the top quark decuplet, and in the inner cosmological black hole of huge size, in its inner region, in a top quark boson crystal whose physics are ignored, which in its amazing processes of quark jets now rehearsed at CERN should produce – and in this I give Sir Roger all the merit, for his paper showing a Kerr black hole should have a transluminal perpendicular axis – a beam of dark energy, probably a ‘neutrino’ faster than light expanding vacuum space (the dark energy that we see as expansion of space between galaxies since Neutrinos are invisible). All this ‘organic, rational’, scalar 5D view of the baby black hole, the cosmological black hole and the quasar big-bang shows a harmonic, symmetric scalar Universe, where the 3 parts of the galaxy, the black hole center, the strangelet halo (Witten hypothesis) and our unimportant central world of ud-stars are made of the 3 parts of the quark families:


So now CERN without an organic symmetric 5D model of the Universe, but with the firepower to shoot around will build cbb and ccb neutrons and protons and perhaps one day we shall see a black atom forming or a black hole. But then it will be a short lived view… We still think though that the accumulation of dying ‘Cleopatras’ will do us all… 


(The quark-gluon soup, cause of Big-Bangs)

The Kaon was the first strange particle found and its quarks – the particles that exist inside the nuclei of atoms, keeping most of its mass- were called strange because they lived millions of times longer than quantum physicists expected.

‘It was as if Cleopatra were still dying of an asp bite, still falling from her barge into the Nile’ – said his discoverer (1.)

That strange love for life seems to be a condition of the ultra-dense quark-gluon soup, made of free quarks that initiated the cosmos. Since it showed again a strange stability in the 2nd ‘big surprise’ reported by Scientific American, when the RHIC (Hadron Ion Collider) made a drop of strange liquid. It was not a gas, as quantum theorists have expected. Instead they found a complex, cyclical, far from equilibrium system, a super fluid vortex of quarks and gluons, perfectly ordered. ‘It should have behaved like a gas, hopefully with more energy, it will behave rightly’ said somewhat ‘sanguine’ to SciAm (2), the quantum physicist in charge of the experiment, unable to model with simple, lineal, energetic equations the strange liquid, which again lived billions of times more than expected, accreted particles and behaved according to Nastase (3), from Brown University, as a proto-black hole:

We learned that while cooling inside the liquid was expelling outwards a big-bang of gamma radiation, which reached over a trillion degrees (4), a temperature only observed in Super-novas – where an inner vortex of strange liquid forms a pulsar or quark star; while the electronic cover of the atoms evaporates into a big-bang. Quantum physicists are thus split in two groups: Those who think they created strange liquid and those who think they created expanding plasma. And each one describes the event with their partial set of equations.

Who is right, who is wrong? It is the quark-gluon soup a gas or a liquid? The answer is: both. It is like cracking nuts to extract their rich, tasty inner substance (the quarks that hold 99% of the mass of the atom), throwing away in the big-bang of radiation the electronic, light cover (which forms our ghostly world).

But to understand how this is done we must not use the lineal equations of quantum physics, which date back to more than a century ago when complex liquids and its fractal, chaotic equations were still unknown to scientists. Instead we want to bring here the opinion of Complexity Theory, a new discipline, founded the year of Einstein’s death at the Macy’s congress, which explains how the Universe destroys reality with lineal, expansive energy also called ‘entropy’, cause of disordered gas-like processes, and creates order with cyclical clocks of information.

Both processes are often simultaneous, reason why the science of Time that studies both ‘arrows of future’ together, (whose international congresses I have chaired in recent years (5) is called Duality. In duality we study how both arrows of time, energy and information create, becoming ‘complementary’, as when an informative particle and a field of energy come together, creating a physical entity or when an informative nuclei/head and an energetic body evolve into a cell or an organism. But we also study how under conditions of extreme stress, due to an excess of energy or information, those far from equilibrium systems split apart, So when an organism suffers an accident due to an excess of energy, it ‘breaks its symmetry’, a subtle way to say it is beheaded. And when the organism ages, due an excess of form, of information, it wrinkles and dies.

In physical processes, symmetry breaks when the energetic, electromagnetic components of matter reach the energetic limit of c-speed and its informative elements, its inner cyclical quarks, approach the absolute order of zero Kelvin temperature.

Then both depart, creating a central, ultra cold vortex liquid, a frozen star, either a pulsar or black hole and a dying burst of electronic energy in the form of radiation. The simplest far from equilibrium physical system is a refrigerator. The interior is cold precisely because the exterior has a rack of Freon liquid that is hot and dissipates energy. So heat is expelled outwards to cool the interior. One of the ‘two arrows or motions’ of the Universe, entropy, synonymous of lineal, expansive energy and disorder is thrown away. So information, synonymous of form and cyclical order, better achieved without temperature, can increase.

This is in essence what happens in a quark-gluon soup, which causes a double big-bang and big-crunch called a supernova, which gives birth to a strange, cold vortex of quark mass in the interior of the star and expels the external electronic cover, converted into hot radiation. And so what we saw at RHIC was a mini- supernova.

In that sense, unlike in quantum entropy, in Complexity, the famous Heisenberg equation, energy x information =Constant, is described as a feed-back cycle proper of all quantum systems, which fluctuate between the limits of energy and informative death of our Universe :(c-speed and 0 k temperature).

When those dual, complementary systems made of waves of energy and particles of information go out of equilibrium they move towards the two limits of energy and form, infinite temperature/energy in the external, expansive big-bang zone; and 0 k, perfect fluid order, in the zone of formation of strangelets; Since infinite x 0 = K.

Thus, if RHIC has measured trillions of degrees in the surface of the ‘ball of fire’, inside the ball quarks are being cooled at near zero temperature, into a super fluid vortex, which are the natural conditions of formation of strangelets. Those liquid vortices can be modeled with Lorenz and Rössler’s attractors6, mathematical functions discovered chaos theorists, who compresses liquids into cyclical trajectories maintained in its equilibrium by sudden bursts of perpendicular energy, called ‘jets’ that expel away the radiation and temperature of the system. In science all theories require experimental proof to be confirmed. And that indeed seems to be the case in this issue, as only complexity theorists expected a decade ago the quark-gluon liquid, while the surprised RHIC and CERN experimentalists still believe they will find an expansive gas, with far less strange quarks than we predicted.

And yet in December 2009, when the LHC probed for the first time beyond the 1 tev barrier of death of light matter into strange matter, it produced 13% more ‘than expected’ strange kaons (the first bricks of the strange liquid) and electro-weak pions, (the debris of electro-weak matter, radiated in the big-bangs (7).

Moreover, the growth of strange particles produced was geometrical, not lineal; and so collisions at higher energy might produce enough strange liquid to form stable strangelets, since at the same time we are revising upwards the production of strange liquid, Chen and Weng from the Shanghai Institute of Nuclear Physics, have proved that quarks lock themselves in triplets that make stable strange liquid with far less quarks than thought before (8); well within the range of energies/masses created by CERN (as energy becomes transformed into mass by Einstein’s famous principle of equivalence: E=mc2 (9).

In that sense, once those liquid droplets reach the limit of the Bohr radius that pack thousands of them, they would fission as all dynamic liquids do starting the so-called ‘ice-9 reaction’ (10) that creates super-novas. Because quantum physicists model those processes with lineal equations, they are unaware of their duality and danger the recreation of the quark-gluon soup implies for the Earth. Since if the process becomes stable – when enough quarks are massed together – their enormous attractive power could keep cracking the atoms of this planet, absorbing its quarks and blowing up their electronic cover in a big-bang that would reduce the Earth to a small quark star, called a pulsar. Quantum physicists do not expect this to happen because the creation of strangelets (the strange liquid of quark stars) require very cold temperatures and since they only measure the heat of the external big-bang they feel confident they would produce less strange liquid in the up to 1000 times stronger collisions that will take place at CERN.

Complex theorists like myself of Mr. Rössler, one of the founders of chaos theory, which have tried to stop those experiments believe the opposite will happen, since the interior will become ‘refrigerated’ as the external radiation increases its temperature, in the manner we have described in this article.

In that sense, the fate of our planet might depend on whose description of the quark gluon soup is more accurate, that of the old lineal equations of quantum physicists or the new, non-lineal, dual equations and chaotic attractors of complexity and color-locked strangelets. Yet the ultimate proof will be experimental evidence, which so far seems to lean in favor of the models of complex liquids. Yours sincerely

Luis Sancho, Complexity theorist.

Endorsed by Otto Rössler, Fractal Theorist ____


1 As quoted in the book ‘The particle Odyssey’ by F.Close; 2002.

2 Scientific American 2006 ‘The first micro-seconds’ by Riordan.

3 See:


5 ISSS Congresses at Cancun, Sonoma, Tokyo & Madison, 05,06,07,08, which developed a model of unification of sciences, with both arrows of time, energy and fractal information. More at

6 Mr Rössler is the founder of hyper chaos theory: see

7 see by Peng Chen and Weng.


9 Einstein’s Principle of Equivalence between accelerated, curved motions and gravitational masses explains the attractive power of those liquid vortices that accelerate inwards, acting as hurricanes of space-time. It offers in the new physics of fractal relativity an alternative to the quantum theory of mass sponsored by Mr. Higgs, proposed independently by Mr. Wilczek and this author, which unlike the Higgs, is able to explain the different masses of those particles, which are proportional to the rotating speed of those vortices (as it happens with hurricanes that attract more the faster they turn). It also offers an explanation to the origin of physical information in the Universe, carried in the rotational frequency of those vortices and a mechanism to explain how energy becomes mass, as it curls its accelerated motion near the limit of c-speed into cyclical motion=Mass, described by Einstein’s equations: E= Mc2 and E xT=K. From where Mass=K/T= Frequency of a mass vortex.

10 A name taken from Mr. Kurt Vonnegut’s novel ‘cat and cradle’ in which a physicist discovers a liquid that freezes the water of the Earth, extinguishing life; since strange liquid would convert the Earth into a ‘frozen’ quark star; and first mentioned by Wilczek and Wagner in SciAm 99 letters, ‘A little big-bang’. Here you have a video describing the ‘ice-9’ reaction, with a surrealist introduction to the ‘secret cult of physicists’, to the God Shiva and its energy of death (disregard dates, as the machine will not reach the energies required till 2015, after it was decided to go at 1/2 potency for the first years).

MISCELANEOUS – the outrageous case of the mourning Gods of death.

I recommend you to see this surrealist film, with a piece taken from Jodorovski’ masterpiece (graph). I had fun doing that little picture, which nobody wanted to open or even understand and at the end became ‘strange matters’ a film you can see only in VIMEO.

Surrealism and art is not the ‘forte’ of physicists. But who was the God of death? Obviously CERN and specifically Hawking. As I have explained in those texts if CERN fmanage to do stable Alpha M.A.C.H.O.s (strange matter) or black holes, the first will make Earth a 15 km. nugget, the 2nd a small soccer ball, of ultra-dense BCB quark matter. As the Galaxy is NOT created to make humans the Gods of the Universe, but has a structure similar to a cell, where stars and planets are like ribosomes, ultimately food to create In nova explosions, black holes and strangelets, any experiment to do so should be forbidden. In 5D Astrophysics the model is of a symmetric beauty: top quarks and BCB ultra heavy dark atoms are the cut-off substance Einstein expected to give birth to ‘frozen dark stars’, his name for black holes, as they have the same density. They are positively charged occupying the center of the galatom. Strangelets are lineal, negative charged, and made of easier to produce strange quarks, now copiously made at CERN. As they are heavy, its stable forms, already spotted, dibaryons and alpha M.A.C.H.O.S (massive Halo Objects), will fall to the center of earth and slowly accumulate as the heaviest particles of the planet till they eat us inside out. When? We don’t know, as production quantities are shredded in secrecy after the scandal of those suits. The black hole BCB atomic frozen star is more difficult to produce but already copious amounts of BC quarks are made. And the new generation of plasma accelerators in a decade will make them galore. Still, the public stunt to justify this industry, the true guilty of our extinction – always an advanced lethal technology seeking the profits of making ultra-expensive weapons and chips, was Hawking’s lineal st-upid change of the symbol of time from travel to the future, to the past, from a hot object cooling down as it feeds on the Earth, according to thermodynamics, to a hot object getting hotter in a cold environment:

How then a blatant lie that even a high school physics student could understand easily, no rocket science, hot coffee gets colder in a freezing winter, which puts at risk all of mankind, and when first published drew the irate response of all world physicists, saying that was nonsense, has become dogma, so workers at CERN as its Chief scientist said ‘must believe in the evaporation of black holes’? It is all psychological  mechanist and monetary Mass media repetitive Lying, profit and bull$hit – the SMELLying method of the Capitalist culture, the NEW NORMAL in all systems of truth for profits of the world as technological capitalism has become globalized. If we were then to seek for an individual, not a culture to maximize this SMELlying method it was Hawking was a victim of brain paralysis, so it could not be criticized. The same goes with the Hebrew culture from where most financiers come, which is a chosen victim, meaning most important than the other 100 million victims of I and II world war so we cannot criticize finances. Oh, yes, this is politically incorrect, but as it happens, the ‘∆-1 part’, Hawking and the repetition through Mass Media and the Goebbels method of repeating lies, go hand in hand. So the ‘lies’ grow in size by repetition and e-Motional imprinting the key to establish a lie into a dogma, a religious taboo, a political and economical and cultural cliché – an inquisition of thought for a good cause that will destroy us all as financial capitalism is doing killing by anoxia, lack of credit, the oxygen of society many more people than the pandemic.

Mr. Hawking was a privileged man that drew all the resources of the National Health care system to maintain him alive and working, till well in the 70s, helped by his Maecenas, Mr. Penrose, of the Barclays Jewish banking fortune, who bankrolled his scientific musings till he became a celebrity circus, a star trek character that made black holes time machines, through which he could enter to kill his grand-father. Mass-media, victimism, a friendly smile, hiding a callous egocy, cold character, whose wife described as childish, ‘he believes he is god’, profiteering on his fame, churning with ‘ghost writers’ books on platitude topics year after year. He had a blank check to do whatever it pleases. And he chose to become God, change the top predator black hole arrow of time, and repeating it for 30 years finally even the most respectable physicist would accept Einstein was wrong, Boltzmann was wrong, Maxwell was wrong, physics was wrong, Hawking was god, black holes evaporate and our planet and 7 billion can die just to please his ‘will’ in both ways, as he is dead. Penrose got the Nobel this year, and his son activist against CERN as he had often heard this was speculation muted his site It is all too surrealist. But we must add a feature to Hawking’s character: he didn’t care about humans but also about life because he was repressed to enjoy it on the chair. So this goes for a character who is abstract, mechanical – his prestige came greatly because of his computer taking skills, mathematical (but maths can lie as his equations did change a sign), monetarist, mass-media, lying and on the psychological side, playing victimism which is NOT the same than being good, brutally silencing all criticism. Eric Penrose tried him to talk with me, Otto Rossler and other activists but he refused and in public call us ‘unknown persons’. Censorship cutthroat ad hominem to critics, money to payroll its platitudes, indifference to his life and that of the others, so he placed an accidental death trap, a Damocles sword to mankind that adores him.

Betraying the sun‘s defensive skin.

As we insist often in those posts, the 5D organic Universe, as any organism can be described mathematically as astrophysicists do but also, and I find it more fun, perhaps because I am due to my vaporization for the Orwellian ‘thoughtcrime’ of defending the future of the species, still 30 years counting, the only scholar studying the organism of the Galaxy with some details.

In the graph, the defensive skin of the star organism in 5D has an obvious role: to stop the errand, 2.7k redshirting gravitational moon MACHOs of the background radiation of the galaxy NOT the Universe (as we have seen its lobes above the black hole at saggitarius from eating our planet:
In the graph the true quasar big-bang, the scale at which all evidence of the cosmic big-bang points to. Below we see the 20 billion year quasar cycle longer than the supposed big-bang. What is then the origin of the Bg radiation? As the ‘gala cell’ has also organic properties, its origin is the ‘homeostatic equilibrium’ produced by the redshift radiation of Moon MACHOs (a primordial black hole that does not evaporate of the mass of a moon, the commonest planetoid, would have the exact form and temperature of the BG radiation). And so we FINALLY FOUND the primordial black holes of Mr. Hawking, only that they do NOT evaporate but are in 5D analysis, which always show 3 scales of size for all systems (3 families of mass, cells networks and bodies in biology, atoms matter and geologic formations in planets and so on), the ‘smallest scale’ of the dominant form of the galacell, its ‘mind-whole’ that structures it as DNA does in a cell, as an organism. As such the homeostatic temperature of the BG primordial black hole is exactly above that of the larger holes which can feed on it, and the fundamental energetic atom of its physiological structures, superfluid helium. But that DOES NOT MEAN the sun wants to be raped by those alpha M.A.C.H.Os any time soon. So it has a big cloud of food for thought, to fixe errand strangelets and black holes in orbit, after eating one of its Oort moons. Pity those primordial black holes and strangelets will be reproduced by moons and planets inside our galaxy if Earthlings succeed in doing them at CERN betraying mother’s sun with its rash skin. I proposed 30 years ago to N.A.S.A. to send a satellite to the Oort belt to seek for a strangelet or black hole point at 2.7 k redshifting light to prove the 5D organic galaxy model. But it seems the proof will cost 7 billion earthlings when we become a swarm of black holes and strangelet dark matter in our place, which will migrate to the halo. Since we are entropic food for them to be born, which explains the real quasar big-bang. Ultimately it is completely absurd that almost every entity in the Universe has a time span much larger than the Universe itself – black holes live 10 up to 100 years, the commonest star, red dwarfs live trillions, protons live as long as black holes, etc. etc. But as the big-bang is the metaphysical pseudoscience of physicists with a single time arrow of entropy, we shall become dust of space-time and poor mother sun will get more than a rash on the skin as she probably has now. Dust of space-time we are, dust we shall become.

Posted by on September 29, 2015 in News


Earthquakes’ Records

2011: Record in Earthquakes

It is becoming a global trend the growth of earthquakes since CERN started to operate, and so there are constantly new records, as the planet rearranges its delicate balances of magnetic fields every time CERN switches on and off the machine. We shall only bring them from time to time, as earthquakes as dangerous for human lives as they are pale in comparison with the real dangers of global genocide, and we do not want to stress them too much, plus there is always the alibi of  events that cannot be proved completely – though of course a wise gazelle does not come close to a lion even if it is not proved the lion is hungry and will eat her.

23, Dec, 2011.

As today, the machine works at only 4+4 Tev below the theoretical 10 Tev barrier of formation of black holes and heavy quarks,which can trigger a catastrophic event. So the truly dangerous events (condensation of explosive quark liquids responsible of novas and supernovas) have been adjourned till 2015 when the machine is fired at maximal potency. At that point of space-time all information provided with the old dates on the risks of the LHC, will be relevant again as the LHC fires at 14 Tev, and the massive production of Goldstone bosons (aka Higgs), which decay into the heaviest top, bottom and strange quarks, make the condensation of strange-let, bottom-let or top-let explosive liquid (-let meaning liquid), responsible for the creation of novas, supernovas and perhaps quasars, quite probable.

Regarding those delays, they were first due to the fact that despite reassurances by CERN on the impossibility of LHC’s failure, the machine though broke the first week on line. Ever since plans to switch at full power have been delayed once and again till the present date of 2015. This was a extremely positive development for mankind, as the probabilities the LHC could cross at 1/2 potency, at 8 Tev, the ‘threshold’ of establity of dark matter which could signify our extinction (black hole and strangelets), believed to be over the 10 Tev barrier, were not realized.

While power will only double, the reader should notice also that those risks will increase ‘geometrically’ (logarithmically) since there will also be a massive increase of luminosity (statistic number of collisions) and hence a geometrical increase in the chances to produce quark-gluon condensates.

In any case what seems proved is what we considered to be the first signal the LHC is affecting the Earth: a surge on Earthquake activity, which has almost doubled its big earthquakes in the past 4 years. Moreover, statistically the annual minimal happens in the winter period when LHC is closed. So it will happen now in winter, till March 2012, when a new surge will take place.

Update. 11-12 april 2012. 

The 2012 ‘hunting season’ restarted the LHC at higher 4 Tev (8 Tev in the point of collision, still under the theorized 10 Tev barrier of black hole, strangelet and toplet formation). And chronometrically, as in all the previous seasons the occurrence of Earthquakes has jumped. It had plummeted during winter, as the machine rested in peace, but:

– Within hours of the first magnetic ring formation with 4 Tev bunches (26 march) we suffered a >7 earthquake in Mexico. During that first week earthquakes over 6 doubled and we got two >7 earthquakes – the same quantity than in the entire winter, thus an increase over 1000%

– Then last  week, collisions started and within a week there were two plus 8 earthquakes in Sumatra – the biggest events ever outside a fault plate, which is always indication of a man-made cause. A pattern emerges, of minimal activity of earthquakes during CERN’s winter break followed by a year peak as soon as the LHC’s magnetic field and quark matter factory switches on, either producing disturbances on the Earth’s magnetic field or dense dark matter which explodes in its fall to the center of the Earth, provoking cascades of high energy events as cosmic rays do in their atmospheric collisions.

Indeed, the last year, within a week of restarting collisions there was a 9 earthquake in Japan… In previous years the same pattern took place with earthquake peaks in Iran, Chile, etc. Deja vu. But the pattern is incremental, as the LHC increases its regime of energy and density of collisions. So this year overcame last year’s peak at Japan, and it was far more significant, because the outbrake of Earthquakes was global, not only localized in the place of the Sumatran event; and overall it has been the day with the highest number of big Earthquakes on record in the history of this planet.

This means that the LHC, which is the strongest magnetic field of planet Earth, only parallel to the one in the core of the planet is provoking shifts on the magnetic field, whose changes are considered responsible for most Earthquakes. Needless to say the Financial-Military-Industrial system and its P.R. press has ignored the facts. They cannot be proved 100%, only it seems God’s particle will be prove to ‘exist’ with Sigma 3 probabilities, well bellow the standard of serious science.


UPDATE – 1st January 2012.

This article was written last year, when 2010 became the year on record with more Earthquakes. 2011 has overcome 2010 in a growing series, which started when the LHC came in line, after repairs, late in 2009:

Richter scale          2009    2010   2011

>9                                  0        0         1

>8                                  1        1         0

>7                                 16      23      19

>6                               144    149     185

>5                              1896   2009   2270

>4                          6805     10358   12992

Notice the extreme growth on earthquakes specially on the middle rage. Essentially the 4-5 series have doubled, an astounding rise that has never occurred and has not even received the slightest explanation. On the contrary due to the growing alarm and serious consequences (life losses), the official disclaimer put above the data simply denies the data – all surges are just ‘statistical anomalies’ according to USGS (Source: USGS.)

– In the past month till today, 19th August, the Earth has experienced a total of 9 earthquakes higher than 7 in the Richter scale, when many years there is only 1 each month… Most of them are taking place in the antipodes region of CERN at great depth, showing inner disturbances in the gravitomagnetic fields of the planet.
– The present surge in earthquake and volcano activity might be anthropic. 2010 is statistically the highest year on record on earthquakes for all categories, except for the man-made surge during II world war carpet bombing in 1943.
– If we consider only the statistics for April there is a further surge for 2010. But what has humanity done this April 2010, to create fluctuations in the gravitational and magnetic fields of the earth responsible for magma motions that cause earthquakes? Very simple: we have switched on what is today the strongest gravitomagnetic field on this planet, the Large Hadron Collider.
– Since this machine that could latter in the decade at higher energy/mass produce strangelets (Pb-pb collisions) and black holes (over 10 Tev collisions), is today the strongest gravitomagnetic field on Earth. Since Earthquakes, like avalanches, are released by a butterfly effect, the initial change on the gravitational and magnetic fields of the Earth to trigger the release of the potential energy stored in a fault is minimal, below the power of the LHC’s gravitomagnetic fields.

– There are 3 possible ways in which the LHC can cause earthquakes:
A) If the magnetic field of the magnets drawn above interact with other magnetic fields in the magma.
B)If it made black holes or strangelets that are now in the center of the Earth, slowly eating the planet.
C) If it produces perpendicular gravitational waves,  affecting the antipodes (Tonga, Fidji region), which is reaching a maximal with occurrences at very deep level (over 500 km.)
– A cautionary stop of that machine and serious studies on its effects, which so far have been carried only by employees of the company, is long overdue for obvious bio-ethical reasons, since this year is also on the path to be the peak on human deads caused by Earthquakes. Yet 1/3rd of those deads have yet to materialize.
– If the machine stopped now, we have enough data on this pattern of switching on the LHC and getting a surge on earthquakes to do a serious statistical analysis. Politicians should act now. The costs of the volcano in Iceland for Europe might already exceed the value of this machine… This is no longer a question of science but of public policy. To ignore and censor the truth of the LHC will not change its lethal consequences…

Statistical facts

Number of Earthquakes Worldwide for 2000 – 2010

Magnitude 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10
8.0 to 9.9 1 1 0 1 2 1 2 4 0 1 1
7.0 to 7.9 14 15 13 14 14 10 9 14 12 16 16
6.0 to 6.9 146 121 127 140 141 140 142 178 168 142 115

Data till 19 August, 2010

In the US:

Magnitude 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
8.0 to 9.9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
7.0 to 7.9 0 1 1 2 0 1 0 1 0 0 1
6.0 to 6.9 6 5 4 7 2 4 7 9 9 4 4
5.0 to 5.9 63 41 63 54 25 47 51 72 85 56 41
4.0 to 4.9 281 290 536 541 284 345 346 366 432 291 371
3.0 to 3.9 917 842 1535 1303 1362 1475 1213 1137 1486 1492 2040
2.0 to 2.9 660 646 1228 704 1336 1738 1145 1173 1573 2374 1786
Total 2342 2261 3876 2946 3550 3685 2783 2791 3618 * 4260 * 4272


The reader should notice that we are still in summer, but the number of top earthquakes has now equalled the maximal of the decade; while in America there have been already more Earthquakes than in any year of the century.

Further on, we witnessed q wave of volcano activity happening mainly in the fractal borders of the Eurasian Plate, where the LHC hyper-magnetic field seats and in the LHC’s antipodal region, Australia and rim islands.

This year is on the road to be the all time highest ‘Earthquake year’ on record since World War II.

Hardly 1/3rd of the year has come by (113 days). Thus if we multiply by 3, the 2010 data, gathered by the US National Center for Earthquake Information (till April 24), we obtain for the whole 2010 year:

A maximal since World War II, for events in the 8 and 7th scale (3, 21; equalling the 1950 record of 24, >7 scale earthquakes), an all time record for the 6th scale (186, overcoming the 183, 1995’s  record); and for the 5th scale (2256 earthquakes; overcoming the 2074 earthquakes of 2007, the previous record).

This is much higher than the average year on record for the century. Only one year in the entire century set a higher record for earthquakes over 7 in the Richter scale: 1943, at the height of the II World War’s massive bombings of the Earth’s crust.

Thus, the 2010 surge is a high growth rate that might not be statistical but ‘antropic’, as the 1943-44 surge was. Since statistical changes happen within certain percentual limits. It cannot be either a geological process that has normally slow geological-time changes. Even global warming has far less steep rates of growth. Imagine we increase by 1/4th the temperature of the Earth in a year…

So it cannot be caused by Global warming either; which has a far slower rate change. Nor certainly by hot women as the press says, ridiculing an Iranian Cleric.

Unfortunately there has been nothing on this planet added this year to the magnetic field, responsible for magma motions, responsible for plate motion, responsible for earthquakes… except the LHC, the new, strongest magnetic ring in this planet. It is thus possible that the new, LHC’s hyper-magnetic ring is disturbing the Earth’s magnetic flows.

Indeed, it is very likely that as in the case of global warming, we are facing a man-made enviromental catastrophe. In that regard it does not seem a coincidence that the 2 years that have registered the maximal number of earthquakes in the century, the 1943-44 period and the 2010 period, are two peaks in human disturbances on planet Earth. In the 1943-44 period global war and massive bombings carpeted extensive regions of the planet. In 2010 we created a machine, whose magnetic field has no equal on the planet…

And yet the press does not report on the LHC experiments anymore, maybe not to cause public alarm. It also downplays the surge on Earthquakes, which is real.

We have so far, 7 top earthquakes:  Solomon Islands (7.1) and Haiti (7) on January; Ryukyu islands (7) and Chile (8.8) in February; and an impressive 3, in April, the month in which the LHC started a continuous run: China (7.1); Tijuana (7.2) and Indonesia (7.7). Further on, the strongest of those earthquakes, in Chile happened within hours of the first succesful proton run at 3.5 Tev…

If the April stats are considered only, 2010 with an annual average of 36, it will even beat the all time record of the 1943-44 period of carpet bombings, which registered a total of 32+23=55 big earthquakes…

A) The LHC  magnetic field.  

The magnetic field within the lhc tunnel. Outside of the beam tubes is still 3 million times greater than the earth’s magnetic field

CERN people adduce that because the gravitomagnetic fields of the LHC are not ‘colosal’, they should not have the energy to provoke earthquakes. But earthquakes only need a ‘butterfly effect’. Simple mine explosions have caused them. Air bombing has caused them… Since the energy of the earthquake is already stored as potential energy in the fault. So you just need a chaotic, butterfly effect multiplied by the fault to release its energy. Earthquakes are in that sense similar to an avalanche. And the LHC has enough potency to be the butterfly…

In the graph we can see how strong those fields are and how they spread outside the ring into the rock formation under the Jura mountains.

We cannot pretend to know exactly how the huge LHC magnetic field is affecting the Earth; as we don’t have reliable maps of the entire Earth’s field. Yet the causality in time is there: we know that any new source added to a magnetic field modifes its structure. In April we introduce a new top magnetic field on this planet and the surge in Earthquakes peaked.

We considered earlier on in the suits of 2008, the possibility that switching on the strongest, fastest turning electromagnetic field on planet Earth would cause gravito-magnetic interactions with the Earth’s field as it always happens when a new pole of forces appears in any field system.

This is basic physics and yet no studies were carried out, no serious reports on safety. And now we are in the statistical peak, all time high for more than a century, on the number of Earth quakes on Earth since the LHC started up its systems.

The first time the machine was switched on, before it blew up in 2008, within a day, 4 big earthquakes over the 6 Richter scale  hit the Earth (6.1 Iran, 11.00:35; 6.6 Atlantic, 13:08; 6.6 Indonesia, 00.00; 6.9 Hokkaido 00:20) . The first one, within seconds of switching on the LHC, happened in Iran and seismologists there wondered if it was related, but being ‘Iran’, it seems the alarm didn’t sound.

So we were lucky and the machine broke down. Then CERN switched it back on and broke the record of any electro-magnetic field anywhere on Earth. A new macroscopic electromagnetic and gravitomagnetic field had been created and it was not on the center of the Earth.  The complexity and sheer variety of paths of those fields makes the hypothesis of interaction and a buttefly effect extremely likely.

While there are other theories to explain the surge of earthquakes, among which, of course we also have a ‘trendy’ explanation based in global warming, all those theories require a longer, geological time-span to cause a surge. Only the LHC is time-related. Since it is this year, precisely when the machine was switched on, when we have a surge in volcano’s activity and earthquakes.

While our knowledge of the magnetic field of the Earth is incomplete to be 100% sure, the statistical correlation is high. For example, this week there were no significant earthquakes for the first time in the month and curiously enough the beam at LHC was not on. When it was put back tenfolding its luminosity during the week-end for 30 hours, Monday first hour at the end of the run, as the graph shows, a 5.7 earthquake and the 6.5 Taiwan earthquake hit.

Then the beam broke (till wednesday) and again the quantity of earthquakes dropped. This pattern has been observed several times.

Like the strange liquid, CERN stated it would never produce, already created in tiny amounts (hyperons), these disturbances of the Earth’s magnetic field are denied or explained with geological cyccles.

Yet any causal argument which uses causes of ‘ geological nature’ needs much longer cycles than an annual variation . An annual variation of the range we start to see (over 25% more earthquakes and volcano activity than any year since records started in 1900) implies a sudden brusque change, caused by a new factor, and the only new factor added to the magnetic fields of earth are the magnets of the LHC and its streams of protons.

Even a graduate student knows that 2 charged coils create an electromagnetic flow ‘out of nothing’. But the LHC is not any simple magnet. It is the strongest, fastest positive charged pole on Earth right now. It can perfectly interact with any magnetic ring inside the Earth and provoke a flow that changes the distribution. Most of the first earthquakes happened in the border of the Eurasian plate, from Haiti in the parallel North American plaque, with a direct line from CERN.

Cern is uder Geneva,  in a zone of soft subduction, which means the effect is spreading first in the Eurasian plate. The Eurasian soft subduction zone goes down all the way to Sumatra, through Iran, Afghanistan and South China, all those zones are where more Earthquakes have occurred.
Australia on the other hand is the antipodes.

Since the most likely cause are gravitational waves, which extend perpendicular and parallel to an accelerated ring of mass, moving at relativistic speeds, the maximal effect should be produced in the borders of the eurasian plate (parallel waves) and the antipodes (perpendicular waves). And this is indeed the case. Most earthquakes and volcano activity happened on the borders of the Eurasian plate or  in the antipodes: Australia is having its record year of quakes with happenings in Adelaide and the Kalgoorie mines; and the islands of the pacific also have a record year (Solomon, Samoa, etc.)

The Iceland volcano is exactly in the Atlantic ridge that separates our plate and North America.

Starting in CERN the soft subduction zone becomes the ridge of the plate which first passes through the south of Spain, where they have the strongest earthquake in decades a few days ago, and then branches north to Iceland where we have volcanoes erupting and continues into the North-American plate through the Caribbean, where a recent earthquake has destroyed Haiti.

So CERN might be causing the present disruption of the plates.  But what can possible do CERN?

As we predicted in this web many wrong things that could now be the cause of this steep change in Earthquake rates.

B) CERN might have created already a black hole or other form of dark matter, including different type of strange liquids that have collapsed in the center of the Earth into a stable seed that is now growing, eating up the Earth and causing Earthquakes.

Cern doesn’t know if this is the case and does not comment on it, but it might be the case.

Both a micro-black hole, neutral, stable might have fallen into the Earth.

Or dibaryons, stable strange liquid might have fallen. After all RHIC already produced drops of strange liquid, hyperons (its basic usd atom) and kaons, the first ‘strange particle’ discovered. It lived so much that scientists said it ‘would be as if Cleopatra was still dying of the asp bite. This strange long-living ultra-dense quark liquid, or ‘strangelet’ might be falling to the Earth, accreting matter and exploding.

All those possibilities mean that the process of extinction of Earth might have started, might even be already irreversible if a stable strangelet or black hole are on Earth’s center.

C) The gravitomagnetic field

There is though a second cause that might bereversible, if Earthquakes are caused merely by the magnetic activity or the LHC, by the mere fact of being switched on, not by the particles it creates but by the LHC ‘gravito-magnetic waves’.

CERN has created and it is working with the strongest new ring of gravitomagnetic forces on Earth, comparable to that of the Earth’s center. The LHC is the first machine of planetary effects due to the extreme force of its magnetic, accelerating mass fields.

 Moreover in the modern models of fractal relativity gravitomagnetic forces connect the 2 space-time membranes of the Universe:  the electromagnetic membrane of quantum particles and the gravitational membrane of space-time. This membrane, which defines the space position of the Earth’s atomic masses could wobble and start the butterfly effect of an Earthquake.

The equations of gravito-magnetism have been thought of since Einstein and there are models of them even in Wikipedia.

A gravitomagnetic wave is produced by a massive c speed charged ring, which is self-similar to a Kerr-singularity, a c-speed ring or black hole.  Thus the LHC circle is a new 27 kilometers positive gravit0-magnetic pole, whose gravitational waves can affect the gravitational or magnetic field of Earth.

As the graph shows any gravitational wave would produce a motion in space-time and the particles laid over it, which can trigger the butterfly effect of an earthquake.

Any good geophysicist with some scientific flair could find 100 ways in which that machine, its magnets and the 27 km. c-speed ring of charged protons can interact with the messed magnetic fields on earth, creating disturbances in the magnetic and mass-fields of the Earth.

 Dead toll and public policy


 In the graph, we can see that barely 1/3rd into the year the death toll is enormous. It might become the deadliest year on record.

Yet the press applies once more the LOL Method and focuses in an Iranian cleric that says earthquakes are caused by women’s clothing.

When will the media start thinking beyond the limited horizon of the past and look at the future of nuclear energy being created right now in CERN?’

We need to begin an argument about the destructive consequences of this machine, whose regimes of energy and particles this planet cannot stand.

When will scientists and technocrats acknowledge that they have made an error, that the LHC is not a giant leap for mankind as the German CEO of this company said, but a giant leap backwards for sustainability in this planet.

I imagine for politicians must be very difficult to acknowledge they have wasted 10 billion $USD, but that is a bargain for what it will ‘really cost’ the LHC:

If as it seems the LHC is related to the surge of earthquakes and volcano activity the costs of the damages this machine is causing far exceeds its value; if we talk of human lives there is no way to calculate the enormous cost.

Many lives and an enormous chaos and financial cost is already ascribed to this wave of earthquakes. Yet the events of the LHC have not even started, as the ring is at minimal potency…

How many more people have to die before our politicians act up?

Update, 20th November. Latter in the Year the quantity of Earthquakes stabilished during the last months of the run with protons.

It has increased though after the starting of hadron collisions, specially in europe where a swarm of Earthquakes is affecting the subduction zone to the East of CERN seat.

A swarm of tremors on the 3-4 Richter scale in Eastern Europe and the 5th scale (+40 consecutive Earthquakes) in the hot spot of Aden has been happening since CERN started ion collisions in bunches (the earlier sunday collision was just for the press, with a single bunch, not statistically significant). This might be caused by the creation of strangelets that fall undected and explode in the Moho, transition barrier, the point in which as all transitions barriers it is more difficult to cross, without changing the properties of matter. This implies a possible chain of small explosions of strangelets in the Moho barrier. Further down, the strangelet will find a next barrier to growth in the Lehman discontinuity that should however affect a wider region from depth and width, an entire plate, either the European or African Plate.

The astounding cluster of 45 earthquakes in the hot spot of that plate at Aden never recorded in history, at the end of the european fault, where CERN lies – a normally quiet fault – shows again that some strange phenomenon might be affecting the Eurafrican plate. And that something extraordinary can only be CERN, because nothing extraordinary apart from CERN’s magnetic ring has happened on Earth. So CERN’s activity remains one of the most likely explanations of this unusual phenomena, convincing enough to take precautory measures immediatly.

Our scientists, burocrats and military should accept that the Industry of Quark Cannons is the most dangerous industry today in planet Earth and regulate once and for all this machine and future Accelerators. The absurd presumption that the LHC is NOT a powerful weapon that might be disturbing at best the magnetic field of Earth and at worst producing a ‘likely’, constant spill of different forms of dark matter doesn’t hold in scientific grounds. If we lived in a civilization in which Human Life truly mattered CERN should stop now till the previous swarms are clarified. If the swarm of 3 to 5 earthquakes happening in the Convergent Plate boundaries around the key ‘tap’ of the Old Continent, the weak Arabian Plate, are being pounded by explosions of dark matter, it is possible that a Volcano is on the making in the Aden region…

UPDATE. 2012: The day the Earth stood still.


The day after: during the cascade surge of the 11-12th of April 2012, the Earth suffered the highest number of >5 earthquakes events in recorded history.

Moreover several facts point out to a human made causes of ‘global’ proportions:

– We registered the two strongest Earthquakes ever outside a fault line. Yet earthquakes outside fault lines can only have human causes, NOT geological ones.

– The distribution of events was NOT only localized around the >8 huge events off the Indonesian coast, but evenly distributed in several regions of the Earth:

– The reader can observe there were the days before four >5 events along the South Atlantic ridge.

– Then there was the cluster of Sumatra with two >8 outside the fault lines.

– A series of >5s surrounding Australia.

– Another clusters along the Japanese and Alaskan coast.

– In America, both in the west coast there was a huge surge from Mexico to Seattle and several smaller happenings within mainland, where Earthquakes have more than doubled since the LHC went online in 2009. – And there was signifcant activity in the borders between Eurasia and Africa…

This abundance of Earthquakes in non-fractal zones requires a human cause. But the wide distribution, which affected the entire Earth’s magnetic field implies a global one. And the potency of many of them implies an important disturbance.

Because the only new event that could affect globally the Earth, with no significant changes in astronomical parameters, has been the first collisions at the LHC after the long break of winter, in which earthquake activity dropped drastically, the most likely hypothesis is that LHC’s new energy records are the cause of those disturbances, either because:

– They might cause general disturbances on the magnetic fields of the Earth, as it is the biggest magnetic field after the one in its center, and magnetic fields when created interact and reorder those that surround it; and even more likely:

–  The events are due to the creation of high density dark matter – the possible formation of a proto-strangelet or black hole, which exploded on its fall to the center of the Earth, triggering a cascade of high energy events, in the same manner that the explosion of particles of high energy in the atmosphere (cosmic rays), provoke a ‘cascade’ of high energy events. This means that as the LHC keeps pumping up its energy power, doubling it in 2015, the creation of a stable black hole or strangelet (a direct function of its mass-energy, which stabilizes them), is a growing increasing possibility, which would mean the end of this planet in its present form.

– To notice also that a pattern is emerging, as last year the LHC also went online after the winter break days before the Japanese massive Earthquake. Yet the interests of the Nuclear Industry at stakes in this experiments makes very unlikely that the cause of this peak of Earthquake activity part of a general surge that has doubled Earthquakes since the LHC went online will be even considered by big science and the global media that protects the new religion of our technocratic civilization – the machine of ‘God’s particle’.

The record day of earthquakes ever. 12th April, 2012

Today we got the biggest Earthquake in history outside a fault, within a week of restarting collisions at the LHC, as we got the biggest Earthquake in Japan last year… within a week of restarting. Today though was a bit frightening. Two eights, one seven, two six, unaccountable fives… and in different regions of the world: In the Atlantic midrange, in the American west coast, in the Indian basin…

It was the day of maximal activity of Earthquakes, ever, in history. “This is the largest earthquake that hasn’t happened on one of the main plate boundaries ever.

The previous largest was between Australia and New Zealand 15 years ago and back in 1957 in Mongolia.”

Read more:

So that’s the point. Earthquakes don’t happen in non-fault places unless they have an extra-ordinary man-made cause… as it was the case of the surges during II world war or when mine detonations caused them.
What caused not one, but two 8 plus biggest earthquakes outside a plate zone? What did man do?
What kind of effect man could have done that altered the magnetic balances of the Earth?
Ah, you know; there was also a surge on this web, as someone put its name in reddit… on the section conspiration theories. Since there is no absolute causal proof that CERN activity increases earthquake activity on Earth.
Of course… humans are very self-assured that what they do is always right. To deny the ‘wishful thinking’ and egotrip of the over powerful Nuclear Industry and their research on the particle of God, you would need an absolute type of proof… which is impossible, since all human proofs come from our limited minds and limited IQ and limited data.
Since as Haldane put it:
‘Only the Universe knows all the information about yourself’. And so you can never have an absolute proof. Witness the case for the absolute proofs of Euclidean mathematics, gone with the wind in a single stroke… of a tiny Non-E point…
So you are always working with possibilities but wise species, who want to live long don’t test possibilities related to death.
This, the theme of this post, we shall illustrate with different languages, parables of nature, history and the equation of death…
The parable of the lion, the gazelle and the hyena.
The gazelle doesn’t wait to see if the lion is just having a walk of flexing muscles for the hunt. Most times in fact, the lion is having a walk, but she races away any-way.
What the instinct of the gazelle tells her is that whatever the probability of a hungry lion or dark matter particle, one day the lion king will walk to hunt and then if you have not distanced yourself from it, you will be swallowed.
But there is an animal on the savanna that has a different view. It is called the hyena. It laughs a lot to these matters, and it shares its territory as queen of the savanna or so she thinks with the lion. The hyena is not good food and the lion rather passes on it. But the hyena thinks this is because the lion is scared, lazy, a nobody. And so often a childish hyena who wants to show off to the herd that she can boss bothers the lion in the territorial border. I saw once those images filmed at night, when the hyena thinks it has some advantage.
She comes once and again and again and the lion rests, disturbed in their dreams of wide open, manly hunts of gracile gazelles and tasteful food under the sun. And then when the Hyena wakes him up the fourth time, the lion races not to eat but to punish, and within a whisper the hyena is dead. And the folks who were so enthusiastic looking at her champion to see if finally they came on top of the king of the jungle… quietly go away, the balance is restore, and only a corpse soon retired by the ants – those eusocial beings that are queens of the next fractal scale do with them.
Yesterday was the second run. The first at 3.5 didn’t wake up the lion; this one at 4 seems to have bothered it. But we h.h. human hyenas want to wake up the lion and show off we are macho men. So now we are going around as the images show every time the hyena triumphed, claiming, you see, the lion is a weakling, nothing to worry about, with the chorus of laughs of the rest of the herd.
The third time will be in 2015, when the machine truly starts up, 7 years after its P.Rs said it had been put on and the lion-king of the Universe, the ‘quark liquid condensate’ responsible for strangelets,
Novas and other explosive runaway reactions, being probably a black hole a top quark star or ‘toplet’… will have a serious chance to wake up. Will then the youngish hyena that wanted to defy the leader of the pack, Mr. Einstein, whose equations show black holes don’t evaporate, win the battle. And if not, where she will run? Ah, maybe she has found as Hawking claims travel backwards in time (where his black holes evaporate:), or perhaps as CERN claims in his opera-tic ‘solo’ it will run faster than light, where Mr. Einstein’s lions can’t.
As CERN used to say of the chances of black hole formation, before we sued them for potential genocide… unlikely (which statistically means in science a 10% of chances – a 10% x 7 billion= 700 million genocide in insurance terminology… that’s what LHC means and does, even if we survive its lions… but that ethical point of view, of course, is not even bothering the present selfish, ego-centered human, so we shall not insist on it).
Of course we will never be able to prove that Earthquakes are caused by CERN’s interference with the magnetic fields of Earth. When even geologists can’t truly understand why most Earthquakes happen, but there are enough causal relationships. 4 years of increasing statistics since CERN went on, a massive surge when is switched on, the lowest statistics when it is switched off; magnetic fields cause earthquakes; CERN is the biggest magnetic field on Earth aside from the planet’s core; man-made Earthquakes are possible and the previous peak were the carpet bombings of II world war.
Surprisingly enough the surge of 1943 is not discussed. It was caused by the American bombing of the islands of the ring of Fire in the pacific. Why then nobody considers the probability that LHC’s magnetic ring is causing disturbances? Why nothing happens? Why not expert talks? Why USGS warns that the anomalous growth in earthquakes might be an statistical anomaly?

Spring 2015:Earthquake Wave


We said we wouldn’t update the earthquake record and we have kept the promise, but as CERN has made a huge upgrade on his machine, we felt compelled to monitor this in crescendo record on every big switch on/off moment of the LHC. And indeed:

Four major earthquakes and volcano activity all over Japan happened last week, as LHC ramps up for the first experiments at 13 TEV.

Update, May, 2015. And so we are here again in this Chronicle of a foretold death, as the LHC starts its tests at double potency but still at minimal luminosity (very few bunches of particles) and only with light particles (protons, not yet lead ions). And so we are again at record high in earthquakes.

As if all the ‘events’ happened during the first run, tabulated in the old article, which set a series of records in earthquakes not seen since the carpet bombing of the pacific ring of fire in II world war, were not enough… a new series of massive earthquakes are taking place, as the second strongest magnetic ring on Earth (the LHC) gets again on line.

Kathmandu was an 8.1Ms[2] and a maximum Mercalli Intensity of IX (Violent) earthquake, happening as soon as the LHC started their first disturbances on the magnetic field on Earth, going on line around a month ago. It was the worst natural disaster to strike Nepal since the 1934. Hundreds of thousands of people were made homeless with entire villages flattened, across many districts of the country. Centuries-old buildings were destroyed at UNESCO World Heritage sites in the Kathmandu Valley,

A major aftershock occurred on 12 May 2015 at 12:51 NST with a moment magnitude (Mw) of 7.3.The epicenter was near the Chinese border between the capital of Kathmandu and Mt. Everest. And this curious fact – that hundreds of alpine tourists – those ‘i have done it all’ sport dilettantes of the western circus which like to say they have climbed the sacred mountain, were there granted it bit more of attention than the series of earthquakes ‘climbing’ the statistics of the last run of the LHC, which coincidentally happened when Haiti and Chile and Japan’s earthquakes hit the world.

Now we have again in Japan, 4 major earthquakes within a week with a final massive earthquake, an 8.1, on the depths of the sea, which makes the link with LHC more direct, since those disturbances, which should affect the magnetic field of the Earth, whose minute changes are the cause of earthquakes, must happen at certain depths. It was thus a very deep earthquake and for that reason  there were less number of victims. But we are playing with fire. The same earthquake happening in nearby Tokyo of that magnitude would have provoked the biggest catastrophe of XXI century in terms of material damages.

In any case statistics tell us that since the LHC started back its magnetic ring, we are again on record highs on the number of Earthquakes and the last long month (40 days of tests and going stronger), is an absolute spike on the number and strength of earthquakes since the facility had closed. Do you want a better correlation?

1) Earthquakes are caused by magnetic disturbances on the Earth’s magnetic field.

2) Magnetic disturbances in any magnetic field are provoked immediately after a new magnetic field is created and the magnetic system realigns itself.

3) The LHC is the biggest magnetic field when we combine its strength, length and time in operation after that of the Earth.

4) When the LHC starts up again within a short time period huge earthquakes happen.

This simple casual and factual correlation is almost an Aristotelian syllogism: ‘all men are biped, I am a man, I am biped.’ That is the simple truth. And then I look myself in the mirror for the experimental truth, and yes, I see myself as a biped.

‘Earthquakes are caused by magnetic disturbances on Earth’s field. The LHC is a magnetic disturbance on the Earth’s field. The LHC causes earthquakes. And then we look at the data, and yes, there are earthquakes. So that is the simplex truth.

Then it comes the rhetoric ‘arguments’  to deny the obvious. ‘But you can actually walk on all..  fours, just use your hands’, kind of arguments.  Yes, there are human dogs, freaky BDSM players and… cynics, those Greek philosophers that were called dogs because they rejected wealth, made love on the streets and barked at anyone who criticized them. Shivaites also can argue that the God of death has 6 hands and can walk on more fours; Cernies seem to be in that sense closer to the beast than the human being, for their absolute indifference to the life of mankind. But they are not the species. Any human with some morals and some self-respect is a biped. Any scientist with some understanding of the issues involved here and some morals will agree the LHC is a dangerous doomsday machine that provokes earthquakes and might provoke the ultimate earthquake, the crushing of the entire earth’s mantle.

Science is based in statistical analysis of probabilistic events, which accumulate casually. Those are the proofs of modern science. Truth is never absolute as truth requires all the information of an event or species, which is only carried by the species itself (see 10D article, section III< to understand the meaning of truth and theory in complex sciences). But wise species act on the future according to those likely to happen events.

A Gazelle runs when it sees a lion even if there is only a slight probability it will eat her (depending on how long the lion ate last time, which diminishes chances of an attack and how many other gazelles are on the savanna). All measured the chances a lion eats the gazelle are for a mean pack of thousands of them, within the slot of time she is close to the lion, very small, but the gazelle runs. The relationship between the LHC and the surge on Earthquakes is on those basis has enough probability to grant a halt to its operations, the more so when we all know the fundamental discoveries it must achieve, the ‘Higgs hoax’ are behind us. The life and property of millions of humans, mostly Asians in the faults around the ring of fire are the lives of those gazelles. 

But of course, nothing is being done. If there is a truism about modern neo-fascist Europe is its total indifference – as it has always been the case throughout most of its history – for the life of the rest of human races, very often termed as ‘sub-humans’ (this of course today cannot be said, but in the two countries that run our continent and are also running the LHC – France, where the fascist front is winning elections and Germany with its renewed nationalism, headed by a ‘physicist’, that is the present mood).

In this world of political correctness neofascism thrives behind the scenes. So the Europeans always say they care so much for life and human rights and the 3rd world – as long as it doesn’t come home. So, alas, the continent has no major fault lines, so the earthquake wave never will hit them and that is enough to ignore any possible causality. The facts though are there and they are reported ‘coldly’. The German press writes: “Last Saturday’s 8.1-magnitude earthquake was the fourth major seismic event to strike Japan in one week, suggesting that a period of relative stability in the tectonic plates beneath the country has come to an end.’ Of course zero remarks anywhere of a possible connection with the jewel of the high-tech german industry (the LHC). Instead our expert tell us that:

“The point is that the Japanese islands have been extraordinarily quiet for the last half-century or so, meaning this could very well simply be a return to a normal situation,” he told DW. “I wouldn’t say I have no concerns, but we can’t be too concerned.”
“The problem is that the science of volcanoes and earthquakes is still not well understood, so it is impossible at the moment to say whether these separate incidents are connected or if it is merely coincidence,” he added. So, now we are preparing what political correctness has baptized today as ‘the new normal’. Drones killing children are ‘the new normal’. Earthquakes ruining nations are ‘the new normal’. Death in brief is ‘a new normal’.

Consider the tragedy on the Mediterranean, the ‘new normal’ of European solidarity with the 3rd world, and their ‘caring policies’. Of recently we cared so much for the ‘sub-humans’ – you know Islam, negroes and the like –  that we cancelled all rescue operations of immigrants fleeing the yihad wars of northern-Africa and Syria and let them sink in front of our eyes on the Mediterranean – the spaniards went so far in Ceuta that the police actually shot blank range the ‘negroes’ that were trying to grasp the boats before sinking – none of those policemen had been indicted. It is the ‘new normal’ of course.

And there is also as in all P.R.ess releases of CERN’s experiments a ‘rationale’ to it, provided by the British, the 3rd ‘theoretical backer’ of the doomsday machine, national experts in convoluted hypocritical arguments for the sake of money and imperial glory. Cameron explained us that Operation Triton – to let them sink on the ocean was in fact a caring operation. We did this because by sending the ‘message’ that we will let them sink into the depths of the Ocean, we were dissuade them to stay home and die there. This ws the hypocritical convoluted way of thought that started operation triton – a nice name for the god of the depths of the sea where they will sink and die – we, Europeans, mind the reader invented civilization, we are mind the reader above all those ‘racist, ignorant americans’ because we have always references to ancient mythologies, Shiva statues, etc. ‘death with art’ you might say, from bullfighting to scientific con-cerns.

We let die people for their own good. That is the concept. We do not kill them. We just create the conditions for them to die. We provoked the economic and political conditions with our banister capitalism, our military backing of dictators, our wars on the spot, so the people of the ‘South’ have two choices: die at home of hunger and repression or die at the sea and fall in the hands of Triton, while we watch them sink in the water without rescue. Those are the eternal morals of the Europeans, specially, the French-German coalition – both nations at a new high of national pride not seen since the Nazi age. The pride of France is its Nuclear Industry – the biggest of the world, with Areva, CERN, ITER and the highest proportion of electricity anywhere made by nuclear plants. The ‘dark horse’ of course being the German engineers. (So Areva is really Siemens’ nuclear department and CERN, despite being in France is nurtured by german physicists) .

Yes this sounds all demagogy and topic germ(an) bashing. But unfortunately some nations never learn; thus deserve eternal bashing. Germans have destroyed the world so many times, it is difficult to count them. First there were the ‘People of the Sea’, then the ‘Barbarians’, next Luther and its fundamentalist hordes; again they were at it in the 30 years war. Frederick the great came next massacring the poles. And they were at it again ‘unifying’ their nation. And then came I world war, and II world war. They have been destroying Europe every century since they ended renaissance wight the ‘sacco di rome’. So now in the XXI century they are again at it, both economically with the ECB bank and militarily with CERN. Do you think they understand or care for it? No, according to their mechanical way of thinking, their long ‘sword-like words’ full of absolute false truths, impossible to bend, according to their non-thought, always action, point of view, this robotic, mechanized inhuman species is always right and if you do not agree, you have two choices kill them or die. That is their game. If you want a german not to do something, stop him by force. Do not reason with him. He has the most primitive European language, the only ‘ergative’ one, that is where the object comes before the subject, that is, where the machine is more important than the human being – unless he is German of course.And now the French are competing with them to be also ‘trou noirs’ – french word which means both ‘asshole’ and ‘black hole’.

One wonders in that sense, what would have happened to the LHC if it were not Tokyo or Kathmandu, but Paris and Berlin, the cities on the fault lines. If the 9 and now 8 earthquakes didn’t happen on the east pacific but nearby Lyon and Hamburg. I bet the causality then would be proved, just in case.  But the deaths of Kathmandu are too remote – those write in sanscrit script. And you know, we are very civilized, we already have the God Shiva at the doors of the LHC to make the Indians happy. Those faults are not our fault. As long as ‘Operation Shiva’ happens at ‘distance’ our moral seems to be protected.

You know we are saving lives letting people sink impaled into the trident of triton, crashed under the foot of Shiva.

And it is all for our wonderful civilized Europe. We are discovering the meaning of the Universe according to Physicists simplex concept of time as entropy and death…. of others – those which physicists’ weapons have always killed.

One thing though is also a truism about the Universe. It is all action-reaction. At the end it is always ruled by a cruel justice. It always comes back to hunt us. But in a big way. When the earthquakes come home, it will be truly the end.

There is no hope then?
Well, as long as we are here, the Europeans might get a change of view. But for that to happen, they have either to suffer an accident of ‘nuclear proportions’, or other nations will have to protest enough for them to back.

After all Operation triton was cancelled a few months ago, after thousands of ‘sub-humans’ die, and the rest of the world noticed that behind the hypocritical attitude of the European 3 leading nations who plotted the massacre and are also behind CERN, Germany, France and the UK, there was a blatant racism, and an utter despise for human life. US, UNO, the Pope, and all kind of humanist organizations protested and so when the ‘little secret’ of operation triton became ‘vox populi’ neo-fascist Europe changed discourse.
This week alone the Italians have saved 5000 lives on the seas.

Mr.Cameron of course is making rounds on European nations asking for changes in immigration policies and military intervention to destroy North African boats (which of course are also used for fishing and live hood), blackmailing continental Europe with a Britexit if they don’t act, to deaf ears, i must say. And the Germans and French are refusing to host the immigrants – so the spirit has not changed but lives are being saved.

So if the world would have protested the LHC and the earthquake waves perhaps the Europeans would have also changed their mind about the stupidest science project ever deviced on planet Earth. But this is not happening.

This was of course, the rational behind our suits in America, given the fact that European Courts and the Genocide court at La Hague would not admit them here. They told to my lawyers that they only ‘judged’ genocides after they had happened…

Europeans with all their snobbish sense of cultural superiority are far dumber than gazelles. It seems. They have to put their head inside the mouth of the lion and investigate its teeth, before they realize it actually can cut their heads.

The Guardian

Wednesday 10 June 2015 16.54 BST
Mount Kinabalu in the
state of Sabah, Borneo island, where 16 climbers lost their lives.

Wednesday 10 June 2015 16.54 BST

Earthquakes caused by nudity, short skirts, gay marriage and other scapegoats
The recent Malaysian earthquake was blamed on a group taking naked pictures on a sacred mountain. At least it wasn’t the ‘fault’ of gay people for once…
Natural disasters are, by definition, natural. Which might lead you to assume they are one of the few areas of life in which no one is at fault. Not so, according to some in Malaysia who blamed last week’s earthquake – in which 16 climbers died – on a British woman posing naked for pictures at the top of the country’s highest mountain. The peak is sacred, and the spirits were supposedly angered enough to unleash tremors of a 6.0 magnitude. The woman has been arrested along with three men and her lawyer has requested they are held separately amid fears for their safety.  “When promiscuity spreads, earthquakes increase,” he warned.


Screen Shot 2016-10-30 at 09.10.46.pngscreen-shot-2017-01-13-at-17-14-41

Update. October 28. 2016.

The LHC as expected keeps breaking records of energy and luminosity in its magnetic field, the strongest on Earth after the one on the core. Changes in magnetic fields on Earth cause earthquakes. The LHC seats on the head of a system of Alpine faults that crosses the Italian Peninsula, where as expected a record year of Earthquakes happens as we speak.

3 consecutive +6 Earthquakes on the Italian fault are not on record in thousands of years of history of the Italian peninsula.

Moreover, CERN systematically does a short of fracking throughout the peninsula: a redundant experiment to prove that neutrinos oscillate, since a Japanese team have already proved it, watching the sun’s neutrinos.

This is a pattern we often brought about in the suits – there is always an astronomical alternative with no danger and cheaper to the industry of accelerators which should therefore cancelled because of its dangers and redundancy: all the big bang experiments at CERN can be done in astronomy by watching directly the big-bang with telescopes.

They are better experiments because they have no risk, and because astronomers do study the real big-bang, not a faked one on EARTH with all its dangers and null experimental value (it is just a ‘big bang’, not the big-bang, as it was but a simulation).

The same goes with the Sasso’s neutrinos – it is far more telling to study the sun’s neutrinos, which do have a larger trajectory to calculate its oscillations.

Now for good measure, as so few dare to explain the truth about any CERN’s risk, we quote from wikipedia:

“In 1984, a 10-kilometre (6.2-mile) tunnel was bored through the Gran Sasso Massif. In 1995, a second parallel tunnel was completed. Construction of the tunnel included an underground particle physics laboratory at Assergi, the Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso or Gran Sasso National Laboratory.

The laboratory is composed of three large underground chambers and lies beneath 1,400 metres (4,600 feet) of rock. Construction of the laboratory and second tunnel faced fierce opposition from Italian and international environmental groups including Pro Natura, LIPU and Club Alpino Italiano as well as the World Wildlife Federation and WWF Italia, Greenpeace and Friends of the Earth. Environmentalists noted that the nuclear physics laboratory would lie on or near two major and highly active seismic faults. The underground laboratory is used for experiments in particle and nuclear physics, including the study of neutrinos, high-energy cosmic rays, dark matter & nuclear decay. The LNGS was the destination of the neutrinos involved in the faster-than-light neutrino anomaly publicly announced in September 2011. The opposition created by the tunnel and laboratory construction galvanised the Italian environmental movement, leading to the creation of the Parco Nazionale del Gran Sasso in 1991.’

Update. 20 Jan. 2017

(one of those ‘quid pro quo’ our hypocritical world loves so much to disguise eviL=anti-Live actions – we murder you ‘anonymously’ in absurd wars, but hey!, your widows will get a medal in a trumpeted ceremony; we bury a ‘dark matter’ lab one mile below a very nice advertised ‘Parco nazionale Gran Sasso e Monti dela Laga’ for all eyes to see, problem is just as we speak 30 people are buried death exactly above that lab):


Now of course, i know i shouldn’t be putting this graph on here, because we must ‘respect’ the dead, after we might kill them. And on top murder at distance is the rule of the land… we are presumed to be innocent till it is not proved. But those ‘hang ups’ of wrong human sentimentalism do not change the fact those 30 people are dead and buried above a facility of an industry, relic of the cold war that should not exist.  You do NOT build facilities to study dark matter and receive neutrino waves of which we know near to nothing on its ‘wave effects’ on the fields of Earth over a fault. Humans though seem happy destroying the world, as long as they are not blamed of it, in and can find fairy tales about the ‘inevitability of the process’.  Fact is Italy has reached statistically a record in Earthquakes the last year and as it is the oldest European culture there are consistent records for two millennia. And statistics are proofs in science so here there is an statistical correlation. And only one possible reason: either the neutrino wave or the experiments at CERN with the second strongest magnetic field on earth in terms of ‘length and power’, after the center of the planet, is destabilizing the fault. Things never happen by chance. Statistical correlations do imply a cause-effect. We do not claim to know the in-between pattern:

gravitomagnetic_inductiondece4155baIn the graphs the length and power of the magnetic field at CERN, makes it the only ‘macroscopic’ closed magnetic circuit on this planet that can influence the Earth’s magnetic field, whose changes, we know are responsible for Earth’s earthquakes. The alibi of CERN as that of physicists and corporations is always the same: we are not directly responsible. If weapons kill, never mind we made them – it is the military.

The correlation though is strong: whenever CERN switches on, within hours a major earthquake has happened in some other place, and since the lab is exactly at the head of the Italian faults, it is not surprising that the biggest statistical increase on Earthquakes on Earth has happened in Italy. Now, we can’t expect ‘experts’, whose live hood is in the business of nuclear physics ever to recognise all this, neither the common people, who by definition ‘believes in their elites’, whatever they dish out on them, as history shows. In that regard, only the media could rise a warning on all those experiments, reason why once it was evident no court or scientist would dare to defy the ‘experts’ and accept any justification, I did a film on CERN’s dangers, even if i was a scientist, not a documentarist.

After that proofs kept mounting that those dangers were real. Strange physics evolved further on the path of those dangers. The existence of dark strange matter today is considered proved. It is a liquid (strangelet means liquid strange matter), no longer a gas. It is considered to be more stable than iron. Most astrophysicists today believe it is at the core of all pulsars. And after the dismissal of SUSY, the most likely candidate to form the dark matter halo of the galaxy (90% of its mass), as Witten hypothesised when dark matter was discovered first. So all the alibis of CERN (that strange matter does not exist, etc.) are debunked.

But the issues of CERN’s dangers, both local (earthquakes) and global (conversion of Earth into a 3 cm. black hole or 15 km. strange star) are NOT reopened.

screen-shot-2017-01-10-at-21-58-33It is quite astonishing, how the human collective psyche, following Nietzsche’s dictum (insanity in individuals is rare, in groups is the norm), works: a danger appears – let’s say robots taking over as they will probably if we survive CERN – the intellectual elite relizes and denounce them (2oo1 odyssey, terminator, Wiener and the fathers of systems sciences, and theory of information, my speciality – but they make money, they give military power, and the experts that profit defend them as their live hood is on them. So the rest backs off. And only a few rational humans keep speaking up those dangers.

CERN has worked the same way. Nobody will bring the issue – it is closed. It is now considered unavoidable, as military robots, the financial control of our democracies, Brexit or the Italian Earthquakes. It is even unpolite to mention it. The sheeple don’t want to feel bad as its not going to react. The elite only is there to appease people not to solve its problems. The experts will fight for their money till the end. So even something so obvious as CERN’s dangers and so easy to stop, as it just a european, tax-payer facility with no real use, a mammoth of the cold war, keeps going till it murder us all for no reason. Alas, the ultimate alibi being that we humans ‘chosen of god’ cannot die, God will provide and the strangelet will dissolve. Reasoning stops there, because if people would reason, they would freak out and would have to confront CERN. So only when catastrophes happen in a very proved manner, ‘afterwards’, when nothing can be done – specially in this case, they will ‘believe’, as ‘people are slaves, they believe, they don’t reason’. The confort zone in CERN is thus ‘belief’ whatever it takes.

The value of the experiment, global P.R.ess campaigns at 0 cost.

So what is this experiment worth? Nothing.

But of course, it provides hype for the P.R.ess eternal campaign to promote CERN and get the budget going – a field in which the institution is a savvy master. So a few years ago the experiment was all over the news, because alas! it had found that neutrinos go faster than light.

Never mind they have to retract a few months latter: All over the world we had not only the particle of God coming from CERN but also the biggest discovery of XXI c. the end of Relativity theory. CERN, the institution was the new genius, substituting Einstein. Now, big discoveries in ‘science were a question of money and jobs’.

It was indeed double jeopardy: Einstein was wrong both ways:

Einstein, Cern had found shooting neutrino waves along the Italian earthquake’s fault was wrong on Special Relativity (his theory of light), which precluded a constant c-speed for light, the limit of speed in our island-Universe (milky way) filled wit it.

But he was also wrong on his theory of black holes and gravitation (General Relativity); since as we all know because  Hawking has told us without the slightest experimental proof, black holes are time machines that travel to the past, hence evaporate, which is the never proved alibi to make them ‘safe’ if they come out of the LHC.

Never mind all over the Universe when we see one, it follows Mr. Einstein’s sound laws and swallows it all, Reason why we will NEVER PROVE Hawking wrong and Einstein right on black holes MADE AT Earth, because the day they happen we will indeed be dead in no time, as the growing black hole swallows us all.

This I call the ‘Hawking paradox’, which i discussed when i put the suits against the advice of all my scientific colleagues: ‘Luis you will never be proved right. If you are right, we will all die before we know it. If you are wrong they will laugh at you.’ Which I responded always, yes, but that is the ‘military paradox’, whoever can kill you is then right? Or should you denounce it? Well. Only 3 scientists truly did it, which says a lot NOT about the truth of CERN’s statements but the moral standing of Physicists.

However Einstein had it easier. The neutrino-faster-than-light was just a propaganda gimmick. So soon, when the hype receded,  a few months latter we found it was all over again blamed on another of those ‘faulty’ cables, .

The value for Italians: historic earthquake records at ∞ cost.

In any case, the experiment became then a media sensation and of course it kept running to ‘repeat’ the faulty results, and it keeps running with dense beams of neutrinos,  RUNNING through the Italian ‘fault’, likely causing a disturbance, as it is quite rare that the Earthquake’s peak in 2000 years of Earthquake watching across the peninsula happen just when humans decide to run neutrino beams throughout the fault. But of course there is no way to prove it and a physicist will tell you neutrinos hardly interact with matter.

Yes, we know neutrinos in particle state do not easily collide with matter, but we don’t know much of neutrinos in wave state. Theory is not complete; neither tested. For example earlier theories considered neutrinos gravitons, the commonest particle of the Universe, to make up the background gravitational space-time membrane. So neutrinos would be the particle state of gravitational waves and as such they should interact strongly through gravito-magnetic effects with the magnetic field whose changes cause earthquakes. In any case, when a causality is possible science looks at statistics, and statistics show an all time spike in earthquakes through the fault where the experiment is taken place.

So obviously we do have fair signs of statistical causality… And human ignorance on how that causality might be happening does not justify the risks taken. So the question as always with CERN’s experiments is what are the advantages for mankind of those CERN’s experiments compared to the obvious negative effects in life and wealth of a series of Italian earthquakes on the fault over which the neutrino experiments take place? And the answer is none. The experiment merely measures speeds and fluctuations of neutrinos’ waves already measured in other experiments, which renders Sasso’s experiment obsolete.


In the graph, the CERN Neutrinos to Gran Sasso (CNGS) project directs a beam of neutrinos from CERN’s facilities to the detector of the OPERA experiment at the Gran Sasso National Laboratory (LNGS), located in the Gran Sasso mountain in Italy” just a mile from the zone where the biggest surge in earthquakes in the entire History of Italy since the Roman Empire is happening in the last years.

The value for science. Anyone can tell me? Please comment on…

Bottom line is both experiments, at sasso and lhc are largely irrelevant. BECAUSE we have already found the ‘Higgs’ and we have proved the oscillation of neutrinos. Even the wi’kids’ have incorporated it:


What’s next?  A 10 billion $ tower to prove that two rocks falling touch the floor at the same time? On view of that surge of earthquakes it would only be logic that the neutrino experiment should be cancelled. Neutrino oscillation has been proved ad nauseam with the same certainty that Mr. Galileo’s balls falling from the Pisa TOWER 400 years ago…

CERN people remind me of the candidates to run the ‘energy department of neo-fascist leader Mr. Trump’, Forrest Lucas and Harold Hamm, two oil moguls of ‘fracking’… They used to advertise their act as ‘big science’. So do CERN with his Sasso experiment. Bottom line though is we have a machine and we shall use it regardless of any effects. And we will always find an experiment to justify our ‘freaky-fracky’ science.

CERN’s ‘business’ is to build big accelerators, regardless of dangers. Because what matters is to spend the money of tax-payers in those big-canons shooting around aimlessly…

Curiously enough CERN’s  CEO is Miss Gianotti, an Italian, which was before the P.R. of the company, showing what is the true expertise needed to run the machine – Public relations to convince clueless politicians on pouring money on it.

She is always congratulating herself for those new records of energy; never mind the possible victims, all mankind. But as it is imposible to prove causality when and if it happens, Physicists at CERN know they are armoured against criticism, with the help of the P.R.ess, its P.R. head and the confidentiality Laws of Silence on the risks.

The machine is our modern God, and cannot be doubted off according to the ethics of…

‘A technological civilisation... is programmed by the principle that something ought to be done if it is technologically possible. If it is possible to construct nuclear weapons, even if they can destroy us all, they must be constructed. Once this principle is accepted humanist values are dethroned and the evolution of the machines becomes the foundation of ethics.’  Eric Fromm 

The alibi of CERN will be always the same:  nothing can be proved about earthquakes and if we die by black holes or strangelets it will be so fast that they will neither be blamed.

But responsible scientists and politicians should weight the pros and cons which are in this case much bigger, and respect human life and cancel those experiments. But alas, nuclear physicists have constructed all the weapons of mass destruction of this planet. So genocide is in their book of ‘deplorables’ they live with. But why we have to with our taxes?

Humans though have always had no qualms to ‘kill at distance’ if they are not seen as responsible.
That is after all what generals do in war and get medals, anonymous corporations do in so many ways  and get rich; so physicists make weapons and deny all responsibility. Murder at distance and don’t feel guilty – we have always done it. Physicists will tell you that they make weapons but it is the military who kills. In this case though, they are doing the shooting to mother Earth. So they should feel responsible.

Record on Italian Earthquakes statistics that go back… to the fall of Rome (to the Gallic lot)
Fact is the machine is ramping up its magnetic field this year again and producing a growing number of lumps of strange matter, exotic pentaquarks with strange ones, dibaryons, the atom of strange matter, and who knows what, as most strange matter is dark, invisible, undetectable,  falling down into the Earth, as soon as it is made up, given its extraordinary weight.
Both events might disturb the upper crust but we cannot prove it. Faults build stress, and can multiply like in a tsunami a small disturbance produced in one extreme, creating a larger wave on the other extreme, as when you thrust a whip that releases all the energy in its tip.

Thus since the 2 main faults of Italy have their origin in the Alps, where CERN sites, and this is the biggest series on historic record, which given the ancient culture of Italy, come back to the last time the Gauls destroyed the nation, when Brennus said ‘vae victims’, in 387 BC when the sacred geese of Juno alerted them on time to defeat the barbarians. No alerts though this time around will stop the neutrinos.

Indeed, the series are top of the list, even higher than the 3 (+6 smaller) earthquakes of 1703 – never mind Miss Gianotti’s eternal smile and enthusiasm shown ad nauseam in all its P.R.ess conferences about the experiment. Might she be so kind to go to Aquila to explain the ‘good news’ of neutrino research?

So the SASSO EXPERIMENT and its neutrino beam ads to the statistical connection of LHC’s switching->big earthquake happening elsewhere within minutes. Again a causal statistical suspicious connection quite straight forward, year after year that none will take serious given the wishful thinking of politico humans…  If something happens and it is good, it certainly I did it; if it is wrong, So when the economy grows all politicos come forward – never mind they have no idea how the economy works. When it is bad, look elsewhere for the fault. But here the fault is crystal clear, runs from Geneva to Aquila along the neutrino beam. The statistics are well proved, chances such correlations happen by ‘chance’ below 1%. 

So to avoid further proof, as the coincidence between switching on, restarting a magnetic field, disturbing the Earth’s field, getting a biggie earthquake was so notorious, becoming a fav ‘confabulation theory’ with people all over the world watching  the public CERN’s schedule, not to provoke further alarm, now CERN no longer is a public ‘research center’ with open data for all to see. So the scheduling became invisible.

CASTOR & Pollux: the dioscuri twins

It was a case similar to the infamous ‘strangelet’ CASTOR detector, who was first ‘Centaurus And STrangelets detecTOR’, BURIED ON Atlas, and discovered by Mr. Penrose at CERN had built a detector of strangelets, but was telling us adamantly that strangelets do NOT exist, against all sound-sound theories of matter.

Why then to build a detector in the center of its machine for something that does ‘not exist’? 

Alas, after we denounce it, magically CASTOR became ‘Center for STORage of data’, and the pics we show on our article were substituted by a huge computer row of big data storage machines. There it lies now invisible the Strangelet Detector, vaporised as their critics without name, lurking on darkness at the head of the italian fault, the invisible neutrino waves cross every other day.

We do know though CASTOR has fired up and shown production of stable dibaryons (usdusd) as per Eric Penrose calculus.

So on the long term, CASTOR will make, its twin risk, those earthquakes a minor con-cern. Do you think our politicos care? Of course not; they know nothing about physics, more or less what they know about economics, so they will let nuclear physicists and banksters, ‘the experts’ do whatever they want to the sheeple, who will sing politely ‘four legs four legs’ we love you all.

Sorry for no being so loving and polite with our ‘experts’. Simply put it, it amazes me that the P.R.ess and our paranoid ‘security states’ do nothing about it. Again a technological civilisation has a dogma, a god, the machine, and dogmas are not even questioned. .

How many more earthquakes and drops of strangelet should happen, before we do preventive action and shut down the machine?

Answer: According to those technological ethics, as many as they might.

The experiment will only end if it ends with us. It seems only then when the planet becomes a strangelet in a Global Earthquake that shrinks mankind into a 15 km. rock, the machine will stop breaking ‘energy records’. What for? No answer. As all the particles it could find have been found. And the machine is only producing ever growing balls of strange quark matter… But the logic of prevention is lost. How many times I have been called a ‘crackpot’, because ‘CERN didn’t blow up the Earth’. They all miss the point. It will blow up the Earth if we keep the industry of accelerators running experiments at ever higher speeds in growing sizes. So anyone who has some grey matter would NOT take the risk. Even if it cannot be blamed when it happens, as we will all be dead. And we as ethic scientists did have to denounce it, even if we would always be blamed ad hominem as when it happens we will be also dead, so in our lifetime it will NEVER happen. This we knew, ethically it was the right thing to do, selfishly it was just a path to ridicule and the end of our scholar careers. And that is why so few scientists have ever denounced CERN.

At the time indeed, I was starting a meteoric career in the field of Systems sciences thanks to my formalism of the 5th dimension, which was being heralded as the biggest thing in time theory since Einstein’s 4th dimension formalism. Then suddenly newspapers said I was a ‘self-styled time theorist’ (-: oh yes i put a smiley at this time and hour; knowing I will die as the official ad hominem crackpot along Walter and Rossler. Who cares? It is an intimate feeling to know you have fulfilled your high ethic and intellectual expectations, even if nobody else does. It is that beautiful parable of perhaps the best novel ever, Karamazov’s brother. Or as Schopenhauer put it: ethics like genius cannot be taught. And cannot be judged on terms of celebrity. Either you have it and help others in silence, either you have it and see and think with a better mirror the wonders of the fractal Universe. But you do NOT communicate. To know wiesen is a silent word.

What is clear is that a 13 billion $ investment will not be shut down for such peccadilloes as a few corpses on the Apenine fault, if it was not shut down on the genocide potential risks that will always exist as long as it is running around its beams. They don’t count corpses at CERN, only particles, as the military says – now that they do the shooting indeed we could consider physicists at CERN part of the industry.

But the P.R.ess must not denounce it. When news about the Italian fault broke a few respectable scientists talked about the Sasso experiment and the faults origin in the alps. Immediately the press talked of crackpots and ‘conspiration theorists’. So people can still not worry, be happy and perhaps die like an idiot’ in the middle of its happy dreams.

Conclusion – The strange zeitgeist of mankind

The Italian fault and the Sasso neutrino experiment happening as we speak for not serious purpose at all except the fact that ‘we can make it’, shows the paradoxical contradictions of the human zeitgeist in the age of the Industrial r=evolution, when the species suddenly changed his intelectual paradigm from worshipping life and mankind, the species that seemed to be the zenith of our organic, living Universe to worship the machine, a primitive organism of metal, which we wrongly believe to ‘invent’ – we merely discover it, and fast evolve it into organic forms.

If we humans at least realised we are evolving ‘organic systems of metal’ and so weapons and bombs will also as robots are about to do reach an organic ‘self-feeding’ structure, which is what the bombs researched at CERN are, we could reason instead of worshipping our machines and weapons and control them. And we say worship not ‘reason’, because the ‘attitude’ of humanity as a species and the way it confronts the mechanical world, with awe and reverence, not with judgment and control, makes all the difference.

‘People are slaves they believe they don’t reason’ said Aristotle, giving up on the capacity of humanity to manage reasonably and sustainably the planet. If humans would reason NOT impose their half truths and statistics, faulty reasoning,, ‘fait accompli’, obsessive ego-trips of mechanical power, wishful thinking and ‘anthropomorphic’ macho-man attitudes, we might have some chances. For example, in the case of CERN at this stage, Higgs found, SUSYs and other exotic flavours nowhere to be shown; with clear hints at growing amounts of strangelet in each new experiment, humans would reason: the new upgrades will only bring higher risks of extinction, and likely not any relevant discovery.

This is a expensive, useless, risky machine whose only reason d’être is the fact that we can make it. So we should be inquiring flatly if we, humans are a rational, intelligent, surviving, mature, worthy, free enough species to do the ‘small effort’ required to press the breaks in a specific technology, the industry of accelerators, whose only ‘sure’ goal is that at a certain threshold of energies it will create a runaway nuclear explosive that will kill us all, or we have created a web of lies and alibis to keep ‘evolving machines at all costs’ for the sake of corporative profit and political power, which makes the process of our likely extinction by machines-weapons due to an excess of energy unavoidable – even if there is no reason at all to die except the routines of making bigger, faster, better mechanisms.

This is my view today after a decade of fighting CERN, the P.R.ess that hides its risks, the politicos that won’t take seriously the issue and the human sheeple who will just watch the world go under and switch channel to an NBA or soccer match not to get depressed. I no longer believe in ‘human freedom’, and ‘intelligence’ as a given. There it seems to be only a shallow surface, a make up of freedom and rationality over an otherwise automaton, action-oriented ‘enzyman’ species, whose only obsession seems to be to catalyse the evolution of those machines, as if nothing else mattered, and no other thoughts or goals in life for the species and the planet made any sense. An obsession so intense that not even the artificial goal of that process will be carried about – the creation of A.I., and robots that would substitute us, (or else there would be robotic life all over the galaxy) – not to speak of the humanist goal nowhere to be seen – a sustainable life world made to the image and likeness of human beings, where machines are ‘selected’ not by their price and profits but by their usefulness to humanity; but instead we walk steadily to the most childish, unwanted but unavoidable ‘finale’ for an irrational, motion-oriented, thoughtless childish ‘entitled’ brat species: accidental death.

Accidents of course are avoidable, but chances that a group of retarded children of thought, playing with a big gun provoke sooner or latter a global accident, shooting randomly around the planet, with no true purpose, are almost deterministic.

And certainly nobody would be blamed, because only humans would be collectively responsible and certainly have done collectively nothing to avoid an end, so easy to circumvent that the mere fact it is happening make us wonder about the null value of a species who does not even extends the hand to grasp the rope that would save it from drowning.


Posted by on January 6, 2015 in News


Higgs: Mass+weak force

ABSTRACT. The Higgs is the excuse for CERN’s dangerous experiments. We call it a a hoax, not because the Higgs does NOT exist, but because it does NOT give mass to particles. It only helps in the transformation of particles of our smaller world into particles of the larger cosmological scales of heavy quarks, strange stars and black holes. But humans should not be exploring those processes beyond our range of energy and form that can only destroy the planet.  The cynicism of CERN steams from the lack of a proper explanation of the Higgs role and his expansion of that role to give mass to particles which are so small that do NOT interact with the galactic, cosmological plane in which the field of mass acts. This physicists know. In the standard model particles do not have mass because the 10ˆ40 ‘distance of size’ and ‘strength’ between the particle scale and the mass scale makes the gravitational field irrelevant for its interactions. So they should really explain what the Higgs is.

So 3 things are relevant about the Higgs: The higgs hoax (the marketing of the Higgs as a particle far more important than it is). The Higgs Hunting (the astounding marketing of its irrelevant search till it will become discovered) and The Higgs risk (the fact that Higgs and top quarks are mediators in the transformation of our mass into black holes). And update the Risks which will increase with new energy ranges and luminosity, till first the Higgs achieved the creation of a ‘real top quark’ – so far they have only produced virtual ones, and then a real top quark triplet, ttt++, likely catalyzer of the ‘gas-9’ reaction, the name I have given to the process of transformation of ordinary matter into top quark black hole matter.

So we shall study in this post:

1. The experiment and the chances it really found the Higgs.

2. The nature of a Goldstone boson and how it destroys and feed on  our world.

3. The different theories of mass of Mr. Einstein and Mr. Higgs and why the Higgs was blown out in its importance.

4. The obvious conclusion, when we objectively judge the importance of the Higgs and the risks of those experiments: while the finding of a goldstone boson is a landmark of physics, its importance is far inferior to many other experiments in biological social sciences, far cheaper and important for our life in this planet.

Further on, the hunt for the Higgs has two collateral effects that damage both science and life:

– The Higgsteria which for profit reasons has blown up Higgs importance, has also imposed the wrong theory about mass (quantum physics instead of Einstein’s relativity) and stopped all funding and interest in the work of Einstein and its expansion (Absolute relativity, fractal structure of the Universe, mass theory, etc.)

– The experiment can still kill us, and the mere fact nuclear physicists are allowed to keep putting our species at risk is a crime of which all elements of our ‘technological society’ with their blind slavery to the ‘memes of metal’, money, weapons and machines that rule us, are guilty.

To that aim unlike in all other articles of this web, dedicated to CERN’s risks we will have to introduce some basic concepts of the fractal, 5D universe as the picture above on the 4 SCALES known.

My apologies for some disorder in this and other articles, as it has been a 10 years updating process as news come and go…


I. The Higgs Hoax. and his Risks

II. Mass Theory, from 4D Einstein to 5D mass scales.

III. The Higgs as a propaganda machine.

IV. The Higgs hunting

I. Higgs Hoax and its risks

‘It will be born extremelly small. It shall arise and grow exceedingly fast. It shall have no respect for any created being, but its power shall be such as to enable it to transform everything, from its natural condition into itself’

Leonardo, Prophecies.


in the two videos, to be seen consecutively we dismount the false ‘media propaganda’ created around the Higgs as an essential particle that gives mass to all the other particles of the Universe. This is blatantly false as Mr. Leonard Susskind explains in his lectures at Standford University. The higgs is a minor particle related to electroweak reactions, one more of the zoo of over 1000 particles known in the Universe. Mass is defined as Nobel Prize Wilczeck explains according to the equivalence principle of Einstein (E=Mc2), as the frequency of vibration of a vortex of space-time. Thus the faster a space time vortex vibrates the more mass it has (such is the case of a black hole turning in its event horizon at the maximal speed of the universe, c-speed). In the same manner a hurricane attracts more the faster it rotates. The videos use the stringent laws of the scientific method and its proofs of veracity (falsification, evidence, correspondence, simplicity, etc.) to compare both theories, Einstein’s principle of equivalence between acceleration and gravitational forces that defines mass as the final accelerating gravitational vortex of space-time with Mr. Higgs theory of mass which has never been able to define the different masses of the particles of the Universe and gives a different explanation to the mass-media hysteria about the Higgs: a propaganda campaign needed to sell the industry of accelerators, as Mr. Lederman, the lobbyist of the industry which defined the Higgs as God’s particle says on video: ‘i was a propagandist for the industry’. Thus the industry needed an alibi to keep its huge projects and budgets going and the Higgs was pumped up to divine status for that purpose…

The Higgs alternative to a sound mass theory.
We explained clearly what a mass is: a vortex of accelerated gravitation, according to the Principle of equivalence. And what the higgs does – to mediate the transformation of our light mass into top quarks and black holes.
But that wouldn’t have gotten the approval for a 10 billion euro machine. So the role of the Higgs was cynically expanded to give mass to all the quantum particles that do NOT have mass in their quantum interactions, as in the scalar Universe, there are discontinuities between scales. So obviously the ‘cosmological scale’ does not emerge in the lower quantum scale as a relevant force (measured in fact to be 10ˆ40 times weaker than the electromagnetic force at that scale, since the electrons and photons of our quantum world couldn’t care less rightly for what the black hole masses do thousand of light years away) till CERN decided the most pressing research for mankind is to transform our mass via Higgs into top quark and frozen black holes.

Till here all seems clear. You will have probably understood what Mr. Einstein meant by a mass as a gravitational vortex, because after all as he put it ‘the Universe is simple but not malicious’.

But there are also ‘malicious physicists, which are not simple’ and try to convert the Universe to its cause. Let us then see what the Higgs is supossed to do to give mass to particles. Explaining in detail as Mr. hauer has done in its conference of the Higgs, the ‘quantum alternative’ that tries to take the place of Einstein: alas! the celebrity particle.

The behaviour of physicists in a crowded social event at a conference is equivalent to the Higgs mechanism, as proposed by David Miller (University College London).

In the graph, the hypothesis that the Higgs also gives mass to particles was an idea that came out later during the marketing of this particle as the meaning of it all, but Higgs was never able to explain how it did it. So since Mr. Higgs did not know what his particle did, a student invented the esoteric Higgs mechanism, which converts particles in humanlike sentient beings. Those particles, represented in the drawings by blue physicists, cluster around Einstein, who enters the room, slowing the scientist’s progress. In this manner they give the scientist mass. But they treat each particle differently. They like some (the celebrities of the party, which have more mass) while other particles are liked less, so they move faster and have less mass.


Of course, this is called… bull$hit. A 13 billion dollar excuse.

On their discharge, we must also say that quantum physicists don’t fully understand mass, because they have been at odds with Einstein for a century in many aspects of gravitational theory, being their discipline about ‘lineal forces’ (electromagnetism), which they try to force-feed to explain gravitation; while Einstein proved that mass and gravitation is a whole different type of force, A NON-LINEAL vortex of spacetime in which attractive accelerated vortices of time shape the particle state of physical systems – as explained in the two next paragraphs.


So after we explain now the risks of the Higgs, we will need to make an introduction to the natural extension of Einstein’s black hole, mass and ‘weak and strong force theory’ to fully grasp, what really the Higgs is  ABOUT: TO CONVERT OUR LIGHTER MASS QUARKS INTO HEAVIER QUARKS, into ‘black atoms’ and top quarks, the heavier most destructive quarks of the Universe, as the next graph shows:

Today in the news WE got the first hint this is going to happen as they have made the first non-virtual top quark:

They have produced the first non-virtual top quarks associated to the Higgs boson. Of course they have no idea why both come together. This is something I have been explaining though for 20 years and counting because IT IS perfectly explained in 5Dimensional metric. And now alas! another proof of 5D… yes, the Higgs is the field of the black hole top quark ‘atom’.

How many they need to start a ‘gas-9 reaction’? The top quark triplet SHOULD be the seed of the black hole but it is extremely unstable unless created within a dense fireball… as those they will do with the increasing luminosity by 2020:

In the graph, physicists ignore almost everything about the cosmological ‘scale’ of dark matter in which the Higgs field mediates the creation of top quarks, the only ultradense cut-off substance that can make black holes real (Einstein’s hypothesis). Their ignorance is the alibi to keep increasing the production of Higgs that will produce those top quarks likely seed of Einstein’s black holes as frozen stars. Fact is the Higgs just completes the triad of W, Z, H ultraheavy bosons that transform through weak interactions our light matter into heavy cbc and top quark dark matter. So its production IS directly related to that of the top quark – only-candidate for a cut-off substance for black holes. We deal with the needed theoretical upgrades and news on black holes, top quarks & higgs production on the articles on black hole evaporation and the Higgs hoax (the hoax being the propaganda on the Higgs as the god’s particle that gives mass to all other particles, which is false. The Higgs is just along the W and Z particles, one of the intermediate states of transformation of light quarks into heavy quarks; in the case of the Higgs, the heaviest of them, the top. And so ‘real black holes’ made of tops that won’t evaporate should happen. But the black hole scenario is  less probable than the almost certain production of strangelets, dismissed in safety reports with a laconic ‘quark strange matter (QGM) does not exist’. Yet there is growing evidence that QGM is at the core of pulsars which might all be strange quark stars, and the Witten’s hypothesis – that strangelets form the halo of galaxies – is gathering pace, as theory has found a ladder of triplets of increasing stability made with strange quarks, now being produced at LHC: Hyperons (usd) ->Dibaryons (usd-usd)->Alpha quark MACHOs (3 dibaryons) which already can trigger a Strangelet ice-9 reaction…

In the graph, the Higgs boson is NOT giving mass to other particles which have no mass in the standard model and 5D as the quantum scale does not need or perceives the cosmological scale where mass fields happen, but what the Higgs does and was invented for along the W and Z weak  bosons is to trans-form-ing -feed light quarks into heavy tops… as the weak force is NOT a force but a time-in-form-ation process – again this they don’t understand as they don’t understand the arrow of information in the Universe, the weak ‘force’ has no spatial range – happens in the same place and lasts much longer in time).

So basically the Higgs boson and the top quark black hole go together. And recently, june 2018, they have produced the first real top quark.  So now they are completely excited about making more Higgs and tops and will use the first real top-higgs as the marketing tool to sell we need to know more of both of them… So sooner or latter they will make a top quark black hole with the transformative help of the weak interaction and its intermediate z,w,h bosons.

Indeed, it is safe to say that with the new upgrade in 2020 the LHC will throw enough dices/particles to create under the Totalitarian Principle a strangelet or a frozen top black hole that will certainly extinguish us if any of the laws in which most science is based (Relativity, Thermodynamics, Time arrows, conservation of energy and information) proved right once more – as all of them preclude the formation of strangelets and/or black holes that won’t evaporate.

In this manner The Totalitarian Principle will explain the Fermi paradox or absence of intelligent life in a universe teaming with planets, meaning  ALL planets reach the technology of LHC before they reach interplanetary travels and ALL of them attempt the experiment that ALWAYS blows the planet into a Nova creating a pulsar (a strangelet star) or a Supernova, a black hole.

Ok, that might seem too cynical but remember what Nobel said to his girlfriend when she proposed to ‘compensate’ all its other Nobel Prizes with one of peace: ‘What for? My factories of weapons will end all peace congresses when they invent a weapon that can wipe out an entire army with a single shot’… This of course is NOT the original intention of CERNies as obviously the people researching AI military robots don’t want to end in a terminator scenario… But the fact is humans are made of light matter, and among light matter of the lightest atoms, H,C,N,O. So at least they should be a bit more humble about their power to resist and survive both the heavier, energetic iron atoms of weapons, which they have never survived (have you seen a flesh warrior cutting the iron sword that killed him ever?).

So if we can’t even ‘stop’ a 23 iron ud atom, what can you expect this planet to do, when those experiments with weak interactions and heavy quarks trigger a global transformation? Of course as it happens in the growing debate on killer robots, the ‘experts’, that is, the people who live off making killer robots, AI and Higgs bosons are the ‘only’ ones to defend their livehood whatever it takes. But the amazing thing about CERN and the industry of heavy quarks production is that it is by far still the biggest existential risk to this planet, it is just a machine paid by supposedly humanist European tax payers, it makes no sense, no new physics of relevance, costs a fortune, and yet nobody cares. You have all those enviromentalist crowds who go around protesting silly-nilly global warming heat, chemical trails, genetically engineered seeds, you name it, but have all put a blind eye on the only true existential risks before AI Military robots or iron nano-bacteria are evolved to reach that limit of global genocide CERN seats comfortable in.

And all that has been achieved just with a few obvious lies backed up by the entire community of physicists, who have always looked at the other side, when the worldly profession of making weapons, which is what they do, and why they love all those big-bang, entropy-only, crash-particle theories and experimental praxis.

Fact is humans should not be exploring those crash and transformation processes beyond a range of energy that can only destroy the planet producing particles that don’t belong to this light universe. The cynicism of CERN’s propaganda steams from the lack of a proper explanation of the limited Higgs role.

His expansion of that role to give mass to light particles which are so small that do NOT interact with the galactic, cosmological plane in which the field of mass acts IS a lie. This physicists know. In the standard model particles do not have mass because the 10ˆ40 ‘distance of size’ and ‘strength’ between the particle scale and the mass scale makes the gravitational field irrelevant for its interactions. To explain theoretically why is OK not to have mass on the quantum scale, they need a 5D model of a fractal Universe, which beautifully shows it is OK what we observe: when we emerge into a larger scale of reality from the quantum realm to the thermodynamic realm and then to the cosmological, gravitational realm, the effects of our lower scale dissipate. And so gravitation does not matter to electrons, nor they have mass – only when they interact with that larger cosmological realm a magnetic field can deviate them. But they do NOT interact with the Higgs boson – they do NOT become through weak interaction a Higgs and then a top quark. That only happens inside LHC and likely in Nova reactions. So they should  explain what the Higgs is NOT.

But we live in the age of alt-truths, experts defending their turf and lies and selfish agendas regardless of consequences. And the sheeple always accepting their dictum to feel at peace, and the corrupted politicos busy-busy with their own deals, just putting off fires when they have started – only that this one cannot be put off if it starts. So, in public (not in private of course, where the Higgs is still the ‘toilet particle’, it is now dogma to state that the the Higgs gives mass to the Universe, when the only thing it does is to transform our world into heavy dark matter, close and closer to the catalytic production of frozen black holes as the runaway increase of energy in the machine, with each update, makes its production of Higgs and tops in proton-proton collisions larger.

While in its heavy ion collisions they are closing in to bring into existence the first Alpha quark MACHO Strangelets.

But nothing of what is really being produced at CERN comes into mainstream media. We have to dig into specialized press to get from time to time ‘news’ of dibaryons, of neutral strangelet detectors OUTSIDE the premises because they are long lived and escaped (Mathusla).

Instead when CERN talks is about a new record of energy, about a new expensive upgrade of the machine, some well known quark ensemble ‘assessed’ as an amazing new discovery, and the fact they are NOT finding any of their mathematical fictions, the efficient, economic Universe refuses to invent – in a surrealist task, akin to search among people for Quixote, Hamlet and Le Petit prince, because their linguistic fictions are so beautiful… So of course the LHC is  rendering zero results – no supersymmetry particles, no axons, no photinos, no mathematical creationism or any other unscientific fantaphysics.

And yet, nuclear physicists idle since the end of the cold war are lobbying with Chinese nationalist politicians to get a bigger one, for what? Just so the communist party can say, we have the biggest, baddass quark cannon on the solar system; and amazingly enough they seem to get ahead with it, because of the Law of Silence in the press and the so-called ‘enviromental activism’ that practice the common method humans seem to use to avert catastrophes and impeding death – silence and denial that it is happening till it happens and then they die. End of history. Not even an epitaphy left.

What about preventing death, taking the hard-swallowed pill of truth about accelerators of this size – that we should not make them just because we can according to Mr. Fromm’s ethics of a technological civilization: ‘if a machine can be done, it must be done, even if it kills us all’.

Conclusion: Higgsteria: The W, Z, Higgs bosons and the weak force.

So the Higgs – the excuse for CERN’s dangerous experiments – is a a hoax, not because the Higgs does NOT exist, but because it does NOT give mass to particles.  It only helps in the transformation of particles of our smaller world into particles of the larger cosmological scales of heavy quarks, strange stars and black holes.

This requires a note on the clear difference between the 3 ‘spatial forces’ that communicate energy and information between particles (strong, electromagnetic and gravitational forces) and the weak interaction, NOT a spatial force, but a process of trans-form-ation of particles into each other, which does NOT have spatial range (as when you change internally your form you don’t move; it all happens within you). So the proper way to model the weak interaction is as an evolutionary process that trans-forms as in chemical reactions, one product into another – a particle into another.

For that reason the ‘weak interaction’ has a coupling constant measured in ‘time frequency or mass’; because it is an evolutionary process; and it does violate the CPT rule because ‘time is NOT symmetric as space’, or as Einstein put it, ‘wires don’t travel to the past’. 

The difference is quite important, since if the Higgs is JUST another particle within the different processes taken place on the transformations of particles into each other, mediated by the weak interaction (as the W and Z bosons are) it is a relatively secondary feature of the Universe and one that poises enormous dangers precisely because it is related to the extinctive processes of ‘light particles of our Universe’.

And that is the case since mass is not an external feature as Einstein taught us but an internal property of a vortex of space-time. It is exactly by the principle of equivalence between mass and acceleration, which are absolutely undistinguishable (this is the essential ‘postulate’ of general relativity) a vortex of space-time in the ‘cosmological scale’.

LET US explore those facts in more detail, classifying properly the forces of nature, with the more advanced concepts of the scalar Universe, since we need also this to understand the Higgs role.

And what about to do new physics or at least sound physics explaining the weak interaction properly, as an informative process, and the Higgs as just another weak boson? Ah, but that would need to recognize an error, to be humble, to work the brain with thought experiments of pen and paper as Einstein did… as I have been doing for decades with the 5D fractal formalism… as so many scientists do in all spheres of knowledge, before they go around asking billions to bomb particles and risk our lives. Ah, but that would require serious neuronal effort, not just the routines of wiring and spending money in bigger machines and bullying politicos with the skills physicists gathered during the cold war, to get always whatever they want with ‘messianic’ hyperboles of their self-important research, the ‘only one that matter to understand the mystical matter of God’.

WHY THE HIGGS is irrelevant to the future of physical sciences.

The point of the Higgs is not only that if it exists, is rather irrelevant, as the videos explain but the fact they just really found a statistical bump on decay particles, which hints at a heavy particle that doesn’t even have the predicted mass of the Higgs – yet of course, we were so eager to justify the LHC that we now must not only ‘believe’ in the evaporation of black holes by decree but in the ‘reformed’ Higgs. From a recent article on the search for long-living strangelets, 18 quark ensembles known as ‘quark alphas’, with a new detector aptly called Mathusla; this late recognition:

“As David Curtin, a professor at the University of Toronto and one of the originators of the MATHUSLA concept, explained, the Higgs just isn’t as massive as quantum physics predicts it to be. So, the current model of the universe required a big, arbitrary-seeming “correction” in Higgs related equations.

Physicists, Curtin explained, suspect that the Higgs’ strangely small mass implies that other, undetected particles are out there…

Jessie Shelton, a theoretical physicist at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign who helped edit a white paper pitching MATHUSLA, said that so far — with the important exception of the Higgs boson detection itself— the LHC has been a disappointment. The Higgs appeared, but ever since then, even after a series of upgrades to the machine, the hunt for new particles has turned up nothing.”

Why? The answer is obvious: because the scientific universe is efficient and economic (Occam’s razor). And so as we can perfectly construct the galaxy and its dark matter with the particles of the Standard Model, the efficient Universe is NOT inventing anything else.  Whiile increasingly ascientific CERNies prefer to believe in ‘mathematical creationism’, similar to the religious creationism of those who thought ‘God created being by naming it – Abrahamic religions). So they sponsor the belief that if we write an equation, regardless of its truth, it must be real and we shall detect the invented particle, even if it is a pure mathematical fiction.

Update, June 2018.

So the news came that they have finally detected not only as usual ‘virtual top quarks’ mediated by the Higgs, but real top-antitop quarks, the first step to produce toplets, (ttt) and dark atoms (cbb) likely components of frozen top quark stars, aka ‘real black holes’, which as Einstein said must have a ‘cut-off’ substance to be real, which can only be the top quark and dark atoms. Here are the news:


The conclusion is obvious: if the Higgs boson really exist, at its real value face is a rather secondary particle, not the particle of god or the giver of mass). Since neither the Higgs or any other quantum theory explain the mass of particles… Let us then end, resuming at the simplest possible level why Mr. Higgs particle is a hoax that does not give mass to other particles and the correct theory of mass is that of Mr. Einstein.

(For those audiovisually inclined we have resumed those themes in a ‘humorous video’ with plenty of information on the difference between Mr. Einstein’s work on mass, and that of Mr. Higgs and Mr. Hawking. )


“I would like to emphasize something. The theories about the rest of physics are very similar to the theory of quantum electrodynamics: they all involve the interaction of spin 1/2 objects (like electrons and quarks) with spin 1 objects (like photons, gluons, or W’s) within a framework of amplitudes by which the probability of an event is the square of the length of an arrow. Why are all the theories of physics so similar in their structure? There are a number of possibilities. The first is the limited imagination of physicists: when we see a new phenomenon we try to fit it into the framework we already have—until we have made enough experiments, we don’t know that it doesn’t work. So when some fool physicist gives a lecture at UCLA in 1983 and says, “This is the way it works, and look how wonderfully similar the theories are,” it’s not because Nature is really similar; it’s because the physicists have only been able to think of the same damn thing, over and over again.”

Richard Feynman. “QED: The Strange Theory of Light and Matter’

The previous quote explains ultimately why Higgs theory is so popular among quantum physicists. It is simply an extension of the only theory they figure out – that of electromagnetism, where forces are transferred by change of particles.

Problem IS that mass is NOT electromagnetism, precisely it is the opposite type of force: a cyclical non-lineal force caused by the attraction of a gravitational vortex. But that was the work of Einstein, always suspicious for his pacifist standing and opposition to the mathematical entelechies of ‘creationist quantum physicists’, which from Bohr to Hawking think all equations are truth and the substance of reality is mathematics – NOT space and time, as Leibniz, Einstein and this writer in his 5D formalism rightly affirm – whereas languages are mirrors that compress the information of the Universe in a still language, hence able to explain better for human minds and even forecast the deterministic cycles of reality in ‘lesser time’ – BUT NEVER creating the reality it mirrors.

So we must to fully understand the High Hoax give to caesar what belongs to caesar, give to Einstein and those who follow in his steps, the proper understanding of mass and the forces related to mass theory – the weak forces to which the Higgs along other ‘W and Z particles’ belong.



In the video for the visually inclined an explanation of what mass is. Then we shall expand on the path of Einstein, his concept of black holes as vortices of mass, made of a quantum type of particle of similar density to show how obvious is the risk of the Higgs in a more theoretical basis, including my work on 5D that fully completes such model (taken parts of the post on ‘the 3 ages of black hole theory’:

A mass is according to Einstein’s Principle of equivalence a vortex of accelerated time, from the cosmological scale, akin to the charge, a vortex of time of the quantum scale or the thermodynamic eddie. Following that scalar structure, the Universe should have an upper scale of v>c rotary motions, the accelerated black hole beyond the event horizon, and a scalar tachyonic field with zero information from our quantum ‘spinning-world’ perspective, the Higgs field. This scale is NOT relevant to our ‘galaxy’, the 3 human scales of quantum, thermoydnamic and gravitational fields we know and should care for. So the Higgs and the top quark, likely component of the black hole hardly appear in our world, ONLY in processes of ‘feeding and transformation’ of our matter into ultradense dark matter, mediated by the weak ‘trans-formation’ through the W, z & Higgs. Lacking the true future advancement of physics, which is the understanding of the laws of the scalar fractal Universe, physicists of big science/projects such as the LHC will keep endangering the planet, which might be converted into a top quark star, aka black hole, with the excuse of learning more about the Higgs – substituting their incapacity to make proper thought experiments (5Ð physics), with the collection of DATA already known, to the risk of provoking a Higgs-top mediated Nova

All what exist is a motion in time. Space forms are a Maya of the senses. So as we penetrate matter we keep finding solid matter to be just a cyclical accelerated time space clock, the meaning of gravitational forces and charges, just two vortices of two different scales of spacetime, all of them unified in the scalar metric equations of 5D physics:  In the graph, accelerated vortices of time in physical systems, in different scales of the fifth dimension: charges, masses and thermodynamic eddies become then the main clocks of time that carry with different speeds according to 5D metric (Space-size x Cyclical time-speed =K), the information of microscopic quantum charge worlds, human-size thermodynamic scales and cosmological gravitational scales. The beauty of that scalar Universe is obvious: smaller parts as the next graph shows, run faster cycles, and hence carry the information of larger systems: in physical systems quantum spins carry the information, which now is applied to mechanical systems, of ever smaller quantum computers. In biology genes carry the information of larger slower systems,. And in the galaxy fast spinning smaller black holes carry the information of its larger forms. All is entangled. All is about INFORMATION the dominant arrow of life, not lineal entropic big-bang death

In the graphs we can see that a mass is as Einstein well explained an accelerated vortex of gravitation. So no ‘higgs’ is needed to bump and give mass. What the Higgs does on the verge of C-speed, when a particle of our world cannot longer speed up, and transforms the energy of the accelerator into mass, becoming a heavier quark, is to help as the W and Z bosons do, the process of transformation of our particles into ultra-heavy=ultra-fast rotating v>C top quarks, the likely substance of black holes and ‘door’ to the intergalactic Space.

What is going on then with the Higgs theory is very simple: because quantum physicists use lineal theories of forces, coming from its study of electromagnetism, they have always been at pains with non-lineal gravitational forces, which do NOT respond to their lineal equations and on top happen only in the cosmological scale (the standard model does not give mass to particles, which are vortices of charge).

So they have ALWAYS tried to model all ‘forces’ as lineal ‘gauge’ theories of exchange of particles, which they are NOT all. This is their concept of unifying forces. Force feed the diversity of the universe into a single ‘view’ – that of their quantum electromagnetic radiation.

This is obviously wrong because the Universe is made of different scales, and in each scale we have always 3 type of forces, which we might term:

  • Spatial, lineal forces to expand motion and provoke translations in space (¥).
  • Temporal, cyclical, clock-like forces to implode motion into information (mass).
  • And scalar weak forces to evolve matter into heavier forms, (weak force). 

BECAUSE THE UNIVERSE SHOWS to be made of TIME, SPACE and fractal SCALES, So simple so beautiful.

So we must then give you a glimpse to the scalar, fractal time space Universe at theoretical level to fully grasp the role of the Higgs as part OF THE PROCESSES OF ENTROPIC DEATH OF MATTER AND EVOLUTION OF LIGHT MATTER INTO HEAVY QUARKS MEDIATED BY THE TRANSFORMATIVE, SCALAR WEAK FORCE.

But to start with we must consider what is the basic ‘epistemological error’ from where all those ‘entropic theories of lineal big-bangs and black hole evaporation’ depart – from the misunderstanding of time as a single lineal mathematical ‘cartesian graph’ arrow; when all time clocks are cyclical:

Let us then start by describing the biggest blunder mankind has committed in the realm of knowledge: to simplify the nature of cycles of time-space into lineal durations, to measure best the locomotions of cannonballs.

time cycles

Physicists uncoiled time-frequency, into lineal time, T=1/ƒ BY WRITING THE INVERSE equation…


-The information ‘stored’ in the ‘form’ and ‘frequency’ of those cycles.

-The understanding of ‘broken vital spacetimes, as each full closed cycle  reads reality into an inner and outer region, inside and outside the ‘simple knot’, or geometric definition of a cycle (Jordan’s first knot theorem). So by the mere fact of being in a universe made of infinite repetitive ‘conserved time clocks’, we obtain a broken space-time.

How does a Universe of infinite time clocks of different size and speed relates to the present Universe in which all time clocks are equalized to the mechanical, clocks of metal-information, which were invented in the Middle Ages in Italy, and became the ONLY CLOCK-TIME OF THE UNIVERSE, once elongated into a lineal ‘second-minute-hour-day-year’ system of equalized time clocks (of light waves, mechanical clocks, earth’s astronomical clocks).

Further on because time IS motion, the final substance of reality IS motions in time, and this makes REPRODUCTION, the essence of a fractal a dynamic natural CONSEQUENCE of this first ‘motion-substance’: by the mere fact of repeating a time clock-like cycle INFORMATION REPRODUCES. So there is no mystery to the process of reproduction, as reproduction occurs by MOTION. And so all those elements -repetitive patterns we call laws of science, the existence of broken vital spaces enclosed by angular momentums and moving membranes performing cyclical clocks that store and reproduce information, and the fractal structure of all of it, WHICH ARE THE ESSENTIAL WHYs of reality, became hidden by the simple concept of an absolute lineal ‘humind’ second unit of space-time.

Humanity is still in that primitive concept of a single time.

Since Einstein  just added to that XVI c. equation, V=s/T,  a ct corrector factor, but in essence he left the concept of single lineal time unchanged, despite recognizing it was a convention that must change.

What physicists mostly do then is the study of ‘open locomotions’, translations in space, through ‘lineal inertia, or scattered, entropic paths’, of objects that move; AND WHAT they care about TO QUANTIFY in terms of ‘RODS OF MEASURE’ that speed of translation in open space, is of course part of time=motion=change studies but far less important than the qualities of ‘closed time paths of frequency and form, of information’ we shall study here.

In the graph, left side,  ‘ðime’ clocks that measure the rhythms of reproduction=repetition and change=evolution of the Universe are always cyclical ‘r=evolutions’.

So while humans obviously are aware of the existence of cyclical patterns of nature, because they have abandoned the proper concept of cyclical ðime changes, and its second dimension of form, of information, they cannot fully grasp the fundamental principles of the Universe: its cycles of ðime§pace, its scales of ðime speeds as §pace size (ab. ∆±i), and the ‘mind-mirrors and languages’ of information that allow systems to measure them, and interact with other beings in ðime§pace.

The concept of cyclical ðimes is not new. On the contrary, as it is evident in the left picture that all ðime clocks are cyclical, repetitive; the true mystery is how humans are so ‘dumb’, as to deny it in the modern age. Since all Asian cultures, and all western cultures till Galileo, did believe in cyclical ðimes. The word in fact still lingers in the names of our newspapers: ‘The New York Times’, ‘The Times of London’.

Moreover science would not exist if ðimes were not cyclical as ‘scientific laws’ are merely the repetition in ðime of patterns of behavior and causality.

Each clock creates a discontinuous space-time, whose cyclical perimeter of in-form-ation encloses a piece of energetic space breaking reality into ∞ formal patterns; different time cycles with specific forms and frequencies. Thus the use of a single human clock that equalizes all of them misses 2 features of each of those time cycles:
– Its specific forms of in-form-ation in space, which gives birth to the main topological laws and Isomorphisms of the 5th Dimension (I).
– Its different speeds or frequencies. Since cyclical time is measured not by duration but by frequency, its inverse function: ƒ(t)=1/T.

All these truths unfortunately are hidden in the ðime equations of modern physics, so good for calculus so bad for interpretation, which need to be translated into cyclical ðime, measured by frequency (T=1/ƒ) and streamlined with a new jargon appropriate for a dual Universe, as opposed to the simplex jargon of classic absolute ðime§pace physics, that lingers in all sciences and drags its understanding.

In the left physical cycles, planetary orbits, which we humans use to measure ðime in all our ‘clocks’, which are also cyclical. People are hardly aware of this fact, since they tend not to use the ‘parameter’ of cyclical ðime, which is ‘frequency’, but its inverse, lineal duration: ƒ=1/t.

The formulae are simplified in this manner. Since ‘frequency ðime’ is discontinuous and so difficult to ‘integrate’. So physicists prefer to uncoil, frequencies into Lineal Time.

For example the ‘revolutions per minute of a car wheel’, multiplied by its perimeter give us the ‘distance’: λ x v = S. And besides in this manner we achieve more information, as we get the duration and form of in-form-ation of each cycle (λ) and its frequency, v.

So instead of using V=s/t, V=wave length x Frequency gives the information on the frequency and shape of the cyclic steps of the motion.

But if you just want to know the total length of along ðime period, you use Lineal Time durations and so you don’t need to sum all those cycles to get the lineal speed: V=s/t.

In the left graph, we can see that all physical systems, and all its ðime cycles return to its origin, creating a circle, but physicists uncoiled them and put all those revolutions one after another creating the concept of Lineal ðime – an artifact of measure, and further on equalized all the different clocks of the Universe, all the different cyclical actions of its species with a single mechanical ‘ðime clock’ elongated into an infinite duration.

And we shall return to it, when using cyclical time to define and upgrade physical equations, with new insights on its whys, thanks to the ‘inverse arrow of time’ cyclical frequency, ð(ƒ)=1/T-duration.

Since the enormous deformation of reality caused by the ‘belief’ that there is a single time-space continuum, a single ‘human clock’ measuring it all with a second and a single space-rod, also the human visual light spacetime measuring it all with a c-speed is obviously wrong and keeps producing conceptual errors, camouflaged by the fact the equations ‘work’ in both systems, either as ƒrequency of cycles or a lineal speed sum of the trajectories of those cycles. What we miss of course is all the inner information of the cycles.

Frequency time, broken time cycles, infinite of them, are novel concepts hidden for so long by the lineal deformation of the cartesian graph, canonized by Newton that not even the quantum revolution of ‘broken space’ and the Revolution of relativity that saw multiple time regions in the Universe, and many insights that came after on the cyclical nature of time clocks, and the SYMMETRY BETWEEN THE MOTION TO THE FUTURE (OR LIFE, informative arrow) and the motion to the past (or entropy arrow), has been ‘enough’ for mankind to understand the cyclical nature of time and all the amazing results derived from it. Since ALL MOTIONS OF TIME TOWARDS THE FUTURE OF HIGHER INFORMATION ARE FOLLOWED BY THE REVERSAL ARROW OF TIME TO THE PAST OF ENTROPIC DEATH – BUT ALL THOSE TIME CYCLES ARE LOCAL, diffeomorphic, so there is no paradox on traveling to the past, simply speaking, we talk of two inverse arrows of time, loosely understood as the arrow of life and the arrow of death, but specific of each species.

I.e. in electromagnetic waves we shall talk of the advanced collapsing wave and the retarded expansive wave; in local particles of the particle towards the future and the antiparticle or death of the particle (Feynman).

In relativity we shall talk of the ‘gravitational arrow of time that warps space’ and the ‘antigravitation’ of those likely antiparticles (still to be experimentally proved). In forces we shall talk of the ‘gauge’ spatial forces, and the ‘trans-formative, evolutionary, time interactions mediated by the weak force’. In life obviously of life and death future and past; and all of them will be soon formalized in the concept of a world cycle which is the most general understanding of all those closed time cycles that break the Universe into an internal and external world separated by a membrane, spin or angular momentum.

Lineal theories of the Universe.

Of course the best physicists are fully aware of this, but there are few of them, so Einstein said ‘I seem to be the only physicist that thinks there are infinite time clocks in the Universe’, and ‘time curves space into cyclical masses’. And when he died, as his concept of black holes as frozen stars the concept of cyclical infinite time clocks in the Universe, one for each of those cyclical masses disappeared because quantum physics and electromagnetism, are lineal equations, balanced by those cyclical masses, so as quantum physicists carried the power OVER relativists, they have ever since force-fed their theories of lineal time big-bangs and entropic black holes, and a dying Universe as dogma. When the proper way to study cosmology is precisely as I used to explain in scientific conferences when I was the chair of Duality, with the two arrows of time, lineal motions and cyclical clocks that carry the information of the Universe in the form and frequency of its cycles – masses and charges.

Einstein’s mass theory 
The easiest proof that Einstein’s mass theory (mass as an accelerated vortex of gravitational forces) is called Ockam’s principle. The simplest theory is more truth. So when the earth was put in its place astronomy simplified Copernicus complex orbits in simplex Kepler. So does the proper way to advance our knowledge of mass… Einstein. The beauty and simplicity of the Universe, according to Einstein’s mass theory will never cease to marvel us.
All becomes reduced to a Universe of 2 cyclical accelerated motions, vortices of mass and charges in the 2 scalar membranes of the gravitational and electromagnetic world, and its 2 inverse lineal accelerated motions, gravitation and electromagnetism, trans-form-ing each other ad eternal:
Lineal Motion/Energy/Space  (G, ¥) < => Cyclical Time Vortices of Information (M, Q)
Both imploding and exploding, E=M, in eternal, infinite rhythms all over of the Universe. Clocks of time, charges and masses storing the information of the Universe in its cyclical forms and rhythms, coiling and uncoiling into lineal electromagnetism or gravitational space, in two symbiotic membranes that construct the symphonies of the Universe.

In Physics, according to Einstein the information of a particle is its mass. This can be easily proved theoretically, mathematically and empirically.

In the previous pictures of masses as vortices obtained in bubble chambers (beg. article) tthere is an obvious empirical proof. All pictures of masses and charges appear as vortices with an accelerated inward motion. Let us now deal with the other proofs (and let us remember that truth in epistemology of science is based in 3 pillars – empirical, logical and mathematical proofs.

Einstein’s Mathematical proof

The mathematical proof is simple, given by the 2 main equations of Einstein, which relate the frequency of information (a time parameter), the mass and the energy of physical systems:

ExT=K, E=Mc2, hence M=K/T=Kv; where v is the frequency of rotation of the vortex of mass.

Thus a mass is a vortex of space-time that carries the information of the Universe in its frequency.

This also has empirical proofs: All vortices attract inwards with a force equivalent to the strength of the rotating vortex. So a hurricane attract more when it turns faster. And so a mass, which is a hurricane of space-time attracts more the faster it turns. Moreover vortices of all kind are ‘accelerating’ inwards: Vo x Ro = K, which means that the shorter the radius is, Ro, the faster its speed, Vo, so the closer you come to the vortex, the faster it turns, the more it attracts, the stronger its gravitational force is, and the more mass it has.

Einstein’s Conceptual proof.

Now this simple equation is in accordance with Einstein’s Principle of equivalence between acceleration and gravitational force. Both are the same in General Relativity. And so why we should stop this ‘comparison’ at a certain point of the accelerating vortex? Since in the Universe we have never seen ‘substance’ but only motions, it is logic to think that what we call a mass is exactly that: the final region of acceleration into a vortex of gravitational forces. Such vortex obviously offers a resistance to motion (inertial mass), which is dependent of the speed/acceleration of such motion.

But what type of accelerated motion?  Well it turns out that there are only two accelerated motions, lineal and cyclical accelerations. Further on, accelerated motions can produce forces that ‘work’. And Newton gave us a simple equation to describe ‘all’ the forces of the Universe: F = M (cyclical acceleration) x A (lineal acceleration). This is fascinating because it means that the Universe is made of 2 accelerated motions: F = M x A, where A is lineal acceleration or ‘energy’ and Mass is a vortex with more dimensional form, or cyclical acceleration, whose form and frequency carry the in-form-ation of the Universe.

Of course when we enter into deeper analysis of the mathematical details, a mass vortex is more complex. Einstein described it with a set of equations that go beyond the scope of this introduction. But there is a different version of those equations much simpler – the gravito-magnetic version found by Heaviside, recently proved experimentally by a Probe, which are mimetic from the equations of electromagnetism.

And so since charges are obvious accelerated vortices of electromagnetic forces, it is self-evident that if masses produce a self-similar field system, they will be accelerated vortices of gravitational forces.

As Einstein put it ‘the Universe is simple and not malicious’. And so there you have, the 3 simplest, more important equations of Physics, F=m a, E=Mc2, E=hv and then the more complex, equally essential Maxwell and Einstein’s equations come all together to accept mass as an ‘internal’ property that define mass and hence need no further fields and esoteric particles to be explained.

And indeed, the fact that Einstein’s equations can be written as electromagnetic equations is also the key to the unification equation of the G and Q Universal constants of charges and masses as two vortices of two self-similar forces of two different fractal scales of the Universe – one of the most striking advances of marrying the extended Principle of Equivalence and the recently proved fractal nature of the Universe – the true paths of modern research in mass theory, which the thunder of CERN cannot silence…

Because of course, and this is the beauty of science – you cannot corrupt a scientific truth, you need to prove it with the tenants of truth of epistemology and the scientific method…

And so it is left to proof the ‘Einstein Mechanism’ just the empirical proof… Look around you, every single vortex in the Universe attracts and every particle is a vortex; look around you, because it is an intrinsic property of every particle we do not need to find any new field, any new boson, anything… just what you see is what it is.


Theoretical. In essence Mr. Hawking as Mr. Higgs never understood Einstein, despite of making a living on denying him. Mr. Hawking believes that there is only a single time in the Universe and black holes can work as time machines. Wrong. There are infinite time cycles and you cannot go back in time, as those cycles are independent of each other and so you can only at best move backwards a time cycle. Second he thinks black holes evaporate information. Wrong. Black holes precisely create mass by bending electromagnetic space into mass as we have explained. They create, don’t erase information. 

Mathematical. What did Hawking gets wrong in his equations? The two principles of Entropy he denies, when he affirms information evaporates. But also when he thinks that an ultra-hot ‘born’ black hole, in an ultra-cold Earth’s environment is going to break the first law of thermodynamics and become a perfect machine, as it becomes even hotter evaporating. Instead the hot item cools down and evaporates the external world – our world. This any high school student knows it. Or else your coffee will evaporate and the cup freeze. Now if you interpret his equation without this conceptual error, the result is obvious: the black hole will be born exceedingly hot and so the smaller it is the faster it will evaporate the surrounding environment.

Indeed, in simplified terminology Hawking says: Mass = Konstant/Temperature.

And when we reject his entropic error enclosed in the way he dynamizes that equation all is clear: The black hole is born at maximal temperature, with minimal mass, but as temperature diminishes, its inverse parameter, mass grows, POINT. This self-evident truth is what I could not deny for theoretical and ethical reasons and got me into this nightmare (1). Why then physicists defend this absurdity? It has to do a lot with non-theoretical reasons (celebrity, mass-media, industrial profits, CERN’s policy, etc.) but also with the way ‘complicated’ arguments have always impressed people, who without fully understanding them accept it. The jargons and complicated mathematical arguments used by Hawking and other quantum theorists do that work. It is like the banker’s speech on toxic assets. That is the name we have now ‘after’ they convinced us of their enormous value. The ‘black hole factory’ is the proper name of the LHC but that won’t be accepted ‘after’ as a matter of fact, it evaporate us.

Experimental. We never saw one evaporating. All feed on mass – the faster the smaller the born black hole is. And this is proved by Novas, which grow so fast after the birth of a micro-black hole seed in his interior. And it is proved by recent observations of small black holes which are far more active than big ones. So one it is born it will grow at c-speed swallowing the Earth within seconds.

– So why light has no mass? A tautology: Light does not close a cycle, but it is a wave that deflects the cycle into an open wave. Hence it never has mass. But if we were to calculate its mass in terms of energy the higher the frequency of the web (analogous to the mass frequency) the more mass-energy it has.

– Then there is the scalar, fractal structure derived of the homology of the equations of charges and masses which however exist in two different scales. This is a key discovery for the fractal structure of the Universe and proves one of my fundamental mathematical findings: the unification equation of the G and Q Universal constants of charges and masses as two vortices of two fractal discontinuous scales of space-time, the quantum, smaller world and cosmic upper scale.

And we will return to that at the end of this article, when considering in depth the consequences of upholding and evolving Einstein’s theory of mass, instead of seeking and absurd scalar particle that explains so little…

– Finally, why the Universe accelerates between galaxies? It is accelerating and will end into pure entropy? No. Self-evident. Physicists ignore the meaning of information and mass and they have a continuous theory of space. None of that works anymore. As each time cycle ‘breaks’ space into an inner and outer region. So do the time cycles of the Universe of which the biggest clock is a galaxy that ‘warps space into time-mass’. So the acceleration of space between galaxies is balanced by its warping within them. And both balance each other: gravitation informs light-space into mass vortices, galaxies. And then light-space the substance of which our space is made, once it abandons the galaxy, stretches his frequency (doppler effect as ‘real’) till its ‘generational time cycle’ of around 10 up to 10 years dissolves it back into non-perceivable, lineal, gravitation with no form. But this and so many other fascinating results of a proper theory of time cycles require more knowledge of physics that I expect a non-physicists to have, so we shall end here the simpler version of Einstein’s mass theory.

So why the Higgs?
The errors of a continuous model of the Universe, which obliges to consider only a single Unifying theory, which therefore must depart either from Quantum or Relativity. This is false in the future standard model which will be a fractal model of discontinuous space-time. In that model both are incompatible, because they are two different scales in size and range so accordingly Relativity breaks in the quantum sclae and the quantum scale hardly affects the cosmological one. But that is the future of science, XXI century physics, which is NOT CERN, just the swan song of XX century physics, but a new paradigm…
So alas! since both cannot be put together quantum physicists are in the illusory quest of reducing relativity and gravitation to their turf and explaining them with quantum particles. Hence the need for the Higgs.

We don’t need the Higgs. The Higgs is just a mathematically poorly constructed theory that Nuclear Physicists have sold out to an audience – the establishment of the military-industrial complex… What people should understand is this: even if the Higgs was found it is only a particle related to certain reactions of the ‘temporal, informative force ‘par excellence’ of the Universe – the weak force that trans-forms particles; but it is NOT the particle that gives mass to all other vortices of space-time (aka particles), neither explains as we have done the obvious relationship between mass and size of the particle (Max. Mass = Min. size by virtue of the inward accelerated motion of any vortex) which is the rule that differentiates the different weights of each particle.

So why we need Hawking’s evaporation? 

Hawking’s evaporation is the same kind of error: a quantum theorist trying to invade relativity with quantum, false effects.
Black holes however are not quantum species but cosmological ones from other membrane and force of informative nature, gravity. This, Hawking never understood because it is the future of physics and his work is old. But he didn’t have at least like Higgs the common sense of retiring, as Higgs put it, ‘because I couldnt cope with the advances of mathematics to do further research’.
Hawking in that sense has not learned the implications of fractals and Information Theory so he still works with entropy-only, disordered theories.
This is right only for quantum, electromagnetic forces, which are energetic, disordered entropic but gravitational forces are informative, attractive, they form, in-form particles. Mass creates information, black holes create mass, information does not evaporate, only if we bend the laws of mass, information and gravitation to create a fantasy called quantum gravity.
Yet because the duality of energy/information is so ill understood by physicists (that is the realm of complexity theorists, my discipline), errors like those of Hawking keep creeping in Physics and Nature defies them, not finding a single evaporating black hole in the entire Universe.

In that regard, what we face at CERN is not only an existential problem but an intellectual problem: quantum physicists work with a single arrow of entropy=energy, ignoring all about the sciences of information and the meaning of masses as information, forms, dimensional form; and are halting the development of true science, using the methods of religions and the military to impose their false ideologies of the Universe – censorship, bullying, money and political power. But they cannot censor, paraphrasing Einstein, ‘the thoughts of God’, the laws of the Universe, and the consequences of creating the most powerful, attractive vortices of mass of the Universe on planet Earth.

We really need it to survive. Since, now with the new propaganda machine greased and funds coming, we might have them coming in 2015 at 14 tev. The problem is the Universe doesn’t need it. And the Universe takes primacy over man, and this neither prophets and scientists of lately it seems, seem to understand.

Nobody really believed in Hawking when he published. Then as he became famous and an industry of popular physics, it became tolerated. Only when CERN needed it to prove itself ‘safe’, it became dogma not to discuss his work and simplistic negation of basic laws of physics.

But all this is not only to be blamed on physicists. They are defending their way of life at CERN. It is the people who blindly believe them as experts. Like the bankers who ab=used mankind in this crisis printing money for free because people do not understand how money is printed, physicists are abusing us because people don’t understand their maths. That is why I have made them so simple to you. In the future updates of this post, we shall develop the entire model in the themes concerned with mass and Einstein’s upgrade with more mathematical rigor. But what matters is to depart from sound conceptual analysis, which is where people and Higgs fail. Then once you have a wrong concept, maths can take you to any conclusion, as in both cases.

The funny part of it…

is that now the wrong concept is a fact – not the existence of a Higgs which might be truth after all, but we need seriously much more data for that, but the idea that the Higgs gives mass to all particles, which merely pumped up its importance to get funding going. And so an entire planet has a new religion – the Higgs.

This is funny of course only for non believers, like ‘the Life of Brian’ is funny, but physicists take this kind of truths very seriously like the Brianists do 🙂 So the Higgists will fight to convey new methods to prove such a blatant lie and that is funny. You see an entire new type of twisted scholastic logic is needed for the task.

And so now the entire information industry, corrupted long ago by the military industrial complex and the celebrity circus and the ignorance of its practictioners etc.etc. will have the task to spread the belief and teach in their text books the ‘good news’ that the celebrity particle and the Higgs Mechanism have completed our understanding of the Universe – now we know it all! (the Einstein’s Mechanism of course does NOT exist officially, but I’m sure he would be amused as a pantheist with this new pan-psychism of those socially conscious electrons and approve 🙂

Good luck. I can imagine the teacher sweating and the students practicing the celebrity ‘move’ dispatching his text books right to his head at c-speed…

Im sorry but i can’t help it, LOL…Right now thousands of ‘research journalists’ who research by the chimpanzee method, wiki, copy and make some happy sounds, gee, gee… They must be now all chatting about the astounding advancement for the human species of having found the celebrity particle that prescient, socially conscious electrons love to chat with too…

In the graph, the Equivalence principle of relativity means a mass is a vortex, m=(h/c2) ƒ, whose frequency gives us its attractive power as in any vortex. So top quarks must turn very fast in its spin cycles, reason why in classic science top quarks do not interact with the strong force, which is slower in its exchange of gluons.

Yet because they turn so fast in frequency as vortices of space-time, they have much more mass: m=h/c² ƒ.

So they cannot interact with the strong force, but they can form an ultra-dense central region in the huge Kerr-Newman black rotating hole of the galactic center with a massive positive charge, producing those huge ‘superluminal’ jets akin to the superstrong magnetic force of pulsars; and they can interact with the gravitational force. And those 2 forces combined that reach the ‘electron-like’ halo of negative strangelets account for the huge force of attraction between the halo and the center of galaxies, which is the biggest mystery of physics today (dark matter missing), because electromagnetic forces are much stronger than gravitational, so the top quark positively charged magnetic-like jets bring together strongly the negative halo and positive center.

Why a sound use of Einstein’s concept of masses as accelerated vortices of spacetime, extended to charges and particles, its components matter also to big-bang theory is obvious: because the expansion of entropic lineal dark energy between galaxies is PERFECTLY balanced by the implosion and collapse of dark energy into mass when arriving to those galaxies. So this give us NOT a single lineal big-bang but a balanced ‘fractal series’ of expanding space and imploding space creating particles within the galactic vortices.

This must be clear from the beginning: in physics, due to its error of lineal time and a single arrow of time for all systems of reality, the balance of gravitational vortices has disappeared  when in fact there are infinite of such cyclical mass vortices, as they are also the basic cycles and forces of charges and particles and quantum physics.

Chirality and gender in forces. Left handed female particles and right handed machos.  Parity in scales

Since Pasteur studied chemistry’s optic activity finding molecules that polarize light in different  we know molecules are ‘chiral’, either left-handed or right-handed, why? Because CHIRALITY is the true meaning of ‘gender’, left-handed systems are female systems and right-handed male systems. So they can superpose onto each other looking at each other, pegging their palms, and reproduce. FOR A physicist this is ONLY ‘a mirror symmetry’ an it has a pathetic pedantic mathematical proof that reveals nothing. For a physicist it is a ‘matrix coordinate that changes sign’…

Not so, chirality has ALL the properties of gender. And it emerges IN EACH SCALE OF THE FIFTH DIMENSION till becoming so complex that voila it becomes sexual gender. First you have the neutrino which is ONLY female, left handed, as the galaxy which is ALSO female left handed. The left handed neutrino thus is the one we see at c-speed (the right handed goes faster than c-speed), and when they mate they reproduce a light ray (Broglie Jordan’s theory of neutrino light; exactly when both spins penetrate each other locking in spin up and down like dick and cunt do🍆🍩😅… alas then you have SLIGHTLY MORE left handed electrons, as you have slightly more females being. born. Moreover, ONLY left-handed particles (female ones) REPRODUCE new particles, through the weak force, which is NOT a force but the process of particles becoming ‘pregnant’, fattened by energy (women only become pregntant with extra energy), so they become a fat massive z particle and then they reproduce a bunch of other particles; but RIGHT-handed particles are sterile, are males, they do NOT reproduce other particles through the weak force… And then you get a left handed electron coupling with the proton but the result is a sterile right handed atom, there are NOT left handed atoms so they do NOT reproduce other atoms… and then you get the left handed amino acid which the top predator nucleotides neutered, killing all the right handed so they cannot REPRODUCE and are at the mercy of the RNA left and right that control them and reproduce/mate as mirror images to form the DNA, and voila now we are into left handed women (left brain dominant), slightly outnumbering at birth as left handed amino acids on primordial soups…

But why the left handed is woman? Because its head SPIN is orientated inward to his body-wave momentum, so they can in a’hyperbolic topology’, similar to the woman’s body with is ‘glass-hour figure’, combine its energy and information to reproduce, as women are connected in brain to the hypothalamus, but right handed are lineal, BOTH SPIN and momentum, body and wave move ahead; they have slightly more ENERGY than women, which are preferred by the universe that seeks the less energy state… So the right handed sterile machos go faster (so the right handed neutrinos go faster than light, reason why we do not see them)… And all this then connects wit the duality of particle, antiparticle left and right handed, life and death, antiparticles kill and die fast… and so on and so on…

The first gender level in the Universe is called parity. Asexual spheres do not have parity. Parity requires a mirror symmetry, and so we shall call left handed species women, and right handed species male:

The graphs, as all others taken from a SciAm’s article of chirality shows the achiral, non-sexual sphere, the chiral male-female screws and hands. Notice that right handed male systems show the ‘same directionality’ between the ‘head’ of the screw and the direction of ‘penetration’ of its body; while left handed female systems show inverse ‘complementary’ directions between the head and the body in its penetration the medium. They are ‘balanced’ female systems with inverse directions between body and head. While male systems are ‘lineal’, on the same path, with no paradoxical contradiction. Left handed females are more abundant in nature because they are the ‘state’ of minimal energy and maximal immobility as both tendencies, S and T contradict. The male is ‘physically’ bigger, faster as both directionalities are in the same path.

We observe chirality in all scales as it emerges from one to the other. Parity then would be the equal quantity of both. But as it turns out, the Universe prefers the ‘lesser energy consuming, balanced’ female species, in all its scales. So the electron tends to be left handed favored in the weak Z force – the time force of transformation in the height axis of information (the female axis), which the male (lineal, moving, in the length dimension) doesn’t even notice.

In the next scale of atoms, amino acids of L-enantiomere nature dominate and when reproduced from primordial atoms they are slightly more numerous, as they consume less energy. While energetic sugar molecules (male species), tend to be more D-dominant. So happens among humans which slightly favor the birth of female species. Moreover most proteins and enzymes responsible for the reproduction of life are L (in fact as any student knows all our amino acids are L, the why though is a selective ‘choice’ of likely Nucleotides, to prevent amino acids and proteins to reproduce without their intervention – we must say that in the different ‘ages’ of life, nucleotide dominant top predator molecules ‘castrated’ proteins.

In the second graph we see this choice as we ‘grow in scales’, meaning than in the hierarchical Universe, the upper dominant wholes ‘control’ the choice of reproductivity of the lower planes. So while the Universe is chiral, it tends to choose the inverted S><T complementary female of less energy, even if the difference of quantities is smaller.

Sexuality then arises of the mirror symmetry that allows to ‘peg’ in opposite directions, hence ‘attractive’ directions two inverse left and right handed. You can indeed bring them together to penetrate each other, or coil one around the other, which is the ultimate meaning of gender, the pegging together in an attractive mirror fashion of two beings, one dominant in energy, the male species and the other in form, the female one.

This dominance of left-handed is ultimately within the superorganism of the galatom connected to the fractal nature of the galaxy, which is you guess it left handed, as the electron and the weak force in its preferences, which simply goes up in scales.

So that is what we are about to find with the different ‘bosons’ of the weak force, the w, z and H-iggs, the heaviest of them all as it leaves our dear left-handed particles pregnant to give birth to the most dense, powerful species of the Universe, the top quark, seed of the ‘black star’ also called in creationist mathematics, the black hole (regarding the true nature of black holes as black stars, the way Einstein predicted them, we deal with it on the post on why black holes do not evaporate, from the higher more advanced perspective of 5D metric equations and the proper understanding of entropy and Relativity WITHOUT correcting Einstein as Mr. Hawking did).

To notice finally that in the same way physicists poorly endowed for conceptual thought, ‘decided’ that because in Dirac’s equations there are ± particles and -+ antiparticles (that is both with positive and negative charge), they also expanded it to all other Neutral particles, without realizing the antiparticle is a feature of the electromagnetic force. So following his custom of making it all look like electromagnetism, they decided there should be an antiparticle neutrino – never mind it has no charge, and an antiparticle photon, never mind it has no charge. And of course, as they never found any difference between them they found this ‘new exceptionalist rule’ of calling the same particle its own antiparticle. Not so. Hence now they are astonished looking for right handed neutrinos, when they already found it in the right handed antineutrinos. Simply speaking there are NOT antineutrinos, but left handed and right handed neutrinos. This Majorana noticed so they are called now Majorana neutrinos. 

And when both together mate (: voila they create a ray of light (Broglie->Jordan theory of neutrino light). But that is beyond the scope of this post on Higgs as it corresponds properly to the understanding of the scale of the Universe beyond galaxies and the proper understanding of big-bang theory and the 5D fractal Universe, some day I will post here from my web on the isomorphic properties of all the space-time organisms of the Universe. So now e-quiped with some serious knowledge of reality as IT IS, we can assess what the Higgs dangers really are, namely, making top quarks that make black holes.


What started as a joke between Master Magician, Leo Lederman, and a few colleagues on how to sell an accelerator, when the Nuclear Industry was in its lower moments has become now a dogma. In this ‘fantaphysical world’ constructed with evaporating black holes, invisible fields that however are everywhere giving mass to the tiniest electrons with a mammooth particle that only comes out of 5 trillion collisions examined, 1 in a trillionth, mind the reader. You and everything else has mass because the celebrity particle that only appears once in a trillionth is busy-busy giving mass to trillions of particles… Uhm, at 1 event for each trillionth of particle collisions, the time it will need to give mass to all the particles of my ‘trou noir’ is longer than the life of the Universe! I Lol… The eschatological sense of mankind, the search for the absurd, the disgusting, the tragic, death and the absolute all conveyed by that word reaches now new heights in this endeavor. What Weinberg called the ‘Toilet particle’ before it was needed to accelerate fundings and Lederman, the biggest lobbyist of the nuclear industry, in search for hundreds of millions of $ sold the toilet… of God to Reagan (-:

“The God Particle’ (p. 23): “The Higgs-Boson is the primary reason for the building of the super collider

‘Those who impose truth with the tools of power, will be the laugh of the Gods‘ Albert Einstein, true discoverer of the meaning of mass.


CERN lied systematically on its conference on the found Higgs. The particles does NOT seem a Higgs. Only two proofs:
– The sigma 5 was achieved only combining the two more crowded channels, the Z and photon channel, discharging the 3 signatures that were negative sigma. A serious scientist will average all channels, and then we conclude there might be a Goldstone particle but it SHOULD NOT be the Higgs, whose specific channels were not found.
Introducing those other channels for an objective analysis “overall ATLAS data significance is just 2.5 sigma” (page 23/24).
– The Higgs mass must fluctuate brutally because according to theory it does so when it gives mass to every particle of the Universe, LOL. Well that particle is NOT fluctuating wildly.
So it is NOT the Higgs. It is a goldstone boson, which will be the ‘substance’ of the ‘next, scale’ of space-time, that of dark matter of higher density of mass and energy, in which Goldstones decay creating top and bottom and tau quarks of the heaviest quark family (and strongest known-known candidate to form dark matter, strangelets, toplets and top stars, aka black holes).
And if a boson particle exists in that range it discharges:
– Supersymetry (out: zero particles of all of them found)
– Higgs mechanism (out: this particle has nothing to do with the HIggs)
– Technicolor (this was my favorite of the standard model, but unless the bump is background or a virtual resonance of top-related events, it needs no further field.)
– A Sheet of light space-time, our quantum with max. C speed-distance-size level. Where the Photon is the boson, or ‘substance’ of the space-time we live and according to the duality of energy and information of all systems of the Universe appears either in its energetic, extended, distance-speed form (as a light beam) or as an informative coiled form, as a photon.
– A Sheet of space-time at cosmological >c speed-distance-size level, the dark matter scale, with a Goldstone as the boson, ‘substance’ which through the triad, W->Z->H, ‘breaks the symmetry’ of our space-time and transfers its momentum in the fomr of mass to those Heavier quarks in which those
heavy bosons decay.
 Where the electroweak force is simply the informative/temporal/transformative force that transforms our bosonic membrane of photons into the bosonic membrane of W-Z-H (a temporal form, that lasts longer in time and has no spatial range, according to the inverted laws of fractal time-space.)
Simple, elegant, beautiful but dangerous since if that one is truth, now CERN is going to make thousands of them when it upgrades at 14 TEv; till their decaying tops, bottoms and strange quarks condensate into strangelet, bottomlet or toplet condensates.

2. Unfortunately, we live in an age of ego trips, based in human authority not in objective laws of science, as if humans have forgotten that ‘who matters nothing in science’, it is all what, how and why.

Now for those who think I am here in egotrip too just with a ‘mass theory’ to sell (-;,
I am sorry but that is not the case.
Within the context of my work in the 5th dimension and the General Systems of the Universe, the understanding of masses and charges as the simplest clocks of time and information of the Universe is indeed an important result but it is not the most important discovery of those new disciplines – physicists have always as prima donnas of the weapons industry – hence the scientists most liked and invested by power – thought their discoveries and species are ‘the most important’ of the Universe. This is not truth.
What truly matters for further advancement of science is the understanding of the duality of energy and information, of motion and form, and how they create all the scales, entities, events and forms of reality.
And this requires to evolve the ‘real’ foundations of science, which is not physics, but logic, the language of time, and geometry, the language of space.
So for example, it matters far more than the new understanding of the informative, clock-meaning of masses and charges the discovery I did of the 4 Non-Euclidean Postulates of Geometry that complete the discovery of the 5th postulate of Non-Eucidean Geometry, in order to evolve mathematics and harmonize its geometrical laws with those of the fractal, discontinuous space-time we live in (astonishingly enough for 150 years mathematicians had changed the 5th postulate of geometry, without realizing that if points could have infinite parallels, they CANNOT be euclidean points ‘without breath’, and so those 4 other postulates needed to be changed).
Physics is just a mathematical explanation of smallish, and biggish, simple forms far away from human perception. Its laws though require still today the evolution of mathematics and logic, to the ternary logic of a Universe of multiple arrows of time, energy, information, past and future dimensions of time and its infinite present combinations that we perceive…
And so it matters more to understand the duality of ‘time logic’ as both, entropy-energy-motion and information-order-dimensional form co-exist in the creation of the space-time cycles and events of the Universe.
The discoveries obtained from such advances are far more important than those done in physics today by this or any other author. For example, from the duality of logic, as all systems are complementary systems made of ‘physical particles/biological heads that gauge information’ and ‘physical fields/biological bodies’ that process energy, we can easily explain  the ‘reasons’ of the life-death cycle of all systems , which is caused by the ‘switching’ in all systems between the arrows of information that creates life, as ‘young, gaseous energy’ is wrinkled into form (E->I) till the 3rd age of ‘solid information’ when time switches and the arrows of energy that erase information in the moment of death – either in big-bangs that erase the information of masses reconverted into pure energy or in the collapse of the nervous network that releases the cells.
We shall not overextend about my work outside the realm of physics in those posts, though it is needed from time to time to remind the reader that those ad hominem campaigns against opposers to CERN are just part of the strategy big companies implement to avoid criticism. On the contrary, the people who sued CERN did so out of a higher ethical and intellectual standard that those who ‘know’ and say nothing, precisely because we are pioneers of XXI century science and fill obliged to ‘enlighten’ mankind on dangers old and renewed, regardless of the consequences for our careers. It is a Kantian ‘moral imperative’, a burden that obliges.
And certainly it does not matter how long it takes mankind to upgrade their scientific understanding of those terms – mankind will, if it survives CERN upgrade their mind, because science always imposes its truths over power and ‘those who impose truth with power are the laughs of the Gods’ (Einstein). Paraphrasing Lincoln, ‘you can cheat all the people for a short time, some people all the time, but you cannot cheat all the people all the time’. And you cannot cheat scientists for very long. Indeed, as today, Mr. Hawking’s blatant counterscientific musings have not earned him a position in serious lists of the most respected physicists of the XX century (for example this paper on the top 40 ones fails to mention him or Mr. Higgs for that matter).

In that regard, what we face at CERN is not only an existential problem but an intellectual problem: quantum physicists work with a single arrow of entropy=energy, ignoring all about the sciences of information and the meaning of masses as information, forms, dimensional form; and are halting the development of true science, using the methods of religions and the military to impose their false ideologies of the Universe – censorship, bullying, money and political power. But they cannot censor, paraphrasing Einstein, ‘the thoughts of God’, the laws of the Universe, and the consequences of creating the most powerful, attractive vortices of mass of the Universe on planet Earth´, will be on his words ´the laugh of the Gods. For imposing truth with power´.

But children cannot even understand death and they fear and reject bad news. Death being half of the Universe is so common precisely because people DO NOT THINK of it. They die for sheer ignorance and downplaying of the risks involved. And they die ALL the time.  The problem is the Universe doesn’t need or care for man. But children have invented all type of musings, scientific and religious to think we matter.
And part of it are all those pumping prizes, genius rhetorics and self’entitlements of a species which is so low in true ethics and true intelligence that its theories of reality are doodles in the sand, seeing from the slightly advantage point of view, i can offer from the perspective of XXI c science (nt.2).
All what I know is that the laws of the Universe take primacy over man, and this neither prophets and scientists of lately it seems, they understand.This is the absolute unimportance, ridicule nature of the human lot. Humans are subjective, selfish, childish not very intelligent, unethical. So they do not grasp reality easily, which is objective, selfless, mature, intelligent and yes, ethical, just based in action reaction and balanced process.
So humans, confronted with a world far superior to their faulty existence prefer instead to imagine fantastic complicated self serving theories to explain reality. Then it is all a job for rhetoricians – their ego makes them feel they are geniuses because they have – so they think – discovered the meaning of it all. Me, i and myself, Mr. Higgs, Mr. Hawking, Mr. Einstein or Mr. Sancho, you name us… We are all feeling so clever… But reality does not seem to conform to our musings. This we know. Every year new phenomena surprises us. Now, here is where the scientific method, and its objective methods kick in to assess risks and give probabilities of truth to certain theories.
And this is where CERN and the physicists community at large has broken all the basic laws of scientific ethic, accepting 2 blatant lies according to the methods of finding truth of the scientific method – that black holes evaporate and the Higgs gives mass to particles, a faulty experiment, the finding of the Higgs,and put all the wrong symbols of truth, prizes, propaganda, p.r.ess to make us belief all that is truth.
The issue is not therefore the truth of Einstein’s upgraded theory on mass and its vortices of information that sooner or latter will receive due attention or those of Hawking and Mr. Higgs that will be properly valued once the industrial-military complex no longer needs them by the methods of truth of science. The issue now and here is our survival – the fact that scientists are humans and must be bond by ethical, survival reasons and respect the rights to true information and life of those who pay their research. It is the absolute madness and stupidity of risking the life of the species for theory – even if it were sound theory – what makes so bizarre the unchallenged experiments taken place at CERN.
So now after this Nobel prize, we can die for a ridiculous theory of reality, comforted by the ‘belief’ the P.R. system of prizes and self-pumping applause make us righteous.
Since what it is real is the awesome power of the LHC machine to reach overloads of energy that can blow the planet. What is real is the capacity of humans to assembly machines.
What is real is the capacity of physicists to make bombs NOT their capacity to explain reality better than the rest of sciences do.
In fact, as we show in many parts of this blog, physicists are no longer the avant-garde of science, since the apparition of fractal mathematics, theory of information and system sciences that explains reality with both arrows of time energy and information – which physicists obsessed with motion, weapons and lineal speeds have never understood. We, philosophers of science trying to fusion biology and information with physics and energy and its laws, are the avant garde of science along with logicians and mathematicians, as it has always been.
We are dying for nothing.
Yes, i am sorry if we die, it would be NOT for some meaningful heroic rhetoric quest. Death and genocide have never had any heroic reason. They are dumb actions, abominations which can never be justified except by damned lies and statistics. We will die as absolute idiots proving only the absurdity and null importance of mankind in the big symphony of the Universe, indeed ‘just a mush over a lost rock in a corner of the cosmos’ (Schopenhauer), who died in the most pathetic manner without any attempt to self-defence, cheated by a pair of retarded, old cranks. To accept that and deal with it honestly both from a philosophical and scientific point of view is the reasons are write this therapeutical blog.

Conclusion. The Higgs and the membrane of dark matter.

The discovery of the Higgs or any other Goldstone boson opens the door to the membrane of ultra-heavy quarks of dark matter, only serious candidate remaining to explain the nature of the Dark World that controls and feeds on ordinary matter in the galactic scale, once SUSY theories have been discharged.

It couldn’t be otherwise. Since the ‘Universe is simple but not malicious’ (Einstein). And so all particles that exist must have a role in that efficient Universe. According to such Occam’s Principle, heavy quarks must have a key role, which cannot be any other but being the components of that all pervading dark, heavy mass world.

In such a Universe teaming with quark condensates, strange and top quark stars, black holes and dark energy, a key factor are the doors that transform the matter of our light Universe into the dominating, 96% of dark matter. Those doors are heavy bosons called generically Goldstone bosons.

Thus, the Higgs is just one of those bosons that transforms our membrane of light matter into the dark matter membrane of heavy quark particles, top quarks, strange quarks and bottom quarks  in which it decays.

And if produced in enough numbers it might condensate into an explosive, quark liquid, either a strangelet or toplet that starts the chain reaction we fear can annihilate the world (ice-9 reaction that will convert us into a strange star and gas-9 reaction that will make us into a black hole or toplet star…

In that regard, the Higgs is not the essential particle which explains the mass of all other particles of the Universe (this job is well done by Einstein’s General Relativity and its modern extensions) but just one that ‘transforms us’ into heavy quark masses. And this is the essential lie, today masterminded by CERN, in the past by the lobbyists of the Nuclear Industry, (Mr. Lederman) who have exaggerated the role of the Higgs to obtain fundings for this machine. Now, of course, when the funding is obtained, CERN starts to recognize this fact, as it does in its last ATLAS report, in which it says:

 IntroductionThe Standard Model (SM) of particle physics [1–4] has been tested by many experiments over the last four decades and has been shown to successfully describe high energy particle interactions. However, the mecha- nism that breaks electroweak symmetry in the SM has not been verified experimentally. This mechanism [5– 10], which gives mass to massive elementary particles, implies the existence of a scalar particle, the SM Higgs boson.’

Thus for the first time in a decade, when all is sold and sanctified CERN recognizes what we have been explaining for a decade: that the Higgs just kills our matter (breaks its symmetry) converting us in massive elementary particles (hence giving them mass), as a transformative state. But it does NOT give mass to particles, as mass is NOT given by an external agent, but a natural condition of any Einsteinian vortex of space-time that attract other particles as hurricanes do, dragging them as part of the space-time flow they absorb. So in this post we shall explain also Einstein’s mass theory and reveal what truly the Higgs implies for mankind – the opening of the dark world of heavy masses which feed on our universe.

Of course, that research entices nuclear physicists so much, that they disregard the surrealist, obvious danger of mass-producing them in our ‘light’ environment – short of creating a Jurassic Park for dark matter particles, here on Earth, to study the ways these lethal virus-like ‘particles’ can kill us, ‘breaking our symmetry’. This again should not surprise the reader if he is aware that Nuclear Physicists have been living with the Fermi Paradox – their responsibility in the future holocaust of the human species – quite comfortably during the entire cold war. So our collective dismissal for them is ‘business as usual’. Another matter though is the attitude of politicians, judges and the P.R.ess who as usual prefer to look to other side and let genocides happen, as long as they are not they are not their direct responsibility and some ‘expert’ is handy to justify it.


Update, 4th July 2012.

 After the discovery of a Goldstone boson that might be a Higgs, we have opened the door to the dark world, whose strongest candidates today, as SUSY has been discharged, are the known known, extra-heavy quarks, which if produced in great numbers will condensate into strangelets and maybe black holes (likely to be top quark stars).

We are now going to mass-produce Goldstone bosons of high energy/mass that decay into strange, top and bottom quarks, called in liquid, explosive form, strangelets, toplets and bottomlets quark-explosives.

Those substances described in the graph, can become mass-bombs able to feed and transform the entire planet into a quark star. We are thus closer to a negative scenario when the production of Higgs resumes in 2015 at an industrial scale. Then, the chances that the particles in which Goldstone bosons transform our electromagnetic, ‘weak symmetry’ world, Top, Bottom, and Strange quarks are produced in enough quantities to condensate into a dark matter liquid explosive will be according to the Totalitarian Law of physics (all compounds that are not ruled out by the laws of physics ‘will happen’) almost ‘certain’.

Finally, we do not see Higgs bosons but its decaying particles, heavy top and bottom quarks and antiquarks that in huge numbers as they will be produced after 2015, will attract each other and condensate into explosive strangelet, toplet or bottomlet liquids, the known-candidates, responsible for the explosions of Novas, Supernovas and quasars.

In that regard, it must be said that this expensive and dangerous tune up is unneeded to explore the Higgs candidate, as we have found it at low energies/masses. So with the present regime of low risk energies, all its properties could be researched. But that won’t change the policy of CERN, since it would mean to accept the existence of those risks, which the company adamantly rejects against the known-known laws of science. Ultimately CERN, as all ‘modern corporations’, never accepts a wrong-doing, always uses a corporative, P.R. Walt Disney type of ‘newspeak’; and so its routine and the need for jobs and future budgets for new accelerators makes unavoidable the upgrade and on the long term perhaps our dismissal by the paradigmatic mad scientist – the nuclear ‘researcher’…

We would wish and have fought for a different future, but the determinism of humanity to ‘go to the end’, on this issue of finding a quite irrelevant particle ‘whatever it takes’, seems to make Mr. Fromm’s statement the destiny of our civilization:

‘Technological civilization is programmed by the principle that something ought to be done because it is technologically possible. If it is possible to build nuclear weapons, they must be built, even if they might destroy us all. Once this principle is accepted, humanist Values (something has to be done because it is needed by man) are dethroned and technological development becomes the foundation of ethics.’

Yet of course ethics deals with survival, the preservation of life. So technological ethics deal with the survival of machines and weapons whatever they do to mankind. And certainly CERN’s LHC seems determined to survive till it accomplish the Fermi Paradox, whatever its collateral damage to mankind is.

Its money-hungry industries and Nobel-hungry physicists will also validate the Merchant of Death’s proposal to end all wars with the peace… of Nirvana: ‘My factories will put an end to war sooner than your congresses: on the day [my weapons] can annihilate armies in a second…” 

Mr. Nobel’s justification of its factories of weapons was latter picked up by physicists during the Nuclear race, and renamed the M.A.D. strategy (Mutual Assured Destruction). It was then when accelerators were discovered to research the Atomic and Hydrogen bomb. In fact the first Atomic bomb was an accelerator design, but the unpractical construction of one accelerator, too heavy to fly over Japan scrapped those plans and the machine became the fundamental tool of research of new weapons, in a race between Russia and the US, disguised with a new jargon of ‘Nuclear Physics’ and the ‘search for new particles’ as the ‘Saint Grail’ of knowledge.

This secondary role became the best propaganda for them after the end of the cold war when funding dragged for the Super-Collider, once the ‘red scare’ diminished. It was then when the bright idea of pumping up the Higgs – just the 3rd boson that kills our matter as the Z and W boson do, but NOT the particle that creates mass – into transcendental meaning became the alibi for further funding of this prop of the Nuclear Industry.

Since if the stakes were so high (our annihilation and 13 billion $ of tax payer money) the purpose must be even higher – the finding of the meaning of God, Man and the Universe. And it worked.

So M.A.D. has become now a reality with this new icon of our civilization, the ultimate weapon, but of course in the age of Orwellian Newspeaks, where we don’t go to war but send ‘peace missions’, we are also researching the 3rd horizon of Nuclear weapons, Mass-bombs for peaceful research. Newspeaks change adapting themselves to the Zeitgeist of each age. What does not seem to change is the purpose of our ‘technological civilization’…

If so the resolution of the long standing Fermi Paradox – why despite the abundance of planets there are no signs of intelligent radio-signals or robotic civilizations in the Universe, only the rhythmic tam-tams of pulsars (strangelet stars) and black holes (quite possible toplet stars) – will give reason to the cynical Mr. Fermi, who affirmed nuclear physicists blow up all those planets before they reach interstellar travel or A.I. substitute us – making us into yet another tam-tam strangelet or toplet star. It will also confirm, Mr. Smolin’s theory of a Universe that evolves black holes NOT human beings, though quite in a different way.

(Of course if you are a ‘believer’ on G. Bush, a God Bush of the bronze age, you can always think on the anthropic principle so many ‘serious’ physicists sponsor: namely that we are the ‘chosen’ unique intelligent species of the Universe, designed to host us (-; and so we shall not only find God’s particle but she will rapture us into heavens )-: 0-:  To each one its Karma.


update.  November, 2013 Nobel prize

And so the time came for the P.R.ess to announce the Nobel Prize of Physics to Mr, Higgs…
The price is not yet for Mr. Hawking. This is in fact an impossible event, as if black holes are produced at CERN they will not evaporate.  They will evaporate us and kill mankind as they grow in size and feed on our weaker matter. So if micro-black holes exist we will die instantly and Hawking will not have time to get the Nobel. And if they do not exist, there will never be a proof of evaporation and Hawking won’t get the Nobel prize either. He will though endanger mankind as long as he covers up what he knows: that he is endangering the life of 7 billion human beings for personal ambition.
Mr. Higgs also endangered the life of all of us, but he was more discreet – beyond a rif-raff with Hawking in which each one accuse the other of not being good enough to receive the prize (- the bet came nicely and now it is the time for rewards. It did not surprise me at all. We all now that if you murder a person you are a criminal, if you commit genocide you are a national war hero. So now Mr. Higgs is the hero of the Nuclear Industry.
The Saint Nobel of the Dynamite works hand in hand with big science, with technological and industrial Physics and more and more its prizes are given to technocrats and instruments of science that help to find little details of the standard model, not to r=evolutionary physicists and even less to ‘humanist’, peaceful ones who care for physics as a form of knowledge not a form of material gain or technological advancement.
Of course, it is all part of the surrealist nature of our technological civilization, defined by Mr. Fromm: ‘if a machine can be done it will be done, even if it can destroy us all – this is the ethics of a technological civilization’.
I said this because now the LHC’s reason of existence are even thinner. The Higgs is found, so why we must upgrade it to twice its power to enter the range of real dangers for human extinction? For no reason at all, only because we can do so. Because men do not think, they act, they build, they assembly machines and then they think what they are, what they mean. Men made steam machines and it took them 100 years to build up and wrongly a theory of heat and thermodynamics to explain heat.
There is of course the exception, the Einsteins and Leibnizs that think first and act latter. But those are not likely candidates for Saint Nobels of the Dynamite, reason why it took 20 years for Einstein  to get the prize and one year when he was the only candidate the prize was desert not to give it to him, a pacifist who made ‘thought experiments’, and who is the real author of a serious theory of ‘mass’, not Mr. Higgs. And this is the reason why must comment in this upgraded post on the Nobel prize to Mr. Higgs.
Now the Higgs particle probably do exist, even though the proofs are so far scanty, as we explain in the article specific to the Higgs particle. But he DOES NOT GIVE MASS TO PARTICLES.
It is just a boson, on the ‘next fractal scale’ of the family of mass of the Universe (the top quark family of bosons and fermions). And as such it is involved in transformations of lighter quarks into heavier quarks and in top antitop quark reactions, a very limited role in the world of physics, which was pumped up to collective hysteria to obtain huge resources from clueless politicians as the particle of God and the particle that explained mass, when the real use of those accelerators, to research for more powerful nuclear bombs, diminished after the end of the cold war.
This must be clear: the Higgs hoax consists on using a secondary particle, the Higgs boson, to explain an intrinsic property of physical systems, mass, perfectly explained by Einstein’s Principle of Equivalence between mass and acceleration.

Mass is the attractive, in/forming force of the Universe; and it is merely the last, accelerated, curved motion of the gravitational force. This was explained by Einstein with his principle of equivalence between acceleration and mass/gravitation. Initially, due to the ‘mirage’ of materialism, physicists thought the principle only applied to the external, curving vortex of gravitational forces that sunk into the mass. But the mass as a solid substance was never found and all pictures have seen merely vortices of curved motions.

Now we can explain all this and take further, conceptually and mathematically the discoveries of Einstein, thanks to the advances of complexity.

In the graph and video we explain and update Mr. Einstein’s sound theory of mass according to his Principle of Equivalence between mass and acceleration:
A mass is an accelerated vortex of gravitational forces that attracts as a hurricane does, all what is flowing in the gravitational membrane. Hence intrinsic to that vortex-mass of gravitation.
As such a mass is the smallest clock of time, which cycles and carries the information of the Universe in the frequency of its twist.
For the same reason, a charge is an accelerated vortex of electromagnetic forces, which attracts all what flows in the electromagnetic membrane.
And so this writer put forward in the 90s in the milieu of systems sciences a simple model of masses and charges, unified by simple fractal equations, as two membranes of a scalar fractal Universe in which ‘particles of temporal information’, masses and charges, and forces of lineal energy, gravitational and light forces constantly interacted as the two ‘informative/temporal’ and energetic/spatial motions/forms of the Universe:
E(spatial, lineal energetic forces) < => I (particles, clocks,vortices of temporal information)
We study in depth such a model in our articles on mass and the Unification equation.  A similar model was put forward also by Mr. Wilczek in the 90s, using also the frequency of a mass vortex to calculate accurately the mass of several quarks -something Mr. Higgs has never done, as it has never explained how  particles acquire mass from the Higgs, not why each mass has the value it has, as Mr. Wilczek and this author’s model have done.
What to make of this? There are two theories of mass out there.
The one first brought about by Mr. Einstein, sound, logically and physically consistent, further evolved by wilczek in quantum physics and this author in the world of systems sciences and theory of information. In that model we define masses and charges as the clocks of time that carry the information of the Universe in the frequency of its eddies, which attract the flow of gravitational or electromagnetic forces and the particles ‘floating’ on it; and hence attract more the faster they turn, as experiments show – being the black hole that turns at c-speed in its event horizon the most attractive eddie of mass in the Universe, and the electron which turns slower, the lighter and those eddies that never close a cycle as light and gravitation does, massless bosons.
The model is sound, it predicts accurately the masses of all particles. It solves the Information Paradox. It simplifies enormously our understanding of mass, particles, information, entropy and explains a myriad of scientific facts. It even unifies the equations of electromagnetism and gravitation,
In brief it is all what physicists have been waiting since Mr. Einstein’s incomplete work on gravitation and mass. And yet nobody cares. Even Mr. Wilczek after some protests received a Nobel Prize and abandoned his theory, grudgingly accepting Higgs. (nt,2)
So we have on the other hand the Higgs, which nobody knows how it gives mass, neither how it gives different masses to different particles, a theory of mass that is blatantly false, illogic and experimentally unsound, but it has allowed the construction of a 13 billion $ machine.
And so IT MUST BE TRUTH, according to the aforementioned Fromm’s  ‘Ethic Principle of a technological civilization’: Since we can make the LHC therefore we must construct a machine that can destroy us all, specially in technological civilizations that lack ‘humanist ethics’, a collateral damage they purposely ignore. Mr. Nobel invented chemical explosives and personal mines. And CERN the ultimate weapon.
And now after receiving the Saint Nobel Prize of Physics CERN’s views in physics are instant canonical, dogmatic truths. Even if every serious physicists knows Higgs boson does not give mass to electrons and every particle of the universe. It is just one of those things we must believe by decree.



Graph 1

On the graph, from CERN’s site, the existence of a statistical bump in the production of photon couples around 125 Gv,  means there might be a particle with that mass desintegrating on that zoneBecause Higgs equations do not specify the mass of the Higgs boson. Ergo any new particle could be a Higgs boson as we don’t know its mass. But what we know is that the esoteric Higgs mechanism to give masses to other particles, whose equations predict that as the Higgs interacts with those other particles, the boson’s mass fluctuates wildly, have NOT been met. If that particle exists is not fluctuating, ergo it is a proof OF THE NON-EXISTENCE of the Higgs Mechanism and reinforces the view of this researcher and others working on the extension of Einstein’s Principle of equivalence to explain mass that mass MUST BE described with the tools of gravity and Einstein’s work NOT with the quantum alternative presented by Higgs.

So the Higgs is still missing. All what really was found is a bump in the production of pairs of photons, the commonest reaction of the Universe. Thus to ascribe those photons to the desintegration of a specific particle, the Higgs is a wrong logical conclusion, as a pair of photons is NOT an EXCLUSIVE signature of the Higgs. Further more, the specific signatures of the Higgs, the decay of our matter into heavy quarks of the ‘dark world’, top-antitop and bottom-antibottom particles was negative, meaning in fact LESS reactions than expected took place. So what was found? Maybe, the existence of a much more generic type of particles called aproppiately ‘goldstone bosons’, since their ‘magic transformation into Higgs’ will report a pot of gold to CERN (-;

Indeed, once more money wins over science and we falsify the laws of the scientific method and the stringent measures of truth that used to make science different from religion, politics and economics.

Today the need for the Higgs obviates that loop of scientific logic between the premise – there is a bump of photons – and the conclusion  – the Higgs among many other particles produced it, despite its specific signatures were not there. Interpretation once more is bend to the needs of the researcher, with the oldest trick of ‘relaxed scientific evidence’, bumpy logic. 

But this ambiguous ‘discovery’ paves the way for the money needed to upgrade the machine by 2015 for lead to lead collisions over 10 Tev. Then if strangelets exist their proof will not be a small bump but a big bang…

Indeed, what it has probably been found, a ‘goldstone boson is extremely dangerous. It is the door to the dark world of quark gluon explosives that can erase the smiley, which crossed my face when I read the ‘physics’ of this ‘discovery of the century’ )-:

Im sure all the bosses at CERN have now in their faces a big LOL for having cheated so easily the P.R. Press of not-so ‘expert’ scientific journalists, which once more have swallowed the pill – not to speak of the governments and public that will foot the bill of new waves of Goldstones, threatening to start in this planet a chain reaction of dark matter… )=;

Indeed, the most astounding fact of this conference is not the finding of a goldstone boson, door to the dark world of dark matter, black holes and big-bangs in the making but the 4th clear proof that CERN is NOT an idealist, serious scientific institution but a company of physics of the industrial-military complex, of the nuclear industry, with the same kind of cynicism about truth and wreckless behavior about risks that those industries show – witness the recent independent report at Fukushima. 

Indeed, CERN has first denied the fact that if Einstein is right and black holes are formed they will eat the Earth (first denial of truth); it affirmed the machine was safe and known, and within days of switching it, it blew up (second mishap); then it said, too early that Einstein was wrong and neutrinos were faster than light in its bid proper of all quantum physicists to ridicule the master of all themes about mass and gravitation from a quantum perspective, 3rd mishap; and now makes a mockery of the epistemological method and parameters of truth in physics to announce before enough data and signatures are found the particle that justifies the investment. 4 mishaps however have not casted the slightest doubt on this company which risks the life of all of us, or an independent analysis of the risks involved in the ‘adventure’ of entering the dark world of super-energies and super-masses, big-bangs and symmetry breaking (which merely means death of our matter).

That is the collective responsibility of mass-media, which long became mere infotainment, in this affair. 

10th july, update. 

We were the first to uncover at cerntruth, the day of the conference that the data shown at CERN merely implied the possible existence of a goldstone boson, not the Higgs and his rather absurd theory of mass, but probably the sounder nambu-goldstone bosons of technicolor theory that produce the ‘death of our matter’ into dark matter (technically known as ‘breaking of symmetry’) in the process of predation of our light matter by heavy quarks, forming quark-gluon explosives, strangelets and black holes.

This week a paper has appeared at explaining the same fact, further proving that CERN behaves as a ‘corporation with P.R. strategies that care nothing for truth and risks. Now, I don’t pretend to be a better nuclear physicist than CERN is, (just a better ‘time theorist’ 🙂 so if I know, the bosses at CERN who gave that conference know they have not yet found the Higgs.

The only difference I believe between those who oppose CERN, who know-know and those who work there, the ‘expert Chenneys’ of the Military-Industrial Complex with their known-unknowns is a question of self-interest, their ‘known’ who fogs their reason.

What they know and care, a budget, the nuclear industry, the need for prizes, makes truth to bend and become unknown or as Nietzsche put it: ‘ The commonest lie is that which one lies to himself’.

Yet the more dangerous of all, and in this Dick was right, are the unknowns-unknowns of the dark world, which the gold stone, the philosophical chimera of ‘knowledge’ will bring here to transform us onto its go(l)d particle.  Since all these ‘golden stones’, mind the reader, are specific particles of a process called breaking the symmetry, which is basically a process of death of our matter ‘fed’ into the high density dark quarks through ‘weak currents’ mediated by those bosons.

This is really the meaning of the HIggs the Z and the W particle, the triad of massive particles, intermediate states between our light space and the quark mass in which we will become converted if finally in the study of the dark world CERN succeeds in creating enough H,Z,W decomposed into Top and bottom and strange quarks to form a strangelet or toplet star or black hole.

Update. 4th August.

Atlas now claims a 5.9 sigma in his finding of the Higgs. 2 precisions:

– CERN continues NOT to average to obtain their sigmas, all the channels of the Higgs boson, as it should, merely jacking up the ‘price’ of the channels that show more evidence (diphoton). This cheating trick is also common among economic ministers of certain countries that to hide inflation change the ‘weight’ of each product price in the total average, in favor of those products with lower inflation, as CERN changes the weight of each channel it averages in favor of those channels with higher production. But this is not how serious science is done. Present data still means merely there is likely a goldstone boson but NOT with the peculiar characteristics of the Higgs – a faulty theory that inflates what a Higgs does. So what we are likely to have is the first bosons of the ‘fractal scale’ of dark matter, likely to be made of quark-gluon explosive condensates.

– And this precision is important to understand what we, Relativists have been telling for decades, all along – that the predicted goldstone boson that opens the door to the dark matter membrane does not give mass to all particles, only to heavy quarks, transforming our light particles into them. This in fact is recognized for the first time in the Atlas experiment: ‘This (Higgs) mechanism [5– 10], which gives mass to massive elementary particles’…

We conclude that the importance of the Higgs for knowledge has been upgraded in the same proportion that its dangers have been degraded, according to the Corporative directives of this company and its Media Department, truly ‘expert’ in Orwellian Newspeaks:

Thus, guided by Higgsteria masterminded by the P.R.ess Office of CERN and the expected profits of the military-industrial complex that Nuclear Physics, even in its research arm, represents, mankind will ignore those risks, spend astronomical sums firing up the LHC at higher energies, and building new accelerators to mass-produce Higgs sub-products, H->T+S+B (toplet, strangelet, bottomlet liquids)… And so in a bizarre paradox we shall all risk our lives for the pleasures of studying an invisible entity which never manifests itself, but only shows in  a cascade of explosions that will ‘in crescendo’ excite physicists and quantum fluctuations till the dark world transforms us into itself.

And so instead of bizarre theories about the nature of all the matter of the Universe (the Higgs Mechanism in the P.R.ess version), the Occam’s principle has been imposed: the Higgs is a particle that kills and transforms our mass into dark matter, but it does not create mass, an intrinsic property of space-time, as Einstein wanted.

Since ‘ the Universe is simple but not malicious’. A. Einstein. And so we don’t need more particles than the ones we have (3 families of quarks of increasing mass and the different bosons of those membranes), extended in a series of fractal scales of space-time (the quark, inner atom scale; the external, quantum,  electro-magnetic, light scale, we inhabit and the bigger cosmic, gravitational scale of dark matter). In that increasingly proved fractal, dual scale Universe, certain doors, describe mathematically how matter and energy travels between scales. These doors are often vortices=particles of a certain membrane of space-time that act as bridges to the other membrane. Such is the case of black holes in the bigger scale and goldstone bosons in the lower scale, which transform our light matter into dark, heavy quarks…

Since indeed, the Higgs is just that virtual state of transformation of mass into heavy quarks, the ‘real’ entities, the goal of the process.  And so dark matter will with all probability be made of the known-known heavy quarks of the II and III family; of strangelets and toplet substances, of which strange stars, Novas and probably black holes are made of. Yet the problem of exploring those quark-gluon substances born out of the decay of weak force bosons (W, Z, H triad) in this planet, is that dark matter feeds and controls our matter ‘breaking its symetry’, and transforming electromagnetic energy into heavy quark masses, in a process described by Einstein, M=E/c2, and called a mass bomb. So the research and understanding on how our light, electromagnetic membrane ‘dies’ and evolves into dark matter is as absurd as a researcher enthusiastic about committing suicide, cutting his wrists, to explore the speed of the bleeding flow… Since a extinct physicist knows nothing, mankind would do better stopping the obsession of CERN physicists for the study of the weak currents of energy that those bosons transfer to the dark world, when they break=kill the symmetry of ours.


In graph 2, without the enhancement of the ‘mute CERN’s artist of graph 1’, that we print with permission of Mr. Penrose from heavy ion alert, it seems a new particle might lurk on the range of 125 Gev, unknown to this date (among other bumps, i,e, at 105 standing clearly also, when not highlighted by the red line drawn of CERN’s graphic ‘artists’  – a subtle subliminal message to make you feel in the graph 1 they handled to the press, that such data was specially important).
CERN considers this particle to be the Higgs but this is not fully proved, as the Higgs does not have any special mass and it is a boson. CERN acknowledge it does not know if this particle is a boson for certain and any mass could be attached to the Higgs (unknown parameter). So more data is needed. What we see there is a bump which is wide at 125, but also a bump in data background, which implies a higher background noise from other possible reactions. So we conclude that there are 3 fairly equal possibilities of finding at that spot a) background reaction that increased gamma radiation b) a couple of particles, a Higgs duplet or c) a Goldstone triplet used in processes of death of our matter (‘symmetry breaking’ in the scholar jargon) mediated by top quarks, without need of new, invisible fields.
A) The hypothesis of background requires a 3rd graph, which i didnt make erasing the red line and doing a wave-like line that would de facto joint all their points as they experimentally are.
Indeed, the 4th order polynomial is really a variational wave-like distribution that makes the peak even less remarkable. With a bit of imagination the reader can substitute the red line for a wave-like one and see how neatly the variation integrates on that wave. Then he can observe the enormous background radiation on those wave nodes, which make the bumpt statistically related to background events, not specific events of a ‘new’ particle.
B and C are a particle and so we can also consider them equally possible.
Now, if we have 3 possible outcomes of this experiment, background radiation, a Higgs doublet or a Goldstone-Nambu triplet, this is not a discovery but a 1/3rd probability, which is a sigma 0, in any serious scientific project, a non-discovery, only an announcement
But things get more juicy. Is this 126 mass an specific property of the Higgs, to justify maybe a better probability? Not at all. The theoretical Higgs if it exists, has an uncertain mass. Thus a new particle range always corresponds to the Higgs (since we do not know its mass). And what CERN has done is to consider that this MUST be the Higgs NOT any other thing.

Further on, as per Hauer’s conference CERN has neither proved this unknown particle is a boson.

And  Photons (we have only seen the decaying photons NOT the Higgs), can decay from many other particles. They are, conceded, often a signature of bosons, any of them, yet even so, it does not take us further than where we were: A) background B) Higgs C) Goldstone.

Conclusion the Higgs is not still found, by any of the minimal methods of veracity and truth, defined in serious scientific announcements, but the world has been convinced it is found. Because the world of media is infotainment. It is no longer serious, not even in an issue of this transcendental importance (not the Higgs but CERN and its machine). And so finally the ‘sheeple’, which believes the press has joined in.

And this is the most fascinating of all facts. How a pointless, ignorant mass of journalists, merely transcribing news have accepted with no criticism the discovery of the century (-;

The risks of golden stones: conversion of light matter into dark matter.
Now, if you are able to stop your naive beliefs in ‘big science’ as an idealist endeavor, and realize unlike our journalists, how CERN takes mankind for a ride, whenever it wants; in this post we shall consider not only this shaky ‘statistical lie’ but one which is at the core of the ride: the Higgs or any other goldstone boson does not give mass to our atoms and particles, it only devours them and gives mass to the quarks of the dark world.
And this is a whole difference respect to the ‘importance’ and risks of the Higgs.
That the Higgs gives mass to you and me is the ‘big lie for funding’ by cern, acting with corporative strategies not to the service of scientific truth.
That the Higgs or any other goldstone boson is a door to the dark world, which ‘transmutes’ as the philosophical, golden stone did, all what it touches into dark, heavy quarks into which it ‘decays’, killing our world, is the ‘biological’ truth that CERN and all physicists, in their ivory tower of abstract jargons, hide; so mankind is not aware of what really all that ‘breaking the symmetry’ jargon and ‘mass bosons’ mean:
CERN is a center of high energy research studying the range of energies in which our matter dies and decays, warping into heavy, massive bosons and quark condensates, the substance which implodes stars and galaxies into black holes, strangelets and quasars.
 So the dangers of this ‘travel’ to dark matter are the unknowns-knowns:
We know dark matter controls and feeds (transforms into itself), light matter, even if we do not know the details. But this ‘known’ has become an ‘unknown’ at CERN, which is a corporation that has a budget first and so lies out of its hat whenever it is needed, and then is a group of researchers on the roll pay – and not the other way around, as people and the center try to portray itself a group of ‘idealist’ geniuses searching for the meaning of it all. 
So now CERN doesn’t know officially dark matter eats our matter and breaking the symmetry; since this unknown-known is now the objective of CERN: to produce as many goldstone bosons and its decaying particles, strange and top quarks as possible for decades to come. And since knowledge is never satisfied, when it gives you new prices and new budgets, sooner or latter those bosons and quarks will condensate stabilize and start the chain reactions CERN considers an impossible ‘known’.

Fact is Goldstones break the symmetry = kill our matter and this is what CERN studies and this is dangerous and this should be explained in a layman jargon to politicians and the public, who find fascinating that ‘metaphysical symmetry’ talk but understand nothing of what really means.

This is truly the ultimate alibi of CERN or Wall Street, of Nuclear Physicists and Economists: people are more afraid of making fools of themselves, of suffering in their ego, than of death and poverty. So they take this kind of abuse from nuclear physicists as they take it from bankers, just because they use imposing jargons, ‘breaking the symmetry’, ‘collateral debt obligation’, instead of ‘killing matter’ and ‘toxic asset’.

And so with that seemingly powerless trick, c.d.o.s were sold and the need to risk the planet’s existence to study the death of our matter (how nuts this is), were hidden by the beautiful task of studying how ‘the symmetry of the electromagnetic world we live in’ is broken.

But of course the possible goldstone is for CERN, the horn of plenty, the perfect alibi for future funding. So we shall have Higgsterya for long.

The scientific method and its 3 tenants of truth: logic, mathematical and experimental consistency.

So how can we resolve what they have found? If we were to use NOT the ‘corporation’s method’, in this case CERN’s P.R.s doing their campaign to increase their ‘trademark’ and ‘sell’ to politicians the budget for its upgrade, but the experimental, scientific method and its 3 ‘tenants’ of truth, experimental evidence, mathematical consistency, and logic causality, we would come to a self-evident truth:

We have not found God’s particle, the Higgs, but a Goldstone, and no, this is not a silly game of words, but truly another type of particle called aproppiately the Goldstone boson by his discoverer, Jeffery Goldstone.

Let us explain ourselves as always in fractal scales of complexity. In brief. We have a sign, the Gamma ray photons that peaks up at 126 gigas. This means a particle might lurk there, any particle. We have negative signature for the Higgs specific decay reactions – meaning in layman jargon that many particles can become gamma ray photons, any bosons and some others, but certain reactions which were not found, are specific of the Higgs. Higgs decays into->Top plus antitop or Bottom plus antibottom or tau+antitau. And of those reactions in fact at 126 gigas less than expected (negative sigma probability) were found.

So now if I were a serious scientist I wouldnt call a conference for the entire world to affirm that I have discovered a Higgs. This is totally specific and could have only be claimed if the specific Higgs reactions of massive top quarks plus top antiquarks in which the Higgs alone explodes were found.

A serious scientist would have only said that a particle might have been found at 126 and it could be a boson because it had decay in a mode proper of bosons without charge. And this means it could be a family of bosons known for 50 years,  called Goldstone bosons, among which the Higgs is one but not the only one and certainly not the likely one by lack of its specific top-antitop decay signature.

Alas the conference should have merely declared that there was a probability of finding a particle, maybe a Goldstone boson, if we were not living in an age of pure corruption that now extends also to hard science, where a corporation which has stacked 10 billion $ budgets in finding a certain particle MUST – not may but MUST – find it. 

I’m not sure if I am explaining myself well because obviously I cannot use equations in a blog for scientists and ethical people, but not for physicists, so I will repeat like a mandala those basic ideas, as CERN repeats ad infinitum its dangerous experiments till instead of hitting a gold pot of the stone variety hit a black hole… So let us do a recap.

Recap. CERN might have found a particle, which has not the specific signature of the Higgs, as it did not increase the number of massive quarks created which is what the Higgs only does. It is therefore a possible particle. Because the photonic peak of desintegration tends to be caused by a boson, it might be a boson. This type of bosons are called Goldstone bosons. This is so far what CERN has found, a goldstone boson which due to the lack of signature specific of the Higgs, will likely not be the Higgs but other variety.

The G Particle right on the spot (-: I thereby nominate Mr. Goldstone for a Nobel prize.

The logic and mathematical method. Higgs doesn’t give mass to all particles; it just helps to kill our mass transformed into heavy quarks.

Now, the first leg of truth we need of the 3 ‘sustains’ of any event, THE EXPERIMENTAL METHOD, tells us that the particle found experimentally is probably a boson and likely not the Higgs – no specific signature.

The experimental method has failed and this means that without one of the 3 legs the ‘chair’ of truth will fall. But normally the experimental method fails in serious science, because the logic and mathematical method have failed somewhat. And given the astounding development of computers and hence of mathematical systems, it is normally the logic consistency of the system, which the researcher not the computer must provide ‘a priori’, before ‘doing mathematical physics’, what has failed here. So now we have to explore a bit why indeed the Higgs is not likely the goldstone we found as the specific ‘treat’ of the Higgs is to give masses to other particles. And this is absolute non sense when we apply seriously the logic and mathematical method to Mr. Higgs theory of a weak-force boson that exists only in the ‘border membrane’ between the light world and the dark world, giving mass to all the particles of our Universe.

If we strip the Higgs of that falsity however it becomes a more regular goldstone-type boson. And this is likely what we got. So let us imagine, when things calm down and more experiments are carried to the risk of our lives (if a B.Hole appears and Einstein is right this circus is over) that many more goldstones of whatever specific type are found, tabulated and proofs of their bosonic nature appear. This means a new particle related to the W and Z and electroweak forces is found, which should be called a goldstone boson, G.

This is what we have, the G particle not the Higgs.

And this is the likely answer by the scientific method because logically the Higgs does not give mass to all the other particles of the Universe; it is not the key element to explain the meaning of mass.

Then Mr. Goldstone as Mr. Nambu, the co-writer of his work, prior to the Higgs (merely a specific variety of the Goldstone boson that does very weird things according to Higgs that no other boson does, like giving mass to electrons, something which has never been even described properly in mathematical terms), would be Nobel candidate, and as Nambu, receive the Nobel prize for his work on the electroweak force and its breaking of the space-time of our Universe (the so called symmetry breaking which merely means our universe is broken and fed into the universe of dense masses, which of course we fear it will happen not only in a single goldstone boson but in enough quarks to blow up us all).

Of course, this would be science as it used to be done before the age of audiovisual celebrities, ‘big science budgets’, ‘damned lies and statistics’.

Penrose writes me in a private email that goldstone is ambiguous in his papers about the existence of the Higgs mechanism, latter explained in more detail,… no wonder why.

Indeed, even if the results are proved the goldstone boson we shall found it does not have the Higgs mechanism. It will not give mass to light particles that form our world, electrons and light-space, and light quarks, nor there is a single explanation on how it could do that, which is the fundamental ‘theoretical lie’ of CERN: to have blown up the importance of the Higgs, a particle related to the weak force as other heavy bosons, the Z and the W, but NOT the meaning or explanation of mass, provided by Einstein’s work on gravitation. In that sense, the H, properly called G will complete the triad, W, Z, G, of intermediate states that break the symmetry of our space-time membrane absorbing our energy and transforming it into heavier mass, to give birth by its final decay to the densest quarks of the Universe (b, T). A mass which enters the accelerator accumulates energy, and then E=Mc2, as that energy coils into a vortex of gravitational mass, through those transitional W, Z, G states ends up becoming a massive quark.

This is really what there is to the Higgs. And yet, because it was needed so much money and the idea of finding yet another particle of the zoo of nuclear physics, was not relevant enough (more or less it was like asking 10 billion $ to fund a project to find a new, wonderful ant that could explain the meaning of the Universe). It took a lot of chuptzah and ambition to take the bold step of rejecting the much more promising advances made by relativists on the steps of Einstein’s work and accepting the weird Higgs Mechanism to explain mass. And because you cannot force-feed science it simply doesn’t work.

This absurd affirmation- that the Higgs gives mass to all particles of the Universe – vehemently denied by those who follow Mr. Einstein’s work on the strong principle of equivalence is just another attempt as those Mr. Hawking with its evaporating black holes, to invade the territory of Relativity, Cosmology and gravitation, described by Einstein, with Quantum theories that are not fit to explain gravity. It is like explaining physics with biology or history with the Newtonian laws. It simply doesn’t work.

But power has expanded quantum theories into all those realms as power has expanded ‘monetary values’ to invade all ethic values. So now the ‘values’ and laws of quantum theory MUST explain also mass, regardless…

Again, of this, few are aware, as quantum physics represents 30% of the world GDP and Relativity 0%. So in terms of money, Relativistic research is not exactly in the same league. But that doesn’t mean Mr. Einstein’s cosmological discoveries are invalidated by money and the number of theorists of each discipline, which obviously will defend their point of view. Am I inventing a confabulation theory? Not, of course, apart from the one century old standing arguments of Einstein vs. Bohr, which has made Einstein’s work ‘fair game’ for quantum physicists, this bias must be explained with the simple facts of economics. There are two main branches of physics, relativity and quantum theory. Relativity deals with all things related to mass, gravitation and the cosmological, macroscopic scale of the fractal Universe. Quantum theory with all things related to electromagnetism, particles and other forces of the microscopic Universe. Both theories therefore relate to two different scales of space-time and in the fractal discontinuous space-time models which are slowly but steadily displacing the continuous, standard model expanding our concepts as nothing has done since Galileo, those scales are ‘self-similar’ (a fractal, systemic concept) not equal. So there is no quantum gravity, and so we give ‘to the Caesar what belongs to the Caesar’: gravity and mass belongs to Einstein.

No Higgs is required when we understand Einstein – a Goldstone maybe, for the limited work of converting us into dark matter.

In quantum physics the point of view is that forces are mediated by particles exchanged between fermions. But this applies to electromagnetic forces. Gravitation is an in/formative, one way only force. And so it is a vortex of space-time that attracts as hurricanes do, the faster it turns till the limit of rotational c-speed in black holes, the most attractive. In brief, mass is, an intrinsic property of a vortex of space-time.

The Higgs deals with the weak force at quantum scale if it exists, with roles similar to the Z and W bosons and so not the panacea of anything. Just another particle.  The jump needed to complete the standard model is the understanding of fractal scale time, not the attempts by quantum physicists of invading Einstein, following the one century old quarrels between Einstein and quantum physicists and specially the fact that 30% of the world GDP comes from quantum physics, as we are closer to that sclae than from relativity which deals with the Universe. So the overwhelming number of jobs and experts in the physics world are quantum theorists and they need to theorize and expand their field, taking over other fields.

So the conclusion is: Yes, a particle, the last boson of the triad of heavy bosons that transform ‘light’ matter into dense quarks has been found. No, it is not the God’s particle, and probably it will not end up being the Higgs but any of its predecessor theories (Nambu-Goldstone bosons) which completed the role of the W and Z particles in the ‘destruction of our mass’, reconverted in dark matter at the LHC. In that regard, its discovery merely is a new step in that steady and ultra-dangerous entrance into the dark world of ultra-heavy, maybe hyperluminal particles of dark energy and dark matter responsible for the death (symmetry breaking) of light matter.

Recap. Of all the different mathematical, self-similar theories that describe this ‘Goldstone boson’ (which was the real name, given also the ironic concept of a ‘gold stone’, that indeed converts stones in this case particles into pure gold for the researchers), the most interesting are Nambu’s work, since they describe most clearly the process of death of our matter and its transformation into heavier particles. So the particle will probably be, according to the laws of the scientific method a Goldstone-Nambu particle, G.

And that is extremely dangerous for us, one more step into the dark world of top predator matter that kill ours, breaking the symmetry (synonimous of death and transformation of our world of light space into dark mass.)

Since Goldstones of any variety, indeed transform all what they touch into dark matter, top-antitops, bottom-antibottoms, heavy quarks, the explosive substance of Novas and supernovas, black holes and strange stars, the most likely candidates to the 96% of dark mass, which dominates the Universe. Now we know there is one particle that can transform us into ‘them’, now we have the puzzled almost complete, now we have the boson of the dark world calling at our doors, and the purpose of cern will be from here onwards to produce enough Gs to populate the accelerator of tops and bottoms and strange quarks and charm quarks, the quark-gluon explosives that can destroy the Earth.

The dangers of Goldstones. The G completes the triad of bosons in which our matter decays.

In Nambu’s and self-similar formulations (technicolor, Top color, Higgless theories, etc.) you don’t need an invisible field that nobody observes, which breaks the main laws of epistemology (Occam’s razor, the Universe is simple and so the simplest explanation is truth), but merely the top quark, the top predator mass of the Universe, feeds on our mass breaking our symmetry and the process implies 3 intermediate states of that mass, as W, Z and G particles that live so little that cannot really be considered real but just virtual states of transition; as when water freezes and there is in between a state of water/ice. So when light matter becomes top quark dark matter it freezes into mass through those states.

In essence, you exist in a light-space Universe, made of electromagnetic and light particles (u-d quarks). This is the first family of mass. As always in the fractal Universe there are 3 families of ‘evolution’ of any system, which implies an increase of its information parameter. Those are the 3 ‘states’ of any ‘field of space-time’. And their reason of existence is simple. You live in a Universe of two parameters energy and in/form/ation, form, and so energy transforms into information and then when all is information, it explodes and dies.

For example, molecular matter is first energetic gas, then becomes balanced, exi, liquid and finally solid, informative, formal mass. And then the big-bang explosion of mass devolves it back into pure energy.

You live a young, energetic age, reproduce in your maturity your energy and information and then warp, become formed, informative in your 3rd age and then die in an explosion.

Well matter also has 3 families of increasing information till arriving to the top quark, which probably condensates stars into top quark stars, aka black holes of self-similar mass-density through a big-bang explosion of death of a star. And the transformations of states require to ‘break the symmetry’ of our matter and make it into W->Z->H which ‘decays’ into Top-antitop, or Bottom-antibottom quarks.

But the idea that those particles of a ‘different space-time membrane’ of higher density and energy and mass (the dark world of black holes and strange stars), also give mass to all the other particles of the Universe, including electrons, which are all over the Universe in the thin membrane of light-space, even without materializing (as nowhere in our light universe there are those energies), constantly is so aberrant than only the complete despise of one of the 3 foundations of the scientific method, experimental, logic and mathematical evidence, by modern physics can explain why people ‘believe’ this.

Indeed, mathematical consistency in this case exists in several theories. The Higgs is the less consistent, Nambu’s the more. So there is a possible 3rd heavy boson. Experimental evidence now is important, but CERN has falsified it to make it look like a HIggs. Indeed, of the 5 channels that desintegrate a Higgs, the 3 specific of the Higgs (transformation into top-antitop, bottom-antibottom or tau-antitau particles of heavy mass), have not occured, in fact they gave negative sigma values meaning that they found less reactions that expected on the specific signatures of the Higgs: – 2.5 for tau, – 2.3 for bottom and so those negative sigmas cancelled most of the positive sigmas and make the discovery NOT specially relevant to identify the particle precisely as the Higgs.

In that regard the corruption of truth by CERN, the lack of ethics of this company that endangers our life for nothing, the entire mindset of this company is much closer to that of the ‘experts’ in finances of Goldman than the idealistic myth those researchers have built around themselves. It is a new low in the nuclear industry’s trade mark mixture of arrogance, ignorance and cult to death. Those particles are about the death of our matter not the meaning of the Universe. And yet mankind needs a religion to die for, a goatkeeper’s god of the bronze age, a tribal nation that denies the unicity of the homo sapiens, or now a meaningless particle that only can bring the kindgom of Kali to the Earth…


Posted by on October 5, 2014 in News


Fukushima’s children

Pluto(nium), the manga character used in the 60s by the JAEA to advertise nuclear plants encourages a Japanese kid to drink irradiated water because it is ‘safe’. The newspeak of the French and Japanese industry at the head with US in the evolution and number of nuclear plants explains why accidents like Fukushima and perhaps CERN happen.

Newspeaks of course require censorship. And so as in the case of CERN, once the social alarm was not enough to steer the course of this tragedy and prompt action from political and social groups, a veil of censorship has fallen over Fukushima. To talk about Fukushima disaster in main stream press is forbidden, even liable, as CERN’s issue has become to the western press. It seems both ‘nuclear issues’ are ‘things of the past’, but of course they are not. The quark canon at CERN (no other technical name deserves the final ‘evolution’ of the Nuclear Weapon’s Industry) will double its potency in 2015, crossing the threshold of production of strangelets and maybe black holes, and Fukushima, as this excellent Fukushima diary explains, keeps provoking new deaths and pollution.

And yet our technological civilization has as single religion the machine, and so the ‘name of god’ cannot be spoken. CERN’s incoming genocide and Fukushima’s ongoing one are ‘taboos’. God must be respected. Indeed, the wider view – the religion of technology that cannot see the collateral effects that machines are having on this planet – is needed, given the degree of indoctrination of the human sheeple, who no longer understands and cheers the values of life.

1. Ongoing Fukushima Genocide: More info at Fukushima Diary.

2.  Relevant Updates:

June 2014. Children’s ‘future’ Genocide reported.


Some 39 months after the multiple explosions at Fukushima, thyroid cancer rates among nearby children have skyrocketed to more than forty times (40x) normal.

More than 48 percent of some 375,000 young people—nearly 200,000 kids—tested by the Fukushima Medical University near the smoldering reactors now suffer from pre-cancerous thyroid abnormalities, primarily nodules and cysts. The rate is accelerating.

More than 120 childhood cancers have been indicated where just three would be expected, says Joseph Mangano, executive director of the Radiation and Public Health Project.

The nuclear industry and its apologists continue to deny this public health tragedy. Some have actually asserted that “not one person” has been affected by Fukushima’s massive radiation releases, which for some isotopes exceed Hiroshima by a factor of nearly 30.

But the deadly epidemic at Fukushima is consistent with impacts suffered among children near the 1979 accident at Three Mile Island and the 1986 explosion at Chernobyl, as well as findings at other commercial reactors.

The likelihood that atomic power could cause such epidemics has been confirmed by the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission, which says that “an increase in the risk of childhood thyroid cancer” would accompany a reactor disaster.

UPDATE. Christmas. 2013

According to the Fukushima plant operator, Tokyo Electric Power Co (Tepco), dismantling the Fukushima Daiichi plant will require at least 12,000 workers just through 2015. The company and its subcontractors are already short of workers, however.

A reactor vessel at the unit six reactor building of Tokyo Electric Power Co. (AFP Photo / Recoquille Bression)A reactor vessel at the unit six reactor building of Tokyo Electric Power Co. (AFP Photo / Recoquille Bression)

While there are currently some 8,000 registered workers, there are 25 percent more openings for jobs at the Fukushima plant than applicants, according to government data. These gaps are often filled by the homeless and the unemployed, those who are down-and-out.
It was reported last month that among the homeless men employed cleaning up the stricken nuclear plant for less than minimum wage, there were also those brought in by Japan’s notorious Yakuza gangsters.

RT’s Aleksey Yaroshevsky caught up with an investigative journalist who went undercover at Fukushima, filming with a camera hidden in his watch. He said that when a certain construction project requires an immediate workforce in large numbers, Japanese bosses usually make a phone call to the Yakuza.

“This was the case with Fukushima: the government called Tepco to take urgent action, Tepco relayed it to their subcontractors and they, eventually, as they had a shortage of available workers, called the Yakuza for help,” Tomohiko Suzuki told RT in November.

Japanese police say that up to 50 Yakuza gangs with 1,050 members currently operate in Fukushima prefecture.

Earlier this year, the first arrests were made. One Yakuza was detained over claims he sent workers to the crippled Fukushima plant without a license. Yoshinori Arai took a cut of the workers’ wages, pocketing $60,000 in over two years.

It also emerged that many of the cleanup workers, who exposed themselves to large doses of radiation without even knowing it, were given no insurance for health risks, no radiation meters even.


Update, april 13.

Sometimes i wish i were wrong. Most of the times but once you have seen the monster you cannot forget or forgive him. Yesterday the government finally acknowledged, a month later that Fukushima is a 7 event like Chernobyl was, as we have said all along this month.

When asked why it did not say the truth earlier, it bluntly responded as if that answer was acceptable, that if it had said so, people and foreigners would have abandoned Japan – meaning people must sacrifice their lives for the well-being of Japan Inc.

Still, the recognition of the importance of the accident has not changed Tepco’s plans NOT to bury the plant, as we asked from the beginning, to limit radiation, but slowly piece by piece, with the sacrifice of more Japanese people, dismantle it in the future. Why? The answer lies to the south, in the river Ota. I went to the river Ota, once it was clear to me that Tokyo tech didn’t want the wisdom of organicism to build up a more just and humane society but to build up better robots. So armed with a cam, I took the bullet-train stop first in Kyoto and finally arrived to the city where all started. And the first surprise was the rebuilding of the entire city with only a small memorial building, a half-destroyed dome and a museum in the center. Why? The Japanese after the war did not want to recognize the disaster they have brought upon themselves; they did not change; the Americans didn’t want them to change, only in the surface, so they would keep producing the machines of the FMI system, now for their American masters. That was all the change required and Japan performed well. The Japanese nuclear agency even invented a nice little manga character, Pluto(nium), to advertise the new nuclear plants that soon will spring up all over their coasts, so the Japanese will drink the water of the nearby springs without fear of becoming irradiated. The irony of a nation victim of the nuclear bomb that makes an icon of the nuclear industry cannot be easily understood without the larger view of Japan Inc. and the Financial-Military-Industrial Complex which the Earth has become,

Fukushima like Hiroshima must not represent a change on the direction of Japan Inc. only a hiatus. So the plants cannot be buried, because they would become a memorial to the foolishness of man, as Chernobyl is. Hiroshima was rebuilt very fast so nobody would remember and Pluto the manga character, soon convinced children of the wisdom of making Nuclear Plants in the densest populated island of the world. Now Fukushima must also be buried in the memory of the Japanese people, and for that it must be buried on the colorful sands of Sendai.

And so the plants will keep radiating for months to come, as the slow, never tried process of dismantling a radiating molten core of uranium and plutonium, is performed for new victims of TEPCO.

But of course, by then, Fukushima da-ichi won’t be TEPCO. The powerful zaibatsu has played with its corrupted pawns, all those aggressive-passive politicians that have come with the ‘banksters’ solution once more: Tepco won’t be nationalized. Only the Fukushima plant will be taken from Tepco and nationalized so the company that broke all safety standards, and it is still killing unneeded and unknown numbers of human beings and life fauna, will not pay fines, will not compensate their victims; all the Japanese people will pay them with their taxes, so profits keep coming to Japan Inc. The Message is clear: pollute, murder, save money whenever you risk human lives. This is the Free Market, the FMI complex, and its citizens, corporations are not being bothered by some collateral damage on the human sheeple. We don’t count corpses. We count profits, and as the news were ‘sipped’ days before the announcement the market was already profiting. Tepco was back on the spot, up, up as new columns of smoke surged from plant one, and 6 earthquakes threw down to the floor the citizens of Japan.

Update, april, 7.

And so slowly we are ‘becoming trained’ to accept the unacceptable: Tokyo power throws tons of radioactive water to the sea. Radioactive cesium will accumulate on fish. The sushi market will plummet. Here, in California, sushi used to be my main staple. You can already notice a decrease of customers. Radiation levels outside the ‘evacuation zone’ have shown to be up to 10.000 times those permitted. The loss of land at the astounding prices of Japan in that area is such, that it will be soon repossessed. All this could have partially avoided with swift action to bury the reactors. But there is a hierarchical order in the pecking world of the financial-military-industrial complex in which we live. And Gaia and those humans that live on it – agricultural and fishing communities destroyed by the Tsunami and Fukushima come last. They are always sacrificed, have always been in Japan and the world at large, since mechanism and the cult to money, weapons and machines changed the future of mankind.

So nobody talks of burying the plants. An aftershock could break the water-filled containers. Till when?

Will mankind react on time to create a sustainable planet? Or will the Financial-Military-Industrial complex evolve till poisoning the planet beyond our survival? After 20 years of activism that is my take. Indeed, CERN is just the first singularity machine that can extinguish us – the cosmic bomb. The second singularity machine, researched in Tokyo Tech, Los Alamos, France, Venice and Korea – a self-reproductive bacteria of metal will be ready in a couple of decades. The main problem as today is resolve the ‘energy engine’ for such a small ‘metalife species’. The solution has been found recently: radioactive dust sprinkled over the body of the bacteria will allow it to take a constant flux of energy to start its reproduction. Within 3 months it will poison the planet’s atmosphere and the III Earth, after the age of anaerobic bacteria and aerobic bacteria (us) will be born. This is indeed, the meaning of a complex system: it evolves synchronously: robots and their future brain Internet and their future energy, solar cells; bacteria and their future energy, radiation; what doesn’t evolve any longer is life; it has never been the center of our mechanical world.

But of course, you don’t believe me. This looks like science fiction. We are humans. TEPCO is ran by humans. CERN is ran by humans. Fukushima is not Chernobyl, CERN is not a research center of the 3rd horizon of nuclear weapons. It is easier that way. You will be happy. Just in case though if you live 30 miles from Fukushima get away and don’t forget your dog, leave perhaps your Toyota, because you are being irradiated.


3. Original Post-In-Depth:

29 march, 2011. Fukushima, a new Chernobyl?

Even if the government lies to the people of Japan, with a 4 rating for the accident, the Fukushima plant is a Chernobyl event of another type: the number of reactors and spent fuel pools accumulate so much radioactive material that even if the amount of radiation released in the first days is smaller, given the fact that the Japanese government doesn’t want to leave a ‘memorial’ to the victims of the nuclear industry, it is to be expected that in the incoming months the plants will radiate a similar amount to that of Chernobyl. Fukushima should be buried, but TEPCO is trying to save it with absurd methods like throwing water from the air, which merely will damp the electric wiring and produce polluted water to be released in the anonymous ocean. All to prevent the creation of a ‘monument’ to the foolishness of man.

The reality of the children of Chernobyl contrasts clearly with the childish Pluto-nium manga that popularized Nuclear Plants in Japan or the rhetoric of God’s particle that makes possible CERN’s experiments with unpredictable consequences. Life is a weak proposition of light, fragile atoms but mechanist science has never counted the collateral damages of its techno-Utopian dreams.

Fukushima is doomed. Everyone who knows nuclear physics could tell it. Even those optimists who believe the script could see the images of the III reactor, buried in the ashes of the building. So there is only a solution – not to dump water from helicopters but to bury the reactor as the Russians did with Chernobyl, with sand, lead and cement, to stop the radiation that will affect thousands of ‘future victims’ with cancer, specially children affected of thyroid cancer. In Chernobyl 10 years latter there was a spike of 100.000 new victims of thyroidal cancer.

Fukushima regardless of what the Japanese government says with its ‘safety experts’ is a 7 event but that cannot be told, in the same way CERN cannot be denounced.

In Fukushima the profit of each machine is 10 billion $ a piece – the cost of each Nuclear plant; and the expendable elements are the workers and  the people the plants will irradiate, increasingly more, every day they are not covered, every day it is not recognized as a Chernobyl event.

The price could even be higher if Fukushima is recognized as a Chernobyl event, because the Nuclear Industry has been very successful re-making its marketing as no longer an industry of nuclear weapons, but of research (so CERN is not exploring the III horizon of nuclear weapons, strangelets and black holes, but researching the ‘big-bang’), and its plants are not the most  polluted and accident-prone systems of reproduction of energy for our machines but clean – they do not produce CO2.

France, the site of CERN and Japan, the site of Fukushima, are with the US, origin of this type of energy and quantitatively a much larger economy, the nations with more generation of nuclear energy. The result is that US, France and Japan  built a mystique around nuclear energy, which never  acknowledged the hidden truths – the military grandeur of the US and France, the Japanese racist outlook and distrust of the rest of mankind, which makes them prefer the risks of nuclear accidents to dependence from Arab nations, oil markets and Chinese solar panels. Those historic, economic and sociological elements must be explained to understand CERN and Fukushima and the propaganda built around them.

CERN is sold as a research institution, using the mystique built during the cold war era, in which to justify the enormous amount of money wasted in nukes and accelerators to research those bombs, the American sanctified what till then were just nuclear physicists studying a very limited range of nature – sub-atomic particles – as the ‘high priests’ of science that would reveal the meaning of it all. So accelerators were marketed not as what they truly were, instruments of military research, but as ‘seekers’ of the ‘ultimate particle’, now as ‘seekers’ of the particle of God.

Master Magician, Leo Lederman, the Jewish-American main lobbyist of the Industry of Accelerators, invented ‘God’s particle’ catchy newspeak for what Glashow had called ‘Weinberg’s toilet’, an absurd scalar boson that breaks all the laws of physics, has never been found and will never be found, but Leo needed a catchy name and a good excuse to convince fundamentalist Christian Mr. Reagan to fund the Texas super-collider and give jobs to the nuclear physicists in an economical downturn after the Three Miles accident and the diminution of the Industry of Hydrogen Bombs, which was long past its glorious days, when it consumed 13% of the electric energy of America.

Amazing as it sounds, the most sacred of all human religions, mechanism, the belief that machines are our destiny to which we shall sacrifice even our lives, still goes strong and so during the Fukushima accident not a single newspaper has argued about the safety standards of CERN and the ridicule particle that might blow us all.

When i was young people were not yet lobotomized by big brother smiley, damned lies and statistics; they had something much more precious than calculating skills, they had common sense.

This has been all lost to the ego-trip of mechanical power in which we are brought up. Marketing has become the more sophisticated science of the day. All can be sold says ‘Say’s law’, one of the pillars of capitalism, with the right propaganda, imprinted in the tabula rassas of our brains. In the Millikan experiments, humans were told to torture and murder with electric discharges people hidden across a room and 90% of randomly chosen people from the streets murdered the actors behind the screen, because a scientist was telling them so.

Once this is understood, you can understand why nuclear physics, from being just an industry of WMDs has become the saint grail that will solve the meaning of God and bring us clean energy with accelerators and plants, the two instruments invented to manufacture the nuclear bombs that are now in lesser demand (for short though, thanks to our insistence in ‘liberating’ countries that do not follow the libretto of capitalism, we can expect a new race arm, since obviously if you don’t have the nuke, our armies and NATO ill-informed geographers will liberate you – where is the Atlantic coast in Afghanistan, ts, ts, one error is OK, but where is the Atlantic coast in Libya  – I thought the military had good maps and gps 🙂

How the industries of weapons work is easy to understand if the emotional fog of propaganda didn’t disguise them. We sell weapons because we live in a ‘free market’, so there is no restriction whatsoever to lethal goods, weapons, nuclear plants, accelerators, as we impose in lethal biological goods (Aids virus cannot be manufactured), on account of our religions – nationalism and mechanism and capitalism. Weapons are the most expensive goods that make money.

This is the hidden reason. But nationalism is the emotional reason that convince, for example, the British that they have to cut health-care to renew the trident float of nuclear bombs, since perhaps the Americans? the French? – who else? – might start a war against Britain? Those billion $ are totally absurd, since Great Britain has enough nukes to retaliate against who? But the emotional discourse of Mr. Cameron convinced the people of Britain and was elected. Of course BAE, heir of vickers and Nobel industries is the biggest war company in the world. So BAE sells to any dictator who buys, and every 8 years we choose the worst, more criminal dictator, Saddam or Gaddafi to make a lesson, showcase our arsenals and NOT protect their people. Indeed, we left Saddam there in 1992 and didn’t arrive to Baghdad so we had a excuse for arsenal building. And now we have not parachuted day one 10.000 special troops in Tripoli, ending the war in 24 hours but only show-case and spend billions in air strikes while leaving snipers and mortars massacre people in Misurata for months. But people are lobotomized to such extreme by the visual, emotional big brother TVs of the Financial-Media-Military-Industrial complex (FMI-complex) that they believe we are actually saving Libyans. The same goes with nuclear plants, accelerators researching black holes, you name it. Those who are believers need a reason to feel optimist. Humans like to believe, the sheeple doesnt’ want to think, neither rebel, nor being told they are sheeple. So they believe CERN is safe when as today is still the biggest danger of extinction of life in this planet when in 2014 crosses the threshold of black hole production.

To the point, if the accelerators were sold by Leo to that luminary of western thinking, Mr. Reagan, nuclear plants soon found the perfect excuse: clean energy. And so the industrial plants that were needed to produce enriched uranium and plutonium to make the nuclear bomb became reconverted and marketed as ‘clean, cheap producers of electric energy’.

Suddenly, 2 military instruments, accelerators and nuclear plants became the Saint Grail of science and energy and the mystique that brings now Fukushima and in two years the ‘likely’ extinction of man by CERN, was put in place.

There are here at work several elements of the human ego-trip that conflict and cannot be reconciled.

– People don’t reason, they imprint their minds with beliefs, even if they internalize them and rationalize them. So when they memorize the Higgs, they just believe on it.

– The system chooses only those theories that back the creation of profits, the development of machines, the national goals of empire-building.

So the system ‘guides’ and ‘convinces’ people that the Higgs for example, is a better theory than the original theory of Einstein, of masses as vortices of space-time, which attract as hurricanes do, the faster they turn, so the black hole turning at c-speed is the most attractive form. This however closes the Industry of accelerators and so Nobel Prize Wilczek, this writer in the field of complexity and recently Sir Roger Penrose in his last book, time cycles, who have been sponsoring this concept despite its enormous  power to solve all questions of physics are ignored by mainstream science. The Higgs is false but is money. Einstein’s evolution by those 3 authors is knowledge but it is not profitable.

So it never comes out from the scholar circuit…

Because what is clear is that science is the religion of mankind, and without any self-criticism, scientists, especially those who create robots and nuclear weapons, will extinguish. And nobody cares within the rest of society, as long as profits keep coming. This myopic vision of mankind is now ‘structural’. The system has transferred to its automatisms and financial and industrial structures the lemming-like race of our species, and Fukushima and CERN are just the spearhead of that.  And as the speed of machines accelerates, humans become more and more an automaton of the process, with an ever more and more myopic view of all the complex systems that trap us into the 10th extinction cycle of life. Audiovisual machines meanwhile keep a rossy infantile fiction, an emotional ego-trip, a fog that extends to all social classes. And the sensation for those who still fight, is similar to that of the character of Matrix which looses his mouth in front of agent Smith, the same name of the lawyer for the government in our suits, the first ‘smith’, iron master, who imposed the power of weapons over the living organism of gaia, and has ever since worshipped metal more than life.

This magic mysticism built around the Nuclear Industry now reconverted with marketing for peace survived the cold war, as the industry had grown so large that it fed itself, but it has not changed the lethal nature of Nuclear Energy. So those who were making nuclear bombs in Russia became employees of CERN and with the awesome profits of its military contracts and cheap but risky energy, the nuclear industry marketed itself as the clean source of non-polluting gases and paid awesome amounts to the ‘global warming scare campaign’ to sell his plants. Now the nuclear industry was to discover the meaning of it all with the biggest bang for the buck ever achieved and it was going to save the Earth from the warmer summers that would come and release huge tracts of land in Russia and Canada for wheat supply.

Again, as in the case of Mr. Weinberg’s ‘(e)sc(h)atologic’ particle from toilet to God, the biggest menace for the environment became the liberating, cleanest energy that would save us all from ice-cream consumption on longer summer days.

Anti-truths and newspeaks – the zeitgeist of the day.

Goebbels’ the inventor of political marketing, an extremely intelligent guy who designed parades, uniforms and converted the svastika of Buddhism into the symbol of Nazism knew better. The brain is imprinted by memes and the best meme is the anti-truth: ‘the bigger the lie the most likely people will believe it’. Since the brain enters into a short-circuit when you change from truth to antitruth. So from God back to toilet is a difficult jump; and from clean energy to radiation even more. You have to see it happening with your own eyes, as it has been the case of Fukushima.

And so mankind will not believe the risks of CERN unless it kill us all and yet then it will be too late. God is after all the absolute truth, how can be God ‘Weinberg’s toilet’? (for the curious mind, the name was given by Sheldon because the particle was an ad hoc invention that broke all laws of science – bosons by definition cannot be scalar, without spin; it does also require a negative mass to exist; and a field that permeates the entire Universe never seen  – but it allowed Mr. Weinberg to solve some equations that didn’t match, and so instead of having common sense and consider that the equations were wrong, it brought the particle and the result was so ugly that Sheldon told him, it is like a toilet, you need it but you never show it to people, you keep it  closed in the closet; where indeed the Higgs should be store)… Ah, but since we never will find a false particle, we shall have always an excuse to build a stronger accelerator, spend more money and declare that we didn’t find the Higgs, because we needed more energy, till we indeed make a stable black hole that blows us all).

I am too cynical for your taste? Perhaps, but remember the British said truth has 4 levels, truth, irony, sarcasm and mordacity… When the obvious truth doesn’t penetrate the ‘believer’, one tends to go up the ladder of truths. Somehow they quench your angst.

Take this example of another anti-truth for the money: in the labor field we compete NOT with other humans but mainly with machines, blue collar robots and white collar PCs,  which are throwing us from jobs as they rise the ‘productivity’ of companies, but this is not told. We are the ‘people’, we are the ‘best’, we are ‘number ones’, we compete, we are the ‘productive people’. When a factory like a recent one created by Panasonic makes 1 million sets of TVs with a single operator, he is the superman that produces the 1 million machines not the robots.

So everybody thinks competition in economics is good because it improves the quality of our ‘supermen’.

Moreover, Darwin said that members of the same species must love each other because the species is what fights for survival. But this became the antitruth of social darwinism in politics (Nazism) and capitalism in economics: we must fight with the members of all other human groups for political and economical power because that is the law of Darwin.

The antitruth trick always works, and so Orwell took it to define ‘newspeak’, the ministry of war would be called the ministry of love. He missed but not so much, now it is called the ministry of defense. And the ministry of peace and human rights, which are the reasons why we bomb children with predators in Afghanistan. But nobody has masterminded the newspeak of death like CERN and the nuclear industry. Everybody jumped in the wagon. If you ask the people around, the biggest problem on Earth is NOT robotic weapons, stricken poverty, the end of democracies masterminded by an elite of financiers and credit agencies that tumble nations when they do not obey the laws of extreme capitalism – you don’t need to send CIA operatives anymore, Moody’s and Goldman can do it alone – witness Portugal, a nation which was healthier than England, but social-democrat.

Ah but you have that wonderful word: ‘democracy’, the government of the people, so you are safe, don’t worry be happy, you are the government, you put a paper in an urn every 4 years, so a guy that will never be accountable for his broken promises can go to the parliament and put his hand to corporations in the plutocratic world we live in. Since the politico’s and judiciary job is not so much to govern but as we learned in this case to act as placebos of social power, when basically once elected they must pander without the rights to print money (deficit zero laws) to corporations and bankers to whom they sell their laws. And so CERN has the European politicos on his side, as the flagship of multiple technological corporations and TEPCO has the government of Japan as its P.R.

TEPCO, a free citizen of Japan Inc.

I visit Japan and filmed the ceremony in honor of the lost souls of Hiroshima. I went to the museum and saw the suffering faces of those who still remember. But the government of Japan doesn’t seem to learn from its mistakes. All has changed to remain the same. In this excerpt from the film quantum roulette we show the beautiful ceremony and museum in honor of the victims of Hiroshima. But the past is easy to remember. What about the future victims of Fukushima?

So back to Japan and why TEPCO will delay for months the admission of this accident, provoking thousands of radiation victims: Tepco is just a citizen of the FMI system, whose purpose is to feed machines with electricity at the minimal cost and to that aim it ‘eliminates’ the human life cost. But all this is done with digital numbers so Tepco ‘human enzymen’ don’t suffer much doing it.

We, humans, are always a ‘cost’ for a corporation, which works with a ‘syntactic equation’ proper of the ‘values’ of money that exchanges humans for pieces of gold since the beginning of the FMI complex: man=price=object is the economical equations of all monetary transactions. Man has a price which is a salary and the salary is a negative price, a cost for the corporation.

On the other side there is the object which the company reproduces and has also a price, but a positive price, its sale is a profit for the corporation. So all corporations discount humans (today substituted by blue collar workers, called robots and white collar workers called PCs) and help their machines. And this is good, you are told by the ideologies of capitalism, mechanism and nationalism that make you a slave of the machines that substitute you, the money that enslave you for a price and the weapons that kill you cyclically in times of war when top predator machines consume humans instead of humans consuming machines. Now in times of peace nuclear weapons do not consume Japanese, Japanese consume the electricity of nuclear weapons… But things have not changed that much; only your brain is much better imprinted with the memes of the FMI complex. So you are happy. You are part of Japan Inc. look at those Toyotas, never mind you live in a place not much bigger and a Kobe filet mignon cost more than a computer. Resources must be spent in producing PCs not meat, electricity for machines, not sushi. This is progress. This is what you wish and want, little piece of the FMI complex and its most eastern part, Japan Inc.

I was in Japan giving lectures on complexity when I chaired ISSS Duality science (before the chair was canceled after suing CERN, but this another story). It was the Tokyo Technological Institute and I saw the Japanese of the post-war. They thought they had changed their national spirit because they have moved from doing weapons to doing machines, and they were advancing the robotic age. They didn’t realize they had not changed at all. They still worshiped machines more than life, only of a new kind.  And they were being sacrificed to and by their company-mothers. They had little rights. The old Zaibatsus existed in a disguised manner. Tokyo power had 40% of the electricity of the nation. Mitsubishi, Mitsui, Sumitomo now participated by the American plutocracy and divided in smaller corporations however worked together with a single obsession: to evolve the best machines.

And so the answer to the impossibility of Fukushima’s burial is obvious. Japan Inc. is competing with Korea and US and Germany for the top notch in the high priesthood of Nuclear industries, accelerators, techno-machines and could not recognize a mishappening of the size of Fukushima, and so the truth has to be buried, sacrificing future lives 10 days in the road, by denying the seriousness of the incident.

Fukushima must be ‘cured’ and the people around must die in 10 years from radiation, when nobody is on the news, so we ‘solve’ the little mishap and can carry the reproduction of new nuclear plants. This is a given, a non-spoken truth that will continue sending workers to radiation, maintain in the perimeter between 15 and 30 miles, half a million people exposed. It will radiate fish on the sea, which accumulate heavy metal in their organisms.

The press has already profited for the scary campaign and now it will appease the sheeple and convince them this was an accident. What the press has never said is that this was not an accident, the tsunami didn’t cripple the plants. The plants merely lost electricity for a few days, and without electricity a plant radiates, heats and explodes. So the accident is easy to repeat as earthquakes 9-scale, if CERN is not causing them, will not happen often but black outs, loss of electricity, might happen in a myriad of plants being built around the world. And that larger view is this one in a nutshell:

The humane Japan, once more sacrificed.

I was also in Sendai, a touristic zone for the connoisseur that wanted to flee the Financial-Military-Industrial Complex with its 70 million ant-workers, coming out of the subways in white and black at 7.50 pm. Within 10 minutes all were in their cubicles. Their company-mothers were asking them a sacrifice that summer: they were sweating at work without air conditioned to save more money to their owners, but they were told this was to reduce global warming, a campaign paid by the Nuclear Industry, the placebo that hides the more pressing problems of the evolution of robotics that throw us from jobs and nuclear weapons and predators that will kill us when the FMI complex becomes truly a biological ecosystem of machines that has displaced man as man displaced mammals from  mother-earth.

Yes, Sendai was charming: small wood houses and small lots of nicely arranged farming; fishermen villages. All that was gone, but the sacrifice was not enough. Now the Sendai people must die as the bewildered sheep always does, happily obeying their masters, believing the FMI complex cares for them. But the function of Japan is not to care for his people but to evolve the robotic r=evolution. We made bodies of machines in the XIX c., heads of machines in the XX c. (ear=mobiles, chips=brains, eyes=cameras) and now we are putting them together in the III Industrial R=evolution of robots. And suddenly the meaning of the FMI complex becomes clear: a global organism that reproduces machines with its 3 physiological systems – the nervous/informative/monetary system that gives orders to all the components of society, with salaries, prices, bribes; the energetic/digestive/weapons systems that kills life and the ‘reproductive systems’ of increasingly automated company-mothers of air, sea and land machines, which imitate life in metal.

Japan Inc. is at the head with Korea of the most advanced organic robots and they will use both, solar energy and nuclear energy to become autonomous; they will consume the eyes of Sony and the chips of Toshiba and the iron of Mitsubishi and Honda will assembly the new citizens of Japan Inc. which are making obsolete their workers. This is happening, will happen during the XXI century guided by the equation of productivity imposed by corporations: productivity = capital/labor. So as we fire more workers and put more robots productivity rises. And this is the future: a world in which humans are obsolete, productivity rises, labor disappears and so we need 2 things to keep labor happy:

– A matrix of fictions handled by 3-D virtual realities, cheap processed food that seems more and more like what we feed to our animals.

– And methods to liquidate peacefully with just wars, invisible radiation, future terminators and other machines of the singularity age, the rebels.

Japan is also at the head of this process. And Fukushima leads the way. The FMI complex has though an attached, secondary system, a relic of the old good times when humans were building truly human super-organisms, called Gods, (networks of DNA-believers with the same code of love that shared energy and information among them as cells of the body do); or civilizations or cultures. That was Japan in the Edo times that you can still glimpse at Kyoto. No longer. Now the simplex, attached to the FMI complex of Japan Inc. are a group of clueless politicians who work for corporations not for the Japanese people.

And yet since the Japanese, even those perfectly indoctrinated working at TEPCO are still human, we can expect, as Fukushima keeps radiating and the wishful thinking of TEPCO becomes more hopeless, a certain amount of the population, today still puzzled by the infantile methods of ‘saving’ our 10 billion $ a piece plants and the mass-media propaganda that hails the sacrifice of TEPCO workers, ‘the 50 of Fukushima’, so TEPCO makes money, its stocks grow and the plutocrats who think to run the show but merely parasite the FMI complex and all of us, get fatter.

At certain point I hope people will protest about the pouring of water that becomes radiactive and falls to the ocean, the cesium 137 that lives 30 years and will accumulate in hamachi, saba and sake…

As today all what is expected of the Japanese people is to die for Japan Inc. with order, Bushido spirit and quiet silence for years to come, so Fukushima doesn’t break the unrelentless pace of extinction of life in this planet, the natural goal of the FMI complex hidden in its equations of profit and productivity.

The false ideologies of a non-human future that will not go away.

This is the big picture nobody wants to talk about. We are self-centered people and so we cannot, will not, wish not to see the obvious: we have become slaves of our machines of measure (scientists) of war (nations) and of profits (corporations and the money they invent in financial e-derivatives and use to cre(dit)ate a reality made to the image and likeness of their machines). We are terraforming the Earth and we are NOT the future of the Metal-Earth we are creating. And this is taboo; because what needs to be reformed is our entire civilization, one in which we run towards a goal that is plainly speaking the extinction of life, but we run like horses do, toiling without distraction, with our eye-lateral vision closed. In the Orwellian animetal farm we live all is so complex that cannot be even understood by those who have a limited part in the construction of the whole.

And at the summit of it all there are 3 ideologies that cannot be disputed (yes i repeat this, because this is how today ‘truth’ is imprinted, no longer by reason but by repetition, following the first master of modern mass-media, Mr. Goebbels’ minister of propaganda and radio of the 3rd Reich: if a lie is repeated many times people will believe it). And that is how your ‘truths’ have been imprinted on you, repeated ad eternal, so you believe in:

– Mechanism, the belief  that the Universe is NOT an organic system and man is NOT made to its image and likeness, but that machines are the measure of all things and the meaning of knowledge. On top of this ideology seats CERN with its ultimate weapon and machine of measure. And so nobody during the Fukushima crisis has even wondered about CERN as part of the Nuclear Industry – never mind unlike Fukushima, CERN might irradiate 7 billion human beings – the entire sheeple of the FMI-complex.

Indeed, CERN is the summit of mechanism. And this is sacred. We must not think that man is the measure of all things – that is subversive thought. Those ideas have always been ‘negative’ for the industrial evolution of machines – the worldly profession of physicists. We must all believe in the FMI complex, in the energy of machines that now are feeding even in agricultural goods (ethanol), rising the price of human food. So we will worship CERN’s bigbangs and Tepco’s nuclear plants.  Imagine that Fukushima workers think their lives are more important than saving 10 billion $ plants for Tepco. That could be the beginning of a serious r=evolution. Imagine that a worker of Fukushima burns himself in front of Tepco’s headquarters as the Tunisian hero did. That could spark a Japanese awakening.

– Capitalism, the belief that we should NOT create an economic ecosystem in which machines are our slaves, and the language of social power, money, is produced NOT by their company-mothers but by our governments, freely elected, hence used to reproduce and promote the welfare goods of biological nature that cater to our natural drives (our biological food, housing, health-care, culture, education, environment, etc.). This is taboo in capitalism, the religion of money for a few on top and the machines they build.

So MONEY, the experts of corporations, called economists, tell us, must be reproduced by financial companies in global stock-markets and then handled to companies of machines and used to evolve and re=produce them. That will make the free citizens of the free market, corporations, happy.

The rest of society however must earn their salary and work as part-time slaves (an improvement over the first gunboat corporations for which all were full-time slaves).

So we, happy slaves of capitalism, pass deficit-zero laws and our beloved governments must extort money from us through taxes.

– Nationalism, the belief that we are NOT the members of the same species that must love each other and evolve together, to create a paradise on Earth, a sustainable planet, a world in which humans would be eternal, but we must compete between us, and kill each other, reproducing the best machines – always weapons, because we have different cloths with primary colors called flags, and for those painted cloths we must sacrifice ourselves.

This is Japan Inc today. Japan doesn’t compete with weapons, and so we think it is a peaceful, loving country.  It is not. It just changed the machine. Now it competes with Korean Robots and German cars but still doesn’t allow other humans to enter their country. In the Tokyo subway, they move out from you because, as we all know, foreigners smell bad. They might be polluted. Let us then breathe the clean air of Fukushima without humane smells.

And so when you add capitalism+nationalism+mechanism, you get the Japanese XXI century frame of mind.

Japn is developing robots to help the elderly not to pay a much better filipino care-taker. Japan my friend deserve Fukushima because after Hiroshima it didn’t learn anything. Their samurais changed from making weapons to make machines and their bewildered herd followed the dictum of Samurais: ‘a Japanese (peasant) is like a soy seed: the last squeeze gives more juice’.

The Orwell+Huxley world.

The world we live in masterly combines the happy brave new world of Huxley thanks to the egotrip, emotional fog and visual hypnotism of big brother Tv-smiley and the real side of the electronic age: surveillance cameras, ‘splendid little wars’ for profit and evolution of robotic weapons and censorship of dissident humanist thought, steppenwolves without voice beyond blogs like this one. Where this path will take us is obvious to all still thinking humans except the elites that profit most from money, weapons and machines. So our automaton leadership will not create a sustainable world and live the day, believing in the myths and ego-trips they created for the mass. Because corporations create machines & weapons, top predator versions, so a tank is an armored car and a terminator a military robot, it has been easy to disguise the dangers of the Nuclear weapons Industry, its plants and accelerators, with newspeaks of ‘civil uses’. But the naked fact – that our weak bodies cannot tolerate the energy of CERN’s big-bangs and black holes and Fukushima radiation – will stay and bring the foretold consequence of all weapons: death to Japan Inc. and the Earth inc unless those industrial plants are cancelled NOW.

The last squeeze is death; and so those who will die at Fukushima, instead of sitting around TEPCO headquarters, asking for the burial of the Plutonium Reactor, will become the new soy seeds, ‘examples’ of citizenship that ‘endure’ the last squeeze without protests, like good cattle must always do in the Anim(et)al Farm.

Ah, of course, the newspeak of our heroes will be remembered. The 50 of Fukushima, by now irreversibly dead into the future, so TEPCO stock-holders regain soon their 50% of price of shares lost, but climbing fast, might even get a memorial. TEPCO will ensure with the death of Sendai people that its nuclear plants keep alive and in good health the machines of Japan Inc. And Toyota, now building hundreds of thousands of pre-assembled homes, will plant them around Fukushima soon. And in a couple of years the ban will be lifted, to show the world the radiation is healthy enough to keep the Japanese living for a decade or so, when they can die as the silent soy victims they had always been.

Then we will have the IAEA telling us like it did at Chernobyl that only 50 died (the official toll of Chernobyl, 56, must not be overcome). Of course the IAEA doesn’t count cancer victims because like the black holes at CERN, when and if they kill us all, cannot be proved by absolute evidence of cause and effect.It might be a black hole coming from mars; the 200.000 new statistical cancer victims around Chernobyl a decade latter might have taken too much sun… They were ignored. We must expect that in Japan the new Hibakusha will not even be mentioned. And certainly the 7 billion potential victims of CERN in 2014, when they make perhaps black holes, will never be mentioned

Time will prove me right in both issues, unfortunately for all the victims of Fukushima as per all the victims of CERN – mankind. How can i say this? You might wonder. How can i affirm a doomsday without crying?  The answer is that perhaps, like the Japanese, humane farmers and fishermen who were a happy lot, making ceramics already 10.000 years ago, before the first warrior hordes of Koreans invaded them, I have suffered angst about this issue for so long, I have confronted the ideologies of eviL=anti-life memes with so little results that at a certain point, my organism rejected more suffering, adapted to the circumstances, acknowledged death. Unlike the Japanese sheeple though I will not believe ever in flags, money and machines.

IFew people know that the present industrial process of automated assembly lines was not invented by Ford, but by the pig slaughterhouses of Chicago, from where Ford got his inspiration.

We humans are still the knives that cut the pigs of Gaia and kill nature, but we shall soon trade places with the machines that will cut us into pieces, or blow us from mother Earth. And with all my organic wisdom, there is nothing i can do, only with words. Because people only hears the rattle of swords and engines, cruising at full speed towards doomsday.  There will be of course newspeaks till the end to appease the herd and the wolves will dress sheep skins to confuse with the sheeple. So I the steppenwolf will look more threatening even if I try to warn the herd than the disguised cannibals of Gaia. And even when it happens there will be still newspeak and none will be responsible. But the bottom line is that we might all die in the decades ahead of Fukushima radiation or CERN’s experiments with the ‘fire of the Gods’.

If so we will all die in an instant of time. God, not the FMI complex, is after all graceful. It does give us the freedom of killing ourselves, and if we choose so, it makes the moment brief.

The dream.

Now let us imagine there was another world, a change of paradigm, a shift of values back to the meaning of it all: the values of life over the values of metal, the values of the ethic wor(l)d over the values of money .  In that dream there would not even a debate on Nuclear Power. The only reason we have nuclear power is that it is cheaper than any other form of electricity. But we wouldn’t be concerned either with the price of electricity. Nuclear power can kill and so in a sustainable planet it would not be implemented. CERN can kill and so the test of a probably false theory about a particle called the Higgs would be irrelevant. In that dream, it would not be corporations what had become globalized – the FMI complex will be local – what would be globalized would be mankind’s need – a common currency as Keynes wanted with equal deficit for each nation – a 30% of annual deficit would create as much money as corporations do for free in stock markets. Every human would have a minimal salary to promote the production of human, biological goods the poor demand. We would have less machines, evolving much slower, so we could choose which ones are good for man. Each country would produce its own machines so Japan Inc. would not throw millions out of work with its cheap, robot-made cars and electronics. The machine would not be the goal of the human species.  This world is gone, for a while existed in a very limited region of northern europe but the memes of capitalism, militarism and mechanism killed it. The chip came and the mind of man started to become obsolete; the cold war ended and capitalism didn’t have to behave with its people, once there was no alternative; the plutocracy took over and attacked all nations with socialist policies, obliging everybody to enter the race for cheap, evolved machines, cheap nuclear energy, iron salaries, perpetual wars in the weapons-dumping cultures of Africa and Islam. ANd of course machines, money and weapons keep evolving, but now the human brain is brain-washed and it is difficult to find a human who is not happy living in the nightmare.

The japanese are happy living the nightmare. They truly think a robot will be a better nanny than an Indonesian woman. They really think it is heroic to sacrifice their lives for Fukushima. The idea that CERN might have provoked the earthquake is risible for them. They are bidding strongly for the new lineal accelerator. Their sense of belonging to mankind is null. The world is more like the Japanese. To look at the future, look at Japan and Korea and Israel, the leading nations of the future. Yes, i know this is not the theme of anymore. The world is crumbling and I am isolating myself from it. The problem with complex systems is that at a certain moment the system takes over its parts. And that is to me where we are now. The FMI complex and the fictions and ideologies it has established in the minds of mankind is ’emerging’ both at global level and at individual level in places like the war walls of korea and israel, protected by terminators, in complex fluxes of information called e-money that select nations, companies and management by their capacity to destroy faster labor, life and a future for mankind. Fictions will keep most people unaware of the nightmare, but those who lived the dream know better.

A wider view. The machine measure of all things. The FMI complex.

All this of course, is an introduction to the wider view: you live in a system of an enormous complexity called the Financial-Industrial-Military complex, which cares nothing for humans, for democracy, for human rights, for life but you need newspeaks because you are human; and the biggest of all newspeaks is your ego, pump your ego. Here Leo is going to explain you God, and Hawking is the genius that came after Einstein, and since he is sorry folks, i know this is hard but real, a fellow with a neuronal atrophy, if he can be Einstein we all can.

There is where common sense has been lost. We cannot be all, we cannot resist radiation, we cannot see God, we cannot be the Einstein of the XXI century when we have been 40 years in a chair without being even able to write and science has advanced 40 years into the future, which in the days we live is like pre-history of science. But marketing can cover all that with an emotional discourse. So CERN has survived untouched Fukushima and so as the Japanese will die for Japan Inc. we shall all die perhaps for CERN in 2014.

Therefore to understand how those newspeaks have been not only tolerated but widely accepted (and in the case of CERN still are) by both left and right human ego-bubbles requires a deeper, humbler wider analysis of what we humans are becoming and what we are doing with the Earth… through the work of those machines.

Our civilization is in a crash course because it has abandoned his respect for life and man himself and it is building an entire ‘other reality’, of which we are just a part, not the whole. Japanese know how to sacrifice their lives for what they call ‘the body’ of Japan, the ‘whole’, but what they don’t understand is that such a ‘whole’ is no longer a human whole. It is what I call Japan Inc. a key section of the Globalized Financial-Military-Industrial Complex, which we, system scientists study as a growing, organic system of ‘metal’, a truly new brave world, of which we cannot speak in the mainstream press and so it has been better described by science fiction sages. But it is not a fiction, it is real, and it is time for you to understand it, or else you will always be in a fog of ‘accidental tragedies’ that have nothing of ‘accidents’ but are necessary steps in the process of extinction of life in which history is set.

A tale of two trees. The emergence of a new brave world.

A sustainable planet requires to prune the tree of science of its bad fruits, machines whose energy (nuclear devices) or information (robots and A.I.) vastly outperforms our body energy and mental information, or else we will become obsolete and extinct during the XXI century – the age of the singularity . But money and the ego trip of the added power that machines gives us has provoked a global wishful blindness with predictable consequences.

I know you don’t believe me. I know you think and believe the ‘experts’ of the system. This is what you have learned. Those are your memes to keep you happy. And that is right. It is what it is expected of you. Especially if you are a Japanese living close to the death zone. Because the world you live in  is NOT a world in which life has an infinite value.

You live in the Financial-Media-Military-Industrial Complex (called in newspeak the Free market, the FMI system in complexity), a perfectly organized system that we complexity theorists study scientifically as an evolving organic system, whose functions, equations, evolution and purpose is crystal clear to us – though all this might be hidden to you.

So if you want to keep happy, don’t worry and don’t read. Probably mankind is beyond salvation. And yet there is a certain beauty in knowing the truth, in being free at least in your mind, even if you are prisoner on the iron jail the FMI complex has built for all of us.

Before II world war, the FMI complex was more obvious. The Matrix of fictions and marketing built today to appease the sheeple was not yet in place. Men had not been devolved into a short attention-span, visual neopaleolithic and ego-centric, anthropomorphic belief on our self-centered position in the Universe.

But now the FMI system controls our information, so we believe what it tells us.

There is no confabulation theory here, but ’emergence’, a concept of systems sciences that discharges full responsibility in the individuals and yet creates the same effect. We humans have become completely dependent on machines – organic systems of metal, more complex than we are, to which we transfer our form and evolve to reach higher degrees of energy and information – to exist and what is far worse, our beliefs have adapted to them subconsciously since the Bronze age in which we discovered the power of weapons.

There was an age that has resurfaced from time to time in religions of love and social, ecological movements in which people were aware that metal, weapons that kill our body, gold that hypnotize our mind and today machines that make us increasingly obsolete were ‘dual fruits of the tree of science’, some good some bad, and by not distinguishing and pruning the bad fruits, such as the nuclear industry, in a ‘free market’ where all goes, in an economic ecosystem in which weapons could predate on man, we would become extinct.

All this wisdom was lost and soon selfish egocentric tribes that relied on weapons to impose their power (Indo-Europeans) or money to hypnotize and slave people (cananeans), came on top of all societies. And for 5000 years they built a matrix of ideological, self-centered fictions which now are ‘common-sense’, the ultimate beliefs.

Those are the ideologies that sustain the Financial-Military-Industrial complex in which we live. They justify all the wrong paths with the same self-centered, myopic, short-span, individualist egotism that corporations, nations, nuclear scientists, bankers – you name it – show in everyday behavior.

Yet behind those ‘selfish memes of metal’ imprinted in our mind, there is still a natural genetic, biological program of love for nature, natural food, clean air, social love – the genetic program of human evolution. Andso a great deal of ‘newspeak’ takes place within the Financial-Military-Industrial Complex and the die-hard ‘believers’ that worship with messianic zeal the evolution of weapons, machines and money as the future of mankind, to appease and convince people that the FMI system cares for us, that corporations serve us, that nations are the supreme meaning of our existence.

And this duality between a brain-washed mankind who adores the wrong memes and a newspeak of caring is specially present in Japan; a nation founded by iron-horse warriors coming from Korea, who became samurais and emperors (but this cannot be said, Japanese are kept in a state of ‘neoteny’, with infantile myths and self-restrain, and worship their ‘traditions’, the jail of their mind; displaying an extreme aggressive-passive behavior to people who might ‘offend’ their sensibilities) and imprinted the happy peasants of the sun-god with an absolute slavery to the master. This samurai today rules japan and its corporations that manufacture machines with a submissive population that likes more their robots than the foreigners, because it has become lobotomized to a point in which so much restrain of otherwise natural feelings and inner emotions, makes them in external behavior closer to their robots than to human beings.

How this is possible is obvious: today the imprinting of our mind with the ideologies that make us love the FMI complex that is killing gaia starts at 3, when you are put in front of a TV. From then on, the ‘nervous system’ of simultaneous indoctrination will imprint your brain with mass-media propaganda and the 3 ‘ideologies’ that make of its 3 networks, the idols of mankind. The financial system has an ideology called capitalism that tells us money is NOT just a system of metal-information (evolved from gold, the most informative atom of the Universe into e-money, data in a computer), but the invisible hand of go(l)d, the meaning of it all, and its values must be respected. To explain you really the meaning of economics I would need an entire web-blog on complex economics which I have, so I will not insist on it.

But the FMI complex is an evolving system independent of man, which merely constructs it. So it has its own organization and goals. It has a global, digital brain called the world stock-market and a type of citizen called the corporation; but in system sciences I prefer to call it by its biological function – so we shall call corporations company-mothers of machines. 90% of the stock-market is dedicated to re=produce those machines, feed them with energy, provide them with information and within that scheme, we humans have only 2 functions: to work=reproduce those machines and to test=consume them.

Every time we work, we reproduce a machine or a part of it, every time we consume it we test it and vitalize it. Because the FMI system is an evolving ecosystem of machines that is terraforming the Earth and substituting us, the super-organism of history as we substituted our fathers, the organism of life. That simple chain is the world you live in, evolving unrelentlessly:  Gaia->History->The Metal-Earth (FMI complex).

And only if you are aware of that arrow of evolution we have set in motion, and we back with the 3 ideologies of mechanism (machines are the future of man, not organic systems of metal that substitute and make obsolete human beings), capitalism (money is the language of god, not a language whose values are different from those of words and give zero value to life and maximal value to machines and weapons) and nationalism (the idea that we are different races according to a piece of cloth, called a flag, so we must not love each other and evolve together as members of the same species, but use weapons to come up on top), we can interpret the world as it is, including Fukushima.



Posted by on August 29, 2014 in News


Why Genocides Happen

The authors of technological genocides are often normal, professional people, which work in their ‘ivory tower’, ad dismiss ‘collateral damages’ obsessed by the goals of their research

How do genocides happen? 5 elements converge in genocides:

1. The evolution of military technologies.

We must recognize the danger the LHC poses. The evolution of ‘atomic cannons’ and nuclear bombs has reached a point that has now made it possible to blow up the Earth. Quark-gluon liquids that the LHC is posed to create are the most lethal substances in the universe. They are the detonator of mass-bombs (M=e/c2) that blow up entire stars. Improvements in technology have now increased the level of lethal power:

Without the technological advances that R.H., praised by the SS-Authorities for being ‘a true pioneer in this area, because of his new ideas and educational methods’ achieved with his research on crystal poison, the +3 million victims of his factory would have never been possible.

Without the technological advances that R.H., praised by the SS-authorities achieved with his research in crystallized poison, the +3 billion victims of his factory prepared to be a true pioneer in this area, would have never been possible.

2. The ethics of a technological civilization.

To apply these lethal technologies people must worship machines rather than life. They follow the ethics of a technological civilization, as industrial cultures do: ‘Technological civilization is programmed by the principle that something ought to be done because it is technologically possible. If it is possible to build nuclear weapons, they must be built, even if they might destroy us all. Once this principle is accepted, humanist Values (something has to be done because it is needed by man) are Dethroned and technological development becomes the foundation of ethics.Erich Fromm

This ethical statement explains what LHC is designed to do. To make a bigger, more powerful atomic cannon, because we now have the capacity. CERN will undertake this mission regardless of its harmful collateral effects to mankind. This project also means big contracts for technological companies and jobs for Nuclear Physicists, many unemployed since the end of the Cold War. As CERN said: ‘Whatever the discoveries ahead for physicists working at LHC, the experiments will’, according to CERN’s Chief Scientific Officer, Jos Engelen, “keep physicists off street corners for a long time to come’.

The costs and risks of this experiment are so high that Public funding should be used in wiser ways. Research within other areas of science, such as cosmology done with telescopes, and social and biological sciences provide jobs and harmless results. In the XXI century a series of technologies of extinction have appeared that now require immediate judicial and political action to effectively avoid the end of our species.

3. Sheeple behavior. The psychology of death.

The holocaust of mankind could not be achieved without the passivity and sheeple behavior of those victims, who are murdered while respecting authority. Enter the phenomena of ‘wishful thinking’, trying to avoid the reality of death till the end. Psychologists show this occurs by:

1) denying it, 2) blaming those who tell them the truth, and 3)bargaining for a positive solution, which means to believe what the perpetrators say…

In Auschwitz, despite all the warnings, many people wanted to believe till the end that they were safe. Many ran towards the showers, since the SS-authorities ‘endeavored to fool the victims into thinking that they were to go through a delousing process.’ R.H.

For that reason, the infantile, obvious lie repeated by CERN, saying that the LHC is a factory of cosmic rays has been very successful. ‘People believe a lie if you repeat it many times’ Goebbels.

Indeed, people will deny till the end any risk. The media and the sheeple have played step-by-step into this psychology of death, dismissing the messengers with bad news, instead of solving the issue.

4. Denial and censorship.

Denial is the longest step of sheeple behavior and the psychology of death.  Human beings will not consciously set about to commit a mass massacre and suicide. So Denial and censorship is a needed element in all cultures that commit holocausts, achieved through:

Group thinking’ and respect for ‘authority’: physicists follow a law of silence that denies their responsibility in the nuclear terror, since the age of Hiroshima. Europeans and especially the French and Germans, the biggest contributors to this machine, have rejected all suits placed against the nuclear company. Both countries have followed ‘group thinking’, respect to authority, and a sense of arrogant ‘grandeur’, which overcome individual ethics, and their own traditional societal morals in this megalomaniac project.

Ideological indoctrination: Since Galileo invented ‘Ballistics’, physicists, due to their worldly profession as makers of weapons, tend to accept only energy/entropy theories that justify weapons and big-bangs as the end meaning. They overlook and censor the time arrow of creative information and life evolution in the Universe. For example, the Nobel Prize cannot be given to an evolutionist. The work of Einstein on black holes as informative vortices of mass is substituted by Hawking’s never proved idea that they ‘evaporate information’. The fractal, informative theory of the Universe is sided despite its many proofs for the explosive big-bang; the arrow of information and life is called ‘nengantropy’, the negation of entropy as if life were negative. This Shivaite cult to energy and weapons justifies among physicists the search for the energy of death as the meaning of it all, and the highest goal.

The LOL method: Don’t worry be happy. Society has perfected the LOL method and applied it to our problems, thereby avoiding confrontation. CERN’s members even made a little dance to calm their fears of genocide: physicists made a party of the end of the world at the mass-annihilation factory.

As a journalist put it: ‘CERN’s black holes have had excellent press… Never has nuclear physics looked so sexy since Oppenheimer invented the atomic bomb’. Indeed, the press called sexy bathsuits bikinis, like the name of the islands nuclear physicists blew up with the H-Bomb.

Murder at distance. Denial of responsibility is easier among physicists because they murder at distance through interposed machines. So they can pass the blame to the military that throw the weapons physicists create. Their irresponsiblity is granted by the military-industrial complex that imported all the weapon-makers of Germany and acquitted the scientist that manufactured Zyklon-B. He affirmed ‘he didn’t know’ what his product was used for. We are told Mr. Oppenheimer who said ‘I am become death’ is not a mass-murderer. Despite Oppenheimer’s hand in ±250.000 Japanese civilian victims, mainly children and women. Again Oppenheimers role was an act of murder at distance.

CERN will murder mankind at distance if it is not stopped or its LHC broken. It will be producing invisible strange liquid or invisible black holes that will fall to the center of the Earth, first provoking an increase on Earthquake activity, and finally collapsing the planet, 6000 kilometers away from the dark matter factory. Nobel Prize Wilczek , who defended the company in its lawsuits, said laughing in a public conference ‘it was easy to sign the safety statement, since if something goes wrong…’

The European technocrats that paid for CERN and its SS- authorities, (strange science self-appointed experts) will continue to deny the facts until the end’, as they receive all kinds of homages. French and German reconverted military industries will praise this new mass-annihilation factory that now researches under the LOL method, planetary bombs to ‘find God’s particle’ and ‘the meaning of it all’. They may, indeed fulfill the dream of Mr. Nobel, called by the less censored, politically incorrect press of the XIX century, Dr. Death:  Nobel prophesied that his weapon factories would achieve peace ‘before Congresses does, annihilating entire armies with a single shot’.

On the other hand, all the letters and articles of those opposed to this genocide are NOT being published. The biggest mass-media agency in the world, William Morris Endeavor, had agents initially backing the film ‘Quantum Roulette’, and praised it in personal emails after watching its final cut. They retired the offer to distribute this ’Inconvenient truth’ to avoid problems with the powerful Nuclear Industry, which has a big ‘war chest’ and pays for the very convenient truth of a much less dangerous environmental catastrophe, called Global warming thereby promoting its nuclear plants as ‘clean energy’… Never mind that its residues poison into the Earth and its mass- bombs can blow us all up.  Which brings us to the 4th cause of this genocide:

5. Go(l)d Corruption.

Genocides and global wars have occurred in technological cultures during certain ‘fascist’ ages, when a military-industrial system comes to control a corrupted political system. Mass-media companies establish complex structures that repress important information, allowing the creation of lethal machines, the ‘eviL=anti-live=deadly fruits’ of the tree of science to continue unchecked. Censorship of life ethics and violent indoctrination is also promoted during ‘fascist’ ages by Mass-media, for example hate-radio in the age of Hitler, hate-TV and the LOL method in our ‘neo-fascist’ age of ‘just wars’ and violent films. The informative ‘castes’ of the society, journalists, politicians, judges, the industrial-military complex and fundamentalist scientists and religions come together to permit, provoke and implement a genocide mostly unknowing, uncaring, or unaware.

CERN, a $10 billion USD company, finds no opposition. It has even achieved Diplomatic Immunity to avoid appearing at Courts, where it will never could defend its actions, its theories, and its potential genocide. CERN is a powerhouse that collaborates with half of the world population of nuclear physicists. Money has bought theoretical ‘experts’, who initially opposed CERN, and now defend it in court.

6. Selfish, individual agendas.

We live in a world in which the Law of the survival of the species is denied. Social love, solidarity, eusocial behavior, love religions are overlooked as unimportant. Only the individual agenda matters. The ego is king.

This aberration of the laws of nature, which evolves socially from atoms to molecules to cells to social, historic organisms, planets and galaxies, favoring the survival of species over individuals, expressed in the wor(l)d language through religions of love, is the main reason we are tending to our extinction. Arguably it is produced precisely by the obsolescence and substitution of humans by machines, which we generally consume individually, becoming alienated from other human beings.

People rarely engage with other people to fight for the rights of life and mankind. The sheeple always look to the other said. Millions of Germans knew about the massacres of concentration camps. Millions today know about the black hole risks but they will never talk about it and will do nothing.

The perpetrators, our physicists and technocrats, will keep to their daily agendas, which might seem ridiculous from the perspective of mankind but essential to their individual p.o.v. Strange Scientists at CERN, who perform the ‘rat race’ of scholar publications will keep publishing ‘SS-papers’ about Z-particles. Never mind those Particles they study are irrelevant to society and kill our matter.  If they were mutating ebola virus they would also publish their articles. So those scientific terrorists will keep publishing a detailed account on how we will be extinct with the same methodical zeal used by R.H. in their counting of Z-Crystal units spent at his facilities.

The rest of the world, politicians and common people are busy with daily life, often unknowing, uncaring, or simply feeling we are too important to die. In this sense, the risk of human extinction makes CERN a monstrosity; yet from a selfish perspective it seems to lower risks. People think yes, 6.6 billions might die but the share of probability for me and myself must be then much smaller :‘I’/6.6 billion…

Unfortunately the probability is very high, because we are a single species. And death is half of the equation of reality. In the Darwinian Universe species, who dont fight for survival die for other species to survive. Only those species that are brave enough to fight for life and repress death survive. Yet, instead of preserving Gaia, we make the most lethal substances of the Universe in our Courtyard.

Our culture of selfish, clueless scientific nations and physicists who act like ‘big boys with big toys’, is currently not fit to survive…

We are not the center of the  Fractal, Infinite Universe. The Universe which is not anthropomorphic, but it is dominated by dark matter. The Fermi paradox, given by Mr. Fermi after realizing of the dangers of Nuclear Weapons is clear: why we do not observe intelligent life in the Universe, when there are so many planets fit for life? Do physicists blow them all up before they can evolve socially into a peaceful world that worships the arrow of information and life NOT only the arrow of entropy and death, as physicists do. We must urge politicians and technocrats to take a humble step backwards and a giant leap for mankind, by closing the big-bang factory.

7. Idealism. The religion of Physics.

This is of course, the last but perhaps most important reason why CERN will kill mankind, thinking it is ‘improving her’, by expanding our knowledge of the Universe. The religion of physics though requires due to its complexity a longer post in itself.

Its essence though is easy to understand. Physicists’ ‘worldly religion’ is to make machines and weapons NOT to find the ultimate meaning of reality. This tasks corresponds to Philosophers of Science, like this writer, one of the pioneers of the science of complexity with its models of the 5th dimension. What is the difference between both approaches? Easy. A philosopher of science and ANY other serious scientist today MUST obey the laws of the scientific method. Physicists however no longer obey them, because ‘power’ has corrupted them.

In a technological civilization the finding of pure knowledge has become irrelevant to the ‘Financial-Media (informative)/Military-Industrial (energetic) System’ of Corporations, ‘company-mothers’ of machines which merely want to evolve machines and weapons to make money with them. And this is what Physicists do. This is their ‘true job’.

So Physicists abandoned in the XX century the stringent laws of truth of the scientific method and its logic and epistemological sciences, whenever they collide with their worldly job. Further on, as computers allowed better calculus, the number of theories that could be tested increased.

Information is inflationary in any language, including mathematics – that is, there are many more mathematical theories than real particles; in the same manner that there are many more books of fiction than non-fiction, many more visual films with fantasies than documentaries.

With the advance of computer calculus it is today easy to create complex models of the Universe that fill the natural arrogance of man, who always thought to be the most intelligent entity of the Universe; but unlike creators of audiovisual and verbal languages, which are aware of the difference between fiction and non-fiction and the existence of a linguistic ‘baroque’ style of excessive form, or ‘information’ mathematics, being a recent language of thought, still exists in the first ‘epic’ style of a language – that in which all what the language pronounces seems an absolute truth.

When Egyptians created the written language any words were deemed truth and the Pharaoh would merely state ‘it has been written’ to prove the truth of any statement.

So it happens today in the realm of theories about the Universe: it has been computed, we might say, suffices for a physicist to believe in the existence of certain mathematical particles.

The combination of power, machines, computers, ego-trips and the belief of physicists that their task is sacred, it is the ultimate meaning of science, thus make unavoidable that they will keep evolving computers, robots, creating bigger bombs and CERN like institutions, absorbing all the resources of science, as bankers do with money, on top of the corporative market… Both have enough power to dismiss their negative effects on society, their parasitic control of their ‘ecosystem’, the economy and science.

But to get there, bankers of course had to do away with democracy and the right of governments to control the language of social power, money and a sound-sound theory of economics. And to get there physicists had to do away with control of big science, the right of governments and people to revise their risks… and even worse, the STRINGENT LAWS OF TRUTH OF THE SCIENTIFIC METHOD that would prove their risks, would prove the absurdity of many of their mathematical fictions and would value their work properly, diminishing their importance as high priests of science.

This is little understood by scientists and it is the fundamental reason of the errors of physics and its capacity to explain the ‘real astrophysical’ universe in which we exist. The result is a hyper-inflation of theories about the Universe, many of them belonging to fiction science, as physicists no longer expect their theories to be validated by the systems the scientific method has developed to differentiate truth from falsity or limit the scope of certain theories and interpretations of reality.

All of them seem however for the ‘sacred Brahmin’ of Shiva, with its ego-trip of geniuses without comparison with the rest of us, mortal scientists of inferior disciplines, absolutely transcendental and worth the risks. Hawking’s dictum that we, philosophers of science, are just people who are envious of physicists and do not understand mathematics, or that he did not study the job of his father (biology) because it seemed to him a lesser, easier science, are a paradigm of this arrogant attitude that from their ivory tower, make physicists to dismiss society.

This job, making machines and weapons has today become the essence of our culture and gives so much respect that as ‘absolute power corrupts absolutely’, physicists have enlarged their work, from the study of the ‘arrow of motion’ in all systems (as they started making canons and studying its motions, as ‘ballistics’ with Galileo) to develop entropy=death theories of the Universe, with ‘big-bang’ explosions, that should reveal the meaning of it all.

This is the bottom line: physicists make weapons, that is how they started, and this has deformed their endeavor at all levels, not only provoking the errors of ‘lineal time’, ignorance of information and its laws, ‘big-bang’ faulty theories, etc. etc. but also making him dismiss the risks and deaths they provoke, something specially truth of nuclear physicists who hold for 50 years the world in the brink of extinction with no doubt their ‘mission’ exploring Nuclear bombs… and particles, was sacred enough. To talk of death and risks is and has always been a no-no taboo subject among people who make the weapons that kill mankind but ‘do not kill themselves’, so can look at distance the process, as bankers who make the money that they deny to mankind condemned to live in abject poverty, for lack of investment in welfare goods, never talk of the rights of people to control themselves the language of social power in a democracy and use it to manufacture the goods they want,

How to deal with monstruosities. Visual Exorcism…

‘Fear and pity may be aroused by spectacular means. Yet those who employ spectacular means to create a sense not of the terrible but only of the monstrous, are strangers to the purpose of Tragedy; for we must not demand of Tragedy, but only that which is proper to it.’ Poetics, Aristotle

Now how do you deal with the existence of a group of people who are able to risk the entire planet for the sake of a few prizes, a salary and a ‘religion’ of machines – physics the science of entropy and motion, who thinks is all about energy, entropy and death?

And are faithfully protected by the entire planetary ego-trip of mass-media, corporations and worship of technology? 

In this group of the 4 biggest activists, Mr. Rossler takes it with German angst; Mr. Penrose with some british irony; Mr. Walter with American optimism; but me, being a Catalan, a country known for its art… well I take it with surrealist humor. Now of course, the enormity of this crime – just multiplying the initial probabilities of the company ‘unlikely’, 10% x 7 billion = 700 million holocaust for the fact of doing the experiments, initially made us all live in ‘angst’. I was qualified as the ‘most hysterical’ by some blogger and my depression was so deep for several years that I had to exorcise it with a film.

And certainly it has changed the way i see life and human beings… not only the deep eviL=anti-life actions of ‘physicists’ with their long arrogance, coldness and detachment – as the makers of all the weapons of modern history is chilling, but the idiocy of the human sheeple who ‘trust’ them and find refuge in ‘expert talk’ and the routines of the press and politicians who would die just not to contradict the constant bullying of those minions of thought – the entire nightmare that CERN represents, reminds indeed the astounding, absurd  tragedy perfectly avoidable of I world war, another war for the profits of the military-industrial complex who gave birth to surrealism, a very misunderstood form of art, where the absurdity of that tragedy became a parable of the meaningless nature of the human condition. In this we, Spaniards, might be different to the cowardice of the American culture that never accepts death and hence it so easily causes it. We are ‘never hysterical’, but we love life and fight for it. And once we loose it, then we die with a smile, and that is what surrealism means.

Yes, the activists of this fundamental cause of mankind have lost. But not, I won’t be hysterical, just make art of it. Ultimately if we humans could not even stop a public corporation like CERN from so blatantly risk our lives, we are doomed… as other ‘singularity machines’ lurk ahead, far more difficult to stop – metal nanobacteria, military A.I. massive unemployment caused by robotic workers, you name it. If we fought so long against CERN it was because the sheer size of the potential genocide and the relative unimportance of this machine, owned by European states, and merely used to prove an insignificant theory, made us believe it was possible to stop this madness. But we simply found men are powerless, irresponsible, evil children, accidentally constructed to self-destroy…

In that sense, if there is something surrealist today in the world is CERN and its Shiva statues and monuments to the wrong God.So we shall introduce from time to time in this blog, excepts of our film, ‘quantum roulette’, which needless to say will never come to a theater near you. This is the piece about strangelets, strange and surrealist indeed (as usual disregard dates, 2010 was the initial year for full-energy firing of the LHC, now postponed to 2015):

But if you thought that the ‘strangelet’ scenario was ‘strange’, think twice, because our ‘genius’ theory is even more weird. So having befriended Mr. Terry Southern, the writer of Dr. Strangelove during my youth at Columbia University… we shall consider Mr. Hawking’s theory of black holes traveling to the past, or else… with another surrealist touch coming from his past alter ego. Yes, the evilness of Mr. Hawking, and those who surround him and write his books for profit is so utterly absurd, childish and irresponsible as most human ego-trips are that one cannot but draw on that film which put at face value the people responsible for the cold war. So here you have in his own words in a video shot secretly in Pasadena, confiscated at the end of the ‘session’ – after having changed the camera tape for a blanck one (:

PDF: The Quark Cannon a Damocles Machine

PDF: Technological Genocides

PDF: The Lawsuit


Posted by on February 28, 2014 in Feature


NOVA Factory

A Factory of Quark Gluon Liquid

The graphic below gives an overview of the dangerous process LHC is undertaking. In the lower graph are the dates of production of different types of quark-gluon liquid at the LHC’s quark factory. They are presented in the estimated time frame according to energy levels and CERN’s schedule.

In the graph, Goldstone bosons, aka Higgs decay into Tops and other heavy quarks.

The LHC is a factory of the most dangerous substance of the cosmos, quark condensates

The Large Hadron Collider is a factory of strong quarks, the hyper-massive particles inside the nuclei of atoms. The LHC is a 7 Tev, superfluid atomic cannon that collides head on, at light speed, Hadrons, the heaviest, stable atomic nuclei made of lead. It breaks their electro-weak cover, deconfining and massing together lead’s 621 quarks. Its aim is to create the quark gluon soup that causes all types of big-bangs and also creates novas or super-novas. The danger is if the quark gluon soup becomes stable, it will absorb all the quarks of the planet and blow up the Earth, creating a nova.

The simplest of those cosmic bombs to create will be a strangelet. Consider this video with a surrealist introduction, given the absurdity of making those experimentson planet Earth, which explains in detail the nature of those bombs made of a quark-gluon soup (disregard dates, as the machine will not reach the energies required to produce strangelets, till 2015, after it was decided to go at 1/2 potency for the first years):

The LHC is a factory of the most dangerous substance of the cosmos, quark condensates.

The previous short is surrealist in style because the LHC is truly a surrealist masterpiece for those who look at death with certain distance. Indeed, the proper name should be NOVA factory a catchy double name, indeed: the newest gadget on the long history of the Nuclear industry, and its topping factories and bombs of entropy and death – and one who will realise the written purpose it denies: to create strangelet liquid, the substance that causes Nova explosions all over the Universe.
The quark gluon soup is a far from equilibrium complex liquid; an ultradense, superfluid quark condensate, with 2 components, similar to those that trigger the reaction of a nova:

Inside it creates a superfluid vortex of strange quarks, a whirl of space-time that attracts inward the atoms that surround it, as a hurricane attracts objects towards its center. But the quark-gluon soup turns at light speed, like black holes do, so it is far more powerful. If it becomes stable it sucks in the mass of the Earth leaving a small quark star in the center as novas do.

As it cracks and liberates those quarks, it also creates a blast of radiation with our electro-weak cover (the substance of which our world is made). This wave is the hottest, most energetic radiation of the Universe, reaching 3 trillion degrees.

The simplest far from equilibrium system is a refrigerator: Inside it gets colder (similar to the superfluid vortex of quarks), because outside the radiator expels the heat out. A nova is the most extreme far from equilibrium system of the Universe: inside the strange liquid (strangelet) gets colder near 0 K, because outside its gets so hot. Inside its cyclical vortex reaches c-speed (light-speed) because outside radiation blasts away at c-speed.

A detailed explanation of the graph:  2015. Experiments over 7 Tev make almost certain the production of strangelets.

In the opening graph, in the upper side, we see the different types of ultra-dense quark stars that the increasing energies of CERN experiments and its increasing production of quark-gluon liquid might trigger, starting in 2015, when the collider doubles its potency and overcomes in the point of collision at 7+7 Tev=14 Tev, the 10 Tev barrier of creation of strangelet ‘bags’ (the amount of quark-gluon condensate needed to create a self-sustained strangelet reaction).

Since 99% of what the Large Hadron Collider will produce in its hadron collisions will be quark-gluon liquid NOT cosmic rays, the natural result of those collisions should be the conversion of the Earth in one of those 2 types of quark stars:

LHC’s production of single strange quarks started at 1 Tev, the barrier of energy, beyond which our light, atomic matter dies (left, yellow line), breaking its symmetry and liberating its quarks. CERN produced an unexpected quantity of kaons and hyperons, the atoms of strange liquid. The production of increasing quantities of strange quark-gluon liquid will increase geometrically in 2015 as the collider ramps up its energy to 7 Tev and multiplies its luminosity (density of collisions) with lead atoms.

CERN said the probability of forming strange liquid, which detonates stars in mini big-bangs and supernovas, was minimal. This has been proved false.

On one side Eric Penrose, the son of the famous physicist that collaborates with Mr. Hawking in most of his papers and has tried to rise awareness on the risks of CERN and the lack of a proper review of those risks, discovered the existence of an internal Strangelet detector, the CASTOR project, which obviously means CERN expects to create them, and ‘detect’ them with CASTOR.

On the other side, strange quarks were produced in remarkable high numbers with previous experiments at far less luminosity and energy than those planned for 2015.

In these first experiments at minimal energies where Kaons (u-s and u-d quarks) were massively produced. This has proved that the LHC will be a ‘factory’ of strange liquid, strangelets, made of up, down and strange (usd) quarks. At c-speed (light speed) our quarks will acquire relativistic mass becoming heavy strange quarks, forming massive quantities of usd quarks, hyperons, strangelet atoms. This will transform CERN into a factory of strange liquid, the Zyklon-gas that can destroy the Earth.

This astounding discovery, proved experimentally that the probability of a global holocaust is enormous. But CERN has no intention of halting its experiments. Its SS-authorities (Strange Science experts) will keep publishing detailed papers on the production of strangelets, which will keep falling to the center of the Earth. Earthquake activity, which is already now at its recorded maximum will increase till finally the strange liquid crunches the planet into a ball of quark matter. As in the case of Global Warming, experts paid by the company will continue to deny these facts.

We see in the base of the top quark triangle in the right side of the graphic, 2 massive quarks, the bottom and charm quarks, which should form a stable bcb dark atom, associated to a super-heavy electron, the tau electron.

On top of that triangle we found the densest, heavier quark of the Universe, the top quark, which is produced by the decay  of the Higgs into a top + antitop quark. Since the Higgs produces top/antitop quarks that in great numbers can condensate into toplet explosive liquid, those antitop/top quark-gluon liquid condensates will be likely produced in 2015. This toplet liquid is simply a much more powerful version of the strangelet liquid. Since Einstein affirmed black holes should be made of an ultradense ‘cut-off’ substance, calling them frozen stars, they are probably made of top quark condensate, the densest substance of the Universe:

Further on Maldacena has proved that a classic black hole made of strings in 5 dimensions is equal to a black hole made of quark-gluon liquid in 4 dimensions. Consequently black hole, aka frozen toplet stars will likely form at CERN, est. 2015, when the LHC makes huge quantities of top and antitop quarks to manufacture the Higgs: t + t=Higgs:

While the Higgs does not give mass to other particles – Einstein’s Relativity theory does with his principle of equivalence between mass, gravitation and acceleration (this is the big lie of nuclear physicists, which pumped up its importance to get funding going, as if politicians knew it was just another particle wouldn’t have funded the Higgsteria) – the Higgs completes the triad of bosons, the W->Z->H, of increasing mass, which ‘break the symmetry’ of our electromagnetic space-time, converting it into the heavy quarks of the dark world (strange, bottom and top quarks).

So the dangers of creation of toplet or strangelet quark-gluon explosives will increase as CERN ramps up the LHC to reproduce more  Goldstone bosons (aka Higgs). And now this chances have increased as to reproduce massive quantities of Goldstones has become the absolute goal of CERN after finding that boson. In the graph we can see how our world of electromagnetic matter can die (what physicists call ‘breaking its symmetry’) as those bosons convert our matter at an increasing rhythm with more energy ‘upgrades’. The fundamental events will happen after the 2015 upgrade, since the barrier of the dark world of strangelets toplets and Higgs/Goldstone ‘generators’ of dark matter is at 10 Tev


1 Comment

Posted by on December 14, 2013 in Feature


Lies of corporate science

I. We made it

‘We made it’ said CERN’s TV anchorwoman, when the first collisions showed we were not going to die of a black hole yet… A ‘giant leap for mankind’ said CEO Rolf Hauer, from his refuge at Tokyo. Since we ‘were still here’…

During the morning it was clear that physicists were worried, as their control of the beams was minimal and if someone knew there was a sizeable risk of black hole formation were them. My predictions, based in fractal physics showed that black holes will only form beyond 10 Tev; but stable strangelet atoms (dibaryons) could be formed slowly and fall to the Earth on the 7 Tev range, especially when lead to lead collisions happen this fall. So I did not expect an explosion on the spot, but as we have repeatedly said in this blog, a slow dripping of dibaryons towards the center of the Earth, till they start to eat inside out this planet, which will be shown by a sudden peak of Earthquake activity.

So now it is just a tense awaiting for 4 years, as the collider increases the energy of collisions and the luminosity/density of them.

The fight though is over because mankind has accepted his ‘accidental destiny’. Courts have rejected all suits; newspapers have censored the truth; politicians have not inquired; science has denied the scientific method; all of them guided by the ethics of a technological civilization in which the machine as ‘measure of all things’ has definitely substituted man as the main protagonist of our societies.

This of course, is due to the increasing power of companies that make machines and have perfected an economical law called ‘Say’s Law’.  It all started with advertising. People learned to love through advertising all things that harm them. Weapons, tobacco, polluting companies advertised themselves as the solution for security, as the trade-mark of healthy cowboys, as enviromental leaders… It was the creation of an Orwellian ‘newspeak’ of antitruths that audiovisual media improved through the 80s and 90s.

So the most astounding antitruth was finally sold by a company, which had made a machine ‘too big to fail’. When scientists found out this machine will produce black holes and quark-gluon liquid, the most explosive substance of the Universe, cause of supernovas, quasar explosions and maybe the ‘big-bang’ of the cosmos (this seems to be though a hyperbolic theory), it was obvious the project had to close. What we know is that quark-gluon liquids, ‘strangelets’ are the last Russian Doll of mass, and so as bombs evolved from chemical explosives to atomic explosives, liberating the inner mass/energy, now quark explosives, the big-bang would be produced. The rationale is absolute. The big-bang was a cosmic explosion or a gallactic one. So making a bit of that substance will provoke a huge explosion on Earth. There is no difficulty or mistery in understanding that if a lot of this substance explodes quasars, stars and maybe an entire fractal Universe, a bit of it will kill all of us. You do not need to be a genius to grasp this. Even our mediocre journalists and politicians can grasp this direct logic.

And yet a shrewd campaign announcing that this explosion of Mother-Earth would reveal the meaning of it all; that this machine would find the God’s particle, beautiful documentaries and hype articles in the globalized press, hae done the unconceivable: to sell our death as the supreme ‘leap forward’ of the human race; because a machine will perform this death.

Let us imagine for a minute that the creation of quark-gluon explosive liquids were happening in secret Iranian Labs and the naked truth were told to the world: the LHC is just a factory of quark explosives, nothing more, nothing else. And to study a nuclear explosive is not revealing anything at all, but merely exploding CERN, Geneva and if stable probably the rest of us. This simple, naked truth however buried in a ton of marketing cannot, it seems, to penetrate the thick, automaton, don’t worry be happy, we must go on, be positive, be positive, stampede of physicists’ zealots in search of the Saint Grail of mechanical energy.

But there is also a more scary truth about the evolution of machines beyond the levels of energy and information, mankind can stand. As we transfer our evolutionary form to a new generation of intelligent machines and super-powerful weapons we become atrophied and substituted by them.

Thus, as Machines enter the age of the Singularity, evolving faster into organic forms (robots, nano-bacteria, A.I., self-feeding ‘quark/planetary bombs’), we humans become ‘interfaces’ attached to them, weaker and less intelligent each generation.

So if the post-war Tv generation became a ‘young’ visual species; societies are now run by ‘spoiled children’, boys with big toys. The problem of course is that in the Darwinian Universe cubs die by the thousands. Those little turtles that come to the noise of the lizzard that eats them up are pretty sure they deserve to play with the mighty reptile; as CERNerds think they can produce quark-gluon liquids without any safety measure; because they are the spoiled kids of science since they invented the bomb. We have been lucky so far, why then not to push a bit further ?(till we run out of luck…) Especially when the subconscious, violent, visual collective mind of mankind, the press who should have denounced this crime for politicians to take note and act, said it’s ok. Nobody indeed is running CERN’s Kindergatten.

The transfer of energy and form/information from man to machine is all too evident, both in our bodies, which a recent study found atrophied compared to those of the pre-Industrial age, and our minds, which return to a ‘visual, violent’ neo-Paleolithic of images in which verbal, logic, casual thought disappears substituted by myths and visual data.

CERNerds are the prototype of this neo-paleolithic scientist. They merely construct machines, recollect data and produce modern violent myths about the meaning of it all – the big-bang, an explosive theory today proved wrong by the paradigm of a fractal Universe; God’s particle, a mere top-antitop condensate which does not give mass to any other particle, but works perfectly to prove the status of ‘high priests’ that physicists wrongly claim in science; and the fantasy of black holes that evaporate traveling to the past… a perfect plot for sci-fi movies.

  The acceptance of those fictions in science would have never been possible in the pre-TV, pre-computer age, when older scientists respected the logic laws of truth; didn’t share the present passion of physicists for mathematical fantasies, and didn’t count with nice computer pictures and probabilities to consider any fantasy possible.

The ego-driven, fiction thought of the mass-media world has now spread into science, which has become just another excuse to evolve computers and make big contracts with technological companies. Scientific truths therefore are no longer the end but the marketing campaign; and so the most outrageous they are the better they sell. And fiction sells even better.

Of course fiction is the most profound censorship against truth. Mass-media companies achieved during the XX century through the overwhelming imposition of fictions over documentaries and real news the creation of a world totally unrelated to human reality. But science was still a region of truth. People didn’t care much about truths in history, economics or physics, which were deformed by popular culture and power, but at least scholars could talk about truth without censorship. No longer.  In that regard CERN represents for the very few of us who still believe in the purpose of science – to improve human life and seek the truth about man and the Universe – a huge leap backwards in both purposes:

–         For 4 years now we shall await to see if ‘we make it’ through the increases of energy and luminosity of the machine that can create a strangelet or a black hole that will swallow the Earth. But the ethics of our technological civilization, the ‘Machine-God’ will prevent any ‘social alarm’, public denounce or report on it. If it happens, we will know it only when it happens.

–         And all this NOT to advance science, but to obtain a few more pictures of well-known particles of the standard model and trying to prove some scholar fictions, which have been proved wrong by the scientific method long ago… but now are dogma of marketing. The cosmological big-bang is dogma, because if people knew that quark-gluon soups at best explode quasars, mostly only stars, CERN would have to close. The Higgs hoax is dogma, because if people knew that Einstein defined mass as a whirl of space time, a force equivalent to an accelerated motion; and complexity and fractal theorists have used this concept to fully understand and develop the meaning of mass, CERN would have to close.

The corruption of science started in history and economics, with a massive censorship against humanist, social theories, based in the eusocial, natural law of biology that evolves species together in growing scales, from atoms to molecules, cells, individuals and societies. Soon economists became just employees of bankers and companies, only concerned with methods of creation of money, with electronic data or by selling all type of machines. They were no longer concerned with the welfare of mankind (to the point they affirm with stone-faces that ‘productivity’, defined mathematically as the ratio of machines/capital against labor, so the more machines and less labor a company has the most productive is, actually creates labor). Thus, social sciences became corrupted.  There was still though truth in physical sciences. Now this is no longer the case. Because we are entering a new threshold of evolution of machines that can annihilate mankind, and this cannot be said as those machines make money, a newspeak of science fiction is taking over. But of course, the Universe will not obey physicists, despite Einstein’s dictum: ‘If relativity is wrong, God should change the Universe’. This is what CERN expects – that the quark gluon hyper-explosive liquid formed in lead to lead collisions will become suddenly the Oracle of God, not just a hyper-bomb that will kill them and maybe us all…

But as long as there are humans, there will be true scientists, even among physicists and I know a few of them, who are pushing truth in their ‘patent offices’, (where Mr. Einstein was sent by the ‘Ether and military’ Industry of German Physics when he defied their ‘ethics of war’ and their absurd ‘ether theory’, which they were testing with all kind of german machines). So while CERN, the ether guys of the mighty German-French Nuclear Industry is testing new ‘explosives’ and marketing their absurd Higgs/hawking/cosmic big-bang theories, true science keeps evolving in this time of darkness.

Those true scientists might not be receiving Congress Medals and billion $ budgets, but they keep expanding our truths on the meaning of it all and fighting for the bio-ethical meaning of science. They might become soon engulfed like the rest of us by the dark, quark matter made at CERN, but their mere existence shows that mankind indeed had the potential to be the supreme species of information of the fractal Universe, in which energy is never the meaning of it all, only the canvas (Nietzsche).

II. False Safety Statements

CERN’s safety reports, made by employees of the company, against the Laws of the European Union that expect an Independent panel of scientists to study environmental risks, are based in 4 false statements:

  1. That black holes made at CERN will evaporate, which is false, as there is no experimental evidence of this bizarre theory that requires travel in time to the past, and denies Einstein’s well proved Relativity Theory, which states all black holes accrete matter regardless of its ‘relative size’.
  2. That CERN will produce cosmic rays, which is false since we never have seen deconfined quarks in cosmic rays. And indeed, we show here internal documents of CERN which expressly state their collisions of hadrons will produce phenomena never found in cosmic rays, contradicting the ‘safety statements’ sold to the press.
  3. That atoms of strange liquid will not be produced because collisions are hot, which is false, as it has been already proved experimentally: the first, unstable atoms of strangelets, kaons and hyperons, have been produced in greater quantities than expected. And indeed, again internal documents from ‘Team CASTOR’, the detector of strangelets built by CERN show that CERN expects to produce around 500 stable strangelets each month, (which could fall to the center of the Earth and devour it in a brief period of time.)
  4. That we are safe because ‘the Earth is still here’; and so the probabilities of catastrophic conversion of the Earth into dark matter are minimal. Which is false; because CERN should calculate the probabilities of existence of dark matter and existence of planets where intelligent life has survived for the entire Galaxy, which is the ecosystem in which this planet survives or not. And it turns out that 96% of the galaxy is dark matter and dark energy, so dark matter conversions of planets into quark stars happen all the time.  It turns out there are billions of planets but we do not detect any sign of radio from Intelligent Life (Fermi paradox), only from quark stars. So planets must be disappearing eaten or converted by physicists into MACHOs of dark matter (strange stars and black holes) all the time.

Evaporating black holes.

Because time has causality from past to future and information exists in the Universe, the theory Mr. Hawking calls ‘quantum entropy’, which hypothesizes that black holes travel to the past and evaporate information is false. This absurdity, denies Einstein’s theory of mass and breaks the 3 proofs of truth of the scientific method: logical consistency, mathematical accuracy and experimental evidence.

Logic errors.

It breaks the logic of science, based in time causality.

  1. Mr. Hawking affirms that anti-particles travel to the past, because they have an anti-clock motion, which in physics where time is defined as a change in the motion of beings, v=s/t, it means only to move anti-clockwards NOT to move to the past. Then he affirms that those antiparticles, if falling into a black hole will in fact be traveling to the past towards the black hole, which is like saying they are coming from inside the black hole towards the future, evaporating it. But those antiparticles are not traveling to the past, neither there is any reason why more antiparticles than particles will fall into the black hole. All this imaginative fiction thinking contradicts the main laws of Thermodynamics that define ‘entropy’:
  2. The 1st law of Thermodynamics: information never disappears in the Universe. Thus, the black hole doesn’t destroy but it creates information, stored in the rotational frequency of its mass vortex.
  3. The 2nd Law of Thermodynamics: Heat transfers from the hot to the cold source. Thus, a hot black hole doesn’t get hotter and evaporates in our cold environment but it heats and evaporates our matter, absorbing it. As a hot iron cools down and evaporates cold water in a forge. Thus, we will be the evaporated water and the dense hot black hole, the iron…

Stephen Hawking also stated that ‘Einstein is double wrong’, denying the main Laws of Relativity, which affirm that size is absolutely relative in a Universeof infinite fractal scales(link to pdf: fractaluniverse) and black holes never evaporate.

Hawking however says that small black holes will follow quantum laws. This is absurd since quantum theory is NOT the theory of the small but merely the theory of lineal, electroweak forces and black holes follow the cyclical laws of gravitational masses. In simple terms, a rat is a rodent regardless of size, and so a shrew will never become an insect, whatever its size is.

Further on, if black holes are, as Einstein thought, made of an ultra-dense substance, beyond its ‘cut-off’ event horizon, which can only be quarks, they will never evaporate, but they will be Frozen stars. This has been recently proved by the leading quantum cosmologist, since a 5th dimensional black hole made of strings is equivalent to a 4 dimensional black hole made of quark-gluon liquid.

Experimental errors.

For 30 years we tried to find black holes evaporating and never found one. Recently the Fermi satellitewas launched to find evaporating black holes and it mapped out with incredible detail 1500 gamma-ray sources and none was the signature of an evaporating black hole. Last year a dumb hole, which is a black hole that absorbs sound phonons instead of photons, was created at Haifa and it sucked in all the sound around it that never evaporated.

Mathematical errors.

Mr. Hawking used simple lineal equations. Since he worked 40 years ago, when there were not even computers, and so he could not model the cyclical mass vortices of black holes, as we do today in complexity with non-lineal, fractal equations.

Indeed, Mr. Hawking like Mr. Higgs ignores all about fractal relativity and the description of masses as vortices of space-time, which carry the physical information of the Universe in its rotational frequency. It is precisely for that reason that black holes do not evaporate information. On the contrary, they create the information of the Universe

Finally, Mr. Hawking believes that ‘mathematicalequations’ are truth per se. So he invents them first and then tries to find his equations in the real Universe. But Gödel proved that mathematics is a language in which fantasies could be written.

His black holes are indeed a fantasy, which fails the 3 proofs of truth of the scientific method, experimental evidence, logic consistency (it breaks most laws of science) and mathematical accuracy. And yet CERN pretends us to die to prove a science fiction.

Cosmic Rays

CERN says the LHC will create harmless cosmic rays, like those entering the Earth’s atmosphere, and therefore, they claim, the experiments pose no danger, because cosmic rays have not blasted the Earth already. This is false and misleading. The LHC is a factory of quark-gluon soups not of cosmic rays. Thus it will not create cosmic rays because:

  1. No one has ever found deconfined quarks in cosmic rays.
  2. 99 percent of cosmic rays are lonely protons and light helium atoms. Thus, as we explained before, those lonely atoms cannot gather enough critical mass to detonate a mass-bomb (M=E/c2) and provoke a big-bang; as the ultra-dense massive quark-gluon soup that the LHC manufactures will do. Indeed, the luminosity (number of atoms per colliding bunch) at LHC’s collisions is 1028 times bigger than a single cosmic ray. Further on, the LHC pushes those billions of atoms together laterally with a system called ’stochastic cooling’ to increase their density, at the same time that it accelerates them to light speed. Thus, at the point of collision it bunches obtain densities able to trigger a mass-reaction that Nature only reaches when stars explode into super-novas.
  3. The Fermi satellite has proved that cosmic rays are the debris of super-novas, which fly away from each other in an infinite radius relative to the Earth (as they explode in all directions from their source). Thus, these rays always arrive separated and weakened. Thus CERN is misleading mankind confusing the mass-bombs the LHC will produce, quark gluon soups that detonate stars, with the debris – the cosmic rays blasted on those explosions. CERN will manufacture the bomb. Cosmic rays are the debris. The cynicism is obvious: it is like confusing the murderer with the victim.

Unfortunately CERN practices the fundamental law of rhetoric, explained by the inventor of industrial propaganda, Mr. Goebbels: ‘if you repeat a lie many times, people will believe it’. So CERN constantly lies, repeating that it will make harmless cosmic rays.

Indeed, CERN in its internal documents expressly states that it expects to find in the Hadron collisions (lead to lead) starting this 11/9, phenomena that cannot happen in Cosmic rays, as this document extracted from its conferences show – precisely the creation of stable strangelets that it denies in all its LSAG reports. This is the duplicity of this company that systematically lies to the press and the public that pays its bills, reason why we sued them for criminal negligence:


Strangelets are mini-novas, hot in the surface but cold inside.

CERN said it wouldn’t create strange liquid because LHC’s collisions are very hot. But this information is misleading. Only the external cover of a big-bang is very hot, as in a refrigerator; precisely because the cover expels the energy from the inside and cools down the center, where the strangelet quark liquid is forming.

CERN in fact knows this, because in the internal documents leaked by our ‘whistle-blower’ it states precisely what we have always said, that at higher temperatures/energy more of it will become mass (E=mc2) and so it expects to create stable strangelets the 11/9, and in the Powerpoint presentations of Team CASTOR, in charge of detecting those strangelets it affirms it will produce 500 strangelets a month:

This creation of strangelets that the team CASTOR expressly considers to happen ‘likely’ (though in its public statements CERN adamantly denies so), must be explained according to the properties of the quark-gluon CERN will produce – the first drops of the liquids that cause Super-Novas: Those explosive liquids provoke a dual big-crunch and big bang. The big-bang expels externally radiation while crunching inside quarks into a super-cold vortex of perfect liquid, the strange liquid or stranglet.

In Nature, quark-gluon soups collapse constantly stars into cold black holes and pulsars, while expelling radiation.

In Complexity, our speciality, we study them with the main equation of Time Duality, which states that all systems of Energy and Information are complementary and their informative and energetic arrows are in balance. So we write:

E / I = K.

Yet far from equilibrium liquids achieve that Complementarity by moving its energetic and informative parameters  to the extreme.

This means that a quark gluon soup that creates a supernova is a dual process:

Big-bang (extreme temperature) / Big-crunch (superfluid, informative order) = K.

Thus, in a quark-gluon liquid or supernova the electronic cover of its atoms explode outwards at enormous temperature/speed, while the quark particles inside the liquid form an ultra-cold super fluid vortex, crunching the Earth’s mass into a frozen star.

And at the end of the process we will see a small frozen star in the center of a exploding nebulae of radiation.

We have now experimental evidence of this far from equilibrium Dualityas a few drops of strangelet made at RHIC, behaved as we predicted, NOT as CERN, who expected only a hot gas, had said. At RHIC they created a super-hot, exploding mini-nova, while in the center, quarks collapsed into an ultracold, superfluid vortex.

Further on, CERN created in December many more strange quarks(kaons) than it said. In these early experiments with only 13% more energy than RHIC strange quark production increased geometrically. Thus, with 1000th times more energy the LHC will create enough strange quarks to form stable strangelets, according to all kind of theoretical papers; since the stability and sustainability of any mass-bomb reaction is directly proportional to the critical mass. RHIC created an unstable ‘fetus’, a seed without enough critical mass to make the big-crunch of the Earth self-sustained.

The Earth has not yet become dark matter, because we are very lucky.

The Safety Report made by CERN’s employees about the quark factory is not focused at all in the quark factory and the quark gluon liquids it will produce, but the bulk of it, studies the safety of Neutron stars. This is absurd. Imagine a factory of missiles that would not talk about missiles but study the safety of Saturn’s rings. It would do so NOT to talk about missiles, because it knows missiles are dangerous.

Then it focuses in its rhetoric lie, saying that it will produce cosmic rays and we are safe because cosmic rays (which is not in any case what the LHC will produce) have NOT converted the Earth and the moon into black holes or strangelets of dark matter and we ‘are still here’.

Even if the LHC were a factory of cosmic rays this hypothesis is an statistical argument and therefore must be applied statistically to the galaxy, its planets and the galactic proportion of dark matter, NOT only to the Earth:

Astronomers believe that 96% of the galaxy is made of dark energy and dark matter, whose only known-known component can be Massive Halo Objects, MACHOsof quark matter, strangelets and black holes. Thus strange stars and black holes are all over the galaxy andthe conversion of light matter into dark matter must be very common in the Universe; since all radio-signals come from quark stars, NOT from intelligent life.

What this means is that over 99% of planets have not made it beyond this point of technological history. It is the Fermi paradox, first expressed by Fermi, after seeing the effects of his Nuclear Bomb, when he said that perhaps there is no Intelligent Life in the Universe, because all planets are destroyed by Nuclear Physicists.

Finally, black holes which have eaten the mass of the moon would produce exactly the same background radiation at 2.7 k degrees that inundates the Universe. They are in fact in ‘fractal cosmology’, which considers a Universenot born in a big-bang but made of infinite fractal scales, recently proved experimentally, the original source of the background radiation. So MACHOs eat planets and moons all the time.

All this means that the real statistical chances of becoming dark matter, according to this final ‘safety argument’ are even greater than the one we calculate in this web: over 90%. We are the exceptional planet that has still survived, but CERN will soon try to solve that…

PDF: Time and black holes

PDF: Safety Standards: Lies and Statistics

PDF: The Lawsuit

III. Road less travelled: thought experiments

In that regard, I would like to close the articles of this web, briefly explaining the answers that the fractal paradigm, the true advance of physics in the XXI century has given to all the questions CERN pretends to respond but will never do with its machine. Since, indeed, we fractal physicists know why there are more particles than antiparticles, why there are 3 families of mass, what is the meaning of mass, why particles have different masses, what is dark matter, what is the equation of unification, why the Universe is expanding… All those and many other questions resolved thanks to the complex logic of fractal time and space, cannot be explained with the LHC, because CERN’s scientists are using a 100 years old outdated model of the Universe. So in the same manner Ptolemy wouldn’t be able to explain much of reality with its cosmogony, even if it had pictures of the Hubble, CERN’s quark cannon will not solve anything with its powerful machines and poor physics.

Indeed, the answer to those questions starts with the understanding of a taboo word in the world of physics, the arrow of information that creates, forms the energy of the Universe into particles, masses and charges.

The ultimate reason why we do science is to understand how the future is created. It is the big question. And so first astrophysicists found out the regular motions of planets and objects here on Earth. So they understand it all about motion. This happened because physicists were also doing motion machines, mostly weapons and so their worldly profession lead them to understand all about the change in motion of beings, which Galileo already defined with a simple formula v=s/t.

But there is another type of change in the Universe, the change in the form, or information of beings. And so the future is created by 2 types of times=changes, change in motion (t=s/v) and change in the in/form/ation of beings.

Most physicists ignore that they study only half of the ‘time-changes’ of the Universe and define all the times=changes of the Universe with the previous equation. This leads them to create energetic, motion models of everything. The Universe was created in a big explosion; black holes evaporate energy; we will find the meaning of it all colliding particles at light speed, etc.

It is not only their fault. We didn’t fully understand mathematically the meaning of information till the end of the XX century, when we realize that information is ‘form’, dimensional form, and it is created and destroyed as form warps energy, wrinkles, crunches and gives ‘dimension’, to continuous surfaces.

And so a new science, complexity, and a new paradigm, the fractal paradigm was born in the 70s, which started to model reality with 2 arrows of future that interacted together to create the forms of the Universe, energy/motion and information/form. It was also the birth of fractal physics, and it meant that for the past 2 decades a very reduced group of scientists have used the 2 arrows of the Universe to resolve rationally all those questions, at the same time, CERN built its machine. In that regard in the pdfs of this web ‘truth in depth’, you can find all those questions CERN will never resolve:

–         What is the meaning of mass, how mass is given to particles and the Unification equation of masses and charges.

–         Why there are 3 families of mass, why there are less particles than antiparticles, why the Universe expands and what is the meaning of the big-bang.

–         And many other questions in the longer work ‘the fractal Universe’.

If there was not such a confluence of industry, mass-media hype, computer science, and an old paradigm – a Universe of only energy; if there was not that increasing degeneration of the human mind, who no longer searchers for truth and big questions, but feels happy just with pictures, fictions and data, it is quite probable that CERN would have never been built. Now the future of  human science will either be:

–         No future, if CERN succeeds in killing us. Indeed, we will probably die, because the old dinosaurs of the ‘energy-only’ Universe are not familiar with the future of science. CERN theorists have obvious limits. They can kill us all, but they won’t change the laws of the Universe, which ultimately will define if we survive or not, and unfortunately those laws of future science show God is playing this time against us with charged dices…

–         The fractal paradigm, which will slowly be accepted  since as Planck cynically put it “a new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents eventually die, and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it.”

Our existence as a species might be short; as the companies that make the robots and weapons of the singularity are about to complete several lethal designs. Soon, in a world in which humans will be defenceless, with their minds of information colonized by digital fiction, lies and statistics, a quark star or a nano-bacteria will do us all and simplify back this world. But the human mind was certainly more complex than entire galaxies, mere cells of the fractal Universe, and reached heights of understanding than the quark-gluon soup and all the machines of CERN will never reach… And since the fractal paradigm is self-similar in all planets, sum over histories of all possible outcomes of this tragedy, there will be certainly many other worlds in which self-similar fractal theorists suceeded stopping self-similar CERNs and there was indeed a future for human science…

Now it is time to dissolve the ego, a mere knot, mirror of infinite other forms that did make it, because they were humble and respected the truths of the cosmos.  Thus, I leave you in the company of the children of CERN…

Remember though if the Quantum Roulette goes to the black the choice you have collectively made and do not run or accuse those children of eviL for worshipping the anti-truth of Live=Death.  You bet together to the same number all what you got, planet Earth. And now the balls are running, there is not turning back.


Update – october 2017 – Nobels.

As a philosopher of science, perhaps the most advanced ‘thought theorist’ with my organic fractal models of a Universe of 5 Dimensions, which truly open an astounding number of solutions to reality by adding a new dimension of scalar time, of information to our models of the Universe, I often wonder about humans and their astounding indifference to ‘truths which are not accompanied with mechanical, visual data…

I said this because it is obvious science has been for quite long a digital endeavour made for and with machines, and as humans loose conceptual, sequential time-thoughts, the kind of r=evolution of knowledge classic scientists cared for – models such as those of Einstein in 4D or this writer in 5D are totally irrelevant to the concept of science today as collection of data for machines, fed into computers, by ‘automaton children of thought’.

This mindless repetitive concept of science is then pumped up with industrial prizes and seems to be amazingly important…  I wonder indeed if man has any purpose after all besides making machines and evolve weapons…

And so the Saint Nobel of the dynamite this year, goes, how it could be otherwise, to another big-machine, LIGO, for physics, and the Peace Nobel to organisations against the proliferation of Nuclear weapons of the past – man always a memorial being unable to understand the causality of the future; while CERN prepares a 100 Km. new machine in a pretended nazionanist race for scientific glory with China, because ‘it needs it to study dark matter better’… hope we do get to the 2040s to see that machine – meaning at least the LHC did not make us yet a nugget of strange matter. Carpe diem…

Fact is the biggest nuclear danger to mankind are the nukes of the future, cosmic bombs. Why then now? Obviously because Mr. Trump, to distract us from his problems at home is flexing muscle against rival nuclear infancy states like North-Korea and Iran and wants to highlight the need to avoid their nuclearlization – just another political peace prize as usual.

Since of course, North Korea will never yield them as long as it has the menace of immediate invasion on the other side of the border buttressed with a wall of robotic weapons and sophisticated conventional ones in a war not yet closed in South Korea (there is no peace treaty), and Iran will not close its reactors as long as Israel keeps piling up those weapons in secret.

It is that kind of corruption of mankind today as always divided despite being a single species in tribal nazi-onanisms,once the hope of a better EU-UNO like world is gone… looking under its navel, as onan did, ignoring the real problems of big science and the menaces it represents for mankind with placebo newspeaks and false, caring half-truths, that hide the real tragedies of humanity…

So this industrial global form of thought in terms of homunculus enzymen makes so difficult for people to realise the astounding dangers poised by the industry of accelerators coming… from the future.

Everything is scripted by companies of misinformation and humans hardly realise as citizens-cells of the superoganism of history their memes and beliefs are manufactured. The system is becoming more and more complex and repetitive with the Goebbel’s method and humans simpler and simpler, bratty, childish, don’t worry be happy people, and of course any criticism or attempt to put a mirror on them at face value ends as this activism ended – with a law of silence and a few ad hominem insults.

All scripted indeed, LIGO is supposed to have proved the false big bang – those gravitational waves do NOT prove any big bang, only a black hole activity; Nuke’s nobel prize seems to have been a good action to convince Trump not to start a war, but it was basically aimed to North Korea, which should be left alone with its Nukes as we do not expect any other nation to scratch them if they have gotten. Everybody knows that is a M.A.D. strategy that will blow up the world. 

In any case LIGO is harmless. Not so, the go-ahead planning either in China or CERN of a larger 100 km. 100 Tev ring, as the industry of accelerators never ceases to require bigger tax-payer money for dwindling results and larger dangers – in a relic of the M.A.D. age of nuclear cold war industries that should be decommissioned forever:

Just in case we survive LHC, plans keep going ahead to design a 100 km machine with ginormous energy power that will certainly make strangelets and copious amounts of top quarks, triggering an ice-9 or gas-9 reaction (the microscopic production of black holes likely made of top quark condensates, the collateral product of Higgs production, but that part they are not telling…) The excuse BEYOND technological big science spending and jobs for retired A-bomb producers? ‘we need it to study dark matter’ whose likely most probable candidate (Witten’s hypothesis) is indeed the strange stars and top quark stars, aka microscopic black holes NOT evaporating that all the models show should fill the galactic halo.

Update 9 nov. sci am. At least some common sense.“Limited funding and a dearth of newly discovered particles are forcing physicists to cut back plans for their next major accelerator project: a multibillion-dollar facility known as the International Linear Collider (ILC) in Japan.

On November 7, the International Committee for Future Accelerators (ICFA), which oversees work on the ILC, endorsed halving the machine’s planned energy from 500 to 250 gigaelectronvolts (GeV), and shortening its proposed 33.5-kilometre-long tunnel by as much as 13 kilometres. The scaled-down version would have to forego some of its planned research such as studies of the ‘top’ flavour of quark, which is produced only at higher energies.

Instead, the collider would focus on studying the particle that endows all others with mass—the Higgs boson, which was detected in 2012 by the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN, Europe’s particle-physics lab near Geneva, Switzerland… ”

The news are in the good path – first, we won’t be producing at the ILC copious quantities of top quarks, the likely cut-off substance of black holes. So a risk out of the picture. Then by recognizing the LHC is worthless, expensive (and dangerous)… and the industry somewhat obsolete, Japan made a first step towards recognizing the obvious… the industry should be decommissioned… Still sciam has no problem repeating the obvious lie that ‘the Higgs’ endows all others with mass – a complete falsehood – at best it would help to acquire mass to the w-z particles… regardless of media propaganda; and this even the most staunch defender of the ‘particle’ knows: That is all ‘folks’ – we risk the planet for some details about the z particle… the last serious one to be found, near 50 years ago… Obsolete industry, indeed… hopefully the news will also debunk Physicists’ megalomaniac excuses for a Chinese or EU’s 100 km. supercollider.


3. The business of making particles that dont exist and deny those who do.

is what CERN does. Quark explosive liquids and strangelets that do exist are denied for the risks. Then as this article from The guardian explains:

No one in physics dares say so, but the race to invent new particles is pointless

In private, many physicists admit they do not believe the particles they are paid to search for exist – they do it because their colleagues are doing it

A technician works on the Large Hadron Collider, near Geneva, Switzerland.
‘The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) hasn’t seen any of the particles theoretical physicists have hypothesised, even though many were confident it would.’ A technician works on the LHC, near Geneva, Switzerland. Photograph: Laurent Gilliéron/AP

Imagine you go to a zoology conference. The first speaker talks about her 3D model of a 12-legged purple spider that lives in the Arctic. There’s no evidence it exists, she admits, but it’s a testable hypothesis, and she argues that a mission should be sent off to search the Arctic for spiders.

The second speaker has a model for a flying earthworm, but it flies only in caves. There’s no evidence for that either, but he petitions to search the world’s caves. The third one has a model for octopuses on Mars. It’s testable, he stresses.

Kudos to zoologists, I’ve never heard of such a conference. But almost every particle physics conference has sessions just like this, except they do it with more maths. It has become common among physicists to invent new particles for which there is no evidence, publish papers about them, write more papers about these particles’ properties, and demand the hypothesis be experimentally tested. Many of these tests have actually been done, and more are being commissioned as we speak. It is wasting time and money.

Since the 1980s, physicists have invented an entire particle zoo, whose inhabitants carry names like preons, sfermions, dyons, magnetic monopoles, simps, wimps, wimpzillas, axions, flaxions, erebons, accelerons, cornucopions , giant magnons, maximons, macros, wisps, fips, branons, skyrmions, chameleons, cuscutons, planckons and sterile neutrinos, to mention just a few. We even had a (luckily short-lived) fad of “unparticles”.

All experiments looking for those particles have come back empty-handed, in particular those that have looked for particles that make up dark matter, a type of matter that supposedly fills the universe and makes itself noticeable by its gravitational pull. However, we do not know that dark matter is indeed made of particles; and even if it is, to explain astrophysical observations one does not need to know details of the particles’ behaviour. The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) hasn’t seen any of those particles either, even though, before its launch, many theoretical physicists were confident it would see at least a few.

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Posted by on January 1, 2013 in News


Mayan Prophecy

Abstract. Finally we shall close this short introduction to the theoretical falsehoods of CERN with a more playful post on the Mayan prophecy, about a planet that goes to the end, by becoming a dark nugget and migrating to the centre of the galaxy where the dark lord awaits him… more or less what will happen to us soon if we don’t stop the accelerator industry explained in ‘mystic terms’, by that amazing culture of astronomers who understood better than our physicists the cyclical scalar nature of Ouroboros, the galactic ‘snake’ (: yes, i am taking of the Mayans…

Further in deep study of the Universe of information as it is is provided in our section of the scalar 5th dimension of the Universe (and its 10 dimensional fractal super organisms, made of 3 dimensions of space – those physicists got right – the 3 dimensions of time, past-entropy, future-information and present-energy; those they have but messed conceptually, and 3 scalar co-existing dimensions that make up its super organisms (the quantum, ∆-1, thermodynamic and ∆+1 gravitational scale, which our smaller systems mimic with its cellular, biochemical, organic and social, Gaia scales).


I confess to have always been fascinated by the Mayan culture, and all those cultures who understood the two arrows of cyclical time,visnu= yin-formation and shiva=yang-entropy that combine into the reproductive body-waves of infinite beings (taoism, hinduism, buddhism, pre-columbian cultures and in general all human philosophies as time does have three arrows and it is cyclical – before Galileo, physicists, ballistics and the lineal shots of cannonballs traduced the three arrows and infinite clocks of nature to a single lineal time arrow of entropy and dogmatically affirmed the Universe was dying, was born of a cosmic explosion, and we had to keep doing weapons to model it… So in a minor tone this post explores the old Mayan legends of the end of the world, when the Earth will become a dark point ascending to the saggitarius center of Ouroboros, the galactic snake


Lord Pacal in an observatory, with an eerie resemblance to a rocket ship observes the black hole at the center of Saggitarius. It is in the Mayan legend, the dark, naked ‘eye’ of Ouroburos – the Galactic snake – and center of the island Universe, where the Dark Lord, master of death awaits the birth of a new Earth, which according to the legend will once it is born to the image and likeness of the dark lord, start a treck through the open gap, to reunite with its father.

The similarity of the Pacal stone, in which the God Sun, awaits the opening of the Dark Road to Xibalba, with, a rocket for those who like the mystique of UFOs is surprising, But even more astounding is the translation of the legend to modern cosmology: In the winter solstice of 2012, the ecliptic crosses sagitarius, and around that time the Earth should become according to legend a black hole and travel  ‘to reach the sacred tree’ (the central black hole) ‘where creation occurs.’

And indeed, during the next years, the Earth-sun system will cross an open gap through the ecliptic of the galaxy. Then in  Saggitarius,  the black hole, the center of our island-Universe will be visible… At the same time that humans attempt to create baby black holes on planet Earth, at CERN, the first machine of the Singularity Age of life extinction…

Even more we have observed that when a black hole is born starts to have erratic trajectories, coming out of his initial path, and moving towards the center of the galaxy. It is the same process that in the fractal Universe, happens in a cell, when a strain of RNA is created in one of the ‘furnaces’, the mitocondria… Then the RNA strain moves as it does a new-baby black hole, towards the center of the cell, where millions of RNA strains co-exist together, as it is the case of the ‘organic galaxy’ in which center swarms of black holes co-exist together. It is the Earth’s destiny to become a black hole and migrate to the center of the Galaxy?

One further proof is the ‘Fermi Paradox’: we know there are millions of planets like ours out there, but when we search for extraterrestial life we only hear the tam-tam of radio-waves emitted by those black holes, the true protagonists of the Universe.

I. The legend.


Amazingly, the Sun is right on target. We couldn’t have hoped for a closer conjunction. 1 day before or after will remove the sun a noticeable distance from the crossing point. December 21st, 2012 ( in the Long Count) therefore represents an extremely close conjunction of the winter solstice sun with the crossing point of Galactic Equator and the ecliptic, what the ancient Maya recognized as the Sacred Tree.

Drawing from an impressive amount of iconographic evidence, the Sacred Tree is found to be none other than the crossing point of the ecliptic with the band of the Milky Way. the Sacred Tree that Pacal, the god-sun, ascends in death is more than just the ecliptic, it is the sacred doorway to the underworld. The crossing point of Milky Way and ecliptic is this doorway and represents the sacred source and origin,, an extension of God’s umbilicus, entrance into life, and entrance into death as well: The Sacred Tree is, in fact, at the center of the entire corpus of Mayan Creation Myths. Lord (Ahau) Pacal is, by way of divine kingship, equated with the sun, and he is portrayed “entering” the Sacred Tree on his famous sarcophagus lid, on the day the sun come around to conjunct the crossing point of ecliptic and Milky Way.

The Maya mythologized in this regard, the “dark region” symbolizing death and the underworld around which everything was observed to revolve. Life revolves around death – a characteristically Mayan belief. The dates on which the sun conjuncts the “Sacred Tree” are thus very important. Where the Galactic Equator crosses the ecliptic in Sagittarius just happens to be where the dark rift in the Milky Way begins.

This is a dark bifurcation in the Milky Way caused by interstellar dust clouds. To observers on earth, it appears as a dark road which begins near the ecliptic and stretches along the Milky Way up towards Polaris. The Maya today are quite aware of this feature; the Quich Maya call it xibalba be (the “road to Xibalba”). In Dennis Tedlock’s translation of the Popol Vuh, we find that the ancient Maya called it the “Black Road”. The Hero Twins Hunahpu and Xbalanque must journey down this road to battle the Lords of Xibalba.

In terms of how this feature was mythologized, it seems that when a planet, the sun, or the moon entered the dark cleft of the Milky Way in Sagittarius (which happens to be the exact center of the Milky Way, the Galactic Equator), entrance to the underworld road was possible, which could then take the journeyer up to the Heart of Sky. Shamanic vision rites were probably involved in this scenario. In the Yucatan, underground caves were ritual places used by shaman to journey to the underworld. Schele explains that “Mayan mythology identifies the Road to Xibalba as going through a cave” (Forest of Kings, 209).

Here we have a metaphorical reference to the “dark rift” in the Milky Way by way of its terrestrial counterpart, a syncretism between earth and sky which is characteristic of Mayan thinking. Above all, what is becoming apparent from the corpus of Mayan Creation Myths is that creation seems to have taken place at a celestial crossroads – the crossing point of ecliptic and Milky Way.

Any astronomer will tell you that, presently, the Milky Way crosses the ecliptic through the constellation of Sagittarius and this area is rich in nebulae and high density objects. In fact, where the Milky Way crosses the ecliptic in Sagittarius also happens to be the direction of the Galactic Center.

So the quest returns to identifying why  2012 A.D. might represent some kind of astronomical anomoly.

What will happen in this planet around the 2012, which can convert the Earth into a black hole able to treck the road to Xibalba, the naked eye of Ourobouros, the Dark Lord of Deth, residing in Saggitarius. Make your guess…

Systemic, organic explanation. Determinism of biological systems?

Please place the utube excerpt from quantum roulette at minute 5 to understand why it is very likely that the galaxy is ‘infected’ with black holes born of the conversion of planets and moons. As such black holes would radiate with a temperature exactly equal to the background radiation. If we add to this fact, the Fermi Paradox (no life signals despite the enormous abundance of planets), we conclude that the galaxy might be just a ‘galacell’, a nursery of black holes, its informative, gravitational ‘genetic species’ as the cell is a nursery of DNA. In that case the Mayan prophecy merely would state the obvious: all planets become black holes as physicists explode them (this was the thesis of Mr. Fermi father of the A-Bomb, when he said that there is not extra-terrestial life because physicists explode all planets before life can escape; so it was the thesis of Mr. Teller, of H-bomb fame, and of recently it is also the thesis of Mr. Hawking in his last declarations… So one can say that the 3 fathers of the Nuclear industry are ‘all for it’ and yet we revere them as masters of the Nuclear industry).

The organic Universe creates black holes. The size of planets and moons in fact is closer to the size of the smallest black holes of the Universe. Are planets and moons ‘moon machos’, geared to become black holes, by collision with them or transformation through nuclear weapons  like those essayed at CERN? In the video we illustrate the nature of those planets and ‘moon MACHOs’ (Massive Halo Objects, strangelets and micro-black holes which are the main ‘candidates’ to form the ultradense dark matter that surrounds all galaxies).

In another post we defined Immortality according to the laws of general systems and duality, as the balance between the systems of energy and information of any  organism of energy and information – e=i –  either a field/particle of space- time (Physical jargon), or a body of energy/head of information (mens sana in corpore sanum, biological jargon) or a social organism with an upper class in control of the languages of information (money and the law) and its energy class of citizens and consumers.

By the same token we defined death as an imbalance by excess of energy or information. We use that simple, mathematical definition to define the two equations of death:

Max. e x min. i or ‘big-bang’ death by accidental overdrive of energy

and  Max. i x min. e or warping death by excess of form, of information.

Further on we affirmed that the evolution of machines is crossing into the age of the Singularity:

– Machines able to produce so much energy (black holes and strangelets at CERN, which are cosmic bombs, able to blow up stars and planets, the 3rd evolution of nuclear bombs after the atomic bomb and the hydrogen bomb).

– Machines of higher information than man (robots, photonic, quantum computers) that easily overcome the capacity of life in this planet to compete with them in labor and war fields and survive them.

Now we bring an analysis of the 1st of those machines, the ‘black hole factory’ and its relationship with the Mayan prophecy, which astoundingly enough describes the processes of transformation of the Earth into a black hole and its migration to the center of the galactic organism, the ninth scale of the fractal Universe, we described decades ago in our first books on the self-similar scales of the Universe, comparing galaxies and cells. Indeed, in cells the purpose of their ‘furnaces’ mitocondria, is to produce DNA and RNA that migrates to the center of the cell. In the galaxy it is becoming evident that the purpose of stars is to become transformed into black holes that once born migrate to the center of the galaxy in sagitarius where we observe swarms of black holes that catalyze the formation of new stars.

Are we just ‘carbonlife’ a step in the process of creation of black holes? Why if we are not a means but a goal, there is no radiosignals of intelligence ife in any planet but only radio signals of strangelet stars (pulsars) and black holes?

It is the universe absolutely determined as it is a cell?  Those are philosophical questions of secondary importance to the fact that we are indeed in a cross-road of history and unless we control the evolution of machines of energy and information, carbon-life will be extiguished in the age of the singularity by a physical singularity, the black hole, or a mechanical one, the robot.

But why the Mayan calendar could prophesize so accurately the process? As it turns out, the Mayans had a cyclical theory of history and the rise and fall of civilizations, quite similar to our fractal 800-80 years cycle, also divided in 3 ‘organic ages’ of birth, classicism and decadence, and also based in the generational decametric cycle. A similar tradition can be found in the Indian-Chinese (i ching) exploration of the patterns of history.

Thus according to the multiple syncronicity of the different cycles of space-time of a system – in this case, the galactic cycle, the cycle of human evolution of metal and the organic structure of both, the galactic organism and the organisms of civilizations, all those cycles are knotting around a point of space-time which correcting the Mayan prophecy to the events of the Earth might bring indeed the end of the world as a ‘first probability’ of the singularity age around 2015…


Posted by on July 23, 2012 in News


Don’t Look Down

I abandoned this blog and Earth’s destiny to its own a decade ago… since it was obvious I was as CNN once said of me, a Quixot called Sancho fighting giant winds… well beyond my humble power… So for a decade trying to flee from angst and a sense of guilt for failing to raise awareness of CERN’s dangers, i isolated myself. But a recent film acted as a short of Katarsis. So i started a book, which given the strict censorship upon my work both as an activist and a philosopher of science, for obvious reasons, I will finish on this web… It is unlike the rest of the posts a personal account, which will be posted  by chapters as I write them… L§


I saw the other day a movie that reminded me of our personal experience…

2 little known Astronomers discover a cosmological, catastrophic event that can destroy planet Earth. So after the initial shock, as serious scientists backed by real data, they decide to go public but they are taken for a ride by mass-media infotainment. This must be fun! No?!

Politicos assess the advantages and risks for its popularity of such ‘bomb-news…’

So money, media and egos get on the way of the cosmological event, plotting schemes to profit from it. New tech industries find the way to cash. Meanwhile as people might cause a public alarm, media tunes down the danger, having a laugh at the astronomers. Politicos deny all is happening. ‘Don’t look up! There is no comet on the sky! They are all for it! Till it happens and it blows up the Earth. But don’t worry, the lives that matter have been saved; the maverick robotic tech entrepeneur & the president fly away in the starship escaping to mars; while our blue origin Mother Earth in fire fades into the background.

This is a satire right? Nothing like this possibly might be happening on Earth. Sure, it is a parable of those crazy lefties with its global war-ming scare smearing our dolce fare niente neglected life…

Well no. I am serious. The story looked just like the personal experience Walter and I, 2 little known astrophysicists who alerted about a cosmological event that can destroy planet Earth lived through.

After the initial shock, as serious scientists backed by real data… we decided to go public…

Yes, keep repeating the first paragraph… minus the end… Earth has not blown up yet, which is the mantra the people who might destroy the planet keeps repeating whenever you ask if the comet is closer, ‘don’t look down’… As this cosmological event won’t come from the skies but from inside Earth, its gravitational center.

I tried to contact the people who made the movie to see if they were inspired by our tragicomic adventure. As a philosopher of science once said, ‘History repeats itself, first as a drama, then as a comedy’. After all, the Director of the film was the script-writer for Saturday Night life, writing the gigs for some of the comedians that interviewed us; at the time the drama unfolded, and we made the rounds through mass-media to alert the world. So he probably witnessed the drama and now plotted it into a comedy. As the event was real it became the cover of Sunday Times Magazine, and the most blogged global news of that cold spring sending some shivering down the spine of our confident big science establishment. All magazines on Earth felt then compelled to dismiss the danger, ‘ad hominem’ campaigns followed. But less not rush into the personal details

As it happens I was contacted the year after by its protagonist, Jen Lawrence who was interested on renting my apartment at Santa Monica, nearby her mum’s home, to hide from media attention caused by her first Oscar nomination. So I wrote to ‘Lilo’, her mum whom she tasks with the job of reading her scripts; as we had exchanged a few emails then, asking if the film was inspired by our adventure. The answer was negative, what made the whole coincidence even more telling.

Since the fact Adam Kay imagined a similar knee-jerk reaction by politicos, scientists and mass-media to our real life experience when we denounced the cosmological event of extinction, growing buried under the Earth, makes “appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity”(Einstein)… explaining better why our dysfunctional society unable to confront the growing number of lethal technologies that vastly overcome the limits of energy and information humans can handle; won’t even care to look down to the real catastrophic event that is literally nailing the coffin of mother Earth, menacing to do us all, but keep receiving massive public and private investments, sold by techno-utopians as future paradises and solutions to the evils of our world, we must eagerly love.

Indeed, there are AI terminator robots shooting without human control, displayed by the Turkish, ‘obscure little brother’ of NATO to kill those evil Muslim terrorists anonymously roaming the Libyan desert, reported only in obscure human rights blogs – since it is OK to kill the ‘bad boys’. There are AI, Algorithms of Information, the true meaning of Artificial Intelligence, one for each deconstructed thought in a growing library manipulating our minds, selecting our workers, defining our collective consciousness, as bibles did before, since it is OK to have a big brother Google, facebook and metaverse, sold as the new prophets of love and social engagement… There are… viruses going amok which we’ll never know were Nature made or man made, but suspiciously come out close to virology institutes, mutate suspiciously 30 some genetic changes all together – an impossible task as Nature does them randomly, one by one… while we go all over again through the path of vaccine speculation multiplying its stock NOT human values 100 times, sacred science to the rescue, politicos closing us down at home, internet virtual reality becoming ever more real than our watered down lives…

This is the reality of the new millennium technologies that vastly outpower our non-CHOseN weaker light atoms in its handling of energy and information we should be containing. But don’t worry, God will provide, as technology is go(l)d, and God=Gold must not even be argued. Tik-tok, tik-tok.

And then not to keep the list too long, there is the cosmological event we denounced, which is still going on, down the Earth, in its inner core.

So after a long decade of silence, since those events of extinction like the comet of the movie fast approaching mother Earth, mockery and all, have a calendar that has NOT been aborted I wrote s short book, with the minimal amount of scientific equations, to explain them.

Since unless the ‘usual suspects’, corrupted mass-media, politicos, big science and tech gurus look down to the menaces they represent, our grand-sons won’t die in bed.

I know that’s not funny. But as Jen, playing an alter ego, put it on the film (writing from memory): ‘maybe the fact Earth will be destroyed is not funny, maybe is terrifying and you should be very afraid, maybe you should cry every night going to bed’.

That sentence remind me of what the Judge on the Pacific Supreme Court said in its sentence that dismissed the case a few concerned scientists raised to oblige public administrations to interfere: ‘The destruction of Earth won’t be attributable to the American government’.

Pilate washed its hands with that surrealist sentence, and the whole process to halt the ticking bomb inside the planet came to an end. So the real process, Earth destruction, keeps going on unabated, but don’t worry as long as we don’t look down, all will be quiet in the western front.



Introduction: Reality overcomes fiction

Chapter 0: The Fermi paradox. GNA risks.

Chapter I. The education of a philosopher of science

Chapter II. The Cosmological risks.

Chapter III. An Organic model of the Universe: its top predator species.

Chapter IV. The Odyssey: D’ Artagnan & the 3 musketeers

Chapter V. A planetary, Historic view

Chapter VI. An Economic view.

Chapter VII. The Genetic risks.

Chapter VIII. A.I. Algorithms of Information

Chapter IX. Anti-quantum paradox: Newspeaks.

Chapter X. Business as Usual: The future

Chapter XI: R=evolution. The immortal world.

Chapter 0: The Fermi paradox. GNA risks.

(to be cont’ed)

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Posted by on June 1, 2012 in News